Anything worth sharing
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Welcome to the Abdullah podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to the Abdullahi ayaanle podcast, where amazing things happen.
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My podcast show
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Abdullah Lucknawi is an character based individual who plays the role of a care free and fun loving human in his quest of life.
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Abdullah Ahmed AL-zhrani
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My podcast is all about Muslim and the society! Stay tuned for more of my talk. God bless you all
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Mamun Abdullah
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Abdullah Alamin
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Welcome to the Abdullah Daulatzia podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to the Abdullah Cheema podcast, where amazing things happen.
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İlahiyatçı Yazar Abdullah İmamoğlu'nun sunumuyla 9 sezondur devam eden tefsir derslerimizi podcast olarak dilediğiniz yerde dinleyebilirsiniz.
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Welcome to the Hassan Yusuf Abdullahi podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to Abdullah Khan Podcast where you will hear ideas about new world order
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ANYTHING. STORIES, IDEAS, THEORIES AND MUCH MORE. literally anything. It's my official podcast and I love it. Just chill. My life experiences
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Abdullah Almuta Ali
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Welcome to the Muhammad Abdullah Farooq podcast, where amazing things happen.
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It's a podcast Cover art photo provided by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash:
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القارئ عبدالله البعيجان - رواية حفص عن عاصم - Abdullah Albuajan - Rewayat Hafs A'n Assem |
موقع المكتبة الصوتية للقرآن الكريم
المصحف الكامل للقارئ من موقع المكتبة الصوتية للقرآن الكريم Mp3 Quran Abdullah Albuajan - Rewayat Hafs A'n Assem
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القارئ جمال شاكر عبدالله - رواية حفص عن عاصم - Jamal Shaker Abdullah - Rewayat Hafs A'n Assem
موقع المكتبة الصوتية للقرآن الكريم
المصحف الكامل للقارئ من موقع المكتبة الصوتية للقرآن الكريم Mp3 Quran Jamal Shaker Abdullah - Rewayat Hafs A'n Assem
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القارئ محمد عبدالحكيم سعيد العبدالله | الدوري عن الكسائي - Mohammad Al-Abdullah | Rewayat AlDorai A'n Al-Kisa'ai |
موقع المكتبة الصوتية للقرآن الكريم
المصحف الكامل للقارئ من موقع المكتبة الصوتية للقرآن الكريم Mp3 Quran Mohammad Al-Abdullah | Rewayat AlDorai A'n Al-Kisa'ai
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القارئ محمد عبدالحكيم سعيد العبدالله | البزي وقنبل عن ابن كثير - Mohammad Al-Abdullah | Rewayat Albizi and Qunbol A'n Ibn Katheer |
موقع المكتبة الصوتية للقرآن الكريم
المصحف الكامل للقارئ من موقع المكتبة الصوتية للقرآن الكريم Mp3 Quran Mohammad Al-Abdullah | Rewayat Albizi and Qunbol A'n Ibn Katheer
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Sabad Caano reforestation plants project is a large scale reforestation project in Somalia that aims to restore previously forested areas that have been affected by human activities such as logging agricultural clearance development construction and firewood collection.Bởi Mohamed abdullahi
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[9. Ders] Abdullah İmamoğlu ile Tefsîr-ul Furkân | İfsat Nedir? | Bakara Suresi 11 – 13. Ayetler
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Đã thích
41:39Bu dersimizde ifsat meselesini açıklamaya çalışacağız. İfsat nedir, nasıl anlaşılmalıdır? Kalpteki hastalığın nedeni nedir? Kim ifsat edici kim ıslah edicidir? İlah konusunu nasıl anlamalıyız? [9. Ders] ►
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[8. Ders] Abdullah İmamoğlu ile Tefsîr-ul Furkân | Münafıkların Özellikleri | Bakara Suresi 9 – 11. Ayetler
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34:51İman ettiklerini söyleyip de gerçekte iman etmeyen münafıkların özellikleri nelerdir? Münafıkların asıl maksatları nedir? Kimileri niye bir “ebu Cehil” değil de münafık olmayı tercih ettiler?... [8. Ders] ►
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[7. Ders] Abdullah İmamoğlu ile Tefsîr-ul Furkân | Kâfir Kime Denir? | Bakara Suresi 6 – 8. Ayetler
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41:08Ayetlerin ışığında yolumuzu aydınlatmaya devam ediyoruz. Bu dersimizde; “kafir kime denir?”, “İman etmede inat eden kalbi mühürlenmişler kimlerdir?”, “münafıkların özellikleri…” ve daha fazlasının cevabını bulabilirsiniz…
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[6. Ders] Abdullah İmamoğlu ile Tefsir-ul Furkan | İman ve Amel | Bakara Suresi 3 – 5. Ayetler
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Đã thích
40:01Kurtuluşa ermenin en temel şartı olan “iman ve amel” konuları Bakara Suresi’nin 3 ila 5 inci ayetleri çerçevesinde bu dersimizin ana konusunu oluşturuyor. Ahirete ve rızkın Allah'tan olduğuna iman nasıl olmalıdır? Ve daha fazlası bu dersimizde…
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[5. Ders] Abdullah İmamoğlu ile Tefsîr-ul Furkân | Bakara Suresi Faziletleri | Bakara Suresi 1 – 3. Ayetler
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35:47Rasulullah Salallahu Aleyhi ve Sellem’in Kur'an-ı Kerim’in zirvesi olarak belirttiği Bakara Suresi'nin faziletleri, mukatta harflerinin anlamı, belagatı ile Kur'an'ın Mekkeli müşrikleri düşürdüğü acziyet ve daha fazlası bu dersimizde...
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[4. Ders] Abdullah İmamoğlu ile Tefsîr-ul Furkân | Kul Olmanın Formülü | Fatiha Suresi 5 - 7. Ayetler
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35:07Kulluğumuzu en zirveye taşımanın formül nedir? Bu dersimizde Fatiha Suresi’nden hareketle Allah’a olan kulluğun nasıl olması gerektiğine açıklık getiriyoruz.
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[3. Ders] Abdullah İmamoğlu ile Tefsîr-ul Furkân | "Besmele"nin Manası | Fatiha Suresi 1 - 4. Ayetler
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35:02Tefsir derslerimize Fatiha suresi ile giriş yapıyor ve her işe başladığımızda dile getirdiğimiz "besmele"nin manasını ve önemini anlatıyoruz.
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[2. Ders] Abdullah İmamoğlu ile Tefsîr-ul Furkân | Kur’an-ı Kerim Kimin Kelamıdır?
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37:48Bu programda, Kur’an-ı Kerim’in Allah’ın kelamı olduğunun ve Kur’an’ın Mucize oluşunun ispatı ile Kur’an’ı Sahabe efendilerimiz gibi nasıl anlarız konusunun yanında, Kur’an’daki muhkem ve müteşabih meselesine değineceğiz…
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[1. Ders] Abdullah İmamoğlu ile Tefsîr-ul Furkân | Tefsir Nedir?
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37:20Bu programda "Kur'an-ı Kerim nasıl bir kitaptır?", "Tefsir nedir?" gibi soruların cevaplarını açıklığa kavuşturarak tefsir derslerimize başlıyoruz. Haydi bismillah...
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My opinion on Kahsmiri weddings.
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What is the most important thing in life?? What really matters? I will answer this question in this episode. Life is unpredictable.———Instagram and Twitter: @abdullah_bizz
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বলরাম বসাক এর অনুবাদ থেকে গল্পটি পাঠ করা হয়েছে ...
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Anything. Stories, ideas, theories. ANYTHING.
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This is a short description about humans written and voiced by Abdullah Lucknawi;this talks about we humans how we tend to move so fast in our lives and we forget who we are and bring in so many hatred for ourselves through our deeds......
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In this episode Apka dost Apka host is having conversation with Bundela aka Priyanshu who doesnt have any impact of lockdown,do listen and share with others👍
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In this episode Abdullah Lucknawi is caught in a candid conversation with one of relatives who happens to be from Dubai and is unable to move back to her place due to lockdown do listen the ordeal👍
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We are in a situation of lockdown and there is a breed in humans called lovers who are on verge of becoming extinct so this special episode is dedicated to all love birds;starring Anushtha Mishra and Abdullah Lucknawi caught in a random conversation with each other.
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Meri Kahani Meri Zubani is a story of Abdullah Lucknawi who wishes to go down his memory lane and shares some of his moments
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A special episode on mothers day....
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This is about kaifi azmi sahab
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It's a podcast
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This is about discussing some of the pressing issues midnight.
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This Podcast is knowing about who you are as a person.
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This podcast is in reference to the initiative taken by Ek Sakoon to spread Love as a news perspective to their existing mindsets.
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In this segment we brings to you the stories of people and those who cant voice out but do have emotions.
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Allah the Almighty love his creations and his test is indeed a sign of love for you.
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Three qualities of deeds
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The Almighty God doesn't like those that are Arrogance!
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Episode 3: God loves those that are Ego free
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1:36It's a verse from chapter 31 of the Quran, where Allah speaks about people who are Arrogance and burst full on earth.
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The best of sinners are those who repent to their maker
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continue reading and we are going out for a bit late to get the airport and then we are
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فن الإلقاء
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