時事通信社が英語学習者向けに速報性・信頼性が高いニュースを日本語と英語の両方で配信します。 世の中のニュースをチェックしながら、英語学習ができる一石二鳥なスキルです。
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The Raising Lifelong Learners podcast helps parents -- especially homeschooling parents -- encourage their differently-wired kids to learn, explore passions, cultivate creativity, and become fascinated by the world around them. Join host Colleen Kessler -- educational consultant, gifted specialist, author, and speaker -- for interviews, audioblogs, tips, and encouragement to help your differently-wired kiddos become lifelong learners -- children who know that they can find the answers to any ...
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Bringing you closer to the people powering the world's top tech companies ✨
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Pensé pour éveiller la curiosité des apprenant·e·s de français, à partir du niveau intermédiaire. Passerelles est un podcast crée par moi, Emilie, prof de FLE. À travers chaque épisode, je vous accompagne dans votre pratique de la compréhension orale du français. On explore ensemble des thèmes variés. On apprend à mieux écouter, et à utiliser les outils à notre disposition pour prendre la parole avec confiance et authenticité. Pour plus d'informations, retrouvez-moi sur Instagram : @frenchdi ...
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Japanese podcast for advanced learners 日本語上級者のみなさんへ ภาษาญี่ปุ่นระดับสูง JLPTN1/N2
Fumiko Nishimura
The podcast from Osaka for Japanese language learners. Especially advanced level learners around JLPT N1 N2 level. Talking about grammar, culture, society, what we can see through the language. 日本語上級レベル向けポッドキャストです。 พอดแคสต์สำหรับคนที่เรียนภาษาญี่ปุ่นระดับสูง หรือ ระดับ N1,N2 พูดเป็นภาษาญี่ปุ่นเท่านั้น 感想やメッセージがあればぜひ送ってください。→ [email protected] レッスンに興味がある方→ http://www.jpnlessonosaka.net/ Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/nishifumi355/ Please support me with the amazon gift card if you l ...
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Educating All Learners Alliance (EALA) is an uncommon coalition of organizations committed to resource sharing and community-building that supports the efforts of the education community to meet the needs of students with disabilities. This podcast will feature people, resources, and useful information to provide you with content that highlights best practices for schools and educators. We hope you enjoy this podcast, find useful resources from our community, and use it for the betterment of ...
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Learn Italian with Anna, an experienced Italian teacher. 99% in Italian, designed to help intermediate learners become fluent. You’ll improve your Italian whilst learning about Italian culture and other topics. Go to LanguaTalk.com/italianpod for an interactive transcript of each episode. If you want to support Anna's work you can download the transcript from the SHOP https://buymeacoffee.com/unastoriaitaliannapodcast/extras For lessons with Anna: https://languatalk.com/tutors/1074
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Leaders and Learners, hosted by Los Angeles County Commissioner Tonya McKenzie, chats with elected officials, organizational leaders, experts, authors, and artists connected to the Golden State of California. The best leaders are lifetime learners. Tonya is the founder of Sand and Shores, a PR and Media Relations Expert, and a multi-media journalist. Become a Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/sandandshores/subscribe www.SandAndShores.com Pitch a story: [email protected]. TWITTER and INSTAGR ...
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Little Learners on the Go is the go-to resource for parents and educators who are passionate about the development and wellbeing of children. We also have episodes specifically geared toward fostering your child's imagination, self-esteem and social-emotional well being. This premier podcast is hosted by Tanya Lofty, a wife, mother, and educator with over 18 years of experience working with children and their families. Join Tanya and her panel of expert guests as they address the most releva ...
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Conquering Spanish is a podcast that shares the real-life journeys of adults learning Spanish, offering listeners inspiring stories of persistence and success. Each episode features interviews with Spanish learners who discuss their challenges, strategies, and personal achievements in Spanish language acquisition. The podcast provides valuable tips and motivation for those currently on their language-learning path. Sponsored by Spanish55, this series aims to create a supportive and engaging ...
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The Let's Master English podcast is for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners! This podcast has many features--news, Q&A, English learning advice and other fun sections. You can join the Let's Master English community on Google+ and see the full transcripts. Transcripts are made by you, the listeners! I hope you enjoy my podcasts and please visit my website--www.letsmasterenglish.com!
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Various educational podcasts.
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I feel privileged to speak to so many great minds as part of my job. They are passionate builders, insightful investors, laser-focused leaders. They are all curious learners in their own way. It is their urge to learn more. That urge is curiosity. When I speak to these people, I hear fascinating ideas, solid business plans, genius growth hacking practices, relentless team building focus, unique investing strategies and many others. However, most of the time, key insights, business intelligen ...
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Podcast by Janne Pyrrö
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Show Up Participate Encourage others Respect everyone LEARNERS! Each week, you will be able to listen and find out what amazing things we have learned!
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Welcome to Learners Inspired, where amazing things happen. We're just two Instructional Technologist eager to share our journey and experience with technology integration in Northwest ISD classrooms. We're so glad you're here.
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My view on what I’ve learned through the semester from the diverse learners course!
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Neste podcast vamos mostrar que é possível ensinar inglês em casa para crianças de até 6 anos em casa
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Musings on everything creative from books, plays, films and a little philosophy for good measure 🙏🏼
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A podcast about gaming in Glorantha in which we cover news and discuss topics about RuneQuest, QuestWorlds, and other related games such as 13th Age Glorantha, King of Dragon Pass, Six Ages, The Gods War, or Khan of Khans.
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Fala Gringo is a show in easy brazilian portuguese to intermediate learners, presented by Leni. Aprenda o Português do Brasil com temas atuais e episódios sobre a língua e cultura brasileira. Quer progredir rápido? O Fala Gringo é o seu podcast de Português Brasileiro Intermediário. - Learn Portuguese Podcast - Learn Brazilian Portuguese - Apprendre Portugais Bresilien Podcast - Portoghese Brasiliano Podcast - Brasilianisches Portugiesisch - Speak Brazilian Portuguese - Portuguès de Brasil - ...
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Audio stories that start in English and end in a different language
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日本語でマンガと音楽の話をしています。 S1💙:Let's talk about MANGA in simple Japanese! S2💗:日本語でマンガのはなしをしましょう! S3💚:Let's talk about MUSIC in simple Japanese!(Spotify only) Instagram➡https://www.instagram.com/kissa.nihongo/ Scripts➡https://kissa.nihongo.japaneselesson-shiga.com/
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Georgia Southern University
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A podcast from Bobbin Head Anglican Church
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This is introducing the central theme of Bible Learners Corner – in which we translate scriptures into pictures. This is seeing beyond the unseen. Simply to say, seeing and understanding things beyond the natural; things incomprehensible - things that can be perceived by faith. The mystery of faith!
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Teachers Are Learners explores pressing topics in education, with a specific interest in learning as the consequence of experience (Piaget) and the growing need to construct a narrative about school that resonates with our students and teachers. We recognize that a fundamental step in our students success as learners is the (re-)framing of ourselves (teachers) as learners.
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Reaching Struggling Learners is dedicated to helping teachers, parents, and administrators assist all students in meeting their learning potential. We discuss topics related to education, especially helping struggling or non-standard learners including students with special needs. We discuss the educational issues and present possible strategies or solutions.
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I'm a Japanese language teacher, MIKI!! I'm teaching at university and college. This program, "Nihongo Radio," is designed for learners of Japanese with limited vocabulary and simple grammar. This podcast will help you improve your Japanese language skills. みなさん、こんにちは。 このポッドキャストは日本語教師の私、MIKI が日本語を勉強しているあなたにフィットする日本語でお話ししています。 みなさんの日本語のスキルが伸びる番組を作っています。 https://listen.style/p/nihongoradio?ZzJ3WbSH
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Kids can listen to follow up lessons learned in class in addition to new interactive lessons that we didn’t have time to introduce during class. They can sing along with me some of our favorite in class songs and practice Spanish pronunciation. This podcast is great for parents to learn alongside with their kids as well. Have fun!
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Welcome to our Podcast ”The Learner’s Talks”. This Podcast is dedicated to helping you to be a better student, better learner, better version of yourself. Which will lead to being successful in life. This podcast is all about winning in real life as a learner Here at The Learner’s talks, you'll find useful episodes which help you to be a successful student
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Becoming an awesome instructor by exploring adult learning theories: How experience leads to relevancy.
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Stories of Language Learners Podcast is a passion project created by Tchales in May 2020. The podcast offers insightful interviews with language learners from diverse backgrounds, sharing their unique experiences and tips to inspire and motivate listeners worldwide to learn new languages. Join over 12,000 dedicated listeners from 123+ countries to hear stories of achieving fluency, gain practical advice, and discover valuable language learning tools and methods. Don't miss out on this valuab ...
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Be Better Educators. Be Better Humans. The knowledge and tips you don’t get taught on courses and qualifications. Real-life lessons from real-life people with real-life experiences. Listen. Learn. Share
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A podcast for Teachers, Trainers, Mentors, Coaches and Learners. Sponsors: Qualify Now RTO Rose Training Australia
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The experts at Britannica for Parents bring you Raising Curious Learners—your guide for navigating life’s greatest journey now and in the future. Each episode features research-backed discussions about issues and trends in child development, education, and parenting. Recorded by our hosts Ann Gadzikowski and Elizabeth Romanski in Chicago, this podcast is for the ears of parents, guardians, teachers, and lifelong learners around the world. Part of the trusted Britannica family. For more, visi ...
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A podcast for English As Second Language (ESL) learners and lovers from an ESL learner and lover. I hope to share my experiences and lessons to help other's like myself, and in so doing, help spread my love of the beautiful language. Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@anniespratt
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The Toprakci Method: Creating Confident Learners specializes in creating confident learners with a growth mindset. The Toprakci Method uses a unique combination of breathwork, brain-body work, GRATITUDE, and even a clay-based learning program to affect the neuroplasticity of the brain to help dramatically improve students’ ability to spell, read, grasp number sense, and focus. STRUGGLING students CAN be transformed into CONFIDENT LEARNERS who become academically successful-permanently (!) - ...
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Improve your Korean listening comprehension and vocabulary by listening to natural conversations between native Korean speakers, provided by TalkToMeInKorean.com. For more Korean learning materials and our systematic curriculum, please visit https://talktomeinkorean.com
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Caleb Mason hosts the podcast for lifelong learners who want to grow personally and professionally. The podcast features conversations with well-known and everyday people that will help you on your journey. The podcast also includes discussions around resources that have helped people grow on their journey.
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Welcome to Learn English With Natalie! Do you want to brush up on your conversational English but you're just too busy? Want to broaden your English vocabulary and learn English language skills that will enhance your everyday English conversations? This podcast is for you! The Learn English With Natalie podcast allows you to do all of this in short, manageable lessons that you can access weekly and on-the-go and the best part?... it's absolutely free! Download FREE resources designed to acco ...
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The Actual Fluency Podcast features inspirational stories from world-class language learners, industry experts, and regular people who embraced multilingualism in one way or another. In the episodes we dive deep down in the why that pushed people to learn a new language, the how to figure out how they best achieved it, and of course a lot of great stories of the experiences that speaking multiple languages can bring to people's lives. We also talk about apps, methodology, and education to tr ...
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This is a Quora based podcast (for English learners and others), in which the most interesting stories are read oud loud and sometimes discussed. The listeners are meant to become part of the show, too. contact: [email protected]. You will see vocabulary explanations and definitions at the end of the text.
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Introduction to Skillslink and our commitment to harnessing technology to engage our students, community supporters and NGO partners in regional NSW
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You will learn a lot about Persian language, culture, new vocabs, real life spoken Farsi, etc.
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Bonjour ! My name is Romeo and my goal is to help YOU improve your french with short stories. You will improve your vocabulary and listening skills with everyday french stories. I publish new episodes from monday to friday at 10 am (Paris time). If you want to receive the transcript of the next episodes, go to my website
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French Baratin - Real conversations in French for advanced learners, débats en français authentique, B2 et +, FLE, French language podcast
French Baratin
French Baratin French Baratin is a podcast to improve your French by listening to discussions and debates on topics related to French society. Level Our conversations in French are authentic: we use our everyday vocabulary and speak at a normal pace, but we try not to cut each other off like French radio hosts too often do ;-) French Baratin is therefore accessible from an intermediate level (B2) and is also suitable for advanced levels (C1). Frequency of episodes Listen to French Baratin ev ...
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長崎県佐々町が発注した工事を巡り、入札の最低制限価格に近い金額を漏らしたとして、県警は8日、官製談合防止法違反などの疑いで、町長の古庄剛容疑者を逮捕した。 Police arrested Tsuyoshi Furusho, mayor of Saza, Nagasaki Prefecture, on Saturday in a bid-rigging case over a public works project in the southwestern Japan town.Bởi 時事通信社
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Easy English Expression 0069 to be on call
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7:19LetsMasterEnglish.com The Let’s Master English Podcast is an English Radio show for people studying English (ESL/EFL). This podcast is LOADED with great education and entertainment…EDUTAINMENT! In this episode: · We cover one simple expression…but in REAL American Style! AD-FREE and with Music Membership? Ask me!! It's CHEAP! And EXCELLENT Contact@…
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Collaborating to Support All Students: Five Minutes with Inclusive Learning Design Co.
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5:56In this episode, EALA chats with Simmi Goomer and Symon Hayes, co-founders of the Inclusive Learning Design Co., an organization dedicated to designing professional learning that supports schools and organizations to embrace learner variability. Listen in as they discuss the importance of inclusive learning environments, the challenges schools face…
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Understanding Executive Function Skills in Gifted and Twice-Exceptional Children
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26:54In this episode of the podcast, we dive into what executive function skills actually are, likening them to a control center or the CEO of your body. These skills encompass planning, organization, time management, task initiation, working memory, and self-regulation, among others. But why do so many gifted and neurodivergent kids struggle with them?…
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Bienvenue dans French Baratin, le podcast pour améliorer sa compréhension orale en écoutant des discussions sur la société française. Du 9 au 13 juin 2025, la France accueillera, à Nice, la troisième Conférence des Nations Unies sur l'Océan. Elle rassemblera des représentants des États membres des Nations Unies, des organisations militantes et des …
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Top Things to Consider when Raising Boys PT 1
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37:02In this episode Tanya and her husband discuss what is needed to be successful parents in raising sons.
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What does it really mean to “do the research”? Judd Antin joins The Learners Podcast to talk about the mindset, craft, and approach behind great research. We discuss: Why research isn’t just about gathering data—it’s about asking the right questions How to avoid research as a “safety blanket” and focus on real discovery The importance of relationsh…
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15:26>>>> Get the transcript here ll processo contro la donna accusata di aver lasciato morire di stenti la figlia nel 2022 si sta complicando per una perizia psichiatrica e per un «contrasto insanabile» tra i pubblici ministeri. 13 maggio 2024, il giorno decisivo per Alessia Pifferi, la 38enne accusata di avere lasciato morire la figlia Diana, 18 mesi,…
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Mayor Jim Light, Serving & Campaigning
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55:44Jim Light was appointed by the Redondo Beach City Council on February 20th, 2024 to serve the remainder of Bill Brand's term after he died from Cancer. Now, he is asking for the community's vote so that he can continue as the Mayor for the next four years. Join us as we chat with Jim about his experiences in Redondo Beach and his vision for the fut…
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Trust the Process: Ryan’s Journey to Spanish Fluency
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39:14In this episode of Conquering Spanish, we sit down with Ryan McNichol, a dedicated Spanish learner who embarked on this journey to reconnect with his Mexican heritage and challenge himself in new ways. From overcoming self-doubt to immersing himself in the language through baseball and daily life, Ryan shares valuable insights on mindset, persisten…
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✉️ La transcription de cet épisode est disponible ici : https://www.patreon.com/posts/e114-si-jetais-122346011 ---- La question du jour : Penses à un événement marquant dans ta vie et pose-toi cette question, quel album, quelle chanson j'associe à ce moment-là de ma vie ? Et qu'est-ce que ça raconte de moi et de mon histoire ? Au programme de ce…
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Japanese podcast 4-1 When Colors Change Names 日本語上級学習者のみなさんへ ภาษาญี่ปุ่นระดับสูง JLPTN1 N2
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7:52Talking about colors in Japanese 色の名前について話しました。 Vocabulary: ぼちぼち→little by little, so-so (Kansai dialect ) 改訂版(かいていばん)→revised edition 橙(だいだい)→type of orange 鏡餅(かがみもち)→Japanese traditional new year decoration made from mochi 代々(だいだい)→for generations 縁起(えんぎ)がいい→ good luck, good omen レッスンに興味がある方 My website→ http://www.jpnlessonosaka.ne…
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7日、米ニューヨークの国連本部で、宣言を採択し閉幕する核兵器禁止条約の第3回締約国会議【ニューヨーク時事】米ニューヨークの国連本部で開かれていた核兵器禁止条約の第3回締約国会議は7日、「核の脅しは容認できない」と非難する宣言を採択し、5日間の日程を終えて閉幕した。 The third meeting of signatories to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons ended its five-day session at the U.N. headquarters in New York on Friday, with participants adopting a declaration rejecting threat…
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日比谷線の列車脱線事故から25年となり、慰霊碑の前で黙とうする東京メトロの山村明義社長ら、8日午前、東京都目黒区乗客5人が死亡、64人が重軽傷を負った営団地下鉄日比谷線の列車脱線事故から25年を迎えた8日、山村明義社長らが東京都目黒区の事故現場付近にある慰霊碑を訪れ、献花した。 Tokyo Metro Co. on Saturday marked the 25th anniversary of a subway derailment accident that killed five passengers and injured 64 others.Bởi 時事通信社
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気象庁は8日午前、関東甲信では夕方から9日明け方にかけて山地や山沿いを中心に大雪になる所があると発表した。 Up to 5 centimeters of snow is forecast for central Tokyo by early Sunday, the Japan Meteorological Agency said Saturday, warning of traffic disruptions and icy roads.Bởi 時事通信社
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玉木雄一郎国民民主党代表国民民主党の玉木雄一郎代表は7日のBSフジ番組で、所得税の負担が生じる「年収103万円の壁」見直しを巡り、政府・与党が所得制限を設けずに非課税枠を「150万円」に再修正した場合、2025年度予算案への「賛成は十分、検討に値する」と述べた。 The Democratic Party for the People may support the fiscal 2025 budget bill if the ruling bloc agrees to raise the tax-free portion of annual income to 1.5 million yen, regardless of income levels, DPFP leader Yuichiro…
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会談を前に握手する岩屋毅外相と英国のラミー外相、7日午後、東京都港区の外務省飯倉公館岩屋毅外相は7日、英国のラミー外相と東京都内の外務省飯倉公館で会談した。 Japanese Foreign Minister Takeshi Iwaya and his British counterpart, David Lammy, agreed Friday that the two countries will work together closely for a fair and lasting peace in Ukraine, while U.S. President Donald Trump is moving closer to Russia.…
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全国がん患者団体連合会などから「高額療養費制度」に関するアンケートを受け取る石破茂首相、7日午後、首相官邸石破茂首相は7日、医療費が高額となった場合に患者負担を抑える「高額療養費制度」見直しを巡り、今年8月に予定していた患者負担上限額の引き上げを見送ると表明した。 The Japanese government is considering shelving a plan to raise the ceiling of out-of-pocket expenses for high-cost medical care in August, it was learned Friday.Bởi 時事通信社
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日英の経済版2プラス2閣僚会合を終え、共同記者発表に臨む英国のレイノルズ・ビジネス貿易相、ラミー外相、岩屋毅外相、武藤容治経済産業相、7日午後、東京都港区の飯倉公館日英両政府は7日、外務・経済閣僚による「経済版2プラス2」会合を東京都内で開いた。 Japanese and British foreign and economy ministers on Friday affirmed the importance of free and fair trade at a time when the international economic order has been shaken by U.S. President Donald Trump's tariffs.…
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トヨタ自動車は7日、2工場計3ラインの稼働を10日に停止すると明らかにした。 Toyota Motor Corp. will suspend three lines at two plants in Aichi Prefecture on Monday, company officials have said.Bởi 時事通信社
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日米の国旗外務省は7日、2024年度「外交に関する国内世論調査」の結果を公表した。 A majority of Japanese expect Japan-U.S. economic relations to strengthen under the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump, launched in January, according to a Japanese Foreign Ministry survey.Bởi 時事通信社
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Bởi 時事通信社
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北海道旭川市で昨年4月、女子高校生、当時、がつり橋から川に落とされ殺害された事件で、殺人などの罪に問われた無職の被告の女の裁判員裁判の判決が7日、旭川地裁であった。 Asahikawa District Court in Hokkaido, northern Japan, has sentenced a 20-year-old woman to 23 years in prison in a high-profile murder case in which a female high school student died after being pushed off a bridge and into a river in Asahikawa in April last year.…
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SBI新生銀行本店、東京都中央区SBI新生銀行は7日、政府と公的資金約3300億円の完済方法について合意したと発表した。 SBI Shinsei Bank said Friday it has reached an agreement with the Japanese government on measures to repay some 330 billion yen in remaining public funds.Bởi 時事通信社
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内田誠日産自動車社長日産自動車が11日に開く取締役会で内田誠社長の進退を協議することが7日、分かった。 The board of Nissan Motor Co. is expected to meet as early as Tuesday to discuss the fate of President and CEO Makoto Uchida, people familiar with the matter said Friday.Bởi 時事通信社
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参院予算委員会で答弁する石破茂首相、7日午後、国会内参院予算委員会は7日、石破茂首相と関係閣僚が出席し、2025年度予算案に関する一般質疑を行った。 Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba made counterarguments Friday after U.S. President Donald Trump complained about the Japan-U.S. security treaty unilaterally requiring the United States to defend Japan.Bởi 時事通信社
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福岡高裁、福岡市中央区「1票の格差」が最大2.06倍だった昨年10月の衆院選は投票価値の平等を定めた憲法に違反するとして、二つの弁護士グループが選挙無効を求めて全国14の高裁・支部に起こした計16件の訴訟の判決が7日、出そろった。 Japan's House of Representatives election in October last year was found to be constitutional in terms of vote-value disparities by a total of 16 high court and high court branch rulings issued by Friday.…
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記者会見をする鈴木馨祐法相、7日午前、法務省政府は7日、民事訴訟の全判決を収録したデータベースを創設するための法案を閣議決定した。 The Japanese government Friday adopted a bill to create a database that would store all rulings in civil lawsuits in digital form, hoping to put it into service by summer 2027.Bởi 時事通信社
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Easy English Expression 0068 hats off to ~
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5:29LetsMasterEnglish.com The Let’s Master English Podcast is an English Radio show for people studying English (ESL/EFL). This podcast is LOADED with great education and entertainment…EDUTAINMENT! In this episode: · We cover one simple expression…but in REAL American Style! AD-FREE and with Music Membership? Ask me!! It's CHEAP! And EXCELLENT Contact@…
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林芳正官房長官、5日、首相官邸林芳正官房長官は7日の記者会見で、トランプ米大統領が日米安全保障条約の対日防衛義務に不満を表明したことに関し、「政府として米国が核を含むあらゆる種類の能力を用いて義務を果たすことに全幅の信頼を置いている」と述べた。 The Japanese government has the utmost confidence in the United States fulfilling its obligation to defend Japan under the bilateral security treaty, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said Friday.…
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トランプ米大統領、4日、ワシントン【ワシントン時事】トランプ米大統領は6日、日米同盟関係について「われわれは日本を守らなければならないが、日本はわれわれを守らない」と不満を表明した。 U.S. President Donald Trump voiced fresh dissatisfaction with the Japan-U.S. security treaty Thursday.Bởi 時事通信社
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日本学術会議事務局、東京都港区政府は7日、日本学術会議を現行の「国の特別の機関」から切り離し、特殊法人への改編を柱とした新しい日本学術会議法案を閣議決定した。 The Japanese government Friday adopted a bill to convert the Science Council of Japan from a special organization of the state into a special corporation.Bởi 時事通信社
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【図解】悪質ホストクラブ対策を巡る風営法改正案の柱政府は7日、悪質ホストクラブ対策を柱とする風営法改正案を閣議決定した。 The Japanese government adopted at a cabinet meeting Friday a bill aimed at regulating debt-collection activities by malicious host clubs.Bởi 時事通信社
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日銀本店、東京都中央区【ワシントン時事】国際通貨基金のコザック報道官は6日の定例記者会見で、日銀の追加利上げに関し、インフレを巡るリスクを踏まえれば、「時間の経過とともに、緩やかなペースで進めるべきだ」と勧告した。 An International Monetary Fund official said Thursday that the Bank of Japan should raise interest rates gradually, based on incoming economic data.Bởi 時事通信社
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セブン&アイ、北米コンビニ上場へ 自社株買い2兆円、買収に対抗―井阪社長退任、後任デイカス氏
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0:25【図解】セブン&アイを巡る動きセブン&アイ・ホールディングスは6日、企業価値向上に向けた新たな経営戦略を発表した。 Seven & i Holdings Co. said Thursday it has named Stephen Hayes Dacus, 64, an outside director of the major Japanese retail group, as its new president and CEO to replace Ryuichi Isaka, 67.Bởi 時事通信社
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連結部が分離し、緊急停車した「はやぶさ」と「こまち」、6日午後、東京都荒川区6日午前11時半ごろ、東北新幹線下り上野―大宮間を走行中の「はやぶさ・こまち21号」で車両連結部が分離し、緊急停車した。 A coupler connecting the Hayabusa No. 21 and Komachi No. 21 trains on the Tohoku Shinkansen bullet train line in eastern and northeastern Japan came undone on Thursday, temporarily halting service.Bởi 時事通信社
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愛知県警本部、名古屋市中区6日午前8時ごろ、愛知県豊田市深見町のトヨタ自動車系のばね部品メーカー「中央発条」藤岡工場で、建物内にある集じん機が爆発した。 An explosion occurred at a plant of Chuo Spring Co., a Toyota Motor Corp. affiliate, in Aichi Prefecture, central Japan, at around 8 a.m. on Thursday, killing a 40-year-old male worker, according to local fire officials and other sources.…
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福井女子中学生殺害事件の再審初公判を終え、記者会見する前川彰司さん、6日午後、金沢市1986年に福井市で中学3年の女子生徒、当時、が殺害された事件で、殺人罪が確定し服役した前川彰司さんの裁判をやり直す再審初公判が6日、名古屋高裁金沢支部であり、前川さんは「私は無実です。 The retrial of a 59-year-old man who served a seven-year prison sentence for the 1986 murder of a junior high school student in the central Japan city of Fukui began Thursday, with a ruling set for July 18.…
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立憲民主党が夏の参院選比例代表に、蓮舫・前参院議員を擁立する方向で調整していることが6日、分かった。 The main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan is considering fielding former House of Councillors lawmaker Renho, 57, for a proportional representation seat in this summer's election for the Upper House, CDP sources said Thursday.Bởi 時事通信社
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日本サッカー協会の宮本恒靖会長は6日、招致を目指していた2031年女子ワールドカップについて、アフリカと北中米カリブ海の各連盟加盟国に立候補を募るとした国際連盟の決定を受け、「非常に残念な知らせ」との談話を発表した。 Japan Football Association President Tsuneyasu Miyamoto said Thursday that FIFA's decision to only accept applications to host the 2031 Women's World Cup from member countries in Africa, North America, Central America and the Caribbean was e…
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政府は6日、武藤容治経済産業相が9~13日の日程で訪米することを国会に提示し、了承された。 The Diet on Thursday approved a plan submitted by the government for industry minister Yoji Muto to visit the United States from Sunday.Bởi 時事通信社
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保護している猫と共に取材に応じる赤間徹さん、2月1日、福島県浪江町東京電力福島第1原発事故で置き去りにされ、野生化したペットの保護活動を続ける男性がいる。 Toru Akama has been protecting feral pets left behind following the accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station as he feels a sense of responsibility as a former worker of the plant in northeastern Japan.…
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記者会見する連合の芳野友子会長、6日午後、東京都千代田区連合は6日、2025年春闘での傘下労働組合による賃上げ要求の加重平均が6.09%になったと発表した。 The weighted average of wage hikes demanded by 2,939 member unions of the Japanese Trade Union Confederation, or Rengo, in this year's "shunto" labor-management negotiations came to 6.09 pct, a Rengo survey showed Thursday.…
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参院予算委員会で答弁する石破茂首相、6日午後、国会内石破茂首相は6日の参院予算委員会で、ロシアのウクライナ侵攻を巡り、「米国の関与なくしてこの戦争が終わるとは思わない。 Japan will do its best to keep the United States engaged with the war in Ukraine, Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba said Thursday.Bởi 時事通信社
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22年前の殺人容疑で男逮捕 元同僚、「やってない」―竹林で発見の男性遺体、神奈川県警
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0:33神奈川県警本部、横浜市中区2010年に川崎市高津区の竹林で白骨化した男性の遺体が見つかった事件で、神奈川県警捜査1課などは6日、03年に男性を殺害した疑いで会社員酒井義幸容疑者、同市麻生区、を逮捕した。 Police arrested a man in his 40s in the city of Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo, on Thursday for allegedly murdering another man in 2003.Bởi 時事通信社
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東電元副社長2人無罪確定へ 福島原発事故、予見性を否定―指定弁護士の上告棄却・最高裁
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0:53東京電力福島第1原発事故を巡って強制起訴され、控訴審判決のため東京高裁に入る東電元副社長の武黒一郎被告、2023年1月、東京都千代田区東京電力福島第1原発事故を巡り、業務上過失致死傷罪で強制起訴された元副社長の武黒一郎、武藤栄両被告について、最高裁第2小法廷は5日付で、事故の予見可能性を否定して無罪とした一、二審判決を支持し、検察官役の指定弁護士の上告を棄却する決定をした。 Japan's Supreme Court has upheld lower court rulings that acquitted two former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. over the 2011 nuclear cri…
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国連開発計画の国内親善大使に就任した俳優の芦田愛菜さん、6日午前、東京都千代田区国連開発計画は6日、新設した国内親善大使に俳優の芦田愛菜さんが就任すると発表した。 The U.N. Development Program said Thursday it has picked Japanese actress Mana Ashida as domestic goodwill ambassador, a post newly set up by the organization to focus on efforts in the Asian nation.Bởi 時事通信社
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〔国際女性デー50年〕女性服にもポケットを 名刺しまえず「仕事に不便」―メーカーに変化の兆しも
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0:13スカートのポケットにスマホを入れる卜沢彩子さん。 A movement calling for women's clothing to include pockets is gaining traction in Japan, prompting a change in the apparel industry.Bởi 時事通信社
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参院予算委員会で答弁する石破茂首相、6日午前、国会内参院予算委員会は6日、石破茂首相と全閣僚が出席し、2025年度予算案に関する2日目の基本的質疑を行った。 Japan will give reconstruction aid money to people whose homes have been heavily damaged by the wildfire in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba said Thursday.Bởi 時事通信社
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