Listen to the weekly sermons from Exponential Church in Harrisburg, PA.
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All of us should be known for our generosity and hospitality just like Gaius in scripture who was commended for his faithfulness in supporting travelling teachers of the faith. Listen as Guest Speaker Barb Maurice shares what that has to do with our lives today and the spiritual battles, we'll face in applying it.…
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Worship Pastor Bill Butler continues our series "One Hit Wonder". Remember the song that asked, "What if God was one of us?" The people in the 1st century were asking the same thing. Jesus best friend John then writes a brief letter to remind the followers of Jesus that some people were trying to deceive others into not believing that Jesus truly i…
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Have you ever had one of those, "It's a small world after all" moments? Even the Apostle Paul did, and it led him to writing a letter we now include in scripture. If you've ever struggled with forgiveness, then this letter he writes to his friend Philemon is for you. Listen as Gilbert explains.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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Is there someone who has hurt you? If so, is there nothing more that you'd like than to get revenge against them? Listen as Gilbert shares a story from scripture about a group of people who pursued revenge from one generation to the next against their very own relatives and the devastating results because of it. Their story can serve as a warning t…
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Jesus entrusted His mission to...a bunch of uneducated teenagers. Listen in this message as Gilbert shares why investing in the next generation is so important, not just for the future, but for today.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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Are you tired of politics and all the anger from both sides? Do you think Kamala Harris will take our country over a moral cliff? Are you concerned that the re-election of Donald Trump would mean the end of democracy? If you said yes to any of these questions, then listen to this message as Gilbert shares what God expects from us when it comes to p…
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Is Jesus claim of being the only way to God exclusive or inclusive? Listen as Gilbert talks about this controversial topic and makes the case that it's actually the most inclusive offer ever made.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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To walk humbly with God means swallowing our pride and acknowledging that He is God and we are not? In this message Gilbert shares how to live that out because to act justly and love mercy it will only truly work if we're also walking humbly with our God.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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Are you struggling to understand what it truly means to "love mercy"? In this message Gilbert dives into the powerful story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery, exploring how Jesus masterfully balances justice and mercy. Listen to discover how embracing mercy can transform your life and relationships and learn to extend the same grace to othe…
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As Gilbert kicks-off the "What Does God Want from Me Anyway" series he reflects on the previous night's assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump and how this series on 3 things that God wants from us is so timely to the upcoming election if we're truly going to represent Jesus in our city, nation and world.…
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How do you go about actually discipling someone? Listen as Gilbert shares 5 steps Jesus did in the life of Peter and how that will look for you as you do the same.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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The story of Jesus encountering a Samaritan woman at the well is just that...a story...unless you know the context, in which case it then can become life-transforming for you and the people all-around you. Listen in this message Gilbert shares practical ways to be intentional about the conversations you have so you can not only help make more disci…
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To bear much fruit as Jesus commanded, we must get good at one key habit. Listen in this message as Gilbert shares what that is and gives 3 practical steps to achieve it so you can go from trying to training.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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Not being self-aware can lead to embarrassing, even sometimes dangerous situations. Nothing though is as bad as not being self-aware spiritually. In this message as Gilbert shares the 4 kinds of soil Jesus describes in relation to our spiritual condition. So which soil are you? Are you sure? Listen to find out.…
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What does an authentic belief in Jesus look like and how is it fully lived out? Listen in this message as Guest Speaker Tom Myers explains.Bởi Tom Myers
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Jesus doesn't just forgive us of our sins, He also gives us the power to be transformed and difference makers in our community and world. Listen in this message as Guest Speaker Barb Maurice shares how this played out in the life of the Apostle Peter and can in your life as well.Bởi Barb Maurice
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As followers of Jesus what is our responsibility when it comes to raising kids to know Jesus and grow in a relationship with Him? Listen as Exponential Worship Pastor Bill Butler shares 3 strategies to help you along the way whether you're a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle or just family friend.Bởi Bill Butler
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Have you ever started something and then didn't finish it? As Gilbert wraps up the series he shares why finishing what you've started is such an important value to live by in your life.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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It's the one word that will change your life. A word Jesus talked about in 3 different ways. What is that word and how do we best live it out? Listen in this message as Gilbert explains.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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Most Americans have a financial plan that will lead to debt. A financial plan that brings worry. A financial plan that wonders whether you can pay this month's bills or ever retire. But what if it doesn't have to be that way? Listen in this message as Gilbert shares what a true life of financial freedom looks like and two steps you can take to get …
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Why is total devotion to Jesus so important, what is the key Jesus said is needed for it and what are practical next steps you can take today to get there? Listen in this message as Gilbert explains.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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Successful people do consistently what others are only willing to do occasionally. Listen in this message a Gilbert shares 3 steps you can take to increase your consistency in all areas of life.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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Nobody plans on making bad decisions but yet we often give into temptation because we're not ready for it. Watch and listen in this message as Gilbert shares 3 steps you can pre-decide to take so that when temptation comes your way you've already defeated it!Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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The average person makes 35000 decisions every day. Let's face it, we don't always get them right. Listen as Gilbert shares the 3 main reasons that's so and what's the best to combat this so we can succeed relationally, physically, financially, emotionally, mentally and most importantly spiritually!Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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Through video and the spoken word, Gilbert leads you through Jesus journey from His arrest to His resurrection. The most important question each Easter isn't what if it's true but something much more personal. What is that question? Listen to find out!Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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In the conclusion of "The Always God" series Gilbert shares how like a potter with a lump of clay, God shapes and molds us into who and what He wants us to be. If you're feeling broken or down then this message is for are God's masterpiece, allow Him to do what only He can do!Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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In Luke 15 Jesus does something He doesn't do in any of His other teachings...tell 3 stories back-to-back-to-back to make the same point. What was so important He felt the need to do this? In this message, Gilbert explains and shares why if it was important to Him it better be important to us as well.…
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As Gilbert continues "The Always God" series he shares 4 ways that God always sees us and the hope that comes from knowing if He's always seeing then He's always caring as well.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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God invites you to pray. In part 2 of the series, Gilbert shares that God is "Always Hearing" but gives the reasons for why God doesn't always respond to our prayers. If you've ever felt your prayers just kind of bounce off of the ceiling, then this message is for you!Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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It's obvious God spoke to men and women in both the Old and New Testaments. The question is does God still speak today? As Gilbert begins "The Always God" series, he shares the 7 ways God still speaks to us today and the 4 reasons you may not be hearing His voice.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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In this message guest speaker John Dizon shares what biblical hospitality looks like. How you treat others that don't look like you, talk like you, think like you, vote like you, dress like you, etc says a lot about your relationship with Jesus. Listen in this message as John talk about how we can become more like Jesus in this way.…
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In this message Guest Speaker Mike Harder shares what impact we'd have on our cities and world if we all walked in the way of Jesus. Mike shares both scriptures and his experiences all around the world in leading Concentric Global, a world-wide disciple-making movement.Bởi Mike Harder
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Jesus is inviting you and I into something that far exceeds all the wealth and talent in the world. What is this invitation and what does the simple act of opening your hand have to do with it? Listen to find out!Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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Is it possible to not get stressed out about money? The answer is yes but it's going to take a mindset shift. Listen in this message as Gilbert shares what they are.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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Do you hate your job? 82% of Americans say they at least don't like what they do. So what can we do about that? Listen in this message as Gilbert shares how working doesn't have to be a curse on our lives and how to find the sweet spot of what you're called to do so work is a joy not a burden.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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80% of all Americans say they have no one they'd call a close friend. Listen in the message as Gilbert shares the dangers of that and how to not just find friends but the right kind of friends.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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The path you are on determines your destination. That makes so much sense when driving a car but why do so few people realize it applies to every area of life? Your health, career, marriage, finances, even your spiritual life is on a very predicatable path. Listen in this message as Gilbert explains this more and what to do if you find yourself on …
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Is the Book of Proverbs like Chinese Fortune Cookies or is there more to them than that? Listen as Gilbert shares the purpose of Proverbs and how they can change your life and help propel your 2024 into your best year yet!Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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It's comforting when someone doesn't just know us or about us, but actually is one of us. And that's what the Christmas story is all about! Listen in this short Christmas Eve message as Gilbert explains why a complex theological word called the incarnation is woth understanding, because once you do it's truly life-changing!…
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As we wrap-up our "Expectations" series, nothing could have been more unexpected thana young virgin girl becoming pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Will Mary try to control the situation or surrender fully to God's plan? Listen in this message as Gilbert shares how we have our own battles with control vs surrender and how to learn to submit every single…
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When we allow little small offenses to linger, they will eventually turn into bitterness which will poison our hearts and destroy our lives. Listen as Gilbert shares practical steps to rooting out bitterness in your life so that this Christmas can truly be merry and bright.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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The holidays bring on all kinds of distractions that can keep us from the true meaning of the season which is the birth of Jesus. The fact is though many other things in life distract us from Him all year long. Listen in this message as Gilbert shares 3 practical ways to make sure in the pursuit of what's good, we don't get distracted from what's b…
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At Christmas we often get caught up in consumerism and thinking that certain things will make us happy. In fact, this isn't just a Christmas problem but a year-round problem where we think that stuff will satisfy, fulfill or complete us. Listen in this message as Gilbert shares 3 practical ways to make sure we're concentrating less on things that d…
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As Gilbert wraps up the "People Problems" series he shares the remarkable story of one other person who is involved in the battle between David and Nabal. In her story we learn what Jesus meant when He said, "Do good to those who mistreat you."Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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All of us from time to time have people problems. Which often results in us wanting to get back at or even with the person who has hurt us. Listen in this message as Gilbert shares a story from a time David in the Old Testament had a scenario like this. Does David handle it well or is there a better way? Listen to find out so you can develop your o…
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In the conclusion of the One Prayer series, guest speaker Dustin White talks about both the biblical and scientific reasons he would pray that abortion would no longer be something women consider when they become pregnant. Listen as Dustin handles this sensitive topic with both grace and truth.Bởi Dustin White
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In part 3 of the "One Prayer" series, guest speaker Barb Maurice shares her one pray that there would be no more mental health crisis in our country.Bởi Barb Maurice
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In part 2 of the "One Prayer" series Exponential welcomes back Chad Chute who was our original Disicpleship Pastor when we planted in 2010. Chad's one prayer is that no one would waste their potential. But how do we go about doing that? Listen in this message as Chad shares some virtues you must adopt to make sure it happens.…
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In the kick-off to the "One Prayer" series, Gilbert interviews Nikki Condon from Safe Families about practical ways familes from all around the world can come alongside other families who are in a crisis and show them the love of Jesus.Bởi Gilbert Thurston
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SEX! SEX! SEX! Got your attention didn't it? Listen as Gilbert concludes the "Next Level Love" series sharing the biology behind the theology of God's plan for this gift. Whether you're married or single you will find lots of practical application in this powerful message that shows that faith and science go hand in hand.…
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