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DNA science. Artificial intelligence. Smartphones and 3D printers. Science and technology have transformed the world we live in. But how did we get here? It wasn’t by accident. Well, sometimes it was. It was also the result of hard work, teamwork, and competition. And incredibly surprising moments. Hosted by bestselling author Steven Johnson (“How We Got To Now”), American Innovations uses immersive scenes to tell the stories of the scientists, engineers, and ordinary people behind the great ...
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Innovation Talks Συζητάμε με φίλους και συνεργάτες για την καινοτομία, την επιχειρηματικότητα και τις αναδυόμενες τεχνολογίες.
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The FYI - For Your Innovation Podcast offers an intellectual discussion on recent developments across disruptive innovation—driven by research, news, controversies, companies, and technological breakthroughs. Hosted by ARK Invest, ARK and guests provide a unique perspective on how to best understand disruptive innovation.
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Innovation leben

Bayern Innovativ GmbH

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Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt von "Innovation Leben". In diesem Podcast werfen wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen einen Blick in die Zukunft, erkunden die neuesten Trends und Innovationsstrategien und enthüllen, was die Innovationspioniere Bayerns tagtäglich antreibt. Außerdem präsentieren wir Ihnen wichtige Förderprogramme für Ihr Unternehmen – kurz, kompakt und vor allem einfach erklärt.
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Breakthrough Innovations dives into the stories and strategies of leaders and innovators driving change. Each episode uncovers insights on leadership, overcoming challenges, and creating transformative impact across industries.
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Decoding Innovation

EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub

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Supported by the EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub, the Decoding Innovation podcast series explores the groundbreaking technologies, business models and ideas that are shaping the future of industries. Listen as we meet with stakeholders at the cutting edge to discuss issues around innovation, disruption and importance of ecosystems.
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Innovation Junkies

Innovation Junkie

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Each week, our innovation experts will share strategies and practices that will generate sustained results and long-lasting success in your organization. Our hosts, Jeff Amerine and Jeff Standridge bring over 50 years of combined enterprise and startup innovation expertise across multiple industries. Everything at Innovation Junkie revolves around helping you scale your business and inspire innovative disciplines and practices.
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Innovation at large, established companies is hard. So we made a podcast to help you overcome obstacles and create change at your organization. Welcome to Innovation Answered, the podcast for corporate innovators. We've featured top leaders from companies like Walmart, Lyft, Google, Trek, Herman Miller, Anthem, Kellogg's, Wayfair, Royal Caribbean, FitBit, Lucasfilm, and CVS. For more information and show transcripts, visit
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Innovation World Podcast Series

Global student innovators and programs who support and inspire innovation

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Innovation World celebrates young innovators and the organizations who inspire and support innovation. Innovation world is the "Hub" of all things innovation in the K-12 space.
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Innovation Rockstars

Dr. Christian Mühlroth, ITONICS

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The Innovation Rockstars podcast is your no-nonsense guide to all things corporate innovation. With a focus on actionable insights and real-world experiences, we dive deep into the practices that drive sustainable growth and transformative change. From corporate foresight to ideation and creativity to hands-on execution, our episodes bring you unfiltered conversations with the minds shaping the future of business. Tune in!
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Din mark Lige nu er podcasten, hvor du får gode råd om det markarbejde, som er aktuelt lige nu. Vores eksperter og mark-nørder på SEGES Innovation giver dig konkrete råd til markarbejde, og vi kommer omkring alt fra etablering og gødskning til dæktryk og digitale platforme. Med den rette kombination af værktøjerne kan du øge udbyttet og mindske klimapåvirkningen. Lyt podcasten, mens du sidder på kontoret eller i traktoren. Skal du ikke selv i marken, så del linket med din markmand eller mask ...
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Ceratizit Innovation Podcast

CERATIZIT Deutschland GmbH

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Wir brennen für die Zerspanung! Daher möchten wir uns am liebsten ständig über innovative Werkzeuglösungen, zukunftsweisende Anwendungsverfahren und Bearbeitungsstrategien, beeindruckende Werkzeugmaschinen, smarte Digitallösungen oder einfach über die aktuellen Trends und Neuheiten in der Branche austauschen! Und genau das machen wir – im CERATIZIT Innovation Podcast. Wir sprechen mit Experten aus der Branche über Visionen, Innovationen und technologische Errungenschaften und lassen die Spän ...
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Veterinary Innovation Podcast

Veterinary Innovation Podcast

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The Veterinary Innovation Podcast covers the most interesting, exciting, and controversial topics in the industry today. Veterinary technology entrepreneurs Shawn Wilkie and Dr. Ivan Zakharenkov chat with industry leaders and innovators about the biggest challenges they’re facing - and how they’re overcoming them.
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Innovation Forum hosts a weekly podcast along with regular interviews with business leaders in sustainability. Each week, we summarise the latest sustainability news and announcements, and get the views of leading experts on business critical issues. Widely regarded as one of the best sustainability podcasts around, stay tuned for regular insights, debate and analysis.
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SalesX und Innovation

Jörg Staudacher und Patrick Stähler

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SalesX und Innovation ist der Podcast zu den neusten Entwicklungen im Vertrieb und Innovationsmanagement. Jörg Staudacher und Patrick Stähler stellen Modelle, Ansätze und Erfahrungen aus der Praxis vor und beleuchten aktuelle Fragestellungen aus der Vertriebs- und Innovationsperspektive. SalesX und Innovation ist der wöchentliche Gedankenaustausch zweier Menschen, die sich persönlich zugetan, aber nicht immer einer Meinung sind. Immer Freitags, überall wo es Podcasts gibt.
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Welcome to ’Innovation Unleashed,’ Listrak’s official podcast diving into cutting-edge marketing technology. Hosted by industry experts and thought leaders, each episode takes you on a journey through the intricate landscape of email, SMS, push, and Identity Resolution—all seamlessly integrated into a unified platform. From personalized messaging to data-driven insights, discover how Listrak helps you exceed goals and stay ahead of the competition. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of t ...
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Innovation Leaders

Geoffrey Behaghel

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Bill Gates, Michelle Obama, Yoda… Nombreux sont les grands maîtres qui vous inspirent au quotidien ! Mais, aussi incroyables soient-ils, ils ne sont pas les seuls. Et on vous le prouve toutes les deux semaines avec Innovation Leaders ! Au micro de Geoffrey Behaghel, les grands acteurs tech de notre temps se dévoilent et partagent leurs expériences, leurs anecdotes et leurs visions avec simplicité et sincérité. Un rendez-vous auquel vous deviendrez, sans aucun doute, addict !
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Innovation Files: Where Tech Meets Public Policy

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) — The Leading Think Tank for Science and Tech Policy

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Explore the intersection of technology, innovation, and public policy with the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), the world’s leading think tank for science and tech policy. Innovation Files serves up expert interviews, insights, and commentary on topics ranging from the broad economics of innovation to specific policy and regulatory questions about new technologies. Expect to hear some unconventional wisdom.
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The Killer Innovations Show was launched in March of 2005. Yes – that was before iTunes, or even the iPhone, ever existed. Therefore, the archive for this show goes back that far as we rarely delete any of the past shows. Your best option is to use the search feature to locate topics that are of specific interest.
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Innovation Now

WHRO Public Media

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Innovation Now is a daily 90-second radio series and podcast that gives listeners a front row seat to hear compelling stories of revolutionary ideas, emerging technologies and the people behind the concepts that are shaping our future.
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The podcast that takes you on the long and dangerous journey from the siloed foothills of inventing things to the yawning abyss of reinventing society. Each week we take a subject related to innovation and set off on a verbal stroll to see what wonders unfold.
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If you're a business leader, a change champion, or someone who wants to feel a little closer to how digital transformation is changing the world put your smartphone aside, sit back, and indulge in the world of software. The world of endless possibilities. Welcome to The Innovation Room by Geeks Ltd.
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Deloitte Future Talk | Business | Innovation | Economics

Michael Grampp, Alexander Börsch, Nicolai Andersen

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Was sind die grossen Zukunftsthemen die uns alle betreffen? Wie wird sich unser alltägliches Leben durch die digitale Transformation verändern? Wie können wir uns auf diese Zukunftsthemen vorbereiten? Im Deloitte „Future Talk“ sprechen wir über spannende Zukunftstrends, die unser Leben beeinflussen, sei es privat oder beruflich. Es geht u.a. um Innovation, Technologie, Digitalisierung, Disruption, Wachstum und Führung. Wir interviewen Visionäre, Experten, Unternehmer, Startup Gründer und Wir ...
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Welcome to Gut Matters: Discoveries and Innovations, a podcast dedicated to helping IBS patients take back control of their symptoms and lives. Hosted by Johannah Ruddy, M.Ed., IBS patient advocate and researcher, and Dr. Andrea Shin, a gastroenterologist and IBS expert, this show dives deep into digestive health. Join us as we share inspiring patient stories, chat with guest experts, and deliver the latest insights on managing IBS—all with a dash of humor. Whether you're a patient or a heal ...
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Innovation Ambassadors

AWS Media Series Podcasts

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In each episode of Innovation Ambassadors, dive into the "craft of the possible" with Amazon Web Services, and enjoy discussions showcasing the most compelling engagements with the AWS Prototyping team. Host Sara Armstrong takes listeners on the journey of innovation in technology solutions.
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ライゾマ真鍋大度、アジカン後藤正文、女優のん、クリエイター小橋賢児が未来をイノベーションするプログラム。全ナビゲーターのエピソードをお届けする完全版Podcast。 J-WAVE地上波ラジオでは毎週日曜23:00~オンエア。Podcastではトークを拡大版で配信。 番組は毎月週替わりで日本を代表するクリエイター4人がナビゲート! 第一週:真鍋大度(ライゾマティクス) 第二週:後藤正文(ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION) 第三週:のん(女優・創作あーちすと) 第四週:小橋賢児(クリエイティブディレクター) 毎回豪華ゲストとのトークセッション、声のブログ、テクノロジーの最新トピックス等お届けします。
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The Barefoot Innovation podcast, hosted by the Alliance for Innovative Regulation (AIR) CEO Jo Ann Barefoot, explores better solutions for financial consumers at the intersection of technology innovation and regulation.
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show series
How can technology and culture drive successful insurance transformation? Aventum is blending innovation and ambition to transform its insurance operations into a tech-enabled powerhouse. Robin Merttens speaks with Hasani Jess, CTO at Aventum Group, about the company's growth, their approach to technology, and the cultural foundation enabling chang…
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In the third webinar in the 'EUDR unpacked' series, we addressed critical questions surrounding the regulation. This session focused specifically on the impact of EUDR on palm oil and soy plantations, putting these sectors under the spotlight. Panel: Heleen Van Den Hombergh, senior policy advisor at IUCN NL, coordinator at Collaborative Soy Initiat…
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クリエイティブディレクター・小橋賢児による声のブログ「TALK IN THE POD」。 今回は、「ビースト・野生に帰る」をテーマにお届け。どんなことにも柔軟に対応できる体制を作ることが目標! See for privacy information.Bởi SPINEAR by J-WAVE
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Patrick und Jörg schauen auf das Jahr 2024 zurück. Was waren die persönlichen High- und Low-Lights? Vom Weihnachtsbaum, über Dubai-Schokolade, Zeitmanagement, AI und Aufmerksamkeit und dem Verlagswesen. Wir möchten uns bei allen Hörerinnen und Hörer bedanken für das Interesse an unseren Gesprächen. Hoffentlich konnten wir den ein oder anderen Gedan…
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This week, Shawn Wilkie and Dr. Ivan Zak joined by Dr. Rory Lubold, Founder of Affordable Pet Labs, a company dedicated to making diagnostic testing more accessible and affordable for pet owners nationwide. They discuss breaking barriers to veterinary care — both in terms of cost and accessibility — and how their in-home blood collection and at-hom…
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In this episode of Breakthrough Innovation, we welcome Nitin Nagar, Principal Consultant and CTO of Blueberry Hawaii Technology Solutions. From aspiring academic to successful entrepreneur, Nitin’s inspiring journey showcases the power of resilience, vision, and leadership. As the leader of a tech company specializing in cutting-edge cloud, AI, and…
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I dette afsluttende afsnit af vores todelte podcastserie om biokul tager vi dig med på en rejse fra videnskabelige laboratorier til danske marker – og helt til den globale klimadagsorden. Vi dykker ned i Wim Sombroeks banebrydende forskning i terra preta, ser nærmere på pyrolyseteknologiens potentiale, og undersøger, hvordan biokul i dag bliver en …
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Is quantum computing the next big thing? This week, Autonomous Technology and Robotics Director of Research Sam Korus and Associate Portfolio Manager Nick Grous are joined by ARK Chief Futurist Brett Winton to discuss the latest advancements in quantum computing and AI drug discovery. They discuss Google's recent quantum chip announcement, the chal…
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Episode Summary In this episode of Guardians of Innovation: Patent and Trademark Law, registered patent attorney Vincent LoTempio discusses the evolving relationship between inventors and IP attorneys. From understanding the challenges entrepreneurs face, like limited resources and market changes, to choosing the right IP attorney and developing a …
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Listrak’s own Jake Pasini and Allie Naughton dive into “The Cyber Five” performance as reported from Listrak’s platform data to uncover key insights and trends. Hear performance highlights such as revenue trends, channel performance, and vertical-specific growth. How advanced AI enhanced the customer experience, and boosted conversions and revenue …
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Send us a text What did 2024 teach us about AI, and what does 2025 hold in store? In this festive episode of The Innovation Room, Geeks' senior leadership team Lindsay Jessup, Matt Mehrjardi, and Dehan Matthee discuss their biggest takeaways from 2024 AI advancements and share what excites them most about the future. From small wins to transformati…
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Imagine being able to reverse the biological clock and restore youth. That's the ambitious goal of Shift Bioscience, a biotech company pioneering novel gene-based cell rejuvenation therapies. In this episode of the AWS Health Innovation Podcast, Sanjit Misra from AWS hosts an in-depth conversation with Daniel Ives, the CEO and Founder of Shift Bios…
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Hur kan en teknikstrategi bidra till att stärka Sveriges konkurrenskraft? Går teknikutvecklingen hand i hand med hållbar klimatomställning? Vilka tekniker behöver vilka prioritera? I detta avsnitt samtalar Patrik Sandgren, Teknikföretagen och Svante Axelsson, Fossilfritt Sverige, om Sveriges väg framåt. Vi hör också Jonna Bornemark, professor i fil…
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Comment Peugeot imagine-t-elle l’avenir de la conduite ? Dans cet extrait, ⁠Linda Jackson⁠⁠, CEO de ⁠⁠Peugeot⁠⁠, revient sur son parcours et nous révèle les innovations audacieuses qui redéfinissent la marque. De l’électrification au volant Hypersquare, découvrez comment Peugeot garde une longueur d'avance dans un secteur en pleine transformation. …
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H Cogny, μία από τις ομάδες που συμμετέχουν στο Apps4Athens Innovation Lab του Δήμου Αθηναίων, υλοποιεί ψηφιακή εφαρμογή που δίνει την δυνατότητα στους φορείς να εκδίδουν άμεσα Αξιολογήσεις για την υπηρεσία τους αλλά και προτείνει μοντέλα βελτίωσης με την χρήση καινοτόμων τεχνολογιών τεχνητής νοημοσύνης. Σε αυτό το επεισόδιο, ο Γιάννης Ψαρρός, CEO …
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What is the correct economic strategy for a nation? Rob and Jackie sat down with Marc Fasteau and Ian Fletcher, authors of Industrial Policy for the United States, to discuss how industrial policy, done right, will develop the kind of economy the United States wants. Mentioned Marc Fasteau and Ian Fletcher, Industrial Policy for the United States, …
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The Young Collaborators Podcast Series welcomes Mr. Girish Ballolla, Founder and CEO of Gen Next Education, hosted by young innovator Aparajita Lohmor. Girish Ballolla has dedicated his career to bridging gaps in global education. From leading impactful initiatives like College Genie to inspiring young minds worldwide, Mr. Ballolla’s work is a test…
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Shownotes: Weitere Information zu High Dynamic Turning und FreeTurn findest Du hier: FreeTurn Alle Informationen zum Nachschleifservice findest Du hier: Nachschleifservice Musikalische Vielfalt: Folge unserer CERATIZIT Innovation Playlist auf Spotify! Jeder Gast wählt einen neuen Song, was die Liste so vielfältig macht wie unser Werkzeugprogramm. D…
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Virtual engineering is a process by which engineers can combine the world around them with a digitally-generated environment, allowing them to visualize an object or location from a totally new perspective. Credit Advanced VR Research Centre (AVRRC), Loughborough University While the fundamentals of virtual technology and simulation have been aroun…
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Join renowned aging researcher Dr. Aubrey de Grey in an enlightening conversation about the science and societal impact of anti-aging technologies. Explore the concept of aging as a medical problem, the interplay of genetics and lifestyle, and groundbreaking research at the LEV Foundation aimed at reversing the effects of aging. Discover how biolog…
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In dieser Sonderausgabe des Deloitte Future Talk Podcasts übernimmt Lara Sophie Bothur, die Deloitte Corporate Influencerin und Voice for Innovation, die Moderation. Sie begrüßt den Unternehmer, Investor und Autor Frank Thelen. Im Mittelpunkt der Episode stehen die Fragen: Wo stehen Europa und Deutschland bei der Entwicklung neuer Technologien? War…
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In this episode, Dan Drogman, CEO and co-founder of Smart Spaces, explores the transformative impact of technology integration on workplace efficiency and the evolution of commercial real estate. Smart Spaces CEO Dan Drogman takes us on a journey through the evolution of the modern workplace, revealing how technology is fundamentally reshaping the …
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For the latest episode of our Innovation Answered podcast, we decided to do something experimental. We’re leveraging all of the AI tools that can possibly help us create a podcast episode — and using them to summarize some of our best content from 2024, and also hone in on some of the important dynamics that will impact corporate innovation work in…
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Welcome to Innovation Deciphered! In this engaging episode, host Tim Fitch is joined by Tim Mole from Fosroc to delve into the fascinating world of innovation in construction chemicals. Discover Fosroc's structured approach to innovation management and hear real-world examples of how client collaboration drives transformative product development. F…
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In this episode, the Jeffs discuss the impact of a changing presidential administration on business and innovation. From regulatory shifts to reshoring manufacturing and simplifying tax codes, they explore what leaders need to know to stay ahead. Follow Us on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn Get in touch Want to WATCH the podca…
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With your company being acquired, what happens to the digital innovation you helped pioneer? Sadly, its days may be numbered. The unfortunate fate of digital innovations in the oil and gas industry following acquisitions is really depressing. Even groundbreaking technologies—despite their proven value—are often tossed to the curb by acquiring compa…
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Fergus Hodgson is publisher of the Impunity Observer, a geopolitical intelligence service focused on the rule of law and economic development at the nexus of Anglo and Latin America. He is also the founder of Econ Americas LLC, a financial consultancy devoted to alternative investments, stakeholder management, and jurisdictional arbitrage. He is th…
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In this episode Darrell and Mikey are joined by Dr Avi and his AI Clone MobiAvi. Up for discussion are the loneliness of the long distance CEO, where best to leverage you efforts if you want to make the world a better place and the fascination experiences of a trailblazing experiment in sharing a digital version of yourself with the world. https://…
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On the 2nd of December, 1991, Apple released its first public version of QuickTime and brought video to Mac users. This original version contained graphics, animations, and video codecs and garnered Apple much popularity as a leading multimedia technology giant. Though it was a huge win for the company, the reason QuickTime was highly celebrated at…
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בפרק הזה אני מארח את גיא חן – אדם שבאמת יש לו סיפור לספר. גיא היה רכז בשב"כ, והוא מביא איתו עולם תוכן עשיר שמשלב ריגול, חדשנות, וחזון. הוא מרצה מבוקש, פרשן בטלוויזיה, ומחבר הספר המרתק "מֻחַ'אבַּרַאת". בשיחה שלנו נדבר על: 🎯 איך להפוך חזון למציאות בארגונים. 🎯 איך ליישם טכניקות של שכנוע ובניית אמון ליצירת שיתוף פעולה אפקטיבי. 🎯 תובנות מעולם הריגול היש…
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In Episode 36, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our discussion covered embedding micro-credentials to boost student CVs, leveraging low-latency tech for music education, and gamification strategies like trading simulations to enhance engagement. The discussion tied these innovations to broader the…
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