Podcast for Oak City Church
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Oak City Church
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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HeavenBởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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*Due to technical difficulties the beginning of the message has been cut out, please visit our YouTube channel for the complete service.Bởi Oak City Church
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Desiring God above all elseBởi John Fooshee
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Pathway to a satisfied soulBởi Oak City Church
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Oak City Church
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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IntroductionBởi Jeff Ramsey
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A conversation with "Mama" Pat Attix.Bởi Oak City Church
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Warning: This conversation includes topics that may not be suitable for young listeners.Bởi Oak City Church
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Bởi Oak City Church
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Bởi Oak City Church
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Bởi Oak City Church
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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We don't see power the same way God sees power, and it took a far stronger power to keep Jesus on the cross than it did for him to call down a legion of angels.Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi John Fooshee
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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The bible requires discernment when we read it, but we can and should trust is as the word that God wants us to have.Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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The crowds were a big part of Jesus' story and they are a big part of our stories as well.Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Your Heavenly Father reparents you with grace.Bởi John Fooshee
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Oak City Church
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Mother of JesusBởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Oak City Church
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Abraham's response to Sarah's death shows just how far he has comeBởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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The disciples 'disbelieved for joy' when the resurrected Jesus showed up among them.Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit - Jesus has known his 'hour' has been coming; how does he respond once it is here?Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Bởi Jeff Ramsey
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Lot is a case study for the reality that actions have consequence and that character is built one decision at a time.Bởi Oak City Church
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What does Abraham's interaction with God say about how we should view justice, and about how God views us?Bởi Oak City Church
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As the wait gets longer, hoping gets harder; We know it, and God knows it tooBởi Jeff Ramsey
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Jesus Hasn't Given Up On YouBởi Jeff Ramsey
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