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The Cost of the Cross
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The Cost of the Cross Hebrews 13:11-13 (TPT)
Never let the truth of the cost of the cross grow dim.
Our redemption was premeditated, prescribed, and precise. Isaiah 53:4-5
The fact that Jesus was crucified ‘outside the walls’ has great significance.
1. Outside the Walls was the place of rejection.
The area outside the ‘camp’ was ‘no man’s land.’
Foreigners lived outside the walls, people who had no place in the community.
Lepers, the contagious, the suffering lived ‘outside the walls.’
The waste dump was outside the walls.
2. Outside the Walls was a place of identification.
By being crucified ‘outside the city walls,’ Jesus identified with everyone and everything that was rejected.
Blind Bartimaeus was outside the city of Jerico. Mark 10:46-52
Jesus was crucified with criminals. Isaiah 53:12
Jesus was crucified outside the walls because He was our sin offering.
3. Outside the Walls was the place of REDEMPTION.
Luke 15 has three stories of redemption.
The lost coin
The lost sheep
The lost son
Every story of redemption has five things in common:
1. Something valuable is lost.
God deeply values things that are lost.
2. There is an intensive search that occurs.
The point-God is waiting, searching, looking, and longing for people who are lost.
3. That which was lost is found.
The difference between the two sons-one is a slave to his impulses the other to his duty. But only one recognizes his hopelessness.
4. A great celebration follows.
The party thrown by the father in the Parable of the Lost Son is significant. It celebrated the son’s repentance, but it also publicly restored and honored him. This is God’s love and forgiveness.
5. God and the angels rejoice in Heaven.
The party isn’t just on earth when a sinner repents, all of Heaven rejoices!
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