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Simple English News Daily is a 7-minute podcast which tells today’s news in clear, simple, British English. Start your day by listening to 7 minutes of the most important stories from everywhere in the world. With SEND7, you can stay up-to-date with world news, and improve your English at the same time. SEND7 is aimed at intermediate and advanced English learners and teachers, and people with English as a second language, as well as native English speakers who want a fast, daily summary of w ...
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DVB English News

Democratic Voice of Burma

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English language news service from Myanmar's largest independent media network: The Democratic Voice of Burma. Newscast provides the latest on What's happening in Myanmar and Newsroom shines a spotlight on under-reported stories through interviews with decision makers. Watch DVB English News on YouTube or Spotify. Listen on Apple Podcasts, YouTube Music, Audible, Amazon Music, or wherever you get podcasts. https://www.youtube.com/@dvbenglish
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Formosa English News

Formosa TV

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Since its launch in 1997, Formosa News has been a leading source for news affecting Taiwan. One of its primary objectives is to reach a broader audience by broadcasting in multiple languages, including Mandarin and Taiwanese. It is also one of the few stations to offer a local news program in English. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Learn American English online with us! In our course we emphasize all aspects of language learning from listening comprehension, rapid vocabulary expansion, exposure to English grammar and common idiomatic expressions, to pronunciation practice and interactive grammar exercises. In our program we discuss the Weekly News, English grammar, and English expressions, and much more in simplified English at a slow pace so that you can understand almost every word and sentence.
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Sit back and lean Enlgish with a native English teacher. You will listen to some new vocabulary and there definitions as well as example sentences. Then I will read a current news story using these new vocabulary words. The material comes from engoo.com.
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English News Pod

English Teacher Caroline

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Do you want to learn English but don’t have a lot of time? Listening to the news in English is a great way to build your fluency by learning common vocabulary and phrases associated with various topics. The best news (no pun intended), is that with this podcast, you can learn from anywhere! This podcast is great for students of all levels, from beginners trying to expand their listening and vocabulary skills to advanced students looking to build a regular practice. Subscribe and follow for b ...
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Easy English AI News

Easy English AI News

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"Easy English AI News" is your go-to podcast for exploring the world of AI while enhancing your English listening comprehension. With clear explanations and simple vocabulary, you'll stay up-to-date on the latest AI developments. Join us today!
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Easy English Crypto News

Easy English Crypto News

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Discover the world of cryptocurrency without the complexity at Easy English Crypto News. Our unique platform offers engaging dialogues between two characters who explore both the latest crypto(Web3) trends and foundational concepts—all in simple, accessible English. Whether you're new to crypto(Web3) or looking to strengthen your understanding, Easy English Crypto News makes learning about digital currencies straightforward and enjoyable. Perfect for English learners and crypto(Web3) enthusi ...
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Stay informed and improve your English with the Phrasal Verb News Podcast! Each episode dives into recent global news stories, breaking them down with real-life examples of phrasal verbs, idioms, and business expressions. Perfect for intermediate to advanced English learners, this podcast helps you master natural, everyday language while staying up to date on current events. After summarizing each story, we explain the vocabulary in-depth, show how it’s used in context, and provide practical ...
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ICRT English in the News

ICRT/Jane Lee

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Improve your English with the ICRT News Team! Here you will find useful expressions and vocabulary from the news to help you better understand what's happening around the world, and speak like a pro. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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A podcast for people who need to speak and read about the economy in English. Alan Robert has been teaching business English to economists for 20 years. Join him for these weekly business English lessons that include news and headlines you can use to learn the English vocabulary you need to read, write and speak about the economy. These business English podcast lessons focus on current events and teach you English vocabulary for economics finance, business, banking, and government.
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Brazilian News in English

Brazilian News Network

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Brazilian News in English é o podcast perfeito para brasileiros que desejam aprimorar seu inglês de forma prática e envolvente. Se você já estuda o idioma ou quer melhorar suas habilidades, aqui você encontra um conteúdo que combina o melhor dos dois mundos: notícias relevantes sobre o Brasil, comentadas e discutidas em inglês. Nossos hosts trazem tópicos atuais, que variam de política a cultura, sempre conectando os acontecimentos ao contexto brasileiro, o que facilita o entendimento e o ap ...
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内外情勢調査会で講演する立憲民主党の野田佳彦代表、17日午後、東京都港区立憲民主党の野田佳彦代表は17日、東京都内で開かれた内外情勢調査会で講演し、2025年度予算案について「年度内成立を阻まないと言っていることが最大の協力だ」と強調した。 The main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan aims to revise the government's fiscal 2025 draft budget by the trillion yen, party leader Yoshihiko Noda said Monday.Bởi 時事通信社
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TOEIC 證書可為高三生升學加分,增添備審資料亮點,更有機會免修大學英語課程。 2025 年TOEIC專案考-高中職專場將於2月16日與3月9日舉行,完成測驗即贈官方證書夾,參加兩場可獲得個人成績分析報告,深入了解能力分布與提升方向。 立即報名: https://fstry.pse.is/728r8q —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckbrc9xz33pse0918wxz4pc5w 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckbrc9xz33pse0918wxz4pc5w/comments Powered by Firstory …
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World news in 7 minutes. Monday 17th February 2025. Today: Europe emergency meeting. Austria attack. Serbia protests. DRC M23. Uganda record breaker. Mali mine collapse. Canada flags up. Argentina coin down. India stampede. Japan equal Valentine's. SEND7 is supported by our amazing listeners like you. Our supporters get access to the transcripts an…
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This is part two of the DVB Newsroom interview with David Mathieson, an independent analyst on human rights and conflict in Myanmar. In it, he discusses the situation in Myanmar four years after the 2021 military coup. We recorded this interview before China brokered a ceasefire agreement between the regime in Naypyidaw and the Three Brotherhood Al…
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The ceasefire which started in Gaza in January is at risk of collapsing. Learn vocabulary from this story. SUBTITLES AND WORKSHEET Find full subtitles and a worksheet for this episode at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/learning-english-from-the-news_2025/250212 FIND BBC LEARNING ENGLISH HERE: Visit our website ✔️ https://www…
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有本恵子さんの写真を抱える父明弘さん、2022年8月2日、神戸市北朝鮮による拉致被害者の有本恵子さん、1983年欧州で失踪、当時、の父明弘さんが老衰のため、15日午前0時10分、神戸市長田区の自宅で死去した。 Akihiro Arimoto, father of Keiko Arimoto, a Japanese abductee to North Korea, has died, it was learned Monday. He was 96.Bởi 時事通信社
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富士ソフト本社、横浜市中区米投資ファンドのベインキャピタルは17日、システム開発の富士ソフトに提案していたTOBを断念すると発表した。 U.S. investment fund Bain Capital said Monday that it has dropped its bid for Fuji Soft Inc., bringing an end to its battle with U.S. rival KKR for control of the Japanese system developer.Bởi 時事通信社
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日英両政府は、外務・経済閣僚による会合「経済版2プラス2」を3月7日に東京都内で初開催する方向で調整に入った。 The Japanese and British governments plan to hold the first "two-plus-two" meeting of their foreign and economic ministers in Tokyo on March 7, Japanese government sources said Monday.Bởi 時事通信社
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衆院予算委員会で答弁する石破茂首相、17日午前、国会内石破茂首相は17日の衆院予算委員会で、北朝鮮による拉致被害者有本恵子さんの父明弘さんが死去したことを受け、「一日も早い被害者帰国をあらゆる手段を使って実現させねばならない」と述べた。 Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba said Monday that his government will take every possible step to bring Japanese abductees home from North Korea as soon as possible.Bởi 時事通信社
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Opposition Nippon Ishin no Kai ()削除 co-leader Seiji Maehara suggested Sunday that his party would accept the ruling camp's proposal to postpone to fiscal 2026 the abolition of the income cap on financial aid for households with students attending private high schools.Bởi 時事通信社
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Japanese Foreign Minister Takeshi Iwaya said Saturday that he told his Group of Seven counterparts at the day's meeting in Munich, Germany, that Japan remains resolved to strongly promote support for Ukraine and sanctions against Russia over its invasion of the neighboring country.Bởi 時事通信社
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【ミュンヘン時事】ドイツ南部ミュンヘンを訪問した岩屋毅外相は15日午後、ルビオ米国務長官と会談した。 -Japanese Foreign Minister Takeshi Iwaya requested that Japan be exempted from the U.S. government's 25percentagetariffs on steel and aluminum imports, during his talks with U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio in the German city of Munich on Saturday.…
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ミュンヘン安全保障会議に合わせて開かれた先進7カ国外相会合、15日、ドイツ南部ミュンヘン【ミュンヘン時事】岩屋毅外相は15日、ドイツ南部ミュンヘンで開かれた先進7カ国外相会合に出席した。 Japanese Foreign Minister Takeshi Iwaya said Saturday that he told his Group of Seven counterparts at the day's meeting in Munich, Germany, that Japan remains resolved to strongly promote support for Ukraine and sanctions against Russia over its invasion o…
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日本維新の会の前原誠司共同代表は16日のフジテレビの番組で、私立高校に通う年収590万円未満の世帯に支給する年最大39万6000円の就学支援金について、与党が提案した所得制限撤廃時期の2026年度への先送りを容認する考えを示した。 Opposition Nippon Ishin no Kai co-leader Seiji Maehara suggested Sunday that his party would accept the ruling camp's proposal to postpone to fiscal 2026 the abolition of the income cap on financial aid for households with students at…
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ミュンヘン安全保障会議に合わせて会談した日米韓3カ国外相、15日、ドイツ南部ミュンヘン【ミュンヘン時事】ミュンヘン安全保障会議に出席するためドイツを訪問した岩屋毅外相は15日午後、米国のルビオ国務長官、韓国の趙兌烈外相と会談した。 -The foreign ministers of Japan, the United States and South Korea on Saturday issued a joint statement underscoring the necessity of enhancing the strength of the Japan-U.S. and U.S.-South Korea alliances.…
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15日、ドイツ南部ミュンヘンで会合に臨む先進7カ国外相【ミュンヘン時事】ドイツ南部ミュンヘンで会合を開いた先進7カ国外相は15日、共同声明を発表し、ロシアの侵攻を受けるウクライナに対する「揺るぎない支持」を確認した。 -Foreign ministers of the Group of Seven major powers reaffirmed their "unwavering support" for Ukraine, which is battling Russia's invasion, but stopped short of condemning Moscow, in their joint statement issued Saturday.…
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首脳会談で握手する石破茂首相とトランプ米大統領。 The Japanese government is increasingly vigilant about U.S. President Donald Trump's stance on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as he espouses what appear to be pro-Russian views which might lead to ceasefire negotiations that favor Moscow.Bởi 時事通信社
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ノーベル平和賞授賞式でメダルを受け取る日本原水爆被害者団体協議会の田中重光代表委員、10日、ノルウェー・オスロ公益財団法人「新聞通信調査会」は15日、海外7カ国での世論調査結果を発表した。 Over 80percentageof people in the United States do not know that the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations, or Nihon Hidankyo, won last year's Nobel Peace Prize, a survey has shown.Bởi 時事通信社
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日韓国交正常化60周年を記念しライトアップされた東京タワー、15日、東京都港区今年の日韓国交正常化60周年を記念し、東京タワーと韓国・ソウルのNソウルタワーを同時にライトアップするイベントが15日夜、両政府の主催で開かれた。 Tokyo Tower and N Seoul Tower were lit up simultaneously on Saturday night in an event organized by the Japanese and South Korean governments to commemorate the 60th anniversary this year of the normalization of the two countries' diplom…
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This is an episode of the podcast "English Learning for Curious Minds". You can search in your podcast app for "English Learning for Curious Minds" or go to https://www.leonardoenglish.com/ In August 1997, a tragic car crash in Paris claimed the life of Princess Diana, a beloved figure known for her compassion and humanitarian work. In this episode…
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恐竜化石の発掘調査のため、クラウドファンディング実施について記者会見する北海道大の小林快次教授、2024年12月18日、東京都千代田区北海道大総合博物館の小林快次教授が恐竜化石の発掘調査費用を集めるため、昨年12月から募っていたクラウドファンディングで、837万5000円が集まった。 A Japanese researcher has raised 8,375,000 yen through a crowdfunding campaign for dinosaur fossil excavation surveys to be conducted mainly in the U.S. state of Alaska.…
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文部科学省は、大学院で学び直した社会人が教員に転職しやすい環境を整備するため、現行の免許制度の見直しを検討する方針だ。 Japan's education ministry plans to consider reviewing the country's teaching license system to make it easier for people who pursue graduate studies in the middle of their careers to become teachers.Bởi 時事通信社
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