Podcast sociologa Vojty Pecky o klimatické krizi. Rozhovory s mezinárodními odborníky na téma změny klimatu.
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A simple truth about the inside out.
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My podcast is about motivating people!
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Welcome to Henry Heatwave, Here I would just like to share thoughts that may inspire you or motivate you.
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Heatwave Radio's premiere entertainment podcast! Every week, Alex and Jeff get together to talk about the latest movie, tv, and video game news. Tune in to hear UBC Okanagan's (self-appointed) pop-culture authorities discuss everything from Batman to Pokemon to Michael Bolton!
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The history of climate models with Beatrice Cointe
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1:20:59Climate models play a crucial role in the current understanding of ongoing climate change and thus influence policy decisions. Yet there is little public debate about climate models, how they work, or their history. We have discussed what the history of different global modelling models is and what different categories of modelling we might encount…
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O historii klimatických modelů s Beatrice Cointe
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57:34Klimatické modely hrají zásadní roli v současném porozumění probíhající klimatické změně a tím zasahují i do politického rozhodování. Přesto se ve veřejné debatě o klimatických modelech, jak fungují, jakou mají historii a podobně, příliš nemluví. S Beatricí Cointe jsme tedy probrali, jakou mají historii různá globální modelování a na jaké různé kat…
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Veli-Peka Tynkkynen - Jak Evropa nepochopila Rusko
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56:51V Evropě desítky let převažovalo přesvědčení, že ve vztahu k Rusku podpora vzájemného obchodu povede ke sbližování a vzájemně prospěšné spolupráci. Geopolitické zájmy ustoupily obchodní kalkulaci. Evropa se otevřela závislosti na ruských fosilních palivech a zároveň ignorovala všechny jeho imperiální výpady. Nakonec tak financovala vyzbrojení svého…
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Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen - How Europe misunderstood Russia
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1:20:24For decades, the prevailing belief in Europe has been that, in relation to Russia, the promotion of reciprocal trade will lead to rapprochement and mutually beneficial cooperation. Geopolitical interests have given way to commercial calculations. Europe has opened itself up to dependence on Russian fossil fuels, while ignoring all its imperial fora…
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Paul N. Edwards - Is the bigger threat nuclear war or climate crisis?
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1:18:09Stanford University's leading climate expert Paul N. Edwards on the IPCC, climate change, and today's biggest threats. Is the greater existential threat nuclear war, AI, climate change, or pandemics?Bởi Alarm
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Paul N. Edwards - Expert na existenční rizika. Je větší ohrožení jaderná válka nebo klimatická krize?
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1:06:02S předním klimatickým expertem ze Stanfordovy univerzity Paulem N. Edwardsem o IPCC, klimatické změně a největších hrozbách dneška. Je větším existenčním ohrožením jaderná válka, AI, klimatická změna, nebo pandemie? Líbil se vám dnešní díl a stále nejste pravidelnými přispěvateli Alarmu? Zapojte se do naší nové crowdfundingové kampaně https://www.d…
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Ela Gillbert - What happens in Antarctica doesn't stay in Antarctica
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57:47The guest on the new episode of the Heatwave podcast is climate scientist Dr. Ella Gillbert, who specializes in polar regions. What draws her to the most remote continent, why are glaciers like rivers, and why do they sometimes roar like animals? Why should you care about the disturbing news coming out of Antarctica?…
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Ella Gilbert - Co se stane v Antarktidě, nezůstane v Antarktidě
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48:09Hostkou nového dílu podcastu Heatwave je klimatická vědkyně Dr. Ella Gillbert, která se specializuje na dění v polárních oblastech. Co jí přitahuje na nejodlehlejším kontinentu, proč jsou ledovce jako řeky, a jaktože někdy řvou jako zvířata? Proč by vás měli zajímat zneklidňující novinky, které přicházejí z Antarktidy? Podpořte vznik dalších dílů p…
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Spencer Weart - Crocodiles used to live near the North Pole. The system is not as stable as we would wish
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1:08:02After a short break, our climate podcast Heatwave returns. It is now hosted by sociologist Vojtěch Pecka, author of the successful publication The Factory of Lies. In the opening episode, he talks to American historian Spencer R. Weart, who was for many years the director of the Center for the History of Physics at the American Institute of Physics…
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Spencer Weart - Blízko severního pólu žili krokodýli. Systém není tak stabilní, jak bychom si přáli
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1:05:24Po kratší pauze se vrací náš klimatický podcast Heatwave. Nově ho moderuje sociolog Vojtěch Pecka, autor úspěšné publikace Továrna na lži. V úvodním dílu si povídá s americkým historikem Spencerem R. Weartem, který byl dlouhá léta ředitelem Centra pro historii fyziky při American Institute of Physics. Weart je autorem jedné z nejdůležitějších knih …
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Your mistakes happen for a reason to set you up for success.--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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The law of teaching states: Start with the known then introduce the unknown...Enjoy!
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I have audified some of my notes, there's a lot you can use here if you're an MC a speaker even a radio or TV announcer.--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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A lion must not weep in the presence of sheep
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1:13You are the lion to whom people look for courage, strength and leadership, but when you complain then you are the lion weeping in the presence of sheep because complaining is draining...--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Your success or failure is only w.t cm away or 25mm away or as the British say 1 inch away...be enlightened by listening .enjoy...--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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With fame may come shame if in your fame you succumb to the temptation to sleep around ...many politicians and famous peoples reputation and careers were ruined by sleeping with people they were not married to..--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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God can heal ypur broken heart, He is on the mainline,tell Him what you want,because He is listening to you,He knows every heartache you're going through, so tell Him today that you are lonely and blue because He is listening to you, if you take one step He will take two, if you stand still He will fight your battles for you, He will help you when …
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This message is about shifting your focus off of the moral imperative.--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Finally, the secret of women's hearts is out...guys listen and learn, ladies, set your goals accordingly,The Heat is on!--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Check out Galatians 5 and 1 Corinthians 12 and 1 Corinthians 13--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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The moment you release what is in your hand,God releases what is in His Hand..
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17:30The secret to always have and to get more is by giving...1 Kings 17:8 - 16.--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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God will complete it for you,don't worry..
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40:17Psalm 138:8 Some versions say: the Lord will perfect it for you, but I say..the Lord will set it up for you, He will organize it for you, He will correlate it for you, He will execute it for you, He will perform it for you and He will fructify it for you, Ayoba!The Heat is on! Fuctify means it will yield fruit...--- Send in a voice message: https:/…
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Encouragement to Sethu to say it!--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Check yourself before you wreck yourself...
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2:04If you have a stinking way of thinking then you must go for a check up from the neck up!Yebo! The Heat is on!--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Sometimes you may be delayed and you're soooo angry but that delaymay save your life...--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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The Heatwave name being used by me is a result of a miracle of healing where a woman who could not have children, her ovaries was healed after I prayed for her...it is no secret what God can do ...he can heal you too...--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message…
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These a a few short raps.. the word rap means rhythm and poetry...this was a request by a Pastor so that his youth can listen to it...enjoy! All the psalms in the bible are poetry...the book of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon was all written in poetic style..and the bible says in Ephesians 2:10 " We are His workmanship" the original…
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Just a change in the words we use cab bring in money or secure you a job or make you sought after...--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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This what you have been wanting to hear...
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8:29This for writers ...speakers...rappers...mc's....preachers....ordinary people who want to say something...humorous or wise etcetera....just take the meat ...leave the bones...--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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A man with an experience will never be at the mercy of a man with an argument....this is my experience...--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Some people are wise and some are otherwise
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13:39Some tips on how to supplement your income--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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The first key to success is to show up!--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Dont let this moment pass you by!--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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For speaker, preachers and teachers.
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You are not who people say you are, listen and be uplifted.--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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It is a few wedding anniversary symbols if you want more,leave a message.--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Winning stsrts with a beginning, in order to win it you have to be in it!--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Something you can use in your speech, your novel, your sermon or in your daily conversation, some lines can even be used as a title for your book! Enjoy!--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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About father--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Dedicated to Chris the Evangelist--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Dedicated to Br Chris--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Think on these things--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Many people are stressed when called upon to wish someone achappy birthday, especially if it is a colleague or boss or in a public space ..but here's something for now keep on listening to the podcast and you will have a word in season.--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message…
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This is a guide, a tool and an empowerment for seekers, leaders and personal workers.--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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This podcast is dedicated to Christo snd Lelani from Paarl.--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Take joy! Prend le joie! You have got to hear this secret!
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15:31Laughter, humour, joy this is your key to healing, it is therapeutic, it is life enhancing, it is productive, it is profitable, listen and receive the key to living more successful y,Amen!--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Sometimes you call in to a shop, a business or organic, but then the person tells you that they are unable to help you...this podcast will illustrate to you that you must call again...Don't give up, try again...--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Laughter improves the immune system...its healthy....releases endorphins which is 6 times stronger than morphine..listen on laughter has more than 30 benefits listen on and be informed...--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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Take advantage of the opportunity in the lifetime of the opportunity! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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For Heroes and Sheroes, for rappers and poets, for speakers and preaches. For writers and bikers, enjoy its here the phrase, the line, the title you're looking for!--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/henry42/message
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