Tinnituskompasset er din guide til et godt liv, på trods af evig støj i hovedet. Lyt med og bliv klogere, både på tinnitus og dine behandlingsmuligheder.
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Tinnitus Talk is a podcast about all things tinnitus. We aim to engage and inform you, bringing you fresh insights and updates on research, treatments, personal experiences and public awareness. Our hosts (who all have tinnitus themselves) interview tinnitus researchers, healthcare providers and advocates. We bring you real life stories from tinnitus patients. And we’ll update you on the latest developments in the field and in the patient community. Tinnitus Talk is a brand owned by Tinnitus ...
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Underground and indie music from Memphis and beyond!
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Tinnitus talks to help you gain control and live well with tinnitus.
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www.neuromedcare.com - The Best and Latest on Tinnitus Science, with Dr. Hamid Djalilian, world-renowned tinnitus specialist.
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The ATA is evolving its webinar series. We have listened to our members and present a new conversational podcast series on the topics of tinnitus and hyperacusis, "Conversations in Tinnitus." "Conversations in Tinnitus" podcasts are hosted by audiologists John A. Coverstone, AuD, current Editor of ATA's magazine, Tinnitus Today, and Dean Flyger, AuD, a private practice audiologist in Paris, TX. Each podcast focuses on current issues, research, and treatment methods for people living with tin ...
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The British Tinnitus Association (BTA) presents a special edition podcast as part of Tinnitus Week 2019. Join host Nic Wray from the BTA as she talks to Stephen Harrison, who has tinnitus since 2003, and his partner Sarah about how tinnitus has affected their relationship. Dr Dominic Bray, clinical psychologist, and Cheryl Thompson, audiologist, provide input from a medical professional perspective. For further support and guidance from the BTA, visit www.tinnitus.org.uk or call the charity’ ...
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Experience relief from tinnitus with Silencil, a natural dietary supplement formulated to reduce ringing, buzzing, and hissing sounds in your ears. Discover the power of carefully selected ingredients that promote inner ear health and cognitive function. Embrace a life of tranquility and improved well-being. Order Silencil now. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/silencil-reviews-natural-solution-tinnitus-relief-naman-gupta/
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Hi! I'm Lawrence and I've had Tinnitus for around 5 years. If you don't know what Tinnitus is the best way to explain it is you know when you go to a loud concert and you have that high pitched ringing in your ears afterwards and it goes within minutes? Yeah, imagine that but 24/7 but it can also be in the form of whooshing, buzzing or hissing etc. I want to share my journey as well as other peoples experiences with Tinnitus, how I personally cope dealing with it as well as tell you some ent ...
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TinnitusQuest - fonden der vil tinnitus til livs!
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Se interview på Youtube: Tinnituskompassets Youtube kanal Kære lytter, velkommen til denne bonusepisode af Tinnituskompasset, hvor jeg gerne vil dele noget helt specielt med dig. Vi er nemlig nået ud over de danske grænser - og jeg blev for nylig kontaktet af det nyetablerede initiativ TinnitusQuest (www.tinnitusquest.com), og de vil rigtig gerne m…
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This might be our most exciting podcast episode ever! We are very proud to announce the new foundation that we co-founded: Tinnitus Quest. In this episode, Hazel speaks with co-founder Sven Köllmann, a German entrepreneur, and Dirk de Ridder, one of the most renowned tinnitus researchers – both will take board seats in the newly formed Tinnitus Que…
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I denne episode af Tinnituskompasset følger Anne-Mette Mohr og jeg op på min samtale med Morten Jessen. Anne-Mette er i hopla og giver prøver på hendes store viden om tinnitus og psykologien bag, men hun får da også flettet lidt historietime med ind i samtalen. Derudover kan du høre om: Gode søvnvaner – hvad man kan og ikke kan i forhold til at bru…
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Morten Jessen – Når tinnitus truer identiteten!
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I denne episode af Tinnituskompasset sæson 2 møder du Morten Jessen, en dygtig komponist og musiker, der åbent deler sine personlige erfaringer med tinnitus. Gennem samtalen vil du høre om Mortens første møde med tinnitus og om hvordan den gradvist udviklede sig til en mere permanent følgesvend i hans liv. Vi dykker også ned i Mortens bekymringer o…
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Opfølgning - Gunnar Mohrs historie med tinnitus
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I denne episode af Tinnituskompasset følger jeg og Anne-Mette Mohr op på Gunnar Mohrs historie, som du hørte i forrige afsnit. Der blev også plads til at du kan høre dele fra et interview jeg lavede med overlæge på OUH og klinisk professor på SDU indenfor området audiologi. Jesper har i sin egen forskning beskæftiget sig meget med tinnitus og lydov…
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I denne episode af Tinnituskompasset kan du høre Gunnar Mohr’s historie med tinnitus og lydoverfølsomhed. Gunnar har haft tinnitus i mange år, men det er først da han går på pension og skal til at dyrke sin store lidenskab, musikken, at han bliver generet af både tinnitus og lydoverfølsomheden. Som du vil høre i afsnittet, så fandt Gunnar, med god …
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Good Tinnitus Science, Bad Tinnitus Science
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We often talk about the lack of research and funding for tinnitus. But what about the quality of research? Do tinnitus sufferers benefit from the research that is conducted? In reality, many studies are conducted improperly, thus giving misleading results and false promises for patients. During this episode, we dive deep into concepts like research…
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Sygdommen Du Kan Høre | Martin Jensen | #159
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Se episoden på youtube: Ludvig og Martin i samtale om tinnitus Jeg var gæst i Ludvigs podcast for at fortælle om tinnitus, min egen erfaring med tilstanden og hvad man kan gøre for at leve bedre med den. Ludvig har givet mig lov til at lave den som en cross-over episode til Tinnituskompasset. Jeg håber du synes godt om podcasten. Hvis du hellere vi…
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Opfølgning Nishiki Sanos historie med tinnitus
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”Altså, jeg har selv været ret ophidset over at læse, at tinnitus kan udvikle sig til at være en langvarig lidelse i overskrift, fordi personer, som har tinnitus og som i forvejen er nervøse for det, de vil jo nu læse den overskrift og ikke mere. Og så har vi allerede gang i alarmberedskabet. Så der er noget om den måde, vi taler og tænker om tinge…
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In this week's episode I am talking about mindfulness and tinnitus. Hear about: what is mindfulness? does it need to involve meditation? how does mindfulness help tinnitus? This is a follow on to the episode about relaxation and tinnitus. Have you considered trying more mindful activities? How could you make it work for you? To discuss anything you…
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Nishiki Sano - en dirigent svinger taktstokken over tinnitus
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Fortvivelse, modløshed, angst men også en fortælling om håb, mod, mening og fællesskaber. I denne første episode af Tinnituskompasset Sæson 2 kan du høre den konservatorieuddannede kordirigent Nishiki Sano fortælle om sin personlige rejse med tinnitus og hvordan han har fundet måder at leve bedre med tilstanden på. Lyt med og hør Nishiki fortælle o…
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In this week's episode I am talking about relaxation and tinnitus. Hear about: why relaxation is important for tinnitus the impact it has a range of activity ideas an introduction to balanced breathing It's important to remember that what one person finds relaxing may not be that same as what another finds relaxing so I encourage you to find your o…
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#1 REAL Cortexi Review by Tinnitus Specialist
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Finally, a REAL Cortexi Review by a doctor who specializes in tinnitus. Cortexi is 100% a SCAM. Watch this short video of Dr. Hamid Djalilian, Chief Medical Advisor for NeuroMed, explain the dubious and illegal methods that are used to promote Cortexi. You can find us at www.neuromedcare.com. We hope you enjoyed this podcast! You can find us at www…
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Did you know that up to 73% of people with Long COVID experience tinnitus? Learn about this and more with Dr. Hamid Djalilian, world-renowned tinnitus specialist and Chief Medical Advisor for NeuroMed. We hope you enjoyed this podcast! You can find us at www.neuromedcare.com or call us at 1-888-226-6330.…
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The Mind Body Relationship with Tinnitus
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In this week's episode of Tinnitus on Your Mind I am talking about the mind body relationship with tinnitus. I will be discussing: how your thoughts, emotions, feelings and behaviour are all linked will you have sleep issues with tinnitus? what is neuroplasticity? why self care is important To discuss anything you have heard in today's episode you …
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Tinnitus Sound Therapy: Everything You Need To Know
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Visit us at www.neuromedcare.com or call 1-888-226-6330. This podcast is an audio file of our YouTube video. Dr. Djalilian is the Director of Otology and Neurotology and Professor of Otolaryngology, Neurosurgery, and Biomedical Engineering at the University of California, Irvine. His work is expanding the frontiers of medical science and tinnitus r…
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In this week's episode I want to share with you about sound and tinnitus. I will explore how sound perception can differ and the role our brain has in interpreting the sensory input. Also exploring how sound is used, with tinnitus, focusing on helpful environmental sounds, and sound therapy for tinnitus, sound generators, apps, and other hearing so…
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In this first episode I want to answer the three main questions that I'm asked about tinnitus. What is tinnitus and what are the causes? Is there a cure? Will you always have it? To discuss anything you have heard in today's episode you can find me on facebook at Tinnitus on Your Mind.
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Welcome to Tinnitus on Your Mind, the podcast that aims to help and support those living with tinnitus or those that you love living with tinnitus.Bởi Johanna Carter
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Revisiting a Friend of Tinnitus Talk - Dr. Josef Rauschecker
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We revisited with an old friend of the podcast: Dr. Josef Rauschecker. He was our first ever guest – go back and listen to that episode! – who came up with the famous 'gating' theory of tinnitus. Josef’s gating theory poses that while neural ‘noise’ may arise in the ear and lower brain regions due to hearing loss, this noise is typically cancelled …
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At afkode Tinnitusbehandlinger - din guide til evidensbaserede valg! (crossover episode)
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Abonner på Tinnituskompasset Indblik og følg med i min tur omkring behandlinger, myter, fakta og andre relevante informationer om tinnitus, set ud fra et forskningsmæssigt perspektiv. I denne crossover episode kan du høre om der er en kur for tinnitus? Hvordan kan du adskille videnskabeligt baserede behandlinger fra 'mirakelmidler'? Som du kan høre…
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Sådan udredes dit barn for tinnitus (en Crossover episode)
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Mens du venter på at der udkommer en opdateret epilog, hvor Anne-Mette Mohr og jeg vil give et samlet overblik over vejen gennem tinnitusjunglen, så kan du passende lytte til en ny podcastserie fra Tinnituskompasset. I denne har jeg allieret mig med Stine Borges fra Hørerådgivningen Børn og Unge, og vi kortlægger tinnituslandskabet på børne- og ung…
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Silencil: Quieting the Noise Within - Your Path to Tinnitus Freedom
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Silencil is a cutting-edge dietary supplement crafted with precision to provide natural and effective support for those who suffer from tinnitus. https://silencil.bandcamp.com/album/silencilBởi silencils
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Tinnituskompasset er kommet til vejs ende i denne omgang. I den sidste episode reflekterer Anne-Mette Mohr og jeg over de ting vi har erfaret undervejs på rejsen gennem tinnitusjunglen. I denne episode kan du bl.a. høre om: Hvad jeg personligt har fået ud af at lave tinnituskompasset høreapparaternes betydning for tinnituslindring Den overaktive hø…
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Castberggaard - det kan du som ansat få hjælp til!
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I denne episode af Tinnituskompasset er vi på besøg på Castberggaard og hos hørekonsulent Laura Velander. Her kan du høre om de gratis tilbud organisationen har til dig med tinnitus og som er erhvervsaktiv. Hør blandt andet om: hvordan du kan få hjælp til at indrette din arbejdsplads, så den er bedre egnet til at tage højde for din tinnitus og even…
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Denne episode af Tinnituskompasset er en særudgave omhandlende lydoverfølsomhed eller hyperakusis. Jeg har allieret mig med en fremtrædende personlighed inden for tinnitus og hyperakusisforskning og behandling, nemlig Professor Richard Tyler. I denne episode kan du derfor blandt andet høre om følgende: Hvordan hyperakusis defineres. Hvad vi kender …
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House of Hearing - og ligemænd som stjerner
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På Frederiksberg ligger der et frivilligt rådgivningstilbud til borgere med tinnitus og andre hørerelaterede problemstillinger. House of Hearing er ret specielt på den måde, at det tilbyder tværfaglig, uvildig rådgivning til dig med tinnitus og/eller andre hørerelaterede problemer. I dagens episode har jeg talt med leder af House of Hearing, Ida Ca…
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Center for Hørelse og Balance - og om at lytte og forstå!
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Tinnituskompasset har besøgt Rigshospitalet og har talt med Mads Klokker, Cheflæge for Øre, Næse, Hals- og audiologi. Derudover er han leder for Center for Hørelse og Balance, et spændende tværfagligt initiativ med inddragelse af forskningsenheder og industri. På trods af en hverdag som leder for mere end 300 medarbejdere, så ser Mads Klokker forts…
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Kommunikationscentrene - og om at tage kontrollen tilbage!
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I denne episode af Tinnituskompasset har jeg talt med Ann Christin Sommer Norup som arbejder på Kommunikationscentret, Region Hovedstaden. Du kan blandt andet høre Ann Christin fortælle om: Hvorfor man egentlig begynder at høre almindelige hverdagslyde som høje Hvordan du kan forholde dig, hvis du skal til en begivenhed der ”larmer” Vigtigheden af …
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Maybe you heard of sound therapy devices like Neuromonics, Desyncra, and SoundCure? Or more recently, Lenire? Hazel talks to Steve Harrison, a musician and audiophile who has suffered from severe tinnitus for decades. Steve knows all about the use of sound for tinnitus relief. Rather than relying on expensive devices, which typically can only do on…
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Kommunikationscentrene - og hvad er det med den filterfunktion og tinnitus?
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Hvordan arbejder man på et kommunikationscenter i forhold til tinnitus? Lyt med i dette afsnit, hvor jeg har besøgt institut for syn, hørelse og døvstumhed. Her talte jeg med hørekonsulenterne Kristine Bjerrum Scharling og Karen Louise Hald. Dette er første delepisode om kommunikationscentrenes tilbud til personer med tinnitus. Lær blandt andet om …
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Telefonrådgivning - og en snak om gode søvnvaner
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I denne episode af Tinnituskompasset besøger jeg telefonrådgivningen hos Høreforeningen og taler med hørekonsulent, Anne Mette Paarup Kristensen. Derudover kan du efterfølgende høre en samtale mellem Anne-Mette Mohr og mig, blandt andet omkring mine egne problemer med søvn i en længere periode. Anne-Mette deler ud af gode søvnråd og vaner, der kan …
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Høreforeningen - det kan du få hjælp til.
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Serviceinfo: Skrivetolk til podcast. Har du problemer med følge med i podcasten på grund af høretab, så kan du på Høreforeningens hjemmeside undersøge muligheden for at få hjælp fra en skrivetolk: https://hoereforeningen.dk/hjaelp-til-dig/tolkeformidling/ Skrivetolke skriver det, som bliver sagt. Hvordan det helt præcist foregår, ved vi ikke, men H…
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I denne episode er jeg rullet en tur til Århus for at møde Christian Vinberg Thorup som til daglig er leder for den audiologiske klinik på Århus Universitetshospital. Jeg mødte Christian til en tinnituskonference tidligere på året og blev nysgerrig på hans syn på brug af høreapparater i behandlingen af tinnitus. En audiologisk klinik – eller hørekl…
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Det er søndag formiddag i september 2022. Jeg er rullet en tur lidt nord lidt nord for København for at besøge min medvært Anne-Mette Mohr hjemme hos hende. Dette er den første egentlige episode i tinnituskompasset og jeg vil tale med Anne-Mette om hvad man som lytter kan forvente sig af podcastserien. Samtidig synes jeg det er vigtigt at du får mu…
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I prologen til Tinnituskompasset kan du høre to af de førende tinnitusforskere fortælle om deres arbejde med tinnitus. Dirk De Ridder har i mange år forsket i tinnitushjernen og han giver dig hans bud på, hvorfor vi hører tinnitus. Richard Tyler er en erfaren tinnitusforsker og behandler. Han har udviklet en metodik til tinnitusbehandling i USA. De…
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The Man Who Donated a Million Dollars to Tinnitus Research
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Meet Brian Fargo, a successful video game developer who – when he developed tinnitus – tried every imaginable treatment to get rid of it, to no avail. Frustrated at the lack of effective treatment options, he decided to put his money where his mouth is. He funded the research of Dr. Hamid Djalilian from UC Irvine, who is testing electrical stimulat…
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It’s the Data, Stupid! - Christopher Cederroth and David Stockdale
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We hear figures of up to 20-30% of the population supposedly having tinnitus, but is tinnitus really that prevalent? In this episode, we learn that such data is based on population studies where people are asked questions like “have you heard ringing in your ears for more than 5 minutes in the past year?”. That’s not helpful data. When it comes to …
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Tinnitus Realities - Steve and Sean
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Living with tinnitus can be tough. It’s also different for everyone, and our experiences tend to change over time. This episode – and there will be similar ones in future – features two people’s stories: Steve and Sean. Both talk openly about how badly tinnitus affected them, but also how they ultimately learned to live with it. We talk extensively…
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Tinnitus, Ingrained in the Brain? - Prof. Dirk De Ridder
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Prof. Dirk De Ridder is one of the most cited tinnitus researchers, a very eloquent speaker, and a passionate advocate for people with tinnitus. He also runs his own brain research centre and clinic Brai3n. We spoke with Dirk about how the brain can create phantom perceptions like pain and tinnitus, and the different schools of thought in this area…
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Very few commercial drug companies focus on hearing disorders. Even fewer focus on tinnitus. Otonomy does both. In this exclusive interview, we took a deep dive with Otonomy’s executives into their drug pipeline. We spoke to David Weber (PhD), President and CEO, and Alan Foster (PhD), Chief Scientific Officer. They shared their views on what they s…
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Objectifying Tinnitus - The Bionics Institute
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A major obstacle to developing better treatments for tinnitus is the lack of a test or measure that can objectively assess whether someone has tinnitus and how severe it is. Making tinnitus measurable allows researchers to more easily assess the effectiveness of new treatments and meet the expectations of regulators in order to get those treatments…
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SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT: Christopher Spankovich, PhD, MPH TOPIC: Dr. Christopher Spankovich discusses how tinnitus interventions should address both the psychological and physiological impact of tinnitus on patients. He explores how nutrition, emotional health, and physical health all play a role in mitigating the negative impact of tinnitus. He also…
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Visual Snow and Tinnitus - Phantom Phenomena
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The two conditions are eerily similar: visual snow and tinnitus. The patient experience is often one of being misunderstood, and research is in its infancy. What can be done? Two pioneers in this field, patient advocate Sierra Domb and neurologist Dr Peter Goadsby, talk about their incredible experiences in trying to push the envelope for visual sn…
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Tinnitus and the Power of Prediction - Dr. Will Sedley
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This episode is an opportunity to learn about what’s going on in the brain of someone with tinnitus. Dr Will Sedley explains, in very clear and easy-to-understand terms, his own theory on the mechanisms underlying tinnitus, as well as the main other theories in the field. We also cover topics like: the factors that trigger the onset of tinnitus, wh…
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Hearing Lost and Found - Frequency Therapeutics
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The company we interviewed for this episode, Frequency Therapeutics, is the subject of the most active thread on the Tinnitus Talk forum, with nearly 1 million views. So of course, we wanted to hear from directly! Frequency Therapeutics is working on a new hearing regeneration treatment. Preliminary results suggest the drug might work particularly …
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Reviving Retigabine for Tinnitus - Thanos Tzounopoulos, PhD
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A drug to quieten your tinnitus. It’s what most people struggling with tinnitus desire. We had the pleasure of interviewing Thanos Tzounopoulos, PhD, director of the Pittsburgh Hearing Research Center, on his work to develop just such a drug. His work builds on the previously somewhat successful off-label tinnitus drug Retigabine. That drug was tak…
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Coronavirus Special: Tinnitus in Times of Quarantine
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This episode is quite different than what we’ve done before. You’ll hear from four people with tinnitus about how the current situation, being quarantined, has affected their lives and their tinnitus. One of these people was infected with the Coronavirus and describes how it affected his entire family and impacted his tinnitus. We also spoke with a…
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Healing Hearing, Silencing Tinnitus? - Hough Ear Institute
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Tinnitus Talk spoke with the Hough Ear Institute, a non-profit research organization that focusses on restoring hearing. They are working on two hearing regeneration treatments that could very well have benefits for tinnitus sufferers. In this episode, we spoke with Dr. Richard Kopke and Justin DeMoss. They explain the mechanisms behind their treat…
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Transforming Hyperacusis Research - Bryan Pollard
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Tinnitus Talk spoke with Bryan Pollard, the president of Hyperacusis Research Limited, based in Boston. Bryan himself suffers from hyperacusis, which he believes is due to sound exposure from a loud woodchipper several years ago. In this episode, Bryan talks about his personal experience with hyperacusis, and how this drove him to start Hyperacusis…
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