Conversations with actors, theater makers, teachers and artists about craft and inspiration
continue reading CARTER on writing & wanting to record what FERN SLOAN & TED PUGH have developed in the Michael Chekhov Work over 40 years. Subscribe on iTunes. [17:56]Bởi michaelchekhovschool
continue reading BAARS on panic, loss, laughter & love in her work with Alzheimer patients & the Michael Chekhov Technique. Podcast. Subscribe on iTunes. [16:36]Bởi michaelchekhovschool
continue reading FENLEY is interviewing RAGNAR on the beginnings of the Michael Chekhov School, technique & creative individuality. Podcast. Subscribe on iTunes. [14:32]Bởi michaelchekhovschool
continue reading SLOAN & TED PUGH: “What is a Gesture?” Podcast in preparation for the upcoming Course on ‘Psychological Gesture‘. Subscribe on iTunes. [13:31]Bởi michaelchekhovschool
continue reading MCDERMOTT on theater as a shamanistic event & on trusting the process. Podcast-conversation with actors during our Immersion 2018. Subscribe on iTunes. [18:27]Bởi michaelchekhovschool
continue reading SLOAN & TED PUGH are debating virtuosity, talent, the role of training and whether “acting can be taught”. Podcast: Subscribe on iTunes. [8:15]Bởi michaelchekhovschool
continue reading A conversation with actors BETHANY CAPUTO, CRAIG MATHERS & DEB KELLER on presence, beauty & creative individuality. Subscribe on iTunes. [14:41]Bởi michaelchekhovschool
continue reading With JOANNA MERLIN & JOBST LANGHANS: The journey of M. Chekhov’s work & its pioneers in Russia, Europe & America. Subscribe on iTunes. [14:10]Bởi michaelchekhovschool
continue reading Ragnar in conversation with JESSICA CERULLO, reading an unpublished lecture by Michael Chekhov from MICHA’s upcoming book. Subscribe on iTunes. [12:09]Bởi michaelchekhovschool
continue reading Ted Pugh in conversation with FERN SLOAN about how her approach to the Michael Chekhov Technique has changed over the years. Subscribe on iTunes. [11:24]Bởi michaelchekhovschool
continue reading Podcast: In conversation with DANIELLE CARTER, Gabriela Bonomo & Ragnar on Michael Chekhov, acting & the love for theater. Subscribe on Itunes.[13:11]Bởi michaelchekhovschool
continue reading Podcast: In conversation with BRENT CARVER & Ragnar on the spirit of Michael Chekhov. Subscribe on Itunes to receive our podcasts. [15:43]Bởi michaelchekhovschool
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