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Season 5 of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke’s Building Up the Nerve podcast helps you strengthen your science communication skills with tools and advice to use throughout your career. We know that navigating your career can be daunting, but we're here to help—it's our job!
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We are physicians who practice pain management and physical medicine and rehabilitation, and believe that the main goal of practice is to improve the quality of life of our patients and communities. We will dive deep into the world of modern pain management to help healthcare providers and consumers understand various diagnoses, treatment options, and the changing landscape of pain management. This podcast is meant for educational and entertainment purposes only, and is not medical advice.
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Britta Kimpel | Der Podcast über Embodiment, das Nervensystem & Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
Britta Kimpel
Der Podcast über Embodiment, das Nervensystem und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung von und mit Britta Kimpel, Diplom-Psychologin & Expertin für NeuroEmbodiment®. Lass dich jeden Dienstag von den verschiedenen Episoden inspirieren und erhalte Tipps & Anregungen dazu, wie du die Beziehung zu dir selbst wieder stärken kannst. Denn nur wenn du wirklich mit dir und deinem Körper verbunden bist, kannst du ein authentisches und erfülltes Leben (und Business) erschaffen. Übrigens: In den letzten Jahren wu ...
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Lord Blood-Rah, host of the syndicated TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old time radio horror. Set in the theatre of the mind on the stage of your imagination, Lord Blood-Rah presents tales of terror, awe and the uncanny. Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Auditorium is made possible by the generous supporters of patreon.com/lordbl ...
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‘’She’s Got Nerve’’ was created to assist women in leadership positions and those who aspire to lead in the future. The podcast explores themes first examined in the hosts’, Martha Piper and Indira Samarasekera, book titled “Nerve: Lessons on leadership from two women who went first.” The topics explored in this podcast include differences between the leadership styles of women and men, leading with grit and grace and how to achieve balance (if there even is such a thing!) This podcast is fo ...
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Is there something you wish you had the “nerve” to do? Master Certified Life Coach & Bestselling Author Susan Hyatt helps her compelling guests to conquer their fears, upgrade their mindset, and get the “nerve” to go after whatever they want. Whether it’s writing a book, leaving a day job, speaking on stage, setting boundaries with difficult people, building a dream business, or a different goal, Susan uses proven Life Coaching tools & techniques to help her guests become unstoppable. If you ...
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Podcast by Cinemedical
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No Nerve Gets Some Nerve
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Podcast by Coach Cody
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Husband and wife team, Greg and Amanda discuss married life, parenting, and everything that gets on their nerves. New episode every Saturday!
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Lit Nerves Radio is a conversation about public affairs hosted by Will Madaus.
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Basic Anatomy Facial nerve for Final FRCA revision. Pauses for you to recollect answer before they are given.
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Sciatic nerve pain Cover art photo provided by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@pawel_czerwinski
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Podcast by Death Nerve Podcast
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This is The Nerve! Hosted by GCamz & Razor Ralf. Where we talk about anything and everything that comes to mind. Our own views on hot button topics in society and culture with our own comedic twist.
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Matt and Courtney are your hosts, talking to death about one of their most beloved shows "American Horror Story".
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Nerve Rush FM: Extreme Athletes, Sports, Training and Travel
Nerve Rush FM: Extreme Athletes, Sports, Training and Travel
Be Extreme
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Welcome to Getting On My Nerves Podcast! Sophie Ward and Angie Sudduth Walsh co-host a chronic illness podcast dedicated to talking about topics that most won’t discuss while living with a chronic illness. Sophie and Angie have both been sick half of their lives with Lyme Disease. Getting On My Nerves is a part of Nerve Of Mind that is a non profit dedicated to raising awareness and funds to grant directly to chronic illness sufferers worldwide. Sophie and Angie are passionate about helping ...
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Twitch of the Death Nerve is a cult movie podcast from Charles Perks and Samm Deighan. Each episode presents a deep dive into a different film with wide-ranging discussions touching on culture, genre, and the history of psychotronic cinema.
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Each episode of 'The Wandering Nerve' will aim to serve as a reminder that humanity is only limited by the acceptance of the notion that we have limitations. After all, imagine where we would be in the world today if everyone in history allowed The Peanut Gallery to dictate humanity’s progress. thewanderingnerve.substack.com
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Tone Sabro er en sjeldent åpen, direkte og ærlig stemme i podcastverdenen. I sin podcast NERVE deler hun av sine erfaringer fra sitt liv med psykisk sykdom, både oppturer og nedturer. Hennes evne til å sette ord på tanker og følelser gjør at fagpersoner stopper opp og lytter, samtidig som hun er en sterk stemme for andre med sammenfallende opplevelser. Ikke minst skaper hun et vindu inn i en verden uten fordommer og tabuer som er fremmed for mange, og på den måten bidrar hun til å skape fors ...
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Hello. This is the podcast of our first three hour practice show for the Nerve* FM broadcast. If you want to hear more from us, tune in to 87.7 if you're in the Bournemouth area (if not you can listen live here: http://www.nervemedia.org.uk/listento...) from 7-10am Monday to Friday from the 19th of until the 30th of March.
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Welcome to the Soul, Heart, Nerve, & Sinew (SHNS) podcast, hosted by Kirk. SHNS is a podcast focused on building SHNS as a lifestyle brand. The SHNS lifestyle represents cultivating awareness of direction and calling (Soul), building emotional clarity and regulation (Heart), developing a reflective and adaptive mindset (Nerve), and deepening relationships with the self and others (Sinew). Episodes entail sharing info from recently completed books, and giving the best advice I learned from th ...
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Hello Guys, This is KaviKumar Sumit's Official podcast. Here You will be listening various interesting episodes which will flow many feelings, So I'll be trying to tell you with my deep research with many type of people. You will laugh or fortunately i may motivate you. Hahaha, meet me at my episodes. Bye bye...😃💐😜 website : kavikumarsumit.online mail me your story : kavikumarsumit@gmail.com OR instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kavikumarsumit facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kavikumarsu ...
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Conversations about culture between international professionals. Each episode one Lithuanian expert sits down for a virtual talk with an expert from a foreign country to share their thoughts on what matters most in culture. This podcast is created by LRT RADIO together with the network of Lithuania‘s culture attaches. Aktualūs kultūros pasaulio klausimai, nepaisantys valstybių sienų ribų. Kiekviename epizode Lietuvos ekspertė/as virtualiam pokalbiui susitinka su panašios srities profesionalu ...
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MY LAST NERVE is a podcast about two thirty something’s journey on navigating through life as a married couple with children. Host LaShune and Chason Edmond are passionate about family, music, and the changing social climate around them. The view of the podcast is to shed light on some taboo topics, learn interesting things, and leave listeners with a thought provoking message. The show will cover topics such as relationship dynamics, parenting, alternatives to the 9-5, sustainability, activ ...
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Papa, Kevin hat gesagt ... – Pastewka am Rande des Nervenzusammenbruchs!
Regine Ahrem, Samir Nasr und Tom Peuckert
Nun sind alle drei Staffeln der erfolgreichen Comedy-Serie mit Bastian Pastewka online! Ob mit 9 oder 11 oder 13 Jahren - in jeder Staffel konfrontiert Greta ihren Vater mit Statements aus der prekären Kevin-Welt, die voller Ressentiments und Vorurteile sind. Papa muss sich dagegen natürlich aufs Schärfste abgrenzen. Zu dumm nur, dass es Greta immer wieder gelingt, den eigenen Vater durch ihr beharrliches Nachfragen in die Widersprüche seines eigenen Weltbildes zu verwickeln. Von Regine Ahre ...
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The Raw Nerve Show began in August 2010 and is currently hosted by two “Jersey Guys”, Jay and Dom, who have been friends for over 20 years. They leave no stone left unturned when dishing out their aggressive, RAW views on all topics happening around the world. Broadcasting worldwide (via www.therawnerveshow.com and www.spreaker.com) LIVE Saturday's at 9pmET, rounding out about an hour to an hour and a half per episode, they discuss the trending news topics, personal funny life stories, and m ...
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Hey, it’s Susan Hyatt, and welcome back to You’ve Got Nerve! It’s been a few weeks, and I’ve missed you all. In this episode, I'm introducing the Comeback Compass, a five-step framework for building resilience after personal and political setbacks. Get ready to reset, recover, and rise up! For more information and the full show notes visit https://…
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Be Your Best Self with Susan Christoffersen
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In this episode, Martha and Indira speak candidly with Susan Christoffersen who is currently serving as the first woman to be appointed Dean of the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. Susan discusses her own experiences in the position and how she had the ‘nerve’ to get there. Episode Resources The Institute for Gend…
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Tonight we present a tale of the dark woods and an even darker curse. From Dark Fantasy comes the tale "The Demon Tree." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of ol…
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S5E4: Crafting Effective Presentations
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The fifth Season of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke’s Building Up the Nerve podcast, where we help you strengthen your science communication skills with tools and advice to use throughout your career. We know that navigating your career can be daunting, but we're here to help—it's our job! In the fourth episode of the se…
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Pain Medicine’s Identity Crisis and the Future of Training with Dr. Scott Pritzlaff
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Episode Overview:In this episode, Dr. Brian Joves sits down with Dr. Scott Pritzlaff, an esteemed pain management specialist and the residency program director at UC Davis, to tackle some big questions on the current state and future of pain medicine. They dive into Dr. Pritzlaff's recent thought-provoking editorial, "From Pain Medicine to Pain Sur…
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**SPECIAL HALLOWEEN ENCORE EPISODE** "The Death of Halpin Frayser" from The Black Mass
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Tonight for Halloween we present a SPECIAL ENCORE EPISODE of one of the most disturbing and shocking tales we've ever presented. From The Black Mass comes the tale "The Death of Halpin Frayser." Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Auditorium will return with new episodes November 9th. Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wracki…
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Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience with Heather Munroe-Blum
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In this episode, Martha and Indira speak candidly with Heather Munroe-Blum who served as Principal and Vice-Chancellor of McGill University from 2003-2013. Heather discusses her own experiences in the position and how she had the ‘nerve’ to get there. Episode Resources Brown, Brené. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Wa…
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#276 - Balance finden durch ein reguliertes Nervensystem
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Gibt es einen (oder vielleicht sogar mehrere) Lebensbereiche, in denen du gerne mehr Balance finden möchtest und es einfach nicht schaffst? Oder vielleicht gelingt es dir sogar und trotzdem scheint etwas zu fehlen und du fühlst dich nicht erfüllt? Dann wird es Zeit, dir mal genauer anzusehen, was denn eigentlich wirklich aus dem Gleichgewicht gerat…
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Tonight we present a tale of music, a grieving family and horrific murder. From Suspense comes the tale "Fugue in C Minor" starring Vincent Price and Ida Lupino. Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his atten…
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S5E3: Collaborating with Partners in Research
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The fifth Season of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke’s Building Up the Nerve podcast, where we help you strengthen your science communication skills with tools and advice to use throughout your career. We know that navigating your career can be daunting, but we're here to help—it's our job! In the third episode of the sea…
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The Nerve to Fix What's Broken (Fall Fix Up)
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In this episode, I guide you through a fall fix-up to clean up your life, celebrate your wins, and set the stage for bold moves and growth. For more information and the full show notes visit https://susanhyatt.co/0111Bởi Susan Hyatt
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#275 - Digitale Achtsamkeit und das Nervensystem - Ein Interview mit Rini Pegka
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Die Auswirkungen sozialer Medien auf unser Gehirn und Verhalten werden häufig immer noch unterschätzt – und das Thema der digitalen Achtsamkeit war wahrscheinlich noch nie so relevant wie heute. Um genau darüber zu sprechen, habe ich Rini Pegka als Gast in meinen Podcast eingeladen. Rini bringt über 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Marketing mit und ist außer…
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Tonight we present a macabre chiller of the open road and destiny. From Suspense comes the tale "The Hitch Hiker" starring Orson Welles. Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted…
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In this episode, I challenge the rules that limit women based on age and appearance, encouraging you to reclaim your power and embrace your boldness, no matter your age. For more information and the full show notes visit https://susanhyatt.co/0110Bởi Susan Hyatt
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I’m Just So Sorry That You’re Female with Maria Klawe
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In this episode Martha and Indira speak candidly with Maria Klawe, the fifth and first woman president of Harvey Mudd College from 2006 to 2023. Maria discusses her own experiences in the position and how she had the ‘nerve’ to get there. Episode Resources Maria’s acronym - Long Creeks Past Dazzling Waterfalls L - Listen until the full stop C - Con…
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#274 - Wie du anderen (und dir selbst) mehr Sicherheit geben kannst
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Warum können wir uns eigentlich manchen Menschen gegenüber total einfach öffnen und uns so zeigen, wie wir sind? Während wir bei anderen Menschen eher zu machen und verschlossen bleiben? Die Antwort liegt wie so oft im autonomen Nervensystem und darin, wie sicher wir uns mit den jeweiligen Menschen fühlen. Sicherheit ist ein essentielles Gefühl, da…
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Tonight we present one of the most frightening tales ever aired. From Suspense comes the tale "Three Skeleton Key" starring Vincent Price. Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunt…
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The fifth Season of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke’s Building Up the Nerve podcast, where we help you strengthen your science communication skills with tools and advice to use throughout your career. We know that navigating your career can be daunting, but we're here to help—it's our job! In the second episode of the se…
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#273 - Wie die Arbeit mit dem Nervensystem langfristig wirkt - NESC Mentorinnen im Interview
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In dieser Podcast-Episode sprechen die Mentorinnen der NESC Ausbildung über die langfristigen Effekte der Nervensystemarbeit und wie diese ihr Leben auch nach Abschluss der Ausbildung weiterhin positiv beeinflusst. Schon während der Ausbildung erleben viele Teilnehmer:innen tiefgreifende Veränderungen, doch die größten Fortschritte zeigen sich oft …
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Tonight we present a tale of a woman haunted. From Suspense comes the tale "The Yellow Wallpaper." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old time radio horror. S…
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Learn how to follow your "Yes crumbs" and tune out negativity in this You've Got Nerve episode with Susan Hyatt. Conquer your fears, pursue your dreams, and find your supportive tribe. For more info and the full show notes visit https://susanhyatt.co/0109Bởi Susan Hyatt
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#272 - Warum somatische Übungen das Nervensystem nicht automatisch regulieren
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Somatische Übungen sind voll im Trend und scheinen uns gerade überall angepriesen zu werden. Und das vollkommen zu Recht! Denn sie sind eine fantastische Möglichkeit, die Körper-Geist-Verbindung zu stärken, das Nervensystem zu regulieren, das emotionale Gleichgewicht zu fördern und die Intuition zu verbessern. Doch nur, weil uns etwas als somatisch…
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Be True To Yourself with Shirley Tilghman
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In this episode, Martha and Indira speak candidly with Shirley Tilghman who was the first woman to serve as president of Princeton University from 2001-2013. Shirley discusses her own experiences in the position and how she had the ‘nerve’ to get there. Episode Resources Haslam, N. (2016). Bell-Shaped Distribution of Personality Traits. In Zeigler-…
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“Building Up the Nerve” to Develop an Effective Career Roadmap - Live at Neuroscience 2024!
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Are you attending the Society for Neuroscience's Annual Meeting Neuroscience 2024? If you are, join us for our 2nd annual live episode of Building Up the Nerve in the form of a professional development workshop. "Building Up the Nerve" to Develop an Effective Career Roadmap will take place Monday, October 7, 2024, from 12:00 to 2:00 PM CT at the Mc…
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Leading and Growing as a Physician with Dr. Richard Winters
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In this episode of the Spine & Nerve podcast, Dr. Brian Joves sits down with Dr. Richard Winters, an emergency physician, leadership coach, and author, to discuss leadership, coaching, and the unique challenges physicians face as they transition into leadership roles. Whether you're early in your career or a seasoned physician looking to expand you…
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"Adam and the Darkest Day" from Quiet, Please
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Tonight we present a tale of hope in the midst of ultimate disaster. From Quiet, Please comes the tale "Adam and the Darkest Day." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted lands…
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S5E1: Composing Scientific Narratives
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The fifth Season of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke’s Building Up the Nerve podcast, where we help you strengthen your science communication skills with tools and advice to use throughout your career. We know that navigating your career can be daunting, but we're here to help—it's our job! In the first episode of the sea…
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The Nerve to Take a Break Ft Katrina McGhee
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Today I chat with Katrina McGhee about how to plan a career break without sacrificing your career. Learn about overcoming burnout, saving for a break, and why it's an investment in your future. For more information and the full show notes visit https://susanhyatt.co/0108Bởi Susan Hyatt
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#271 - Wie du mit Embodiment & Nervensystem-Arbeit Trigger auflösen kannst
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Fühlst du dich in alltäglichen Situationen immer wieder getriggert und fragst dich, warum das so ist und wie du diese Trigger auflösen kannst? Trigger sind schnelle Reaktionen des Nervensystems auf vermeintliche Gefahren, oft ausgelöst durch etwas, das uns tief in unserem Inneren berührt. Es ist wichtig zu verstehen, dass diese Trigger wertvolle Si…
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"The House of Purple Shadows" from The Hermit's Cave
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Tonight we present the chilling tale of a man who simply slips away. From The Hermit's Cave comes the tale "The House of Purple Shadows." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunte…
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Unpacking Ambulatory Surgery Centers: Is an ASC the Right Move for Your Pain Medicine Practice?
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The Pros and Cons of Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) vs. Office-Based Procedure SuitesWelcome back to another insightful episode! Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that’s been on the minds of many healthcare providers: the differences between Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) and office-based procedure suites. Joining us is Teri Yates, an exp…
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The Nerve to Reignite Your Creativity Ft. Susie DeVille
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In this episode, Susie DeVille, CEO of the Innovation & Creativity Institute, shares how she transformed her life after the 2008 market crash. Susie introduces her Five M’s—morning pages, movement, meditation, moments of inspired learning, and making something—as daily practices that helped her rebuild from burnout, health crises, and personal chal…
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#270 - Warum ein reguliertes Nervensystem kein dauerhaft entspanntes Nervensystem ist
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Immer wieder bekomme ich mit, dass einige Menschen ein reguliertes Nervensystem für ein dauerhaft entspanntes Nervensystem halten. Und diesem Zustand der Dauer-Entspannung dann auch nachjagen. Das hat die Folge, dass sie sich über sich selbst ärgern, wann immer sie eben nicht entspannt sind. Und am Ende ärgern sie sich noch über ihren Ärger. Doch g…
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"The Castle of La Voca" from The Hall of Fantasy
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Tonight we present a haunting tale of a dark castle and it's deadly secret. From The Hall of Fantasy comes the tale "The Castle of La Voca." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, hau…
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Welcome to Season 5 of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke’s Building Up the Nerve podcast, where we help you strengthen your science communication skills with tools and advice to use throughout your career. We know that navigating your career can be daunting, but we're here to help—it's our job! Transcript available at http…
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#269 - BEST OF - Grenzen setzen und welche Rolle das Nervensystem dabei spielt
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Diese BEST OF - Episode ist ursprünglich vom 9. Mai 2023 und es geht darum, warum es maßgeblich von deinem Nervensystem abhängt, ob du klar Grenzen setzen kannst. Außerdem verrate ich, was es braucht, um dich besser abgrenzen zu können. Grenzen setzen: Wie schwer oder leicht fällt dir das? Erlebst du es immer wieder, dass du deine Grenzen überschre…
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"Dr. Grimshaw's Sanitorium" from Dimension X
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Tonight a private detective stumbles into the wrong case and finds horror and death. From Dimension Xcomes the tale "Dr. Grimshaw's Sanitorium." **This episode contains outdated and derogatory terminology common for the 1950s** Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and W…
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The Nerve to Break Barriers Ft. Mona Das
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Join me as I talk with former Senator Mona Das about her groundbreaking journey, flipping a Republican seat, and her upcoming documentary showcasing diverse women in politics. Tune in for leadership and empowerment insights! For more information and the full show notes visit https://susanhyatt.co/0106…
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#268 - Schlaf und das Nervensystem - Ein Interview mit Inga Ahlers
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Wie wichtig guter Schlaf für ein gesundes und glückliches Leben ist, wird von den meisten unterschätzt. Und genau deshalb spreche ich mit Inga Ahlers in dieser Episode über Schlaf und das Nervensystem. Inga ist Schlafcoach für Kinder und Erwachsene, Ernährungsberaterin und Expertin für Stressprävention. Außerdem ist sie Gründerin und Leiterin der I…
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"The Queen of Spades" from Mystery in the Air
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Tonight a desperate gambler needs to learn the secret of winning. From Mystery in the Air comes the tale "The Queen of Spades" starring Peter Lorre. Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the v…
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The Nerve to Believe that Your Potential is Bigger than Your Problem
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In this episode, I discusses authenticity, self-care, and the power of commitment - sharing insights on the invisible workload, finding restorative environments, and the importance of deciding whether you’re truly committed to your goals. For more information and the full show notes visit https://susanhyatt.co/0105…
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