Welcome to GOAT Homeschooling with Erin and Amanda. We've created the podcast we wish WE could've listened to all these years we've been home educating our kids. We will discuss the rights and wrongs of trying to homeschool for the "long haul," in other words, past those first five years ... and what we've learned works and doesn't. It's time to have the conversation with other homeschoolers about getting your kids to the finish line in a strong and excellent way. We've got a lot of great in ...
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GOAT 59: Homeschool Graduation & Beyond
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36:16Erin has graduated her first homeschooled student! Listen this week as Erin & Amanda talk through their first graduation experiences and what comes next in their homeschools. We hope you are encouraged! References: Joe's episode: A Father's Perspective on Homeschooling with Joe McGhee Show Me Homeschool: ShowMeHomeschool coaching: showmehomeschool.…
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Listen in this week as Erin & Amanda catch up and talk through transitions each are facing in their lives and homeschools. Have you leaned in to your homeschooling community when you've needed to? Have you sent an email to explore your child's passion within the community? Who are your encouragers? Erin and Amanda tackle these questions and more. R…
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GOAT 57: The Cost Of College with Brad Baldridge
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47:06This week, Erin & Amanda talk with College Funding Consultant Brad Baldridge about the cost of college, the planning it takes and the way to pay for it. There are a lot of ins and outs to pursuing college for any student and their family, with added components for homeschoolers. Brad is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to financial planning and …
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GOAT #56: Raising Godly Girls with Patti Garibay
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36:44Listen this week as Erin & Amanda talk with Patti Garibay, Founder and CEO of American Heritage Girls. Patti shares about her life in the 90s going through Girl Scouts and how she felt led to start AHG. Patti is a wonderful resource and such a pleasure to speak with. We hope you enjoy listening in as much as Erin & Amanda enjoyed talking with her. …
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GOAT #55: Stress and the Homeschool Mom with Larissa Darter
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56:52So often, homeschooling parents are stressed, feeling like the world is on our shoulders. Listen as Erin and Amanda talk with therapist, Larissa Darter about those homeschooling and life stressors. They talk about what to look for and how to deal with them once we know there's an issue. Larissa gives loads of great guidance as a counselor as well a…
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GOAT #54: Homeschooling Entrepreneurship with The Homeschool Printing Company
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31:09Do you have entrepreneurial students in your homeschool? Listen this week as Amanda talks with CEO and founder of The Homeschool Printing Company, Melissa Ekloff as they talk about encouraging entrepreneurship for your students. How did Melissa start her company? How's it going? What advice can she give to other homeschoolers who want to start and …
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GOAT #53: Deschooling with Laura Swain
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45:09Did you pull your kids out of school and suddenly feel like you were free falling off a cliff, wondering what you'd gotten yourself into and completely anxious about what to do next? Join us this week as we talk through "deschooling" with Laura Swain. Laura is a homeschool coach, portfolio reviewer, encourager, blogger, homeschooling Christian mom,…
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It's perfectly reasonable to still have questions about homeschooling, even if you've been doing it for a while ... we know we do! Sometimes questions arise just because you're in a new season, or because your kids are transitioning from elementary age to middle school age, or even entering high school... and you have more questions than you have a…
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GOAT #51: Helping Homeschool Mid Year Burnout
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40:48Are you feeling the "mid year burnout?" It's definitely real for homeschoolers! Generally, the weather doesn't help much, and we're all trying to stay encouraged in our teaching and not get bogged down in the lessons that might just not be as exciting as they were at the beginning of the year! In today's episode, Erin and Amanda discuss how they ha…
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GOAT #50: Helping Boys Become Godly Men with Mark Hancock of Trail Life USA
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41:48Why can't the educational, social or emotional needs of our boys be met in traditional schools? How can we help our sons to love learning, feel valued and still have that drive and enthusiasm that will spur them on to pursue their interests and reach their goals as men? What can we teach them now to grow and encourage their faith throughout their t…
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GOAT #49: Conveying Truth in Fiction and Family Devotions with Tim Shoemaker
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43:25Are you a homeschooling family that struggles to find devotions that teach spiritual truth but also hold your kids' attention? Do you wish you could find clean, riveting fiction for your children to read that doesn't shy away from real-life characters, but is also well-grounded in living out genuine faith? In this episode, Erin and Amanda speak wit…
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GOAT #48: Lessons Learned Writing Historical Fiction with Jenny L. Cote
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45:55Sometimes homeschoolers struggle with teaching history, but it *can* be made fun for kids of all ages through field trips, projects, even historical fiction! Have you considered that we can instill a love of history in our children as well as provide opportunities for them to discover their part in the bigger "HIStory" of God? In today's episode, E…
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GOAT #47: A Father's Perspective on Homeschooling with Joe McGhee
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47:49In today's episode, Erin and Amanda speak with Joe McGhee, Erin's husband, for his perspective as a husband and father in their family's homeschooling journey. Erin and Joe have homeschooled their four kids (three teens!) over a span of ten years, as well as providing foster care services for part of that time. Listen as Joe explains his initial re…
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GOAT #46: Gameschooling and More with Cait Curley
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48:28Do you have that one kid that just fights you on learning, whether it be one subject or all of them? Have you considered using games to move the learning along, called "gameschooling?" When children play games, they learn social skills like getting along, reading directions, waiting their turn, negotiating with someone, interpreting rules and even …
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GOAT #45: Inspiring Our Homeschool Girls to Live Their Dreams with Heather Stark
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34:50Having the hard conversations with our daughters who are homeschooled is just as necessary as it is in traditional education settings. Whether it's social media expectations and "beauty culture" or fitting in versus belonging, our girls need us to help them overcome negative pressures and self-doubt, find their authentic selves, and make lasting fr…
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GOAT #44: Homeschool Wisdom of Steve Lambert, Five in a Row
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32:31Erin and Amanda welcome Steve Lambert this week to discuss homeschooling past, present and future. Steve brings homeschool wisdom and keen insight on the things we need to do now to ensure our family's homeschool success in the long haul. Steve Lambert is the co-creator of the beloved Five in a Row curriculum, which has been used by thousands of ho…
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GOAT #43: Creating Healthy Families with Katie Keene
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35:48Wouldn't you love for your homeschool to be built on a foundation that is less stressful and more peaceful so your family can thrive? In today's episode, Erin and Amanda speak with Katie Keene, host of the Her Home and Heart with Katie Keene podcast, and creator of the Home and Heart Method: Creating a Holistic Ecosystem for Homeschooling Families …
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GOAT #42: Jamie Erickson on Holy Hygge and Homeschooling
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40:27Are you longing for a peaceful homeschool, wanting to rid your home of the chaos and clatter? Atmosphere has little to do with how you decorate ... and more about creating tranquility that is welcoming to our family and visitors alike. We can foster this kind of "sanctuary living" in an imperfect world by adapting hygge (the Danish quality of cozin…
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GOAT #41: Writing From the Heart with Veldorah Rice
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48:11Some of our homeschool students just don't like writing, and it can be a struggle to get them to put words on a page. How can we teach it in a way that helps them to develop their authentic writing voices and still learn and grow in important skills that will benefit them for the rest of their lives? Listen today as Erin and Amanda speak with Veldo…
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GOAT #40: Intensity and Homeschool Moms
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33:02It can be so hard to hear, "you're so intense..," even from friends or family! Why are some of us so laser-focused on whatever we put our attention to, whether it's our home, our spouses, our homeschools, or even the outside activities we pursue? And is there anything that can be done to help? On today's episode, Erin and Amanda discuss how they've…
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GOAT #39: Community Through Coaching and Conference with Christina Carpenter
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23:18Building community in homeschooling can sometimes be hard. While larger cities and suburbs might have co-ops and in-person activities where you can meet like-minded homeschoolers, sometimes there just aren't those resources readily available to you, but it is still so important to "find your tribe." In today's episode, Erin speaks with Christina Ca…
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GOAT #38: Conflict Happens in Homeschooling Communities
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31:47In most relationships, there will be conflict, and it's just as true for homeschooling communities. Whether the situation is your child facing relationship issues with other homeschooled kids or irreconciliable differences you might have with another parent at a co-op, it's important to know that other homeschooling families have and do struggle wi…
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GOAT #37: Unbusy Homeschooling with Alyssa Wolff
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37:14How can we get less busy in this homeschool life? From running kids to activities, keeping the house reasonably orderly and trying to get some schoolwork in the "in between" of life, many homeschool moms are just flat-out exhausted and need to figure out time to recharge and how to get their own needs met. In today's episode, Erin and Amanda speak …
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GOAT #36: Financial Hardship and Homeschooling
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27:36As a homeschooling parent, do you sometimes feel pressure to bring in extra income into your family? The reasons might be because of employment changes, the economy being tight or sudden expenses that need to be met. Some families even consider giving up homeschooling and sending their kids back to school so both parents can bring in income to supp…
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GOAT #35: Homesteading in Your Homeschool with Kody Hanner
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53:51With the events of the last few years impacting "cost of living" items, more families are wanting to re-connect with the sources of their food and live a lifestyle that is more self-sufficient. This "modern day homesteading" doesn't require you to own a big piece of land, or raise your own animals and it works well for many homeschooling families. …
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GOAT #34: Age Gaps in Your Homeschool
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36:18How do we teach our tweens math when there are toddlers underfoot, or keep our teens patient when their younger siblings are slowing everything to a crawl? That large age difference between and among our children is called an "age gap" and it can be a real challenge to homeschooling. In today's episode, Erin and Amanda share their experience with a…
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Far too many parents focus on academics as the most critical part of their homeschool, when what may be the more important activity, especially for children, is the concept of play. Play is defined as a range of intrinsically motivated activities done for pleasure and enjoyment, positively impacting development and growth and important for all ages…
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GOAT #32: Homeschooling around Catastrophic Disease with Andi Elliott
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41:40When your family is faced with catastrophic disease, life becomes very different, including how you homeschool. Providing around the clock care to her daughter with a rare, nonhereditary genetic mutation meant that Andi Elliott needed to be diligent to track homeschool hours, stay organized with planning and still be attentive to the rest of her fa…
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GOAT #31: Setting the Tone of Your Home
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33:22The atmosphere of a homeschool is so important to successful learning, and as you get longer into this journey of home education, you find fairly quickly that you as Mama set the tone for the home. Tone can be impacted by any number of spoken words, causing frustration, impatience, kindness, or encouragement even in seasons of happiness or grief. L…
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GOAT #30: Transitions and Connections
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43:49Coping with change can be hard for so many people, adults and children alike! The act of passing from one state, stage, place, or subject to another is a form of change called "transitioning" and homeschool families are not exempt from having to cope with it. In today's episode, Erin and Amanda will talk about transition times... whether a literal …
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Having teenagers as a homeschooling family is a really interesting but much different experience than as a public school family. While jobs, academics, transcripts, even attitudes are common to both groups, homeschooling families often have to find different ways to accomplish these goals without the structure and resources provided by public schoo…
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Teaching science makes some homeschooling parents nervous; whether it was because they did poorly in their own learning or because they just didn't like it! But it doesn't have to be difficult ... or dull. There are many options and methods for teaching homeschool science. Listen today to this "deep dive" on how Erin and Amanda have taught science …
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GOAT #27: Helping Teens Navigate Life with Traci Bakenhaster
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29:07Is your teen unsure where their post-homeschooling path will take them? Are they wondering about college or career plans? Are you concerned they're solid on those important life skills like personal finances, time management, communication and all those "adulting" things we need to know to succeed in life? In today's episode, Erin and Amanda speak …
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GOAT #26: Journey to Homeschooling with Cristy Stebelton
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58:54In today's episode, Amanda speaks with fellow long-hauler Cristy Stebelton about her unusual journey to homeschooling and how her philosophy towards educating her daughter has changed over the years. They discuss the importance of encouraging your homeschoolers to become their authentic selves and pursue all their interests and passions, while reco…
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Feeling pressure for your child to read by a certain age? It may surprise you to know that most children read by the age of 7. Some aren't even interested before then! Regardless, it is not a reflection of your competency as a homeschooler. In today's episode, Erin and Amanda talk about reading readiness and draw from their experiences with their d…
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GOAT #24: Special Education with Regina Clausell
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36:00Parents of special education students can sometimes be nervous about homeschooling: circumstances at their local school may force them to withdraw their child or, like with the recent COVID crisis, they may just think it is the best option for their family. Regardless of how these families arrive at homeschooling, it may not be as simple as buying …
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GOAT #23: Labyrinth of the World with Timothy L. Price
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28:19On today's episode, Erin and Amanda speak with Timothy L. Price, editor and illustrator of the new adaptation of Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart. A Christian allegory written 55 years prior to and heavily inspiring Pilgrim’s Progress, it remains virtually unknown to English readers. Listen as Tim introduces us not only to this fasc…
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GOAT #22: Encouragement for Homeschool Burnout
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35:47Are you looking to escape the burnout that sometimes comes up around this time of the homeschool year? There are things you can do to try to lift yourself and others "out of the doldrums" typical of this season. Hear encouragement and ideas from Erin and Amanda, long haul homeschoolers who have had many a season of needing to just inject some fun a…
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GOAT #21: Field Trips and Storage Talk
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33:12In this week's episode, Erin and Amanda talk about their favorite ways to use field trips for learning. Also on the docket is storage ... some different ideas on what they use and how to find what works for your family. Be sure to subscribe to GOAT Homeschooling with Erin and Amanda wherever you listen to podcasts, and join us in continuing the con…
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GOAT #20: Parental Rights and Homeschooling
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55:38Parental rights in education has been a hot topic of late, and we at GOAT Homeschooling wanted to have a conversation talking about what parental rights are, where they come from and how we exercise them in this day and age of pandemics and school choice. Listen as our guest, Dani Dent-Breene, regional director for Families for Home Education, the …
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Ever wish you could take a peek inside a Spring day in the life of a homeschool family? Listen as Erin and Amanda talk about what's going on in their homes in this "Off the Cuff" episode of GOAT Homeschooling. Resources/Links: Geography Bingo Professor Noggins Notgrass Our 50 States Civil Air Patrol America's Founding Fathers Apologia Physical Scie…
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Are you smack in the middle of homeschool planning or will you keep doing what you always have and start planning in the Fall? Or does your family land somewhere in the middle of these ways to make educational decisions for your next academic year? In today's episode, Erin and Amanda are discussing how their families plan for the next academic year…
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GOAT #17: Homeschooling with Bloom & Blossom
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24:18In today's episode, Erin and Amanda speak with Christina Carpenter, organizer of the Bloom & Blossom conference for homeschooling moms and homeschooling consultant at Authentic Joy in the Journey. They discuss some of the things long-haul homeschoolers can do to invest in their local homeschool communities and some of the important advice Christina…
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With all the changes COVID brought, and so many families having to school their kids at home, have you found yourself asking what exactly *is* homeschooling and what *isn't*? How is it different from public or private school? Why do we need to know the difference? Listen in as Erin and Amanda define homeschooling, discuss the differences between ho…
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GOAT #15: Comparing Your Homeschool to Others
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32:00If you homeschool for any length of time, you’ll talk to other homeschoolers and hear what they're doing and think “Maybe I should do that?” Or, maybe hear from another mom that you're not doing enough, because you “should” use the curriculum or methods that are working so well for their family. It’s easy to compare your homeschool to what others a…
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GOAT #14: COVID Homeschooling with Lena
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30:01In today's episode, Amanda speaks with Lena, a COVID homeschooler who started homeschooling her medically fragile son during COVID. Listen in on her take on how things are going, where things will go, how she can get some encouragement from us and how she can encourage others in this long-term, homeschooling adventure. Be sure to subscribe wherever…
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GOAT #13: Homeschooling Resources for Encouragement and More
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30:21Sometimes in this "long-haul" homeschool journey, you just need encouragement to keep going. You know, you're feeling like you're in a slump, or if you've been doing this awhile, you're getting burnt out. There *are* resources out there to help encourage you and GOAT Homeschooling has some terrific recommendations. In this episode, Erin and Amanda …
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Is your homeschool feeling dull? Are you getting bored with the day-to-day and wish you could shake those doldrums? Most of us experience this, whether you're in your first year or a "long haul homeschooler." Listen as Erin and Amanda discuss homeschool mom burnout ... and how they've found solutions to keep moving forward in their homeschools. Be …
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Wondering if homeschooling will ever be fun? It can sometimes seem like a struggle to get all the things done and even a bit tempting to complain about the many "hats" we wear as homeschoolers (and will there ever be enough hours in the day?)! In this episode, Erin and Amanda reminisce about all the ways they've enjoyed homeschooling. over the year…
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GOAT #10: Special Needs Homeschooling
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35:07Have you ever thought about the benefits and challenges of homeschooling your special needs student? Any child who needs special help or care due to any number of reasons, whether with learning challenges or gifted, having emotional or mental health issues, even with physical challenges can and should be considered a special needs student. These st…
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