No politikas līdz biznesam, par sociālo dzīvi un krimināldrāmām – pētnieciskais raidījums “Atvērtie faili” iedziļinās mūsu laika svarīgākajos notikumos. Katrs raidījums ir dokumentāls audiostāsts par procesiem un cilvēkiem, kas veido mūsu sabiedrisko dzīvi. Ja vēlies ar mums sazināties, raksti uz [email protected] vai sūti balss ziņas WhatsApp vai Signal lietotnēs uz numuru 28001144.
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Join host Leonard Duncan, a seasoned Racer/Mechanic with over 30 years of experience in the ATV industry, as he shares his unparalleled perspective and invites your favorite motorsports heroes to engage in captivating discussions. Embark on an exhilarating journey through the episodes of this extraordinary podcast, where the thrilling storyline unfolds, exploring all things related to the world of motorsports.
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Kris Keefer puts bikes, gear, accessories, hard parts... you name it, through the paces to bring you the straight verdict.
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At the intersection of Athletic Training and Business, we introduce and explore a variety of business topics and discover how they relate to the profession of athletic training.
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TBDBởi Leonard Duncan
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Show #415 - 2025 Triumph TF-450 RC Edition Re-Visit
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1:16:38We took delivery of our Triumph TF-450 RC Edition on the west coast so we take it out to some of our local tracks, in order to see if the Triumph feels similar to when we left it in Georgia back in November. How does the chassis, engine and suspension stack up against other models on the same tracks? Listen to Keefer break it down on this show!…
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#194 Pacienti staru aparāta strīdā – starošanas ierīci slimnīcā inspicē neakreditēta firma
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30:25Latvijā ik gadu aptuveni desmit tūkstoši cilvēku saslimst ar ļaundabīgu audzēju. Vairāk nekā pusei no viņiem ārstēšanas metode ir staru terapija. Zane (vārds mainīts): „15 (apstarošanas reizes) bija tās, kas ir uz krūti un četras bija vēl ārpus, lai nebūtu nekādu aizdomu.” Kurzemē šādu terapiju veic tikai Liepājas reģionālajā slimnīcā. Bet tur star…
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#193 Latvijas dabas pērles – izcirtīsim vecos mežus, kamēr politiķi lemj par to sargāšanu?
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30:27Kamēr pirms trijiem gadiem pabeigtais dabas skaitīšanas ziņojums ceļoja pa starpministriju apspriedēm, mežsaimnieki visus šos gadus turpināja cirst Eiropas nozīmes biotopus. Valdība janvārī izlēma palielināt apkārtējai videi vērtīgo mežu aizsardzības platības, tomēr dabā tie nav iezīmēti un to iznīcināšana joprojām nav apturēta pat mežos, kas piede…
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Episode 328 David Ham: "Unstoppable on Three Wheels"
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1:07:16David Ham has spent the last decade racing three-wheelers, but the journey to building a dominant team was harder than he ever imagined. Coming from the enthusiast side, he had no idea what it took to create a winning program. Over the past three years, his relentless dedication paid off, stacking up race wins and championships in 2022 and 2023—all…
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Show #414 - 2025 Gas Gas MC450 Factory Edition
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1:07:11Keefer walks you through the new Gas Gas Factory Edition and lets you in on if this bike is better than the standard MC450. With an increase in 2100.00 from the standard MC450, is this something you can feel on the track? Who is this bike for? Why would you want a Gas Gas over a KTM? All of this as well as some comparisons with other brands in this…
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#192 Jāņu dzērājšāvējs – kādēļ pēdējos gados šaujamieroču dēļ cietuši seši bērni?
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28:33Policija novēro, ka brutālais karš, ko Krievija jau trešo gadu turpina izvērst Ukrainā, ir palielinājis iedzīvotāju interesi iegādāties šaujamieročus. Andris Melkers, Valsts policijas Galvenās kārtības policijas pārvaldes Licencēšanas un atļauju sistēmas biroja priekšnieces vietnieks: „Citi arī aizdomājas par to, ka arī vēlētos kļūt par ieroču īpaš…
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Episode 327 Ed Teixeira: “ Farm Boy Turned Suspension Designer”
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1:19:05Ed Teixeira’s journey in the ATV world started in the 80s and 90s when he raced TRX 250Rs. Growing up on a farm, he developed mechanical skills by maintaining equipment alongside his family. Those early experiences laid the foundation for his future in suspension design. As his passion for ATV performance grew, so did his drive to create better-han…
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Show #413 - RP Throttle Body Talk With Jamie Ellis (2025 YZ450F Garage Build)
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1:18:24Keefer sits down with Jamie Ellis from Twisted Development to talk about the secret under the fuel tanks of some professional MX/SX teams. Can you tame down the YZ450F enough to ride it harder/longer? Is the cost of this throttle body felt enough on the track? What other teams are using an aftermarket throttle body on their bikes? What exactly is t…
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#191 "Uzbudināšana" pie neirologa - kādēļ pēc sieviešu sūdzībām ārsts tiesīgs praktizēt?
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31:20Šajā stāstā vairākkārt atkārtosies viens un tas pats scenārijs. Sieviete ierodas uz ārsta vizīti cienījamā klīnikā un ir gatava neirologa apskatei. Aleksandra, vārds mainīts: „Es jutu, ka viņš sāk aizvien tuvāk un tuvāk nākt.” Taču apskates vietā viņu sagaida hipnozes mēģinājums, nelūgti un divdomīgi pieskārieni, seksualizēti komentāri. Diāna Čerņa…
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Episode 326 Chad Lohr : “From old racing to the Modern Era”
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1:13:08Chad Lohr takes us on a journey through ATV racing history, from piecing together 2-stroke TRX250Rs in the 80s and 90s to the transition into the 4-stroke era. With the unwavering support of his father, Chad mastered the art of preparation and resilience, laying the foundation for a career filled with championships and lessons that extended beyond …
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Show #412 - A 2025 KTM 250 SX and Finding The Love For Riding Again
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1:24:15We have a unique show this week as we get Dallas Dunn in studio to talk about how a 2025 KTM 250 SX two stroke helped him find the love for riding again. This is not your traditional bike review as we dive deep into what this bike can do but also how a two stroke can make the flame for riding ignite again. We will break down the orange pumpkin and …
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#190 Cilvēki dezinfektora lukturī – vai Latvijā pēc 5 gadiem vairs nebūs bezpajumtnieku?
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30:15Eiropas Parlaments ir izvirzījis ambiciozu plānu pēc pieciem gadiem izskaust bezpajumtniecību jeb situāciju, kad cilvēki ir palikuši bez jumta virs galvas. Kaut arī tiesības uz mājokli nosaka gan vietēji, gan starptautiski likumi, Latvijā ik gadu patversmēs nokļūst vairāk nekā seši tūkstoši cilvēku. Dzintra, Rīgas patversmes sociālās rehabilitācija…
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Episode 325 Brandon Hoag: “Building Elite Conditioning in ATV Racing”
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1:11:17Join us as we sit down with Brandon Hoag, a rising star in ATV racing, to uncover the secrets behind his cutting-edge training and conditioning regimen. After narrowly missing a spot on Team USA by just one position, Brandon took 2024 as a year of growth, applying lessons learned to refine his craft. His relentless pursuit of excellence has positio…
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Show #411 - Modified Comparison (2025 Yamaha YZ250F vs. Honda CRF250R)
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1:16:33Keefer gets a modified YZ250F with a second injector, Vortex ECU as well as an FMF muffler to go against a Honda CRF250R with a ported cylinder head, HC piston, Vortex ECU and Akrapovic muffler in order to see which one is better. Different mods may have different outcomes on the track so we dissect these mods and even call up the guy who built the…
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#189 Valsts (ne)attīstība birokrātijas pinekļos – kad politiķi darbos mazinās birokrātiju?
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28:37Uzņēmēji arvien skaļāk pieprasa mazināt birokrātiju. Būvniecības saskaņošanas tempos krietni atpaliekam no kaimiņiem, un jau gadiem esam starp valstīm, kur sabiedrība vismazāk uzticas valsts pārvaldei. Tas kavē valsts attīstību. Arnis Kaktiņš, tirgus un sabiedriskās domas pētījumu centra SKDS direktors: „Galvenais ir visi tie papīri, visi tie birok…
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Episode 324 Mason Jackson: "A Rookie's Unforgettable First Season"
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1:07:41In this episode of ATV-TALK, we dive into the remarkable journey of Mason Jackson as he transitions to the pro ranks in 2024. After overcoming a devastating season-ending injury in 2022, Mason made a stunning comeback in 2023, dominating the ATV MX circuit with unexpected results on his newly built production YFZR. With high expectations for his fr…
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Show #410 - 2025 Kawasaki KX 450SR vs. Honda CRF 450RWE
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44:43Keefer breaks down the differences between. the red and green "edition" bikes and tells you what might be the better choice for you. In this episode we will cover chassis stability, engine character, suspension and even ergonomics to inform you which color could be that glass slipper you're looking for.…
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#188 Vai Krievijas neatkarīgo mediju uzņemšana Latvijā bija politiķu vēlmju domāšana?
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28:14Krievijas neatkarīgo mediju redakcijas jau vairāk nekā divus gadus strādā Rīgā un ziņo par karu Ukrainā no tāda skatpunkta, par kuru Krievijā tiem draudētu cietumsods. Kirils Martinovs, izdevuma “Novaja Gazeta Evropa” galvenais redaktors: “Mēs rakstām par to, kāpēc karš ir radikāls ļaunums.” Ar to klātbūtni Latvijā kara sākumā saistīja lielas cerīb…
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Episode 323 Danny Butler: "From Student to Mainstream Success"
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1:26:41Discover how years of dedication and learning paid off for Danny Butler, turning his passion for ATVs into a thriving career. From riding ATVs as a young enthusiast to building engines for top companies at the ATV MX Nationals, Danny's journey is a testament to hard work and perseverance. Danny's start as a young ATV rider with no idea it would bec…
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Decades of Legacy: Leonard Duncan’s Journey in the ATV World (Part 2)
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1:26:25In the second part of this special two-part series, host Leonard Duncan continues his role as the guest while Leon Spinden III unpacks even more of Leonard’s extraordinary journey through the ATV industry. Picking up where Part 1 left off, Leonard shares deeper insights into the pivotal moments of his career, the groundbreaking innovations he witne…
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#187 Zeme, kur "uztankojas" – kaimiņi grādīgo apriti ierobežo, Latvijā DUS ir alus istabas
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29:08Saeimā finiša taisnē nonākuši grozījumi alkoholisko dzērienu aprites likumā. Kopš likumprojektu pirmo reizi nodeva publiskajai apspriešanai 2021. gada jūnijā, diskusijas par tiem prasīja vairāk nekā trīs gadus un nerimst joprojām. Karina Zālīte, PVO pārstāvniecības Latvijā vadītāja: „Tas fons, kas ir Latvijā, tas vienkārši pieprasa stingrākus ierob…
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The new 2025 Kawasaki KX450 SR is here and Keefer walks you through what it's like to ride the new green machine. Does the new SR have enough power? Is the suspension valving that much different than the standard model? Listen in and see if the new SR is the right bike for you!
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Decades of Legacy: Leonard Duncan’s Journey in the ATV World (Part 1)
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1:03:15In this special two-part series, host Leonard Duncan takes the guest seat as Leon Spinden III dives into Leonard’s incredible journey through the ATV industry. From growing up as the son of a pioneer in the ATV phenomenon to developing a career that has spanned decades, Leonard shares stories of sitting on the shop floor in the 1970s, disassembling…
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#186 Astronomiskās pārtikas cenas – kādēļ par pārtiku maksājam kā bagātākajās ES valstīs?
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30:03Pēdējo gadu laikā pārtikas cenas Latvijā jau ir pārsniegušas Eiropas Savienības vidējo līmeni. Benita, dzīvo Īrijā: „Cik parasti man iznāk uz Latviju aizbraukt, vienmēr šausminos par cenu augstumu.” Cenas atsevišķām produktu grupām ir tikpat augstas kā Ziemeļvalstīs. Elza, dzīvo Somijā: „Tagad es dzīvoju Somijā. Es aizbraukšu uz Latviju un tur es v…
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Show #408 - Which One? The 2025 Honda CRF450R or CRF450R Works Edition (Test Review)
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1:25:20Keefer compares the two new Hondas and breaks down the differences out on the track. Is a 2025 CRF450R with re-valved suspension better than a RF450R Works Edition? Which bike is best for which type of rider? Is the 3000.00 mark up of the Works Edition worth It over the standard "R" model? Keefer and Eddie Laret break down these bikes and these typ…
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SHOP TALK with Leonard Duncan: "Essential tips for maintaining your machine"
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37:34Welcome to Shop Talk with Leonard, an exclusive segment of ATV-TALK where seasoned ATV mechanic Leonard Duncan takes you into the heart of ATV maintenance, performance, and racing. After our Desert Prep episode, host Leonard Duncan felt inspired to dive deeper into the world of machine maintenance. In this follow-up episode, Leonard shares invaluab…
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#185 Latvija "džungļu sulas" ķēdē – toksiska degviela caur Latviju smagi piesārņo Āfriku
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29:20Benzīns ar augstu sēra saturu, kuru Eiropā kā degvielu pārdot ir aizliegts, no Apvienotās Karalistes naftas pārstrādes rūpnīcām caur Eiropas sajaukšanas iekārtām nonāk līdz Nigērijai, kur tas izraisa smagu gaisa piesārņojuma krīzi. Otonje Ivorima, Lagosas iedzīvotāja: „Viņi mūs nogalina lēnām. Tas ir ilgtermiņa efekts.” Netīrās degvielas eksporta ķ…
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Episode 320 Ian Thomas: “Racing, Content Creation, and Inspiring Heroes“
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1:05:22In Episode 320, we sit down with Ian Thomas, an ATV racer and content creator who is carving out his place in the ATV industry. Growing up in the northern United States, Ian began his journey on utility ATVs, eventually transitioning to sport quads as he moved around the country. Ian is more than just a racer—he’s a passionate advocate for mental h…
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Show #407 - Q&A Show Your Questions Answered!
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1:38:32Kris, Heather and Aden answer your questions. In this episode they discuss amateur motocross and where it's headed, why it takes more than winning to make it nowadays, podium etiquette, as well as a bunch of your bike tech questions answered. Strap in as this show gets a little passionate!
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#184 Vēlēšanas nāk, līderi ne – vai "latviskās" partijas nākamvasar saglabās varu Rīgā?
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32:18Līdz pašvaldību vēlēšanām palicis pusgads un cīņa par Rīgu solās būt sīva. Reitingos nevienai partijai nav izteikta pārākuma. Tas liek uz krievvalodīgo vēlētāju orientētajiem domāt par apvienošanos. Lelde Metla-Rozentāle, politoloģe un RSU lektore: „Vēlēšanās ir svarīgs tas līdera saimnieka tēls, kuram tad tu uztici tās pilsētas atslēgas.” Saeimas …
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Episode 319 Nick Gennusa: “The 10th Annual Turkey Derby Race”
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1:15:25In this festive episode, we dive into the story behind Nick Gennusa’s Thanksgiving tradition: the Annual Turkey Derby, now celebrating its 10th anniversary. Nick shares how the idea for this one-of-a-kind event was born, how he built the track, and how it grew into a beloved tradition for racers and fans alike. Beyond the derby, we discuss Nick’s p…
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Show #406 - The AMA National Hare N Hound Experience
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2:08:06My buddy "Janky Mike" and I decided to go race the last AMA national Hare N Hound of they year in Lucerne Valley, Ca. In this episode we break down the event itself, how racing a factory Husqvarna went, why I got docked 5 minutes, why Mike got an anxiety attack, why you have to be crazy to get a holeshot on a bomb run, how tough these races are, wh…
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#183 Viens darbs, atšķirīgas algas – kāpēc cilvēki reģionā saņem zemākas algas nekā Rīgā?
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28:41Pašreizējā Evikas Siliņas, un arī vairums iepriekšējo valdību pēdējo 15 gadu laikā, ir solījušas mazināt ienākumu nevienlīdzību Latvijā. Tomēr algu atšķirība par vienu un to pašu darbu Rīgā un reģionos šodien var sasniegt pat vairākus simtus eiro. Eva Selga, Latvijas Personāla vadīšanas asociācijas valdes priekšsēdētāja: „Šis nav taisnīgi, ja, it s…
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Episode 318 Santo Derisi: “From XC Pro to Business Pro”
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1:01:55Former XC Pro Santo Derisi raced during the golden era of the TRX 250R, building a foundation of skills that would shape his future. Now retired from professional racing, Santo has channeled his expertise into Derisi Racing, a thriving business specializing in suspension development and machine preparation for XC racing. In this episode, Santo disc…
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Show #405 - 2025 Triumph TF-450 RC Edition First Impression
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1:17:33Triumph had us out to their race facility in Culloden, Georgia to test out their 2025 TF-450 RC Edition. In this show we will go over what this bike feels like on the east coast clay, what it compares to on the track, how it would stack up against a Yamaha/KTM/Kawasaki, if the KYB suspension is as good as the YZ and A LOT of your questions answered…
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#182 Finanšu migla Rēzeknē – vai Latgales pilsētai izdosies izkļūt no milzīgiem parādiem?
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29:29Ir pagājis gads kopš Rēzeknes domi vairs nevada tās ilggadējais mērs Aleksandrs Bartaševičs. Pašvaldībā tagad lēmumus pieņem pagaidu administrācija. Tā jau četrus mēnešus mēģina mazināt budžetā tēriņus, lai risinātu situāciju ar Rēzeknes parādiem. Guna Puce, Rēzeknes valstspilsētas pašvaldības pagaidu administrācijas vadītāja: „Parādsaistības ir mi…
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#181 Kamēr Eiropā atsakās no atkritumu dedzināšanas stacijām, Latvijā tikai plāno atvērt
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28:42Kamēr citas Eiropas valstis pakāpeniski samazina jaudas, lai atkritumus izmantotu kā kurināmo un šādi no tiem atbrīvotos, Latvijā tikai gatavojas atvērt atkritumu dedzināšanas jeb reģenerācijas stacijas. Iedzīvotājiem, kuru tuvumā tādas grib būvēt, ir aizdomas, ka tās piesārņos apkārtējo vidi un apdraudēs viņu veselību. Diāna Josone, Silabriežu cie…
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Episode 317 Josh Merritt: “Building a Winning Program”
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52:54The 2023 season was transformative for Josh Merritt, who added a dedicated mechanic and a few critical sponsors, setting him up for greater success. As he crossed the finish line, Josh knew he belonged among the XC1 Pros. Now, after winning a round in 2024 and securing 4th in the year-end points, he’s setting his sights on a title in 2025. Tune in …
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Show #404 - 2024 Dubya USA World Vet Recap
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1:39:12Matt Sirevaag, Darkside and Keefer recap the World Vet race at Glen Helen. From Matthes and Fireman Dave battles, off track shenanigans to fights almost breaking out in staging, we got you covered like you were there. An event that brings out all the fun and hatred for dirt bikes! There is NOTHING like World Vet Weekend!…
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#180 Poļi pret SMS kredītu milzi – kādēļ „4finance” meitasuzņēmums ir Polijas sankcijās?
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28:41Polijas iekšlietu un administrācijas ministrs nacionālo sankciju sarakstā iekļāvis Latvijā izveidotās kompānijas „4finance” meitasuzņēmumu. Poļi uzskata, ka iespējamās īpašnieku saites ar krievu kapitālu rada risku, ka kredītņēmēju dati var nonākt naidīgās valsts rīcībā. Ainars Latkovskis, Saeimas Nacionālās drošības komisijas priekšsēdētājs: „Šis …
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SHOP TALK with Leonard Duncan: “Desert season prep: Your Ultimate Guide to Getting Ready”
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35:20Welcome to Shop Talk with Leonard, an exclusive segment of ATV-TALK where seasoned ATV mechanic Leonard Duncan takes you into the heart of ATV maintenance, performance, and racing. With desert season upon us, we’re diving into all things prep for your first adventure! In this debut episode, Leonard shares essential tips on how to ready your ATV, ma…
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Show #403 - 2025 450 Non Shootout
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1:06:14Keefer walks you through all of the media 450 shootout results as well as discusses each bike and why it may have ranked where it did. Keefer will also give his rankings then give you three must have modifications for each bike to make it better, then see if those mods will help that bike improve its ranking/results!…
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#179 Pēcdzemdību depresija pagaidīs? Par to un vardarbību dzemdībās joprojām tikai diskutē
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28:39Jaunajai māmiņai ir vesels zīdainis un mīlošs vīrs, bet pēc dzemdībām viņa jūtas tā, kā nevajadzētu. Anna Āboliņa, jaunā māmiņa: „Es vienkārši iedevu zīdaini vīram un izgāju ārā pa durvīm, stāvēju pagalmā un raudāju, jo nevarēju saprast, kas ar mani notiek.” Kaut arī viņas jaundzimušo ierodas apskatīt ģimenes ārsts, un sieviete pati dodas vizītē pi…
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Episode 316 Chloe Harper: “Chasing Victory: Living the Life of a Full-Time Racer”
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1:06:34With a solid sponsor package fueling Chloe Harper’s race program, she’s pushing hard to make her mark in the WXC. Early season challenges arose from Chloe’s relentless drive to secure wins, but she’s finding her balance. Chloe Harper, now in her sophomore season, has already left a mark on the ultra-competitive WXC class, solidifying herself as one…
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Show #402 - 2025 Kawasaki KX250 First Impression
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46:17Get the details on Kawasaki's new KX250 for 2025 and see how it stacks up against other bikes in its class. Is the green bike your choice for 2025? Let Keefer help you with that decision!
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#178 Bunkus prāva zem spiediena – ja drīz nebūs tiesas sprieduma, apsūdzētos var atbrīvot
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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30:19Noslēgumam Rīgas pilsētas tiesā tuvojas maksātnespējas administratora Mārtiņa Bunkus slepkavības iztiesāšana. Prokurors apsūdzētajiem prasa bargus sodus. Rimants Kuzma, prokurors: „Uzskatu, ka sods Mihailam Uļmanam, Aleksandram Babenko un Viktoram Krivošejam ir nosakāms brīvības atņemšanas veidā.” Lai mēģinātu novilcināt laiku, viens no viņiem, vis…
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Episode 315 Hunter Hart: “ Rising from the Struggles: Hunter’s Journey in 2024”
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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42:01Hunter Hart, the #2 XC1 Pro in 2023, has faced a challenging 2024 season. Despite the setbacks, including DNFs and struggles, Hunter’s unwavering inner strength continues to shine through. He’s building his XC1 program for future success, learning valuable lessons from a tough year. Join us as we discuss how Hunter’s resilience and hard work will s…
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Show #401 - 2025 Honda CRF250R Works Edition Review
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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1:15:32Keefer walks you through Honda's first Works Edition CRF250R and fills you in on the differences between the "R" and the "WE". Is the increased price tag worth it, can you feel the polished head work on the track, what exactly is "polishing" when it comes to head work as well as other tidbits about the new "WE" that you can't get anywhere else.…
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#177 (Ne)aizliegtās azartspēļu reklāmas – kādēļ par spīti aizliegumam tās redzamas visur?
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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28:40Azartspēļu reklāmas Latvijā ir aizliegtas. Taču realitātē to zīmoli rēgojas acu priekšā visur. Sporta pasākumos, influenceru ierakstos, kultūras norisēs. Nu jau arī uz ielām. Inese Braže: “Bet šis ir legāli? Signe Birne: Nu nē. Nē, tas arī būtu verams ciet.” Nozare likumus apiet radoši. Spēļu zāles vietā reklamē sporta bāru vai pat apģērbu veikalu,…
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