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Feminist Survival Project

Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski

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A podcast for feminists who feel overwhelmed and exhausted by everything they need to do, and still worry that we're not doing enough - hosted by Emily and Amelia Nagoski, authors of BURNOUT: the secret to unlocking the stress cycle.
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Financial Feminist

Her First $100K | YAP Media

Hàng tuần+
Fight the patriarchy. Get Rich.™ Join money expert Tori Dunlap as she guides you on how to make more, spend less, and feel financially confident in a world run by rich white men. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with resources to get, save, and grow money to gain financial freedom and kick some patriarchal ass at the same time. New episodes drop every Monday, and mini-episodes drop every other Thursday.
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Feminist Shelf Control

Feminist Shelf Control

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Annika Brockschmidt und Rebekka Endler lesen Romance Novels damit Ihr sie nicht lesen müsst. Dabei unterhalten sie sich über Literatur, Feminismus, Faschismus, Friends und alles was das Herz begehrt. Und was das Herz bricht, im Sinne von Kotzen. Buchtipps und Feedback: [email protected] Titelmusik von Andrew Collberg!
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UnF*ck Your Brain: Feminist Self-Help for Everyone breaks down the centuries of sexist socialization that causes us to struggle with self-doubt, burnout, and anxiety. Hosted by Master Feminist Coach Kara Loewentheil, J.D., founder of The School of New Feminist Thought and author of Take Back Your Brain (Penguin 2024), each episode teaches you how to turn down the noise of societal expectations, turn up the volume on what YOU really want in life, and change your thinking to make sure you go g ...
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Feminist Wellness

Béa Victoria Albina

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The Feminist Wellness podcast offers empowering holistic medicine, psychology and life coaching advice for smart women who believe they can live powerful, fulfilling lives with more self-worth, self-love, and true self-care. Equal parts nervous system science and witchy woo, Béa Victoria brings it all together to help you see how your socialization, conditioning, and family blueprint are keeping you feeling stuck in life. If you’re ready to shake the codependent, perfectionist, and people-pl ...
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Erzdiözese Freiburg

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Die Kombi von Feminismus und Kirche findest du spannend? Wir auch! Deshalb setzten wir uns in den Gesprächen in diesem Podcast mit verschiedenen Aspekten von feministisch und katholisch auseinander. Der Weg zu wirklicher Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter scheint weiterhin ein langer zu sein. In der Kirche wirkt er manchmal sogar noch schier unendlich lang. Aus dem Erzbistum Freiburg heraus blicken wir auf feministische Anliegen. Jeden letzten Freitag im Monat erwartet dich eine neue Folge. ...
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Feminismus setzt sich für Gleichberechtigung ein und fordert vor allem gleiche Rechte für Männer und Frauen. Frauen werden in der Gesellschaft oft benachteiligt. Feministinnen und Feministen wollen deshalb auf die Ungleichbehandlung von Frauen aufmerksam machen. Videos und Audio-Beiträge rund ums Thema "Feminismus" sammeln wir hier in der Mediathek von NRWision.
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Pautas Femininas

Rádio Senado

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Os temas mais importantes que afetam a vida das mulheres entram em debate no Pautas Femininas, uma parceria da Rádio Senado com a Procuradoria da Mulher da Câmara dos Deputados e do Senado Federal. Produção e a presentação: Ana Beatriz Santos e Ritta Zumba Toda quinta-feira, às 21h. Disponível na internet às quintas-feiras
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Matrimoine Féministe

Esthel Cozzi

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Le podcast qui traite les sujets de société avec un oeil féministe. Chaque semaine, Esthel Cozzi accueille des femmes inspirantes pour représenter la diversité des parcours de vies. Empouvoirement, Éducation, Esprit Critique : voilà ce que vous pouvez retrouver tous les mercredis sur Matrimoine Féministe. RDV sur https://www.matrimoine-feministe.com/ pour en savoir plus !
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Feminist Book Club: The Podcast


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Feminist Book Club is the premier online hub for intersectional readers and anyone who wants to infuse their bookshelves with social justice. We encourage resistance through reading with our blog, podcast, events, and our signature monthly subscription box.
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Feminist Law

Feminist Law

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A casual discussion on current issues within feminism and the law. The interview-style podcast will feature legal professionals, academics and current law students.
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Feminine Chaos

Phoebe Maltz Bovy and Kat Rosenfield

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Problematic faves, dissident feminism, and poodle interruptions: this is Feminine Chaos, featuring cultural commentary from Phoebe Maltz Bovy and Kat Rosenfield. femchaospod.substack.com
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KPFK - Feminist Magazine

Women's Collective

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Feminist Magazine is the weekly Southern California radio show with intersectional feminist perspectives. Covering stories that you don't hear on mainstream media! We broadcast local and global stories, news and opinions about women making a radical difference.
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The Guilty Feminist

Deborah Frances-White

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Ever felt like you should be better at feminism? Join comedian Deborah Frances-White and her guests for this comedy podcast, recorded in front of a live audience. Each week they discuss our noble goals as 21st century feminists and the hypocrisies and insecurities that undermine them. Deborah Frances-White is the 2016 Writers' Guild Award Winner for Best Radio Comedy for her hit BBC Radio 4 series Deborah Frances-White Rolls the Dice. She is an Edinburgh Fringe regular, a screenwriter and is ...
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Feminist Frequency Radio

Kat Spada, Anita Sarkeesian

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Feminist Frequency Radio is coming for your media. Each week, Kat Spada invites you to listen in on entertaining and stimulating conversations about films, games, and TV... from the latest blockbusters to classic hidden gems, and more. With special guests bringing their distinctly different feminist perspectives to the mix as they celebrate and critique it all—including media critics, entertainers, academics, and everyone in between—Feminist Frequency Radio is there to help you dig deeper in ...
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Artiste Hangout with Femi Makx


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Welcome to The Artiste Hangout with Femi Makx, your ultimate destination for music enthusiasts and emerging artists! Immerse yourself in captivating discussions, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes stories, spotlighting raw and unfiltered narratives of rising talents. Our groundbreaking podcast prioritizes unsung voices, providing exclusive insights into upcoming albums and singles before they hit the airwaves. Join us for a unique blend of music exploration and insightful conversati ...
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Mystique Femininity

Mystique Femininity

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Mystique Femininity is the podcast that celebrates the essence of divine femininity for the modern woman. Each episode dives into the art of embracing your inner power, balancing strength with grace, and living in alignment with your highest self. Whether you're on a journey of self-discovery or refining the woman you’ve become, Mystique Femininity offers insightful discussions, spiritual wisdom, and empowering strategies to help you embody the true mystique of the feminine spirit. Join us a ...
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femiñetas radio

Flor Coll

Hàng tháng+
Entrevistas y debates en el mundo desde nuestra perspectiva como mujeres y disidencias en la cultura, la política, la s3xualid4d y el poder. Una charla con ilustradoras, escritoras, poetisas, mujeres rebeldes, locas, feas, fuertes, bellas, soñadoras, elocuentes, que hablan de cómo cambiar el mundo a partir de la palabra y la imagen. Con Javiera tapia torra, flor coll y gran equipo. Somos una plataforma feminista y transoceánica en viñetas y sonidos www.feminetas.com
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Lorin Krenn is a globally recognized teacher in relationships, guiding individuals to embody their awakened masculine or feminine essence in both love and life. Through the Masculine & Feminine Dynamics Podcast, Lorin explores the profound interplay of masculine and feminine energies, helping you unlock the deepest intimacy possible while living in alignment with your true self. This is your space to transform relationship dynamics, deepen connection, and embody your most authentic nature. S ...
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Beim Lila Podcast bekommt ihr Feminismus für alle. Wir stehen für eine inklusive, niedrigschwellige, unaufgeregte und trotzdem kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den Herausforderungen im Patriarchat. Gemeinsam lernen wir, Stereotype, Ungleichheiten, Diskriminierung und Gewaltstrukturen zu erkennen und: wie man sie überwinden kann. Katrin, Laura, Lena, Minusch und Özge betrachten gesellschaftliche Debatten, alltägliche Phänomene und Ereignisse auf der ganzen Welt durch die feministische Brille. ...
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The Feminist Within

Clare Corado

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We already have the power to liberate ourselves from the inside out, rather than waiting on the world around us to change. This podcast is for you if you’re committed to shedding old beliefs about your role in society, building a rock solid sense of your own self-worth, and living your most authentic life. Welcome to the Sisterhood!
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Stop met diëten - Voed jezelf op de VROUWELIJKE manier! Met de Eetgeluk Podcast pak je jouw probleem met eten bij de wortel aan en creëer je (weer) een Relaxte Relatie met Eten. Wil je meer weten over de Gelukkige Eter of over de Eetgeluk Universiteit? Kijk dan op https://www.de-gelukkige-eter.nl
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Sorociné est un média indépendant dédié au cinéma à travers un point de vue féministe. Créé en 2018, Sorociné (https://www.sorocine.com/) a d’abord vu le jour sous format podcast avant de se décliner en un site internet, un ciné-club, et une revue papier. Depuis plus de cinq ans, nous analysons les représentations de genre à l’écran, au cinéma comme dans les séries, et valorisons les femmes et les minorités devant comme derrière la caméra. La mission de Sorociné est de redonner une place ess ...
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Le Monde au Féminin est une émission interactive présentée par Nathalie Barge qui explore les questions d’intérêt pour les femmes et les jeunes, lors de débats avec des leaders d'opinion, experts et militants des droits humains africains, américains et européens. LMF est diffusé mardi et samedi à 19
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show series
O Carnaval é, sem dúvida, uma das festas mais aguardadas do ano, não apenas pela diversão e pela energia que traz, mas também pela enorme importância econômica para várias cidades, e Belo Horizonte não é exceção. De acordo com dados de uma pesquisa realizada pela Câmara dos Dirigentes Lojistas (CDL), a cada dez empresários da capital, seis (59,2%) …
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O Carnaval é, sem dúvida, uma das festas mais aguardadas do ano, não apenas pela diversão e pela energia que traz, mas também pela enorme importância econômica para várias cidades, e Belo Horizonte não é exceção. De acordo com dados de uma pesquisa realizada pela Câmara dos Dirigentes Lojistas (CDL), a cada dez empresários da capital, seis (59,2%) …
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Our culture teaches women to believe that we are supposed to have a limited role in society. In this introductory episode, I tell the story of how I went from being a girl in a conservative religious community to a liberated woman living life on my own terms, and why I started this podcast. Contact: [email protected] Instagram: @thefemi…
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This week, Madigan discusses more Trump B.S., including his executive order to change the name of the Gulf of Mexico, how a four year old trolled him on national television, and his off-the-wall remarks about his plans for Gaza. Finally, she touches on what she believes are the most poignant moments of Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl halftime show. Do …
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This week, Madigan discusses more Trump B.S., including his executive order to change the name of the Gulf of Mexico, how a four year old trolled him on national television, and his off-the-wall remarks about his plans for Gaza. Finally, she touches on what she believes are the most poignant moments of Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl halftime show. Do …
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Emily and Amelia are both doing some variation on low-buy/no-buy this year. There are many good reasons to do so, and many good ways to make it work for you. All that and bonus toaster oven and kitchen counter commiseration! Amelia is going live on Youtube starting next Friday, February 21 @ 4pm eastern. Follow here: https://www.youtube.com/@femini…
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Afgelopen week had ik een belangrijk inzicht. En ik wist het natuurlijk eigenlijk al wel, maar ineens kwam het binnen. Ineens landde het echt in mij. En dat inzicht is dat de focus op afvallen je alleen maar dikker maakt. En dat deze focus er voor heel veel vrouwen weleens voor zou kunnen zorgen dat ze steeds opnieuw in hetzelfde rondje van eten en…
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Many relationships struggle because we can't tell if our lack of safety comes from our partner's behaviour or from our own unresolved wounds. This makes it hard to feel secure and connected, leading to tension and misunderstanding. What we need to do is look at whether our partner is genuinely showing up in a committed, present, and reliable way. A…
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A Lei das Eleições determina que os partidos garantam pelo menos 30% das candidaturas para cada sexo, visando ampliar a participação feminina nas disputas eleitorais. No entanto, uma pesquisa do Observatório da Mulher na Política, da Câmara dos Deputados, revelou que 700 municípios não cumpriram a cota de gênero. No Pautas Femininas de hoje, conver…
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Job searching is never easy, but for women, the challenges can be even greater—lowball salary offers, confidence gaps, and workplaces still steeped in outdated norms. That’s why I brought on today’s guest, Malia Razzaia, Executive Director of Dress For Success Seattle, to break it all down. Malia has spent years helping women navigate career transi…
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So often when we think about feminism, we think about the process of trying to change the patriarchal social and political structures that are outside of us that are impacting our experience. However, we're overlooking completely the realm where we actually have the most power and the most authority to make changes: within ourselves. We can free ou…
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#313: How do you keep your relationship loving and friction-free? In this special pre-Valentine's Day episode, I'm joined by my amazing wife Billey to share some of the practices and tools that help us stay present, emotionally generous, and deeply connected with each other. From reframing with "of course they did" to asking for "do-overs" when we …
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Do you ever feel like your relationship status defines your worth? Like your life is on hold until you find a partner? What if you could stop waiting and start being your own best partner—whether you're single, coupled up, or somewhere in between? This week, I’m joined by Meghan Keane, founder of NPR’s Life Kit and author of Party of One: Be Your O…
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Gemeinsam mit der ersten Frauenstadträtin in Linz, Eva Schobesberger, blicken Agnes und Abena auf Meilensteine in der Linzer Frauenpolitik. Seid gespannt auf Erfolge aufgrund von überparteilichem Schulterschluss und der Institutionalisierung von essenziellen Angeboten. Welche Meilensteine sind für euch zukünftig wichtig? Eva Schobesberger ist Juris…
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Nuestra querida Marta C. Dehesa volvi de Angouleme y nos adentra el mundo de las leyes y derechos de autoría, sobre la IA (generativa ) y la decisión de posponer el Real Decreto en España. Qué puede implicar para las autoras que se regule la IA en el Estado español, y nos hace una clase magistral. El principio de diálogo con el ministerio de Cultur…
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Oumou Niaré, Présidente du Comité national de lutte contre la traite des personnes, Coordonnatrice du programme national intégré de lutte contre le trafic de drogue et la criminalité organisée, est lauréate 2024 du prix du Département d’Etat des Héros de la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains.Bởi Nathalie Barge
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Unlock and embrace the power of your sacred feminine energy with this transformative podcast. Dive deep into spiritual practices, rituals, and wisdom that will help you connect with your goddess essence and live in alignment with your highest self. Whether you’re seeking balance, empowerment, or a deeper spiritual connection, this podcast offers pr…
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With the current administration actively trying to whitewash Black History Month, Nox and Ashley sat down to share their Black history recommendations. They provide books, authors, and movies for various age ranges and topics in Black history, as well as a reminder to celebrate and uplift Black history all year round, not just in February. Content …
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Eine Premiere: Männerbesuch im FSC! Zusammen mit Moritz Hürtgen und Dax Werner vom Bohnigen Wachmacher haben wir um 15:10 die ARD eingeschaltet und Sturm der Liebe geschaut, denn nach 20 sensationellen Jahren on Air ist es an der Zeit die erfolgreichste europäische Telenovela zu ehren. Ist der Fürstenhof ist ein Funkloch? Entwickeln Traumfrauen die…
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In today's episode, Clara and Courtney speak to Dr. Charlotte Barlow, Reader in Criminal Justice and Policing at the University of Central Lancashire, about Clare's Law, domestic violence disclosure schemes, and how to better support victim-survivors. To learn more about Dr. Barlow and her work, you can visit her profile at the University of Centra…
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Why have so many Americans turned against democracy? Katherine Stewart talks to us about conferences of conspiracy-mongers, backroom strategy gatherings, and services at extremist churches, and profiles the people who want to tear it all down. Stewart analyzes the moral collapse of conservatism in America and points the way forward toward a democra…
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The Guilty Feminist Redux: What’s the Deal with Men? Presented by Deborah Frances-White and Zoe Coombs-Marr with special guest Tiffany Stevenson Recorded 18 October 2017 at Giant Dwarf, Sydney. First released 1 January 2018. The Guilty Feminist theme composed by Mark Hodge. Give to http://www.redkite.org.au More about Deborah Frances-White https://…
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This year's Black History Month's theme is "African Americans and Labor", and Madigan is focusing on mass incarceration, prison labor, and modern slavery in the United States by discussing the history of Black labor after the 13th Amendment and beyond. Do you have a topic that you want the show to take on? Email: [email protected]
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Today’s guest probably needs no introduction, because I’m sure you’ve heard of him. The Points Guy, aka Brian Kelly, is joining us live in studio to talk about how he transformed his love for travel and financial management into a platform that helps millions of people around the world. We dive into everything from how reward programs have evolved …
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Pour ce focus du mois, retour sur le film Maria de Pablo Larrain, un biopic sur les derniers jours de la cantatrice Maria Callas incarnée par Angelina Jolie. L'équipe s'est réunie pour débattre sur le film et sur les deux autres biopics féminins du réalisateur, Jackie (2017) et Spencer (2021). Animation : Mariana Agier Participantes : Diane Lestage…
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No coração do Carnaval de Belo Horizonte, onde a música dos blocos ecoa pelas ruas e a alegria pulsa a cada esquina, existem mulheres que são o alicerce dessa festa popular. Neste ano, a expectativa é receber cerca de 6 milhões de foliões, com uma movimentação financeira estimada em 1 bilhão de reais na economia local. A programação vai contar com …
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This week, Madigan discusses Donald Trump's executive orders regarding mass deportation, and the BS tariffs he's attempting to enforce on Canada. Do you have a topic that you want the show to take on? Email: [email protected] Social media: Instagram: @angryneighborhoodfeminist Get YANF Merch! https://yanfpodcast.threadless.com/ JOIN ME…
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Hablamos conProyecto Una, una colectividad millenial que tiene como cometido desenmascarar las nuevas formas de fascismo que se ocultan bajo las redes sociales. Hablamos del FEDIVERSO, son redes sociales libres, dado que funcionan con software libre y de código abierto. Al ser el Fediverso un sistema descentralizado y federado. https://vamonosjunta…
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Kat and Phoebe discuss $800 sweaters for feminism, Instagram deep-diving, and why angry MAGA men are circulating pictures of a certain podcaster’s hindquarters on twitter. (Early access for premium subscribers!) LINKS: Kat on the horny beer calendar: The picture that made one Conservative Dad lose his mind: Cartoons Hate Her on MAGA babes: Phoebe v…
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Je weet hoe het werkt als het gaat over eten. Je hebt álles geprobeerd. Gezond eten, minder suiker, meer bewegen, diëten, voedingsschema’s, regels, discipline… En het lukt vaak ook prima om je daar een paar weken aan te houden. Maar ineens heb je dan gewoon zin in iets lekkers. Of denk je fuck it, ik mag toch ook wel eens wat? En dan baal je er gew…
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As escolas de todo o país deverão adotar medidas para enfrentar o racismo, a misoginia, a homofobia, a transfobia e outras formas de discriminação e preconceito. É o que prevê uma proposta apresentada pela Senadora Teresa Leitão (PT-PE). No Pautas Femininas de hoje a gente vai conversar com a Cristiane Sobral, atriz, professora e autora do livro "C…
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Wie können Solidarität, ein gutes Miteinander und Toleranz in der Schule gefördert werden? Dr. Barbara Meyer von der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München sagt, dass es umfangreiches Wissen und Forschung dazu gibt. Theoretisch jedenfalls. Praktisch wird viel zu wenig davon umgesetzt. Barbara und Lena sprechen in dieser Folge über die Rolle von Bil…
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