Australia's #1 podcast for women is where smart women come for good conversation — with an occasional side serve of chaos. Covering news, pop culture and big ideas, plus the small stuff that matters, Mamamia Out Loud is hosted by journalists and authors Mia Freedman, Jessie Stephens and Holly Wainwright. It's your daily dose of conversation that's like catching up with your best, funniest and sharpest friends in the group chat, offering conversation at its most addictive.
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Histórias infantis criadas e contadas por Paula Rebouças. Feito com amor, de mãe para filha. Toda Segunda-feira, uma história para ouvir e soltar a imaginação! Nos acompanhe também em @mamaemecontaumahistoria!
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Podcast pre všetky mamy a skoro mamy, ktoré majú kopec otázok.
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Navigating motherhood and our God given calling one day at a time.
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Drama for mamas. Business Inquiries: [email protected] Originally produced by Studio71. But now it's produced by meee :)
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On the M is for Mama Podcast, you’ll hear encouragement for all things motherhood, practical helps and systems to help you thrive in your home from day to day, funny, relatable kid-stories, examinations of what the Bible has to say about cultural issues, and so much more!
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Nashville based Mama besties Amie & Macy dive into the UNFILTERED day to day life of new motherhood. From gory but beautiful birth stories, to toddler tantrums, to sex after baby, they cover it all! Join their mom squad and make motherhood a little less lonely.
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Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Weekly Torah Lesson Enjoy this video of what we hope will be a weekly endeavor into spreading the educational words of our Torah. Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida 5620 Winkler Road Ft Myers, FL 33919 239-433-7708 [email protected]
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Mama’s Lullaby Podcast nurtures, celebrates and supports mothers at every step of the motherhood journey
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Welcome to The Mama Marketer Podcast! Hosted by Olivia Hayse. Sit with me and listen as I interview my friends about topics like entrepreneurship, politics, pop culture, bible studies and everything in between!
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Gründe und führe dein eigenes Business, damit das Dilemma zwischen Zeit und Geld endlich ein Ende hat.
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Chaque semaine découvrez la diversité et la richesse de la scène musicale autochtone avec Moe Clark. Pour consulter les archives de cette balado :
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Nahbarkeit, Empowerment, Selbstironie und viel „kennen wir!“ statt „told you so“ Du möchtest Werbung in diesem Podcast schalten? Dann erfahre hier mehr über die Werbemöglichkeiten bei Seven.One Audio:
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Weekly telephone conversations between a Lebanese expatriate and her Mom sharing their daily gossip and reminiscing through heartwarming memories. Their refreshing stories will leave you smiling and nostalgic of your conversations with your own Mama. مكالمات هاتفية أسبوعية بين مغتربة لبنانية و والدتها وما يدور بينهما من ثرثرة وإستعادة للذكريات الجميلة. حكايات ممتعة مضحكة ومفعمة بالحنين
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Hi My friends! Welcome to Story Time With Bear & Mama! 🌟 Join me—Mama—and my sweet son, Bear, as we read through some of our favorite classics and beloved books. Leave a comment on what book you would like us to read next!
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Echt. Echter. Ehrlich gesagt. 🎆 Neues Cover, 🎶 neuer Jingle, 🎙️neue Stimme. Der neue Echte Mamas Podcast geht tiefer: Jetzt spricht Nora Pinck mit echten Eltern über echte Gefühle. Und zwar über die schönen, aber auch die schwierigen! Denn wir wissen genauso gut wie ihr: Das Leben als Eltern ist wunderbar erfüllend, kann aber auch fordernd – und manchmal sogar überfordernd – sein. Nora fragt ihre Gäste das, was sonst keiner fragt. Wir laden euch ein, mit uns zuzuhören, was unsere Gäste wirkl ...
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A podcast where we navigate the Hell out of being a Creative Mom with Humor and Heart. Honest convos. Hilarious stories. Inspiring guests. You are NOT alone. Hosts: Cherice Barton & Shelly Hutchison Producer: Jessica RG OKeefe, Breatheasy Productions
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Meet the American Mamas. Daily Segment on American Ground Radio KEEL 101.7 FM/710 AM 6-7 Central. Shreveport, LA.
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Your go-to podcast for baby and toddler sleep solutions, overcoming parenting challenges, and all things messy motherhood.
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Ça va maman est un podcast où parle de santé mentale parentale en compagnie de la Dre. Lory Zephyr, psychologue spécialisée en santé mentale maternelle, périnatalité et attachement parent enfant, ainsi que Jessika Brazeau, journaliste. Toutes deux sont aussi mamans de plusieurs enfants. Elles entretiennent des conversations authentiques, dépourvues de tout jugement, qu'on entend rarement sur la place publique. Que ce soit en compagnie de mamans anonymes, d'autres professionnel.le.s ou person ...
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The official Podcast of the Mama Tried Show and Flat Out Friday Races
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Bringing ancestral food, cooking, eating, and living to the everyday, modern mom.
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Mama Sein verändert - auch beruflich! Entdecke faszinierende Geschichten erfolgreicher Persönlichkeiten in diesem Podcast! Von Influencern über Autoren bis hin zu Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmern - wir sprechen über Erfolge, Misserfolge, Vereinbarkeit, Mindset, Marketing.... Verena von MamaWahnsinnHochVier nimmt dich mit auf diese Reise und teilt ihre wertvollen Erkenntnisse mit dir. Erfahre aus erster Hand, wie du Fehler in Learnings umwandeln kannst. Hol dir jetzt wertvolle Tipps und Tric ...
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This podcast discuss the ups and downs of motherhood seen through the eyes of a stay at home mom ( me!) and also discuss the issues that us women face in our everyday lives This is Motherhood at its best We’re not perfect but we’re making it!!!! email is [email protected] Instagram: YouTube:
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I am your Daily Life Mamalia
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Du bist schwanger, möchtest diese Zeit besonderes genießen und in Verbindung mit deinem Baby sein? Meine Meditationen sind zur Entspannung und zum Genießen da. Einige bearbeiten auch ganz spezielle Themen, die dich während der Schwangerschaft beschäftigen könnten. Du kannst diese Meditationen auch als Ergänzung zu deiner Hypnobirthing Vorbereitung auf die Geburt nutzen. Ich wünsche dir von Herzen, dass du mit Hilfe der Meditationen eine wunderschöne Schwangerschaft und positive Geburtsvorber ...
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I'll go first: Motherhood is a dang rollercoaster and sometimes I feel like I'm just hanging on. My name is Nina and I am the host of Mama Knows. I truly believe that every mama *knows.* Have you ever held your crying child and just said or thought "I know honey." YOU, mama, know what is best for your family and sometimes it's different than what the other mama knows. This podcast is an ongoing, honest conversation around motherhood, mental health, parenting and relationships...the good, bad ...
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Mama Bear Apologetics is a podcast for mothers of biological, adopted, or spiritual children who want to learn about how to defend the Christian faith, help give their children reasons for faith, and understand the worldviews that challenge Christian faith in the first place.
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Podcast de anime dirigido por 3 treintones.
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’Geriatric’ Mamas is the original, real and raw podcast empowering women over 35 to embrace pregnancy and motherhood. Join hosts Jessica Rizzieri and Sonia Welch Tapley as they share authentic fertility stories, insightful motherhood news and entertaining motherhood moments from guests, listeners and social media!
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The Wellness Mama Podcast is a weekly series covering the topics of holistic health, real food, stress, sleep, fitness, toxins, natural living, DIY, parenting, motherhood, and other health tips to give you actionable solutions to improve your family’s life! Brought to you by Katie Wells of
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My Favorites statement, poems, part of section.
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Whether you’ve just given birth for the first time or are already deep into the thick of it, The Mama Circle is here to help you enjoy motherhood and feel GOOD. Join Natalie K. Martin for real talk, empowerment tools and honest insights to keep you company, whether you’re on your 2am night feed, cooking dinner for your family, or out and about running errands. The Mama Circle is here to help you feel seen, heard and supported.
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That Twin Mama Podcast features topics, concerns, and questions that touch on all things motherhood and beyond, with a special added lens for moms of multiples. Lauren interviews experts, celebrities, and influencers tackling topics that make you feel seen, uplifted, and of course laugh as a mama trying to survive.
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The Inspector Mama Podcast Navigating the baby aisle is so daunting. Finding a playgroup is scary. Does the five second rule apply to a pacifier? And everyone tells you to relax! Is it so wrong to want to know everything about sippy cups? A little neurosis is okay! The Inspector Mama podcast will focus on a different topic each week. You will get the low down on homemade applesauce, pre & pro-biotics, parenting styles, baby safety, politics and more. This is a safe space for parents that w ...
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Il regarde l'actualité de biais, d'en haut, d'en bas, de côté ; il la retourne dans tous les sens, la soupèse et nous la rend complètement décalée, tordue et tellement tordante. Mamane vous présente une actualité... différente.
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Top-rated podcast, hosted by sisters Paulina and Bricia Lopez. Super Mamas is a judgment-free space where new, expecting and experienced mothers come together to learn from one another. Laugh and cry along with the Super Mamas every week as they share stories with friends, experts and each other. Welcome to the Super Mamas Sisterhood! New episode every Tuesday. Featured on Oprah Daily, Parents Latina, Girlboss, Univision, Telemundo and NPR
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Mamatism talking about ....... whatever, just talk.
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Join our community of stay-at-home parents as we learn to manage, save, and invest our money — all while keeping family as our first priority.
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Mama's comedy show is has been performing in front of LIVE audiences for since 2009. Now, the cast gets together before each show to crack each other up and discuss the nonsense of the day.
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The Everwell Mama Podcast is here to help working moms create self-care routines that actually stick—so you can feel good and find a balance that works for you, without the guilt. Join Holistic Life & Wellness Coach Siobhan Bingham as she shares down-to-earth tips, tools, and strategies that fit into your busy life. Whether you're a new mom or managing a growing family, this podcast is about helping you take small, realistic steps to care for yourself while showing up for those who need you ...
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Temas random
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Join Middle Aged Mamas Nakeya, Dawn and Kamilah each week as they share candid, heartwarming and hilarious conversations about motherhood from varying perspectives. Listen to vulnerable stories as they, along with special guests explore topics. Prepare to laugh, cry and hopefully gain valuable insight into the world of middle aged motherhood as they discuss and facilitate conversations aimed to inspire and inform.
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O Clube da Mama é um projeto da SBM - Regional de Santa Catarina cujo objetivo é promover discussões de qualidade dos tópicos mais intrigantes da prática da Mastologia. Nossa plataforma é aberta para que os inscritos tenham acesso as nossas reuniões mensais, artigos científicos e podcasts. Assim como para que possam receber nossas newsletters, atualizando sobre nosso conteúdo. Também temos nosso fórum onde podem nos dar sua opinião sobre as nossas publicações e espaço para receber seus comen ...
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為什麼血是紅色的🩸?為什麼大便臭臭的💩?為什麼恐龍滅絕了🦖?好奇的小孩們總是有好多的問題在腦袋裡轉呀轉!「媽媽老師,我想問問題」是一個為全世界的好奇小孩們設計的Podcast - 孩子們可以勇敢提問,然後媽媽老師會帶著小朋友一起去尋找答案。在節目中我們不僅探討自然科學常識,開啟孩子視角,更深入關懷孩子們心靈,包含社會情緒學習、身體健康管理、品格養成等等...孩子的身心靈各個方面遇到的疑問和煩惱,都有我們來當家庭的後盾。我們會邀請各個領域的專家、其他家長,以及孩子們一起探索,一起學習,一起去找答案。 "Ask Mama Laoshi" is a podcast in Mandarin made for curious minds around the world. Children can ask any questions without being judged, and we not only answer them but also show them how to look for the answers. In this children-centered show, ...
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08. What cracked feet have to do with motherhood [Voice Memo]
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3:58Okay so this voice note feels kinda vulnerable to share but it really struck me as a sign of needing more me-time and self care goes. What have YOU noticed about yourself slipping since becoming a mama? I'd love to hear! Share it with me here in the comments or: Instagram: @natalie.kmartin Facebook:…
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Die grosse Paarfolge - jetzt wird gestritten!
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43:36Achtung, es wird wild! Passend zur vorherigen Trennungsfolge bei Mama Lauda haben Hannes und Fanny (aka Fannes) eine Paarfolge aufgenommen, in der hemmungslos gestritten wird. Es geht um Lieblingskinder (die haben wir natürlich nicht… oder doch?), über die Elternzeit, die Hannes gemacht hat, und über die Kita-Eingewöhnung. Zwischendurch haben wir u…
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Love Special – Beziehung pflegen trotz Elternspagat: Kleine Rituale und Power Love Questions
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16:23Eltern sein, Paar bleiben - gerade mit Kindern und Beruf eine extra Herausforderung! In dieser besonderen Episode dreht sich alles um die Herausforderungen, die Eltern, insbesondere berufstätige Mamas, tagtäglich bewältigen müssen – und darum, wie man als Paar trotz des hektischen Alltags in Familie, Job und Haushalt zueinander findet. Der Alltag a…
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Artigo Comentado - Microbiota intestinal e Câncer de mama: revisão sistemática e meta-análise .- AudioBook por IA
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5:43Narrado por IA Responsável: Dr. Guilherme Gamba Membro da Juventude Rosa da Sociedade Brasileira de Mastologia regional Santa Catarina (triênio 2023 – 2025)
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i used to laugh at death but now i cower in fear of it
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37:06Ben remembers he is not immortal. Watch the video version of the episode here: Follow my Instagram: Join my Discord: Business Inquiries: [email protected] Originally produced by Studio71. But now it's produced by meee :) Learn more about your…
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💔 Der emotionale Preis der Selbstständigkeit für Mütter: Eine ehrliche Diskussion
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14:33♥ Gründungsmitglied in unserer Skool Community (bis zum 01.09.2024)🥳 dieser Episode widmen wir uns einem Thema, das oft im Schatten bleibt: dem emotionalen Preis der Selbstständigkeit für Mütter. Wir erkunden gemeinsam die emotionalen Herausforderungen, von Stress und Schuldgefühlen bis zum Perfektionismus…
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Mamá soy Otaku # 27 - Duelo de personajes ¿quien ganara, Kenshin, zoro, Goku?
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35:14Send us a text ¿Qué pasaría si juntamos personajes de diferentes animes en un solo ring de batalla? En este episodio de Mamá, Soy Otaku, hacemos los enfrentamientos más épicos y debatimos quién saldría victorioso en cada combate. Desde Itachi vs. Byakuya hasta otros cruces inesperados entre héroes y villanos de distintos universos, analizamos sus h…
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Circadian Alignment Using Light, Food, Fasting and Sleep (Solo Episode)
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36:13Episode Highlights How I caused quite the stir by posting about stopping eating when the sun goes down Apparently, the internet needs to come with terms and conditions, and I can understand the confusion This episode goes deeper into why I personally adopted this change The biggest signals are light, food, and sleep when it comes to circadian healt…
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Welcome back to our monthly segment of Whaddya Wanna Know Wednesday—Podcast Style, where you ask me questions, and I tackle as many as I can in an episode. In this episode, we address what personality I identify with most, how to overcome feelings of failure and hopelessness, what it means to be a lukewarm Christian, and so much more! I hope you'll…
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121: Simona Petrík: Každá žena by mala mať právo na dôstojný a rešpektujúci pôrod.
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1:10:24S političkou a poslankyňou za Progresívne Slovensko Simonou Petrík sme sa rozprávali o jej ceste k nájdeniu vlastnej sebahodnoty, o jej pôrodoch a o tom, aká je mama. Prebádali sme aj Simonine (a naše) srdcové témy - ženské práva, stav pôrodníctva na Slovensku a čo robiť pre to, aby sa jedna aj druhá oblasť posúvali vpred. Bavili sme sa o tom, preč…
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7 Lessons About Love to Teach Your Kids – 340
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10:14What if some of the most important lessons about love aren’t the ones we think to teach our kids? In this episode, I’m sharing seven essential truths about love—lessons that will shape the way your kids understand relationships, connection, and even their own self-worth. Oh, and these lessons aren’t only for them. You might take away something mean…
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Episode 121: Navigating Heated Political Conversations
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44:19In this episode, we’re exploring the intersection of Christian values and politics in a divided world. How do we apply our faith in the political realm? We’ll discuss the importance of humility in conversations, especially with teens who are forming their own views. We’ll also examine the roles of government and church in issues like border policie…
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Beyond "I'm Sorry": Understanding and Healing Childhood Shame w/ Myla Leinweber
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46:29In this conversation, Nina and Myla discuss the complexities of shame in children, particularly focusing on 'spicy' kids who are more sensitive and emotionally intense. They explore how shame manifests in children, the origins of these feelings, and the importance of proactive parenting strategies to help children navigate their emotions. The discu…
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Navigating Screen Time and Dependency in Teens with Dr. Alison Yeung
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59:55Join Lauren Berty, host of That Twin Mama Podcast, in this special episode featuring returning guest Dr. Alison Yeung, a family physician from Ontario, Canada. In this episode, they explore the complex issue of screen time for teens, discussing boundaries, dependency, and addiction. Dr. Yeung shares valuable insights on recognizing early signs of s…
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Creating Routines for Calm: Mom Life Simplified
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20:05Send us a text Hey Mama, feeling like you're spinning your wheels trying to stay on top of everything? This episode is all about creating routines to simplify your busy mom life! We’ll dive into why routines matter, how they bring structure to the chaos, and most importantly, how to make sure you are included in the routines—not just your kids or h…
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For my 50th episode, I sit down with returning guest and political bestie, Faith Martin. We discuss something I have recently become obsessed with: Wichita’s rich history of political activism. From the Dockum Drug Store Sit-Ins in 1958, to the Herman Hill Riot in 1979, the Summer of Mercy in 1991, all the way to the historic Vote No efforts of 202…
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Rooted in Love – A Meditation for Mamás and Kids
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9:14A Moment of Peace for Parents & Kids Feeling overwhelmed by the news cycle and the constant demands of parenting? Take a deep breath and exhale, mamá. In this special meditation episode, we guide moms and kids through a gentle journey of relaxation, deep breathing, and affirmations designed to strengthen your bond and bring calm to your day. Whethe…
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Send us a text Read along with us as we find out how Jim Panzee discovers the importance of doing things that are not always fun but are really needed! Book: Blooming Paper Press Coloring Books: TikTok @bloomingpaperpress Blog:…
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The Story Behind the Dreamland Baby Sleep Sack
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27:20In this episode of Well Rested Mama Unswaddled, I chat with Tara Williams, founder of Dreamland Baby, about how she turned her own baby’s sleep struggles into a trusted solution for families everywhere. Tara shares the story behind her gently weighted sleep sacks, what it was like pitching on Shark Tank, and the science that makes her products so e…
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[REPLAY] Ep 16: To Fart or Not to Fart
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35:55Amie and Macy discuss the level of comfort you have with a spouse, who's literally seen it all. They also talk about scheduled sex as well as sex with the monitor on the nightstand. Producer Morg hops on the mic for some hilarious commentary.Bởi Amie Miriello & Macy Pruett
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Mama is finally back to Beirut after spending the holidays in Switzerland. Many funny changes she experienced in this trip and when back home. الماما رجعت على بيروت من بعد ما مضت الأعياد عندي بسويسرا.شو تغير علي هونيك ولما رجعتBởi Maya Waked
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Stewarding our lives well so we can live out the calling God designed for us can be difficult when we feel like all our hard work, sacrifices and discomfort aren't giving us the results we were hoping for. When God seems silent and our goals seem farther away than ever before, there is a truth we must remember: that God's plan for your life and the…
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搭飛機✈️時要注意⚠️什麽呢?What Do You Need to Know⚠️ When Flying on an Airplane✈️?
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36:08Send us a text ✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨ 你們有沒有搭過飛機✈️呢?或是正準備要去搭飛機✈️?飛機飛在高高的天上🌤️,帶著我們穿越了白雲☁️是不是讓你非常期待😊但同時也有點緊張😓呢?在這一集中,媽媽老師特別邀請空服員👩🏻💼Tina阿姨來和我們一起揭開搭飛機的小秘密!讓小朋友學習到飛機上的安全知識⚠️,還有搭飛機時要注意的事情。另外我們也收到好多好奇問題:動物們🐼🐨🐯可以搭飛機嗎?飛機上的餐點🥘又是怎麼做出來的呢?快和媽媽老師來一起探索一起學習吧! Is your little one excited (and maybe a bit nervous) about flying on an airplane ✈️? Soaring high above t…
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67 - We're doing two shows in one month?!
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1:00:16It's been a while! The Mama Tried and Flat Out Friday crew is back with an exciting podcast! 🎙️ We're talking all about the upcoming One Show in Vegas and gearing up for the legendary Mama Tried Motorcycle Show and Flat Out Friday weekend: 🏍️ Flat Out Friday: February 21, 2024 🏍️ Mama Tried Show: February 22-23, 2024 Get the latest scoop, behind-th…
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