Hard talk Marie Bastlové na Seznam Zprávách. Zásadní a přímé otázky na politiky a na všechny, kteří jsou u moci a rozhodují.
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Sotaa ja historiaa podi on Suomen matalakynnyksisin historiapodcast. Kaverukset Vikke ja Ville keskustelevat historian unohdetuista tapahtumista kevyellä otteella. Podcastin tarkoituksena on tuoda historia laajasti kaiken kansan ulottuville ja rikkoa stereotypiaa historiasta sinä kouluaineena, jonka tunneilla lähinnä heiteltiin vierustoveria kuminpalasilla. Historiassa monesti totuus on tarua ihmeellisempää ja historian tunteminen auttaa jokaista ymmärtämään tätä maailmaa jossa elämme. Otaha ...
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The creator of Mueller, She Wrote, Allison Gill, and former Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, are documenting the federal trials of Trump. With the help of expert guests, they analyze court filings, letters, strategies, and regulations to take you through the Special Counsel process that could lead to the conviction of Donald J. Trump.
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The Jack Kornfield Heart Wisdom hour celebrates Jack’s ability to mash up his long established Buddhist practices with many other mystical traditions, revealing the poignancy of life’s predicaments and the path to finding freedom from self-interest, self-judgment and unhappiness.
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The real events of the world are out there, but it all depends on who you listen to. Human Events with Jack Posobiec brings you unfiltered and factual updates on how current events will impact our country today and in the future. This show is breaking the news that the biased mainstream media can't handle.
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Takakansi-podcast - kiireettömiä kohtaamisia kirjojen, lukemisen ja kirjoittamisen äärellä
Marko Suomi
Takakansi-podcast - kiireettömiä kohtaamisia kirjojen, lukemisen ja kirjoittamisen äärellä Tavoitteena on tuoda monipuolisia näkökulmia lukemiseen ja jakaa erilaisia keinoja avartaa omaa lukemista. Takakansi löytyy kaikista podcast-palveluista sekä osoitteesta https://takakansi.fi Vieraina on lukijoita, kirjailijoita, asiantuntijoita ja muutenkin kiinnostavia ihmisiä. Teemat pyörivät laajasti kirjojen ja lukemisen ympärillä, ja joskus myös sivuraiteilla, kantavana teemana on kuitenkin lukemi ...
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NAU Newman Center in Flagstaff, AZ
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Money Matters with Jack Mallers is an exploration of interesting intersections of finance, culture, and everyday life with the aim to help you understand the often unexplored narratives of how currency shapes our world.
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Ajakirjanikud Anvar Samost ja Huko Aaspõllu kohtuvad Vikerraadio igapühapäevases populaarses vestlussaates, et arutleda poliitikaelus toimuva üle. Ajakirjanikud Anvar Samost ja Huko Aaspõllu kohtuvad Vikerraadio igapühapäevases populaarses vestlussaates, et arutleda poliitikaelus toimuva üle. Alates 2024. aastast on saade eetris pühapäeviti kell 12.05. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Juunis 2017 lahkus saatest välisministeeriumis strateegilis ...
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Sky News’ Sam Coates and Politico’s Jack Blanchard with what you need to know about the day ahead in British politics. All in under 20 minutes and in your feed around 7.30am. They're across the key interviews, the main stories and what the parties are saying. Send a WhatsApp to Jack and Sam on 07511867633
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Stay up to date with all your Official Jacksonville Jaguars podcasts.
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More than a decade since Michael Jackson’s death, his legacy remains complicated and unresolved. Think Twice: Michael Jackson is an exploration of the King of Pop’s life and impact – and an investigation into why his global influence continues to endure, despite the disturbing allegations against him. In this ten-part series, journalists Leon Neyfakh and Jay Smooth bring you a new perspective on the Michael Jackson story, based on dozens of original interviews with people who watched it unfo ...
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Só Grandes Músicas.
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Heikelä ja Koskelo 23 minuuttia kuudesti viikossa Podimossa https://podimo.fi/23minuuttia, Youtubessa maanantaista torstaihin.
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Jack Hibbs fearlessly tackles modern issues and false doctrines through his bold preaching and insightful podcast. Founder of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills and host of Real Life, he challenges, encourages, and equips you to deepen your relationship with Christ and impact the world. Dive deeper at https://jackhibbs.com and get text updates by visiting: https://text.whisp.io/jack-hibbs-podcast
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Counting Down The Top 100 Simpsons Episodes of All Time and other random topics that come up in conversation.
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A Michael Jackson Podcast
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Pastor Jack's desire is to see your relationship with Christ deepen and your effectiveness for His purposes maximized. His bold preaching will encourage and challenge you to walk with Jesus.
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Um ninguém tentando falar a todos sobre um alguém.
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The BEST Free Jacks content on the internetjacksrangersshow@gmail.comhttps://linktr.ee/jacksrangers
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The Jack Benny Show AKA The Jello Program AKA The Lucky Strike Program aired from the 1930's right through to the 1950's. Each week your host, John Henderson, brings an episode from that week 60-80 years ago. It's old, yet still as funny as ever. "The Jack Benny program, starring Jack Benny with Mary Livingstone, Phil Harris, Rochester, Dennis Day, and yours truly Don Wilson"
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Jack Neel Podcast
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Listen to all of the latest interviews from Jacksonville's Morning News with Rich Jones on News 104.5 WOKV!
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The #1 most popular Jack Benny and OTR Podcast on the internet! Listen to the most talented actors and comedians in radio history, new audio intros on many episodes. Every week we are celebrating the episodes that are exactly 60, 65, 70 and 75 years old from 1953, 1948, 1943, and 1938! Come get a ton more podcasts from my website. Tell me what you think at buckbennyotr@gmail.com
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Jack Van Impe Presents is a weekly television program outlining world news and Bible Prophecy.
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Equipping the family of God for the mission of God, to see everyone around us transformed by the Gospel of Jesus.
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Huvitavad, jahmatamapanevad ja kohati väga hirmsad lood elust enesest ja maailma eri paigust. Uus osa igal teisel pühapäeval.
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"Survivor" fans whose expertise are on a different island…
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I'm fascinated by what happens in the dark parts of the Internet. Come with me and let's shine some light on it and see what's there.
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Joona "natu" Leppänen ja Roope "Robu" Leppänen (ei sukua) keskustelevat esportsin ja etenkin CS:n kuumista puheenaiheista.
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Núcleo de experimentos em conteúdos radiofônicos da UNIJORGE!
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Conversations with heroes and colleagues in the world of Software, Design, and Motion.
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Go beyond the books. Jack Carr spent 20 years as a Navy SEAL, where he served as a Team Leader, Platoon Commander, Troop Commander, Task Unit Commander and a sniper. Now, he’s a speaker and the author behind the bestselling Terminal List series. Inspired by actual experiences serving in conflict areas around the world, the novels follow James Reece, a Navy SEAL who becomes embroiled in the world of conspiracies, international espionage and revenge. Now, on his new podcast Danger Close, Jack ...
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Discussing his works chapter-by-chapter and interviewing Lewis experts.
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Experts in the tech, content and data fields share their insights on the future of creativity and brand experience. Brought to you by Jack X, Jack Morton's innovation practice. A team helping brands predict and prepare for tomorrow.
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David vila s el mestre de cerimnies del primer podcast LGBTIQ+ de Catalunya Rdio
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We are a podcast that talks about the Columbus Blue Jackets! All episodes are recorded and broadcasted LIVE on YouTube and Twitter. Partnered with Inside The Rink.
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Jack Farley interviews the very best financial minds about macro, markets, and monetary matters. Follow Jack on Twitter @JackFarley96.
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To provide free information about cycling and training from the best riders and coaches in the world. If you love this and want more go to howtobecomeaprocyclist.com
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I serve Christ by showing Christians that simple things endure crazy times | 1x husband | 3x father | 2x combat vet
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The Jack Hopkins Show Podcast; where stories about the power of focus and resilience are revealed by the people who lived those stories Jack Hopkins has been studying human behavior for over three-decades. He's long had a passion for having conversations with fascinating people, and getting them to share the wisdom they've acquired through years of being immersed in their area of expertise, and overcoming the challenges and obstacles that are almost always part of the equation.
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Das ist Jackpot, der Podcast mit Einblicken in die Welt von LOTTO Berlin. Hier erfährst Du, was hinter den Kulissen passiert, wenn ein großer LOTTO-Gewinn, oder sogar der LOTTO-Jackpot auf dem Konto des glücklichen Gewinners landet. Wir wollen außerdem wissen, was die Menschen glücklich macht und werden über das Engagement von LOTTO Berlin in Sport und Kultur reden. Kurz gesagt - in diesem Podcast hörst Du, warum so viel mehr hinter LOTTO Berlin steckt, als viele vielleicht ahnen. Mehr als d ...
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Join Jesse for this weekly podcast featuring exclusive interviews with the authors from 4 Horsemen Publications.
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For fans of the Jacksonville Jaguars.
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Educating, entertaining and engaging America on all things energy! Listen live to "The Jacki Daily Show" Sundays 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. ET on TheBlaze Radio Network
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Jackson Unpacked is a bi-weekly radio show and podcast featuring in-depth reporting and interviews on news, music and culture in the Tetons. New episodes drop Fridays. Original music for Jackson Unpacked is by the local band Strumbucket. Lead photo courtesy of VisitJacksonHole.com.
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Tahad teada, mida uut ja põnevat toimub mängumaailmas? Oled väsinud lugemast PC- ja konsoolimängude ingliskeelseid ülevaateid ja tahad kuulda värskeid eestikeelseid hinnanguid? Siis on "Puhata ja mängida" just Sulle!
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Já Agora - 27-12-2024 - RFMBởi RFM
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Joulujakso: kuulijakysymykset ja podin tulevaisuus - Jakso 77
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Jaksossa tiedossa kuulijakysymyksiä ja podin tulevaisuutta ja menneisyyttä. Ns. metajakso siis kyseessä. Sotaa ja historiaa podi kiittää kaikkia menneen vuoden kuulijoita ja toivottaa kaikille oikein rauhallisia ja mukavia pyhiä. Podi palaa taas tavallisella julkaisuaikataululla tammikuun lopussa. Jos pidit jaksosta, podcastia voi tukea rahallisest…
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Neratovský zázrak je to, co dokáží udělat obyčejní lidé, říká oceněný kněz
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Před třiceti lety se Josef Suchár vydal na cestu za neratovským zázrakem. Vybral si opuštěnou obec v Orlických horách a proměnil ji v poutní místo. To zároveň nabízí pomoc potřebným, hlavně lidem s handicapem. Čeho si duchovní cení nejvíc? Hostem Ptám se já byl římskokatolický kněz a farář z Neratova Josef Suchár. „Náš společný život s lidmi s hand…
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Ajakirjanikud Anvar Samost ja Huko Aaspõllu kohtuvad Vikerraadio igapühapäevases populaarses vestlussaates, et arutleda poliitikaelus toimuva üle. Alates 2024. aastast on saade eetris pühapäeviti kell 12.05.Bởi (Vikerraadio)
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Paljud teist ootavad lugusid Eestist, siin ta on. Räägin 2020. aastal aset leidnud tragöödiast Lihula ligiduses, Tuudis. Head kuulamist! Siin saab mulle motivatsioonisüsti anda: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kurjategijajakaristus?fbclid=PAAabGL1LUeNVJ6uAlp-wz-8ehUzS6lpw70F3lyWb86dtM3q2HPDvOG9qWDvc_aem_AQ0Hqi-4f5_zI_1RoXQmSi44vbSx2VeH8hUJc7ZkO3OlNqD6…
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50 - ENCE GM Niklas "Willkey" Ojalainen
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(00:00) - Rosterimaniaa Willkeyn kanssa (31:00) - m0nesy ja Jimpphat (37:20) - friberg valmentajaksi? (39:30) - Majorin purku (56:40) - BLAST Bounty ja Imperialin naisjoukkue (1:01:10) - Vuoden tiimi, IGL, pelaaja, farssi, yllättäjä Liity meidän Discoon: https://discord.gg/XxEcdhP38x https://twitter.com/natuhttps://www.instagram.com/natucsgo/https:…
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20. detsembri Puhata ja mängida: Suurimad Game Awardsi pealkirjad ja Indiana Jones proovitud!
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Rainer on mänginud Indiana Jones and the Great Circle'it ja on sellest vaimustuses ning räägib, miks täpselt. Pikemalt aga räägime kõigist The Game Awardsi uudistest, sest neid tuli tõesti palju ja olulisi. Lisaks veel sellest, mis on saanud Sony plaanist From Software ära osta ja Estonia hukust tehtud mängust. Lisaks räägime veel The Thingi Remast…
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S'apropen els dies de fer la carta als Reis, on segurament hi haur jocs, joguines i videojocs, per l'ideal seria que no tinguessin gnere, que no caiguessin en estereotips com les cuinetes sn per a les nenes i els camions i la pilota per als nens. Respecte a aquest tema n'hem parlat amb la secretria general de Poltiques Feministes i presidenta de l'…
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Niklas Ahnberg - Elden Ring, Berserk ja Daniel Dark
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Uppouduin tänä kesänä syvälle ns. Souls-pelien maailmaan Bloodbornen, Elden Ringin ja viimeisimpänä Dark Souls 3:n kautta, ja sillä tiellä olen yhä. Oli iloinen yllätys päästä puhumaan näistä teemoista ja vaihtamaan pelikokemuksia Niklas Ahnbergin kanssa, jonka avulla löysin hyviä youtube -vinkkivideoita sekä Berserk -sarjakuvan. Luin myös ennen ha…
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Norjan hirviölääkäri | Heikelä & Koskelo 23 minuuttia | 1051
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Norjalaisen kyläpahasen luottolääkäri tehtaili vastaanotollaan törkeitä seksuaalirikoksia vuosikausia. Heikelä ja Koskelo perkaavat 23 minuuttia.
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Conceição Sousa, João Delicado e Isabel Figueiredo
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Press Pass | Coach Pederson Reflects on Season So Far, Injury Updates for Week 17
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Doug Pederson speaks with media on Friday of Week 17 ahead of Titans vs. Jaguars. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Bởi Jacksonville Jaguars
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Countdown to Kickoff | Fred Taylor Previews Jaguars' Week 17 Matchup Against Titans
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Pride of the Jaguars RB Fred Taylor is back for a conversation with J.P. Shadrick on the Jaguars' home finale against the Tennessee Titans. Fred touches on the keys to success against a stingy Titans defense and points out the brightest spot of the Jagaurs' 2024 season See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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The Chronicles of the Christians - Part II: The Truth About the Crusades
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Here’s your Daily dose of Human Events with @JackPosobiec Blackout Coffee making it easier than ever to give the gift of amazing coffee, cocoa, tea, and more. Blackout Coffee is running sales all month long! Head over to https://www.BlackoutCoffee.com/POSO. Support a company that stands for what you believe in and serves up quality you can taste. T…
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Breaking down what Joe Brady would bring to the Jaguars and the challenges he would face. Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacyBởi GenJag
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Per raccontare tutto quello che di interessante accade oggi nella musica e in ciò che la circonda.Anticipazioni e playlist sui canali social di Matteo Villaci.
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Jaguars Happy Hour | Win at Home vs. Titans
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On this episode of Jaguars Happy Hour, J.P. and Jeff Lageman share their opinions on the Jaguar's Week 17 matchup ahead vs. the Tennessee Titans. This is the Jaguars second time facing them in a short period of time which will definitely play a role. Storylines of previous Jaguar player now Titan, Calvin Ridley, the Jaguars pass rush and facing a n…
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The Doug Pederson Show | Pederson on What Is Going Wrong & Plays That Must Be Made
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Coach Pederson joins the show to share his expertise on the team's mindset for the Titans game on The Doug Pederson Show presented by Fresh From Florida. The Head Coach explains he has never seen a route running rookie as strong as Brian Thomas Jr. throughout his entire career. Lastly, Doug is breaking down how everything matters from practice, to …
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12/27 - Logan MacDonald, Action News Jax
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Logan reports on breaking news of a vehicle going into the water at the Vilano Boat Ramp. The driver was rescued and taken to a nearby hospital. SJC law enforcement says the ramp will likely be closed for the day as they recover the vehicle and investigate circumstances around the event.
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Bing Crosby Podcast 1949-12-07 (012) Guest William Boyd, 1944-11-30 Kraft Music Hall - Guest Diana Lynn, Gordon MacRae's Railroad Hour 1949-11-28 Kenny Baker in The Mikado (2024)
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Support us on Patreonhttps://www.patreon.com/user?u=4279967 Jack Benny TV Videocasthttps://open.spotify.com/show/6BDar4CsgVEyUloEQ8sWpw?si=89123269fe144a10 Jack Benny Show OTR Podcast!https://open.spotify.com/show/3UZ6NSEL7RPxOXUoQ4NiDP?si=987ab6e776a7468c Judy Garland and Friends OTR Podcasthttps://open.spotify.com/show/5ZKJYkgHOIjQzZWCt1a1NN?si=5…
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The Jack Carr Book Club December Book of the Month is THE SHADOW OF WAR, a book that explores a pivotal moment in history through the masterful storytelling of Jeff Shaara. In The Shadow of War, Shaara brings to life the intense and complex lead-up to the Cuban Missile Crisis. From the Russian engineers racing against time to construct missile faci…
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Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that when we put on God’s armor, we are shielding ourselves, putting on what is strong, what is right, and what is bold. The post The Great Put On – 1B first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.Bởi JackHibbs.com
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Steven de Jongh is a Dutch former pro cyclist and current sports director at Lidl Trek.
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NATAL COUNTRY | Culto de Natal da Igreja Vintage
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NATAL COUNTRY | Culto de Natal da Igreja Vintage by Pastor JackBởi Pastor Jack
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Press Pass | Tank Bigsby & Andrew Wingard on Staying Locked In for Week 17 vs. Titans
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Jaguars RB Tank Bigsby and S Andrew Wingard speak with the media after practice on Thursday before the Week 17 matchup against the Titans in Jacksonville. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Bởi Jacksonville Jaguars
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Jags A.M. Podcast Ep. 128 | Culture and Pride at Forefront to Wrap Last 2 Games
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On this Thursday episode of Jags A.M., Kainani, Brian and John dive into facing this Titans team for the second time in this later half of the season. The crew outlines if they could have one wish to see on the field this weekend, what that would be. Of course, we predict Monday's headlines following the outcome of this game. All this and more on t…
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Já Agora - 26-12-2024 - RFMBởi RFM
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Conceição Sousa, João Delicado e Isabel Figueiredo
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Press Pass | Ryan Nielsen on Facing the Titans, Pass Rush & Andrew Wingard Role
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Jaguars Defensive Coordinator Ryan Nielsen speaks with local media before practice ahead of the Week 17 matchup against the Tennessee Titans. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Bởi Jacksonville Jaguars
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Potential Free Agent Wide Receivers for the Jaguars
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Breaking down all the potential free agent wide receivers the Jaguars could add. Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacyBởi GenJag
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Press Pass | Mac Jones on Growing Together, Takings Risks and Jaguars Pass Catchers
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Jaguars QB Mac Jones speaks with media on Thursday of Week 17 ahead of Titans vs. Jaguars. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Bởi Jacksonville Jaguars
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Press Pass | Press Taylor on Titans Plan, Cole Van Lanen & Run Game
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Jaguars Offensive Coordinator Press Taylor meets with the media after practice on Thursday of Week 17 ahead of the matchup against the Tennessee Titans. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Bởi Jacksonville Jaguars
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Press Pass | Coach Pederson on Josh Hines-Allen Future, O-Line + Injury Updates
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Jaguars HC Doug Pederson meets with the media on Thursday before practice, ahead of the Week 17 matchup against the Tennessee Titans. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Bởi Jacksonville Jaguars
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The Research to AUM Pipeline | Warren Pies on Raising $450m in an ETF in Less Than 6 Months
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Having raised over $450m in less than 6 months, Warren Pies, Founder of 3Fourteen Research and Portfolio Manager of $FCTE, has had one of the most successful independent ETF launches of all time. Despite the seemingly overnight success of his fund management business, the real story is about the steady growth of his research business that feeds int…
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Jack Benny Podcast 1949-12-25 (713) Shocking Christmas with great songs, PHAF 1949-12-25 Jack Benny Plays Santa (Stacey & Mindi), Jack Benny 1939-12-31 (355) New Years
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Support us on Patreonhttps://www.patreon.com/user?u=4279967 Jack Benny TV Videocasthttps://open.spotify.com/show/6BDar4CsgVEyUloEQ8sWpw?si=89123269fe144a10 Jack Benny Show OTR Podcast!https://open.spotify.com/show/3UZ6NSEL7RPxOXUoQ4NiDP?si=987ab6e776a7468c Judy Garland and Friends OTR Podcasthttps://open.spotify.com/show/5ZKJYkgHOIjQzZWCt1a1NN?si=5…
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The Chronicles of the Christians - Part I: The Rise of Christianity
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Here’s your Daily dose of Human Events with @JackPosobiec Stay ahead of what’s coming and secure your privacy today. Go to https://www.SLNT.COM/POSO Take advantage of their End of Year Warehouse sale happening right now, saving you up to 70% off. That's up to 70% off and free shipping on qualifying orders. Save up to 65% on MyPillow products by goi…
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The gifts are unwrapped; the wrapping paper is piled high in the trash. Many people don't have work, kids are out of school, and people are recovering from the holiday. But why did we do it? Have you gotten "the gift" yet? Did you accept it? "Is Jesus God": https://jackhibbs.com/is-jesus-god/ (00:00) The Purpose of Christmas (13:19) The Significanc…
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Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that we are to put on the whole armor of God, which gives us His power and strength for our lives. The post The Great Put On – 1A first appeared on Pastor Jack Hibbs.Bởi JackHibbs.com
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Já Agora - 25-12-2024 - RFMBởi RFM
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Conceição Sousa, João Delicado e Isabel Figueiredo
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Here’s your Daily dose of Human Events with @JackPosobiec Save up to 65% on MyPillow products by going to https://www.MyPillow.com/POSO and use code POSO Support the showBởi Human Events with Jack Posobiec
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Judy Garland Podcast 1939-10-17 Bob Hope Show with Guest Judy Garland (Mindi 2024) (Ultra Rare)
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Support us on Patreonhttps://www.patreon.com/user?u=4279967 Jack Benny TV Videocasthttps://open.spotify.com/show/6BDar4CsgVEyUloEQ8sWpw?si=89123269fe144a10 Jack Benny Show OTR Podcast!https://open.spotify.com/show/3UZ6NSEL7RPxOXUoQ4NiDP?si=987ab6e776a7468c Judy Garland and Friends OTR Podcasthttps://open.spotify.com/show/5ZKJYkgHOIjQzZWCt1a1NN?si=5…
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Today, Pastor Jack teaches that there is one word that sums up “Heaven”, that word is inheritance. Heaven is what God wants you to inherit for Christmas. Jesus came to earth to die, guaranteeing His will for our salvation, and rose again as our mediator, guaranteeing eternal life in Heaven with Him. The post Wonder – C first appeared on Pastor Jack…
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December 25, 2024. Christmas homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how God who is all powerful and move all things by His arm, chooses to humble Himself and become a baby so that we can embrace Him in our arms.Bởi Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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174: Season Ten Christmas Special
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Taj Jackson joins Elise Capron, Jamon Bull, Charles Thomson, and Charlie Carter to celebrate the holidays and reflect on this past year… Welcome to The MJCast’s tenth annual Christmas special! The gang discusses the year that was, from the very sad news of Tito Jackson’s passing in September, as well as the loss of such legends as Quincy Jones and …
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Support the showBởi Human Events with Jack Posobiec
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Já Agora - 24-12-2024 - RFMBởi RFM
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Conceição Sousa, João Delicado e Isabel Figueiredo
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Here’s your Daily dose of Human Events with @JackPosobiec To get free silver on a qualifying purchase go https://www.protectwithposo.com or call (844) 577-POSO. Save up to 65% on MyPillow products by going to https://www.MyPillow.com/POSO and use code POSO Support the showBởi Human Events with Jack Posobiec
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Jags A.M. Podcast Ep. 127 | Final Takeaways from Jaguars' Week 16 Loss + Hot Takes
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John, Kainani and Brian go over their final takeaways from the Jaguars' 14-19 loss to the Las Vegas Raiders in Week 16. The crew diagnoses the issues that have plagued the team all year long and cast a light on the biggest bright spot of the season: the rise of rookie WR Brian Thomas Jr. Later the crew dish out hot takes on the trajectory of the Ja…
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