V podcaste 20 000 Míľ pod humorom sa komici Jakub Gulík a Jakub Zitron Ťapák ponárajú hlboko do krásneho a pestrého sveta komédie, ktorý úprimne milujú... A to je vlastne všetko. Rozhovormi o humore sa ho snažia priblížiť práve vam - ľuďom čo sa v robote zajebávajú a majú čas počúvať podcasty. Hanbite sa!
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Jim, James, Jimbo, and Steve should not be allowed anywhere near normal Society. They think they're funnier than everyone else. They know they are funnier than you. The four idiots attempt to launch their conversations into the interwebs. No topic is taboo. And just about every opinion is fucked. Vices include cigars, whiskey, beer, weed, sports, politics, gambling, poker, self love, self hate, arguing, busting chops, etc. www.TheHumordor.com
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Judy Croon is Canada’s Keynote Humorist, Tedx motivational speaker, comedian and stand-up coach at Second City. She has worked with many celebrities including; John Cleese, Jon Stewart, and Joan Rivers. Her specials have appeared on NBC, CBS, CTV and The Comedy Network. She is a co-author of ‘From the Stage to the Page: Life Lessons from Four Funny Ladies!” Judy draws from her standup performance and coaching experience to entertain, inform and inspire in her dynamic keynotes and workshops e ...
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Dans ce podcast, Je reçois des humoristes pour parler avec eux d'humour à travers leur parcours :D On y parle de tous les aspects de ce métier incroyable et on name droppe des gens talentueux ! Pour soutenir le podcast et me suivre sur les reseaux : https://linktr.ee/canonregis Soutenez ce podcast http://supporter.acast.com/humeurs-humoristiques. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Gustavo Carvalho entrevista pessoas para quem a comédia é paixão e profissão. Por vezes abre a porta a conversas sobre outros temas culturais que o entusiasmam, seja sobre teatro, música, digital, televisão ou cinema. A comédia, a arte e a cultura que estão para acontecer, todas as terças-feiras no Humor À Primeira Vista.
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Like the funny stuff found at gallowshumormag.substack.com, but for ears. gallowshumormag.substack.com
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What the H stands for: Horror, Humor, & Healing! Episodes explore what the H is happening. Hosted by Meg from her own scary basement.
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Velkommen til hunorkanalene
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2 cops who find the funny in modern law enforcement. Ride along with T-Bone and J-Man as they tell funny stories of their personal experiences as street cops in South Texas.
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In Horror Humor Hunger, host and horror author Viggy Parr Hampton will scare you, make you laugh, and then feed you. Each season presents an original short story, followed by interviews with experts, discussion about the themes of the story and the nature of horror, and a custom-crafted recipe inspired by the story.
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Programa sobre literatura y cultura de terror, humor, ficción absurda y ocultura, es decir, cultura de lo oculto y paranormal, dirigido por el blogger y escritor R. R. López. Series, libros, microrrelatos de humor y terror.
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Hi this is Kate Davis I’m a comic and keynote Speaker, and thanks for checking out my Podcast Humor in the C-Suite where I interview leaders, executives and business owners on how they use humor and levity to create an extraordinary work culture. I want to ask the questions that we all want answers to like… Does humor help us or harm us at work? Does humor change our perception of a problem? And how do our leaders use humor to inspire curiosity, success and innovation. I want to be a fly in ...
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Did you know that a 2018 Lifeway study showed that 49% of ministers say they never talk to their churches about mental illness? The same study found that 59% of Christians suffering from mental illness said that they wanted their church leaders to speak more openly on the subject. We strive to normalize the discussion about mental health among Christians. Ben, a licensed professional counselor, also provides valuable insight for the family members and friends of those who suffer from mental ...
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Todo el humor siempre disponible. Los contenidos más gamberros, canallas e irreverentes de la SER con los mejores humoristas: David Broncano, Silvia Abril, Berto Romero, Juan Carlos Ortega, Quequé, Henar Álvarez, Manuel Burque, Valeria Ros o Buenafuente.
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This is a music comedy that criticizes artists/bands and makes parodies of hit songs.
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A podcast about everything & nothing that includes the crazy humor of everyday life with tons of amazingly funny guests along the way.
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SPLANCHNICS: The Society for the Preservation of Literature, the Arts, Numinosity, Culture, Humor, Nerdiness, Inspiration, Creativity & Storytelling
Clare Walker & Hannah Kubiak
We are a mother-daughter team of creative artists irreverently discussing books, movies, TV shows, theater, art, bad grammar, or whatever else has captured our imaginations. This is a very serious podcast!!
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Um canal dedicado aos humores da vida acadêmica...São diálogos e conversas sobre as experiências nos bastidores dessa comunidade. Nos siga no Twitter @HumoresA Quer contar sua experiência acadêmica? Entre em contato pelo e-mail: [email protected]
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Ernste Interviews mit funny Germans. Ein comedy Podcast von und mit Amerikanischer Comedian Drew Portnoy.
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Podcast for people too stubborn to quit and too creative not to make a difference!Join visual artist Pat Benincasa in conversation with a riveting roster of guests to uncover extraordinary stories of everyday people. Listen as they share their quirky wisdom, unlikely adventures, and poignant life lessons! Fasten your emotional seatbelt for this journey of heart, humor and grit!
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Canal destinado al desarrollo personal y afrontar el dia a dia
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Zum Thema Schule haben alle etwas zu sagen, schliesslich waren mal (fast) alle auf einer. Doch gibt es Themen im Bereich Schule und Bildung, über die man zu wenig redet, wie z.B. Strafen, mentale Gesundheit, herausforderndes Verhalten, Kleinklassen, Noten, Zeugnisse, etc. Was kommt zu kurz und wo lohnt sich der genauere Blick? Sonderschullehrer und Schulberater Sammy Frey und Podcaster Simon Berginz treffen sich bei Schuelfrey zum Gespräch. Dabei werden auch Themen von Lehrpersonen verhandel ...
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For those followers of Elizabeth on Twitter (@ahumorlessfem), Professional Humorless Guttersnipe Kevin and now showing up Queen herself Bianca (@bravenakblog) you now can sit back and listen to them rant about everything political. Join us on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/humorlessrants
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Humorpodden är poddcasten där bjuder er lyssnare på en riktig skrattfest. Dela med er av era åsikter och idéer på vår facebooksida (Humorpodden) En podcast av ZEBULON MEDIA SWEDEN Nytt avsnitt varje vecka.
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Canal de documentales variios sobre historia, música y ciencias...y demas temas de caracter humanista.
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My inexpressibly hilarious commentaries about modern life will brighten the day of all who hear them! You'll laff 'til you stop or your money back!
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Comedy is dead
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Podcast recordando los años 80 y 90, variedades y buena música.Nostagia y humor. Tu lugar para recordar cuando eras un cani feliz!!! Un magazine lleno de colaboraciones, un podcast lleno de vida, únete a la familia Datilera. Síguenos en Telegram y en todas las redes como el dátil de E.T, no olvides dar un like y dejar un comentario en el cajón de ivoox. un abrazo queridos Datileros y gracias por apoyar este programa, se os kiere.
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Luisteren, leren, lachen. Ontdek de perfecte mix tussen educatie en entertainment met Semi Interessant de podcast. Wij (Ruben Havertz & Nick Spapens) nemen je mee op een reis vol leuke wetenschappelijke feitjes en vermakelijke verhalen over onderwerpen als duurzaamheid, gezondheid, psychologie, technologie, economie en marketing. Nuttige kennis, afgewisseld met de nodige comic relief. Verwacht niets, maar krijg veel. Als er maar gelachen wordt.
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This is the second part of what’s the 311? Will discuss news, True crime, Cultural stuff.
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Tacos, tacos, and much much more!
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Hello and Welcome to your Weekly Dose of Wicked, where we cover Wicked content. We are a pair of hilarious ladies (I mean we think we are funny anyway) who just so happen to be sisters. We have a passion for all things true crime and thought "hey why not start a podcast" so here we are. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!
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Onde quatro roteiristas recebem convidados mais que famosos, celebridades mesmo, tipo gente %*@$% e esquecem que o microfone está aberto.
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Welcome to Hillbilly Humor! A podcast from a random guy from the foothills of Appalachia.
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Partez à la rencontre des plus grands humoristes francophones : pourquoi et comment devient-on humoriste ? Quel rôle ont-ils envie de jouer dans la société ? Une discussion sans filtre animée par Guillaume Pot.
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Honesty in rawest form, lol.
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What is humor nowadays and how is it different for everybody.
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Drink and see where it goes! Featuring Sean Anthony from beloved Flow of Wisdom and Matt Frammett from More Beer!
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Der Journalist Manuel Stark ist Autist. Mit Comedy und Humor hat er ein echtes Problem. Die feinen Linien zur Ironie oder zum Sarkasmus stellen ihn vor eine echte Herausforderung. Mit Humor kann Manuel Stark daher nicht viel anfangen, weil er ihn meistens einfach nicht versteht. Das wollte er ändern – und hat sich die witzigsten Menschen des Landes eingeladen: Comedians. In „nicht witzig“ spricht der Autist mit den Fachleuten für den feinen und auch groben Humor darüber, was eigentlich witzi ...
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Podcast de Entretenimiento, chistes, historias, datos y noticias curiosas y graciosas.
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Comedy bits delivered in a Voice So Sexy, It's Criminal Variety of shorter podcasts ranging in witty edgy humor, sarcasm, and a sprinkle of edge. It's Nice Baby...
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Humorexpertin fragt Führung. Eva Ullmann & Katrin Hansmeier machen Humor für Sie Be-Rechenbar und einsetzbar. Hören Sie, wie Sie den Return on Investment gezielt durch humorvolle Strategien steigern können. Die beiden Humorexpertinnen fragen Führungskräfte, die erfolgreich Humor nutzen und sammeln Best Practice Beispiele genauso wie Fuck Up Momente. Die eigene Markenbekanntheit steigern, Kunden gewinnen, Mitarbeiter motivieren und Humor nutzen um Konflikte zu entspannen. Ja es gibt viele Füh ...
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Nadie Sabe Nada | T12x24 | A quien madruga, RR le abraza
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52:17Ep. 451: Muchas veces se ha hablado y recomendado otros podcast en ‘Nadie Sabe Nada’ pero esta vez, Andreu Buenafuente y Berto Romero, ceden el protagonismo al podcast ‘¿Vale o no?’ de dos amigos del programa. Si metiéramos los contenidos de los que se ha hablado en este episodio en una licuadora sacaríamos un zumo multifrutas con sabor a country y…
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Las Noches de Ortega | Si tu pareja te ha dejado
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Ein Gespräch über Mobbing (mit Julia Borer-Ifrid und Fredi Felix von der Fachstelle für Gewaltprävention)
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1:33:14Das Thema Mobbing beschäftigt die Schule aktuell sehr stark und ist belastend für alle Beteiligten. Die Fachstelle für Gewaltprävention der Stadt Zürich unterstützt Schulen und Jugendvereine bei der Prävention und Intervention bei schwierigen Klassendynamiken. Im Gespräch mit Julia Borer-Ifrid und Fredi Felix versuchen wir uns diesem schwierigen Th…
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Got a topic or a question? Text us! A little boy has closet monsters + are portals real?Bởi Meg
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Same B.A.T. Time, Same B.A.T. Channel
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11:03This episode is brought to you by Faulkner University. www.faulkner.eduOn today's episode we bring you some of our other project from the Ben and Travis Podcast Network. We begin with The Friday ReFresh, Ben's 3-5 minute motivational and mental health podcast that releases every other Friday. You can listen to more and subscribe here: https://podca…
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Can I Say That? with Heather Tolley-Bauer
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30:30Welcome to another engaging episode of Humor in the C Suite with your host, Kate Davis, featuring the vibrant Heather Tolley-Bauer. This captivating episode unfolds Heather's fascinating journey from a banking executive in PR to a stand-up comedian, as she shares rich anecdotes and pearls of wisdom on using humor as a transformative tool in leaders…
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Dário Guerreiro: “Há programadores culturais que preferem morrer a ter stand-up comedy nos seus teatros. É super complicado reservar salas, sobretudo quando entramos no espetro autárquico“ [12 de outubro ...
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1:11:58Recorde a entrevista de 2023 a Dário Guerreiro. O humorista estava em tour pelo país com “Pequeno Problema”, o seu terceiro espetáculo de stand-up comedy. Em conversa com Gustavo Carvalho no podcast Humor à Primeira Vista, revela o projeto de comédia musical que ambiciona concretizar e explica as dificuldades de ser comediante fora dos grandes cent…
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EHC 7X7 bis. Jorge Loser nos habla sobre David Lynch
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10:10Aquí os dejo un breve fragmento que no pude incluir en el programa principal por falta de tiempo, en el que el crítico de cine de terror, colaborador de la revista Espinoff, y persona detrás de la cuenta de twitter Horror losers, Jorge Loser, nos habla sobre la obra de David Lynch.
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El Dátil de E.T (Tem 3) Especial "Tobi" El niño con alas!!
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1:29:12El Dátil de E.T (Tem 3) Especial "Tobi" Programa dirigido por Alber Moskeo donde con mucha nostalgia y en clave de humor desbloqueamos recuerdos con secciones de los colaboradores más majetes del momento, películas de videoclub, cómics, la ruleta del cabreo, cine porno y un largo etc Únete a la familia Dátil y sumérgete en esos maravillosos años. C…
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Episode 49: Safety Tips from a Street Cop
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1:09:41Ride along with T-Bone and J-Man as they discuss how to stay safe in this dangerous world. Keep your eyes peeled. T-Bone and J-ManBởi T-BONE & J-MAN
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Get full access to Gallows Humor Magazine at gallowshumormag.substack.com/subscribeBởi Gallows Humor Magazine
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Riding Through The Storm: Finding Strength In Chaos
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50:46Send us a text What happens when a top-tier athlete, defined by discipline and control, is faced with a rare illness and the collapse of an 18-year marriage? Risa August got off her couch, named her tumor “Bubba,” grabbed her bike, and rode 1,845 miles down the Pacific Coast, battling pain, gale-force winds, and heartbreak. In this gripping episode…
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S3: E8- 2024: The Year that Blew Our Minds
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43:45Clare and Hannah look back on 2024 as the year that blew their minds every other day. A few examples: The day that Israel blew the pants off their enemies. The presidential candidate who almost got his head blown off on live television. Amazing health discoveries that will keep you from blowing up the bathroom at your in-laws' house. Links: “Stoppi…
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La Tertulia de Cómicos | Solo hay una persona más rápida que Rajoy
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47:28David Navarro, Llum Barrera e Isma Juárez repasan la actualidad política de la semana. Además, Rocio Huertas, calígrafa de bodas, nos cuenta como ha llegado a hacer las invitaciones para la de Almeida y Tamara Falcó. Y Dani Rovira nos presenta su último show. CRÉDITOS: Guion: Pere Aznar Producción: Toni Cuart Dirige: Javier del Pino Realización téc…
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Hora Veintipico #529 | Especial Día de la Radio
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1:05:21Qué mejor forma de disfrutar del día de la radio que con un programa que no sabe si es podcast, tele, radio o una ONG. Héctor de Miguel y su banda te espera con noticias, con chistes, con bebida...
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Especialistas Secundarios | En nuestro día mundial recordamos cuando en Euskadi se hacía la radio sin micrófonos
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5:39A gritos, y se escuchaba en toda la cornisa cantábrica. Eso es lo que cuenta Txumari. Otros ilustres colaboradores nos cuentan sus recuerdos radiofónicos.
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Especialistas Secundarios | ¿A quién le importa la información bursátil?
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6:18Los oyentes manifiestan en vivo sus quejas en el Día mundial de la radio. Las muletillas de los locutores son otro punto de irritación en la audiencia.
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El Mundo Today | Luz Casal ofrecerá también gas e internet
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1:49Conocemos la actualidad del mañana de la mano de El Mundo Today
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Todo por la Radio | Especial Día de la Radio
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46:46TodoPorLaRadio con Toni Martínez, Especialistas Secundarios, El Mundo Today, Mario Panadero, Laura Piñero, Susanna Ruiz e Iñaki de la Torre
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Hora Veintipico #528 | Más sabe el diablo por pez que por diablo
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14:17Una buena sesión descontrol es lo que necesita tu body para ir bien descansado a la cama, como Fachascal a las 11 de la mañana. Trump sigue con su rollo de conquistar sitios sin que nadie le diga nada y los notarios van a empezar con el celibato. Se nos ha colado un diablo pez y otro que lleva una compañía de aviones. Ambos con el cerebro del mismo…
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