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Rabbi Reuven Garber

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Short daily inspiration about Emunah and Bitachon with R’ Reuven Garber ”The distance between understanding Emunah intellectually and internalizing it emotionally is greater than the distance between heaven and earth!” Transform Your Emunah! https://transformyouremunah.com/
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Emunah Meditation

Elliott Rosenbaum

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This podcast teaches listeners from all backgrounds how to bring more joy, inner peace and success into all areas of life using a unique form of meditation called Emunah Meditation (EM). Rooted in mystical Judaism, Emunah Mediation teaches us how to have a direct two-way relationship with God. Learn about and practice EM with creator, Dr. Elliott Rosenbaum.
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Emunah at Work

TYH Nation

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In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives. Join us on this journey of emunah and success. TYH Nation x Laibel Schwartz
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Emunah in HaShem - Faith in G-d with Rav Dror This inspiring video gives an amazing amount of help and clarity to those seeking for Emunah and complete faith. Faith and prayer are integral parts of life. Everything revolves around Emunah and Tefilah (Prayer). This inspiring class talks about how to pray when things don't go our way. When we are prayer for one thing, and Hashem (God) is doing something else. When we are trying to achieve something, and the Creator is pushing us in a different ...
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show series
We've been discussing one of the most important and fundamental components to Judaism and Torah. As mentioned, the only animal offering that will remain in the future is the offering of the Todah, because although we might reach such a high spiritual level in the future that we will not need the other offerings, however, the offering that is brough…
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When a person is in need of a salvation and has exhausted all possible avenues of hishtadlut , he can fully rely on Hashem for salvation. We are only obligated to make hishtadlut and act within the normal framework of the world when opportunities are available. But if we have tried everything and no solutions remain, our only task is to turn to Has…
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We've been discussing how one of the most important fundamentals of living a happy life is being able to notice all the blessings we receive on a daily basis, which will thereby lead us to expressing gratitude to Hashem for the many blessings He constantly gives us. Expressing our feelings of gratitude to Hashem is clearly one of the fundamentals a…
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The Gemara in Sanhedrin tells us that David HaMelech asked Hashem why, in the Amidah , we say אלוקי אברהם, אלוקי יצחק, ואלוקי יעקב . Hashem responded that it is because the Avot were tested and passed their tests. We see from here that tests make a person great in this world. The Midrash in Tehillim says that Hashem does not elevate a person to a h…
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We've been discussing how when we adopt an approach to life, of seeing everything that we receive from Hashem as a gift, rather than assuming that it's something owed to us, that will lead us to feeling constant feelings of appreciation and gratitude to Hashem, which will ultimately also lead to being joyful and besimcha, and of course, having a co…
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We've been discussing how one of the most important foundations in our service to Hashem is following Hashem's commandments and in general, living our lives with a feeling of joy and simcha. When we have the right perspective, it is much easier to live our lives in a mode of joy and simcha. However, sometimes we get used to receiving so many of our…
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The Gemara in one place teaches us that since the time of the destruction of the base Hamikdash, the gates of prayer have been locked. The Gemara elsewhere, however, teaches that even were there to be such a strong separation, such as an iron wall dividing us away from Hashem, nevertheless we would never be separated from Hashem, and our prayers al…
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In this week's parasha, Teruma, Hashem told Moshe: דבר אל בני ישראל ויקחו לי תרומה -speak to the Jewish People and ask them to donate toward the construction of the Mishkan. The Ba'al HaTurim quotes a pasuk in Yeshayahu, דברו על לב ירושלים , to explain that here Hashem was asking Moshe to appease the Jewish people before requesting donations. Why? …
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There is a fascinating teaching that helps us to digest emunah and the way that we pray in a powerful way. Rabbeinu Bechaye and other Torah commentaries write that before every single neshama descends into this world, each soul is given the opportunity to outline and choose all the details of what will transpire throughout their lives. And each one…
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Chazal tell us that Hashem made our Imahot barren because He desired their prayers. Many ask the question, we know that Hashem is all merciful and only does what's best for us, so why would He put the Imahot through all that pain because of something He desired? Our sefarim hakedoshim teach us that Hashem places each person in this world to do a mi…
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We've discussed that the Torah commentaries outline that there are many chambers in the heavenly realms and sometimes a specific prayer can only make its way up if certain criteria are met, perhaps related to our righteousness, to our commitment and performance of the mitzvahs, to how sincere we were in verbalizing that prayer and many other factor…
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When someone is going through a difficult time and prays day and night for a yeshuah but sees no change, it becomes incredibly hard to continue praying. He begins to feel like Hashem isn't listening. So why should I bother? He sees everyone around him enjoying their lives, free of the challenges he is facing, and he wonders, Why me? Why do I have t…
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HaShem knows all of our thoughts and all of our needs, and the question then arises, why should I pray for anything? Because if HaShem knows exactly what I need and will come through for me in exactly the way that I need according to what's best for me, why should I pray for anything to be different? Although this might be a good question, as discu…
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Gemilut Chasadim is one of the mitzvot for which Hashem rewards us in both this world and the next. It is so precious to Hashem when we go out of our way to help others. The Chafetz Chaim writes in his sefer Ahavat Chesed that after 120 years, when a person stands in judgment before Hashem, he will see that most of the mitzvot he performed were not…
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Imagine you are up to write an important exam, and all the students are informed that if you would like, you are welcome to come over and see the exact questions that will be asked on this exam. Not only that, but we will also show you the correct answers to the questions that will be asked. Of course only a fool would skip such an opportunity, bec…
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Chazal tell us that in the future, all korbanot will be nullified except for one—the Korban Toda. We know that a Todah is brought when someone is saved from a dangerous situation. But after Mashiach comes, when there will no longer be any danger, why would we need to bring a Korban Todah? The Belzer Rebbe explained that in the future, Hashem will r…
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There are different approaches taken on by Torah leaders, where some focus more on the fact that Hashem is a loving, forgiving Father always looking out for our best, and others focus more on the fact that there are severe and serious consequences for our actions. It is very clear from many Torah sources that both of these aspects are true. On the …
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How do I know if I'm doing well in terms of my spiritual scorecard? The truthful answer is that I don't know. But that's okay. I'm not meant to know because I'm not the judge. Hashem's job is to take an accounting of all our actions in order to reward us appropriately and fairly in the next world, B'ezrat Hashem, whereas our job in this world is ne…
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In this week's parasha , Mishpatim , the Torah teaches us how careful we must be not to cause harm to another person or his property. Right after Matan Torah , the first mitzvot that Bnei Yisrael were taught were the civil laws governing interpersonal relationships. We must take to heart that the same Hashem who commanded us to observe Shabbat , Ka…
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We've discussed some of the concepts that the Torah authorities outline to us, with regards to the world to come - Olam Haba. However, as many of them mention, ultimately, we don't know exactly what is going to transpire, until we actually get there and see for ourselves. However, one thing that is clear according to all opinions, is that in the ne…
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When people hear of a great new segula, they're very eager to try it, in many cases, even if it would cost them a lot of money or entail traveling. We have the greatest segula of all available to us at any time, free of charge. When a person prays to Hashem with real belief in His power and control, and a true feeling that He could easily help desp…
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We've been discussing about the components that the Torah commentaries outline to us of what will transpire in the next world, after we pass on from this world. We know that there are two seemingly paradoxical forms of serving Hashem. One is when we employ the side of fear and the consequences for our actions, and the other is motivation out of our…
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Living Emunah 2717 In the Blink of an Eye Believing in Hashem's ability to bring salvation in the blink of an eye is an invaluable avoda . It is also something that is expected of every Jew to fully internalize. This is not always easy—especially after years of hoping and waiting without seeing salvation. A year ago, I met a rabbi who told me that …
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The Mishna in Pirkei Avos, chapter 4, mishna 17 teaches, that this world is like a corridor before Olam Haba. And therefore the mishna advises: prepare yourself in the corridor, in order that you may enter the palace. If I like a certain type of food, and I don't restrain myself from overeating, altough I might enjoy those moments indulging in that…
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The Sefer Mishpat Tzedek , which has a haskama from Rabbi Akiva Eiger, brings down from Sefer Immanuel that many people enjoy the highest delights in Gan Eden . Yet, when they arrive, they see individuals who, in this world, may have appeared to be resha'im . It is a wonder to them—how could these people possibly be in the same elevated place in Ga…
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We've been discussing the tremendous importance that there is to try to build our belief in the next world, in Olam Haba. Although, a believing Jew understands that this world is certainly not our final destination, and we are all going to another place called Olam Haba, however, there are many levels in what it means to believe so. The first thing…
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A man told me he believes Hashem runs the world, but sometimes he has a problem fully internalizing it. It's especially challenging when he sees what appears to his mind to be a direct contradiction to that belief. He then told me about an incident that he once experienced. He owns an apartment building and at one time he was having difficulty with…
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We've been discussing how there are many concepts that are often thrown out such as Moshiach, Olam Haba, Gehinnnom, Gan Eden, and the like. And it is worthwhile to break down each of the segments to understand better what is in store for us. As we've discussed, when our neshamah leaves our body, if it is necessary, there is a process called chibut …
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We've been discussing the process of what the Torah authorities outline to us happens after we leave this world. As discussed, after one dies and departs from this world, one needs to go through a cleansing process called chibbut hakever, where there is some form of suffering that one needs to experience in one's burial place. And as the Torah auth…
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In this week's parasha , Yitro exclaimed, " Now I see how great Hashem is, ' כי בדבר אשר זדו עליהם '" Rashi explains that Yitro recognized how Hashem made the Egyptians suffer in the very same way they had tormented the Jewish people. He knew that the Egyptians had drowned Jewish babies, and now, at the miracle of Kriyat Yam Suf , they perished thr…
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Many people have heard terms such as Mashiach, resurrection of the dead, hell, Gan Eden, Olam Haba, and the like. It is helpful to understand what the Torah commentaries teach us about the exact process and direction of what is supposed to happen. So let's break it down, b'ezrat Hashem. Every one of us is comprised of both soul and body. At some po…
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After theeighth makah , Pharaoh told Moshe that the Jewish People could go,but they had to leave back their animals. Moshe replied they were going to goand take everything with them, because לא נדע מה נעבוד את ה' עד בואנו שמה– hesaid we will not know what we need to serve Hashem until we get there. Someexplain this pasuk homiletically as saying, we…
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The Mishnah in Pirkei Avos, chapter 4, mishnah 17, states, "This world is like a hallway in comparison to the future world. Prepare yourself in the hallway so that you may enter into the banquet hall." Although this is a well-known mishnah that one might have heard many times previously, again there are many levels as to what it means to believe in…
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Living Emunah 2712 The Depth of Hashgacha Everything that happens in this world is precisely calculated and orchestrated by Hashem. Even the simplest interactions in our daily lives—those that seem to follow the natural course of events—are, in reality, entirely governed by hashgachat Hashem . There is nothing "natural" about what happens in our li…
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