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Charting The Rise Of A Multipolar World Order Philip Pilkington is an unorthodox macroeconomist. Andrew Collingwood is an equally skeptical journalist. Lately, both have realised that - post-Ukraine, post-Afghanistan withdrawal - the old, unipolar, US-led world order is in its death throes. In its wake, something new is being born. But what shape will that take? That will depend on a combustible combination of economics and geopolitics; trade and military muscle. Each week, our duo take thre ...
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Video games, Tech and pop culture podcast. It‘s the conversations we used to have at a L.A.N Party, the things people love and why they love them
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Welcome to the Multiply Your Leadership weekly podcast series sponsored by the Central Pacific District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. We seek to multiply Christ-Centered, Spirit-filled, healthy, strategic leaders.
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Die Leitung ist schwach, doch ich kann sie gut empfangen. Die ehemalige Außenministerin im Exil: Dr. Karin Kneissl, Chefdiplomatin a.D. der Republik Österreich steht Rede und Antwort im neuen Podcast “Unipolar - Multipolar: Der Podcast für Geopolitik." In diesem Format werden Karin Kneissl und der Journalist Flavio von Witzleben jede Woche die Ereignisse auf dem geopolitischen Schachbrett genauer unter die Lupe nehmen.
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Church Multiplied Podcast


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”Stories and Strategies of Church Multiplication throughout Kentucky to the ends of the earth! A podcast of the Kentucky Baptist Convention, hosted by Andrew Eaton, KBC Church Planting Group Leader”
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Radioprojekte mit Kindern, Jugendlichen und Multiplikator*innen

Hörfunk- und Projektwerkstatt Leipzig e.V.

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Die Hörfunk- und Projektwerkstatt Leipzig e.V. führt medienpädagogische Projekte mit dem Schwerpunkt Radio durch. An dieser Stelle hört ihr ausgewählte Hörbeiträge und Sendungen. Ziel unserer Arbeit ist, neben dem Erwerb von Medienkompetenz, vor allem Kindern und Jugendlichen eine öffentliche Plattform für ihre Themen zu bieten. In Kursen und Workshops entstehen Radiobeiträge, die im Programm von Radio blau sugestrahlt werden. Wenn Ihr mehr über uns erfahren möchtet, klickt:
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Multiplica tu Éxito

Evelyne Albero

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El podcast para personas líderes y emprendedoras! En donde cada semana hablaremos de las claves del éxito como nunca antes las habias escuchado. En este show hablamos de negocios con un enfoque dinámico y un toque espiritual.
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Thinky Thoughts: A Multi-Fandom Podcast

Fascination and Frustration

Hàng tháng+
Fascination & Frustration's Ruth and Michelle are London based fandom aficionados, having thinky thoughts about TV, books, movies, and all things fandom. We would love you to join the discussion, via our website or on social media using #TTpod
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The Multipliers Club

The Multipliers Club

Hàng tháng+
The Multipliers Club is home to young and hungry entrepreneurs driven to achieve their very best through personal and business development. Join your hosts and best mates, construction entrepreneur Joe Todd, social media agency owners Luke Harvey and Sam Warrington, and luxury travel expert Jake Waters, who share their insights into the modern entrepreneurship journey as young founders and business operators who like to work hard and play hard. Plus you will hear the lessons and learnings fr ...
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Cashflow Multipliers

The Kitti Sisters

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Welcome to the Cashflow Multipliers where we talk about passive income, investing, real estate, apartment syndication, financial independence, and financial freedom. Learn more at:
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Connect. Grow. Multiply.

Green Acres Baptist Church

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Connect. Grow. Multiply. is a podcast from Green Acres Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas. This podcast is for the church, the community, the curious, for the veteran follower of Jesus, and anyone who wants to grow in their walk Jesus.
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Babel. Rzeczpospolita Multi-Kulti - Radio TOK FM

TOK FM - Paweł Sulik, Adam Balcer

Hàng tháng+
Adam Balcer i Paweł Sulik, autorzy już niemal legendarnego podcastu TOK FM „Lechistan: Orientalna historia Polski” zabierają Was na wędrówkę po Rzeczpospolitej - wieży Babel, gdzie multi-kulti było stanem permanentnym. Razem z Polakami ruszymy także w rejs dookoła świata, bo Polska jest... od oceanu do oceanu. #adambalcer #pawełsulik #multikulti #lechistan - Radio TOK FM
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Million Dollar Multi-Op

David Osborne

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Welcome to 'Million Dollar Multi-Op', the premier podcast for event DJ company owners aspiring to amplify their impact and income. Host David Osborne with will dive deep on topics that are important to you. Here you'll find education, inspiration, and entertainment, offering exclusive insights to help you grow your team and hit your goals
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In the MS-Perspektive Podcast, I present my view of multiple sclerosis and show you how you can make the best of the diagnosis. Because a beautiful and fulfilling life is also possible with multiple sclerosis. Here you will find information and strategies on how you can actively influence your course. In addition, I publish solo articles with my experiences, interview experts and on various topics related to living with MS as well as other affected people. In addition, there are a few episod ...
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Multi Story Thinking

Jonathan Forster

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The Multi Story Thinking Podcast unravels the mysteries of interior design. Hosted by designer and educator Jonathan Forster the podcast takes an educational slant on the world of interior design providing an insight into the how and the why. If you are curious about how things are done within the industry, how people got their breaks, and how they’ve developed their careers, and get some tips and advice, then this is the podcast for you. So sit back, relax, as we help unravel the mysteries ...
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The Dare to Multiply Podcast

Cynthia Anderson

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The newly released Dare to Multiply Podcast helps passionate Jesus followers become courageous, obedient, and fruitful disciples who impact their communities, love and serve the people around them effectively. It’s hosted by Cynthia Anderson, a disciple multiplication coach, and trainer who’s lived and worked in Asia, Africa, and the USA, making disciples and catalyzing movements of disciples for the past 30 years. If you are longing to grow in your understanding of how to make and multiply ...
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Join bestselling romance author Kayley Loring as she has fun, casual conversations with her audiobook narrators and interesting people from the romance audio community--focusing on the talented people behind the scenes of romance audiobooks. That’s not all! Kayley is also writing bonus scenes for her characters and having her narrators read them. Multiple Eargasms will leave your ears and hearts happy. Because one is not enough!
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Dear Multi-hyphenate

Michael Kushner

Hàng tháng
Are you a combination of actor, director, producer, designer, or anything else? Congratulations, you're a multi-hyphenate! A multi-hyphenate is an artist who has multiple proficiencies that cross pollinate to help flourish professional capabilities. Dear Multi-hyphenate explores the full potential of artists in show business who have taken the paths less traveled. Are you unsure how to stay creative and garner income during the pandemic? Are you sitting on a project and you have no idea how ...
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Welcome to the Multi Passionate Pathway Podcast, the place where diverse passions come to life! I'm your host, Darcie Cameron, with a varied journey that demonstrates how embracing multiple interests can lead to a fulfilling and vibrant life. Join me each week as we dive into the art of balancing diverse passions, turning hobby-dreams into reality, and thriving in a world that celebrates our unique journeys. Whether you're juggling a career with side gigs, exploring multiple creative outlets ...
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Im MS-Perspektive Podcast stelle ich Dir meine Sichtweise die Multiple Sklerose vor und zeige Dir, wie Du das beste aus der Diagnose machen kannst. Denn ein schönes und erfülltes Leben ist auch mit Multipler Sklerose möglich. Hier findest Du Informationen und Strategien, wie Du Deinen Verlauf aktiv beeinflussen kannst. Dazu veröffentliche ich Solobeiträge mit meinen Erfahrungen, interviewe Experten und zu verschiedensten Themen rund um ein Leben mit MS sowie andere Betroffene. Außerdem gibt ...
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Podcast Multiplicador

O Poder Multiplicador

Hàng tháng
O expert em Marketing Digital Márcio Messeder e o especialista em Gestão de Tráfego e estratégias de marketing Bruno Cerqueira, juntamente com convidados, abordarão num bate-papo descontraído sobre os principais temas relacionados ao mundo dos negócios digitais que envolvem afiliados, produtores e co-produtores de infoprodutos.
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Multiple Perspectives


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Multiple Perspectives helps you unlock the potential of fractional real estate investing and alternative assets to enhance your financial strategy. With expert guests from the worlds of commercial real estate (CRE), self-directed investing, and personal finance, this podcast dives into how private-market assets can diversify your portfolio, generate passive income, and provide stability beyond traditional investments—empowering you to take control of your financial future.
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MultiTap Podcast


Hàng ngày+
YOU! INVADERS! GET YOU THE HOT BULLETS OF SHOTGUN TO DIE! Join MultiTap's hosts, Hobo Chris and Princess Ireney, as they quiz each other, remember and discuss the subjective best of video gaming, and riff pop culture.
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Welcome to Living Well with MS, the podcast from the Overcoming MS charity. In each episode, your host Geoff Allix explores a different aspect of the Overcoming MS Program in greater depth by talking with experts and people with MS about health lifestyle changes. New episodes are published on Wednesdays and feature interviews with scientists, neurologists, fitness specialists, diet experts, stress reduction professionals. The podcast also features inspirational, real-life stories from people ...
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Just George

Hàng ngày+
Welcome to the Multipotentialite podcast. Where I will share about my life experience as a Multipotentialite. What are the obstacles I faced, how I over come multiple interest & thoughts about my future as a Multipotentialite.
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Diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder at age 36, Emma and her system share what they learn along the way about DID, dissociation, trauma, and mental health. Educational, supportive, inclusive, and inspiring, System Speak documents her healing journey through the best and worst of life in recovery through insights, conversations, and collaborations.
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show series
Jesteśmy na południu Stanów Zjednoczonych, gdzie Polacy byli obecni niemal od samego początku historii USA. Na czele naszej podróży stoi jeden z największych amerykańskich bohaterów, Kazimierz Pułaski – polski generał, który nie tyko walczył o wolność Amerykanów, ale zrobił to tak skutecznie, że... zginął dwa razy. Pamięć o nim jest wciąż żywa, a w…
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Step into a world where feminine intelligence becomes your superpower. This episode of The Multi-Passionate Pathway features Eva Simone—the #1 momentum expert in feminine intelligence—in a conversation that will revolutionize how you harness your innate feminine energy. From childhood trauma to transformational success, Eva doesn't just share her s…
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Summary In this engaging conversation, David Osborne and Geoffrey Sandler explore the multifaceted world of event entertainment, entrepreneurship, and nonprofit partnerships. Geoffrey shares his journey from a club DJ to the owner of Celebrations Entertainment, a successful event production company. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing oppor…
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Send us a text Episode 14: This month Bret and Dave discuss latest trips, some fishing news, and the "Carp Ladder" fishing contest first 4 baits are announced. we can be found at the link to the carp ladder is under contests on our webpage. and on instagram: @if_it_swims all…
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Ever wondered why it's easier to buy a multimillion-dollar apartment complex 🏢 than a single-family rental? We'll reveal the strategy that enabled us to purchase massive properties without personal capital. Join us to uncover how to move from small-scale dealings to commanding large developments effortlessly. 🙌 … We partner with entrepreneurs & fou…
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Shanth Fernando is a Sri Lankan entrepreneur and chairman of the Paradise Road group of companies, which includes the Paradise Road homeware stores, The Gallery Café, and the TIntagel boutique hotel. The Paradise Road Stores feature homeware, serveware, décor, objets d’art, souvenirs and more. All products are curated and designed by Shanth Fernand…
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“I think one of the reasons I wanted to be a multi-hyphenate and wear all the hats in SUFFS was to hopefully, if I could, inspire others to show, specially young women,that’s an avenue available to us as well… and the multi-hyphenate male artist is sort of a moniker that goes unquestioned.” On this episode of Dear Multi-Hyphenate, we have one of Br…
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In der neuen Folge sprechen Karin Kneissl und Flavio von Witzleben über die jüngsten geopolitischen Entwicklungen: von der möglichen Wiederbewaffnung Europas über die aufsehenerregende Rede Emmanuel Macrons bis hin zum diplomatischen Eklat zwischen Trump und Selenskyj im Weißen Haus. Zudem werfen sie einen Blick auf die aktuellen Friedensverhandlun…
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Storytime with Nolan Cassidy and Connor Crais. Bonus episode! In honor of St. Patrick’s Day month, Kayley wrote a retelling of Red Riding Hood for Nolan, and growly Audie Award-winning narrator Connor Crais reads it for us in an Irish accent. A Very Vegas St. Patrick's Day is available on Audible on its own, or in the first Very Holiday Series box …
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Derek Logsdon is a church planter and pastor at Jennings Creek Community Church in Bowling Green, KY. You will love hearing the story of Jennings Creek, the importance of being sent and supported in church planting, why we are called to plant churches, and the celebrations of God at work in the Jennings Creek area of Bowling Green!…
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In this episode of Multiple Perspectives, guest host Daniel Brereton sits down with Daniel Holmlund, founder of the Alternative Investing Club, to explore his transition from Intel tech leader to real estate investor. They discuss the rise of alternative investments, the impact of AI on investing, and key lessons from Holmlund’s journey. From risk …
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Have you ever wondered why some people make millions seemingly effortlessly, while others grind daily and barely make ends meet? Discover the powerful principle the wealthy know about making money without hard labor. 🙌 Learn the true secrets of financial freedom and how to apply them to your life for astonishing results. … We partner with entrepren…
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As the world blows up, again, Andrew Collingwood has a dread cold. Gavin Haynes fills in as best he can, with a soft Newcastle brogue. We cover everything - from the rumble in the White House to the cultural amnesia coming up the pike. *** You can get paywalled episodes of Multipolarity on Patreon. It's cheap a…
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Deirdre Van Nest teaches entrepreneurs and subject matter experts how to become high-performance, high-impact speakers, storytellers, and content creators so they can increase not only their income, but their influence and their impact on the lives of others. In this episode, Deirdre shares how she’s found business success and happiness in helping …
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Desarrollar la capacidad de redactar informes claros, concisos y visualmente atractivos es fundamental en el día a día de muchos trabajos. Microsoft Word, la herramienta de procesamiento de texto más utilizada, ofrece un amplio abanico de funcionalidades para crear documentos profesionales. En este seminario se planteará un supuesto práctico y se g…
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Discover how epigenetic research is transforming multiple sclerosis treatment by uncovering the role of DNA methylation, gene regulation, and potential new therapies for MS progression. You can read through all questions and answers on my blog: Have you ever wondered how epigenetic mechanisms influence multiple …
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Ever thought about how property taxes might keep you from truly owning your home 🏠? Discover the hidden "rent" you pay on your property forever, even after the mortgage is gone. We dive into the shocking realities of the property tax system, revealing its deep flaws and impact on homeowners. ✨ … We partner with entrepreneurs & founders who have a p…
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We try to process one week post-election. To submit an email to the podcast: Content Note: Content on this website and in the podcasts is assumed to be trauma and/or dissociative related due to the nature of what is being shared here in general. Content descriptors are generally given in each episode. Specific trigger warnings…
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MS-Patientin Caroline, bekannt von FrauenPowerTrotzMS, schreibt selbst und ist ein sehr aktives Mitglied der MS-Community. Du kannst das zusammengefasste Update und Intervie auf meinem Blog Nachlesen: Vielleicht erinnerst du dich noch an mein Interview mit MS-Pa…
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Verpackungen, Stoffreste und Alltagsmüll begleiten uns jeden Tag ¬¬– und landen dann ziemlich schnell im Abfalleimer. In der Materialsammlung des krimZkrams Halle bekommen gespendete Reste noch eine zweite Chance als kreative Ressource für Upcycling-Projekte. Vor Ort werden Workshops angeboten, in denen aus Müll nützliche Dinge hergestellt werden u…
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In der aktuellen Folge sprechen wir über die neuesten geopolitischen Entwicklungen. Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron traf in Washington auf Donald Trump – beide Staatschefs sehen die Möglichkeit eines Waffenstillstands in der Ukraine in greifbarer Nähe. Gleichzeitig sorgt eine UN-Resolution für Aufsehen, in der Russland nicht als Aggressor bez…
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Es sind kalte Wintertage, doch die politischen Zeiten sind heiß. In den vergangenen sieben Tagen ging es drunter und drüber: In Riad verhandeln Russland und die USA über eine diplomatische Lösung des Ukraine-Konflikts – ohne europäische Beteiligung. In Deutschland stehen richtungsweisende Bundestagswahlen an, und Donald Trump sorgt mit seiner schar…
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Wciąż pozostajemy za oceanem, a zgodnie z obietnicą tym razem przenosimy się do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Granicę przekraczamy płynnie – śladem Mohawków i Pierwszych Narodów. Nasza opowieść zaczyna się od Esther Deer, znanej jako Princess White Deer – gwiazdy złotej ery Broadwayu, której wizerunek na długie lata ukształtował wyobrażenia kultury masowej…
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In Germany, there’s been an election. And The Reichstag is on fire - with a new cohort of AfD members . Will Keiser Merz see this as his opportunity to seize total control? After all, on Saturday, the incoming Chancellor decided that Germany can quote go it alone. Whatever that means. Is the real threat to European democracy about to come from besi…
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Join host Darcie Cameron in a c solo episode of The Multi-Passionate Pathway Podcast, where she explores her deep connection with poetry and the profound journey of writing her personal narrative. Discover how poetry serves as a conduit to capture the emotional essence of complex experiences and how moments of stillness ignite her creative process.…
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Avowed, Unavowed, these game developers need to make up their minds! This week we talk Avowed, Elder Scrolls VI, the console wars, Dune: Awakening, James Bond being handed over to Amazon and more! Wanna be in Elder Scrolls VI? - The console wars are over -…
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We give an update on therapy after sharing our symposium artwork in session. To submit an email to the podcast: Content Note: Content on this website and in the podcasts is assumed to be trauma and/or dissociative related due to the nature of what is being shared here in general. Content descriptors are generally given in each…
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In drei Projekttagen haben die Teilnehmenden des Joblinge-Programms ein Hörspiel produziert. Gemeinsam wurden Figuren, eine passende Geschichte und ein Hörspiel-Skript entwickelt – unterstützt durch generative KI. Entstanden ist ein Krimi, der in einem abgelegenen Dorf spielt und mit dem Mord an einem mystischen Baum beginnt. Verdächtig sind zunäch…
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Welcome to Living Well with MS, the podcast that helps you make informed choices to support your health and wellbeing with MS. This week we delve into stress management and mental health with insights from Overcoming MS facilitators Yasmin Neves and Dr Phil Startin. They are joined by community members Melanie Lown and Bill Morgan, who share their …
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En este episodio exploramos el poder de la intención como motor clave para transformar tu vida y superar el victimismo. A través de una reflexión profunda, entendemos que no se trata solo de lo que haces, sino de desde dónde lo haces. Aprenderás a identificar cómo tus acciones y decisiones pueden estar influenciadas por creencias limitantes, y cómo…
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In this episode, David Osborne discusses the importance of habit formation and personal development for achieving business success. He shares insights from his conversation with Todd Powers, emphasizing the transition from being a 'rock star' to a 'coach' in one's career. The episode outlines a four-part framework for establishing new habits: 1. sp…
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MS patients especially women are at higher risk of ewxperiencing domestic violence and abuse. Awareness is key followed to create change. You can read through the questions and answers on my blog: Domestic violence and abuse (DVA) is a silent crisis affecting millions worldwide – but what happens when a chronic il…
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Neste episódio do podcast “Sou Múltipla ”, Cris Ferreira fala sobre “Seja Feminina e Carinhosa: Libertação ou Outra Face da Violência Contra a Mulher? - SOU MÚLTIPLA #059”. O podcast foi ao ar pela Rádio Cloud Coaching. A Rádio Cloud Coaching faz parte da Cloud Coaching®, a mais bem conceituada Plataforma de Conteúdo de Desenvolvimento Humano, Pess…
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Not only do we desire to launch new disciple-making movements, but those who dare to multiply work to see an expression of movemental Christianity in their unique contexts. Today on the podcast we have Rich Robinson, co-founder of the Movement Leaders Collective, and author of the book All Change. He and Cynthia discuss how to bring about change in…
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Curious about how Wall Street raises billions without an IPO? 🤓🤓In this episode, we break down three main ways experts raise capital and share how these tactics can revolutionize your capital raising strategy, especially if you're in the multifamily real estate game. Discover crucial insights from the secretive Wall Street playbook that could trans…
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We share about symposium recovery - and progress! To submit an email to the podcast: Content Note: Content on this website and in the podcasts is assumed to be trauma and/or dissociative related due to the nature of what is being shared here in general. Content descriptors are generally given in each episode. Specific trigger …
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Erhalte Einblicke in die MS-Reha am Quellenhof, wie mit individuellen Therapien die Lebensqualität bei MS nachhaltig verbessert werden kann. Hier findest du alle Fragen und Antworten zum Nachlesen: Willkommen zu einem exklusiven Einblick in die MS-Rehabilitation am Quellenhof! In diesem Beitrag erzählt Dr. M…
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