Get Mike Francesa's unequaled takes on sports with The Mike Francesa Podcast. Listen to Mike's instant reactions to the biggest games and unbiased sports talk each week. Subscribe today and never miss a minute. Watch Mike live at 10am ET on YouTube on the Mike Francesa Podcast channel.
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Francesca Rheannon talks to writers of all genres about matters that move us and make us think.
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Fale, escreva e entenda francês com extrema naturalidade e confiança em 6 meses ou menos com o Método Francês Ativo. Lembre-se que quanto mais você ouvir francês, melhor você vai se comunicar em francês. Então, aproveite para ouvir francês enquanto lava louça, anda de bicicleta, de transporte público, de táxi, ou até mesmo enquanto dirige. "Ative" o seu francês com o avec Elisa! Muitas dicas e áudios inteiramente em francês pra você desenvolver seu francês. Bienvenue! Fale francês com podcas ...
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O podcast pra você que quer falar francês! Me encontre também no Instagram @francescomraquelferpin
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Puedes descargar el curso completo en nuestra página web: LinguaBoost francés es un curso de audio para principiantes o para cualquier persona que tenga dificultades para hablar francés con fluidez. Cada lección contiene frases cotidianas útiles relacionadas con un tema específico.
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News, opinion, analysis, lifestyle and entertainment – we’ve got your Sunday morning listening covered with The Sunday Session with Francesca Rudkin on Newstalk ZB.
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Le interviste di Francesca. Una guerriera che non si è arresa di fronte alle sfide che la vita gli ha presentato. Giornalista di passione e professione. Realizza interviste per OK!Mugello tramite l’ausilio della tecnologia che gli permette di interloquire grazie ad una voce sintetizzata.
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Cultura francesa para lusófonos e brasileiros. Contém Curso de francês focado na pronúncia. Francês básico para iniciantes. Aprenda francês gratuitamente. Cours de français pour débutants. Phonétique française Prononciation française #cursodefrances #francês #français #french
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Da quattro anni il podcast per gli appassionati della natura che cercano il benessere nel proprio giardino. Ogni mercoledì storie, idee e consigli pratici per connetterti con la bellezza della natura. Unisciti a noi, perché abbiamo tutti bisogno di un giardino! A cura di Francesco Cecchetti. Visita
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"El espejo de Vivian y Francesca" es un podcast de fotografía con entrevistas a fotógrafas y fotógrafos y también a todas aquellas personas que utilicen la fotografía en sus procesos creativos o trabajen en ámbitos relacionados con ella. Además, descubriremos historias y anécdotas ligadas a fotografías famosas, mostraremos el trabajo de autores y autoras emergentes y recordaremos a los grandes clásicos. Todo eso, y mucho más, de la mano de Inma Barrio y Leire Etxazarra.
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Everything you want to know about France and more… in a free podcast. Janine Marsh, Editor of The Good Life France, award-winning travel writer and author of best-selling memoirs about life in France with her unruly chickens, dogs, cats, ducks and geese, quirky neighbours and the joys of renovation, and Olivier Jauffrit, the vintage French music expert at Radio Paris Chanson – have teamed up to make a podcast!
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Salut ! Aqui na Fluency TV Francês, você vai encontrar diferentes podcasts para aprimorar seus estudos com diferentes assuntos. Pratique diálogos, aprenda novas expressões, ouça como os nativos falam e fique por dentro das notícias — tudo isso enquanto segue sua rotina diária! Allons-y !
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Welcome to the Franceska's YouTube podcast, where amazing things happen.
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O podcast Letras Francesas tem a intenção de apresentar perspectivas culturais através da literatura. Nele, vamos conhecer e conversar sobre autores e obras de língua francesa. E-mail: Instagram: @letrasfrancesas
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Podcast per italiani che vogliono imparare il francese in modo piacevole e senza sforzo!
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is Over population good or bad for our planet?
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Audios que ayudan a aprender el idioma Francés. Parte del contenido de
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Ciao a tutti, io sono Francesco, e questo è il mio spazio calmo, da oggi il nostro. Non ho pretese per questo podcast, voglio solo raccontarmi, e raccontare quello che mi scriverete o che vorrete condividere con me. Buona Vita.
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Energia nucleare , vantaggi e svantaggi e esempi. Cover art photo provided by Mark Merner on Unsplash:
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Se stai cercando di pensare a come imparare il francese, stai sbagliando. Impara il francese come hai fatto l'italiano: ascoltandone moltissimo. (Con almeno una vaga idea di cosa significhi!) Migliaia di frasi in francese, insieme alle traduzioni in italiano, presentate direttamente al tuo cervello: dal pratico al filosofico al flirt. Solo frasi, nessun riempitivo! Vai ben oltre le basi della lingua francese non solo per comunicare, ma anche per diventare una persona interessante in francese ...
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An interview with Harper Lee!! Cover art photo provided by Judson Moore on Unsplash:
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Podcast criado para ajudar brasileiros que querem aprender o idioma Francês de uma forma simples e objetiva .
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Cumpleaños Cover art photo provided by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash:
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Podcast by Francesco Cosentino
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Conversación 4
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100% Francês com Ricardo de Matos. Domingos às 16h05 emitido na Rádio Europa Lisboa :: 90.4 fm
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Conversacion 1
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Se você está tentando pensar em aprender francês, está fazendo errado. Aprenda francês como você aprendeu português: ouvindo muito. (Com pelo menos uma vaga ideia do que isso significa!) Milhares de frases em francês, juntamente com as traduções em português, apresentadas diretamente ao seu cérebro: do prático ao filosófico e ao flerte. Apenas frases, sem preenchimento! Vá muito além do básico da língua francesa para não apenas se comunicar, mas também se tornar uma pessoa interessante em fr ...
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Podcasts com aulas rápidas e divertidas de francês. São expressões e dicas que podem ser ouvidas com flexibilidade. Aprenda francês de onde estiver!
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En Francia los franceses no hablan el francés que usted escucha en los cursos de francés en América Latina. Los franceses hablan más rápido. En el francés oral, una palabra equivale en ocasiones a tres o cuatro del francés escrito. ¿Cómo entrenarse para entender este francés de la calle, cotidiano, 'en pijama'? Escuche este programa.
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Buenos dias, me llamo Lucie, y quiero publicar por aqui mi experiencia y la informacion que encuentro sobre el tema de super dotacion y alta capacidad.
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Welcome to the ReRooted Podcast with Francesca Maximé, trauma-sensitive mindfulness meditation teacher and poet. Together we’ll take a closer look at approaches to transforming trauma with insights from psychology, neuroscience, spirituality, social justice and the creative arts. Join Francesca and her guests for an exploration of our shared connection and how we can cultivate greater compassion for ourselves and for others.
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"The art of sharing Art." (F.M.) Uno spazio dedicato alla scrittura, alla poesia, alla recitazione, alla musica, al cinema, al teatro e a molte sfaccettature di pensieri.
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We bring you the top news story you need every morning, pulled right from our daily Fort Frances Daily Bulletin and Fort Frances Times. Wake up with our top story from the previous day's paper four days a week and find out what you've been missing. We'll also bring you upcoming community events so you never miss out on the things that you care about.
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Bonjour! Eu sou Brasileiro, e me mudei para Genebra em 2004 sendo o meu único idioma o português brasileiro. Depois de passar por dificuldades financeiras e até mesmo de saúde e, mesmo estudando de forma tradicional com gramática, verbos etc e não conseguir resultados, resolvi criar o meu próprio método de aprendizado. Assim tive resultados extraordinários e em 6 meses eu já estava falando fluentemente a língua francesa. Resolvi colocar em prática o meu método com outros idiomas e em alguns ...
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Wenn zwei junge kreative Geister in der klassischen Musik aufeinandertreffen, muss daraus etwas Außergewöhnliches entstehen. Die beiden innovativen Pianisten Alice Sara Ott und Francesco Tristano stellen im Apple Store, Kurfürstendamm Scandale vor, ihr gemeinsames und avantgardistisches Album der außergewöhnlichen Rhythmen.
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Aprender Francés en línea con tu maestra parisina.
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Ich treffe mich gern mit dir auf einen Kaffee und beantworte deine Fragen. Ich spreche mit dir über Gott und die Welt und teile sehr gern meine Meinung zu den unterschiedlichsten Themen, die uns alle bewegen, mit dir hier in meinem Podcast. Schreib mir gern eine Nachricht auf Instagram @frances
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Si está tratando de pensar en su manera de aprender francés, lo está haciendo mal. Aprende francés como lo hiciste con el español: escuchando una gran cantidad de él. (¡Con al menos una vaga idea de lo que significa!) Miles de frases en francés, junto con las traducciones al español, presentadas directamente a tu cerebro: desde prácticas hasta filosóficas y coquetas. ¡Solo frases, sin relleno! Vaya mucho más allá de los conceptos básicos del idioma francés para no solo comunicarse, sino conv ...
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Si está tratando de pensar en su manera de aprender francés, lo está haciendo mal. Aprende francés como lo hiciste con el español: escuchando una gran cantidad de él. (¡Con al menos una vaga idea de lo que significa!) Miles de frases en francés, junto con las traducciones al español, presentadas directamente a tu cerebro: desde prácticas hasta filosóficas y coquetas. ¡Solo frases, sin relleno! Vaya mucho más allá de los conceptos básicos del idioma francés para no solo comunicarse, sino conv ...
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Me sharing the many thoughts in my head and hoping they make a difference to me and to you.
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Faça o download da APOSTILA: Acesse o curso de imersão:
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The thoughts of Frances Lillian Bynum -Sweetlemon as well as others. Support this podcast:
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Bergen County Real Estate Podcast with Francesco Moracci and Marcello Petruzzella
Francesco Morraci
If you are looking to buy or sell a home, get all the information and the latest updates, tips, and tricks from Venture Realtors- your professional Bergen County Real Estate Agents.
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Aprender un idioma es una aventura. Vive esta aventura con tus hijos. Ven y da tus primeros Pasitos en Francés con nosotros. Un podcast para padres y madres que quieren aprender y enseñarles francés a sus hijos. Un segundo idioma es uno de los regalos más utiles y hermosos que le puedes dar y dejar a tus hijos.
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É assim que os franceses pronunciam essas marcas francesas
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Aprenda a pronúncia de marcas como RENAULT, CARREFOUR, SAINT LAURENT, LEROY MERLIN, LOCCITANE e PEUGEOT em francês! Quer se virar bem no francês durante sua próxima viagem pra algum país de língua francesa? Conheça o ebook Francês para Viagem e salve sua experiência aprendendo francês em tempo recorde para você não sofrer e nem passar vergonha na s…
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En esta lección aprenderás las siguientes frases: ¿Cómo esta el clima hoy? / Hace frío. / ¿Está lloviendo? / No, no está lloviendo. / Hoy el tiempo es malo. / Lleva lloviendo una hora.Bởi LinguaBoost
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#60 - Everything French food at Christmas
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A lip-smacking, mouth-watering, tummy-rumbling, finger-lickin’, well-seasoned seasonal episode about the food that the French traditionally eat at Christmas! Fun facts, traditions and scrumptious treats. Follow us: On Twitter On Instagram On Facebook On The Good Life France's website Thanks for listening!…
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Paula Anta: "No me gusta ser evidente; intento que mis fotos generen una duda, una extrañeza"
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Hablamos con la fotógrafa Paula Anta, una artista cuya obra se centra en la relación entre la naturaleza y la artificialidad unida a las estructuras creadas por el ser humano. Paula trabaja en series a partir de argumentos que luego desarrolla in situ, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, a modo escenificaciones que, de forma instalativa, construyen la …
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Um dia em uma Padaria Francesa | Diálogo 100% em Francês
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Já pensou em visitar uma padaria francesa? Neste vídeo, vou te mostrar como é uma padaria francesa, essa fica aqui em São Paulo, no Brasil, mas ela é muito semelhante às padarias tradicionais da França! Se você quer aprimorar seu francês e falar com confiança e naturalidade, não deixe de assistir a este vídeo. Vamos juntos aumentar seu vocabulário …
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Cantar em francês é um excelente exercício pra praticar a pronúncia. Preparei uma lista com 7 músicas super fáceis de cantar (e entender) em francês. Qual a sua favorita? E qual outra você recomenda?Bởi Frances Elisa
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BY THE FIRE WE CARRY, Rebecca Nagle on Indigenous Sovereignty and Democracy
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In this episode, Rebecca Nagle, journalist and author of By the Fire We Carry: The Generations’ Long Fight for Justice on Native Land, unpacks the history of the Cherokee Nation and broader Indigenous struggles for sovereignty. Nagle intertwines personal family history with systemic injustices, tracing the consequences of the Trail of Tears, the In…
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Mike Francesa analyzes each NFL Week 13 matchup, including the Thanksgiving Day showdown between the Giants and Cowboys. Can Drew Lock capitalize on his first start of the season? Want more Mike? Sign up for the NEW newsletter at for exclusive content, giveaways, and more surprises!…
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Io sono Francesco Cecchetti, consulente paesaggistico e agronomico e aiuto le persone a fiorire insieme al proprio giardino. Stai ascoltando Giardino Rivelato, da cinque anni il podcast per chi crede fermamente che tutte le persone hanno bisogno di un giardino. Ciò che ci piace coincide sempre con ciò che ci serve? Come scegliere tra estetica e fun…
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Empty Seats & Embarrassment: Is it Time to Fire Brian Daboll? - Email Reactions
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Mike Francesa recaps the Giants' terrible weekend and discusses action from around the NFL. The Giants are in disarray -- is Brian Daboll on the hot seat yet? Plus, thoughts on the Jets and reactions to your emails. Want more Mike? Sign up for the NEW newsletter at for exclusive content, giveaways, and more surpr…
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Bucs Romp Over Jones-less Giants 30-7
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The Giants defense gave up almost 300 yards in the air to Baker Mayfield, and the Tampa Bay Bucs scored 30 unanswered points in a laugher at Met Life Stadium. Mike Francesa gives his instant reaction to the quickly sinking Giants.Bởi BetRivers Network
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Mike Francesa previews NFL Week 12 on his Football Friday show. He breaks down every game this weekend, including Giants v Buccaneers, which will see Tommy DeVito under center for New York in place of Daniel Jones. Want more Mike? Sign up for the NEW newsletter at for exclusive content, giveaways, and more surpri…
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LINGUAPHILE: Julie Sedivy on the Beauty, Complexity, and Mystery of Language
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Summary In this episode, Julie Sedivy, author of Linguaphile: A Life of Language Love, explores her profound relationship with language as both a scientist and a writer. Sedivy shares her journey from a multilingual childhood to becoming a linguist, reflecting on the complexities of multilingualism, the emotional weight of language, and its profoun…
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Io sono Francesco Cecchetti, consulente paesaggistico e agronomico e aiuto le persone a fiorire insieme al proprio giardino. Stai ascoltando Giardino Rivelato, da cinque anni il podcast per chi crede fermamente che tutte le persone hanno bisogno di un giardino. Cosa significa essere un operatore del verde? Qual è il rapporto tra tecnica e natura ne…
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En esta lección aprenderás las siguientes frases: ¿Dónde esta el museo? / El museo está a la izquierda. / ¿Sabes dónde están mis llaves? / Tus llaves están sobre la mesa. / ¿Has visto mis gafas? / Tus gafas están en la silla. / Su oficina está en el centro del pueblo.Bởi LinguaBoost
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Jets Fire GM Joe Douglas, What's Next?
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The Jets have dismissed GM Joe Douglass after a 3-8 start to the NFL season. Mike Francesa reacts to the breaking news. Want more Mike? Sign up for the NEW newsletter at for exclusive content, giveaways, and more surprises!Bởi BetRivers Network
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Tommy DeVito Takes Over for Daniel Jones as Giants QB
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Mike Francesa offers his thoughts on the Giants QB situation as Daniel Jones is benched and fan favorite Tommy DeVito takes over under center. Plus, more thought on the Jets' disaster and reactions to your emails. Want more Mike? Sign up for the NEW newsletter at for exclusive content, giveaways, and more surpris…
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Jets' Atrocious Defense & Coaching Helps Colts Rally Late, 28-27
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Mike Francesa reacts following the Jets' last-minute loss to the Colts at home. The Jets fall to 3-8 on the season, and their on-field personnel and coaching are in question. Want more Mike? Sign up for the NEW newsletter at for exclusive content, giveaways, and more surprises!…
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Mike Francesa previews NFL Week 11 on his Football Friday show, including Jets v Colts. You'll also hear his thoughts on where Bill Belichick and Jon Gruden might land. Plus, email reactions on Wembt, St. John's, Daniel Jones, and Juan Soto. Want more Mike? Sign up for the NEW newsletter at for exclusive content,…
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Ann Patchett & Kathy Engel on Art, Love, and the Power of Poetry in Difficult Times
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Summary In this episode of Writer’s Voice, celebrated novelist Ann Patchett discusses the annotated release of her beloved novel Bel Canto, exploring how themes of love, art, and humanity resonate in times of crisis. Patchett reflects on her writing process, the tenderness of her characters, and how art can provide solace in difficult times. The, p…
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Edera e Giardini: Riflessioni su gusto, spazio e biodiversità
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Io sono Francesco Cecchetti, consulente paesaggistico e agronomico e aiuto le persone a fiorire insieme al proprio giardino. Stai ascoltando Giardino Rivelato, da cinque anni il podcast per chi crede fermamente che tutte le persone hanno bisogno di un giardino. L’edera è davvero solo invasiva? Può un muro coperto di edera essere bello? Come trasfor…
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State of the Giants & "Unsalvageable" Jets - Juan Soto Free Agency - Email Reactions
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Mike weighs in on the Knicks and the NBA Cup, the Giants mess, and the wreckage that is the Jets. Plus, email reactions on the Yanks, Joe Douglas, and Sam Darnold. Sign up for the NEW newsletter at for exclusive content, giveaways, and more surprises!Bởi BetRivers Network
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En esta lección aprenderás las siguientes frases: ¿Qué llevas puesto? / Estoy usando vaqueros y una camiseta. / Él lleva una camisa y una corbata verde. / No estoy segura de qué ponerme hoy. / Por cierto... / Por cierto, ¿qué lleva puesto ella? / Lleva un vestido blanco. / ¡No tengo nada que ponerme!…
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Another Jets Debacle: NY Manhandled by Cardinals, 31-6
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It's just one debacle after another for the New York Jets and Aaron Rodgers this season. Mike Francesa reacts following a 31-6 blowout in Phoenix.Bởi BetRivers Network
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Giants Fumble Game Away in OT Against Carolina
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The Giants struggled against Carolina in Munich, but still found a way to take the game to overtime .... where they promptly fumbled and gave the game away. Mike Francesa gives his reaction to the Giants losing 20-17 in OT against the Carolina Panthers. Mike says the Daniel Jones era in New York is coming to a close.…
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Full Show Podcast: 10 November 2024
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On the Sunday Session with Francesca Rudkin Full Show Podcast for Sunday 10th November 2024, Matty Matheson is best known to Kiwis as Neil Fak on Emmy Award winning show The Bear, but he's actually the only cast member who is a real chef. Matty joins Francesca to talk about how he got involved in the show and how he's finding acting. Author Oliver …
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Whitcoulls Recommends: Time of the Child and The Voice Inside
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Time of the Child by Niall Williams. Set in a small Irish village, this tells the story of Dr Jack Troy who lives quietly with his unmarried daughter Ronnie. Their lives are changed forever just before Christmas in 1962 when an abandoned baby is found and handed to him, and instead of passing the child on to the correct authorities he finds he simp…
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Megan Singleton: BloggerAtLarge writer on the international marathons people travel for
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Travelling internationally to run a marathon might not be on everyone's bucket list, but it's a growing trend. People come from far and wide to take part in the seven World Major Marathons - which take place annually in Berlin, Boston, Chicago, London, New York City, Tokyo, and most recently, Sydney. BloggerAtLarge writer Megan Singleton says there…
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The Sunday Panel: Will Trump be a better leader than Biden?
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This week on The Sunday Panel, director at Capital and political commentator Ben Thomas and senior PR consultant at One Plus One Communications Damien Venuto joined in on a discussion about the following issues of the week - and more! The US election is over and done with, and Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States. Do we thin…
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Erin O'Hara: Naturopath and wellness expert on treating end-of-year burnout
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End-of-year burnout is a concern plenty of us grapple with ahead of the Christmas season - but how can we get ahead of it? Workplace stress, holiday obligations, self-reflection and all the anxieties that come with those can contribute to the stressful feelings. Naturopath and wellness expert Erin O'Hara says it's an important time to prioritise se…
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Steve Newall: editor on Beyonce leading the 2025 Grammy Awards nominations
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Beyonce is set to dominate at the 2025 Grammy Awards, as she's leading the pack with 11 nominations. It's already a history-making moment for Beyonce - she and her husband Jay-Z were originally tied on 88 nominations, but now she's pulled ahead as the most-nominated artist of all time at the Grammys. editor Steve Newall says the other …
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Oliver Burkeman: author reveals unexpected secrets for improving your life in new book
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Author Oliver Burkeman's new book offers readers a reality check on their own limitations - and reveals there's benefits to knowing how finite life is. Meditations for Mortals: Four Weeks to Embrace Your Limitations and Make Time for What Counts tells readers there's a limited time frame to get everything done - and that it's okay to embrace your p…
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Dr Michelle Dickinson: nanotechnologist reveals what standing on one leg can say about your health
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If you're over 50 and can stand on one leg for at least 30 seconds, you may be aging well, according to recent research published in the journal PLOS ONE. Unipedal balance testing (standing on one leg) is a known measure of neuromuscular aging. The study found that as we age, our balance tends to decline more quickly than our walking speed or muscl…
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Francesca Rudkin: We all want new infrastructure - but this is getting frustrating
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It’s understandable Auckland CBD's retail and hospitality businesses' initial reaction was one of concern after learning Auckland’s train network will close for 96 days in the final push to get the City Rail Link open in 2026. Devastated even. In years to come, we will take the CRL for granted as a valuable, normal part of a functioning, modern cit…
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Great Meatloaf Cook time: 1 hour Prep time: 30 minutes Serves: 6-8 1 white onion, finely diced 500g pork mince 500g beef mince 1 ½ cups grated courgettes 2 cloves garlic ½ tsp white pepper 1 tbsp Dijon mustard 1 cup breadcrumbs ½ milk 2 tbsp vegetable oil 1 egg 6 tbsp grated Parmesan 8 slices Parma ham or thin bacon ½ cup roughly chopped parsley, t…
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Adam Pearse: NZ Herald political reporter on the Treaty Principles Bill being unveiled early
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The four-page Treaty Principles Bill has been introduced - and will be the subject of Parliament debate next week. Many are wondering about the bill's future, given that Prime Minister Chris Luxon has said his party won't support it past the select committee stage. NZ Herald political reporter Adam Pearse says Luxon won't even be in the country for…
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Matty Matheson: celebrity chef and actor talks new role in 'The Bear' and new cookbook
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Matty Matheson is best known to TV fans as loveable handyman Neil Fak on hit series The Bear - but he's got plenty of real-world experience in the world of food. But before he appeared on our screens, he made a name for himself as a celebrity chef - he owns plenty of restaurants, hosts YouTube cooking tutorials, and he's written a few cookbooks of …
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Helen Lash: Westland mayor on the West Coast's recovery after record-breaking rain deluge
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Clean ups are underway as the West Coast recovers from a deluge of rain. Franz Josef experienced its wettest 24 hours in more than four decades - prompting a state of an emergency for southern Westland. State Highway 6 from Fox Glacier to Haast has been damaged by slips and flooding - it's closed until at least Monday. Westland mayor Helen Lash say…
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