Histórias da música portuguesa, com João Bacalhau.
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The intersection of entrepreneurship and cannabis culture hosted by Silk Swade
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Podcast dedicado a correr. Marc Bañuls nos hablara sobre entrenamientos, experiencias y dudas que pueden surgir a cualquier corredor a la hora de mejorar en su faceta como corredor Ocultar
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The Merck Manuals pits myths against medical degrees. Should you put butter on a burn? Drink coffee to sober up? Feed a cold and starve a fever? On this podcast, physicians from around the country set the record straight and help you make more informed decisions about your health. For listeners in the U.S. and Canada, visit MerckManuals.com to learn more. For those outside the U.S. and Canada, visit MSDManuals.com for more information.
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Um podcast sobre as histórias inspiradoras por trás de grandes ideias. O que as levou a seguir um caminho diferente do tradicional ‘trabalho das 9 às 5’? Que desafios enfrentaram nas suas jornadas? Como alcançaram os seus objetivos? E o que aprenderam com os erros pelo caminho? As questões que te inquietam e as respostas que podem transformar as tuas ideias, num podcast apresentado por Diogo Pires.
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robramsaynz's manually created personal podcast
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Indispensable tips for developing your conflict competence in ten minutes or less, so you can do conflict better. Our logo is a dandelion because conflict is like a weed you don't want in the garden. But since it's there, you want to know how to manage it, keep it from spreading, and feel good about how you dealt with it.
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The Washington Manual of Surgery Podcast provides quick access to essential surgical knowledge for busy trainees, surgeons and students. You’ll get clear guidance on surgical decision-making, procedures and diseases, presented by expert faculty and residents from the Department of Surgery at WashU Medicine. This podcast is designed as a companion to the 9th edition of the bestselling Washington Manual of Surgery.
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Join Joshy and Jonny as they guide gamers, hobbyists, and lore enthusiasts of all experiences through the epic grimdark universe of Warhammer. Whether starting or expanding your passion, we’ll help you navigate the essentials, explore your options, and discover your next steps in this incredible hobby. Tune in for tactics, insights, and an approachable take on all things Warhammer!
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YOU: The Owner’s Manual series of bestselling books; lecturer, TV personality, and radio talk show personality; advocate of exercise and living the healthy life – and he practices what he preaches.
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Military Money Manual Podcast is all about financial freedom while you serve in the US military. Learn more about military travel hacking and credit card annual fee waivers exclusively for active duty, Guard, Reserve, and military spouses in the Ultimate Military Credit Cards Course at militarymoneymanual.com/umc3 Find Spencer's book, The Military Money Manual: A Practical Guide to Financial Freedom on Amazon or shop.militarymoneymanual.com Credit cards, travel hacking, investing in the TSP, ...
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Just tips and tricks as always😀make sure to favourite this podcasts
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A massage therapy podcast designed to integrate science and values into touch therapy through online education and webinar learning so that manual therapists can help treat their clients more effectively and professionally.
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A podcast about interesting founding stories.
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Só o que importa para o ser humano!
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Pilates Teachers' Manual is your guide to becoming a great Pilates teacher! I discuss everything about being a Pilates teacher, from certification, class preparation, and scheduling, to working in studios, gyms, and in clients' homes, online and beyond! This podcast is for YOU if you are a current Pilates instructor, an aspiring Pilates instructor, or anyone who wants to learn more about the world of teaching Pilates!
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Aqui podras aprender a reciclar materiales en casa y reutilizarlos para la realizacion de manualidades Cover art photo provided by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@aridley88
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Manual de Sobrevivência é um podcast narrativo da jornalista Iryna Shev, que se mudou para Kyiv, capital da Ucrânia, em agosto de 2023. O relato na primeira pessoa sobre o quotidiano dos ucranianos num país em guerra.
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Randy Feltface (the world’s most entertaining non-human comedian) presents this four-part comedy series about speeding up climate change and ending the planet as quickly as possible. Recorded in front of a live audience for BBC Radio 4.
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Just your average Tampa nigga with a dangerous but beautiful creative mind
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Your portal to your home away from reality...fantastical fictional frivolity...for real!
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Feminism, friendship, equality and other girl stuff. Breaking down the patriarchy one conversation at a time.
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Manual Therapy Forum is a website dedicated to the clinician practicing manual therapy. We offer instructional videos, opinion posts, case reports, and blog podcasts of interviews with key figures in the world of manual therapy. All to inspire, educate, and empower manual therapy practitioners around the world!
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Podcast de Manualidades, el podcast en el que hablamos de técnicas y materiales más novedosos y de todo aquello relacionado con este sector. Todos los miércoles por la mañana, un capítulo nuevo.
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Encouraging discussion about being biblical men in today's culture. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitch-resler/support
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Perspectiva, reflexiones, charlas conmigo mismo de la vida y como afrontar la vida a los 20 hasta llegar a la meta deseada sin tener que esperar hasta ser viejo para ser feliz
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O casamento pode ser motivo de alegria, felicidade e esperança para uma comunidade, desde que o mesmo siga os preceitos da criação, os quais Deus instruiu por meio de sua Palavra. Seja bem vindo ao Manual do Casamento! - Podcasts diários.
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Seja bem vindo(a) ao Podcast Manual do Candidato! Aqui você recebe dicas e estratégias para sua campanha de forma objetiva e eficiente. #Marketing #marketingPolítico #Eleições2020 #Eleições #Marketingpolíticoeleitoral #vereador2020 #vereador #vereadora #prefeito #prefeita
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Helping you get the most out of your Pilates classes! If you love Pilates, or are just curious about it, this podcast is for you! I'm Olivia, and every week I'll will be diving into the who, what, where, when, and why of Pilates in an engaging and enthusiastic way for new and experienced Pilates students alike. Let's learn something new!
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Proversations that raise the consciousness of humanity with a street dialect and humor
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A pasta faz o publicitário, mas como eu faço uma pasta? Nesse podcast vamos explorar o mundo da criação publicitária pelos olhos de um estudante, conversando com profissionais do mercado para tentar desmistificar um pouco do que é a propaganda brasileira.
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Host Kevin Thompson is joined by various Paid Ads specialists, aka Media Buyer's who have spent millions of dollars profitably for their clients. Kevin dives into their mindset, strategy, and systems to help you reduce the learning curve to learn Paid Ads!
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Um podcast semanal do PÚBLICO para simplificar a linguagem dos números e apresentar conceitos que mexem com a vida de todos.
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FanDuel Manual is your one stop shop for all of your NFL FanDuel needs. We bring you everything from fantasy football news and injuries to FanDuel strategies and can't miss player bargins. At FanDuel Manual we've done all the work so you can dominate.
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Welcome to Miss Manual Podcast Home to viewing a females perspective in the Automotive, Motorsport, & BlueCollar Industries. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/miss-manaul-podcast/support
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Rodrigo é jornalista automotivo, gearhead e adora desmontar carros na garagem. Neste podcast ele vai trazer temas como a cultura automotiva, tecnologias e tendências do universo do Automóvel de forma simples e descontraída! Instagram: @manual_do_carro Contato: rleitejor@gmail.com Cover art photo provided by Duc Le on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ducstar
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Living the Good life
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Welcome to The TSW Training Happy Manual, a career fulfilment and happiness at work magazine. Released once a quarter, its features are designed to enrich learner experience and inspire them to get the most from their qualifications.
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Exposición Manual es un podcast sobre Fotografía con Ceci CruzS, fotógrafa documental. Platicamos sobre anécdotas, estilos de fotografía y sus creadores, de dónde tomar inspiración y qué hacer luego de decidir entrar en el mundo de la foto. Un poco de todo para todos los niveles de interés en la fotografía actual.
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Manualen er for dig der har en krop og som godt kunne tænke sig at få nogle DO’s and DONT’s til hvordan man skal passe og pleje sådan en krop, hvad kroppen kan, hvad du ikke vidste kroppen kunne og hvad du absolut ikke skal gøre med den. Men vi skal kigge på helheden, så når vi snakker KROP skal vi se på kropskultur, ritualer og praksis og kroppen i relation til verden. Manualen er en ide som startede med to spørgsmål. “Hvorfor er der findes der ikke en manual til kroppen? Hvorfor ved jeg ik ...
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Making every day a little brighter with tips, techniques, and discussion on how to get the most out of everything. Visit www.mindfulmanual.com for articles and more.
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Audiolibro de Il Manuale del Podcast di Furio Capozzi , Lucrezia Locuratolo e Fabio Valerini . Editing Audio e sonorizzazioni Furio Capozzi. Editore Studios Academy. Legge Daria Esposito . info.studiosacademy@gmail.com
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Quando é sábado ou domingo são dois episódios por dia.
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Iyad El-Baghdadi and Ahmed Gatnash study global authoritarianism, with a focus on the MENA region, and dive deep into universal strategies and tactics of authoritarians, as well as the best ways to resist. Support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/kawaakibi
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Manual do Macho Alpha
Leonardo Lima fala sobre comportamento, barba, estilo de vida, relacionamentos e muito mais nesse podcast voltado inteiramente para o público masculino. Visite também o canal no Youtube https://www.youtube.com/manualdomachoalpha
Leonardo Lima fala sobre comportamento, barba, estilo de vida, relacionamentos e muito mais nesse podcast voltado inteiramente para o público masculino. Visite também o canal no Youtube https://www.youtube.com/manualdomachoalpha
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Um agregador de podcast's de UTILIDADE PÚBLICA para ajudar essa parcela da população que assim como nós não sabe ainda se dará certo na vida.
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O que é ser um homem nos dias de hoje? Como se tornar um homem melhor? No podcast do Manual do Homem Moderno, Edson Castro entrevista diversas personalidades para entender que é o homem nos dias de hoje e como podemos melhorar nossa qualidade de vida. Relacionamento, dinheiro, carreira, moda e os mais diversos assuntos viram pauta aqui. O universo masculino, descomplicado e descontraído.
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On The Brand Manual, two creative agency owners sit down with people who make brand-identity and marketing decisions for companies every day. They pop the hood to find out how these successful businesses are getting the most horsepower for their message and vision for where they’re heading. For fans of “How I Built This”
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Quantas vezes já duvidaste do teu próprio trabalho? Neste capítulo do Manual de Boas Ideias, partilho uma lição fundamental que aprendi como locutor e que aplico ao empreendedorismo: confiar no valor do que criamos. Muitas vezes, aquilo que vemos como imperfeito é exatamente o que o cliente procura. A partir de uma regra simples que ensino aos meus…
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34 Can you trust your judgment in the uncertainty of conflict?
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Send us a text. We love hearing from you. Being in a conflict can make you doubt yourself. Conflicts thrive in that uncertainty. Here are 3 tips for trusting your own conflict competence, because what you know may be enough. Dr. Deborah Sword is a conflict specialist with decades of experience and training to share.…
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"Ritmo da Procura", o novo álbum de CAIO, resulta da sua observação da sociedade, sem crítica nem julgamento, e da reflexão sobre o que são o amor, as emoções e as relações num mundo onde tudo acontece muito rapidamente.
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¿Series cortas o series largas? Esa es la cuestión. Muchos de vosotros os preguntaréis: ¿realmente hay tanta diferencia? ¿Qué tipo de series me conviene más para mi objetivo? ¿Voy a mejorar más mi velocidad con series cortas? ¿Y mi resistencia con las largas? ¿Es mejor combinar ambos tipos de series? En el programa de hoy, vamos a intentar resolver…
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Bởi Silk Swade
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Money Can be Simple | How to Reduce Stress with your Finances #159
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Money doesn't have to cause stress. It doesn't have to be complex. It doesn't have to require a lot of time to build wealth. Learn how to simply your: Budget Bills Investment Tracking Links: Money for Couples podcast w/ Ramit Sethi LADS Philosophy, episode #158 Money Scripts episode #82 w/ Daniel Kopp YNAB app Monarch money For a limited time, Spen…
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Head, Neck, and Spinal Trauma - Washington Manual of Surgery
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Let’s talk head, neck, and spinal trauma—Join Dr. Nicole Santucci for a discussion with expert trauma surgeon Dr. Jessica Staszak. This episode of the Washington Manual of Surgery Podcast will focus on head, neck, and spinal trauma, and is a companion to Chapter 6 of the 9th edition of the bestselling Washington Manual of Surgery. Dr. Staszak revie…
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33 When who is to blame becomes the conflict
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Send us a text. We love hearing from you. Conflicts often start about one thing and spiral into blaming, with brittle words like "you always" and "you never" and "but you do it too only worse." We discuss whether taking responsibility can change the pattern of blame. Dr. Deborah Sword is a conflict specialist with decades of experience and training…
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Unmasking Foodborne Illnesses: Myths, Risks, and Prevention with Dr. Larry Bush
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On this episode of the Merck Manuals Medical Myths podcast, infectious disease expert Dr. Larry Bush—Affiliate Professor of Medicine at the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University and Affiliate Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine—joins the show to explore foodborne illne…
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32 Three conflict competencies from Matthew Bellas
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Send us a text. We love hearing from you. Some people are so gifted at getting along that it's a pleasure to know them. Matthew Bellas was one of the those special people. Deborah gives three conflict competency tips she learned from Matthew's maxim in life. Dr. Deborah Sword is a conflict specialist with decades of experience and training to share…
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Há muito que Vitoria Vermelho vinha fazendo um percurso de aprendizagem na guitarra e na voz, e mostrando as suas músicas online. Agora, veio espalhar o seu pop de cores intensas com o álbum de estreia "Homónimo".
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¿Te aterra la idea de lesionarte? En este episodio, desmitificamos la creencia de que correr es sinónimo de lesión. Analizamos un estudio reciente con más de 7.000 corredores que revela la sorprendente verdad: correr con mayor frecuencia y con un plan estructurado puede ser la clave para reducir el riesgo de lesiones. Descubriremos por qué los corr…
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Bởi Silk Swade
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LADS Principle: Low-Cost, Automatic, Diversified, and Simple #158
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Low-cost, Automatic, Diversified, Simple (LADS). Consistent, automatic savings poured into my simple and diversified index funds at low costs have been the cornerstone of my successful investment portfolio. Low-cost: Select low-cost index funds with low-cost expense ratios. All of the funds in the TSP meet these criteria and many Vanguard funds do …
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31 Is conflict competence a "soft" skill
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Send us a text. We love hearing from you. Conflict competence is on almost every top ten list for success at work, for relationships and in life. Is conflict competence a hard skill, a soft skill or both? Dr. Deborah Sword is a conflict specialist with decades of experience and training to share.Bởi Deborah Sword
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30 What is the role of context in conflict?
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Send us a text. We love hearing from you. When conflict happens, it may look like a simple, one or two issue problem between two or three people. Often, there's more going on than appears on the surface. Context is the environment in which conflict moves. Dr. Deborah Sword is a conflict specialist with decades of experience and training to share.…
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No seu álbum de estreia, "ÉTER", INÊS APENAS explora dicotomias como o real e o ilusório, o bem e o mal, ou a morte e a vida, ao mesmo tempo que experimenta ritmos novos.
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En este último episodio de MANUAL DEL CORREDOR, desvelo los secretos para programar un plan de entrenamiento de running para principiantes... ¡pero con un giro! Imagina que tienes que explicarle todo a una IA que no sabe nada de correr, como si fuera un robot recién salido de la caja. Prepárate para una inmersión profunda en los fundamentos del ent…
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Cybersecurity 101: Credit Freezes, 2FA, & Tips for Military Families #157
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Protect your credit, protect your identity, and keep your money safe online. You can easily freeze your credit with each of the 3 credit bureaus to ensure no one can open accounts in your name. You don't need to pay for credit monitoring service in most cases or pay to know your credit score. It's very simple and easy to quickly unfreeze your credi…
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29 When conflicts outgrow their original boundaries
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Send us a text. We love hearing from you. Some conflict start small, like you helpfully mention that someone didn't wash a dish, and whoa, it blows into a contest over who never cleans up and who always leaves a mess everywhere. Maybe you weren't looking at the conflict the same ways from the beginning. Dr. Deborah Sword is a conflict specialist wi…
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Anorectal Disease – Washington Manual of Surgery
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Let’s talk anorectal disease—Join Dr. Ahmed Eltahir for a discussion with expert colorectal surgeon Dr. Matthew Mutch. This episode of the Washington Manual of Surgery Podcast will focus on anorectal disease and is a companion to Chapter 24 of the 9th edition of the bestselling Washington Manual of Surgery. Dr. Mutch reviews the essentials of manag…
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Clips: O Making-of de um Empreendedor, Parte 2
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Neste capítulo do Manual de Boas Ideias, continuamos a explorar o início da jornada empreendedora dos meus convidados, revisitando momentos decisivos que moldaram o caminho que escolheram seguir. Neste episódio: Rita Piçarra revela como a perda dos pais a levou a planear uma reforma antecipada e a investir na sua liberdade financeira. Catarina Barr…
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28 What's the problem with agreeing to disagree?
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Send us a text. We love hearing from you. When persuasion and arguing haven't helped heal a disagreement, you might "agree to disagree" and change the subject. Is there a downside to leaving an argument this way? Deborah suggests trying conflict competent options. Dr. Deborah Sword is a conflict specialist with decades of experience and training to…
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254. La variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca
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La Variabilidad de la Frecuencia Cardíaca (VFC), esa métrica que antes solo veíamos en complejos estudios científicos, se ha convertido en la nueva aliada de los corredores. Vamos a empezar a tener presente este parámetro y no de solo contar las pulsaciones, ahora lo que importa es la variación entre latidos. Un VFC alto, como una melodía con cambi…
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Always Do Roth | Roth vs Traditional for Military Families #156
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Roth is the way to go for almost all military families. Because of the unusually low taxable income military families have (since allowances like BAH and BAS aren't taxable income), we're going to take a hard stance on this one and show the benefits for Roth: You can always access your Roth contributions tax free and penalty free (can help with gap…
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27 Are pessimists more conflict competent than optimists?
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Send us a text. We love hearing from you. Both pessimism and optimism have strengths and weaknesses in conflict. There's power in pessimism and value in optimism for the conflict competent. Dr. Deborah Sword is a conflict specialist with decades of experience and training to share.Bởi Deborah Sword
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Send us a text. We love hearing from you. It's tempting to be aggressive to achieve the conflict outcome you prefer. Deborah demonstrates that there are other approaches that are more likely to get results you want. Dr. Deborah Sword is a conflict specialist with decades of experience and training to share.…
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Preeclampsia Unveiled: Myths, Risks, and Realities with Dr. Antonette Dulay
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In this episode of the Merck Manuals Medical Myths podcast, we explore preeclampsia with Dr. Antonette Dulay, a maternal-fetal medicine division chief of the department of OBGYN at Main Line Health System, as well as a senior physician at Axia Women’s Health. She is board-certified in both maternal-fetal medicine and general obstetrics and gynecolo…
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EP 1,224B - EXERCISE FOR PARKINSON’S DISEASE: The Complete Fitness Guide to Improve Mobility, Strength and Balance
Studies have shown that regular exercise can significantly improve fitness, energy levels, and pain management in Parkinson's patients, helping them retain control over their daily lives. Renowned medical fitness expert William Smith, MS, NSCA-CSCS, MEPD. Smith is author of the highly acclaimed book Exercises for Parkinson's Disease: The Complete F…
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Si eres un corredor amateur que busca mejorar su salud y bienestar, hay un concepto que debes conocer a fondo: la capacidad aeróbica. No se trata solo de correr más rápido o más lejos, sino de correr de forma más eficiente y saludable. Imagina tu cuerpo como un motor bien engrasado, capaz de utilizar el oxígeno de forma óptima para generar energía …
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"Why?" | A Powerful Question You Can Ask Yourself to Get to the Heart #155
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Dissect your money stories, the traditions you've adapted from culture and your family of orgin to understand WHY you make the money decisions you make each month? What are money stories you tell yourself? Money is _____. Why do you value what you value? Why do I think ____ about money Does this belief still serve me? Links: Our podcast episode on …
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Bởi Silk Swade
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25 Are your conflicts complex, uncertain and heavy with variables?
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Send us a text. We love hearing from you. As much as people in conflict want to know the consequences of their decisions before they decide, the answer to most conflict questions is: it depends. There are ways to deal with uncertainty, and improve your conflict competence. Dr. Deborah Sword is a conflict specialist with decades of experience and tr…
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Transplant Surgery – Washington Manual of Surgery
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Let’s talk transplant surgery—Join Dr. Sydney Beache for a discussion with expert transplant surgeon Dr. Jason Wellen. This episode of the Washington Manual of Surgery Podcast will focus on abdominal transplantation and is a companion to Chapter 21 of the 9th edition of the bestselling Washington Manual of Surgery. Dr. Wellen reviews key aspects of…
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Clips: O Making-of de um Empreendedor, Parte 1
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Neste capítulo do Manual de Boas Ideias, revisitamos conversas inspiradoras com vários empreendedores para explorar o início das suas jornadas empresariais. Miguel Soares partilha a criação da marca de roupa BYMS, influenciada pelas memórias de infância nas confecções têxteis. Vanessa Martins fala sobre o percurso que levou ao lançamento da Frederi…
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24 Who is correct when opinions differ? This simple exercise helps you know.
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Send us a text. We love hearing from you. Sometimes, when people quarrel about whose opinion is correct and who is wrong, I use a simple easy demonstration. Afterwards, they still might not agree who has the best opinion, but they will agree that each of their opinions depends on where they get their viewpoint. Try this at home, work, socially, or …
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Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, & a Happy New Year in 2025 from Jamie & Spencer!
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Merry Christmas from the entire Military Money Manual team! What a year... We hit 250,000+ total downloads this year. Not bad for two pilots who didn't know how to podcast when we started. We're looking forward to helping everyone with their military money next year.
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EPHRAEL STERN, a Sororitas Miracle | Warhammer 40k Lore
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Welcome to the TTP Field Manual’s End-of-Year Special! In these FINAL DAYS, join Joshy and Jonny as they delve into the characters of Warhammer 40,000, exploring their stories, motivations, and roles in the grim darkness of the far future. Each episode in this series unpacks the "who, what, where, why, and how" of iconic figures, making it the perf…
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252. Cómo las expectativas moldean tu realidad
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Hoy, hablaré sobre las expectativas y su impacto en nuestra vida, especialmente en el ámbito del running. Analizamos cómo las expectativas, en ocasiones, pueden convertirse en una fuente de frustración y ansiedad cuando nos obsesionamos con tiempos, marcas o resultados. Aprenderás a identificar las expectativas poco realistas que te limitan, y a ca…
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CANIS REX, Man's Best Friend | Warhammer 40k Lore
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Welcome to the TTP Field Manual’s End-of-Year Special! In these FINAL DAYS, join Joshy and Jonny as they delve into the characters of Warhammer 40,000, exploring their stories, motivations, and roles in the grim darkness of the far future. Each episode in this series unpacks the "who, what, where, why, and how" of iconic figures, making it the perf…
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23 What should you do when the other person's opinion is 'wrong'
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Send us a text. We love hearing from you. Conflicts over disagreeable opinions get personal so fast, and, too often, they get insulting. How can you hold such a wrong opinion, you may ask them? Here's an alternative that lets the discussion over opinions stay civil instead of turning into a fight that heats the house. Dr. Deborah Sword is a conflic…
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CYPHER, Fallen Hero, or Unforgiven Villain? | Warhammer 40k Lore
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Welcome to the TTP Field Manual’s End-of-Year Special! In these FINAL DAYS, join Joshy and Jonny as they delve into the characters of Warhammer 40,000, exploring their stories, motivations, and roles in the grim darkness of the far future. Each episode in this series unpacks the "who, what, where, why, and how" of iconic figures, making it the perf…
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FABIUS BILE, The Emperor's Frankenstein | Warhammer 40k Lore
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Welcome to the TTP Field Manual’s End-of-Year Special! In these FINAL DAYS, join Joshy and Jonny as they delve into the characters of Warhammer 40,000, exploring their stories, motivations, and roles in the grim darkness of the far future. Each episode in this series unpacks the "who, what, where, why, and how" of iconic figures, making it the perf…
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THE BLUE SCRIBES, Tzeentch's Assistants | Warhammer 40k Lore
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Welcome to the TTP Field Manual’s End-of-Year Special! In these FINAL DAYS, join Joshy and Jonny as they delve into the characters of Warhammer 40,000, exploring their stories, motivations, and roles in the grim darkness of the far future. Each episode in this series unpacks the "who, what, where, why, and how" of iconic figures, making it the perf…
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ANRAKYR THE TRAVELER, Necron Philanthropist | Warhammer 40k Lore
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Welcome to the TTP Field Manual’s End-of-Year Special! In these Final Days, join Joshy and Jonny as they delve into the characters of Warhammer 40,000, exploring their stories, motivations, and roles in the grim darkness of the far future. Each episode in this series unpacks the "who, what, where, why, and how" of iconic figures, making it the perf…
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22 Three ways to change your conflict pattern
Nghe Sau
Nghe Sau
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Send us a text. We love hearing from you. Conflicts follow patterns. Changing your conflict patterns improves your conflict competence. Here are three different approaches to changing your conflict pattern. Try all three. Use whichever works for you. You’ll be glad you did. Dr. Deborah Sword is a conflict specialist with decades of experience and t…
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Longe de poder ser arrumada numa caixinha muito bem definida, a música feita pela Rossana vive de fusões inesperadas e desconcertantemente satisfatórias. "À La Portugaise" é o seu segundo álbum.
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Dr. John Chuback, a board certified cardiovascular surgeon and the founder of Chuback Vein Center, is here to discuss Varicose Veins, and lymphedema a common but poorly understood problem in the United States AND Vein Care for Optimal Cardiovascular Wellness FOR ALL. To learn more visit ChubackVeinCenter.com and VitasupportMD.com.…
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