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show episodes
On seasons 1 and 2, we took a deep look into policing and criminal justice in America. This season on The Untold Story, we go even further, with three investigations of injustice happening in your own backyard. From executive producer Jay Ellis and Lemonada Media, this season covers how we can fix the humanitarian crisis happening at Rikers Island; why your tax dollars are funding software that leads to over policing in our most vulnerable communities; and the racist roots of the debunked me ...
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Follow us on Twitter @FatalInjustice Fatal Injustice is a Upcoming American Professional Wrestling Tag Team that will Debut Soon for any other information please Follow us on twitter or Email us
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Injustice For All

Injustice For All PodCast

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Mac, (a Jerk-Off) discussing issues and topics that agitate/intrigue him with guests. He has terrible opinions and he can't wait for you to hear them. Love us OR hate our guts. This is America, both is cool.
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Puddle of Social Injustices

lilaanddanielle be a voice not an echo

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Hey guys! This is Puddle of Social Injustices. As you guessed from our name, this podcast is about social injustices, where we basically just talk about some social justice issues around the world. :)
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Dismantling Injustice

Envision Freedom Fund (formerly the Brooklyn Community Bail Fund)

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Envision Freedom's Dismantling Injustice podcast offers insight and analysis from our community members, allies, and colleagues about issues affecting people who encounter the racist, unjust criminal legal and immigration systems and the work we're all doing to dismantle those systems.
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The Injustice Radar Podcast

Michael Tarabay

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Living as an INTJ can be extremely frustrating and it shows as Host Michael Tarabay takes us through his vision of how things should be in ways that even he doesn’t understand. The Injustice Radar never turns off. Support this podcast:
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Trauma InJustice

Alison DeBelder and Chris Moser

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Trauma InJustice is a podcast about the ways that people in the criminal justice system confront and manage trauma. It’s also about the ways that training has aided (or failed) them and ought to be improved.
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Grave Injustice


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The makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court and the cases they are hearing are no accident – right-wing political groups and billionaire zealots have played the long game to shape America’s judicial system in their image. Lisa Graves, a legal expert who has carefully tracked these actors for decades, reveals the dark money and special interests behind the cases manufactured for the Court. With decisions imminent, the Supreme Court could deliver more blows to reproductive freedom, voting rights, the ...
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Louie Media

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NOUVELLE SAISON : QUI CROIT ENCORE POUVOIR CHANGER LE MONDE ? Face aux défis de ce monde - le dérèglement climatique ou la montée des extrêmes droites, pour ne citer qu'eux - nous sommes nombreux à être saisis d'urgence existentielle, et dans le même temps, d'un désespoir quant à notre capacité à changer quoi que ce soit. Résultat, de nombreuses personnes se retrouvent paralysées. Dans Qui croit encore pouvoir changer le monde ?, Maud de Carpentier se demande pourquoi dans cet entre deux, ce ...
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show series
On this week’s Everyday Injustice interview, Chesa Boudin, former San Francisco District Attorney and now Executive Director of the Berkeley Criminal Law and Justice Center, reflects on his experiences in office, the state of criminal justice reform, and his current work at UC Berkeley.Boudin highlights how political power matters more than individ…
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We’re excited to share a show we know you’ll love: Pantsuit Politics. Hosted by Kentuckians Sarah Stewart Holland and Beth Silvers, Pantsuit Politics offers a refreshing, thoughtful take on news and culture. It’s all about paying attention to what’s happening in the world—without the anxiety. This week, destruction can be part of the building proce…
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This week on Everyday Injustice we talk with Jamarr Brown, a seasoned campaign strategist, proven political executive and commentator. Jamarr serves as the Executive Director of Color Of Change PAC where he leads the fundraising and program operations to support candidates that will bring about essential and transformative changes within the crimin…
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This week on Everyday Injustice we talk with Nasser Eledroos, Policy Strategist at Color Of Change, where he spearheads initiatives to develop and implement technology policies aimed at safeguarding the rights of Black individuals across the United States at both federal and state levels. Eledroos has played a pivotal role in the creation of the Bl…
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This week on Everyday Injustice, we talk with UC Davis Law Professor Gabriel “Jack” Chin about the new Trump administration, Court Challenges, and potential unconstitutional actions.Chin is a teacher and scholar of Immigration Law, Criminal Procedure, and Race and Law. His scholarship has appeared in the Penn, UCLA, Cornell, and Harvard Civil Right…
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This week on Everyday Injustice, we talk with Amanda Hall, who as the Senior Director of National Campaigns, she leads strategic efforts to shape national drug policy within expansive coalitions and advocates for the voices of those directly impacted.Hall recounted her journey to incarceration, sharing how witnessing her mother’s arrest as a child …
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This week on Everyday Injustice, we talk with Johanna Lacoe, research director at the California Policy Lab on a recent study that looked at the short-term impacts of bail policy on crime in Los Angeles. There has been an emergency bail schedule instituted twice in Los Angeles since 2020.Lacoe also co-authored a report for California Policy Lab on …
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This week on Everyday Injustice, we talk with Katie Dixon, head of Closure is Possible campaign, and Renae Badruzzaman project director at Health Instead of Punishment nonprofit about the problems facing women who are incarcerated at women’s prisons.The Crisis to Care Report ( was release…
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The November 2024 Election was a wipeout for progressives on criminal justice reform. Joining Everyday Injustice to discuss it is Michael Collins from Color of Change.Listen as Michael Collins discusses the recall of Pamela Price in Alameda County. What it means for criminal justice reform. The larger picture formed by the results of the national e…
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Elizabeth Hinton along with several other esteemed academics and scholars recently agreed to serve as advisors for the Vanguard Carceral Journalism Guild.Ten incarcerated writers will be trained and platformed as part of the guild.Hinton is a Professor of History and African American Studies at Yale University and a Professor of Law at Yale Law Sch…
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This week on Everyday Injustice, we talk with Alissa Skog, who was lead author on the October report that found that nearly 2.5 million Californians are eligible to have their convictions automatically relieved under a little know law that allows for automatic expungement.“A criminal record can have profound and lasting impacts on people, affecting…
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In 2015, Jill Leovy wrote a book: Ghettoside: A True Story of Murder in America.” “Ghettoside,” a blend of street reporting and scholarship, introduced and elaborated the idea that high-crime communities are simultaneously under-policed and over-policed. It further broke ground by locating the causes of urban violence in problems of law, not in fam…
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This week on Everyday Injustice we talked once again with Amika Mota of the Sister Warriors. This past election saw the defeat of Prop 6 which would have ended forced labor in carceral institutions. We also talked about the passage of Prop 36 which rolled back some of the criminal justice reforms under Prop 47.What went wrong from Amika’s perspecti…
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In October, Jose Olivares, a 39-year-old man wrongfully incarcerated for 13 years in the death of his girlfriend’s son was released after a Los Angeles County judge vacated his conviction. Lawyers from two Innocence Projects and a unit of the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office had filed together to overturn his conviction.Olivares was arrested …
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Une fois qu'on a décidé de s’engager, jusqu'où faut-il aller ? Face à l’urgence et à la difficulté de faire changer les choses, les militants explorent différents modes d’action, et investissent, de plus en plus, le champ de la désobéissance civile. Cela implique parfois des risques juridiques, parfois physiques… jusqu’où faut-il aller quand on veu…
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On October 10 and 11, San Quentin held its first ever Film Festival. 150 people from the outside, including Everyday Injustice, got to go inside San Quentin and hang out with around 100 or so incarcerated people, many of them intimately involved in the production of various films.Incarcerated Films competed with films submitted from the outside. On…
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Puisque les combats portés par des militants se tranchent dans l’arène politique, faut-il devenir politique soi-même, pour espérer changer les choses ? Dans cet épisode, Maud de Carpentier explore tous les échelons de l’action politique : en passant de Florian Kobryn, élu d’opposition au à la collectivité européenne d’Alsace, à Benoît Hamon, qui a …
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This week on Everyday Injustice we have a conversation with Louis Baca, who as a youth committed a murder and was sentenced to Life without Parole.Baca discusses how he came to commit a crime, and also how he has been able to address his childhood trauma and educate himself without any promise that he will ever get out.He talks about what we have l…
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On November 5, 2024, the California voters passed Prop 36 by an overwhelming margin, partially rolling back Prop 47 passed a decade ago.Everyday Injustice discusses with Sikander Iqbal of the Urban Peace Movement exactly what this means for California and the future of criminal justice reform.As Iqbal told us, a key factor in the passage of Prop 36…
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S’engager c’est beau, héroïque, joyeux, mais concrètement, est-ce que ça peut vraiment faire changer les choses ? Au-delà des actions qu’on peut mener dans notre périmètre individuel, comment faire pour impulser un changement plus vaste ? Dans cet épisode, Maud de Carpentier s’interroge sur ce qui fonctionne et ce qui ne fonctionne pas, à l’aide de…
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Quand on s'engage, on sait ce qu'on sacrifie : son temps libre, de repos, de loisirs. Mais qu'est-ce qu'on a à y gagner ? Dans les cercles militants, on parle beaucoup de joie militante : ça a l’air puissant, libérateur, très gai. Mais qu'est-ce que c'est concrètement, et est-ce que ça vaut vraiment le coup de s’engager ? Qui croit encore pouvoir c…
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Face aux injustices, nous sommes beaucoup à ressentir d'un côté une urgence existentielle à faire changer les choses, et en même temps, un désarroi immense par rapport à notre capacité à agir et à l'immensité de la tâche. Dans cet entre-deux, qu’est-ce qui fait que certains basculent dans la lutte, quand d’autres restent paralysés et observateurs, …
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In July 2024, a woman died from a heat-related illness while incarcerated at the Central California Women's Facility (CCWF) in Chowchilla, California.According to California Coalition for Women Prisoners (CCWP), the woman's death was due to heat stroke and prison neglect. However, CDCR claims the cause was related to pre-existing health conditions.…
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This week on Everyday Injustice we talk to McCracken Poston about the story behind Zenith Man - Death, Love, and Redemption in a Georgia Courtroom.Poston, was a four term member of the Georgia House of Representatives who got caught up in the shift of Georgia Politics and lost a bid for the US Congress.Poston found himself representing a most unusu…
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Face aux défis de l'époque - le dérèglement climatique ou la montée des extrêmes droites, pour ne citer qu'eux - nous sommes nombreux à être saisis d'urgence existentielle, et dans le même temps, d'un désespoir quant à notre capacité à changer quoi que ce soit. Résultat, de nombreuses personnes se retrouvent paralysées. Dans Qui croit encore pouvoi…
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This week Everyday Injustice talks with Kevin Cosney, the Associate Director and Co-Founder of the California Black Power Network.The CA Black Power Network is a united ecosystem of Black grassroots organizations working together to change the lived conditions of Black Californians by dismantling systemic and anti-Black racism.They have launched th…
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This week on Everyday Injustice we interview our incarcerated writer, Ghostwrite Mike who is incarcerated at Valley State Prison in Chowchilla, California. We talk about the importance of prison journalism and our ongoing project with Ghostwrite Mike and other incarcerated writers.Listen as we discuss the importance of shining a light at what is go…
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This week on Everyday Injustice we talk with Nicole Lee, a 4-generation Oakland native the Executive Director of Urban Peace Movement (UPM), and Sikander Iqbal, the Deputy Director of Urban Peace Movement.The UPM is a grass-roots racial justice organization in Oakland that builds youth leadership to transform the social conditions that drive commun…
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A July ruling in New York marked a victory for the public and transparency. Federal judge Victor Marrero held that the public has a First Amendment right to know what authorities have done with allegations of prosecutorial misconduct. The court issued its July 22 decision in the case CRC v. Cushman, finding that the Second Department and Grievance …
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For years, Preston Shipp served as an appellate prosecutor in the Tennessee Attorney General’s office. While serving as a volunteer and teaching college classes for a conservative Christian College in Tennessee prisons, he became good friends with many people who were incarcerated, one of whom he had actually prosecuted.These relationships caused P…
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Decades of allegations of sexual abuse at the women’s prison at FCI-Dublin led to the stunning decision by the Bureau of Prisons to shut down the prison altogether.A special master was appointed by the judge, who noted, “that some of the deficiencies and issues exposed within this report are likely an indication of systemwide issues within the BOP,…
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This week on Everyday Injustice, we have UC Berkeley Sociologist Stephanie Canizales - Faculty Director of the Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative.Born and raised in Los Angeles – Canizales is herself the daughter of Salvadoran immigrants whose experiences growing up as unaccompanied youth in Los Angeles.She just published her first boo…
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Joining Everyday Injustice Podcast this week is Beth Shelburne, a journalist and writer with more than 25 years of experience. In 2023, a podcast series she created, reported and wrote called “Earwitness,” the story of Tofest Johnson.As described:Toforest Johnson is a father, a son, a brother. He was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. He has b…
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This week on Everyday Injustice we have Erik Altieri, the Interim Director of Campaigns for the Clean Slate Initiative.The Clean Slate Initiative passes and implements laws that automatically clear eligible records for people who have completed their sentence and remained crime-free, and expands who is eligible for clearance.Their vision: “People w…
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This week on Everyday Injustice we have Insha Rahman, the Director of Vera Action, a non-profit organization that harnesses the power of advocacy, lobbying, and political strategy to end mass incarceration, protect immigrants’ rights, restore dignity to people behind bars, and build safe and thriving communities.Listen as Rahman talks about Prop 36…
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This week on Everyday Injustice we are joined by Ludovic Blain and Michael Daly of the California Donor Table.Ludovic was hired as CDT’s first full time staff-person in 2009. Michael Gomez Daly is the Senior Political Strategist for the California Donor Table.California Donor Table is a statewide community of donors who pool their funds to make inv…
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In July, the book - Dismantling Mass Incarceration was released edited by Premal Dharia, James Forman, Jr and Maria Hawilo.The book, which is an anthology of literature on mass incarceration and criminal justice reform, offers a variety of approaches to confronting the carceral state.Everyday Injustice was joined by Maria Hawilo, one of the co-edit…
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This week on Everyday Injustice, we sit down with LaToya Mitchell, Navigator Project Manager, CA Bridge Program and talked about the innovative program that helps get people from ER into drug treatment and reduce annual drug overdoses.A few weeks ago, she was part of a rally at the California Capitol to push for a package of bills that would improv…
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This week Everyday Injustice discussed the death penalty with Nathaniel Batchelder. Batchelder has spent over 30 years working with Oklahoma Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty.He graduated from Oklahoma City University in the seventies. In 1984, he met the Sisters of Benedict who started the Benedictine Peace House, and he became involved there…
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1974 marked a tumultuous time in Boston where white parents of school children pushed back – at times violently against the use of busing as a form of integration.This year, marking the fiftieth anniversary, the Boston Globe carried an investigative retrospective.They found, “50 years after busing decision, a school system still unequal, still segr…
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In this final (bonus) episode of Grave Injustice, Lisa Graves is joined by three top legal experts to discuss the latest term of the U.S. Supreme Court which saw the court's six right-wing appointees shelter Trump for his crimes and bestow new, almost king-like powers on the executive, uphold flagrant racial gerrymandering, and upend a long-standin…
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Through the telling of the story about William Freeman, Harvard Historian Robin Bernstein effectively rewrites an historical narrative. Whereas the recent narrative had it that convict leasing and prison for profit began in the post Civil War South, the story of William Freeman shows that the for profit prison system actually began much earlier and…
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This spring, the Bureau of Prisons announced they were shuttering the women’s prison at FCI Dublin – after it was rocked with revelations of sexual abuse and whistleblower retaliation that led to the former warden to be indicted and convicted.Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM), a criminal justice advocacy group, has been coordinating legal …
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A decade ago, California voters passed Prop 47 which reduced the punishment of simple drug possession and petty theft to misdemeanors while raising the felony threshold from $400 to $950 for petty theft.From the start, the measure passed by the voters has garnered criticism from law enforcement and other tough on crime groups and has been blamed fo…
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Rahsaan “New York” Thomas grew up in the notorious Brownsville section of Brooklyn, New York, where he faced gun violence, bullying, redlining, abusive policing policies, generational incarceration, and drug infestation.He ended up with a 55 to life sentence. But while at San Quentin, he turned his life around and became a writer, curator, director…
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Trump v. The United States is about presidential immunity — the idea that a president is immune from prosecution for their actions as president even after they leave office. The Supreme Court of the United States is weighing whether or not the president can get away with say…inciting a violent insurrection or conspiring to overturn his own presiden…
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“Policing is violent. And its violence is not distributed equally: stark racial disparities persist despite decades of efforts to address them,” writes Texas Professor Michael Sierra-Arévalo in his recently published book, The Danger Imperative.In his book, Sierra-Arevalo delves into how police culture shapes officers’ perception and practice of vi…
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We are back sharing another special episode in honor of our beloved executive director, Carl Hamad-Lipscombe. In this conversation, Carl spoke to an expert on the social change ecosystem: Deepa Iyer. Deepa is an activist, facilitator, lawyer, strategist and the author Social Change Now: A Guide for Reflection. In this conversation, you’ll hear Carl…
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Earlier this year, the Supreme Court heard a case that, on its face, is about fishermen who disagree with a government fee. But behind it is a group of billionaires led by one of the richest men in America. This episode will explain how they propped up this case and why, if the Supreme Court takes their bait, it could destroy a foundational legal d…
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Krys Mendez, Special Assistant at Envision Freedom Fund, shares one of Carl’s favorite episodes of the podcast — his conversation with Kenyon Farrow, a writer, editor, strategist, activist and someone he knew and admired for many years. They discuss the intersection of queer liberation and abolition, the meaning of Pride, and much more. We hope you…
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