Hier finden Sie alle Predigten der Ecclesia Church
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Agência de informação da Igreja Católica em Portugal
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A collection of media, reflections, and resources from Ecclesia in Houston, Texas. Ecclesia is Houston’s Holistic Missional Christian Community. For additional information on Ecclesia Houston visit us online at http://ecclesiahouston.org
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Lord's Day sermons from Ecclesia Church of Dallas. www.ecclesiachurch.org
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Diskutujeme o aktuálním dění a současných tématech s odborníky, kteří mají k dané problematice co říct. Pojďte se spolu s námi vzdělávat v otázkách souvisejících s vírou a křesťanstvím obecně.
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Ray Eppard discusses how to implement biblical principles into politics and government.
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Wir sind eine Kirche mit Standorten in Roth und Hilpoltstein, in der Menschen neue Hoffnung schöpfen können und bedingungslos angenommen werden; ein Ort, an dem Menschen die Möglichkeit haben, Gott zu begegnen. Die Gottesdienste am Sonntag sind das Highlight der Woche, wir treffen uns um gemeinsam Gott zu feiern, von Gott zu hören und Zeit miteinander zu verbringen. Das Kernstück unserer Gottesdienstes ist die realitätsnahe und praxisorientierte Predigt, durch die jeder von uns herausgeforde ...
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Interviewing academics at all levels in order to promote all levels of study on the history of Christian Churches.
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Sunday Sermons and more.
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Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Witness Lee's spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers.
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Welcome to the Ecclesiastes podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Ecclesia is a community of people in Hollywood, CA. Our mission is helping people find their place in God's family where we can discover and live God's purpose together.
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Ecclesia Arts Collective is a group of young men and women eager to serve God and others by using our art platforms to share the Gospel. Follow us on Instagram @ecclesiaartscollective
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Como filhos de Deus, nos submetemos sem reservas ao Seu bom governo. Anunciar o evangelho da Graça ao maior número possível de pessoas; cuidar, ensinar, treinar e enviar aqueles que, soberanamente, forem sendo acrescentados à família de Deus!
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a missional church network
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Bienvenue sur la chaîne Ecclesia Catholica. C'est ici que Etienne Omnès et Maxime Georgel, deux protestants réformés passionnés de théologie, diffusent leur podcast amateur sur l'histoire de l'Église ! Vous pouvez nous retrouver sur notre blog www.parlafoi.fr
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The main work of ecclēsia is to build up the body of Christ by the consistent teaching of the Bible, book-by-book, chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse. The worship is simple, focusing on exalting the Lord.
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Interested in Spirit Travel? Join the REV at https://www.theekklesiaofthemosthigh.com/
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Welcome to the DR. MARCUS E. DAVIS podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Somos un grupo de jóvenes de distintas iglesias que nos hemos unido para exaltar el nombre de Jesús, vivir el Evangelio y cultivar amistades centradas en la Palabra de Dios para Su gloria. Conferencia Ecclesia celebra el 500 aniversario de La Reforma Protestante
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This series of messages was part of an exposition of the book of Ecclesiastes by Jim Osman, a pastor at Kootenai Community Church. For more sermon series and verse-by-verse expository preaching, please visit https://kootenaichurch.org and click on the KCC Audio Archive.
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When all else fails or comes up empty, what are you left with? What gives ultimate and lasting value to our lives? Ecclesiastes helps us to answer those questions in a very real and direct way. Join us this fall as we discover together how it’s truths point us to God through the difficulties of life, not around them.
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Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
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Ecclesiastes: Finding Meaning in a World of Passing Pursuits - With Barnabas Piper - A Lifeway Study
Barnabas Piper | Lifeway Bible Studies | Lumivoz
Barnabas Piper is an assistant pastor at Immanuel Church in Nashville and is the author or coauthor of several books and small group studies, including The Pastor’s Kid, Help My Unbelief, and Hoping for Happiness. Prior to being called into ministry Barnabas worked in Christian publishing for almost 15 years. He co-hosts the Curious Curmudgeons podcast, writes regularly for He Reads Truth, and has contributed to numerous other websites and publications. Piper speaks regularly at churches, ca ...
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Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil by Thomas Hobbes
Loyal Books
Books 1 and 2. Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil is a book written in 1651 by Thomas Hobbes. The book concerns the structure of society (as represented figuratively by the frontispiece, showing the state giant made up of individuals). In the book, Hobbes argues for a social contract and rule by a sovereign. Influenced by the English Civil War, Hobbes wrote that chaos or civil war – situations identified with a state of nature and the famou ...
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#KonstantinKruse #EcclesiaChurch #OnlineGottesdienst ⬇️ HIER FINDEST DU WEITERE INFOS UND RESSOURCEN ⬇️ ▬ MITSCHRIFT und NACHBESPRECHUNG ▬ Die Bibelstellen zur Predigt und eine Möglichkeit aktiv mitzuschreiben, findest du in der digitalen Predigtmitschrift. Einen Download der Predigt findest du unter den Ressourcen. ✍️ Mitschrift: https://bible.com…
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Zweifelsfrei: Teil 2 - Joni Seßler - 09. März 2025
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49:59Zweifelsfrei: Teil 2 - Joni Seßler - 09. März 2025 by Ecclesia KircheBởi Ecclesia Kirche
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Um abraço ao Papa Francisco - Emissão 02-03-2025
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32:00Com os olhos do mundo postos no Hospital Gemelli, onde o Papa está internado com problemas respiratórios, a reportagem da ECCLESIA passou pelo FNO 2025, recolhendo depoimentos sobre o impacto do pontificado na vida de responsáveis católicos e não só.
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The Folly of Favoritism - James 2:1-5
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The Devil Doesn’t Tempt You With Lemon Pie
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7:42In this teaching, we continue to discuss the spiritual dynamics of government. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Bởi Ray Eppard
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Pastor Chris explores our repeated mistakes and the invitation Lent offers to break free from those cycles. Drawing from Genesis and the story of Abraham and Isaac, we confront the fear-driven choices that keep us stuck and discover how to be reshaped by joy instead.Bởi Chris Seay
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E109 | Josef Zvoníček: "Musíme objevit radost ze života, která není spojená s konzumem."
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44:00Hostem této epizody je Ing. Josef Zvoníček, koordinátor české pobočky iniciativy Františkova ekonomika. Tato celosvětová iniciativa, založená papežem Františkem v roce 2019, vyzývá mladé lidi k aktivnímu zapojení do péče o naši planetu a o ty nejvíce marginalizované ve společnosti. Inspirací je svatý František z Assisi, jehož život nás učí, jak peč…
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The Detailed Precepts for Man to Live a Proper Human Life (3)
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28:00This is program 8 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Bởi Living Stream Ministry
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Coming to Proverbs to Cultivate Our Regenerated New Man
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28:00This is program 7 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Bởi Living Stream Ministry
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The Detailed Precepts for Man to Live a Proper Human Life (2)
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28:00This is program 6 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Bởi Living Stream Ministry
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A vocação religiosa e a vocação médica da irmã Monique Bourget no Benin - Emissão 01-03-2025
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32:14Conhecemos hoje a irmã Monique Bourget que está no Benin desde 2020. Esta religiosa, natural do Canadá, marcou as políticas de saúde em São Paulo, no Brasil, onde viveu 25 anos. Hoje faz saúde comunitária, recebe estudantes brasileiros para ajudar populações frágeis, com mais de 500 atendimentos diários e procura promover a pastoral da criança, num…
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Touching the Word of God by Our New Man
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28:00This is program 5 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Bởi Living Stream Ministry
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In this teaching, we continue to discuss the spiritual dynamics of government. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Bởi Ray Eppard
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The Detailed Precepts for Man to Live a Proper Human Life (1)
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28:00This is program 4 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Bởi Living Stream Ministry
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In this teaching, we continue to discuss the spiritual dynamics of government. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Bởi Ray Eppard
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In this teaching, we continue to discuss the spiritual dynamics of government. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Bởi Ray Eppard
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LUSOFONIAS - LIAM, ‘Mais e Melhor’ Missão
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5:44Tony Neves, em FátimaUma viagem-relâmpago ‘Roma-Fátima-Roma’ tinha que ter justificação forte. E teve! Fátima acolheu, a 22 e 23 de fevereiro, cerca de 250 membros da Liga Intensificadora da Ação Missionária’ (LIAM), movimento laical da família Espiritana. O Encontro Nacional teve por tema a ‘Espiritualidade e Missão no Mundo Contemporâneo’. Foi um…
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The Principles for Man to Live a Proper Human Life
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28:00This is program 2 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Bởi Living Stream Ministry
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In this teaching, we continue to discuss the spiritual dynamics of government. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Bởi Ray Eppard
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This is program 1 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Bởi Living Stream Ministry
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(Ich glaube,…) ich liebe dich | Teil 4 | Sex – casual oder kostbar?
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33:33#JonathanKopping #EcclesiaChurch #OnlineGottesdienst ⬇️ HIER FINDEST DU WEITERE INFOS UND RESSOURCEN ⬇️ ▬ MITSCHRIFT und NACHBESPRECHUNG ▬ Die Bibelstellen zur Predigt und eine Möglichkeit aktiv mitzuschreiben, findest du in der digitalen Predigtmitschrift. Einen Download der Predigt findest du unter den Ressourcen. ✍️ Mitschrift: https://bible.com…
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Zweifelsfrei: Teil 1 - Tim Maier - 02. März 2025
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48:21Zweifelsfrei: Teil 1 - Tim Maier - 02. März 2025 by Ecclesia KircheBởi Ecclesia Kirche
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A Tamed Tongue and True Religion - James 1:26-27
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In this teaching we discuss, what it means to be an ecclesia Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. you can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Bởi Ray Eppard
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Daniela Luís gostava de viver num desenho a aguarela e olhar o mundo a partir de um dom oferecido - Emissão 27-02-2025
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32:00Daniela Luís gostava de morar dentro de um desenho: ali seencontram as cores que lhe apetece usar, o traço que encerra os sons e os cheiros que só ela recorda porque os desenhos, os seus pelo menos, vão mais fundo do que uma fotografia. Quando se senta para desenhar, é Daniela queescolhe o risco, a cor, a intensidade que vai guardar a memória do es…
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In this teaching we discuss, what it means to be an ecclesia Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. you can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Bởi Ray Eppard
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O trabalho da associação «A Candeia» - Emissão 22-02-2025
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32:09A realidade das crianças e jovens que vivem em instituiçõesde acolhimento necessita ser dada a conhecer - essa é a certeza da associação «A Candeia», que ao longo do ano acompanha a realidade que quem teve um projeto devida interrompido, junto da sua família, e necessita de laços, de relações e de acreditar que o seu futuro passará por outros conte…
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In this teaching we discuss, what it means to be an ecclesia Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. you can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Bởi Ray Eppard
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«Passo-a-Rezar» celebra 15 anos com novas propostas de oração
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32:00A Rede Mundial de Oração do Papa – Portugal (RMOP), ligada à Companhia de Jesus (jesuítas), anunciou novas propostas de oração no ‘Passo-a-Rezar’, projeto que celebra hoje o seu 15.º aniversário de existência. “Pais, filhos, avós, todos os domingos haverá uma nova proposta de oração para se rezar em família. E, além disso, todos os sábados, a parti…
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Pastor Chris explores the story of Jacob and Esau, uncovering how envy can keep us from fully living into our God-given identity. When we focus on what others have, we miss the beauty of what God has already placed within us. Join us as we dive into the Genesis narrative and discover how naming our beauty leads to freedom, purpose, and a life roote…
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Doing Nothing Still Changes Something
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14:53in this teaching, we discuss we must influence the government for God. learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. you can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Bởi Ray Eppard
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LUSOFONIAS - Artistas e mundo da Cultura
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5:20Tony Neves, em Roma‘A Esperança é um bem de primeira necessidade!’ – proclamou bem alto o Cardeal Tolentino Mendonça, responsável pelo Dicastério para a Cultura e a Educação e, por isso mesmo, o organizador do Jubileu dos Artistas e do mundo da Cultura. Conclui o Poeta-Biblista português: ‘A esperança é uma experiência antropológica global, que pul…
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in this teaching, we discuss we must influence the government for God. learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. you can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Bởi Ray Eppard
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(Ich glaube,…) ich liebe dich | Teil 3 | Krise – Wie man Vergebung lebt
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38:45#TobiasKnierim #EcclesiaChurch #OnlineGottesdienst ⬇️ HIER FINDEST DU WEITERE INFOS UND RESSOURCEN ⬇️ ▬ MITSCHRIFT und NACHBESPRECHUNG ▬ Die Bibelstellen zur Predigt und eine Möglichkeit aktiv mitzuschreiben, findest du in der digitalen Predigtmitschrift. Einen Download der Predigt findest du unter den Ressourcen. ✍️ Mitschrift: https://bible.com/e…
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Der Umgang miteinander - Tim Maier - 23. Februar 2025
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41:24Der Umgang miteinander - Tim Maier - 23. Februar 2025 by Ecclesia KircheBởi Ecclesia Kirche
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Hearing the Word Leads to Doing - James 1:21-25 - NKJV
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This week we talk about influencing government for God. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Bởi Ray Eppard
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Duarte Rosado aprendeu o lugar da surpresa – hoje é padre e fala como a «demora» é importante na vida – Emissão 20-02-2025
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32:07Rápido, abrupto e inesperado – assim podemos recordar o dia 28 de agosto de 2006 que marcou a vida de Duarte Rosado, impondo um antes e um depois. Os mais atentos poderão associar este padre jesuíta ao «Grito de Isaías», um trabalho musical onde canta sete capítulos do livro deste profeta, e mais recentemente ao trabalho «Isaías e a Fragilidade». L…
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This week we talk about influencing government for God. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Bởi Ray Eppard
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O caminho de namoro de Margarida Silva e David Alvito - Emissão 15-02-2025
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32:11Conhecemos hoje o percurso de David Alvito e Margarida Silva, um casal de namorados que em maio dará um passo significativo na sua história familiar: a decisão de casaremé fruto de uma decisão discernida, madura na fé e no percurso pessoal de cada um.
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This week we talk about influencing government for God. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Bởi Ray Eppard
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Pastor Sean explores the story of Abraham’s final days in Genesis 25 and uncovers key insights on how to live well so that we can die well. From owning our wrongs and responsibilities to being a force for reconciliation, we must consider the legacy we leave behind.Bởi Sean Palmer
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Missão País, um projeto católico de proximidade com jovens universitários - Emissão 16-02-2025
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32:00Azeitão acolheu 60 universitários para uma semana de missão. Estudantes de Direito, de Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais da Universidade Católica Portuguesa viveram primeiro ano na localidade e ficaram "marcados para a vida", nesta experiência da Missão País 2025, projeto católico de universitários, este ano com o lema “Não se perturbe o v…
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This week we discuss why we must draw near to God. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Bởi Ray Eppard
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Tony Neves, em RomaD. Abílio Ribas foi um grande missionário em três frentes: Portugal (no início e fim da sua vida), Angola e S. Tomé e Príncipe. Guardo dele a aliança perfeita que ele sempre conseguiu fazer entre uma inteligência fulgurante e uma simplicidade de vida à prova de tudo. Confesso que o conheci já ele estava nomeado Bispo de S. Tomé e…
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Bleib so wie du bist - Manfred Stielper - 16. Februar 2025
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34:48Bleib so wie du bist - Manfred Stielper - 16. Februar 2025 by Ecclesia KircheBởi Ecclesia Kirche
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This week we discuss why we must draw near to God. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Bởi Ray Eppard
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(Ich glaube,…) ich liebe dich | Teil 2 | All you need is love
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42:43# KonstantinKruse #EcclesiaChurch #OnlineGottesdienst ⬇️ HIER FINDEST DU WEITERE INFOS UND RESSOURCEN ⬇️ ▬ MITSCHRIFT und NACHBESPRECHUNG ▬ Die Bibelstellen zur Predigt und eine Möglichkeit aktiv mitzuschreiben, findest du in der digitalen Predigtmitschrift. Einen Download der Predigt findest du unter den Ressourcen. ✍️ Mitschrift: https://bible.co…
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