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show episodes
Hey, y’all! I’m AJ Reyes, an actor/singer/alleged human, and I have no idea what I’m doing. If you feel similarly, yay and I’m sorry. Each week we’ll hang out with different artists and entrepreneurs to ask them what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. Hopefully we’ll find some motivation, or at the very least, commiseration. You can follow Can I Bother You on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @canibotheryou! P.B. (Post bother) If you want to learn more about me, your hot mess host, you c ...
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Should I Bother?

Gary Gillick & Stephanie Byrne

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There’s a million things you “should” be doing, but can you be bothered? 🤔 Our plan was to stop "living for the weekend" and finally find a hobby we both enjoy. That hobby, is now a podcast, about trying different hobbies! (Or basically anything we hear people talking about, or saying you "should" try). The goal? See if they really are worth all the bother of getting up out of our comfy seats to actually try. We'll test them and discuss as many as possible, so you can stay put in aforementio ...
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show series
How much true crime do you consume on a weekly basis? Because statistics would show there’s a 50% chance you consume at least some. You twisted little pup xxx But who could blame you. “Making a murderer”, “Dont F**k with Cats”, “Tiger King”. All unbelievable documentaries in a genre that continues to grow. But what happens when you consume a little…
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Have you ever been tempted to buy a weighted blanket? Maybe you’ve been living under a weighted rock and never heard of them. If so, the hint is in the name. They’re just regular blankets, but heavier. “But how would you even clean a weighted blanket?” you might wonder. There's good reason you don’t wash your dumbbells in the washing machine. “And …
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For between 1-2 million people, witchcraft isn’t just something that’s passively joked about at Halloween. It’s their religion. Mic, fu*king, drop. They’ve got dedicated witchcraft brooms and cauldrons and if you google, “witchcraft shop near me”, you’ll very likely find a place that sells all their supplies. I know what you’re thinking: “wtf is go…
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What is Energy Healing? Well, have you heard of Reiki? Ok. It’s not that. But it’s kind of in the same realm as that? I think. In the same way apples and pears belong in the same fruit bowl. Not purposely trying to be confusing here, but even after trying this, we’re still struggling to explain it - what it is, how it helps, if you should bother wi…
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Easiest way to make your own candles at home? Get yourself a candle making kit, obviously… did you not just read the title?? Evenings keep getting shorter, colder and darker. So what better activity to try than making your own candles! Definitely very practical, given the time of year. But is it as exciting as watching paint dry? At least 78,000 ar…
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Nasal strips: essentially plasters for your schnoz that help you breathe better. Simple enough. Athletes use them when running. Snotty people use them for congestion. Snorers use them to shut the fck up at night and stop disturbing everyone else. So if you’re an athletic, snotty snorer, you’ve hit the jackpot! You know what question we’re gonna ask…
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We’re guessing you know what the Myers Briggs Personality test is? Don’t feel bad if you don’t, but with over 2 million people taking the test a year - for work or otherwise - there’s bound to have been at least one, telling you all about their “type indicator” and who they are as a person without being prompted? Annoying? Very. But how valid is th…
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Not exactly a question of morality, is it. Because if it was a crime to murder a houseplant, wouldn’t most of us be locked up? Also, does anyone really intend to “murder” it in the first place? More likely to be called “plantslaughter” than anything else (Note: You won’t find this is the Oxford Dictionary, but Urban dictionary has got it covered!) …
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As the second largest search engine in the world, YouTube has paid out over $70 billion to its creators in the last 3 years. How much of that went to people making cat videos? Think about it! Unfortunately, that’s not something we’re able to answer in this episode, but we do discuss things like: Whether or not it’s too late to get started with a Yo…
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Weird fact: 30% of IKEA customers go there for the Food Court alone. That’s nearly one in three, driving to this big yellow and blue warehouse, not for some flat packed desk or Billy Bookcase. For a plate of small Swedish meatballs! Which begs the question: what the F is in those meatballs?? And why do they draw a crowd to a furniture brand? If you…
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Look, the title doesn’t even matter anymore. We’re talking Vince McMahon, Beekeepers and Buffalo Mozzarella. It’s basically deciding if you should bother with things we wouldn’t get a full episode out of. Don’t overthink it xox Listen to the full episode here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/should-you-wwe-111092067?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_sour…
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You know the hat we’re talking about. That little squashed down top hat? Think you could pull it off? And can he even pull it off? Sometimes I just wish he would. Take it off altogether and show us that crown of yours. Like, what’s actually under the hat Jason?! Show us will ya, for f*ck sake. Why are you always wearing a hat! Get bonus content on …
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Get the full episode here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-2-should-110160490?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Now before you answer that, no. He doesn’t have to be a 10/10. You marry him because he wouldn’t be the only sweet treat you’d have access to. At any time, day or nigh…
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It's our first ever Patreon episode! Currently a bit of filler while we're on our holliers. And what better to discuss the goats, kebabs and marching bands? With the potential to each be as enjoyable as the next. Also, can you guess what they all have in common? Thats right. Fuck*n zero. For the full episode, visit: https://open.acast.com/public/pa…
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Did you know there are 200 period tracking apps that are available on app stores today? Why so many? Because maybe they’re something you should bother with? And that's exactly what we’re here to figure out! What you maybe didn’t already know: Men get periods too (yes girls, we are out to steal your fu*kin thunder) People tracked their periods using…
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So, mushroom coffee is a thing these days - mainly thanks to those Nordic fellas from 4 Sigmatic, which you may have heard of? What’s next? Coffee mixed with butter?! Oh, wait… Future episode, maybe. Let’s stick with the mushroom one for now. When it comes to mushroom coffee, your question is probably the same one we had: what’s the fu*kin point in…
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If you’ve heard of the Caminito Del Rey - or seen people posting about it on Instagram - you’ve probably heard the “most dangerous walkway” claim along with it. The word people forget to include however is, “former”. Do you really think we’d be doing this otherwise?? Not a fuckin… HOPE! Since the walkway got refurbished in 2015 and pretty much baby…
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“Candlelight concert” - sounds fancy, intimate and an all-round pleasant evening out, doesn’t it? Perfect date night perhaps? If you’re one of the many millions of people that’s been targeted by their ads since 2019, you can also confirm that that’s exactly what it looks like! Hosted in over 100 countries across the globe, a quick “candlelight conc…
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Is it just us or does the word “diet” trigger a tiny voice in your head that whispers, “Fu*k.. Off” every time you hear it? But maybe the Mediterranean Diet is different? Not quite a “diet” in the traditional sense and it’s sure to include Italian food - how bad can that be?! Going into this week’s pod naively expecting plenty of pizza and pasta, w…
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If you’ve never heard of them, you’re probably wondering, “what are morning pages?” Common sense would say you probably already have a fair idea. Pages… that you do… in the morning? Exactly! And that’s how Julia Cameron, author of the bestseller, “The Artist’s Way” and creator of this lil’ journaling technique, describes them too. What? You’ve neve…
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Have you ever googled “Kickboxing classes near me” only to imagine what it’d be like to actually receive a kick or punch to the head and ultimately turn yourself off the idea? If so, you’re in luck! In this episode, we’re going to try a class for you and report back so you know exactly what to expect. No bruises, no black eyes. You won’t even need …
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What is a women’s circle? Obviously the name paints a picture in itself (a group of women around a fire singing Kumbayah for one) but what’s actually involved? If you were to take a guess, there’s likely some discussion around commonalities within the group (i.e. “girl stuff”) and that kind of vulnerability in front of strangers can go one of two w…
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Let’s be honest. If you enjoy a glass of wine, isn’t this the perfect excuse to have one early in the day, completely shame free?! Other than drinking the ends of leftover drinks in the early hours, we’ve never been to a wine tasting before. What’s the typical wine tasting attire? What are wine tasting notes? Is there particular wine tasting etique…
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Survival of the fittest? Not if you’re one of the very few out there with basic survival skills and tools. Then, even if the world ends, you can be as fat and slow as you like! This week, we’re prepping for future emergencies and heading to our local survival training camp to brush up on our severe lack of survival skills and knowledge. Can we ligh…
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We’re in Spain at the moment and since we’ve only tried one form of dancing on this podcast to date, why not step into one of Spain’s many stereotypes while we’re here - Flamenco dancing! (Bullfighting is in the works, we promise!) Here’s what to expect from this episode: We talk about the history and origin of flamenco (unsurprising to most - it h…
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We strongly believe that somewhere, over the rainbow, there lives a Jason Mraz lookalike that desperately wants to learn the Ukulele. And although we’d love to beat him, this week we’re actually gonna join him! First question to address - is the Ukulele just a small guitar?? One quick glance would say yes? There’s less strings, so does that mean le…
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What is Pilates? You’ve heard it on TV. You’ve seen it on signs. You’ve likely heard your mam’s friends talking about it. “Did you see they’re doing pilates with machines now?” But have you ever looked into it? And is it worth your precious time to partake? Today we’re pulling on our pilates socks and discussing everything we can find online about …
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We’ve spent the last 2 years trying a new hobby, sport, health trend or tiktok sensation, week-in, week-out to discover what’s worth bothering with or not. Where the F**K did that time go?! And after trying 99 of them, we feel we might actually have some lessons to share! So, we asked our audience what they’d like to know most and spent this episod…
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Here’s one for anyone that chooses to get off their arse each week to exercise - taking Creatine Monohydrate to build dem muscles! As one of the most researched supplements in the world, maybe you’ve heard of it already. And maybe you assumed it’s only chugged down by those bodybuilder lads after a fresh layer of tan. But did you know, that it’s ac…
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Look lads, it's a very short intermission in our typical SIB schedule. We've got family visiting for a week, so that meant trying a new activity, recording the pod, editing and releasing had to take the backseat. In the words of Kimberly "Sweet Brown" Wilkins, "Ain't nobody got time for that". What we do have for you however is a coupla best bits! …
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For something that’s all about moving waste products from the body, lymphatic drainage massage does trigger the internal “could this be a load of sh*te” alarm. Like most TikTok wellness trends, it comes with bold promises and dramatic before and afters. And with influencers and celebrities on board using this to get “red carpet ready”, of course th…
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10,000 steps a day has become this magic number in recent years that, if achieved, you can consider yourself healthier. Handy! But have you ever wondered - how many miles does that even equate to? 10,000 sounds like a f**k load. And where do you find the time?! Also, if it’s all about helping you be healthier, how many calories can you expect to bu…
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I’ll be the first to say it. I had no idea aerial yoga was even a thing! Performing yoga poses, 3 feet off the ground in a hammock. First thoughts are: is there any need? Second thoughts of course: Should people bother with this? Is it that different to regular mat yoga? Something we also tried on the pod nearly 2 years ago, so at least we can comp…
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We’ve all been there. You buy a basil plant thinking this will be the start of your brand new Herb Garden. A limitless supply of your favourite herbs from directly inside your kitchen. And then… it dies. And you think, “what in the actual f*ck is this?! I’ve been sold a lie!” But maybe growing a herb garden inside your kitchen, or on your windowsil…
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Over 72 million people in the world use sign language to communicate every day. Although, billions have used sign language at some point - if you count giving someone the middle finger. Outside of that though, what other sign language do you know? Do you know the sign language for please, or help? Could you use them in a full sentence such as, “Ple…
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I’m guessing we’ve all had a stint of shite sleeps in our lives. And the majority of us have used at least one sleep aid or sleep supplement at some stage or another.. But which did you opt for? Over the counter sleeping tablets? Melatonin? Some sleepy or chamomile tea? One option doing the rounds on social media these days is using magnesium as a …
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Right, so we’re all for saving the world and everything. Looking up vegan recipes isn’t too difficult and vegan restaurants are very easy to find these days. But.. Giving up bacon, chocolate and butter. Or trading in the real thing for vegan pizza or vegan burgers. Wouldn’t you rather just watch the world burn?! In this episode, we discuss the reas…
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Here’s one you might not have heard about. More like a massage than actual yoga, Face Yoga experts - like Koko Hayashi, for any Shark Tank fans out there - claim that 10 minutes of this a day is the key to looking younger. The question floating around the Should I Bother studio, however, is - are they talking out their hoop? (for our international …
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Remember when everyone and their Mam’s had a fitbit? Well that was the beginning of the fitness tracker craze, almost 20 years ago. And it’s come along way since. Garmin, Apple, Oura, Whoop - plenty of brands have created wearable fitness trackers to track more than just 10,000 steps a day. But are they worth the significant money you pay for them?…
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Has it crossed your mind at all that it’s been 20 weeks since we first started to “Learn Spanish”?? Yes - the inverted commas were intended and will give you a hint into exactly how it went. Maybe if you were here you’d say, ¿Qué pasó? With the same passion and shock as your favourite telenovela character. And then we’d respond with, “What the f**k…
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Time for the big reveal! Last week we talked about the weird and (hopefully) wonderful activity that is, Laughter Yoga. This week, we talk about how our experience of trying it went. To recap, this activity involves maintaining eye contact with strangers while you fake laugh. Which is actually how we recommend you listen to this podcast by the way.…
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Our newest addition of “most bizarre things to try on the pod”, is laughter yoga. Doesn’t sound so bad, does it? Everyone likes to laugh! Well what if we said this involves forcing yourself to pretend to laugh, in a room full of strangers, while maintaining eye contact with them? Now what do you think? In spite of this, laughter yoga sessions are b…
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If you’re the kind of person that isn’t usually clued in, here’s a quick recap: In last week’s episode, we discussed why anyone would bother with intermittent fasting - discussing things we talked about online, mixed in with the other usual bit of boll*cks we like to talk. On this week’s episode, we’re talking about our experience following 5 short…
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The inevitable happened again. We all ate too much over Christmas and now we’re looking for ways to reduce the consistent bloat. Well, have you thought about just skipping breakfast and eating less? Because that’s pretty much what Intermittent Fasting is (if you do the 16/8 method). Unless you’re a hardcore breakfast lover, on paper it sounds prett…
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Timothy and I are back with more holiday cheer and sinister merriment. We tell you what we’ve been up to, talk movies, and of course, have some festive would you rathers. All while I bake cookies and Timothy wraps presents. The ASMR we provide is our gift to you. Happy holidays! Bother AJ! YouTube Instagram Facebook TikTok Bother Timothy! timothyda…
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A plain and simple minisode while we're on our Christmas Holibobs. Good few things happened in 2023 and for your entertainment, we made up some questions about them to quiz each other on. Basically just an excuse to chat a little bit more shi*e before the year is out! Other than that, have a great New Years :) We'll be back with our regular schedul…
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That time of the year again, when people say things like “Bah Humbug” and we all question why that was ever a phrase. But it’s also time… for our second ever Christmas Special! And you know what that means! Do we bother with trying a new activity?! Absolutely fuc*ing not! We cannot, and shall not, be ARSED! Instead, this is an episode of 100% pure …
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We spent the last week channelling our inner bargain hunters, visiting flea markets and skulking around charity shops. The objective - to try and determine if one man’s trash truly is another man’s treasure. On the hunt for some homeware, clothes and potentially Christmas gifts, we were curious. Would this convert us from full-time first-hand shopp…
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Thrifting - the act of rummaging through second-hand goods, delights and piles of sh*te to find a bargain on some item that you may or may not need. Unless you’re Gen-Z - or a big fan of bargain hunters - there’s a high probability that this isn’t something you’ve done very often, or maybe.. ever. But as the world makes more stuff every year and we…
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Fast forward 7 days from our last episode and we’ve bought a lego set on Amazon and slowly assembled it, piece by piece. The most surprising thing: there was an 18+ age label on the side of the box! So Lego really can be specifically for adults! But have you ever wondered what that could be like? For most of us, lego usually resulted in some shi*ty…
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