Advoco’s Marty Osborn shares a quick listen that you can digest in about 60 seconds. He’ll talk about topics that have piqued his interest from the business books, leadership blogs, and podcasts he follows.
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Each day I will find a new quote to help start our day and discuss any thoughts that come to mind. I will attempt to use these daily podcasts to motivate myself and hopefully a few other people along the way! Follow me on Twitter @martys_minute Cover art photo provided by Austin Chan on Unsplash:
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How to stay motivated when things are good!
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12:26We all know that pain will push us to change and fast! But what happens when the pain is gone? How do we maintain the motivation to progress?
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This week I go over a number of ways to be held more accountable in all your goals!
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Routines are hard to keep, but a lot harder to start! Today I talk about the importance of my routines and how I started them!
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Happy New Year! Push your body to the limit!!!
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12:32New Years brings new goals, challenges, and resolutions. Start 2020 off right and challenge yourself to be the best you can be!
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I know I talk a lot about goals, but if you chase your passion the doors that open will surprise you... the trick is you have to be open to them!
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I ask for help all the time, but rarely do I accept it all. Funny how this can come up opening a box of pots and pans!
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Things in life that get us down also can hold us back from opportunities. Do not let life circumstances hold you back today!
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Friends with everyone or friends with the right ones?
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12:27So many of us want the approval and acceptance of every person we are around, but that’s not the correct path! The key to feeling accepted and loved is to find those that not only strive for the best in their lives, but push you to be better in yours!
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In today’s competitive world, you must invest in yourself if you want to get ahead, if you want to get a better job, or a promotion.Bởi Marty Osborn
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How to deal with self created depression!
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12:17I have had a few days this past week that I have been “depressed”. This is because of me however, notthing else! Today I describe the process I use to get out of these ruts and move on with the amazing life I live!
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I constantly see people struggle because they know where they want to go, what they want their new software to do, or new processes they would like implemented, but they don’t know how to get there. Wouldn’t it be great if we just put in all our coordinates and a road map came out? Yes, it would. But unlike GPS, there is just so much more to life t…
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Sometimes we just want to stop! Take a break, hide, and do nothing because we are frustrated. This is where we kill our dreams and ideas. This is how we fail!
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While fear can be real, we typically use it as a defense mechanism to protect us from failure. Fear can never go away, but we can learn to dance with it.Bởi Marty Osborn
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People do not become successful by accident! It takes hard work and determination to get to the top of anything. What work are you putting in today that will pay off in 5 years?
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044 | What Would You Say To Your Older Self?
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2:15What would a younger you say to an older you? What would 22- year-old Marty say to a 57-year-old Marty?Bởi Marty Osborn
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I talk about it frequently, most people do not set their goals they way they should! Today I am going to talk about simple steps to make your goal a reality
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043 | What We Can Learn From The Philadelphia Eagles
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2:16So many people are afraid to make mistakes, to try something new and give it a shot! But doing this adds to your story. It makes you more interesting.Bởi Marty Osborn
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Without answering the "so what" an idea is just that, an idea without a purpose.Bởi Marty Osborn
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More often than not I have failed at my plans due to my own fears and insecurities. Today I discuss how I almost did that AGAIN, as well as how I have been doing that for 10 months and what my plan is to push through and give it everything I’ve got!
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I have been struggling with life the past few days! Just that simple, but even in the darkest times I have to see that I have beauty in my life and chase that to help get me through!
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See if this is a leader you want to follow:Leadership is patient, leadership is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Leadership does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, a…
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Everything we do, everything we make, involves people.Bởi Marty Osborn
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When you start to write, you will find that new ideas will emerge. These ideas will surprise you and uncover feelings and thoughts you did not know existed. Writing can bring clarity to a situation and lets you make sense of what is happening around you.Bởi Marty Osborn
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I am a thinker and that sometimes KILLS ideas and plans I have. If you find yourself thinking too much about one thing stop thinking and just go get it! Don’t waste your time and kill your dreams!
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Today I stumble upon a quote that motivates me and use a story from my first weeks of school to demonstrate how relationships can help us lead to greatness!
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038 | How Do You Lead When You Aren't In Charge
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2:15Have you ever heard someone say, “If I was in control I would do it this way”? Well I hate to break the bad news to you, but unless you are a dictator or a supreme overlord you will never have total control. The good news is that leadership is not about control, and it’s not about having authority.Bởi Marty Osborn
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How do we handle anger in a healthy way? Today I demonstrate that I am no expert, but I do have an idea of the proper way to deal with anger. Here’s a hint: It’s not about the anger!!!
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Talking negative is easy and we often fall into this during our conversations with others. Today focus on being positive and bringing out the joy in your life!
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Find away to achieve despite things not going to plan!
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13:40Setting goals is important but what happens when things don’t go according to plan? We have to find a way to change our plans and still achieve!
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It’s not what happens around us that slows us down in life, but what we let in! Don’t let things that happen outside of you and around you build up inside of you and weigh you down today!
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We all know the rest, and we know that’s what we SHOULD do, but man is it tough! Take a listen to a recent experience I had and how I maintained a positive attitude throughout!
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Sometimes we all need a break. This could be for reflection, planning, or just to get away. Today I share my recent experiences with walking away and regrouping to be better than ever!
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If you are always moving, even just a little you are getting closer to the finish. Don’t stop!
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We might get lucky, but more often than not if we want to be successful we need a plan!
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It is sometimes hard to see the value in others or the value in yourself, but it is there. You will see it most when you find someone broken like you and your able to show them how things get better!
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I’m having a very stressful morning, but that doesn’t mean I have to stay in it. Today I talk about that stress in the moment and my plan of attack on the day to get out of it!
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Look who’s watching you before you quit!
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7:34We all are examples to someone. I want to be a positive and motivating example for my daughter and my students. This is why I don’t quit!
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Our attitude determines our day, but we can always change it!
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8:02We have the tools at hand to keep us on the right path every day, but they only work if we use them!
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We have made sacrifices and said no to family and friends. Don’t let those sacrifices go to waste simply because you don’t trust yourself! You will succeed if you believe in yourself!
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This story had a significant impact on me a number of years ago and continues to do so to this day! Enjoy and have a great weekend!
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Live life like a video game and always seek the next level!
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7:50The next level always gets more difficult, but that just means you’re progressing through the game! Get out of the level you’re in and push yourself to level up!
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If you don’t know what a SMART goal is today I am going to take you through a few examples so you can have a higher chance of success in your dreams!
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Spend your time wisely... you only have one shot to spend it right!
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6:51Time is the most valuable thing we have and many of us throw it away like garbage. Imagine where you could be if you invested more of your time in yourself!
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How bad do you want to be successful?
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10:16In order to achieve my dreams I need to make sacrifices! This is not fun and not comfortable, but if I am going to hit my goals it is what I need to do.
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I am not the guy that normally lifts with my buddies. I like to just get my work done and go, but I am learning the importance of having a buddy to keep me accountable!
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Stop letting your excuses impact the lives of others!
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9:18This week it’s very simple. If 8th grader students can change lives, you have no excuse!
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To be a great leader, you have to lead your people and inspire them, but the bigger challenge we face as leaders is to Lead Up!Bởi Marty Osborn
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The Excellence Reflex is exactly what it sounds like: a reflex to do the right thing without thinking about it.Bởi Marty Osborn
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When the people that surround us shoot for mediocrity we end up living in a cage. Build your circle to be inspired daily!
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Rome wasn’t built in a day... but how long did it take?
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9:50Far too often I get bogged down in the thought “when will it finally happen?” and this can crush my goals! I need to take a look at what I have received throughout this journey rather than what I MIGHT get!
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