iPad活用のヒントになる情報をお届けするポッドキャスト番組 ■LISTENで文字起こしも見られます https://listen.style/p/ipadworkers ipadworkers.substack.com
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Hosted by the IPA, the Innovative Payments Pod is designed to keep you ahead of an ever-changing industry and position you to succeed in tomorrow’s prepaid environment. Join us for thought-provoking discussions on the most pressing issues of the day.
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The IPA is the professional body for advertising, media and marketing communications agencies in the UK. We represent over 300 agencies which are responsible for 85% of UK advertising and communication spend. Our shows, AdTalk with Paul Bainsfair, The Effectiveness Files with Laurence Green, New Business Diaries, and IPA On... Talent Matters break down the big issues facing advertising and communications business.
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Patreon.com/iPApodcast - 6 degrés de separation en lien avec les acteurs du terroir : bières, vins, distilleries et plus encore. The 6 degres of seperation with the people in the world of beer, distillery, wine, cider and more.
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Learn how to get the most out of your iPad Pro by listening to the pros using the iPad. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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IPAA Tasmania’s Public Purpose Conversations showcases the people, voices and ideas across government, community, academic, research, and business sectors and gives listeners first hand insights into the trends, challenges and innovations that are shaping our State and the ways in which we work.
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Get the most from your Mac! The show features news, tips, tricks, techniques, tutorials and reviews geared toward the casual, home and business Apple user. Covers the Mac, iPad, iPhone and other Apple products.
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"Para que, pela igreja, a multiforme sabedoria de Deus se torne conhecida..." Ef 3.10
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Ouça uma mensagem gravada na Nova Igreja de Ipanema. Esperamos que você possa conhecer um pouco mais o amor e a graça de Jesus Cristo, e que sua fé seja fortalecida para vencer quaisquer desafios que estejam a sua frente.
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The rules are forever changed. If you're a practicing physician assistant and need to take your recertification exam, as you know, in 2019, the rules have changed. In teaching board review courses and teaching at colleges for years, I've always said you need to know how the game is played. You need to know the test writers, how they're writing their tests, and where they're getting their content from. Well, the NCCPA has revealed their 2019 blueprint for how and what you need to study.
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Welcome to my podcast. Were you can hear. Real shit. No games
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Podcast pribadi milik Ipang
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Welcome to the Ipadbeats podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Technologie im Bildungsbereich.
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Warden Park Academy Trust Digital Development
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Learn how businesses and enterprises around the globe are using iPad to improve the way employees work.
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LA SUMATORIA DE LAS FUERZAS DE LO POSITIVO DIÓ INFINITO. Cartas de Amor fraterno de la Cosmogonía. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ipartio/support
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iPadはもはや特別な存在ではなく、学校と家庭での日常の一部となり、教育現場と教育者に目覚ましい進化を起こしています。 このイベントでは、昨年度4月から新入生に1人1台ずつiPadを導入、現在は中高合わせて3,000台のiPadが稼働している近畿大学附属高等学校・中学校から、こどもたちのクリエイティビティを促進する生徒の学習成果物作成、教材プリントや解説動画の作成と配信、クラブ活動や文化祭での利用まで、21世紀の教育に欠かせないリアルなストーリーを多数紹介しています。 iPadとこれからのこどもたちのための学校教育をわかりやすく伝えています。
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筑波大学附属桐が丘特別支援学校の児童生徒たちは、身の回りの問題にiPadを取り入れ、筑波大学情報科学類の学生と協力しiOS アプリケーションを開発・解決しました。このイベントでは、学生、児童生徒と先生が共同開発をはじめた想いやあゆみと今後を、今の教育に不可欠なキーワードであるテクノロジーと人のつながり、アイデア、問題解決のストーリーと共にお話しています。
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Diese Beispiele zeigen, wie Großunternehmen durch den Einsatz des iPad ihre Arbeitsweise optimieren. Zusammengestellt wurden sie von dem für „iPad in Unternehmen“ zuständigen Apple Team.
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Scopri come le grandi aziende usano l’iPad per migliorare il proprio modo di lavorare. A cura del team “Lavorare con iPad” di Apple.
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iPad transforms the way you work. Learn how iPad features and applications can help businesses get the job done.
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Welcome to the iPad, iPhone Tips podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Allied Pacific IPA is committed to providing quality and patient-centered medical care through an extensive network of healthcare professionals.
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Découvrez de quelle façon de grandes entreprises utilisent l’iPad pour rationaliser leurs méthodes de travail. Mis à votre disposition par l’équipe Apple iPad en entreprise.
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Doing more with iPad. Check out ipadguild.com
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Podcast by Moesif API Observability
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Descubre cómo grandes empresas están utilizando el iPad para mejorar su forma de trabajar. Ofrecido por el equipo del iPad en la empresa de Apple.
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Learn how business people from companies of all sizes are using iPad, apps from the App Store, as well as apps built for in-house use, to transform how they get their jobs done.
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Join executives of major corporations and find out how they are incorporating iPad into their business. You'll learn how they are using third-party applications as well as developing their own internal apps to streamline workflows that help their employees be more productive.
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All things Catholic and then some!
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News, analysis and interviews from the Institute of Public Affairs, Australia's voice for freedom.
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Innovative teachers can inspire learning. See how smart teachers are thinking outside the book and using Mac and iPad in creative ways to keep students engaged and focused.
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İstanbul Planlama Ajansı podcast kanalına hoş geldiniz. İPA Podcast'te İstanbul’un kent gündemini, kente dair güncel yayın ve araştırmaları uzman konuklarla konuşuyoruz. Hazırlayan ve sunanlar: Elif Yıldız Kızılca ve Berkan Özyer
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Learn how to use your iOS device from Jess Hutchins Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@efekurnaz
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Igreja Evangélica Assembléia de Ipanema
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A conversation about iPhone, iPad and all things related to Apple brought to you by www.everythingicafe.com.
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著名钢琴家郎朗与 Tido 的首席执行官 Kathryn Knight 一起畅聊他们共同合作的 app 《跟郎朗学钢琴》。
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La Stanza Dei Fumetti è un Podcast interamente dedicato ai fumetti. Ogni settimana viene pubblicata una puntata in cui Matteo, alias IpadderHD, parla delle ultime notizie su comics, manga, graphic novels e di tutto ciò che ruota attorno al fantastico mondo della nona arte! Se ti piace il Podcast e vuoi rimanere ancora più aggiornato, IpadderHD ti aspetta su YouTube con le sue video recensioni e i suoi video acquisti!
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With iPhone, iPad, and iOS, progressive IT teams are leading innovation at their companies. Hear real-world examples and best practices from IT groups who embrace a new vision for technology to transform the way their employees work.
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Der Podcast rund um das Tablet. Hardware und Apps, sowie der Nutzer stehen im Mittelpunkt.
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O IPA CAST é o PodCast do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa “Intelectuais e Política Nas Américas” da Universidade Estadual Paulista, campus de Franca. O IPA é formado por alunos de graduação, mestrado e doutorado em História, além de Professores e Pesquisadores da Unesp, mas também de outras instituições. Nosso grupo existe desde 2013 e, neste ano, assume um formato digital, com o seu podcast. A nossa intenção é a de que o IPA CAST seja um espaço de discussão e debate sobre assuntos relacionado à ...
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MobileAppzTV videos show you true action gameplay demos of iPad apps so you can make an informed decision before you buy.
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S04E22 - Capsule Temporelle et Domaine Lafrance à Soif de Cidre
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Soif de cidre, le festival de cidre au Québec. En fait, si tu veux découvrir les producteurs et leurs produits, c'est l'endroit où aller. J'ai eu la chance de faire une série de podcast pour vous en présenter quelques-uns, voici la jasette avec Matthiew Quinn de la Capsule Temporelle, Antoine du Domaine Lafrance et Fred du Chemin des Sept . Bonne É…
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Cuidado com os apóstatas | Jd 5-7 | 15.09.2024 | Culto Noturno
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15.09.2024 - Mensagem do Culto Noturno ao vivo da Igreja Presbiteriana de Anápolis com Rev. Lucas Taube. Texto Bíblico: Judas 5-7Tema: Cuidado com os apóstatas.Bởi Igreja Presbiteriana de Anápolis | IPA
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The Effectiveness Files: The Guardian
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Anna Bateson, CEO of Guardian Media Group joins the IPA Effectiveness Files to talk about her role as the caretaker of an iconic media brand, The Guardian's proposition for advertisers, and what the future holds.Bởi Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA)
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In this episode, Dr. Angela Murphy, vice president of marketing and solution at Pidgin, discusses the revenue opportunities that instant payments offer financial institutions. She also discusses why banks and credit unions need to develop a payments strategy that reaches across their organizations. You can find the white paper discussed in the show…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3192. iOS 18 for the iPhone has a lot of new features even before we get to Apple Intelligence. Try some new Home Screen looks, lock apps, schedule messages, do math in Notes and much more.Bởi MacMost
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Discipulado | Mt 28.18-20 | 15.09.2024 | Culto Matutino
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15.09.2024 - Mensagem do Culto Matutino ao vivo da Igreja Presbiteriana de Anápolis com Rev. Henrique Bruno. Texto Bíblico: Mateus 28.18-20Tema: Discipulado.Bởi Igreja Presbiteriana de Anápolis | IPA
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As coisas de Deus são simples | 2 Rs 5.1-19 | 08.09.2024 | Culto Noturno
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08.09.2024 - Mensagem do Culto Noturno ao vivo da Igreja Presbiteriana de Anápolis com Rev. Samuel Vieira. Texto Bíblico: 2 Reis 5.1-19Tema: As coisas de Deus são simplesBởi Igreja Presbiteriana de Anápolis | IPA
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Contenda | Ex 17.1-7 | 08.09.2024 | Culto Matutino
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08.09.2024 - Mensagem do Culto Matutino ao vivo da Igreja Presbiteriana de Anápolis com Rev. Lucas Quintino. Texto Bíblico: Exodo 17.1-7Tema: ContendaBởi Igreja Presbiteriana de Anápolis | IPA
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Wills c'est une brasserie, un nightlife, une place ou prendre de bon vin et plus encore. Des gens passionés sont derrière tout cela et en vue de leur anniversaire, nous nous sommes rencontrer le temps d'une jasette. Merci à Aurélien Eblé, Alex Wills, Ethan Wills, Hugo Perrier, Ryan Lewell et Ellen Eamon. Bonne Écoute! Send us a text Support the sho…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3190. macOS Sequoia packs in a lot of new features even before Apple Intelligence is added. You have a ton of window tiling commands, a new Passwords app, Math Notes, audio transcriptions, iPhone Mirroring and more.Bởi MacMost
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S04E20 - Chemin des Sept à Soif de Cidre
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Soif de cidre, le festival de cidre au Québec. En fait, si tu veux découvrir les producteurs et leurs produits, c'est l'endroit où aller. J'ai eu la chance de faire une série de podcast pour vous en présenter quelques-uns, voici la jasette avec Étienne Tremblay de la cidrerie Chemin des Sept. Bonne Écoute! Send us a text Support the show…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3186. A quick way to get around in the Finder is to use the Go To Folder command, especially if you like using your keyboard more than a mouse or trackpad. Here are some advanced tips that you may not know about.Bởi MacMost
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👋 こんにちは、はるなです。 今日のテーマは「無料のMediBang Paintアプリでパターン模様を作る方法」です。 パターン模様を作れると、デジタルなら壁紙やデジタルプランナーの表紙に、アナログなら印刷して手帳用のオリジナルリフィルや小物製作に活用できます。 MediBang Paint 🎧 iPad Workers Podcastは毎週、木曜日配信予定のポッドキャスト番組です。リクエスト・感想などは #iPadWorkers のハッシュタグを付けてツイートお願いします。 🌸 ワークショップでの発見 8月に福岡でワークショップを開催した際、参加者のフゆちゃん(@fuchsia_yu)からとても面白いTipsを教えてもらいました。 MediBang Paintという無料アプリを使って、パタ…
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S04E19 - Moulton Hill et Cidrerie Compton à Soif de Cidre
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Soif de cidre, le festival de cidre au Québec. En fait, si tu veux découvrir les producteurs et leurs produits, c'est l'endroit où aller. J'ai eu la chance de faire une série de podcast pour vous en présenter quelques-uns, voici la jasette avec Josuah et Félix Boucher de Moulton Hill ainsi que Jimmy Beaudoin de la Cidrerie Compton. Bonne Écoute! Se…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3188. It may seem like you need to subscribe to Apple Music to use the Music app on your Mac. But you can simply ignore Apple Music in the sidebar and search results and use it with your own purchased or ripped songs. You can also disable it so it doesn't appear at all. And yes, you can still rip songs from a CD …
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Glowtime with Matt Birchler (iPad Pros - 0206)
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Matt and Tim discuss Apple’s September 2024 event. A live to YouTube version of the podcast is also available! Check the links below to watch. Early episodes with chapter markers are available by supporting the podcast at www.patreon.com/ipadpros. Early episodes are also now available in Apple Podcasts! Show notes are available at www.iPadPros.net.…
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S04E18 - Equinoxe et Famille Tremblay à Soif de Cidre
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Soif de cidre, le festival de cidre au Québec. En fait, si tu veux découvrir les producteurs et leurs produits, c'est l'endroit où aller. J'ai eu la chance de faire une série de podcast pour vous en présenter quelques-uns, voici la jasette avec Marc-Antoine Arsenault-Chiasson d'Équinoxe Ferme Cidricole ainsi qu'Antoine de la Cidrerie Famille Trembl…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3184. After a macOS or app update it can be difficult to figure out what has changed. Here's how to see what's new in macOS update and also some techniques for finding out what's new in Apple and third-party apps.Bởi MacMost
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S04E17 - Cidrerie Le Somnambule à Soif de Cidre
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Soif de cidre, le festival de cidre au Québec. En fait, si tu veux découvrir les producteurs et leurs produits, c'est l'endroit où aller. J'ai eu la chance de faire une série de podcast pour vous en présenter quelques-uns, voici la jasette avec Émile Robert de la Cidrerie Le Somnambule. Je suis accompagné à la co-animation par Stephane Dèls de Podc…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3183. You don't to print and scan a PDF document to sign it. You can use markup tools on your Mac to apply your own signature to a document. You can even do it quickly in Mail without needing to save the file. You can do it on the iPhone or iPad too.Bởi MacMost
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Raio-X | Ex 15.22-27 | 01.09.2024 | Culto Noturno
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01.09.2024 - Mensagem do Culto Noturno da Igreja Presbiteriana de Anápolis com Rev. Lucas Quintino. Texto Bíblico: Êxodo 15.22-27Tema: Raio-XBởi Igreja Presbiteriana de Anápolis | IPA
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Morte na panela | 2 Rs 4.38-41 | 01.09.2024 | Culto Matutino
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01.09.2024 - Mensagem do Culto Matutino da Igreja Presbiteriana de Anápolis com Rev. Samuel Vieira.Texto Bíblico: 2 Reis 4.38-41Tema: Morte na panela.Bởi Igreja Presbiteriana de Anápolis | IPA
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S04E16 - Cidrerie Milton à Soif de Cidre
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Soif de cidre, le festival de cidre au Québec. En fait, si tu veux découvrir les producteurs et leurs produits, c'est l'endroit où aller. J'ai eu la chance de faire une série de podcast pour vous en présenter quelques-uns, voici la jasette avec Charlie Courchesne et Émile Doyon de la Cidrerie Milton. Je suis accompagné à la co-animation par Stephan…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3182. Learn some advanced techniques for browsing the Web with Safari on your Mac. Use tabs more efficiently, add a Favorites bar, view two Web pages at the same time, autofill forms, log into multiple accounts at the same time, search engine tips and much more.Bởi MacMost
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Soif de cidre, le festival de cidre au Québec. En fait, si tu veux découvrir les producteurs et leurs produits, c'est l'endroit où aller. J'ai eu la chance de faire une série de podcast pour vous en présenter quelques-uns, voici la jasette avec Jérémy Viens de Jus Sec. Je suis accompagné à la co-animation par Stephane Dèls de Podcrastination. Bonne…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3181. You can permanently and securely remove text and images from PDF documents with the Preview app on your Mac. This can be used to hide information from the next person to view the PDF, or to simply reduce the size of the file.Bởi MacMost
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👋 こんにちは、はるなです。 今回のポッドキャストは、Apple製品が大好きな公立高校の数学教師えむおーさんへの、インタビュー回です。 ニュースレターでは「Goodnotesのレーザーポインターの意外な使い方とプリントの管理方法」について紹介します。 えむおーiPad買ったら連絡ください(@Mo24555713)さん / X 学校の先生のiPad活用事例が知りたい方や、iPadの相談などがありましたら、ぜひえむおーさんにご相談ください! 参考リンク🔗 * えむおー(Notion) 🎫 ChatGPT活用講座 * 📅 8月31日(土)10:00〜🎥 ChatGPT活用講座(当日視聴無料) * 🎫スライド、アーカイブ視聴付き前売りチケット:2,200円(8月31日12:00までの販売)* ※開…
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Apparently, regulators don’t take summer vacations. While August is normally quiet in Washington DC, a slew of proposals have come out that could affect everything about the way the fintechs do business. In the past month, proposed rules on brokered deposits and earned wage access products could change the way many fintechs do business. In addition…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3180. You can copy and paste text and objects in a variety of ways on your iPhone in iOS 17 and 18. You can use this to move content from one app to another.Bởi MacMost
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Breathing Dangers: Unraveling Sleep Apnea and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
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Thanks for listening! 🌟 Learn what you've been missing in medicine! At CME4Life, our mission is to educate & empower the PA profession so that we can create a healthier world. We aim to Maximize Your Mind. Join Our Community! 🌐 Visit Our Website: Shop Here 📬 Subscribe to Our Mailing List: Join Here Live CME 2024: More Info Here Upcoming Events: Urg…
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Moleskine Studio with Adam Shaw (iPad Pros - 0205)
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Adam Shaw is a developer creating iPadOS, iOS, macOS, and visionOS apps. Making awesome apps at Bonobo Labs and Moleskine Studio. These apps include GlanceBar, Spotless, Dressed on the side, Flow, TimePage, and Actions. In this episode, we dive deep into the Moleskine Studio of apps and touch on how Adam uses the iPad. Early episodes with chapter m…
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Ceci n'est pas un festival de bière, mais une Foire dans laquelle il y a des kiosque de microbrasserie. Une belle jasette sur ce qui fait la différence entre les deux et les raisons qui entraine des exposants à aller faire les Foire. Co-animer avec Philippe Wouters, nous aons reçu : Marc-Olivier Pouliot, Maxim Tremblay, Étienne Couture, Jeremy Vien…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3179. While many apps have the option to export as a PDF file, you can actually do it with any app at all as long as there is an option to Print. Even screenshots can be turned into PDFs. You can do this on the iPhone and iPad too.Bởi MacMost
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A missao da Igreja | Mt 28.16-20 | 25.08.2024 | Culto Missionário
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25.08.2024 - Mensagem do Culto Noturno ao vivo da Igreja Presbiteriana de Anápolis com Rev. Heber Schaiblich. Texto Bíblico: Mateus 28.16-20Tema: A missão da Igreja - Culto missionário.Bởi Igreja Presbiteriana de Anápolis | IPA
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3178. Tired of videos with mild productivity tips that are just minor tweaks to how you already work? Here are some extreme productivity ideas for Mac users that can really shake things up.Bởi MacMost
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Milagre com portas fechadas | 2 Rs 4.1-7 | 25.08.2024 | Culto Matutino
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25.08.2024 - Mensagem do Culto Matutino ao vivo da Igreja Presbiteriana de Anápolis com Rev. Samuel Vieira. Texto Bíblico: 2 Reis 4.1-7Tema: Milagre com portas fechadas.Bởi Igreja Presbiteriana de Anápolis | IPA
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3177. You can use tables in Pages for a lot more than just data. You can create simple layouts, alphabetize lists, make calendars, game boards, graph paper, timelines and more.Bởi MacMost
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Urgent Care Essentials: Navigating Pediatrics with Confidence
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Thanks for listening! 🌟 Learn what you've been missing in medicine! At CME4Life, our mission is to educate & empower the PA profession so that we can create a healthier world. We aim to Maximize Your Mind. Join Our Community! 🌐 Visit Our Website: Shop Here 📬 Subscribe to Our Mailing List: Join Here Live CME 2024: More Info Here Upcoming Events: Urg…
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S04E13 - Débryde - Projet entre l'Université de Sherbrooke et l'Université de Montpellier
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Depuis plusieurs années les Universités de Sherbrooke et de Montpellier se visite et partage des informations d'un côté et de l'autre de l'océan. Cette fois-ci le fruit de leurs rencontres en à été la création de Débryde. Steve Dussault m'a inviter à allez mieux comprendre le projet et me partage cela sur une jasette lors d'une rencontre de type 5à…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3176. While it seems like the Menu Bar is built to be controlled with your mouse or trackpad, you can actually get to everything in the Menu Bar using only your keyboard. In fact, there are several ways to do control the Menu Bar with your keyboard.Bởi MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3174. Don't let yourself get frustrated by changes to your devices or apps. Learn to embrace change and look at it as an opportunity to learn new things and explore.Bởi MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3173. Reader View is a great way to read large amounts of text on a web page. Get rid of distractions like ads, navigation and sidebars, and read with larger text on a plain background. You can also use Reader View for nicer printouts, PDFs and text features.Bởi MacMost
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👋 こんにちは、はるなです。 今日のテーマは「福岡にあるステキな文房具屋アイデアスイッチさんとの出会い」です。 * 📅8月24日博多iPad勉強会(14:00) * 📅8月25日福岡スタンプをつくろうワークショップ(10:00/13:00) 🎧 iPad Workers Podcastは毎週、木曜日配信予定のポッドキャスト番組です。リクエスト・感想などは #iPadWorkers のハッシュタグを付けてツイートお願いします。 💡福岡に行ったら訪れたい文房具屋さん「アイデアスイッチ」 昨年から旅行の際、文房具(主に万年筆インク)を扱うお店を探して訪れています。 昨年、福岡を訪れたときは、文房具朝食会@名古屋で大変お世話になっている文房具系ブロガーのフミヒロさんに教えてもらったお店「アイデアスイ…
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Tackling Tachyarrhythmias: Critical Concepts for PANRE Mastery
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Thanks for listening! 🌟 Learn what you've been missing in medicine! At CME4Life, our mission is to educate & empower the PA profession so that we can create a healthier world. We aim to Maximize Your Mind. Join Our Community! 🌐 Visit Our Website: Shop Here 📬 Subscribe to Our Mailing List: Join Here Live CME 2024: More Info Here Upcoming Events: Urg…
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Teaching English in Taiwan with Rishi Ó (iPad Pros - 0204)
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Rishi Ó is back on the podcast to discuss his experiences using the iPad as a teacher in Taiwan. We also touch a bit on using the iPad for live harmonica performances and creating videos. Early episodes with chapter markers are available by supporting the podcast at www.patreon.com/ipadpros. Early episodes are also now available in Apple Podcasts! …
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In Conversation with the Hon Peter Gutwein
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IPAA Tasmania President Mel Brown welcome’s Tasmania’s former Premier, the Hon Peter Gutwein, to talk about his views on leadership, his journey into politics, and the things we can all do to focus on our wellbeing.Bởi IPAA Tasmania
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Dons do Espírito (Parte I) - Timóteo Gomes
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Nova série sobre os dons do espírito do Pastor Timóteo Gomes. Mensagem compartilhada no dia 11 de agosto, no culto das 19:00 - na Av. Epitácio Pessoa 1164.
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S04E12 - Micro du Lac - Partie 2 au pub
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Suite de ma jasette avec Marc Gagnon de la Microbrasserie du Lac Saint-Jean. Nous avons pris le temps d'aller prendre place au pub pour jaser un peu plus de leur histoire, des bières, des ingrédients, etc. Bonne écoute! Send us a text Support the showBởi Paul-André
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3172. You can add page numbers to the top or bottom of all of your pages in a Pages document. Learn how to add and modify them, skip pages, style the text and more.Bởi MacMost
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Mensagem compartilhada no Dia dos Pais, pelo Pastor Bené Gomes, no culto das 11:00 - na Av. Epitácio Pessoa 1164.
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