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The Agenda with Steve Paikin is TVO's flagship current affairs program - devoted to exploring the social, political, cultural and economic issues that are changing our world, at home and abroad. The Agenda airs weeknights at 8:00 PM EST on TVO - Canada's largest educational broadcaster.
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Seznam Zprávy

Hàng tuần+
Čtvrthodinka o byznysu z první ruky. Rozhovory s top lídry, zakladateli firem a špičkami českého byznysu. Každý všední den na Seznam Zprávách a ve všech podcastových aplikacích.
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The Urbanist Agenda

Not Just Bikes

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A podcast by the creator of the popular YouTube channel Not Just Bikes, The Urbanist Agenda is an exploration of the latest topics in urban planning and urban mobility from your favourite urbanist YouTubers. Each month we'll put another important topic on the agenda and pull back the curtain to discover how online urbanists plot and scheme to make cities work better for everyone.
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▼このチャンネルについて メルカリでグロースを務めてきたヒカルと株式会社10Xの創業者&代表であるYamottyがビジネスやテクノロジー、スタートアップなどをトピックに話すYouTube/Podcast「FREE AGENDA」の公式アカウントです。 ▼お便りや感想はこちらからお待ちしています ▼X(旧Twitter) FREE AGENDA: Hikaru: ▼RSS
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Anarcho Agenda

Riley Blake

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The anarcho Agenda is a weekly podcast where news and politics are discussed from a liberty-oriented perspective, adding a dram of Scottish culture. This podcast is covered by the BipCot NoGov license. This allows use and re-use by anyone except governments and government agents. Learn more at
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The Agenda

China Plus

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The Agenda is CGTN Europe’s one stop shop for smart in-depth discussion and lively interviews with expert guests. We debate the issues that really matter in the world today, as well as unpacking the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow with unique insight from the world’s most populous nation – China.
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The Agenda Podcast


Hàng tháng+
The Agenda is CGTN Europe’s one stop shop for smart in-depth discussion and lively interviews with expert guests. We debate the issues that really matter in the world today, as well as unpacking the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow with unique insight from the world’s most populous nation – China.From our European headquarters in London, Juliet Mann interviews world leaders, CEOs of global brands, big thinkers, writers, activists, commentators and decision-makers to get answers to th ...
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Agenda Reforma


Hàng ngày
De lunes a viernes, te llevamos las información nacional e internacional más relevante del día. Los sábados y los domingos no te pierdas nuestras recomendaciones deportivas.
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Agenda Podcast

Verlag Der Tagesspiegel GmbH

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Was sind die relevanten Themen für die aktuelle Politik? Die Antworten liefert der Podcast AGENDA: Von den akuten wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen in Zeiten multipler Krisen über die drängenden Probleme der Versorgungssicherheit bis hin zu anstehenden Veränderungen in den Themenbereichen Gesundheit, Landwirtschaft, Energie, Mobilität, Bildung und Digitalisierung. Der Verlag Der Tagesspiegel lässt dafür im Podcast Agenda Spitzenvertreter aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Verbänden, Think Tanks, Wiss ...
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The Agenda podcast explores the promises of crypto, blockchain and Web3, and how everyday people level up and improve their lives with these new technologies. It covers everything from new blockchain tech to Bitcoin mass adoption and cultural shifts in Web3. Every two weeks, Cointelegraph’s The Agenda podcast tackles a new topic by speaking with the innovators and experts building the Web3 the world actually needs. After all, crypto is for everyone, not just rocket scientists, venture capita ...
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The Dinner Agenda is a podcast that explores a wide variety of topics through the view of two long time friends in Toronto, Canada. Join them for a seat at the dinner table as they take turns being in the hot seat, opening up, being vulnerable and sharing their views in an authentic and non-scripted way. Nothing is off the table (ha, dinner table) with these two!
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The Horror Agenda

Carlos M. Camacho and Victor M. Garcia Jr.

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The Horror Agenda is a podcast from Carlos M. Camacho and Victor M. Garcia Jr. where we discuss OUR horror agenda. We dive into horror movies, horror short films and other horror properties from our perspectives as a recovering PhD and two aspiring filmmakers who have loved horror our whole lives. Tune in and BEWARE spoilers ahead.
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Agenda - Manx Radio

Manx Radio

Hàng tháng+
A weekly look at the Manx political scene in which Phil Gawne talks to the politicians who are raising the issues and asking the questions in Tynwald and the House of Keys, ex-politicians about their time in power and exploring the wider world of politics and the workings of Government.
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Join Midwest Public Health Coalition Executive Director, David Waterman, and Chief Science Officer, Dr. Dan Stanislowski as they discuss global crisis and the rebuilding of society. Get the facts and follow the science with the guys doing the real research. Every Tuesday at 11am join in on the conversation or listen on your favorite podcast app at your convenience. The Great Reset is a podcast of Grand Forks Best Source - Check out more GFBS shows at
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This podcast serves as a stage upon which we meticulously discuss Global Affairs, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Agenda2050, The Fourth Industrial Revolution,Transhumanism, The World Economic Forum’s COVID-19 and The Great Reset. We also look carefully at the New World Order Agenda and it’s correlating initiatives through the prophetic lens of the Hebrew BIBLE. Furthermore, this podcast will explicate and enucleate knowledge in accordance with the Bible’s esoteric teachings and Messianic Hebrew Met ...
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Bass Agenda

Bass Agenda

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Bass Agenda: Underground Electro and Techno Radio Show and Record Label. Radio show broadcasts monthly on Sunday via RTE's 2FM as part of the Late Night Sessions - the diversity, talent and influences of artists in the broad spectrums that are the Electro & Techno genres: past, present and future. Since 2012 Bass Agenda has asked artists to choose tracks important to them and has featured Interviews, guest mixes, ...
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The Sustainability Agenda

Fergal Byrne

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The Sustainability Agenda is a weekly podcast exploring today’s biggest sustainability questions. Leading sustainability thinkers offer their views on the biggest sustainability challenges, share the latest thinking, identify what’s working --and what needs to change -- and think about the future of sustainability.
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The Wealth Agenda

Tania Brielle

Hàng tháng+
Welcome to The Wealth Agenda—where bold conversations meet actionable strategies to help you build wealth, break barriers, and create lasting legacies.Hosted by Tania Brielle Mabrey, a dynamic financial motivator and founder of Wisdom Then Wealth, this show goes beyond the basics of personal finance, investing, and wealth creation. Each episode brings trailblazing experts to the table, sharing insider tips, proven strategies, and practical steps to level up your financial journey.No fluff—ju ...
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The Administration Agenda

The Adminstration Agenda

Hàng tuần+
Welcome to The Administrative Agenda, where bold insights meet serious analysis. Hosted by Cristal Carrington—a foundational African American, former union worker, music artist, homeowner, and devoted mother—this podcast takes a sharp, thought-provoking look at the policies and priorities of Donald Trump’s 47th administration. With roots in Roosevelt, NY, and a life shaped by experiences in diverse communities and roles, Cristal brings a fresh, authentic perspective. Drawing from her years a ...
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The Northern Agenda is a weekly podcast covering politics and public affairs from across the North of England, voiced by journalists who are outside the Westminster bubble, reporting from the other side of the North/South divide. From Blackpool to Barnsley and Bamburgh and everywhere in between, exploring subjects such as levelling up to buses, elections to the latest council scraps, The Northern Agenda brings you discussion and analysis of the North's big political stories, from people expe ...
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Johdon agendalla

Johdon agendalla

Hàng tháng
Johdon agendalla kantaa ottavat johtajat ja asiantuntijat ovat omien alojensa suunnannäyttäjiä ja edelläkävijöitä, heitä yhdistää sekä rohkeus, että ennakkoluulottomuus sekä kyky haastaa muiden ajatusten lisäksi myös omaa ajatteluaan. Johdon agendalla podcast nostaa keskusteluun ajankohtaisia johtamisen teemoja ja ilmiöitä, juuri niitä aiheita mitä johtoryhmien ja hallitusten agendalle kuuluu tai sinne pitäisi kuulua.
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show series
After 15 years at the helm, Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner has put issues such as climate change and the environment on the agenda at Queen's Park. They've also been elected in Kitchener Centre and Guelph, and now hope to pull off a victory in Parry Sound-Muskoka. Can the Greens successfully increase their seat count at Queen's Park in the upcom…
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This week, Bo and CLo air all their grievances in a no-holds-barred pet peeve showdown. From CLo's fiery rants to Bo's wild reactions, this episode is a hilarious deep dive into what truly grinds their gears. Don't miss the madness - tune in now! #petpeeves #fitsofanger #seeingred #grievance #showdown #unfilteredtalk #thedinneragenda…
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Až třicet procent – tak se dnes liší cena masa mezi obchodním řetězcem a nezávislou prodejnou. „Cena úplně není to, čím nezávislý trh může konkurovat řetězcům. Mohl bych firmu po pár měsících zavřít, kdybych prodával za tyto ceny,“ říká v pořadu Agenda SZ Byznys předseda Českého svazu zpracovatelů masa Jaromír Kloud. Podle něj přitom řetězce maso r…
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Karl from the TAB joins ACC Head G Lane to go around the grounds and pore over the weekend's odds, opportunities and omens (00:00). Then this week's 'Grab A Pen' (12:33) and 'Stats To Impress The Ladies' (16:43). Plus, another ThreeWay featuring a special guest (19:33)... Powered by TAB! See for privacy information.…
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The Blurt" Executive Producers: Sir Harrison Sir Sala Hauser Dan Nickischer Eric Carey Joe Clements Seth Murdock Bailey Davies Associate Executive Producers: Joseph Stegman Matthew Martell Andrew Eli the Cofee Guy Linda Lu Duchess of jobs and writer resumes A W Christiansen Become a member of the 1737 Club, support the show here Boost us with with …
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Running a business doesnt mean you have to do everything yourself. The real key to growth? Working on your business, not just in it. But how do you scale without burnout? In this powerhouse episode, Tania Mabrey and La Tonya Roberts break down exactly how to build a 7-figure business without running yourself into the ground. From smart delegation t…
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Welcome to the Horror Agenda and today we push ourselves into a new horror realm. Today we cover our first horror podcast. We tune into an episode of Nocturno: Tales from the Shadow. We come face to face with a legend of Mexican folklore in Heavy Lies the Crone: Tale of La Lechuza. Are you scared of facing La Lechuza? Join us and see as we cover th…
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▼今回はこんな話! 最近炎上したとあるXアカウントを皮切りに、年金問題について切り込むアジェンダです! ▼お便りや感想はこちらからお待ちしています。 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 採用された方には、何かノベルティをお送りします。 ▼フリーアジェンダとは... メルカリでグロースを務めてきた@hik0107と株式会社10Xの創業者&代表である@yamotty3 が仕事のことから哲学、雑談など話すPodcastです。名は体を表す、という諺どおり、かっちりしたアジェンダなく二人のその時のバイブスによって思いついたままに話す、まさに「フリーアジェンダ」なスタイ…
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Craig Houlden discusses all of the latest Liverpool FC latest transfer news Help Joe fund a new basketball wheelchair: 👤 Become a channel member! Visit our partners Lineup Builder: 📧 E…
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Gentile Rabbis Hail Trump as Conduit for the Coming German European Messiah (NWO). Is Jesus Christ a German? Are Ashkenazim Shemitic? The Bible Teaches otherwise. Is Yehudah(Judah) a Teutonic Germanic Tribe? Let’s unravel this insanity in today’s episode. To support the [Show] and its [Research] with Donations, please send all funds and gifts to :$…
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Las razones tras la propuesta del renunciante presidente de la UPR para imponer moratoria a estudiantes de nuevo ingreso en una gran cantidad de programas académicos; los detalles de un estudio que demuestra la precariedad en la que viven los estudiantes de la UPR y la pérdida de fondos para atender la crisis climática por la inacción del Gobierno …
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On the 4th March the House of Keys will choose four people to become members of the Legislative Council. Prior to that vote, Agenda will be speaking with all the candidates so that you can find out more about the people that hope to become national politicians, voting in Tynwald on policy and finance and playing a significant role in shaping the la…
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In December 2024, over 170 countries gathered to conclude a global treaty to reach a plastic pollution-free world by 2040. While negotiations were inconclusive, the countries sought to complete the process in 2025, highlighting an urgent, time-bound need to bridge remaining areas of divergence. What will it take to land the treaty to end plastic po…
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No Agenda Episode 1737 - "Wrong Puberty" "Wrong Puberty" Executive Producers: Michael Poling The North Idaho Sanity Brigade Sir Tyler in Alaska Associate Executive Producers: Little Johns candies TetchyTech Linda Lu Duchess of jobs and writer resumes Sir Boober Eli the Coffee Guy Become a member of the 1738 Club, support the show here Boost us with…
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In Episode 5 of The Administrative Agenda, we break down the latest power shifts: Doge takes over the Treasury, the Dept. of Education and USAID are gone, and we expose Elon Musk’s real agenda with data. Plus, we have forensic proof that Trump didn’t win legitimately. What happens next? Tune in! #ElonMusk #DogeCoin #TrumpElection #ElectionFraud #Tr…
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Most people listening to this podcast will likely have been able to take for granted having a loving family to look after them as they grew up. But for tens of thousands of children in the North, that is not the case. For a host of reasons, whether it’s a risk of harm, their parents being too unwell to look after them or just the absence of any one…
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Rainforest Foundation US executive director Suzanne Pelletier explains why the NGO is raising 100 BTC for a strategic Bitcoin reserve and how the fund will be used to help protect the Amazon rainforest, combat climate change and protect Indigenous rights. She explains how crypto adoption by nonprofits can increase their financial resilience. (00:00…
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Agenda PodcastIn dieser Folge des Agenda Podcasts im Rahmen der DIVERSITY-Konferenz 2024 ist Silke Eggers, Projektleiterin "HIV/STI-Prävention in der ärztlichen Praxis" und #positivarbeiten bei der Deutschen Aidshilfe, zu Gast. Im Gespräch erläutert Silke Eggers, was es bedeutet, offen am Arbeitsplatz HIV-positiv zu leben, warum das Projekt #positi…
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On today's episode we talk about the 69th legislative assembly is in session in Bismarck. we will be talking about house bills 1457, 1458, 1467, and 1519 Thank you for having us part of your day and tuning in! GFBS is a locally owned business; help support GFBS at this donation link - Show is recorded at Grand Forks Best Sour…
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On episode 125 of Anarcho Agenda, I talk about Trumps inaugural address, and whether he is our noble savior. Subscribe to Anarcho Agenda via this link, or where ever pods are cast. This podcast is covered by the BipCot NoGov license. This allows use and re-use by anyone except governments and government agents. Learn more at Supp…
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Automatically generated using OpusFeed 1.5 Original file : No Agenda Episode 1734 - "MEGA" "MEGA" Executive Producers: Arch Duke of Florida Sir Aaron Cole of the Strawberry Fog Earl Christopher SpeedyBubble Sir Digi Jake Gordon Sean Dietrich Nelson Ariza Associate Executive Produce…
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Get shows early plus voice free bonus mix versions and more at Check the Bass Agenda Community playlist - these guys are helping keep this thing going! Anon & 4th Genome - Bass Agenda Intro Owain K - Corona Borealis Owain K - Quantum Leap Owain K - Pixeled Scene…
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Wir haben es geschafft und uns wieder zusammengefunden. Der Anfang war etwas holprig. Frank war der Meinung, er müsse sich ein Chromebook zulegen und darauf dann eine lauffähige Aufnahmesoftware zu bekommen, hat und schon 90 Minuten Spaß gekostet. OK, wir sind jetzt reicher an Erfahrung – das ist ja auch etwas. Das Themenbrett lag auch nach der Auf…
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In 2001, Portland built the first of their new streetcar system, which was a success, especially in attracting new development to the transit corridor. This kicked off a bunch of new transit projects in other US cities, eager to bring their own new development projects, and taking advantage of transit funding from the Obama administration. But some…
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The first in a series exploring the best worst genre in the history of heavy music. The gang and special guests (this episode: Niko Sergakis from the Niko and Chris Bears Post-Post Game Wrap Up Show) will give you the nitty gritty, from the origins and influences of your favorite bands to the mainstream behemoth that would come to dominate radio an…
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