To tydelige typer løser verdensproblemer over en lav sko, mens både høyre- og venstresida får gjennomgå. Anrettet på en seng av nagende tvil.
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An actual play TTRPG podcast that explores popular adventures and modules within the confines of our homebrew world of Aurora!
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A Dungeons & Dragons podcast, where a rotating panel of DM’s provides insight and inspiration for Players and Dungeon Masters.
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Seja muito bem-vindo(a) ao GainCast, o podcast oficial da Clear Corretora. Aqui, os melhores analistas do mercado falam sobre suas experiências, contam suas histórias e se divertem com muita resenha sobre Bolsa de Valores e seus bastidores. Seja você um trader experiente ou um iniciante curioso, uma coisa é certa: bolsa de valores sem mimimi é aqui. Aumente o som e prepare-se para o Gain!
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The Sifu Mimi Chan Show
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todas as quintas-feiras, clara matheus e leonardo oliveira conversam sobre assuntos que chamaram atenção durante a semana. cultura da internet, arte, lançamento de livros, filmes e séries: tudo que é mídia pode se tornar assunto. sempre compromissados com a informação de qualidade, mas sem perder o bom humor.
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A podcast about women in creative industries who have found success while navigating the everyday challenges we face as mothers and caretakers.
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Les fictions sonores de MimiRyudo...
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Snuggle up and have a little snack, with the best storyteller around, Mimi! Once a month join Kiddo and his grandmother, Mimi, for stories, snacks, and snuggles, in this new series from PJ Library.
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Podcast über alles, was eigentlich so schön sein könnte, aber doch ganz schön scheiße ist. Von Philine Kreuzer, Taiina Grünzig & Lara Lorenz Jetzt auch bei iTunes & Spotify!
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Wie kannst du deinen Stoffwechsel anregen, gefährliches Körperfett verlieren und deinen Körperfettanteil senken? Wie vermeidest du die häufigsten Fehler beim Abnehmen? Wie geht Muskelaufbau – besonders ab 40? Was hilft gegen Rückenschmerzen und Bandscheibenvorfall? Warum haben so viele Menschen Probleme mit dem Ischiasnerv und wie kannst du das ändern? Welche Rolle spielt unser Gehirn und wie kannst du mit Stress und mentaler Gesundheit umgehen? Neustart Wechseljahre: Fit, cool und voller En ...
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Analisa tiap gameweek Liga Inggris dan bahas semua tentang bola
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Andre Wolf von Mimikama und der Timpel von 88.6 klären in diesem Podcast ganz spezifische, aktuelle Fake News auf und plaudern auch über die größten Themen und Herausforderungen in der Welt der (Falsch-)nachrichten im Social Media Zeitalter.
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I will never break your heart
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Lifestyle | Music | Travel | Wellness
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This is an online health community focused on self-care for mental, physical and spiritual growth.
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Welcome to Mimi Steward, where amazing things happen.
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Hii This is Yami . I like to recite poem or song . Hope u like it
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Welcome to "griefsense," a bi-weekly podcast for creatives who are grievers. I'm your host, Mimi Gonzalez, guiding you through discussions about life, death, and 'grief sense,' a unique perspective born from my personal loss and confrontation with mortality. We'll invite guests to share their stories of loss and healing and how they've tapped into this thought exploration of their #griefsense. Together, we'll explore the intersection of grief, creativity, and mortality, striving to normalize ...
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Mimis Androulakis' podcasts
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Figuring out life & documenting it for my great grand daughter. Pop culture & influencer marketing & surviving NYC & matcha lattes.
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We invite other guests to mimic other celebrities and they actually sound like them which is really cool so please enjoy this podcast
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Fashion, lifestyle, Food and Gossip.. Your Social Media is our business 🤷🏾♀️. Cover art photo provided by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash:
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Podcast by Mimi
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DnD 5th edition homebrew podcast featuring Conor the DM, Blue as Ulaad the Aarakocra, Koi as Tasha the fabulous, Rune as Krelque the Ratfolk and Sonia as Lelith the Drow on the beautiful island of Kania and the kind of adventures you expect from adventurer's really. Join us every Sunday for just some good old listening chill.
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Soy yo @Ramitagram hablandote de algo que no va a interesar hasta que te quedes dormir
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Where does one begin when telling an Epic tale? Of course, if One is writing the Tale, the agonizing goodbyes are either whispers from the past, or sadly inevitable... Experience the joys and sorrows of Life on the run in the MimiVerse!
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We cover a lot of things on this podcast. We love covering trials, true crime, and conspiracies. Mimi & Wheezus (@themimiandwheezusshow) • Instagram photos and videos
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Vamos falar de Contabilidade. Sem mimimi, sem enrolação, indo direto ao que interessa. Contabilidade de verdade, para quem está comprometido em elevar o padrão dos seus serviços contábeis, societários e tributários.
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A podcast of collected short scary stories, discussing paranormal phenomena and other odd things.
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Talking about what's in our spirit. There's never a dull moment. special appearance by Matic B. Mobley
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Join our discussions on Asatru and Icelandic Magick and various occult topics. In Mimir's Well we dive into Norse Paganism and discuss various topics and provide insight from both Pagan and Historical views We also strive to provide advice on various things suchs as (Pagan Practices , Mental Health etc.) Join our Discord! contact us : [email protected] FIND US ON FACEBOOK , INSTAGRAM , YOUTUBE @mimirswellpodcast
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A podcast dedicated to sharing scriptural and spiritual nuggets that will help the 21st Century Christian grow in their love for God and for the things of God.
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Single mom, down for empowering women, entrepreneurship & all things Diversity and Inclusion. I've got questions! Sometimes improper. Let's Talk!
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Welcome to the Mimi JK Raw & Uncut (one woman show) podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to Mimi on a Mission: Sex Ed, The Podcasts, where host Mimi Missfit brings her mission to get everyone talking openly about sex, love and relationships to BBC Sounds.
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Welcome to the Mimi Spuad ANYA podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Carl Raw on Unsplash:
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If you're looking for a podcast with Hoosier Hospitality, you've come to the right place. After 34 years in Radio and TV in Indianapolis, Mimi is traveling down a new road. Mimi can help make your house a home. She's a bargain shopper with a knack for putting things together. Mimi talks to local designers, shop owners, event planners and people from all walks of life. She'll share special dining experiences in some of those out of the way places in Indiana. Oh and her whacky radio personalit ...
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I provide the answers to the questions you want to to know. I have real world experience in the dark and light side of the table. Grab a smoke and chill with me magic family!
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Welcome to Mimi Styles life this podcast is all about my life and how I deal with it everything that comes the ups and the downs and you'll be able to share this journey with me I look forward to hearing from you peace and love Support this podcast:
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Hi, I am Mimi, I provide Christian motivation to strengthen, encourage, and bless you on a weekly basis. It is my hope that this 5 minute extended inspirational coffee break, will positively impact your day to day life. So grab your best cup of coffee, or tea, the "good book," and come along and join me, on this motivational journey. May you be blessed while listening to this podcast. Thank you for your support 🌸
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Lecture de livres ou histoires destinées aux enfants . Prise de son et montage Marcq en Baroeul France
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Mimi by the Sea: Turning your Passion into Business. For gifts, home and supporting creatives. Podcasts for creatives about tips and inspiration for the creative development process.
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DESCRIPTION.... 👉FREE GUIDE 8 Tips to Supercharge your Mindset: 👉Enrol in Unstick Your Mind course: LET’S CONNECT: ►Website: ►Join Free Community: ►LinkedIn: ►Instagram: ►Facebook ►Subscribe to YouTube: ...
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ML 235: Osteoporose: Knochen in Not: Warum du nicht warten solltest, bis es zu spät ist!
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1:06:45Send us a text Knochengesundheit - Warum Prävention nicht warten kann In dieser Folge tauchen wir tief in ein oft übersehenes Gesundheitsthema ein: unsere Knochengesundheit. Während viele erst daran denken, wenn die Diagnose Osteoporose bereits gestellt ist, legen wir tatsächlich schon in jungen Jahren den Grundstein für starke – oder eben brüchige…
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412. Is There a Revolution? How We Fight Back for Societal Change
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22:58I’ve been thinking a lot lately about whether we are in the midst of a revolution. We see protests, policy debates, and people speaking out against injustice, but is that enough? Is there real change happening, or are we just moving in circles, reacting to each new crisis as it comes? I often speak with activists, community leaders, and those who h…
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FRP-KODEN: Frykt og følelser i politikken I Carline Tromp
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58:00Hvilken rolle spiller humor, frykt, sinne og andre følelser når ytre høyre definerer samfunnsdebatten? Med Nederland som eksempel dykker forfatter Carline Tromp ned i høyrepopulistene metoder og retorikk. I samtale med Kristine Sørheim. FRP-KODEN utforsker den nye høyrebølgen. Fra Donald Musks USA til Tysklands ytre høyre og Sylvi fra Sunnmøre: M&M…
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Ele vive de trade "eu pago DARF todo mês"- GainDelas#62 com Murilo Lindão
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1:04:40#daytrade #bolsadevalores #trading #mercadofinanceiro #dinheiro #traderbr #análisegráfica #ações #investimentos RocketTrader: já foi jogador de futebol, surfista, jogador de poker e hoje é day trader (dos bons). Neste GainDelas ele contou sua história, como opera e como tem conseguido ter gains com consistência no mercado d…
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Kan Trump drive Norge inn i EU?
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1:00:47Gjennom flekkete brilleglass myser vår dynamiske duo mot den geopolitiske tornadoen som kommer stadig nærmere Det norske hus. Der, midt i stormen, får de se en modig ungsosialist. Han hever sin blågule fane. Ukas gjest er Europabevegelsens SV-medlem Fredrick Tønsvoll Mortvedt. Manifest Media er folkefinansiert og avhengig av din støtte: Gå til mani…
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A004 - Announcement - Meet the DM's: Kasi Just Kasi
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22:12In this short episode, Kasi answers a bunch of questions that are designed to show you the bizarre inner workings of her mind. Opening Theme and Intro 0:00 The Chaos 4:08 Outro and Closing Theme 21:02 DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Find Us On: Patreon at Website at iTunes at https…
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G19 - Giant Spring Special - Social Structures
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53:45The Dungeon Masters talk about the kinds of social structures that make up daily life for Giants, as well as some of the lairs and enclaves where you might find some Giants. Opening and Intro 0:00 Social Structures 2:43 Enclaves 33:19 Outro and Closing 52:40 DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Available On: iTunes at https:/…
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Alternative für Deutschland snakker åpent om ‹‹remigrasjon›› og har bånd til nazistiske miljøer. Like fullt fikk partiet over 20 prosent i valget søndag. I ukas episode guider Astrid Sverresdotter Dypvik og Karsten Aase-Nilsen oss gjennom om Tysklands ytre høyreparti. Samtalen ledes av Kristine Sørheim. FRP-KODEN utforsker den nye høyrebølgen. Fra …
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A003 - Announcement - Meet the DM's: Ehlwyn (Ellie for Short)
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32:54In this short episode, Ehlwyn answers a bunch of questions that are designed to show you the bizarre inner workings of her mind. Opening Theme and Intro 0:00 The Chaos 4:44 Outro and Closing Theme 28:46 Post Credit 30:18 DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Find Us On: Patreon at Website at https://www.itsamimic…
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VALG I TYSKLAND: Ytre venstre størst blant de unge
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42:32Sosialistpartiet Die Linke ble søndag størst blant unge velgere, med 25 prosent. Hva er sukessoppskriften til tyskernes røde rakett? Med Knut Gjerseth Olsen (Klassekampen) og Loren Balhorn (Jacobin). Manifest Media er folkefinansiert og avhengig av din støtte: Gå til for å bli med i vår supporterklubb. MÍMIR&MARSDAL er pr…
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ML 234: Bauchfett reduzieren – Das 4-Minuten Training, das wirklich hilft!
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39:59Send us a text Schluss mit Bauchfett und Co: Das richtige Training in den Wechseljahren verändert alles! Warum das richtige Training in den Wechseljahren der Gamechanger ist? In dieser Episode erfährst du, wie spezifische Bewegungsformen den hormonellen Veränderungen entgegenwirken und was das mit deinem Bauchfett, Knochengesundheit und überraschen…
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FRP-KODEN: Høyrebevegelsens to ansikter | Ali Esbati
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1:23:20Hvordan kan internasjonalt orienterte liberalister fungere helt fint sammen med reaksjonære nasjonalsjåvinister? Hvordan ble libertarianere i Silicon Valley alliert med hvit makt-patrioter på landsbygda? Økonom og forfatter Ali Esbati dykker ned i forskjeller og likheter mellom to typer høyreside, i samtale med Magnus Marsdal. FRP-KODEN utforsker d…
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Ele é trader de sucesso e gosta de operar com stops curtos - GainCast#228
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59:56#daytrade#bolsadevalores#trading#mercadofinanceiro#dinheiro#traderbr#análisegráfica#tapereading#investimento#dinheiro#RendaExtra Mari Damaceno e André Moraes conversam com Fernando Hayne. Ele é trader e influencer da Rico e contará sua história, como conheceu o mercado e como gosta de operar. Ao vivo a partir das 17hRocketTrader:https://rockettrade…
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Fortsatt full tillit til USA | Ola Borten Moe
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1:02:44JD Vance er virkelig verdt å lytte til om ytringsfrihet. Det amerikanske demokratiet er helt fantastisk robust. Norge bør bare knytte seg ENDA tettere til USAs militærmakt. Sånn går praten når ukas gjest forteller om sin tro. Manifest Media er folkefinansiert og avhengig av din støtte: Gå til for å bli med i vår supporter…
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Um ex-feirante que virou day trader de sucesso e foi até Aspen com a XP - GainCast#227
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59:34#daytrade#bolsadevalores#trading#mercadofinanceiro#dinheiro#traderbr#análisegráfica#tapereading#investimento#dinheiro#RendaExtra Roberto Indech e André Moraes conversam com Guilherme Pianco, um ex-feirante que há 9 anos conheceu o mercado. Desde então ele é day trade, opera mercado futuro e tira dinheiro do mercado todos os dias. Ao vivo a partir d…
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A002 - Announcement - Meet the DM's: Sean O'Coin
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19:44In this short episode, Sean answers a bunch of questions that are designed to show you the bizarre inner workings of his mind. Opening Theme and Intro 0:00 The Chaos 2:29 Outro and Closing Theme 17:20 DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Find Us On: Patreon at Website at iTunes at https…
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G18 - Giant Spring Special - Giant Kin Updates
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56:15This episode focuses on three kinds of creatures with some Giants in their backgrounds! Opening Theme and Intro 0:00 Firbolgs 2:38 Fensirs 17:28 Goliaths 41:49 Outro and Closing Theme 55:17 DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Available On: iTunes at Spotify at http…
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Some information regarding the future of the podcast. Support the showBởi Everything's A Mimic!
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FRP-KODEN: Fascisme i vår tid? | Audun Lysbakken & Jonas Bals
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54:50Hva betyr den amerikanske regjeringas angrep på sin egen rettsstat? AUDUN LYSBAKKEN ber oss løfte blikket fra Donald Trump til det større bildet: fascismens frammarsj i USA og Europa. Samtalen med historiker og LO-rådgiver JONAS BALS ledes av ELISE TUNSTRØM. FRP-KODEN utforsker den nye høyrebølgen. Fra Donald Musks USA til Tysklands ytre høyre og S…
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Mímir hardt ut mot SLØSING | Med Linn Herning
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55:45Mímir krever kamp mot «offentlig sløsing». Magnus mener begrepet bare jobber for høyresida. Ukas gjest, LINN HERNING, forsøker å megle. Manifest Media er folkefinansiert og avhengig av din støtte: Gå til for å bli med i vår supporterklubb. MÍMIR&MARSDAL er produsert av Manifest Media. Om du har problemer som du mener Mími…
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A001 - Announcement - Meet the DM's: Adam Nason
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19:37In this short episode, Adam answers a bunch of questions that are designed to show you the horrifying inner workings of his mind. Opening Theme and Intro 0:00 The Chaos 4:13 Outro and Closing Theme 17:11 DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Find Us On: Patreon at Website at iTunes at ht…
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W018 - Platinum Greatwyrm Discussion: Building a Cult with Robert, Part Two
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1:08:35In this episode, Adam and Robert continue their conversation on building cults in Dungeons & Dragons. Asha Partners Keoni Kidzone Opening Theme and Intro 0:00 The Individuals in a Cult 7:32 Outro and Closing Theme 1:00:18 DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Find Us On: Patr…
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ML 232: Anti-Aging ab 40: Welche Trends bringen wirklich was – und was ist rausgeschmissenes Geld?
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51:17Send us a text Anti-Aging ab 40: Welche Trends lohnen sich wirklich – und was funktioniert kostenlos? Microneedling, Hyaluron, LED-Masken & CO – bringen sie wirklich was? In dieser Episode decke ich auf, welche Anti-Aging-Trends funktionieren und welche du dir sparen kannst. Aber das Beste: Ich zeige dir Anti-Aging-Hacks, die 100 % kostenlos sind! …
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ML 233: Endlich Klarheit: Schilddrüsenunterfunktion oder Wechseljahre?
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41:35Send us a text 🎧 Endlich Klarheit: Schilddrüsenunterfunktion oder Wechseljahre? Morgens schon erschöpft? Trotz Diät keine Gewichtsabnahme und ständig diese Stimmungsschwankungen? Viele Frauen ab 40 leiden unnötig, weil eine Schilddrüsenunterfunktion für normale Wechseljahrsbeschwerden gehalten wird. Diese Episode bringt Licht ins Dunkel! Diese Epis…
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L049 - Legend Lore - Dungeon Master's Guides
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58:59In this episode, Adam and Tyler look at both the 2014 and 2024 DMG's, and look at whether or not the new one improved over the original 5th Edition version. Opening Theme and Intro 0:00 2014 DMG 4:18 2024 DMG 26:20 Outro and Closing Theme 58:10 DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Find Us On: Patreon at Website …
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FRP-KODEN: Hva SKJER i Trumpistan?
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1:13:14USAs regjering bryter loven uten å bry seg. Ser vi en form for fascisme vokse fram? Eller er Trump 2.0 noe ganske annet? Journalist Eirik Grasaas-Stavenes rapporterer, filosof Knut Jørgen Vie fortolker. I samtale med Magnus Marsdal. FRP-KODEN utforsker den nye høyrebølgen. Fra Donald Musks USA til Tysklands ytre høyre og Sylvi fra Sunnmøre: M&M-red…
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48:27Han er steget ned. Vil Jens Stoltenberg urette et politisk mirakel? Vår dynamiske duo samspekulerer med kommentator Eirik Mosveen, som i forbifarten LANGER UT mot haterne i Sp på vegne av Det Ekte Oslo. (Mímir ringer også provokatøren Ness.) Foto: Bernt Sønvisen Manifest Media er folkefinansiert og avhengig av din støtte: Gå til…
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202 - uma professora adjunta de literaturas de língua inglesa e um head de design noivo no rio de janeiro
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26:57algumas atualizações sobre nossas vidas profissionais e sobre o futuro do projeto! – ouça episódios exclusivos na orelo, no catarse ou youtube!Bởi mimimidias
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A000 - Announcement - The Seven Year Sitch
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8:08This short announcement covers the changes that will be coming over the next few months. DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Find Us On: Patreon at Website at iTunes at Spotify at…
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G17 - Giant Spring Special - Bigby's Updates
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47:55This episode focuses on the lore and overall updates from Bigby Presents Glory of the Giants! Opening Theme and Intro 0:00 Diancastra's Saga and The Ordning 2:25 Roleplaying Giants 18:17 Giant Treasures 33:55 Bag Jelly 41:21 Outro and Closing Theme 46:19 DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Available On: iTunes at https://itu…
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411. Best of the Year of the Dragon – A MiOsc Recap
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1:09:59As the Year of the Snake arrives, Oscar and I sat down for another exciting MiOsc episode, looking back at all the things that made the Year of the Dragon unforgettable. From books that impacted us to movies we enjoyed, and most memorable moments—we explored some of our favorites from last year. Our conversation naturally find its way into the real…
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ML 231: ÖSTROGEN: Der Grund für Bauchfett, Brain Fog, Gelenkschmerzen & mehr - jetzt handeln!
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41:53Send us a text Östrogenmangel in den Wechseljahren - warum dieses Hormon über unser Wohlbefinden, unsere Figur und unsere mentale Gesundheit bestimmt. Diese Folge der Menopause-Serie enthüllt, was viele Frauen noch nicht über die Wechseljahre wissen. Von plötzlichen Hitzewallungen und schlaflosen Nächten bis hin zu rätselhafter Gewichtszunahme, plö…
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EKSTRA: SSB finner graverende feil i bestselger | Landet som ble for rikt
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8:42Tallene Martin Bech Holte bygger sine konklusjoner på er «er rett og slett gale, veldig gale.» Det skriver to SSB-forskere i VG. Magnus ringer opp Erling Holmøy for å få det siste om faktasvikt i bestselgerboka «Landet som ble for rikt». Hør forfatter Martin Bech Holte i Magnum HER og tidligere intervju med Erling Holmøy HER. Les SSB-forskernes VG-…
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