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En podcast för den som kör motorcykel, vill köra motorcykel eller tycker om att titta på när andra kör motorcykel. Följ med och lyssna på andras inspirerande historier och få mer kunskap inom motorcykelsportens alla områden.
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Dj KUBIK veste una maschera luminosa che ricorda il famoso cubo di Rubik. Si esibisce in uno show di puro stile anni 90. Un progetto che nasce da un’idea della Willy Marano management, dal 2012 agenzia ufficiale per l’opening act dei concerti di Vasco. Kubik, con un lavoro di pre produzione in studio, ha la capacità di portare ai giorni d’oggi le hit dance che hanno fatto ballare l’intero pianeta, facendo vivere al suo pubblico emozioni e ricordi indelebili che hanno segnato la storia della ...
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Trish Hodges: What Happens BEFORE Death?
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Trish Hodges and I talk about how to be comfortable with some uncomfortable things about life and how it affects your loved ones when you die. Trish is an proactive Advance Planning Advisor with Flanner Buchanan, equipped with a background in Public Affairs from IUPUI and a degree in Applied Science in Chemical Technology. She passionately advocate…
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Att gå från pojkdröm till verklighet är precis det Ola Stenegärd har gjort! Idag arbetar han med att utveckla nya motorcyklar för Indian motorcycles, men har ett finger med i många andra modeller på flera märken. Hör bland annat om hur han tagit sig dit och hur en motorcykel utvecklas från början. Varmt tack för att du lyssnar på vår podd!…
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Andre van Belkum Tells us About South Central Africa in 1999
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Our very good friends Andre and Elise van Belkum visited us in Lafayette, IN while coming from South Africa to a General Conference of Elders meeting Cincinnati. I happened to come across this audio file and brought it back to life. His message to us inspired our going to these places and before the start of LifeNets. Andre was the Director of Life…
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I presented this in Indianapolis UCG on October 3, 2024. I speak about the History of the Feast of Trumpets, its traditions and how they relate to us, in particular how they affect our character and work. Documents referred to can be found at…
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Ovala banor med motorcyklar i hög hastighet som inte bromsar, utan sladdar in i kurvorna. Vi passar på att fråga Pontus Aspgren (tidigare en av Sveriges bästa förare innan en olycka tyvärr gjorde att hjälmen lades på hyllan) om sporten. Numera bidrar Pontus med sin tid till återväxten i sporten, det vill säga alla barn och ungdomar som vill börja k…
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With Ken Murray: Reflections on the Proof of the Bible
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The Bible is by far the most proliferated book throughout all history. No matter how man has tried to judge and destroy this literature, it has turned back on those critics and has judged them. Ken and I reflect on our experience with the Bible and what understanding it has given us.Bởi Victor Kubik
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Det började med en nyfiken pojke som på sent 30-tal fick upp ögonen för tvåhjulingar. När familjen växte behövdes sidvagn för att alla skulle kunna följa med och passionen var ett faktum. Vid närmare 90-års ålder är han lika varmt engagerad i motorcyklar och hjärtat klappar såklart extra mycket för just trehjulingar.…
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Cobb and Snyder: Path to Power, Love and Sound Mind
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David Cobb gave a presentation at Brown County to the United Church of God over Pentecost weekend earlier in 2024. He spoke about how to build power, love, and a sound mind (mental health). This is so important now when mental health has deteriorated due to all the pressures we must endure. Michael Snyder joins in this discussion. One resources ref…
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As we approach the fall Holy Day season, I have been thinking a lot about biblical prophecy. The upcoming High Days literally burst with prophetic meaning. Essentially one half of the plan of God – the death and resurrection of the prophesied Messiah, the time for us to come out of sin and come under the sacrifice of Christ, and the coming of the p…
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Nu när kvällarna blir mörkare och säsongen med kurser och bankörningar börjar gå mot sitt slut så ville vi passa på att sända ett kortare avsnitt med några intervjuer från deltagare och instruktörer från i maj när SMC och Michelin arrangerade BKK-kurs enbart för tjejer på Gelleråsen i Karlskoga.Bởi Mc-tankar i kubik
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Insightful comments about how young UCG Adults share their faith
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Just before taking off on Sunday Gear Grinder bike ride along Lake Superior in Minnesota, we talk about the most important and personal aspects of our faith and how we share it with others. From September 9, 2023 The First Annual Gear Grinders Classic event was held on September 10th in Northern Minnesota. It was a bike ride from Gooseberry Falls S…
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Part 2: Reflections on the life of Robert George Jones - a Physical Connection to a Spiritual World
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This is part 2 of our memorial podcasts about Robin Jones who dies on May 21, 2024. The photo of him is one I took in 2014 while at the funeral of John Ross Schroeder in Watford, Hertfordshire. UK. Look at the end of this note for links referred to in the podcast. Here's what I wrote initially on Facebook: I was saddened to hear about the death of …
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Part 1 The life of Robin Jones as told by son Rolfe and daughter Danielle Feith.
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Robin Jones, from the United Kingdom, left this earthly life on May 21, 2024. He touched thousands of people worldwide, including my classmates at Ambassador College and beyond. His son Rolfe and daughter Danielle give compelling testimonials that tell the story of their father's legacy on so many of us. Hear tributes from Gerhard Marx, Aaron Dean,…
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On July 19, 2024 our and many other people’s dear friend Les Booth left this earthly life. He was dearly beloved and a month later after his passing there remains an emptiness in our friendships and church fellowship with his absence. Les was a devout Christian, a devoted husband and father, a thinker. He was also an enthusiast in various interests…
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Bakom visiret - Kenneth & the Knutters
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För över 40 år sedan startades ett rockband som inte var som alla andra, tur var väl det för vem vill vara just som alla andra? Med kärlek till musiken och till medlemmarna i bandet och populära låtar som ”Tankad, packad och klar” eller ”Jag vill ha din Yamaha” står sig musiken än idag Nu i dagarna har de spelat in sin senaste platta. Vi fick möjli…
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Greg Thomas: Dealing with Disappointment and Relationships
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With Greg Thomas, we discuss principles of Personal Leadership as outlined in Greg's book Making Life's Puzzle Pieces Fit. We discuss Dealing with disappointment, A Life in Balance Simple Diversions Meaningful Relationships Making Life's Puzzle Pieces Fit is available on Amazon. We will continue through all the pieces in this series of podcasts. We…
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Victor Kubik: Who? Why? Put Off Outrage. Pursue Peace.
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We are headed into the final months of the Presidential campaign, which will pit Donald Trump against Kamala Harris. Where do you stand? Some say we should not talk about religion and politics. Well, this podcast speaks about both. You comments, thoughts and feedback are welcome. Please write to me at Current politics is chaotic an…
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Varmt välkommen till Mc-tankar i kubik! Vi blev nyfikna på vad Svenska motorsport förbundet (Svemo) gör och har intervjuat både biträdande generalsekreterare Jamie Roshage Spörndli samt utbildningsansvarig Henrik Esting. Vi pratar om deras arbeten, utmaningar och alla fantastiska ideella krafter som finns inom förbundet. Tack för att du lyssnar!…
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Vi har pratat om camping, uteliv och resor som passar bra nu under årets lite mer varmare månader. I detta avsnitt berättar Monica Mikaelsson om vad Bunk a biker är för något. Tusen tack för att just du lyssnar på podden och tipsar vidare att vi finns! Fotograf: Malin NilssonBởi Mc-tankar i kubik
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Neal Kinsey returns from July Ag conference in Ukraine: soil fertility, war, and more
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Neal Kinsey has just returned from Ukraine, where he was a speaker at an agricultural conference in Vinnytsia. He is the Owner and CEO of Kinsey Agricultural Services, Inc., which specializes in building or re-building soil fertility to improve quality and yields through soil and plant analysis. He is a highly acclaimed soil specialist and consulta…
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With Ken Murray: Parables Explain the Kingdom
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Click here for playlist of all my podcasts with Ken Murray Ken Murray and I discuss Christ's most common teaching technique: the use of PARABLES. Most of the parables taught some aspect about the Coming and present Kingdom of God. Here are a few links referred to in the podcast created by Ken Murray: L…
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Mariia Nyström tar sig an nya utmaningar såväl i arbetslivet som trafiklärare samt privat. Hon bara gasar framåt på två hjul som i stort sett är hela hennes liv. Vi blev nyfikna på kvinnan med pannbenet som lär andra köra motorcykel medan hon utmanar sig själv med både GGN, mecka motorcyklar och bankörning.…
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Kubik: What Will Happen to Me When I Die?
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Today I will answer a question that we have all asked ourselves: What will happen to me when AND AFTER I die? When the lights go out in this life and our bodies are lifeless, where will we be? Is this life all there is? Is there an afterlife? There are so many ideas. How can you KNOW the answer that is the TRUTH!!?? Why am I asking these questions?…
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Melvin Rhodes: How Prophecy Might Play Out in Trump Presidency. Ready?
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It's only been four days since the close call with Donald Trump's failed assassination. Now a frenzied Republican National Convention has all but declared him President of the United States .While US citizens focus on domestic matters, the world is watching to see how the coming leadership of the nation will play out in Bible Prophecy. What will in…
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Donald Trump: Too Close a Call. What it Means.
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Less than 24 hours ago, Former President Donald Trump survived assassination by a hair. We are still reeling from what happened as we try to process the full impact of this event, which will affect history and what's ahead for our nation and the world. Columnist and Pastor Steve Buchanan and I discussed the ramifications of yesterday's events and w…
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Att kunna bidra med sin tid för att kunna glädja andra människor är väldigt behjärtansvärt och det finns många sådana fina projekt som görs i hela landet. I detta avsnitt pratar vi med Christer Thynell som grundande Northern Charity Run för tre år sedan. Motorcykelevenemanget som vuxit sig allt större och där alla kan delta för att samla pengar til…
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Greg Thomas: Conversational Terrorism
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Greg and I talk about how irresponsibly people communicate with one another -- because they can: through social media, unashamed politics and the ability to write harsh words through electronic media. We are all guilty of this, and in our discussion, we bring awareness to this. "Gaslighting, "a form of Conversational Terrorism, was Merriam Webster'…
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With Ken Murray: Kingdom of God Down to Earth
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Ken Murray, United Church of God pastor for Clermont, Central Queensland, Australia, and I discuss THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Both Ken and I became acquainted with and became believers in what that Kingdom is from the entirety of the Bible. We both saw that it was not what is popularly taught as heaven, a feeling, a church. Then, what is it? Find our by l…
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Kurt Hoyer: The Continuing Quest to Connect New Finds in Archeology to the Bible
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Kurt Hoyer is passionate about the connection between archeology and the Bible. He received a Master's degree in this field from Hebrew University in Israel. He and his wife Jennifer have served in the Foreign Service and is now retired. He has lived in diverse places around the world, including Afghanistan, Kenya, the Philippines, and several othe…
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Bakom visiret - Annica Åkerström-Olofsson
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Hon har kört motorcykel sedan 1978. Startade igång en motorcykelklubb, Qknyppling mc för tjejer 19 år senare som lever än idag. 85 000 mil på motorcykel har det blivit genom åren. Vi möter Annica Åkerström-OlofssonBởi Mc-tankar i kubik
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Coping and Conduct in a Crazy World - Dr. Roy Fouch
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No one can deny that we have entered markedly different times since 2020; every month seems to introduce a new what at one time may have considered a once-in-a-lifetime crisis. Now, the crises come one after another. It's sudden runaway inflation, world tension on the brink of a civilization-ending world war. The United States has joined other coun…
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Friheten på motorcykel är det många som uppskattar och i detta avsnitt pratar vi med Carola Östlund och Karin Hagström som ger tips på att ta den friheten till andra nivåer genom att campa och verkligen befinna sig ute i naturen och de upplevelser man bjuds på. Varmt välkommen till Mc tankar i kubik avsnitt 10! (Tack för lån av bild Carola & Karin)…
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Landmark book from UCG: What Does the Bible Teach About Grace?
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In 2019 the United Church of God published What Does the Bible Teach About Grace? This was a landmark publication about a subject spanning Genesis through Revelation. I talk about GRACE as presented in a way we had not fully discussed it before. You can order your free copy or read it online here.Bởi Victor Kubik
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Steve Parker talks to Young Adults about the Prodigal Son
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Steve Parker from Houston, Texas and I discuss the parable of the Prodigal Son, also called the Lost Son. The lessons from this parable were the theme of the Young Adults Retreat in Townsend, Tennessee, in the Smoky Mountains. Steve was one of the principal speakers at the event that took place May 24-27, 2024. This parable offers more than meets t…
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Bakom visiret - Hanna C. Johansson
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Den upptäckarglädje som funnits redan sen förskoleåldern lever kvar och tack vare hennes drivkraft och att allt är möjligt har hon sett över 85 länder - på motorcykel! Hennes resor följs av tusentals människor världen över och idag är detta hennes yrke. Vi möter hon som aldrig vill bli placerad i något fack där hon inte passar in - Hanna C. Johanss…
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Han driver motorcykelbutik tillsammans med sina föräldrar, har tävlat i VM och har en av sina säsonger fått ihop över miljonen från samarbetspartners för att kunna leva för sporten med allt vad det innebär. Hur han lyckades? In och lyssna på senaste avsnittet där vi möter profilen Richard Alun!Bởi Mc-tankar i kubik
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Ken Murray: Old Testament Prophecies of Christ
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Ken Murray and I discuss just a few of the 333 prophecies about Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. 70 of these O.T. prophecies were fulfilled in the last week of Christ's human life. These prophecies are specific enough that the mathematical probability of Jesus fulfilling even a handful of them, let alone all of them, is staggeringly improbable—if…
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From Malawi: Joseph Mughohgo describes his new management role
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Joseph Mughogho, who lives in Lilongwe, Malawi, has been our friend for about 11 years. He has served as an accountant for the United Church of God and is currently LifeNets Business Manager for northern Malawi. We have appreciated his professional and wise service to us all these years. In April 2024, he and his wife were appointed as a couple to …
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Att mat och dryck smakar ljuvligt när man är ute i naturen tror vi de flesta håller med om. Men hur gör man för att kunna tillaga något gott på motorcykelturen när utrymmet har vissa begränsningar? Vi får tips från Michel som älskar just utematlagning, så pass att han även tävlar i SM i just det. Christoffer från Primus Silva berättar om olika kök …
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Conspiracy! The Truth Shall Set You Free...
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Today's episode features Tim Pebworth, United Church of God's Chairman of the Council of Elders and Director of French Speaking areas, who speaks on the subject of Conspiracies that so many, including devout Christians, can get caught up in. A recent USA Today article quotes University of Chicago political science professors Eric Oliver and Thomas …
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Elena Kubik talks to Grandpa about his recollections of first man on the moon in 1969
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My 17-year-old granddaughter, Elena Kubik, interviewed me for an 11th-grade assignment. I just loved the job that she did and would like to share this 14-minute interview with you. Photo: Wikimedia CommonsBởi Victor Kubik
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Rebekah Drury: Help for navigating through grief
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Rebekah Drury is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with the state of Ohio. She also has a Master of Arts degree in Professional Counseling from Liberty University. Rebekah and I discuss how to work through crises and tragedies that will come into our lives. She is a Christian therapist and gives valuable insights for us to consider about i…
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Med 16 års erfarenhet av roadracing har Johanna Innerfors skapat fantastiska och minnesvärda upplevelser för livet genom att tävla både i Sverige och Europa och därmed nått fina resultat! De är en sammansvetsad familj som tillsammans brinner för motorsporten och det finns inte annat än fokus på vinst som gäller ute på banan.…
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Beekeeper Ken Murray discusses the amazing world of bees and honey
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Ken Murray of Clermont, Queensland, Australia and I talk about the awesome world of bees, beekeeping and honey. As a registered beekeeper in his state of Queensland, Ken talks about the bee, what it produces and how he interfaces with it. Ken and Ruthie on the day of the podcast. Here are some other resources spoken of in the podcast: Beyond Today …
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Victor Kubik: And Now, a Word From Our Sponsor
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What does it take to be right with God and your fellow man? What is the threshold of righteousness? Is it perfection achieved by your efforts? What part does Jesus Christ play in our being just before God. I explore this in this episode. Download a worksheet that contains the 120 titles, names and metaphors of Jesus Christ.…
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With Gregory L. Thomas: Useful Stephen R. Covey nuggets for your immediate use.
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Greg Thomas and I continue with our 14th podcast since August 2022 in Leadership. Leadership is in large part honest, genuine behavior on our part. That's what causes REAL adherents to your cause. Today we explore some of the most powerful ideas/statements from Stephen Covey and talk about how they can be immediately applied by you. Greg is a busin…
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SMC (Sveriges motorcyklister) har kursverksamhet inom flera olika motorcykelsporter med syfte att få säkra och trygga förare. Vi får även höra om förebyggande arbete politiskt och hur det är att vara instruktör med Mariia Nyström och Dominique Faymonville. (Tack till Andrea för lån av bild)Bởi Mc-tankar i kubik
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Christian Passover Countdown with Ken and Vic
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Ken Murray from Queensland, Australia and I talk about the awesome symbolism depicted by the events of the Exodus that embody the most important of Christian beliefs, purpose and ethics. Before the Passover in the letters of Paul to the Corinthians we are admonished to EXAMINE ourselves before the Passover. The countdown is on! Here is the link tha…
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Sverigechef för Kawasaki med inside-information om de senaste nyheterna. Hör om hans resa från 16-åring fram till idag och känslan av att vara lika fascinerad över tekniken och känslan nu som då.Bởi Mc-tankar i kubik
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Efter en långresa kom insikten av vikten av riktigt bra mc-kläder. Här får vi träffa Johan Petersson, aktuell i "Bäst i test" och ambassadör för Indian motorcycle, som har flera olika projekt igång och bland annat vill uppmärksamma miljöproblemen i Östersjön.Bởi Mc-tankar i kubik
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