En rollespils podcast med spillerne Elias Eliot, Maria Månson, Silja Okking, samt GM Morten Greis. Hovedfokus er på Dungeons & Dragons samt Call of Cthulhu, med enkelte afstikkere af og til. Må terningerne være med os!
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A nerdy production presents a podcast about being curious concerning gamemastering. We will talk with gamemasters both domestically and abroad, experienced and newcomers, and see if we can unearth some of the tacit knowledge out there – Knowledge which we could all benefit from.Kind regards, Jacob Sørensen).RPG, TTRPG, Roleplay
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En podcast på dansk, om rollespil - plus det løse. Primært snakke om bordrollespil som Dungeons & Dragons. Nyheder, anmeldelser af nye produkter, ideer, tips og trick. Værten er Brian Dyg Arp som også er manden bag DNDshop.dk Brian har spillet rollespil siden 1987 og har beskæftiget sig med rollespil i alle dets afskygninger siden. Han har været GM i utallige spil. Han har startet nordjyllands første fantasy live-rollespilskampagne og har lavet rollespil for skoler og efterskoler i over ti å ...
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Hvem er det der banker lige ved siden af Ally? Får Salomon hentet bilen? Og hvad skal der ske med Cecilia? Få svarene i dette afsnit af De Rejsende. Spillerne er: Elias Eliot, Maria Månson og Silja Okking. GM er Morten Greis. Grafik: Allan Tonning. Abonnér for at få nye afsint og sæsoner så snart de udkommer. Og hold dig opdateret på instagram: de_…
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Et afsnit om neurodivergens ADHD og ASF emner: ICD 10 og de to diagnoser En ny grundforståelse af de to diagnoser - non patologiserende og pelagisk Autister og pelagiske mennesler og rollespil Vært: Brian Dyg Arp Gæster: Lykke Sparre Philipa Lubd Frederiksen Link: Psykolog Philippa Lund Dødens dørBởi Brian Dyg Arp
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Salmon er på vej op i kirketårnet, da en skygge hurtigt forsvinder højere oppe. Hvem ... eller hvad, er det? Lyt med i andet afsnit af De Rejsende, når vi spiller The Walking Dead. Afsnit 3 og 4 udkommer de næste to søndage. Spillerne er: Elias Eliot, Maria Månson og Silja Okking. GM er Morten Greis Grafik: Allan Tonning…
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Velkommen til sæson 2 af De Rejsende. Denne sæson er en af de kortere, hvor vi prøver et andet rollespils system af. Og det bliver vildt, blodigt og kaotisk. Vi kaster os nemlig ud i Zombie apokalypsen med The Walking Dead. Afsnit 3 og 4 udkommer de næste to søndage. Spillerne er: Elias Eliot, Maria Månson og Silja Okking. GM er Morten Greis. Grafi…
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Bonus 4 - At holde fokus på målet - som DM
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Et bonusafsnit med fif om hvordan man undegår at miste motivationen emner: Planlæg historien - start og slut af kampagnen Vær opmærksom på den retninger spillerne tager og design delmål, søjler eller historierbuer op Træk vejret - hold pauser og indhent inspiration Vært: Brian Dyg Arp Link: Skæg mellem troldmænd - Facebook Lang vej hjem - Facebook …
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Et afsnit om den danske udgave af Cairn emner: Cairns udspring Hvordan ruller man en karakter Retrokloner, OSR og NSR, samt ... spændende konsekvenser Et giveaway Vært: Brian Dyg Arp Gæst: Lasse Borly Link: Cairns danske hjemmeside Cairn på DNDshopBởi Brian Dyg Arp
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Et afsnit om Old School Revival - eller OSR, plus det løse emner: Hvad er OSR Hvad er NSR Vært: Brian Dyg Arp Gæst: Lasse Borly Link: OSR primers og manifester Actual play podcast der bedst viser hvordan OSR ser ud rundt om bordet: The halls of Arden Vul NSR discord, bedste og mest velkommende OSR fællseskab der også har fede 5e, PbTA m.f. kanaler …
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Adventurers League - Dungeons & Dragons Massive Multiplayer Offline Role Playing
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Et afsnit om adventurers league (AL) - Dungeons & Dragons organized play emner: Hvad er AL Conmar Live 2024 Værter: Brian Dyg Arp Gæst: Casper Akto Kanstrup Link: Aalborg tabletop Aalborg Tabletop Facebook Warhorn Dungeon Masters Guild AL DiscordBởi Brian Dyg Arp
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Bonus 3 - Powered by the Apocalypse - del 2 af 2: Dungeon World
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Tredje bonus afsnit del 2 af 2 Stefen og jeg talte sammen i to timer, hvor vi bevægede os fra Apocalypse world og lagde grundlaget til Powered by The Apocalypse i del 1 hen til Dungeon World, der vil blive talt om i denne del. Plus det løse. Emner: Dungeon World Værter: Brian Dyg Arp Gæst: Steffen Dannemand Goldschmidt…
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Så steg vi endnu engang i level! Men om det er nok til at bringe os hele vejen i mål, vil tiden vise her i sidste afsnit af sæson 1. Spillerne er: Elias Eliot, Maria Månson og Silja Okking. GM: Morten Greis Episoden er klippet og lyddesignet af: Anders Due-Boje Grafik: Allan Tonning
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Locryn, Artek og Senara skal dybere ned. Men da de endelig finder en vej, støder de på en stor, behåret forhindring. Spillerne er: Elias Eliot, Maria Månson og Silja Okking. GM: Morten Greis Episoden er klippet og lyddesignet af: Anders Due-Boje Grafik: Allan Tonning
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Vores heltmodige trio har sagt ja til at spionere mod de onde Scro, på den klippeø de nu er på vej mod. Men hvem mon der venter af fjender - og folk fra fortiden? Spillerne er: Elias Eliot, Maria Månson og Silja Okking. GM: Morten Greis Episoden er klippet og lyddesignet af: Anders Due-Boje Grafik: Allan Tonning…
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Whoa.. det havde vi ikke lige set komme. Fra at kede sig i et lille fiskerleje, er vores 3 helte nu på vej ud i kosmos på et flyvende skib. Og de er vist ikke alene. Spillerne er: Elias Eliot, Maria Månson og Silja Okking. GM: Morten Greis Episoden er klippet og lyddesignet af: Anders Due-Boje Grafik: Allan Tonning…
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Nu er vi kommet ned under huset, hvor mystiske gangsystemer og smuglere gemmer sig. Og det kommer ikke til at gå stille og smertefrit for sig. Spillerne er: Elias Eliot, Maria Månson og Silja Okking. DM er Morten Greis Episoden er klippet og lyddesignet af: Anders Due-Boje Grafik: Allan Tonning
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Vores eventyrere er steget i level!! Men huset gemmer stadig på mange hemmeligheder. Også om deres fortid. Spillerne er: Elias Eliot, Maria Månson og Silja Okking. DM er Morten Greis Episoden er klippet og lyddesignet af: Anders Due-Boje Grafik: Allan Tonning
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Vores 3 eventyrerer er på vej ind i det mystiske hus. Men udenfor kravler de sultne tusindben gennem græsset, og indenfor .. ja, hvad gemmer sig indenfor? Spillerne er: Elias Eliot, Maria Månson og Silja Okking. DM er Morten Greis Episoden er klippet og lyddesignet af: Anders Due-Boje Grafik: Allan Tonning…
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Så er De Rejsende klar til deres aller første eventyr! I dette Dungeons & Dragons eventyr starter vores eventyrere som 3 unge fiskerlandbyboere, der snart drages af det mystiske hus på toppen af bjerget. Spillerne er: Elias Eliot, Maria Månson og Silja Okking. DM er Morten Greis. Episoden er klippet og lyddesignet af: Anders Due-Boje Grafik: Allan …
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Et afsnit med manden bag facebookgruppen "Autister mod drager" - Jan Vejlin emner: Indflyvning til hvem Jan er som rollespiller Starten på Autister mod drager Terapeutisk rollespil Værter: Brian Dyg Arp Gæst: Jan Vejlin Link: The Bodhana group Dice 4 Diversity Wizards, Warriors and Wellness: The Therapeutic Application of Role Playing Games For Any…
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Bonus 2 - Powered by the Apocalypse - del 1 af 2: Apocalypse World
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Andet bonus afsnit del 1 af 2 Stefen og jeg talte sammen i to timer, hvor vi bevægede os fra Apocalypse world og lagde grundlaget til Powered by The Apocalypse hen til Dungeon World, der vil blive talt om i del 2. Emner: Apocalypse world Værter: Brian Dyg Arp Gæst: Steffen Dannemand GoldschmidtBởi Brian Dyg Arp
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"Endnu et Es i ærmet" Om spiller agency
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Et afsnit om at give spillerne agency - altså større mulighed for at påvirke hvad der sker i spillet emner: I know a guy Stars and wishes Whimsey cards At forære DM og spillet noget ved at give spillerne agens Værter: Brian Dyg Arp Gæst: René Ginnerup Hofman Seidenfaden Link: Whimsy cards på DriveThruRPG…
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Første bonus afsnit Emner: Hvad er rollespil Hvilke slags rollespil findes der Værter: Brian Dyg Arp Jacob Hansen Gæst: Mads Lykkegaard HalseBởi Brian Dyg Arp
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Så varer det ikke længe før sæson 1 lander her i feedet. Abonnér hvis du vil være sikker på at få episoderne så snart de udkommer.
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Hvad evner vi med rollespil? Hvorfor DNDshop? og kan rollespil noget for fællesskabet?
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I denne episode prøver vi et tredelt format, så vi kort berører følgende tre emner: Hvad kan vi lære af rollespil i forhold til at håndtere sociale ting og måske også ting i arbejds- og erhvervslivet? Jacob spørger Brian, Hvorfor DNDshop? Rollespil som fællesskab Værter: Brian Dyg Arp Jacob HansenBởi Brian Dyg Arp
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Velkommen til Waterdeep - et kig på et eventyrmodul til D&D 5e
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I dette afsnit dykker jeg ned i eventyrmodulet Waterdeep Dragonheist Modulet er også det første jeg selv købte og kørte til Dungeons & dragons Udover de bøger jeg anbefaler i afsnittet er Jorphdan på Youtube virkelig et kig/lyt værd hvis man vil have Forgotten Realms loreBởi Brian Dyg Arp
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Med Skægget i podcasten - Intro til Danmarks nye Rollespilspodcast
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I denne episode hilser du på Skæg mellem troldmænds faste vært Brian Dyg Arp og hans medvært, i mange afsnit i fremtiden, Jacob Hansen. Du bliver præsenteret til lidt om hvilke ideer der ligger bag podcasten og noget om hvad du kan forvente i fremtiden. Nemlig en podcast om Rollespil, plus det løse!Bởi Brian Dyg Arp
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Episode 9 a talk with Lars Rune Jørgensen about Convention games
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Jacob and Lars talks about how to write a convention game, and tries to brainstorm a Star wars scenario for Viking Con 2024. Support the show social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction https://www.facebook.com/groups/301098474938435 https://discord.gg/tXsU4NXRwN https://twitter.com/GMworkshoppod/media…
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Episode 8 with Steve Snyder about player ownership of your game
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Steve Snyder is the one part Steve from the great podcast Steve & Steve talk rpg, and Steve and Jacob dive into the ups and downs in gamemastering new players, and try to solve the mystery of the famous GM screen :D Listen to their Podcast here: Me And Steve Talk RPG‘s Podcast - 133: Free League’s ”Year Zero Engine” w/ GM Jacob | Free Listening on …
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Episode 7 Star Wars West End Games with Lars
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With assistance from Lars Rune Jørgensen, so we are duel wielding GM powers..! Diving into WEG Star Wars, and the vast pool of options, books and gameplays. Support the show social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction https://www.facebook.com/groups/301098474938435 https://discord.gg/tXsU4NXRwN https://twitter.com/GMworkshoppod/media…
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Episode 6 Walking Dead with Matt Kay
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Going Zombie mode, with the Walking dead game from Free League, and a talk with game designer Matt Kay, which created the Solo mode of the game. check his stuff here: My YT channel: https://youtube.com/@3skulls Links to all my stuff: https://3skulls.pub/ Stiletto public manuscript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D1MRek4zroBmgFd9Zx1BQXAwj-4uaXt…
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Episode 5 The Solo Workshop - Vampire the masquerade
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In this series I want to dive down into my favorite games in my time as GM, why I played those games, and why there where so close to my heart. With assistance from Lars Rune Jørgensen, so we are duel wielding GM powers..! best vampire actual play out there: https://www.youtube.com/c/taleweavers Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwonDhCCD3j…
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Episode 4 The Solo Workshop - Call and Runequest D100 Hate :D
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In this series I want to dive down into my favorite games in my time as GM, why I played those games, and why there where so close to my heart. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwonDhCCD3j_BOVOG-Kkaug PICK up Jungle teeth now.. for free..! https://nerdyproduction.dk/get-jungle-teeth/ WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: https://www.…
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Episode 3 The Solo Workshop - Ravenloft
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In this series I want to dive down into my favorite games in my time as GM, why I played those games, and why there where so close to my heart. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwonDhCCD3j_BOVOG-Kkaug PICK up Jungle teeth now.. for free..! https://nerdyproduction.dk/get-jungle-teeth/ WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: https://www.…
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Episode 2 The Solo Workshop - Dark Sun
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In this series I want to dive down into my favorite games in my time as GM, why I played those games, and why there where so close to my heart. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwonDhCCD3j_BOVOG-Kkaug PICK up Jungle teeth now.. for free..! https://nerdyproduction.dk/get-jungle-teeth/ Enjoy :) WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: htt…
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Episode 1 The Solo Workshop - Al-Qadim
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In this series I want to dive down into my favorite games in my time as GM, why I played those games, and why there where so close to my heart. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwonDhCCD3j_BOVOG-Kkaug PICK up Jungle teeth now.. for free..! https://nerdyproduction.dk/get-jungle-teeth/ Enjoy :) WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: htt…
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Episode 10 GM talks from Fastaval 2023
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I talked to some great people on the Fastaval thius year, and two of them wanted to talk to me in front of a microfon. This is my last episode for now, I Dont if the workshop will open again.. Have fun, love the support and great talks :D Support the show social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction https://www.facebook.com/groups/30109847…
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Episode 9 Talk with Lasse Hempel about Gaussball on Fastaval
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We are recording from the danish convention Fastaval, and Lasse will talk about his Game Gaussball and sports games. WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rss/nerdyproduction?auth=FngrEsULInPeoeVh7kLlQ31-c9eeEGsh social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction https://www.facebook.com/groups/301098474938435 https…
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Episode 8 Review of the Terminator rpg with Bo Kehlet
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We will review the terminator rpg for you :D https://nightfall.games/the-terminator-rpg PICK up Jungle teeth now.. for free..! https://nerdyproduction.dk/get-jungle-teeth/ Enjoy :) WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rss/nerdyproduction?auth=FngrEsULInPeoeVh7kLlQ31-c9eeEGsh social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdy…
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Episode 7 a talk with Andrew Gaska and Terminator rpg
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lead game designer of the Terminator RPG gives us his insights on the setting and game. https://nightfall.games/the-terminator-rpg PICK up Jungle teeth now.. for free..! https://nerdyproduction.dk/get-jungle-teeth/ Enjoy :) WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rss/nerdyproduction?auth=FngrEsULInPeoeVh7kLlQ31-c9eeEGsh …
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Episode 6 A talk with A talk with Frank Falkenberg about player Agency
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Frank is once again in the workshop to share his thoughts on how player agency, can create better games. PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rss/nerdyproduction?auth=FngrEsULInPeoeVh7kLlQ31-c9eeEGsh Download Jungle teeth here: Download: https://nerdyproduction.dk/get-jungle-teeth/ social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction https://www.faceb…
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Episode 5 A talk with Andreas Lundström from Sweden Rolls about Dragonbane
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Andreas is the main person on Sweden Rolls podcast, and Dragon Bane expert. He has tried the newest version of Dragon on the podcast, and will share his thoughts and knowledge about the game. Sweden rolls: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1JenkHGRob9gOpFMS3KReP?si=Wpy0G-FbRc28GkTjnrtDDQ https://open.spotify.com/episode/5K4yyYaFgZCjC5vxHbElEm?si=RfN…
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Episode 4 A talk with Katy and Eric about Adventure Unbounded and DND online gaming
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Eric is the creater of Advensture unbounded, and he will launch this great new platform for online games. They have created a setting, so all GMs and Players can be in a collective story all together. check it out here: Home - Adventure Unbounded: Multiple DMs, One World here about Katy here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1883725/10438067 WARNING THIS…
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Episode 3 A talk with Lars Nørrelykke about Spiral and Jungle teeth.
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Nerdy Production is releasing our first scenario, and this is a shameless episode about why this game is so great and why you should try it for free right here: Download: https://nerdyproduction.dk/get-jungle-teeth/ WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rss/nerdyproduction?auth=FngrEsULInPeoeVh7kLlQ31-c9eeEGsh social m…
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Episode 2 a talk with A talk with Steve Dempsey about campaigns and player agency
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Steve gives us insights on how to give players player agency in campaigns. Steve is among other things the designer behind Trail of Cthulhu campaign "Fearful Symmetric" WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rss/nerdyproduction?auth=FngrEsULInPeoeVh7kLlQ31-c9eeEGsh social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction h…
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Episode 1 a talk with Andrew Gaska and Lars Rune about Alien Rpg
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Heart of Darkness has ended the triology serie, by Andrew Gaska, and Lars and Jacob picks his brain surrounding the concept, and the creation of these great scenarios. https://freeleaguepublishing.com/en/games/alien/ https://titanbooks.com/catalog/?series=alien&page=1 Enjoy :) WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rss/…
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I have to take a break from the podcast, but i will return in the new year stronger than ever, and with new guests and formats. Support the show social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction https://www.facebook.com/groups/301098474938435 https://discord.gg/tXsU4NXRwN https://twitter.com/GMworkshoppod/media…
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episode 44 talk with Doug Seipel about Free League games.
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Doug is an experienced GM and Free League master, and will give some great insights on gamemastering in these great games FILL OUT THE QUESTINAIR HERE: https://surveys.enalyzer.com?pid=k6n2pis3 WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION Enjoy :) WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION RPG, TTRPG, Roleplay, Coriolis, Free League Support the show social media htt…
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Episode 43 a talk with Steve from tinstar games about investigation and Partners
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We dive into the noble art of creating investigation, and why genre and setting is so key. And Steve give us the keynotes for the 2 player game Partners from tinstargames.com WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction https://www.facebook.com/groups/301098474938435 https://discord.gg/tXsU4NXRwN https://…
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Episode 42 GM WORKSHOP campaign talk with Ole and Andreas about Fallout
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Ole and Andreas is players at my table, and we talk about the campaign Arizona Marshals, I am working on, but before the talk, I am introducing the structure, plot and ideas. Ole´s DANISH STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcZWjg9RFKVlajh00DMaPFg The talk with April about the Fallout game: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1883725/11105708 WARNING T…
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Episode 41 A talk with Sam Gregor-Stewart about Genesys system and Twilight Imperium
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Sam is the primary game designer, and game writer for Twilight imperium the RPG, the newest iteration of the Legends of the five rings, and many other games. Sams gives us tools and ideas, on how to run Genesys games. https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/genesys/ https://edge-studio.net/shares/l5r-2/ https://edge-studio.net/games/embers-o…
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Episode 40 A talk with Brett Bowen about Genesys system and studio 404 games
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Brett is game designer, and game writer, with his focus on the Genesys system. within the Studio 404, he creates settings, and new mechanics for the Genesys system. check out his work here: https://www.studio404games.com/ We talk about how to run the game, and what to be aware of. See how the genesys dices works here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?…
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