A política, na definição de Bismarck, debatida todas as semanas com sentido crítico e uma boa dose de ironia por António Saraiva, Luís Osório e Vera Gouveia Barros.
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Uma vez por semana, Guilherme Ludovice fala sobre um tema que o entusiasma.
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A positive affirmations podcast focused on bringing Good Thinking into your day. Host: Jason Connell, award-winning documentary producer & positive thinker.
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Positive Leadership has the power to change the world. By focusing on trust, empathy, authenticity and deep collaboration, leaders can energize their teams to achieve success for individuals, their organizations, and society as a whole. Yet, it remains relatively unknown outside positive psychology and neuroscience circles. Join Jean-Philippe Courtois, former member of the Microsoft senior leadership team alongside Satya Nadella and co-founder of Live for Good, as he brings Positive Leadersh ...
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Um sujeito que já gravou áudios dentro de um carro. Agora grava onde calha. Ainda está para vir o dia em que ele grava um podcast. Por @_joaomsilva_
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The first and only podcast bringing you weekly case studies in the pop culture of a dying empire. Every Wednesday, co-hosts Josh, Brian, and A.J. dissect an artifact of popular culture, breaking down how its narrative choices reflect or subvert the reactionary political project. From video games to movies to theater to an apparently infinite supply of evangelical Christian radio drama, we expose the machinations of the worst of all possible worlds in order to figure out how to build a better ...
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Sabe aquele assunto que está na mesa do bar, na sala de aula, nas redes sociais ou no trabalho? Toda semana, sempre às segundas e sextas-feiras, os jornalistas Arnaldo Ribeiro, Eduardo Tironi, José Trajano, Juca Kfouri e Mauro Cezar Pereira se encontram para debater temas relevantes e quentes do futebol brasileiro e mundial. Eles debaterão com profundidade, conhecimento, um pouco de pimenta e bom humor, que é diferente de gracinha.
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Para você, o que é ser pós-jovem? Este espaço de conversas sinceras, bem humoradas e sempre sensíveis escuta diferentes pontos de vista sobre esta fase da vida, quando ainda somos novos, mas já deixamos de ser novinhos há um bom tempo. Participe da conversa pelo @posjovem nas redes sociais.
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Being positive is up to you. When you understand how your mind works, you really can create the life you desire.
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Intelligent conversation about all things Baltimore.
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Inspirational art making interviews with artists, makers, manufacturers, and retailers of art supplies. Art Supply Posse is produced by Kim Cofield and Marcus Clearspring.
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Topics of interest to women 65 + that will empower, encourage, enhance and enlighten
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A Positive Light centered on what a relationship with God can bring to your life
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Wie kann es trotz der lebensverändernden Diagnose Parkinson gelingen, das Leben positiv, lebenswert und bunt zu gestalten? Kathrin Wersing, selbst im Alter von 40 Jahren an Parkinson erkrankt, spricht mit Menschen, die auf vielfältige Weise positiv mit der Erkrankung leben. Ein Podcast, der Mut machen soll, von Betroffenen für Betroffene, Angehörige und alle, die einen positiven Zugang zum Thema Parkinson suchen.
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Welcome to the weekly podcast of The Pentecostals of Sydney led by Pastor Stan Harvey. To learn more about the POS please visit http://posydney.com.
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Investing is all about possibilities. In this podcast, we sit down with portfolio managers, market strategists, economists, and political experts for candid conversations about the greater possibilities they see ahead. Gain more perspectives from host Brian Levitt at invesco.com/BrianLevitt, and follow him on LinkedIn and Twitter. [Invesco Distributors, Inc.]
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Mehr Leistungsfähigkeit, Motivation, Freude, Sinn, Kreativität und weniger Stress in der Arbeit – für Euch, Euer Team, Eure Organisation: Darum geht es bei „Positiv Führen“ mit Christian Thiele, dem Podcast zu Positiver Leadership und Positiver Psychologie im Job. Anregungen und Tipps, wissenschaftlich fundiert, alltagstauglich, leicht umsetzbar und lernbar. Mindestens jeden Monat eine Folge, immer am 13. Denn wann Euer Glückstag ist, entscheidet Ihr schließlich selbst! Und gelegentlich auch ...
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Dive deep into the world of animal rescue with heartwarming stories, expert interviews, and behind-the-scenes insights. From heartwarming adoptions to daring rescues, we'll explore the incredible bond between humans and animals.
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You've heard of affirmations, but have you used them successfully? Join me daily and I'll guide you through a very simple and brief activity where I'll give you 2 affirmations, a question to ask yourself and a quote to ponder. Also, now available is the Think Positive: Daily Affirmation's Podcast Companion- a simple little book to help you stay on track. Check it out at Dachia.com/think-positive .
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Exploring Music ❤️🎶 DNB. House. Chill Sunday Seshs
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The Connected Community is a place to explore possibility through mindfulness, movement, and self discovery. Our intention is to deliver inspiration, insight, and authenticity, while fostering conversations that are genuine, unfiltered, and deeply human.
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Welcome to Net Positive, a comedy podcast hosted by comedian John Crist. This show is your primary source for quality conversation, bold takes, emotionally-charged rants, questionable advice, incorrect statistics, and more. New episodes drop every Thursday on all podcast platforms, and you can catch full video episodes and more on YouTube. This podcast won't solve all the world's problems, but on the net...it's a positive. Catch the video podcast on YouTube, and follow us on social media (@n ...
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Sick and tired of environmental gloom and doom? Want to know what you can do? Listen to Possibly, where we take on huge problems, like the future of our planet, and break them down into small questions with unexpected answers. New episodes are released every Tuesday. Subscribe today wherever you get your podcasts, and leave a rating and review: it helps others find the show. Click here to learn more about Possibly or ask a question.
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Building Bridges cultivates a safe place where members of our community in the Oklahoma City area can share their stories and connect to their neighbors. Building Bridges brings the mantra of Possibilities Inc. right to your speakers by connecting through trust, dignity and service.
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Positiv korreliert- aber was bedeutet das eigentlich? Diese Frage stellen sich Kai und Luise in ihrem Podcast über psychologische Forschung. In Staffel 1 beschäftigen wir uns mit den einzelnen Bausteinen der Statistik und Forschungsmethodik in der Psychologie. Kann da nicht jede:r alles reininterpretieren? - Leider nicht, aber wir können das lernen. Staffel 2 macht den Schritt in der Praxis: Wir beschäftigen uns jede Folge mit einem Paper und schauen uns spannende statistische Methoden an, f ...
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Do you ever feel like you’ve ticked all the boxes of who you’re supposed to be and how you’re supposed to live, but… something is still missing? Meet Sandra Possing, life coach and host of “Oh, Hi Self”, a personal development podcast full of practical tips and tools, expert interviews, and unconventional success stories. She is on a mission to bring you back home to who you are and help you create an extraordinary life you love, on your own terms.
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Les pos. report, ce sont les fichiers de positions des concurrents que reçoivent les marins en course et qu'ils attendent fébrilement pour connaître leur classement. Pos. Report c'est le podcast hebdomadaire de Tip & Shaft qui explique, décortique, décrypte, analyse la voile de compétition sous toutes ses coutures en compagnie des meilleurs experts du secteur. A découvrir chaque mardi en fin d’après-midi ! Pos. Report est animé par Pierre-Yves Lautrou et produit par Tip & Shaft (http://www.t ...
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A fortnightly podcast focusing on geeky topics that are mostly, but not always, tech-related.
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Pest Posse TV provides pest management professionals with a trusted independent resource to help achieve better skills and knowledge of the pest control industry. Each week a new episode is released that provides reviews on pest control-related products that you may or may not know about, interviews with industry leaders and so much more. Watch the video versions for free on Pest Posse TV plus other video-based content like Today's PMP, Pest Posse Academy Training, and so much more. Check it ...
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A look ahead to next season's Bexhill Posse fantasy league.
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Somos una firma de abogados especialistas que, con un enfoque multidisciplinario y sistemático, encuentra soluciones integrales, creativas, prudentes y generadoras de valor agregado, que optimizan el retorno sobre la inversión y minimizan los riesgos de sus clientes.
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Fun ways to self improvement, discover your real potential through a greater mind. explore with me the fascinating world of quantum physics and dive deep into a world of infinite possibilities!
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These podcast episodes guide you to choose and use simple, short positive affirmations to create a happier more successful life.
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Personal thoughts for positive living shared by a retired counseling psychologist as we all travel on our mutual journey through life.
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A place for motivation and inspiration for those who need encouragement and support in a safe place with no wrong answers.
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A weekly sprinkle of positivity, self-care &wellness, mindfulness, and guided meditations.
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Positive Impact Podcasts showcases the people behind great businesses that seek to have a profound effect on our lives.
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This is The Possibility Perspective. The show where we peel back the layers on enhancing enterprise solutions with Workday magic and PeopleSoft innovation. We’ll sit with real-time customers who've participated in our tailored services. Whether you're eyeing a smooth Workday transition or modernizing your PeopleSoft with the power of Amazon’s public cloud (AWS), we've got you covered. We’ll dive into topics from cloud migrations to fluid user experiences. Tune in and empower yourself with th ...
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Explore the fascinating world of organ transplantation through the eyes of seasoned industry professionals as they share insights, experiences, and the latest advancements in the field. Hosted by Paragonix Technologies.
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In this podcast, we talk to people who have experienced very unique situations in their lives.
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Cloud Posse holds public DevOps “Office Hours” every Wednesday at 11:30am PST to answer questions on all things DevOps/Terraform/Kubernetes/CICD related. These “lunch & learn” style sessions are totally free and really just an opportunity to talk shop, ask questions and get answers.Register here: cloudposse.com/office-hoursBasically, these sessions are an opportunity to get a free weekly consultation with Cloud Posse where you can literally “ask me anything” (AMA). Since we're all engineers, ...
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Maurice Manning hosts a podcast featuring poetry, music and history
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Hvordan kan du stresse mindre, og få mer motivasjon, selvtillit, energi, pleie og glød inn i hverdagen? I denne podkasten gir life coach Hedda Brodtkorb og holistisk helsecoach Silvany Bricen deg de beste velværetipsene for kropp og mindset! Musikk: Njål Frode Lie. Facebook: Velværepodden med Hedda & Silvany / Instagram: velværepodden / E-post: hey@heybabe.no / Velværepodden.no Disclaimer: Innholdet i Velværepodden og på alle våre flater skal verken erstatte eller utgjøre en profesjonell med ...
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Tune-in weekly for inspiring Soul-Share interviews with consciousness change-makers hosted by the original Positive Head, Brandon Beachum. Although both Brandon and Dr. Erica Middlemiss are currently taking a break from recording solo daily episodes, you can still dive into our massive archive of over 1,500 past solo episodes featuring timeless and eternally relevant content. We know it is a daily conscious effort to maintain a positive headspace, and we're here to help keep you on the path ...
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Work Positive podcast guests share strategies and tactics, real-life stories, and case studies that focus on how you can attract top talent and reduce team turnover. The host of the Work Positive podcast, Dr. Joey Faucette, is an executive coach, culture architect, and best-selling author. His latest book, Work Positive in a Negative World: Team Edition, is the manifesto for developing your positive work culture. Listen to the Work Positive podcast if you: want to attract top talent desire t ...
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Positive Philter is a podcast about how to infuse positive thinking into everyday life. Topics range from interpersonal relationships, goal setting, positive self-talk, and spreading positivity. The creator of the podcast is Philip Wilkerson who also created the #illphilawards. The goal is to use social media and technology as a means to spread a message of hope and to influence the world for change one person at a time.
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Interviews and Discussions With Fascinating People Who are Creating A Better Tomorrow For All Of Us - Host - Ira S. Pastor
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Recorded every week from the Spare Parts Studio , Random topics deserving of my attention, from tech talk, social missteps, Q&A and always insightful sabotage of my own intelligence. Support/Free Stock: PositiveSarcasm.com/Donate
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[REDIFFUSION] - Pos. Report #200 avec Benjamin Ferré et Tanguy Le Turquais
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1:11:41Pos. Report vous propose ce mardi la rediffusion de l'épisode #200, au cours duquel Benjamin Ferré et Tanguy Le Turquais ont refait le match de leur Vendée Globe, les deux marins ayant noué sur leur premier tour du monde une relation particulière. -- Ce 200e épisode de Pos. Report reçoit deux marins qui auront été inséparables lors de la dixième éd…
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Escritora de livros como "Diorama" e "O Clube dos Jardineiros de Fumaça" (Jabuti 2018) e da newsletter "Nevoeiro" conta sobre seus processos criativos e estar longe do Brasil, cercada por aposentados em uma cidadezinha da Califórnia. Acesse a Newsletter "Nevoeiro" no Substack. Newsletter Pós-Jovem Pós-Jovem nas redes: …
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Ep.60 - Arquitetos brutos na viagem da culpa
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48:26A vida de um estudante de mestrado, depressão Martinho e Architects, Brutus e Guilt Trip.
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Evangelist Simeon Costa ministering in our Sunday Services.
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(EP12) Small Business Ideas for Personal Growth-with Mal Hunter
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24:51On this episode of Power of Positive Living, your host welcomes special guest Mal Hunter from the Galveston Small Business Center to discuss the topic of small business development.
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202: Making Miniatures with Chantal Wilson
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41:59Chantal Wilson creates miniatures inspired by the Harry Potter stories. Chantal has several YouTube channels and is also on Instagram under the following handles. YouTube channels: Ravens Minis Raven Compendium Dolls Unboxed Instagram: @ravensminis @ravencompendiumBởi Art Supply Posse
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The Art of Intentional Living w. Ellen Charnley
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59:46This conversation is close to my heart. In this episode, I’m talking with my dear friend and former client Ellen Charnley, who went from high-powered executive to heart surgery survivor to Ironman athlete… and most recently, to a joy-filled early retirement. We dive into her journey of navigating major health scares, breaking free from corporate bu…
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This podcast is for anybody with the goal of living at 100%. You've heard of affirmations, but have you used them successfully? Join me daily and I'll guide you through a very simple and brief activity where I'll give you 2 affirmations, a question to ask yourself and a quote to ponder. I have a tip jar on the site, on the main page and the podcast…
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Taylor Justice - Co-Founder & President, Unite Us - Integrated Social Care Solutions For Whole-Person Care
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47:40Send us a text Taylor Justice is the Co-Founder & President of Unite Us ( https://uniteus.com/team/taylor-justice/ ), a technology company with a mission is to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities by integrating all the social determinants of health. The Unite Us goal is to unlock the potential of every community by stra…
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Dr. Susan J. Kressly, MD, FAAP - President, American Academy of Pediatrics - Optimal Health And Well-Being For All Children
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1:06:57Send us a text Dr. Susan J. Kressly, MD, FAAP, is the President of the American Academy of Pediatrics ( https://www.aap.org/en/about-the-aap/aap-leadership/susan-kressly-md-faap/ ), an organization of 67,000 pediatricians committed to the optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young ad…
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Core Shamanism: History, Beliefs, Animism, Practices
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1:02:22Isabel Wells is the Director of Moon Rising Shamanic Institute and an active Shamanic Reiki Practitioner, Reiki Teacher, Spiritual Coach, and crafter of the Soul Speak channeling method. Her purpose is to bridge the gap between science and spirituality while guiding individuals to experience life through the Soul's eyes. Her passion for quantum phy…
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There Is Peace In Changing Your Mind, When It Is Done In Love
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1:00Good Thinking: Positive Affirmations Episode 202: There Is Peace In Changing Your Mind, When It Is Done In Love Jason Connell shares a positive affirmation focused on bringing Good Thinking into your day. Support The Show! Recorded: 03-04-25 Studio: Just Curious Media Listen: Buzzsprout Apple Podcasts Spotify Amazon Music iHeartRadio Host: Jason Co…
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In this episode, Brandon is joined by long-time listener Corey Pugliese. In it, Corey shares how his dreams and aspirations have felt blocked lately and Brandon shares the importance of getting back to the basics to align with all the good things waiting for each of us. Connect with Corey on IG at @incouraginglove Want to vulnerably share your chal…
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Episode 623: Stop Caring What Other People Think
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15:58*** BECOME A MEMBER *** Get early release podcasts, behind the scenes clips, out-takes and exclusive merchandise. https://www.patreon.com/bepositivepodcast If you’re enjoying the show, I’m sure there are others out there like you who would also enjoy the show. Help them find it. Please share this podcast and maybe the person you share it with will …
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Cloud Posse DevOps "Office Hours" (2025-03-26)
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48:25Cloud Posse holds LIVE "Office Hours" every Wednesday to answer questions on all things related to AWS, DevOps, Terraform, Kubernetes, CI/CD. Register at https://cloudposse.com/office-hours Support the showBởi Cloud Posse
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Dr. Marianne Holm, MD, Ph.D. - VP, Infectious Diseases, Novo Nordisk Foundation - Decreasing The Burden And Threat Of Infectious Diseases
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45:21Send us a text Dr. Marianne Holm, MD, Ph.D. is Vice President of the Infectious Diseases Program area, at the Novo Nordisk Foundation ( https://novonordiskfonden.dk/en/ ) where she is responsible for supporting the development and implementation of new strategic initiatives and research programs, and developing partnerships that contribute to the g…
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When Pressure Drops: Controlling the Risks of Lung Transportation with Dr. Gary Schwartz
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36:12In this episode of Every Possible Angle, Dr. Gary Schwartz, the Chief of Thoracic Surgery at Baylor University Medical Center, shares his journey into the field of transplantation, the evolution of lung transplantation practices, and the impact of new technologies like ECMO and BAROguard. He discusses the challenges faced in organ recovery and the …
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Dave Sheinin of The Washington Post joins Nestor and Luke to discuss MLB money, future and Orioles payroll realities
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33:54With Grayson Rodriguez and Andrew Kittredge unavailable for Opening Day, Dave Sheinin of The Washington Post joins Nestor and Luke at Pizza John's in Essex on the Maryland Crab Cake Tour to the state of the arms' race in baseball and where the Baltimore Orioles will get innings this season. The post Dave Sheinin of The Washington Post joins Nestor …
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Financing DoorDash, giving birth in a river, the rules of changing your name once married, and giving some advice on phone usage… On the net, it’s a positive. ------ SEND US DECOR: Lagos Creative 632 Fogg St, Ste 10 Nashville, TN 37203 ----- JOKES FOR HUMANS TOUR: https://johncristcomedy.com/tour/ 3/28 - Grand Junction, CO 3/29-30 - Salt Lake City,…
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Good Thinking: Positive Affirmations Episode 201: There Is Growth, In Stillness Jason Connell shares a positive affirmation focused on bringing Good Thinking into your day. Support The Show! Recorded: 03-04-25 Studio: Just Curious Media Listen: Buzzsprout Apple Podcasts Spotify Amazon Music iHeartRadio Host: Jason Connell Affirmation: Day One App E…
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182 - Video Redeemed The Radio Star: Definitive Edition (feat. Rosey Armstrong)
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2:36:10Saddle up your horses as the lads, along with Rosey Armstrong (Hans Gruber and the Die Hards), slap on their Crosses of Gold and dive headlong into the varied and wild world of Contemporary Christian Music (CCM). Topics include what makes Christian music Christian music, the rampaging sexiness of Michael W. Smith, and the importance of artistic int…
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Positive Sarcasm Podcast: "Tesla Vandalism, Doomsday?, 23 and Me, Don't be jealous"
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50:00(For Entertainment Purposes only, always seek a qualified professional.)Support: PositiveSarcasm.com/DonateIntro: A giant explosion right in front of my eyes...then I wake up.Segment 1: Don't touch other peoples cars...please, for your sake.Segment 2: If the worst happens be prepared, if the best happens, be invested.Segment 3: If your the smartest…
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Dr. Laura Aguilar, MD, Ph.D. - Chief Medical Officer - Diakonos Oncology - Immunotherapy For Difficult-To-Treat Indications
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1:00:12Send us a text Dr. Laura Aguilar, MD, Ph.D. is Chief Medical Officer at Diakonos Oncology ( https://www.diakonosoncology.com/ ), a clinical stage immuno-oncology company dedicated to revolutionizing cancer immunotherapy and focusing on difficult-to-treat indications, including glioblastoma. Dr. Aguilar, a physician-scientist and biotech entrepreneu…
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Luke Jones and Nestor ponder the Orioles bottom heavy pitching prospects with Gibson return
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45:31With the late addition of Kyle Gibson to remedy the loss of Grayson Rodriguez to the starting rotation to start the campaign, Luke Jones and Nestor ponder the Orioles' suddenly bottom heavy pitching prospects with injuries and one-year, veteran pitchers trying to keep a contender in games while Mike Elias and the organization regroup on the road to…
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Important information about your children and online chat rooms turning ugly
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19:45It's unthinkable but "sextortion" is happening to children locally and Kelly Truax of GBMC's Safe Program joined the Maryland Crab Cake Tour for a community awareness message about the strangers your children can easily interact with online. Please support their April 11th "Walk A Mile In Their Shoes" event on the GBMC Towson campus to raise funds.…
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Doug DeCinces joins Nestor to reminisce about Orioles baseball and winning teams that created The Magic in Baltimore
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49:14It's been a long time since we've connected with former Orioles third baseman Doug DeCinces but this tribute to Brooks Robinson, homage to that night in 1979 against the Tigers and the joys of being a part of the Roar From 34 and Memorial Stadium on those summer nights was special. Let the "Godfather" of Orioles Magic reminisce about what it meant …
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Dave Sheinin of The Washington Post joins Nestor and Luke to talk Opening Day realities for Orioles
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30:50Can Adley Rutschman return to his All Star form? Will Gunnar Henderson be healthy in April? Can Jackson Holliday stick this time? Will Colton Cowser and Jordan Westburg continue to surge? Our pal Dave Sheinin of The Washington Post joins Luke Jones and Nestor talk Opening Day realities for Orioles as the Maryland Crab Cake Tour moved to Pizza John'…
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How can a lake contribute to climate change?
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1:27On this episode of Possibly, we’re taking a look at the Great Salt Lake. The lake has been shrinking for years, but it’s also doing something strange- it’s creating more greenhouse gas emissions than people expected. The post How can a lake contribute to climate change? appeared first on TPR: The Public's Radio.…
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Farvel multitasking, velkommen "slow living"!
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36:23(Reprise) Tårnfrid-generasjonen skulle mestre alt, men hva skjedde? Ble multitasking så ekstremt at vi nå søker det motsatte? Vi dykker inn i slow living – den nye trenden for mindre stress og mer balanse – og deler enkle grep du kan teste selv! Episoden kan inneholde målrettet reklame, basert på din IP-adresse, enhet og posisjon. Se smartpod.no/pe…
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Season 6 Episode 9 "Change is Difficult But Necessary"
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9:47Change is uncomfortable, messy, and at times… terrifying. But it's also the doorway to growth, transformation, and discovering your true potential. In this empowering solo episode, we dive into why change is so hard, how to embrace it, and real-life strategies to move forward—even when you're scared. ✨ Whether you're navigating a career shift, pers…
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Não me vão apanhar a escrever outra vez o nome da série aqui na descrição. Já me bastou ir ao google para escrever o título, não vou lá outra vez confirmar, nem pensar.
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House Cocktail Vibes by Sarah JayneBởi Sarah Jayne
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Luke Jones and Nestor try to sort out Bautista, bullpen and the bump as Orioles prepare for opener
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40:33We're pretty sure the Baltimore Orioles are gonna hit the ball this season but as Opening Day in Toronto looms this week, Luke Jones and Nestor convened at their favorite pizza joint in Essex to try to sort out Felix Bautista, a depleted bullpen and who will go to the the bump as the Birds prepare to fly north for the opener. The post Luke Jones an…
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A fun conversation with Greg Jones about entrepreneurship, community, and family! Hosted by Santiago Ramones.Bởi Possibilities Inc.
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Former Delegate Todd Schuler joins Nestor for a democracy discussion about Executive Orders and three branches of government
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51:02When it's time to interpret law and order and coming to Essex, we turned to former Delegate Todd Schuler of Blondell Miller Schuler to educate us on branches of government and Executive power as we learned in social studies. A Maryland Crab Cake Tour democracy discussion about checks and balances and the consequences of elections. The post Former D…
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Janeisa Lashley of Coppin State schools Nestor on 125 years of West Baltimore education and heritage as big celebration begins
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26:20As our longtime flagship partner at Coppin State University turns 125 years old, we welcome Associate Vice President for Institutional Advancement Janeisa Lashley to school Nestor on the power of the HBCU education and all of the big celebration plans on campus this year. The post Janeisa Lashley of Coppin State schools Nestor on 125 years of West …
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#511: Brasil desfalcado encara a Argentina! Liga das Nações empolga mais?
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55:44Mauro Cezar, Arnaldo Ribeiro, Eduardo Tironi, Juca Kfouri, José Trajano e Danilo Lavieri analisam o duelo entre Brasil e Argentina pelas Eliminatórias Sul-Americanas, a pressão sobre Dorival Júnior e quem seriam os técnicos selecionáveis hoje. E ainda a rodada da Liga das Nações com classificações de Espanha, França, Alemanha e Portugal. Empolgam m…
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Doug Workman of Liberty Pure Solutions educate Nestor about local water and ways to make it safe and tasty for consumption
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22:11It's been a while since we've talked water safety with our friend Doug Workman of Liberty Pure Solutions, who continues to educate Nestor about local water impurities, well water and ways to make it safe and tasty for consumption. "Be a filter or buy a filter" simplifies the reality. The post Doug Workman of Liberty Pure Solutions educate Nestor ab…
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Luke Jones and Nestor pay homage to Queen as Terps head to Sweet 16 hitting royal red shot
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28:27It wasn't the most consistent performance against a pesky Colorado State Rams squad but the Maryland Terps managed to hit big shots down the stretch in Seattle on Sunday night and Baltimore's Derik Queen wanted the ball and got it to send the program to its first Sweet 16 since 2016. Luke Jones and Nestor discuss the rare air of San Francisco on Th…
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The 18 inches from your Head to your Heart
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29:38Bởi Bob Miles
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2025 Women in Pest Control - Scarlett Nolen
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21:15We recognize Scarlett Nolen, President of Truly Nolen of America, in our 2025 Women in Pest Control series! Her leadership and dedication to the industry are inspiring. Thanks to Nisus Corporation and Target Specialty Products for making this series possible. Learn more about Nisus https://nisuscorp.com and Target Specialty Products https://www.tar…
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Returning From the Wilderness - Simeon Costa
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40:35Evangelist Simeon Costa ministering in our Sunday Services.
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Luc-Olivier describes how to represent navigation as state in iOS app development. Related Links Homework for the next episode: Noclip's Final Fantasy XIV documentary series FU: Aide à l’achat d’une auto électrique : Tesla soumet 8653 demandes de subvention en 72 h | Radio-Canada FU: Christine Lemmer-Webber's thread on ATProto scaling down FU: YouT…
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Affirmations for Making the 3 Major Life Decisions According to Warren Buffett
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24:45In this episode you'll discover the 3 most important decisons for life success according to legendary investor Warren Buffett. You'll then learn 3 affirmations for each of the 3 important decision points and how to apply those affirmations for a happier and more successful life. Note: This episode is also shared in our "Positive Word Power" podcast…
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Former AG Brian Frosh joins Nestor to discuss democracy, laws, checks and balances and why America doesn’t have a King
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27:58The United States of America has changed dramatically over the last eight weeks. Former Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh joins Nestor to discuss democracy, laws, checks and balances and why America doesn't have a King. A refresher course and re-education on what we were all taught in middle school Social Studies class about The Constitution an…
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