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show episodes
ML Chat explores everything to do with Multilingual student instruction. Do you oversee students that are learning English? ML Chat is the place to learn more and continue to refine your craft. In each episode co-hosts Tim Blackburn and Justin Hewett talk with experts, researchers, and district administrators to explore how to best serve our language learners.
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Multilingual Stories

Dr. Bettina Gruber

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Der Nummer 1 Podcast für zweisprachige und mehrsprachige Familien, Eltern und alle, die Bilingualität und Mehrsprachigkeit im Alltag leben und fördern möchten. Tauche ein in inspirierende Geschichten von Menschen, die über Sprachgrenzen hinweg kommunizieren und multikulturelle Lebensweisen meistern. Erfahre, wie du deine Familiensprachen mit Leichtigkeit und Freude an die nächste Generation weitergibst. Egal, ob du gerade mit bilingualer Erziehung beginnst oder schon viel Erfahrung mit Mehrs ...
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A fun, dynamic “Feel so Great!! Got to Groove Vibe” with your DJ/Host, TAKEYCE; Reggae Fusion Artiste, Lover of Life, Entrepreneur ( , Producer, Promoter, Singer/Songwriter, FACTOR Canada Juror. CFRU 93.3FM EVERY TUESDAY! TODO LOS MARTES ! TOUS LES MARDIS ! 4-5PM EST ( Music from amazing Guests across the Universe, Inspirational Words (Poem, Refrains, Conscious thoughts) done in English, French, Spanish and Patois! :-) Much love and light! ”Lady who wears many ...
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Welcome to Multilingual Montessori, a podcast where we discuss multilingualism, multiculturalism, and raising children from a Montessori perspective. Hosted by AMI Montessori guide and TESOL instructor Gabrielle Kotkov. Follow and visit for more! Support this podcast:
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Bi/Multilingual Stories tells the stories of people. Mostly, but not only artists, who speak two or more languages. The stories take us to physical and emotional places, spaces. Please consider to support my work via a one time or monthly contribution at: Sound by Hernán Giorcelli Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Bilingual Kids Rock Podcast: Raising Multilingual Children, Multicultural Living, Growing Up With Multiple Languages.

Olena Centeno: Mother of 3 Bilingual Children, Ukrainian Living in USA, Multicultural Blogger

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Bilingual Kids Rock Podcast is your place to connect with multilingual families, language experts, and passionate authors from around the world. We share actionable tips and motivational stories. Learn from our experiences so your journey raising multilingual children is enjoyable, manageable, and successful.
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When a modern film script draws inspiration from a poem written more than a century ago, readers can judge its impact on our collective imagination. Such is the resonance of the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe. First published in 1845, "The Raven" is a masterpiece of atmosphere, rhythmic quality and use of language. Constructed in narrative form, it tells the story of a young man who is mourning the loss of his beloved. One December night as he wearily sits up browsing through a classica ...
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show series
Warum Sprachenmischen ein Zeichen für Kreativität ist Worum geht’s in dieser Folge?Ich beantworte die häufige Frage, ob Mehrsprachigkeit Kinder verwirrt. Erfahre, warum Sprachmischung oft ein Zeichen für komplexe Prozesse im Gehirn ist und wann es wichtig ist, die Sprachentwicklung genauer zu betrachten. Was du aus dieser Folge mitnimmst: Warum Spr…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ********** Inspirational Words ! Les mots Inspirants ! Las Palabras Inspiradoras: When in Darkness, be that light! ¡Dans les ténèbres, soyez cette lumière ! ¡En la oscuridad, sé esa luz! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #trooper #crashtestdummies #jullybl…
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…When I came back first, I never had a bank account, I never had an insurance, it’s so important in Germany to have so many insurances; and I came back … and I came back and, I was trying to do some things and people sort of look at me, and they had the feeling that … I was German, but I didn’t understand things. And to me, that made me feel really…
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In this ML Chat Podcast episode, hosts Justin Hewett and Mandy Morris welcome seasoned educators Meg Burke and Bethany Gale to discuss building impactful professional learning networks (PLNs). They share insights on creating effective PLNs, their WIDA conference presentation, and the power of flexible professional learning, all centered on student …
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Lerne, wie du Mehrsprachigkeit verstehst, unterstützt und erfolgreich begleitest. Worum geht’s in dieser Folge? In dieser Episode stelle ich eine einzigartige Ausbildung zur _FLOWS - Mehrsprachigkeitstrainer:in vor. Ziel der Ausbildung ist es, Fachpersonal mit fundiertem Wissen und praktischen Strategien auszustatten, um Mehrsprachigkeit in Familie…
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Wie eine Mutter Französisch für ihre Zwillinge zurück ins Familienleben brachte Worum geht’s in dieser Folge? In dieser Episode teilt Myriam ihre inspirierende Geschichte, wie sie nach 25 Jahren ohne Französisch die Sprache zurück in ihren Alltag brachte. Erfahre, wie sie mit kreativen Lösungen und viel Humor die Mehrsprachigkeit ihrer Familie förd…
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Was es wirklich bedeutet, zweisprachig zu sein – und wie du dein Kind optimal unterstützt Worum geht’s in dieser Folge?Wir alle wünschen uns, dass unsere Kinder all ihre Sprachen verstehen und aktiv sprechen. Aber was, wenn dein Kind deine Sprache zwar versteht, aber nicht spricht? Bedeutet das, dass es nicht zweisprachig ist? Nein! Was du aus dies…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Gratitude Is a must! La gratitude est essentielle ! ¡ La gratitud es imprescindible! ***** #gratitudeisamust #lagratitudeestessentielle #lagratitudesimpre…
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Wie Pascale trotz Herausforderungen den Weg zur Mehrsprachigkeit ihrer Kinder fand Worum geht’s in dieser Folge? In dieser Episode von „Multilingual Stories“ habe ich das Vergnügen, Pascale aus Luxemburg willkommen zu heißen. Sie teilt mit uns ihre persönliche Reise zur sprachlichen Identität und die Herausforderungen, ihre Muttersprache Luxemburgi…
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Warum OPOL nicht die einzige Möglichkeit ist, Kinder zweisprachig aufwachsen zu lassen Worum geht’s in dieser Folge?In der heutigen Episode räumen wir mit einem der größten Mythen in der Welt der Mehrsprachigkeit auf: der Vorstellung, dass nur die OPOL-Methode (One Parent One Language) zum Erfolg führt. Auch wenn OPOL viele Vorteile hat, ist sie ke…
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Wie Janine mit kleinen Schritten die Familiensprache Deutsch zurück in den Alltag holte Worum geht’s in dieser Folge?In dieser Episode spreche ich mit Janine, die vor einer großen Herausforderung stand: Nach ihrem Umzug in ein fremdes Land schlich sich ihre Muttersprache Deutsch langsam aus dem Alltag. Plötzlich sprach ihre Familie – inklusive ihre…
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Und die besten Tipps, um die Mehrsprachigkeit deiner Kinder zu fördern Worum geht’s in dieser Folge? In der heutigen Episode spreche ich über die drei häufigsten Fehler, die Eltern in der mehrsprachigen Begleitung machen – und wie du sie vermeiden kannst. Aber keine Sorge, es bleibt nicht nur bei den Stolpersteinen! Ich gebe dir auch drei konkrete …
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Warum die Beziehung zwischen Eltern und Kind der Schlüssel zur Sprachentwicklung ist Worum geht’s in dieser Folge? In dieser Episode dreht sich alles um den entscheidenden Faktor für den Erfolg von Mehrsprachigkeit in Familien: die Beziehung zwischen Eltern und Kind. Während einsprachige Kinder ihre Sprache durch ständige Präsenz im Umfeld natürlic…
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Warum es nie zu spät ist, deine Erstsprache weiterzugeben – und was dich im Podcast erwartet Hallo und herzlich willkommen bei Multilingual Stories! Wie habe ich diesen Satz vermisst. Ich freue mich riesig, dich endlich wieder begrüßen zu dürfen! Nach einer langen Pause ist der Podcast zurück, und ich habe spannende Neuigkeiten für dich: Was ist in…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: See It Through! Voir à travers ! ¡ Ver a través ! ***** #seeitthrough #voiratravers #veratraves #edgarguest #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #eceseçkin #alba…
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In this episode of the ML Chat Podcast, hosts Justin Hewett and Mandi Morris dive into an inspiring talk with Shawn Ford, an educator from Kapi'olani Community College in Hawai'i. Shawn reveals his unexpected path into teaching and the game-changing Second Language Teaching Program that’s shaping future TESOL educators with real-world skills. Disco…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Know Your Value! Connaissez Votre Valeur ! ¡ Conoce Tu Valor ! ***** #knowyourvalue #connaissezvotrevaleur #conocetuvalor #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #b…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Love Thyself! Aime-toi ! ¡ Ámate a ti mism@ ! ***** #lovethyself #aimetoi #amateatimism@ #reynabiddy #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #fuzion #katiekadan #in…
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*** Sorry for the delay - away on Holidays *** A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Humility is a gift! L'humilité est un don ! ¡ La humildad es un regalo ! ***** #humilityisagift #humilitees…
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Don't miss this episode of the ML Chat Podcast, where Mary Castanuela, a first-generation Mexican American and Regional Testing Coordinator, shares her journey of balancing cultural heritage with educational success. Mary offers powerful insights on supporting bilingual students, fostering collaboration, and preserving heritage languages.…
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Today’s conversation is the third in a series of check-ins with my good friend and new bilingual mom, Samantha. We previously checked in when Samantha’s daughter was 12 months and 15 months. If you missed our first two conversations, you can go back and hear them (they are episode 50 and episode 56). We recorded this update back in the spring, when…
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Join host Mandi Morris on the ML Chat Podcast as she interviews Fred Pleis, an instructional specialist for multilingual learners in Charleston County. Fred shares his journey from aspiring accountant to teacher, shaped by martial arts, and his work in multilingual education across Philadelphia, California, and Colorado. He also discusses high-reli…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Insecurities! Insécurités ! Inseguridades ! ***** #insecurities #insecurites #inseguridades #haley # #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #staceykent #jimtomlins…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Children! Les Enfants ! Los Niños! ***** #children #lesenfants #losninos #everychildmatters #chaqueenfantcompte #cadaniñoquenta # #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤…
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In this ML Chat Podcast episode, hosts Justin Hewett and Mandi Morris talk with Mia Allen, a veteran educator with 25 years of experience serving language learners. Mia shares her journey as a teacher, coach, consultant, and WIDA certified trainer, discussing her work in dual language curriculums, SLIFE teaching, and her return to the classroom to …
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Family! La Famille ! La Familia ! ***** #family #lafamille #lafamilia #afamilyislikeacircle #unefamilleestcommeuncercle #unafamiliaescomouncirculo #nicole…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Listen to action, Not words! Écoutez l'action, non les mots ! ¡ Escuche la acción, no las palabras ! ***** #listentoactionnotwords #ecoutezlactionnonlesmo…
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In this episode of the ML Chat Podcast, hosts Justin Hewett and Mandi Morris chat with Dave Gomez, Director of Educational Equity for Granite School District, about his 30-year career in education. He shares his journey from bilingual tutor to leadership roles, reflecting on his migrant background, mentorship, and the importance of cultural sensiti…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Don’t Fall! Ne tombe pas! ¡ No te caigas ! ***** #dontfall #netombepas #notecaigas #youwillneverseemefall #joycealcantara #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #a…
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Mariana Bissonnette (she/her) is an internationally recognized speaker, author, AMI 0-6 trained Montessorian and AMI 3-6 Trainer-in-Training working with parents, teachers, trainees, and school leaders in implementing Montessori on either side of the classroom doors. She is also the founder of The PEACE Program (Parent Education and Child Empowerme…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Let Patience be your Virtue! Que la patience soit ta vertu! ¡ Deja que la paciencia sea tu virtud ! ***** #letpatiencebeyourguide #quelapatiencesoittavert…
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In this episode of the ML Chat Podcast, hosts Justin Hewett and Mandi Morris dive into a dynamic conversation with Jannelle Kubinec, the visionary CEO of WestEd. Discover how Kubinec is driving change through research-based practices, embracing joyful learning environments, and empowering teachers. Jannelle talks about her transformative work on Ca…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Inspirational Quotes! Citations inspirantes ! ¡ Citas Inspiradoras ! ***** #inspirationalquotes #citationsinspirantes #citasinspiradoras #mahatmaghandi #m…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Manifest Great Things! Manifeste de grandes choses ! ¡ Manifiesto de grandes cosas ! ***** #manifestgreatthings #manifestedesgrandeschoses #manifiestogran…
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In this ML Chat Podcast episode, language educator Noemi Rodriguez joins hosts Justin Hewett and Mandi Morris to discuss her insights into language education, curriculum design, and AI's role in classrooms. Noemi shares her motivation from her mother's multilingual journey and explores AI's benefits and challenges in education. The episode also hig…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Let it be! Qu'il en soit ainsi ! ¡ Que así sea! ***** #letitbe #quilensoitainsi #queasisea #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #dyke&theblazers #victorjsefo #an…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Break through the storm! Briser la tempête ! ¡ Romper la tormenta ! ***** #breakthroughthestorm #briserlatempete #romperlatormenta #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️…
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In this ML Chat Podcast episode, hosts Justin Hewett and Mandi Morris talk with Tatyana, Deputy Project Director for the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition. With over 20 years of experience, Tatyana shares her journey as an English learner from Moldova and her expertise in second language acquisition, applied linguistics, and e…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Love like you Don't! Aimez comme vous ne le faites pas ! ¡ Amo como no lo haces ! ***** #tebogophaladicorneliaphooko #lovelikeyoudont #aimezcommevousnelef…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Close the Door ! Ferme la porte ! ¡Cierra la puerta ! ***** #closethedoor #fermelaporte #cierralapuerta #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #rosemayalba #enyewf…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: What a Difference a Day Makes! Quelle différence une journée fait! ¡ Qué diferencia hace un día ! ***** #whatadifferenceadaymakes #quelledifferenceunejour…
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In this ML Chat Podcast episode, hosts Justin Hewett and Mandi Morris interview Tan Huynh, an experienced educator specializing in English language acquisition. They discuss his teaching methods, collaboration in classrooms, his new book with Beth Skelton, and the importance of content learning and language development for multilingual learners. Ta…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Speak up! Parlez ! ! ¡ Hablar ! ***** #speakup #parlez #hablar #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #benininternationalmusical #bombino #aquakulture #belindabra…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Take Care of Yourself ! Prends soin de toi ! ¡ Cuidate ! ***** #takecareofyourself #prendssoindetoi #cuidate #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #anglinamango …
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In this episode of the ML Chat Podcast, hosts Justin Hewett and Mandi Morris speak with Robert Gouthro, ML Coordinator for Berkeley County School District. Gouthro discusses managing the rise of multilingual learners, effective programs, and supporting teachers. He stresses the need for systemic changes, better data tools, teacher development, and …
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: You’re Good, They’re Not! Vous êtes doué. Ils ne sont pas! Estas bien. ¡No son! ***** #you'regoodthey'renot #vousetedoueilsnesontpas #estasbinenoson #tiz…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Just do your best Faites de votre mieux Hagamos lo mejor que podamos ***** #justdoyourbest #faitesdevotremieux #hagamoslomejorquepodamos #makeyourdamnbed…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Song of Myself! Canción de mí mismo! Chanson de moi-même! ***** #songofmyself #chansondemoi-même #cancióndemímismo #waltwhitman #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️…
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In this episode of the ML Chat Podcast, hosts Justin Hewett and Mandi Morris welcome Risa Woods, an advocate for newcomer and English learner students. Risa shares practical tips and insights from her influential Instagram channel, stressing the significance of championing students rather than sympathizing for them. Find out how to better support n…
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