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Aktuell und hintergründig blicken wir mit Expertinnen und Experten in unserem ZDF-Podcast auf Nachrichten rund um Militärpolitik, Verteidigungsstrategien und globale Machtverhältnisse. Wir setzen aktuelle Ereignisse wie den Krieg in der Ukraine oder in Nahost in den Kontext und analysieren militärische Konflikte tiefgründig. Wird Waldimir Putin weiter eskalieren - auch gegenüber der NATO? Wie reagieren EU und USA auf die Aggressionen aus Russland? Jede Episode bietet detaillierte Einblicke i ...
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Military Murder

Mama Margot Productions LLC

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Do military true crime headlines leave you hungry for every detail? Dive into your next mystery with Military Murder. Every Monday, host Mama Margot - lawyer by day, storyteller by night - brings you in-depth accounts of infamous and underreported military crime cases. With over 15 years of active military service, Margot bridges the gap between the battlefield (or just basic military life) and the courtroom, so you won't have to hunt down details across countless sources - Margot does the d ...
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„Stets bereit“ ist ein militär- und sicherheitspolitischer Podcast von und mit Generalmajor i. R. Herbert Bauer. Ziel des Podcasts ist es, wehr- und sicherheitspolitische Themen allgemein verständlich zu erläutern und einer interessierten Zuhörerschaft wehrpolitisches Hintergrund- und Basiswissen bereitzustellen.
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Historiska Media | Acast

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Militärhistoriepodden är podden om krig med människorna och samhällen i fokus. Det finns få ämnen som påverkar mänskligheten i lika hög utsträckning som den militärahistorien. Krig och konflikter berör samhället på alla nivåer – länder och städer drabbas, familjer splittras, söner eller fäder försvinner. Därför startar vi Militärhistoriepodden tillsammans med två djupt kunniga och engagerade personer. Martin Hårdstedt är professor i historia med breda kunskaper i ämnet, Peter Bennesved är id ...
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The Military Money Manual Podcast

Spencer Reese from

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Military Money Manual Podcast is all about financial freedom while you serve in the US military. Learn more about military travel hacking and credit card annual fee waivers exclusively for active duty, Guard, Reserve, and military spouses in the Ultimate Military Credit Cards Course at Find Spencer's book, The Military Money Manual: A Practical Guide to Financial Freedom on Amazon or Credit cards, travel hacking, investing in the TSP, ...
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Inside Military Business

WIMCOM - Consulting & Management in Military Business

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Inside Military Business ist der Podcast der WIMCOM - der größten deutschen Unternehmensberatung, die ausschließlich im Military Business berät und unterstützt. Die WIMCOM ist der Spezialist für Geschäftsanbahnungen im Military Business für kleine bis große Unternehmen aus NATO/EU-Staaten, die ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen in diesem Markt (Domain B2M – Business to Military) anbieten möchten.
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Após duas décadas de atuação via internet, agora a equipe do Clube dos Generais conta também com a produção de podcasts para trazer à discussão tópicos interessantes, curiosos e relevantes sobre História Militar. Se você é daqueles que gostaria de ter um blindado em casa, parabéns! O Clube dos Generais é o seu lugar! O Clube dos Generais é um participante do Programa Associados da Link Geral: Twitter: @ClubeGenerais YouTube: ...
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Helping active duty, guard, reserves, and military spouses make a successful career transition into the world of financial planning. Welcome to the Military to Financial Planner podcast with your host, Daniel Kopp. Join him as he shares his unique perspectives and career transition advice, help you leverage your military experience, be intentional about each step of your career journey, and ultimately build the post-military life and career that you want.
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For more than 40 years bestselling author and historian Peter Hart has interviewed thousands of veterans about their experience of war. Join him and his chum Gary Bain as they explore all aspects of military history, from the ancient world to the Second World War. Pete and Gary don't just tell the history, they bring it to life with the words of the men and women who were there! Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See ...
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Military Miler

Military Travel Rewards

Hàng tháng+
Helping military members and families travel the world for free using points and miles! From annual fee waivers on premium credit cards to free nights and free flights, Tusi talks about all the tips, tricks, and best kept secrets in credit card rewards. Learn how you and your family can travel more often and more comfortably thanks to points and miles—and save thousands of dollars! This show is brought to you by, the #1 site for credit card rewards exclusively f ...
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Welcome to ChapsWife, a podcast for Christian military wives who are seeking to grow in their faith while navigating the unique challenges of military life. Hosted by Sabrina Gilliam, a chaplain’s wife and biblical counselor, this show provides biblical encouragement, practical insights, and spiritual support for military wives. Whether you’re adjusting to a new posting, managing the demands of military life, or seeking a deeper connection with God, ChapsWife offers the tools you need to thr ...
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Welcome to The Scuttlebutt, a weekly pre-recorded program presented by The Veterans Breakfast Club. “Scuttlebutt” is a military term (specifically Navy) for talk or gossip around the watercooler below decks. And this is what our program is all about: we have informed conversations about the military experience, past and present. We want to bridge the divide between those who serve and those who don’t. We look at headlines, we tackle important topics, and we ask questions. Join us on this jou ...
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FTU...Life after the military Podcast


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This podcast is dedicated to assisting veteran’s with the transition out of the military. We will discuss the difficulty in looking for employment. The harsh realization that the comradery that is demonstrated to you while serving does not always transfer over to normal life. We’ll also discuss dealing with mental health issues while trying to integrate into normal daily life. Lastly, we’ll try to help veteran’s find support for their issues.
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Military Birth Talk

Military Birth Resource Network and Postpartum Coalition

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Military Birth Talk features birth stories from service members, spouses, veterans, and providers, all told through the unique lens of birthing in the military. Birth is a profound, unforgettable experience leaving a lifelong imprint on our hearts. For military families and service members, giving birth and parenting in our community presents its own unique, challenging, and empowering realities--giving birth alone or in a foreign country, navigating Tricare during miscarriage or infertility ...
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"I Was Only Doing My Job" is a fortnightly (Bi-weekly) Australian Military History podcast hosted by Ross Manuel. Instead of focusing on maps and dates, each episode is devoted to chronicling Australia's Military History through the individual stories of those who served; where they grew up, what they did, and invariably what happened to them.
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Mentors for Military Podcast

aka Mentors4Mil

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Imagine a bunch of veterans sitting around a living room with their favorite adult beverage and someone brings up a topic that takes the conversation down a rabbit hole. That's our show. Grab a chair and your favorite beverage and join in on an awesome topic. Our hosts are military veterans and our guests are real people with a message to share. Real Talk. Real People. (aka Mentors4Mil)
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Join The Military Sherpa, Mark Tilsher, on a leadership journey unlike any other. With years of military experience and top-notch leadership tools, Mark delivers practical and innovative strategies to help you lead your team to new heights. Discover how to cultivate a high-performing culture with episodes focused on personal growth, team building, and leadership development. From the battlefield to the boardroom, Mark's unique perspective will help you unlock the full potential of your team ...
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Military Mom Talk Radio

Sandra Beck

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Military Mom Talk Radio starring Sandra Beck and Robin Boyd provides a powerful platform for women to discuss their ideas, issues, and concerns with respect to the military lifestyle. From navigating healthcare, to childcare, to eldercare to making the most of your military benefits and opportunities, we validate, comfort, educate, and inspire women to live their best life and lead their military families... for when one serves, the whole family serves.
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This portable podcast is hosted and edited by Gavin Watson, a British Army veteran of 16 years. He talks to other military veterans, allowing them to share their stories and experiences from before, during and after service. This podcast will give non-military personnel the chance to gain a better understanding of military life and gain an insight into what the transition back to civilian life can be like. These strong individuals may inspire, after dealing with diversity, resilience and pos ...
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New podcast With Colonel AC. Oguntoye on the progress of the special military operation as of today, Inside the Special Military Operation presents Frontline Updates, delivering inside perspectives on the ongoing war in Ukraine. Our mission is to keep viewers informed and engaged by offering news updates, expert interviews, and historical context. Colonel AC Oguntoye, an Infantry Officer responsible for leading Infantry Soldiers at all levels of command and combined armed forces leads the ch ...
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Catholic Military Life

Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA

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CATHOLIC MILITARY LIFE is a podcast of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS). The AMS was established as an independent archdiocese by Pope Saint John Paul II in 1985 as the only Catholic jurisdiction responsible for endorsing and granting faculties for priests to serve as chaplains in the U.S. military and VA Medical Centers. AMS-endorsed priests serve at more than 220 U.S. military installations in 29 countries, making the AMS the nation's only global archdiocese. AMS-endors ...
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If you like history, especially US military history, then I think you will love Duty & Valor. Our mission at Duty & Valor is to honor and recognize the sacrifices made by our US military veterans by sharing their seldom heard stories. We believe that by sharing these stories, we can foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the sacrifices made by our veterans. Whether you're a military veteran, active-duty service member, or just someone who wants to learn more about the sacrifices m ...
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Project Sapient is a podcast meant to engage our brothers and sisters in the law enforcement and military communities, in conversations that we all know we need to have. All opinions you‘ll hear are our own, are protected by our first amendment of the United States Constitution, and in no way reflect or are meant to reflect the opinion of any specific agency, officer or service member. Some opinions may be controversial. Listener Discretion is advised.
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WarDocs - The Military Medicine Podcast

Doug Soderdahl, Wayne Causey, Kevin Kniery

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Welcome to WarDocs! This is a podcast developed and hosted by 3 Army surgeons, Doug, Wayne and Kevin who all possess a passion to honor the legacy and preserve the oral history of Military Medicine and get the amazing stories of these healthcare heroes to our listeners. We will take a behind the scenes look into unique opportunities and experiences told firsthand from current and former military medical professionals and provide interesting and informative content about the mission, history, ...
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Join Shield of Sisters as we delve into the personal narratives of Lady Veterans who suffered Military Sexual Trauma during their service to our country. These courageous women shall be INVISIBLE NO MORE. The mission of Shield of Sisters is to support and empower Lady Veterans who have experienced Military Sexual Trauma by providing a sisterhood focused on healing and restoration. We create safe spaces where these courageous women can share their stories, access vital resources, and transfor ...
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VET S.O.S. Podcast is your lifeline to success, dedicated to veterans, transitioning service members, and military spouses. Discover invaluable information, resources, and insights from veteran support organizations and leaders in the veteran community. Join us as we connect you with the people and tools that empower our community to thrive.
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Are you a veteran grappling with PTSD, combat stress, or trouble adjusting to civilian life? Tired of feeling isolated and unsure where to turn for support? You deserve proven solutions from mental health experts, nonprofits, and fellow veterans who truly understand your challenges. Each week, host Scott DeLuzio—an Army veteran and Gold Star Brother—shares candid interviews and practical steps for regaining purpose, rebuilding confidence, and thriving after service. Replace frustration with ...
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The Military Science Fiction Podcast

James S. Aaron, Rick Partlow, Josh Hayes, Jeffery H. Haskell

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Welcome to the Military Science Fiction Podcast. We’re four veterans who were crazy enough to become writers, and we’re here to talk about what makes great Military SF, the greatest niche within a niche of any fiction. More niche than the Coast Guard. On board is Rick Partlow, author of more than sixty novels, including Contact Front and the Drop Trooper series, Jeffery H. Haskell, author of the Grimm’s War series, as well as the Wraith and Arsenal superhero series, Josh Hayes, author of the ...
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show series
US-Präsident Donald Trump hat den ukrainischen Präsidenten Selenskyj in Washington zur Unterzeichnung eines ausgehandelten Rohstoffabkommens empfangen. Das Abkommen sieht vor, dass die USA und die Ukraine gemeinsam Rohstoffe auf ukrainischem Gebiet fördern. Die Einnahmen sollen in einen gemeinsamen Fonds fließen. In dem Abkommen sollen jedoch keine…
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Warum gibt es kaum Proteste gegen tägliche Luftangriffe auf Zivilisten, aber Manifeste, die die Unterstützung der Verteidiger ablehnen? Viele Pazifisten scheinen nicht zu erkennen, dass sie damit völkerrechtswidrige Aggression gutheißen. Sie vertrauen darauf, dass ihnen im Ernstfall geholfen würde, während sie anderen die Verteidigung verweigern. D…
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Von „CO2-neutralem Töten“ zu sprechen, schockiert zunächst. Allerdings verweist die Aussage in ihrer Radikalität und mitschwingende Ambivalenz auf eine zentrale Frage zur Organisation militärischer Gewalt: In welchen Verhältnissen stehen Militär und Natur zueinander? Über deren vielfältigen Wechselwirkungen sprechen Obergefreiter Philipp Janssen un…
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Neste episódio o Clube dos Generais traz o Prof. Sandro Teixeira para uma conversa sobre a guerra entre Hamas e Israel, além de algumas perspectivas para o futuro do conflito e da região. O Prof. Sandro é Historiador, Estrategista, Doutor em Ciências Militares, Professor na ECEME e Coordenador do Minerva - Grupo de Pesquisa em Conflitos, Estratégia…
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Pete and Gary revisit their popular Waterloo series. In this second episode, the battle begins! Presenters: Peter Hart and Gary Bain Publisher: Mat McLachlan Producer: Jess Stebnicki Visit Gallipoli with Pete and Gary! Go to for more information! Become a member to listen ad-free and receive special bonus content for only £2 per mo…
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We welcome Major General William M. Matz Jr., a distinguished retired U.S. Army officer, whose new book, My Toughest Battle: A Soldier’s Lifelong Struggle with Polio, chronicles his journey of overcoming polio and his distinguished military career. In August 1944, at a young age, Matz contracted polio, resulting in paralysis of his right leg. Despi…
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In this episode of Frontline Updates, host Sharifa Muhammad MGT is joined by Colonel A.C. Ogontoya to discuss the latest developments in the ongoing special military operation as of March 5, 2025. The episode covers significant advances by Russian forces across various regions, including the Kharkiv, Western, Southern, Center, Eastern, and Kursk fr…
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In this heartfelt and inspiring episode of the VET S.O.S. Podcast, we’re honored to sit down with Patriotic Kenny (Kenny Jary), a Navy veteran whose story exemplifies resilience, community, and a steadfast commitment to helping others. Kenny shares his remarkable journey, from serving aboard the USS Okinawa during the Cuban Missile Crisis to his tr…
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5 March 2025 Grace of a Military Child and Life Season 4 Episode 9 - Magen Shearer - Navy Spouse This week’s episode of Grace of a Military Child and Life welcomes Magen Shearer, U.S. Navy Spouse. In this week’s episode, Magen shares about military life and how it can be sometimes challenging, but an overall joyous life. Thank you to Magen and her …
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Welcome to Frontline Updates, your trusted source for the latest developments in security and defense operations involving military forces. In this episode, Colonel A.C. Ogintoy provides exclusive insights into the progress of the special military operation as of March 3, 2025. Discover the strategic significance of regions like Kharkiv and Donetsk…
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Michigan's African Americans played critical roles in winning the Civil War and setting millions of fellow Americans forever free. The 1st Michigan Colored Infantry Regiment, more than 1,500 strong, helped overwhelm their enemies on the battlefield. Alongside the soldiers, civilian Black men and women contributed in previously unrecognized ways to …
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In the early modern period, both legal and illegal maritime predation was a common occurrence, but the expansion of European maritime empires exacerbated existing and created new problems of piracy across the globe. The Problem of Piracy in the Early Modern World (Amsterdam UP, 2024) addresses these early modern problems in three sections: first, s…
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Tom Tice, founder and CEO of Warrior Strong, shares how his organization helps veterans, first responders, and their families through free health and wellness programs. With offerings like yoga, breathwork, meditation, and fitness classes, Warrior Strong fosters camaraderie, combats loneliness, and encourages healthy lifestyles. Tom discusses the i…
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⁠⁠Visit our Online Store⁠⁠ for Books and More. Picture this: America loses the Pacific War, and the Stars and Stripes no longer fly over California, Oregon, and Washington. Instead, the Japanese flag flutters in the wind. This chilling possibility is brought to life in our gripping 15-part alternative history audio series, Ghost Carrier: They Died …
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Military Sexual Trauma (MST) is a devastating reality for many, but when the perpetrator is a spouse, the betrayal cuts even deeper. In this episode of Invisible No More, Wendy courageously shares her story of enduring MST at the hands of her husband while serving in the military. She opens up about the emotional and psychological toll, the challen…
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Welcome to another episode of Frontline Updates, where we explore the latest developments in military strategies from conflict zones. Join host Sherifa Mohammed and special guest Colonel A.C. Ogontoye as they dissect the ongoing military operations as of March 2, 2025. The episode provides an exclusive insight into critical infrastructure strikes a…
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How to teach your military kids about healthy and positive money habits, set expectations for college, use the GI Bill, and leverage 529s and other investment accounts for your military family. With today's guest, Daniel Kopp, we discussed: Teaching kids spending, saving, and giving buckets Teach, demo, supervise with your kids Give them chances to…
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In 1991, a brutal double homicide near Twentynine Palms set investigators on the trail of a Marine named Valentine Underwood. Despite a history of violence and crimes that should have barred him from service, Valentine slipped through the cracks—until justice finally caught up with him, but by then, he had taken two more lives. Join Margot as she u…
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In this episode, we explore the unique traits, values, and expectations that each generation brings to the workplace. From Baby Boomers to Gen Z, we’ll break down what makes each group tick and how leaders can leverage these diverse perspectives to create thriving, collaborative teams. Conversation Prompts for Leaders What do you think is the great…
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Die Historikerin Friederike C. Hartung analysiert in ihrer Studie den mangelhaften Zustand der bodengebundenen Luftverteidigungsfähigkeiten der Bundeswehr. Ein Geschwader in Husum - etwa 2300 Mann stark - statt 18600 Soldaten in 6 Flugabwehrregimentern zu Zeiten des Ost-West-Konfliktes - verteilt über ganz Westdeutschland - das beschreibt das Ausma…
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Med en stor armada om 130 skepp och 20 000 soldater skulle Filip II av Spanien erövra, England och återinföra katolicismen. Från Flandern skulle ytterligare soldater föras över till det brittiska öarna. Världens mäktigaste flotta skulle krossa allt engelskt motstånd i Engelska kanalen och bana väg för invasionen. Men det blev inte så. Engelsmännen …
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Rich Ingram is a living testament to the power of resilience and perseverance. After losing his arm in an ambush while serving in Iraq in 2005, Rich became the first amputee to earn an officer’s commission, later deploying three more times as a combat engineer. Drawing on his military experience, Rich has since held leadership roles in a Fortune 50…
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Welcome to Frontline Updates, where we delve deep into military strategies and updates from conflict zones. In this episode, host Sharifa Mohammed MGT is joined by Colonel A.C. Oguntoye, an infantry officer, to discuss the progress of the ongoing special military operation as of March 2nd, 2025. Colonel Oguntoye provides insights into the strategic…
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In this episode of Frontline Updates, host Sharifa Muhammad MGT and Colonel A.C. Ogintoy provide an in-depth analysis of the ongoing special military operations as of March 2025. They explore regional engagements in Kharkov, Donetsk, and Korsk, offering insights into strategic advances and tactical successes. The episode covers significant Ukrainia…
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In this week’s interview you can listen to the memories of Mrs Sue Ellen Milne whose father was in the 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards. Royal Dragoon Guards Oral History Project This interview is part of a collection carried out by the Royal Dragoon Guards Oral History Project. The aim of the project was to record oral history interviews to p…
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In this week’s interview you can listen to the memories of Miss Lesli Speers whose father was in the 4th 7th Royal Dragoon Guards. Royal Dragoon Guards Oral History Project This interview is part of a collection carried out by the Royal Dragoon Guards Oral History Project. The aim of the project was to record oral history interviews to provide a pe…
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Special Guest: Alexandra Siliezar, part 8 of 9 Host: Dr. Elizabeth Fulgaro Podcast features candid, in-depth interviews with military servicemembers, veterans or their family members. Real lives impacted by real events. What role did their faith in God play? Meet them. Walk with them. Find yourself in their stories.…
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The gang does a deep dive into the TV show that gave it its name: The X-Files. Did Scully have crazy sex with an alien resulting in a hybrid baby? What was Mulder’s weird connection to the JFK Assassination? And why did actors Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny detest each other off-screen? The truth is out there. Special Guest: Lois Lane.…
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Jewish Pogroms in Kiev During the Russian Civil War discusses how anti-Jewish violence began during the revolution and civil war 1917-1920 raising questions of responsibility of civil and military authorities and the antisemitic propaganda spread by official mass media as well as deliberate exploitation of antisemitism for political purposes. Learn…
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In this episode of Frontline Updates, host Sharifa Mohammed M.G.T. presents an in-depth analysis of the ongoing special military operation as of February 28, 2025, with expert insights from Colonel A.C. Oguntoye. Key topics include the strategic air-launched strikes by Russian forces that targeted and crippled Ukrainian military infrastructure, res…
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The battlefield in Ukraine is constantly shifting, with recent military operations revealing a complex interplay of strategy, logistics, and combat. We delve into the intricacies of the ongoing conflict as Colonel AC Ogun Toye shares insights into the latest developments and operations as of February 28, 2025. Our discussion breaks down key updates…
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Factual misinformation is spread in conflict zones around the world, often with dire consequences. But when is this misinformation actually believed, and when is it not? Seeing is Disbelieving: Why People Believe Misinformation in War, and When They Know Better (Cambridge University Press, 2024) by Dr. Daniel Silverman examines the appeal and limit…
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In this complete military history of Britain's pacification of the Arab revolt in Palestine, Britain's Pacification of Palestine (Cambridge UP, 2019), Matthew Hughes shows how the British Army was so devastatingly effective against colonial rebellion. The Army had a long tradition of pacification to draw upon to support operations, underpinned by t…
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Episode Overview: Have you ever had someone try to talk you out of joining the military? If so, this episode is for you! Host Dave Pere, a Marine Corps veteran, shares his personal experience of facing resistance when he enlisted, along with insights from his time as a recruiter. Dave dives deep into the mindset struggles, societal expectations, an…
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What if the key to advancing military medicine lies in a small shift from opioids to ketamine for battlefield pain management? Join us as we unlock the groundbreaking research of Dr. Ted Melcer, a pioneer in military psychological studies, whose work challenges the conventional use of morphine for wounded soldiers. Recognized by Military Medicine J…
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In today's episode, we're joined by Dr. John Richard who served 24 years as an OB in the Navy. During our conversation he shares his perspective on a whole range of issues including military medicine as a whole, staffing issues, how rank impacts pregnancy care for service members, and he also answered some follower questions. Please be aware that o…
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Tim Thomas, founder of Breathwork in Bed and Australian Special Forces veteran, shares the life-changing benefits of proper breathing techniques. Drawing from his military experience and deep understanding of sleep and wellness, Tim introduces simple yet powerful breathwork exercises to improve sleep quality, boost energy, and enhance mental clarit…
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Pete and Gary revisit their popular Waterloo series. In this first episode, they lay the foundations for the how, why and where the battle would take place. Presenters: Peter Hart and Gary Bain Publisher: Mat McLachlan Producer: Jess Stebnicki Visit Gallipoli with Pete and Gary in 2025! Go to for more information! Become a member t…
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Welcome to Frontline Updates, where we delve deep into military strategies and updates from conflict zones. In this episode, we explore the progress of the ongoing special military operation as of February 26, 2025. Hosted by Sharifa Muhammad MGT, we feature an exclusive interview with Colonel A.C. Ogontoya, who provides insights into recent advanc…
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I’m excited to welcome Valerie Rivera on the podcast today. She is the founder of First Gen Wealth, an RIA specializing in no shame, no judgement financial advice for First Gen wealth builders in their 30s and 40s. I invited Valerie on the podcast to help share her story of overcoming lots of barriers including race, family of origin, education, cl…
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In this transformative episode of the VET S.O.S. Podcast, hosts Shawn and Keith are joined by the inspiring Abigail G. Manning, founder of Create Awareness...Change Lives, Inc. Abigail brings a wealth of knowledge and lived experience to her work as a mindset coach, empowerment speaker, and workshop instructor. With a unique blend of academic exper…
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