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A prayer based on Matthew 4:3-4. Do you struggle to find time in the Word? The Bible is so much more than a sentimental piece of memorabilia—it's the living and active Word of God. It's the place where we find God's revelation of himself to us, where we learn of his plans and purpose for us, and where we discover the depths of his love and sacrific…
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A prayer based on Ecclesiastes 5:6-7. Our words should be framed with His Word, seasoned with scripture that points to God. The more we meditate upon God’s Word, the more it indwells us and flows over into our everyday speech and actions. Praying God’s Word helps focus us during prayer and reminds us of the One we’re spending time with. Praying the…
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A prayer based on Psalm 18:19. Strength is easy to love. It doesn't take convincing to be awed by the power of the ocean, the forces of nature in a storm. We wonder at professional athletes with extreme physical prowess and cheer wildly at the growing strength of our own children on the court or on the playing field. But is this what true strength …
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A prayer based on Psalm 139. Having adult children is hard. Part of me is here at home taking care of the child still under my roof and another part of me is also not here. I'm distracted thinking about, wondering about and praying for the ones who are far away. Are they safe, clean? Have they eaten their vegetables, gotten enough sleep, said their…
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A prayer based on Daniel :10. Faithfulness comes with a cost. No one asks to be thrown in a lion's den, but we often are. Sometimes, those dens are full of lions and sometimes they're full of people, and when life brings hard things, we bring out our habits. Dark places expose truth. Do you pray more when it's hard? Or ignore God for earthly strate…
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A prayer based on Daniel 4:3. We live in an age where we can know everything about anything going on in the world at any time—whether we want to or not. Some people find this comforting. I find it overwhelming. This especially applies to all things related to hatred and corruption in politics and leadership roles throughout society. It seems we can…
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A prayer based on Luke 23:50-51. The year I got engaged, I visited several bridal shops in search of the perfect wedding dress. I scanned for hours looking for “my” dress, but in the end, it was worth every second. Like the biblical story of the treasure in a field—or the perfect wedding dress—when you find the kingdom of God, you’re willing to giv…
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Have you ever felt like some combination of maid, butler, chauffeur, and chef in your home? I imagine we've all had those days. Those moments when we wondered if anyone else noticed or appreciated all the ways we keep our homes running on time, in order, and usually even in clean clothes! There are times when being a mom can feel like a thankless r…
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When difficult situations arise, one of the biggest problems people face is discouragement. We pray expecting life to go our way. Then, when it doesn’t, we struggle with our disappointment. After several of these experiences, we can be tempted to lose heart and quit. When people do what is right in their own eyes and justify their actions towards o…
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Jesus often compares physical hunger with the deep hunger for God that all of us are born with. He also demonstrates and explains that our soul hunger is only satisfied by him alone. We often forget that we will not be satisfied completely until we look to Jesus and his limitless resources and power. Only when we learn to be completely satisfied wi…
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The temple was a familiar, sacred place to Jesus. He loved His Father’s house, but the leaders there did not love Him in return. He was not only unwelcome, but wanted by the high priests and scribes. They were circling Him as He taught, but there were too many people watching for them to act on their desire to destroy Him. It wasn’t the time. Yet. …
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Has there been a time when you were in the darkness and then experienced the return of light again? Maybe the power went out in your entire house and you stumbled around in the dark. Maybe you've explored a cave and remembered what it was like to see a tiny sliver of light ahead and walk toward it. Life can present us with dark moments, but light w…
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It happened to my husband: a person in leadership made a comment that left him feeling like he'd been hit in the stomach. I would sit back quietly as he shared what had been said and then marvel at how he was able to take the hits with such grace. I became offended for him, feeling like he should say something to set the record straight. My husband…
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I talked with some friends recently who said something that I thought perfectly captured the years between the ages of 12 and about 14. They said, one minute you're so proud of who they're becoming and the next you think they might be complete idiots. This is so true, but after talking with my friends, I realized that it's also quite normal. The ex…
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Nothing seems to challenge us to conform to the image of God like being a parent. I think the preteen years are the worst. The kids are a hormonal mess. They can't remember what they're doing, they bicker non-stop, and if you call them down about the slightest thing, they completely lose it in a shower of accusations. How on earth do you deal with …
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I tell my kids this until the day they leave the home. When we become disgruntled over petty things like weather, fairness, or material possessions, our remembrance of what true blessings are has slipped far from our focus. We use the word blessings so freely and loosely in our culture today, and yet do we truly understand what it means to live the…
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He looked at me imploringly with his chocolate brown eyes and said, “Mom what if it's not true? What if God isn't real?” My heart broke a little bit with these questions while simultaneously being grateful for my son's honesty. I breathed a prayer as I sought to give him an answer knowing full well my words would not be enough. But when my words ar…
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Having a loving heart usually involves doing what is hard. In Matthew 5:46, Jesus gives us a challenge: “if you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?” In what way is God asking you to do the …
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We live in a world where people are longing to feel valued. The wild events of this year have made that clear. As humans, we want to know we matter. We want others to treat us in ways that communicate value. We want to feel worthy, loved, important. But people can never make us feel truly valued. That’s because they don’t know us the way God does. …
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My children have no fear of scarcity. No thought for where they'll sleep at night. They don't question it—they know it: the snack jar will be filled, the dinner will satisfy, and no matter the wrong done, they can snuggle up under my arm at night. Why? Because that is all they've ever known. Knowing our goodness enables them to trust they'll always…
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Moms today invest a lot in cultivating lifelong skills and music politics, hobbies, and talent. What if we used those outlets as venues for wise friendships? What if we invested as much in ensuring a child finds and walks with wise friends so they'll become wise? How can you help your children have opportunity for wise friendships? Listen to today'…
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"It seems unfair that there are people who might abuse their own bodies and make all kinds of bad decisions, yet somehow live a really long life. It just seems wrong that some really evil people get to enjoy this life while some really good people have to suffer so much." I can recall countless conversations around our family table or at my childre…
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What does it mean to dwell? It certainly means to live, to occupy a house or apartment, but we also use the word to mean to point attention toward. If you dwell on something, you focus on it steadfastly, not wavering or casting about for something else. But why should we? Because He makes clear the path of life, helping us to know where we should s…
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As moms, one of the most common phrases we use is probably, “pay attention!” We want our kids to pay attention to what they are told to what they do, and to what is going on around them. When we remind our children about the value of being aware, of listening well, of paying attention, it's for their good. Jesus's words to his disciples were rooted…
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It's hard to admit we need help. Coming to the end of ourselves humbles us. It goes against our self-reliant culture. We want to power, hustle, and fight our way through the hard things. We are proud—we've got this. And yet, sometimes it's not the big thing that humbles us, but the smallest. What has God used to humble you lately? Listen to today's…
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The enemy is so crafty! He whispers in our ear, causes us to make a subtle shift in focus, and we find ourselves forgetting about God's ability to do more than we can ever imagine. We end up striving and focusing on our limited ability and desire to try and control what happens in the lives of our children. The only thing in life that we can contro…
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There is one thing in our lives that holds great power that can be easily used for both great good and great evil. I have seen it bring people together and tear others apart. I have used it for both wonderful and terrible purposes. It is something none of us can escape. I'm talking about the power of the tongue. Words can harm, but words can also h…
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Don't you love to see your child excel at what he or she is good at and then receive recognition for it? I do. My boys love sports and music, and you better believe I am the loudest person there to celebrate a good hit, a three-pointer, or a song well played. In fact, sometimes I have to reign myself in and remember that things like sports and musi…
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Where we look matters. Today, Erin H. Warren is helping us learn the importance of keeping our minds on Christ. There's much at stake if we don't, and it's a skill every believer can learn. Do you find it hard to keep your mind on Christ when the world around you seems to be closing in? God wants our whole hearts, not because He's selfish or thinks…
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Have you wondered how to love your children biblically and effectively? The world often defines love in a way that is completely different from God's definition. Today, Connie Albers is teaching us exactly what God's way looks like. If you're wondered how to love your children effectively... If you aren't sure what biblical love really is... If you…
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Do you ever look at someone and think they must be much farther along than you are? I do that often on social media, but I'm learning that we all stand on level ground. We all need the wisdom of God. If I have not been at the feet of Jesus, seeking him in his word and asking him for wisdom, I have very little to offer anyone. ~ Gina Smith If we wan…
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When faced with a dilemma that requires careful handling and wisdom, do we cast about for a solution within our own ability? Or do we immediately acknowledge we don't have the answer, and call on the one who is wisdom from the beginning? I couldn't dream up half the parenting situations I find myself in. I don't mean simply discipline wise. Even wh…
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Only one out of twenty Christians have family worship together. Does your family? "Mom, Dad," he said, "don't ever stop reading the Bible to my siblings." He went on to explain that a few of his Christian friends at college were able to examine things by the word of God. Although most were raised in Christian families, they were mostly clueless abo…
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Why do we so easily forget that his presence has the power to destroy doubt and give us power over our problems? It is easier to trust when we seem to have nothing to fear. When I spend time talking to my kids about the presence of the Lord in their lives, I find myself pointing them to things around them that they can see, hold, and be aware of to…
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Can we stand firm in the face of flattery and corruption? Flattery can mesmerize us. It tells us what we want to hear, and it’s certainly easier to listen to than criticism. Flattery shows favor and approval, something we all long for. In today's scripture, a prophecy from the book of Daniel, we see the foretelling of a king who will rise and fall …
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Have you believed the lie that you have to be enough? That you carry the full weight of the way your children will turn out? How many times a day do you catch yourself thinking about what a failure you are, or how your one big mess-up will probably land that child who watches everything you do straight in the counseling chair a bit later in life? I…
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Do you struggle with humility? Maybe, like me, you are uncomfortable feeling dependent. Humility is the default mode in God's Kingdom. Beginning with the moment we come to him through faith by grace, and nothing we do, we humble ourselves (Ephesians 2:8-9). But as we embrace a Christ like humility and allow the Holy Spirit to weed out our pride, we…
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“Rather train yourself for godliness; For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come" (1 Timothy 4:8). Somewhere along the way, the Christian life gained a reputation for being shiny, easy, and perfect. “If you just give your life to Jesus, every…
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“Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 2:24-25). We know the story from beginning to end. We know Christ has promised to come back. We can wait with anticipation for his return. God is working in us and through us t…
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“I set my face toward the Lord God to seek by prayer and supplications with fasting and sackcloth and ashes" (Daniel 9:3). Confession isn't my first go-to in prayer, but I know it's a crucial part of how God works in me and is necessary for true change. God's kindness leads me to repentance, and when I confess my sins to Him, He promises to forgive…
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“I turned my heart to know and to search out and to seek wisdom and the scheme of things, and to know the wickedness of folly and the foolishness that is madness" (Ecclesiastes 7:25). When I consider the idea of turning our hearts to wisdom, I imagine setting off on a treasure hunt with wisdom as the prize. In Ecclesiastes, we are told that Solomon…
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“Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your words be few" (Ecclesiastes 5:2). Why do we pontificate and act as if we know so much when we really don't? It's not just in parenting. We do the same thing in many areas of life. We think we have solut…
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“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you; Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (John 14:27). Sometimes we complicate things that scripture makes clear. Our real life, the gritty of every day, creeps onto the scene of what we believe to be true—what we know full well when we sit in…
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"...but Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way" (Daniel 1:8). Have you ever been in the middle of an ordinary situation, whether all alone or perhaps at a more social event, and sensed God's quiet voice nudging you in one way or another? Maybe…
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“Even a child makes himself known by his acts, by whether his conduct is pure and upright" (Proverbs 20:11). The best tool for teaching a child is God's work in us. They watch as we work and listen as we speak. They see as we feel and hear us respond. They take note how we serve and tune into our tone. God's work in a mother is the pattern for the …
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“Nebuchadnezzar then approached the opening of the blazing furnace and shouted, ‘Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out! Come here!’ So Shadrack Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire, and the satraps, prefects, and governors and royal advisers crowded around them. They saw that the fire had not harmed their bod…
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“And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, ‘Which commandment is the most important of all?’ Jesus answered, ‘The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and…
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You've probably seen the meme that says, “I love Jesus and I cuss a little!” It's meant to be funny, but is it funny when held up to the measuring stick of God's word? The words that we choose to speak reflect what is in our hearts. Just choosing to eliminate words from our vocabulary is not the answer. We need to evaluate and find out why those wo…
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“But the Lord answered her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her’” (Luke 10:41-42). Most of my life, especially since becoming a mom, I have been in what feels like a constant rotation of busyness, overwhelm, anxiety, and …
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“And they went and woke him, saying, ‘Save us, Lord; We are perishing.’ And he said to them, ‘why are you afraid, O you of little faith?’ Then he rose and rebuked to the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm period and the men marveled, saying, ‘What sort of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him'" (Matthew 8:25-27). I need t…
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