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CRASH – La chiave per il digitale

Andrea Daniele Signorelli & VOIS

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Intelligenza artificiale e deep learning, realtà virtuale, social network, bitcoin e criptovalute, capitalismo della sorveglianza: le nuove tecnologie digitali stanno cambiando il mondo in cui viviamo a velocità sempre crescente, lasciandoci spesso pieni di domande senza risposta. Ogni settimana faremo chiarezza e approfondiremo i temi più inquietanti e affascinanti del mondo digitale, cercando di capire qual è il futuro che ci attende. Sono Andrea Daniele Signorelli, da anni racconto i risc ...
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All Personalization

All Personalization

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All Personalization is an e-commerce website focused on personalized party products. Come check out our personalized cardboard cut out custom-made from your photo is perfect for every occasion. https://www.allpersonalization.com
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Persona Diário | P3R

Galinha Viajante

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Persona Diário é um podcast com episódios todos os dias, acompanhando o calendário de Persona 3 Reload. Viva junto com a gente o dia-a-dia desse RPG incrível, e ouça as análises, comentários e histórias de Leon Cleveland e Samuel R. Auras sobre a mitologia, a filosofia, o gameplay, as músicas, as simbologias e os personagens apaixonantes. Uma produção Galinha Viajante.
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Personalidad Magnética Radio

Personalidad Magnética

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Seducción, imagen, sexo, amor, desarrollo personal y todo lo que siempre has querido saber para generar la personalidad de tus sueños. En Personalidad Magnética buscamos acompañarte en encontrar tu mejor y más seductora versión para que mejores tus relaciones con la gente a tu alrededor, la pareja que deseas y sobretodo contigo mismo.
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Get lost in someone else’s life. From a mysterious childhood spent on the run, to a courageous escape from domestic violence, each season of Personally invites you to explore the human experience in all its complexity, one story — or season — at a time. Hear episodes early and ad-free on CBC Stories Premium on Apple Podcasts. Season 1 | Run, Hide, Repeat: a story of a childhood spent on the run. Season 2 | Welcome to Paradise: a courageous escape from domestic violence. Season 3 | Short Sigh ...
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Il nuovo servizio di rassegna stampa audio di www.winenews.tv, curato dal giornalista Federico Pizzinelli, presenta, da lunedi al sabato, in modo semplice, essenziale e completo, una sintesi dei pi interessanti articoli sul mondo del vino.
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Comunicare per essere®, la comunicazione valoriale che ti permette di manifestarti, di essere, di relazionarti, seguendo sempre i massimi valori che ispirano la tua vita. Un approccio dialogico, relazionale, generativo, applicato alla vita quotidiana, che accompagna e sostiene la tua evoluzione e la strada della massima espressione di te. Pensare bene per vivere bene. Agire bene per creare valore. Fare le scelte giuste, capire quali siano, impegnarti per raggiungerle. Come dare il meglio di ...
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Beats per minut

Catalunya Rdio

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Amb scar Broc. Dissabte, de 22.00 a 23.00. Msiques electrniques per a tots els pblics. El msics que triomfen a les xarxes, el so negre ms urb, l'escena local, els dj's, els festivals...
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Personality Psychology Podcast


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This is a show on the science of how people are different from one another, where these differences come from, how they develop, and why they matter. The podcast’s hosts are Lisanne de Moor, PhD, René Mõttus, PhD, and Rebekka Weidmann, PhD, three personality researchers. It is a collaboration of the European Journal of Personality and the European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP), and sponsored by EAPP. www.personalitypsychologypodcast.com
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李拾壹學長+Per老師 兩個搬到台北的香港人 分享你(以為)你不需要知道的生活小事 如果 you don't wanna sleep at all 不要滑手機了 聽這個吧! 2021年到了嗎? 甚麼?差不多過了一半? 由小強到米奇把我們從舊家迫遷 到終於找到(暫時)最理想的家園 今集跟大家好好交代一下!!!!! ______________ Patreon 支持我們 /成為乾爹 / 收聽自己限定Podcast https://www.patreon.com/subyub -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Why is personal finance so complicated? Even worse, the Internet is full of personal finance “experts” providing short-sighted, error-prone, and outright bad financial advice. Jesse Cramer has a knack for using everyday experiences to make personal finance accessible for the average investor. His extensive research coupled with skilled narrative makes personal finance actually enjoyable. By day, Jesse works for a fiduciary wealth management firm in Rochester, NY. By night, he runs The Best I ...
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A podcast about the collapse of traditional corporate standards in today’s more personalized world. Leadership strategist, author, contributor to Forbes and founder of the Leadership in the Age of Personalization Movement, Glenn Llopis interviews executives across multiple sectors to find out how the balance between standardization and personalization can exist.
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PER Spectives

PER® Spectives

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Physicians' Education Resource® (PER®) is committed to advancing patient care through professional education. This podcast is a natural extension of PER®'s efforts to provide medical education for health care providers to stay up to date with advances in medical care, from diagnosis through treatment, with the ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes. Visit http://www.gotoper.com for more information.
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Join Jonathon Dornbush and Tom Marks on their podcast Take Your Time, a series in which the duo plays the Persona franchise over an extremely long period of time. Currently, the two are playing through Persona 3 Reload week by week along with the in-game calendar. This feed also includes our full Persona 5 Royal and Persona 5 Strikers playthroughs.
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Bienvenido al podcast de Value School, un proyecto educativo y de divulgación con el que aprenderás a ahorrar y a invertir de forma reflexiva e informada. Visita www.valueschool.es para acceder a todos nuestros recursos gratuitos e informarte sobre nuestros cursos y conferencias sobre finanzas personales y value investing. Descubre los principios de las finanzas personales responsables y conviértete en un inversor consciente.
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Una buena historia puede cambiar tu vida. Cada semana, te traemos una entrevista exclusiva con un mentor latinoamericano destacado. A través de sus historias personales, descubrirás cómo lideran sus respectivas industrias, compartiendo sus éxitos, errores, estrategias y experiencias que los han llevado al éxito personal y profesional.
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Hildegunn Moltubakk er ei fråskilt trebarnsmor frå Ulsteinvik på Sunnmøre. Ho ringe (eks-)svogeren sin, Leif-Per - for å lufte både frustrasjon og rare idear. Men nokon avlyttar samtalane og gir dei ut som podcast... Vil du støtte denne podkasten? VIPPS eit valfritt bidrag til #604810. Hildegunn & Leif-Per gjer comeback på norske underhaldningsscener - premiere i Ålesund 26. september! Sjekk turnélista og kjøp billettar på www.zenario.no Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more inform ...
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January-only special: Get a free one-month trial of OLD+ to remove ads! Join award-winning audiobook narrator Justin Malik in this personal growth accelerator, delivering bite-sized episodes each day that are rich with wisdom and practical advice. Optimal Living Daily features a carefully selected mix of articles from some of the most influential voices in self-help, covering topics like minimalism, productivity, mental health, and personal development. Each episode is thoughtfully narrated ...
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Conversazioni inclinate tra la Terra e Marte. Con Alexandra Nistor e l'Alieno Gentile, si parla di economia con un linguaggio chiaro e senza tecnicismi perché l'economia è di tutti. Newsletter del podcast disponibile qui: https://tinyletter.com/PianoInclinato Newsletter di Alieno Gentile: https://alienogentile.substack.com/ il nostro sito: http://www.pianoinclinato.it email: redazione@pianoinclinato.it
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Is it okay to ask your coworker how much they make? Is Gen Z set up for failure in the workplace? Should you really bring your whole self to work? Each week on Per My Last Email, Morning Brew's resident career experts Kaila and Kyle—whose careers have collectively spanned the corporate, government, nonprofit, and startup sectors—debate the trickiest challenges in work life, and share tactics on how to overcome them.
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It's Personal Finance Canada

Christine Conway, Cameron Conway

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Helping you understand , budgeting, investing, insurance and all things personal finance from a uniquely Canadian perspective. Featuring Christine Conway, a Certified Financial Planner, author and owner of Braun Financial. Along with her husband Cameron Conway, an author in his own right whose trying to better understand this wide world of personal finance. *This is for entertainment purposes only, please consult a local certified financial planner to assist you in developing your financial ...
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Personality Hacker Podcast

Joel Mark Witt & Antonia Dodge

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Make better decisions based on how your mind works. Personality Hacker teaches you the coding language of your mind and how to use it to create great relationships - a fulfilling career and happiness. Are you born with your personality, or does it develop over time? What is intuition? What's the fastest way to use your natural gifts to improve overall happiness? Join Joel Mark Witt and Antonia Dodge as they discuss small changes in your personality and relationships that have big impact.
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Hablemos de dinero, hablemos de inversión pero desde la perspectiva de las Finanzas Personales, con las personas en el centro y no el dinero. Un podcast que busca ayudar a dejar de sufrir stress por lo material, a usar el dinero como lo que es: una herramienta http://neuronafinanciera.com https://www.instagram.com/neuronafinanciera
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Ready to learn about personalization in marketing? Where first season was based on the book ’Hello $FirstName - Profiting from Personalization’ - Season 2 takes it further to explore the Content Crisis of Personalization - and the roles that the Content Layer (hint: a parallel to the Data Layer but with... well Content) and GenAI play in truly making personalization scale. The book is available in print and kindle and can be bought here: https://amzn.eu/d/7con9Ex (or your local .com, .co.uk, ...
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Per Anhalter durch die Phantastik

Matthias Marienfeld, Michel Kustak

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Per Anhalter durch die Phantastik ist ein Podcast, in dem wir über Rollenspiel, Tabletop, Filme, Serien, Literatur und alle möglichen weiteren Themen der Phantastik berichten. Wir, das sind Matze und Michel. Einmal im Monat werdet ihr von uns eine Folge von etwa einer Stunde zu hören bekommen. Eure Rückmeldungen sind uns willkommen! Musik Intro und Outro: Sons of the North Urheber: Erdenstern (https://www.erdenstern.com/de/) Musik komponiert von Andreas Petersen
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There is no personalized medicine without a diagnostic test to help in the process. The Promise of Personalized Medicine is a podcast that explores the process of creating more personalized medicine and the Medical Directors who ensure that the right care is being delivered to us all. Season 1 will focus on understanding best practices by using the Blueprint of Success format as a template for labs to use when trying to get their novel diagnostic test approved by health plans. This is The Pr ...
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show series
Kva for eit land vil du annektere, hvis du kunne få vere despot for ein dag eller to? Og er du - som dei fleste andre - langt tøffare i trynet når du skal gjenfortelle om di eiga rolla i ei konfrontasjonshistorie, enn det du faktisk var? Hildegunn & Leif-Per er tilbake på norske scener! Publikum og presse jublar! 10.000 selde billettar til no. Sunn…
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(00:37) Massimo Gaggi racconta le devastazioni procurate dai violentissimi incendi che stanno colpendo la città della California. (07:24) Monica Guerzoni riassume i punti principali toccati dalla presidente del Consiglio nell’attesa conferenza stampa davanti a 160 giornalisti. (14:22) Greta Privitera spiega perché il regime degli ayatollah ha decis…
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In this episode, the guys recap GM Chris Grier' & Mike McDaniel's end of year press conference. They close with some draft talk. JOIN US ON OUR @Discord : https://discord.gg/onlyfins STORE: https://onlyfins.printify.me/products Go to UnderdogFantasy.com, sign up with promo code 3YARDS , and Underdog will give you a FREE PICK to use on your first ca…
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L’ansia è molte cose, molti stati interiori, molte sensazioni e molti pensieri. Alcuni tipi di ansia sono forti ed evidenti, altri, sottili e nascosti. Sempre, però, si tratta di uno stato che toglie molte energie alla costruzione positiva della tua vita. A volte, anche in ciò che non fai, si nasconde l’ansia, intesa come paura e remora. Non decidi…
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Book Review: How Not To Die by Dr. Michael Greger How Not To Die By Dr. Michael Greger Amazon Link: https://amzn.to/4fUIx62 Hey folks, I'm Judy Croon. Welcome to another episode of ‘Laugh Long and Prosper’. ‘Laugh Long and Prosper’ is shelf help with a smile, stress busters with a smirk, and information with a wink. You get the point. Don't be shy.…
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Iniziamo l'anno con un riepilogo dei temi attesi e del posizionamento degli investitori per il 2025. Per comprendere l'economia, bisogna comprendere la natura umana. Puoi trovarci su tutte le piattaforme di podcast, inclusa la tua preferita. web: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠http://www.PianoInclinato.it⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ email:…
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Lintreccio tra tecnologia e religione potrebbe sembrare sorprendente: l’ennesimo cortocircuito dei tempi confusi in cui viviamo. Le cose, invece, sono molto diverse. Già dall’antichità, tecnologia e teologia erano molto più legate di quanto si potrebbe immaginare. La faccenda, però, oggi sembra star sfuggendo di mano, rischiando di creare nuove set…
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拾壹每週聽 周邊商品 - 滑板貓 Tee https://formerchildclub.com/zh/collections/weekend-skater-collection _______________________________ 新年快樂! 2025年第一個podcast來了~ 大家有聽過 顯化魔法/ 向宇宙下訂單/吸引力法則/ 心想事成嗎? 好像不同時候就有不同的名字 但是其實我覺得道理也差不多 有些人總是把自己很窮很廢掛在嘴邊 結果他就是很窮和很廢 自從我們沒有再這樣想自己 整個人都變得開心了很多 新一年如果你想作出一些新嘗試 強烈建議你試一試改變自己的心態 _______________________________ Patreon 支持我們 ! 成為乾爹 (媽) 收聽…
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In this episode, Kaila and Kyle discuss the real strategies and steps involved in getting a promotion, from how and when to have the conversation with your boss, to how to get clear for yourself what you really want in the next stage of your career. 00:00 Intro 00:36 Kaila and Kyle’s first promotions 05:38 Kaila and Kyle’s 2025 career goals 07:12 T…
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Where does our DeLorean take us this week? The Nostalgic Latino joins us in our Delorean as we talk about late night commercials, Nickelodeon's Doug but not Disney's Doug, Mr Belvedere, and Hot and Readys. All this and more before heading Back to the Future! 88 Miles Per Hour Podcast: The Podcast that travels Back in Time to revisit the movies & mu…
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Comena el 2025 i arriben els propsits. Un dels ms populars s prometre que anirs al gimns. Per ajudar-te a complir la teva promesa, t'hem preparat una sessi moguda i amb molt ritme ideal perqu puguis fer burpees i abdominals com si fossis una locomotora. Electrnica i esport: sona b, no? 01 Dimitri From Paris i DJ Rocca- "Ero disco theme"02 Lykke Li …
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Devotion to Mary: Levels of Consecration For those that are considering making an act of Consecration to Our Lady, there are normally several questions.What exactly is Consecration vs. Total Consecration? How do the various forms of Consecration relate to each other?In this audio, the Levels of Consecration are described as degrees or steps. Total …
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von Humor und weniger humorvollen Partner*innen Vom Nerdigen und niveauvollen Trashtalk sind wir mit den Themen "Humor" und "Hilfe, meine Partnerin hasst mein Hobby!" beschenkt worden. Hört euch an, was wir dazu zu sagen haben. Wir haben den Drachentöter Podcast dafür mit den Fragen "Filmindustrie, gibt es heute eigentlich noch richtige Meisterwerk…
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If you wanna check out our brand new newsletter, you can do so here: https://friendspersecond.substack.com/ -- Let's meet our hosts! - Jake Baldino (aka the Before You Buy Guy) is pretty much the most watched reviewer on YouTube across both Gameranx and his personal channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/JakeBaldino). If you're obsessed with Delorians,…
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