Tentang aku, dan semuanya
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It's generally diverse 👐,it's an open forum for any kind of issue
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Welcome to the Dinara podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Selamat datang di dunia podcast Dinar Lollypop, podcast yang isinya ngobrolin topik A-Z, dari bener sampe ngawur. Semua dibahas disini
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La realitat des de ben a prop i al detall. Amb Mariola Dinars.
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Global Currency Reset - Economic Collapse - Iraqi Dinar Guru Revaluation Facts
Dominick Giammarino
This podcast is about the Global Currency Reset. I discuss the Iraqi Dinar revaluation, the state of the global economy, the IMF and you will understand what you need to do to prepare for the Global Currency Reset.
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Come behind the scenes with Linda, a practitioner and catalyst for connecting inner wisdom with outward success and healing through prayer. She helps people find healing answers with her messages on how to develop spiritual intuition, deepen your understanding, and find peace and healing in a chaotic world. Linda shares how she's praying and helping others to experience powerful answers and practical healing effects. She also interviews top medical researchers who are documenting the positiv ...
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The illuminated City, Madina, under the noble Prophet, peace be upon him, and then under those who immediately succeeded him, is the true dynamic model on which any Islamic society must be based. This model has for centuries been brought to life in different places and in many different times. These include the Mahgrib, Andalusia, West Africa, Topkapi and Nusantara.. At the heart of this model are the everyday contacts and contracts such as commercial transactions, money and of course Zakat. ...
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Mini review Film Joker
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Kamu Bucin, Ini Ciri - Cirinya.. #enaknyabahasapaya1
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Banyak orang bilang Bucan - Bucin tapi asli gue ngga tau kalau ternyata Bucin itu Budak Cinta... Apakah kamu salah satunya..? Berikut ciri - cirinya
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Hello, this is my first Podcast
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First make love dan tabu nya Hal seks
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Ngomongin first make love dan kenapa seks jadi hal tabu untuk sebagian orang. Ga sendiri. Gue ajak HumanIbot untuk ngeramein sesi ini
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Aplikasi pemersatu dua insan yang asing untuk Meet up
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Ya dengerin aja deh pokoknya cerita curhat tapi ngawur
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Hobi gue yang cuma nyanyi
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Today we’re going to be exploring a type of Prayerful Treatment called my Daily Defense. It’s called Daily Defense because in order to gain the promised understanding from our spiritual communion with God, we need to first silence the noise, all of the thoughts interrupting our peace of mind, all of the chaos that the world is shouting. We need to …
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Global Currency Reset Podcast - Your Questions Answered
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This was a live call for my global currency rest podcast: http://globalcurrencyreset.net/currency-news-podcast-your-questions-answered/ http://globalcurrencyreset.net/ To listen on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/global-currency-reset-global/id890356838?mt=2 http://www.nickgiammarino.com/ Google+ https://plus.google.com/+Globalcurrencyr…
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Diga'm on vius i et dir si pots posar plaques solars - 14/03/15
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A partir del 18 de mar est disponile al web de l'AMB el Primer Mapa Solar de l'rea Metropolitana de Barcelona. Des d'aquestportal online, qualsevol ciutad podr fer una recerca del carrer on viu i veure el seu edifici en tres dimensions, mesurar-ne laradiaci solar incident a la zona i si s factible la installaci de plaques solars o fotovoltaiques a …
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De Montgat a les botigues de Sitges - 07/03/15
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Arriba el bon temps i us proposem passejar des de Montgat fins a Sitges per la costa. Aix s possible grcies a un seguit d'actuacions que ha fet els ltims anys l'rea Metropolitana. s un exemple de les moltes petites obres que l'AMB ha fet a l'espai pblic metropolit. No fa massa setmanes, un grup de persones que tenen blogs de turisme van fer el traj…
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Amb la crisi ha augmentat el nombre de famlies que no poden fer front a un habitatge. s per aix que l'IMPSOL treballa per fer habitatges de protecci oficial que requereixin poc manteniment. A ms i per primera vegada, posen en funcionament un lloguer social assequible en 1500 habitatges de protecci oficial.…
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El Congrs mundial de Mbils s la setmana ms complicada per la mobilitat a Barcelona i a l'Hospitalet. Es calcula que unes 90.000 persones passen pel congrs. Mentre s'espera que la Lnia 9 del metro uneixi Barcelona amb l'aeroport el 2016, els taxistes han de fer aquest trajecte i s'han de coordinar. La Mariola Dinars ho explica.…
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Posar un ascensor s una actuaci social de primer ordre - 14/02/15
Nghe Sau
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El gerent del consorci de l'habitatge de l'AMB Jos Antonio Artmez ens detalla els plans de rehabilitaci dels edificis. Per primera vegada l'AMB anuncia un pla amb ajudes a fons perdut que permeten pagar en un 40 per cent les obres. Es calcula que 22212 persones se'n veuran beneficiades.
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12 consells per a un 2015 ms sostenible - 28/12/14
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La Mariola Dinars menja el ram i aprofita per donar-nos un consell per cada campanada amb l'objectiu de canviar els hbits per aconseguir un 2015 ms sostenible.
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Trobar feina grcies als Plans socials d'ocupaci de l'AMB - 13/12/14
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La Mariola Dinars ens explica la histria del Pedro i la Slvia. Els dos han trobat feina grcies als plans d'ocupaci social del seu ajuntament en collaboraci amb l'rea Metropolitana de Barcelona. Sn els reportatges de l'AMB.
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La Mariola Dinars visita un dels mercats ms antics de l'rea Metropolitana de Barcelona. s el Mercat Sagarra de Santa Coloma de Gramanet. n un mercat que l'Ajuntament de la ciutat i l'AMB han rehabilitat respectant la faana modernista.
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Interest Rates, Cashing out - Reset - Gold and Silver - Assets - Dinar Revaluation
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Newest podcast for Global Currency Reset November 30, 2014 Interest rates, and why savings accounts are useless. Derivatives and bailouts - The main reason we have had so many problems. How much to keep in the bank, and is your money safe? Paying off debt Direct deposit, why and how you can increase your ATM with drawl limit (see below) Ending of Q…
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Qu s una ciutat intelligent, una smart city? - 30/11/14
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La Mariola Dinars visita l'"Smart City Expo" i comprova que les administracions locals i l'AMB ja apliquen la tecnologia a les ciutats.
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A punt d'estrenar la nova escola "Els encants" de Barcelona - 12/10/14
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Fa sis anys que fan classe en uns mduls. El setembre del 2015 s'inaugura la nova escola "Els encants" de Barcelona. Fan el que s'anomena educaci no directiva. Per definir com ha de ser la nova escola s'han posat d'acord les famlies, la direcci de l'escola encapalada per l'Agns Barba i l'AMB.
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La Mariola Dinars ha anat a un taller de tantra per a persones amb discapacitat. L'objectiu del taller s poder potenciar el sentit del tacte.
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Com rehabilitar el teu edifici? - 05/10/14
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Es calcula que a l'rea metropolitana hi ha 200.000 edificis i, segons dades de l'INE, un 10 per cent d'aquests els cal una millora. Ara l'AMB obra un perode de subvencions per aquests 20.000 edificis que necessiten rehabilitaci.
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Dibuixant de dia, taxista de nit - 14/09/14
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El dibuixant Bi acaba de publicar "Taxi driver", un cmic que ha fet desprs de passar-se quatre anys treballant de taxista. Bi va decidir fer el taxi quan la feina de dibuixant li va baixar per culpa de la crisi.
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El Fernando, l'avi de la bicicleta elctrica - 07/09/14
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La Mariola Dinars visita el Fernando a Sant Just Desvern. s una de les primeres persones que ha comprat una bicicleta elctrica grcies al servei Bicibox i les ajudes de l'rea Metropolitana de Barcelona.
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La resposta a aquesta pregunta i moltes altres qestions tenen la resposta al dossier educatiu "Coneguem les platges metropolitanes". La resposta tamb la tens al reportatge.
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L'AMB est implantat cistelles per poder practicar aquest esport mixte a les platges metropolitanes.
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Platges netes per dins i per fora - 17/08/14
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La Mariola segueix el procs d'anlisi de la sorra de la platja. Una tcnica en recull una mostra que va directament al laboratori de l'AMB situat a la Depuradora de Gav que es dedica a analitzar l'aigua i la sorra de les platges metropolitanes.
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Digui'm quins sn els hbits en els desplaaments i et dir com va l'economia - 10/08/14
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L'AMB ha presentat les dades dels hbits en el transport i d'aquestes dades en podem extreure diverses conclusions.
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PODCAST #5 NOTES global economic collapse Breaking News From Iraq James Madison quote If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy. Replacing elected officials with bankers, this is just the way it is. ISIS is Al Qaeda, why is the flag the same? Map check, Syria, Iraq, WMDs mentioned in both count…
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Willem Middelkoop The Big Reset Interview - Nick Giammarino
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My long interview with Willem Middelkoop, the author of the 2014 book "The Big Reset" Full YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTLLDbw175k&list=UUkg6lryLaHasd7ez-qVC2AQ Global Currency Reset Website Link: http://globalcurrencyreset.net/willem-middelkoop-big-reset/
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Global Currency Reset Podcast #4 July 1 2014 News Updates US Stocks Close at Records - Economic Collapse - Michael Synder via Infowars Argentina default coming, again, structural reforms coming? Purchasing power in the United States going down, a lot. Cyprus wealth confiscation coming to the United States? Unemployment in France, all time high Cons…
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HR 2847 | Global Currency Reset Podcast 03
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HR 2847 Summary Podcast There is more to the RV (revaluation) than just knowing rates. Swiss Bank accounts are no longer safe! What should the elite do? What should you do? What if I don't have money in offshore accounts? Should I renounce my citizenship? Short answer is no by the way. Penalty for failure to disclose. $10,000, and that's not all! I…
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My interview with Rich Morris, the American Contractor Rich can be reached through his website here: http://americancontractor.com Topics of today's podcast PM Nuri MalakiIraq buys 36 tons of gold, when will they receive it?Is the gold physical or digital?Germany wants their gold back.Why is CBI buying so much gold?Backing the dinar with gold.USA T…
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JUNE 9 2014 Discussion: POS Machines - Cashless society Zimbabwe Dollar - Not being used, zeros already removed, hyperinflation, multi-currency system Coinage in Canada and the United States, minting costs, nickel hoarding, copper in pennies. The NDA July 1st HR Bill https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/111/hr2847/text/eah TNT Tony buying fake tw…
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La Mariola Dinars ens explica com s la nova aplicaci del Taxi desenvolupada per l'rea Metropolitana de Barcelona en un moment on n'hi diverses d'internacionals i algunes fetes a Catalunya. Tamb parlem amb el gerent de l'Institut Metropolit del Taxi, Eduard Rmia que ens remarca que l'aplicaci demostra que el taxi no s car.…
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On destina els diners recaptats el Pare Manel? - 01/06/14
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La Mariola Dinars passeja pel barri del Verdum de Barcelona on va arribar l'any 1976 Manel Pousa, el Pare Manel. Amb un grup de voluntaris i el mateix Pare Manel volem veure on van els diners que cada any recapta amb el concert "Guanya't el cel amb el Pare Manel".
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Hajj Amal Douglas shares his personal notes and experience in on the Maliki fiqh position and preparing to make the best of the blessed month. Recorded at the Ihsan Mosque in NorwichBởi Amal Abdalhakim-Douglas
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Islam & Real Money - Shaykh Abdalhaqq Bewley
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A talk given by the renowned teacher, author and translator of the Qur'an, Hajj Abdaklhaqq Bewley, delivered in Norwich as part of the Muslims of Norwich exhibktion and provide courtessy of http://muslimsofnorwich.org.ukBởi Hajj Abdalhaqq Bewley
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Zakat - Questions & Answers with Hajj Abdussamad Clarke
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Hajj Abdussamad Clarke brilliantly answers some common and other more technical questions connected to the re-establishment of the proper collection and distribution of Zakat in the modern age according to the Maliki Madhab. recorded in Norwich in the UKBởi Abdussamad Clarke
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Delivered by Amir Pak Zaim at the 12th International Fiqh Conference held in Cape Town, South Africa in October 2009. This wonderful presentation shows clearly that the Full implementation of Silver Dirham, Gold Dinar and Fulus in Muamalat is on the way, and demonstrates that there is a Working and sustainable model available, replicable and amenda…
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The Islamic Muamalat - An Interview with Umar Vadillo
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(Rais) Abu Bakr Reiger interviews Umar Vadillo about the current world financial crisis and the necessary Islamic alternative. Umar Vadillo covers the fallacy of islamic banking, globalisation and the Islamic MuamalatBởi Umar Vadillo
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Dr Habib Dahinden explains exactly how the modern financial works and its basis of fiat money and debt, He then explains how the only alterbative is a shariah based ecaonomic system and currency. This talk was delivered as part of the 11th International Fiqh Conference held in Cape Town, South Africa on the 18th October 2008. To see the full confer…
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A Guide to Using the Zakat Assessment Form
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A guide to using the Zakat Assessment form which can be dowloaded at http://zakatpages.com
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The Islamic Dawla - A Political and Social Necessity for 21st Century Society - Amal Abdalhakim-Douglas
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Amal Abdalhakim-Douglas outlines the components and realities of the Islamic dawla in our time, that is the Islamic social order that includes, mosques, markets, schools, bath houses, soup kitchens and more, but in a truly modern context which makes clear that islam is for today, and is the only solution to combat the spiral degeneration of what ha…
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In this talk given as part of the Ramadhan Discourses, Abdulhalim Orr explains the thinking and practical realities behind the Islamic Imaret. He also looks at the historical settings of this Islamic social and economic order and its relevance to today's society for Muslim and non-Muslim alike.Bởi Abdulhalim Orr
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