Rick Warren is an innovative pastor, renowned author, and global influencer.
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John Piper answering tough theological and pastoral questions.
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Abre la Biblia con el Pastor Colin Smith se dedica a proclamar la poderosa Palabra de Dios para ayudarte a encontrar vida en el Señor Jesucristo. Visita nuestro sitio web para acceder a otros recursos para hacer crecer tu fe. http://www.abrelabiblia.org/
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The latest podcast feed searching 'Pastor John MacArthur' on SermonAudio.
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Interviews zu aktuellen Themen, Predigtgespräche, Andachten: Unsere Pastoren Matthias Lohmann und Matthias Mockler geben an dieser Stelle Impulse zu aktuellen Entwicklungen und ewigen Fragen. Du hast Feedback oder Fragen? Kontaktiere uns unter: pastoren-podcast@fegmm.de.
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Rick Warren es un pastor innovador, autor reconocido e influyente global.
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Thoughts from the Word of God to help you in your daily walk with God.
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Midweek Power Nuggets with Apostle TB
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This media site is designed for the pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church to publish sermons, Bible studies, and resources.
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2015年9月スタート、トークバラエティーWEBラジオ「What The Pastors!!」、通称「WTP」。タイトルにあるPastors→牧師がパーソナリティ。 みんなに元気になってもらいたい!をコンセプトに、好きな本や野球、日常のことはもちろん、教会って何?聖書ってどんなこと書いてんの?イエスって信じたらどうなんの?そんなことを一緒に悩んでいく番組。2019年9月からシーズン2(WTP2.0)がスタート。 2020年3月からはパーソナリティ大嶋重徳一人体制になり、毎回ゲスト/月替わりパーソナリティとともに、素のまま、ホンキ・ホンネで語ります。
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Sermons from Mount Zion Baptist Church in Brookhaven, MS. Most are from Bro. Zach Kilpatrick, but occasionally sermons from other staff or guest speakers are available as well.
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Preaching from the Pulpit of Ephraim Church of the Bible
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Pastor Woods' Sunday Morning Program
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The Pastorate Podcast hosts thoughtful conversations with guests who are passionate about the Canadian church. Here to serve Canadian pastors, we dive into topics that speak to the heart, soul, and vision of the pastorate, all the while sharing stories from guests who minister in diverse church contexts.
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Pastor Ray Hadjstylianos is the bible study host of the "More Than Conquerors" Radio Outreach Ministry, broadcasting weekly messages of hope and encouragement on 18 stations nationwide to a potential listening audience of 35 million listeners.
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Um ninguém tentando falar a todos sobre um alguém.
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This podcast is dedicated to iron sharpening iron, current events, and culture trends. You will hear pastors perspectives on a variety of topics including leadership development, evangelism, outreach and so much more.
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In Thrive, Pastor Bigney applies God’s Word to marriage and parenting which will help you turn your surviving into thriving.
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Sermons by Pastor Scamman
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Pastors Podcast with Pastor Banning Liebscher is a podcast for pastors, by pastors. Join us as we talk about some of the biggest issues pastors are facing today, and how we can find Jesus in the midst of it all.
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Sermons by Pastor Chris Blythe
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Hier gibt es alle Predigten und Vorträge von Gunnar Engel.
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NCMI Pastors from around KwaZulu-Natal get together in various hosting churches for an NCMI Connect time.
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Podcasts to refresh the mind through the week.
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Join us each Friday as Pastor Mike tackles hard-hitting questions Christians face in the modern world. Arm yourself for your next challenging conversation by getting relevant, biblical answers on hot topics of the day.
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Mensajes de Fe que impactarán tu diario vivir.
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Jsme evangeličtí faráři. Nápad točit videa jsme dostali v hospodě u piva. Jsme mladí a víra v Boha pro nás hodně znamená. Chceme ukázat, že církev v dnešní době nemusí být zakonzervovaná do minulosti. Chceme mluvit dnešním způsobem o křesťanských tématech, která mají nadčasovou platnost. Věříme, že se u nás lidi pobaví a poznají, že církev je pro všechny!
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The preaching ministry of Ben Simons, pastor of The First Baptist Church of Brownsdale, MN.
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A one hour program that gives a Biblical and pastoral viewpoint on the theological, social and practical issues of the day.
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The Everyday Pastor is a new podcast from TGC on the nuts and bolts of ministry. Hosted by Ligon Duncan, with nearly 20 years of pastoral experience, and Matt Smethurst, who planted a church three years ago, it seeks to model how ministers of different generations, levels of experience, and even denominations can apply God’s never-changing Word in a fast-changing world. Tune in for wisdom, encouragement, and practical insights to help you navigate the trenches of ministry with fortitude and joy.
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Sermons from Pastor Tony Collins at Cornerstone Church in Moulton, Alabama.
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Mensajes De Reflexión Para La Vida
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En podcast om å være pastor. Den handler om ulike sider ved det å være pastor og å jobbe i en menighet, og vi møter forskjellige pastorer på deres hjemmebane og snakker om pastorale emner, som det ikke er så lett å snakke om ellers.
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Bible Reading in the King James Version by Pastor Nathaniel Aaron Johnson
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Join Dave Bruskas and Ryan Williams and they walk through the Pastoral Epistles and provide insight from the perspective of Dave as the "Older Pastor" and Ryan as the "Younger Pastor."
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A podcast where pastors of South Cities Church discuss theology, faith, and current events. Learn more at southcities.church Pastoring Out Loud - Tuesdays. The Recap - Fridays. Intro & Outro Music - "15:00 Guiding Light" by Jonathan Ogden. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2Q1d40J0u4IWGg4oZNPBZ7?si=9QkLkpLcTD2Rqp2OitXSeg Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/jonathan-ogden/1442639197
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Welcome to the weekly podcast of Karuna Sadan Ministries led by Pastor Michael Fernandes. To learn more visit our website at www.karunasadan.com or download the App
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Weekly Message from Pastor Paul, Lead Pastor at First Assembly in Lancaster, PA
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Join Pastors Clint and Michael for their thought-provoking conversations about the Bible and encouragement for how you can become a Christian who thinks deeper and lives out your Christian faith more intentionally.
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God loves you.
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The latest sermons of Fellowship Church in Englewood, FL.
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Welcome to the official podcast of Pastor Samuel Rodriguez. Learn more by visiting our website at https:/pastorsam.com
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This Podcast exists to Glorify God. We will be posting our daily devotionals, as well as some sermon audio. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pastorjoe/support
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Welcome to One Decent Pastor, a weekly podcast of The Door located in Central Oregon, where three completely average guys join forces to make one decent pastor and to discuss, discover and promote all things Bible.
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Temas de interés
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What does Christmas mean to you? Is it all about the traditions? The Family? The presents? Or is it all about Jesus? --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pastorjoe/support
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Lesung aus Hiob 42 (Hoffnung für alle): 1 Da antwortete Hiob: 2 »Herr, ich erkenne, dass du alles zu tun vermagst; nichts und niemand kann deinen Plan vereiteln. 3 Du hast gefragt: ›Wer bist du, dass du meine Weisheit anzweifelst mit Worten ohne Verstand?‹ Ja, es ist wahr: Ich habe von Dingen geredet, die ich nicht begreife, sie sind zu hoch für mi…
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¡Es fácil distraerte espiritualmente! Es posible que hayas comenzado el camino hacia la recuperación, pero has recaído en tus antiguos patrones de dolor, culpa, vergüenza, hábitos, heridas y complejos. Acompaña al pastor Rick mientras nos comparte por qué necesitas hacer de Jesús tu GPS(guía-localizador) para toda la vida: tu punto de enfoque inmut…
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In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how you can focus on the things that God loves so that God can use you more effectively.
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The Danger of Open Doors | खुले दरवाज़ों का ख़तरा
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In this eye-opening video, Pastor Michael Fernandes delves into the importance of guarding our spiritual gates and closing the doors to temptation. 🙏✨ Pastor Michael reveals how open doors in our lives can lead to devastating consequences. He explores the dangers of spiritual vulnerabilities, such as anger, unforgiveness, and the love of money, and…
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Unidos en Propósito | Pastor Alberto Delgado
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Así como el cuerpo tiene muchos miembros trabajando para que el cuerpo funcione. De la misma manera, cada uno de nosotros que somos parte del cuerpo de Cristo, debemos unirnos para el avance del reino de los cielos. Nuestra misión es trabajar en unidad por amor a la obra, por amor a nuestra iglesia, por amor a nuestra casa. ¿Estas listo para unirte…
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Como Manejo El Dinero Refleja Quien Soy
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Tengo sabiduría de Dios para manejar las finanzas, o las finanzas me manejaran a mi.
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Episode 213: 10 Years After Mars Hill with Sutton Turner
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On this episode of the Older Pastor/Younger Pastor Podcast, Dave and Ryan continue their series 10 Years After Mars Hill. On this epsiode they are joined by Sutton Turner.
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What Do Christmas Lights Have To Do with Jesus?
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When days grow shorter and nights grow longer, it's fun to see festive, twinkling lights dotting the landscape at Christmas. But have you ever wondered how we adopted this tradition? Pastor Mike Fabarez discusses the connection between Christmas lights, Jesus and biblical prophecy. Don't miss this holiday edition of Ask Pastor Mike.To support this …
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Bible References: Ephesians 3:15-19, 1 John 4:8-12,19, Matthew 5:44-45, Colossians 3:12-14, 1 Corinthians 5:14-17, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.
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On So-Called ‘Gender Pronoun Hospitality’
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Should Christians show so-called “gender pronoun hospitality”? Pastor John shares practical ways to speak the truth in love with those confused about their sexuality.Bởi John Piper
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Alex Christe preaches the message, "The Deconstruction Of Jesus!" So many religions recognize Jesus, but not His Deity! It's a sad state of affairs.Bởi Alex Christe
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When it comes to the art of delivering sermons, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. But Matt Smethurst and (especially) Ligon Duncan have learned helpful lessons over the years. In this episode of The Everyday Pastor, Matt and Ligon offer practical tips to help pastors reflect on and improve their sermon delivery. Recommended resources: Mark Dev…
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In the Deep After His Breath Becomes Your Life, Get Ready for Unbreakable Abundance!
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Bởi Samuel Rodriguez
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Luke 3:1-6, by Dr. Zach Kilpatrick.Bởi Running Pastor
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Bởi Pastor Chris Blythe
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December 1, 2024 ProgramBởi Pastor Lee Woods
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Divine Service Advent One – December 1, 2024
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Advent One Divine Service, December 1, 2024 at 10:15 AM Link to Live Stream Hymn “The Advent of Our God” LW 12, TLH 68 Order of Divine Service, p.7 The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal Introit (insert), then Kyrie p.10 (Gloria in Excelsis Deo is omitted) Readings: Jeremiah 33:14-18, Romans 13:11-14, St. Matthew 21:1-9 Hymn of the Day: “Savior of t…
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Are you Anxious?Bởi Pastor Tony Collins
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Como ter sabedoria em meio as GUERRAS na IGREJA? | Tiago #8
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Sermão pregado dia 1 de Dezembro de 2024 pelo Pastor Jack na Igreja Vintage.igrejavintage.comVisite nosso Site!Contribua!Siga-nos em nossas plataformas!Descubra novos conteúdos!Bởi Pastor Jack
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The Unfailing Promises of God (Selected Scriptures)
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A new MP3 sermon from Grace to You is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: The Unfailing Promises of God (Selected Scriptures) Speaker: Pastor John MacArthur Broadcaster: Grace to You Event: Sunday Service Date: 11/24/2024 Length: 45 min.
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Pastor Brad Bigney reveals the often-overlooked foundation for a thriving marriage: a commitment to biblical authority and a purpose greater than personal desires. Learn how these principles can transform your relationship into a testament to God’s glory. ___ Thanks for listening! Thrive would not be possible without the financial support of our Go…
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Jesús nos enseñó a orar, Perdónanos nuestras deudas. ¿Por qué necesitamos esta oración como cristianos? ¿No hemos sido perdonados? El Pastor Colin habla sobre este aspecto de la oración. — Descarga el libro digital El Padre Nuestro en 30 días Síguenos en Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube y WhatsApp Da de vuelta: Comparte tu testimonio | Sé nuestro al…
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In this episode, we explore the profound story from John 8 of the woman caught in adultery. The religious leaders try to trap Jesus, forcing him to choose between Roman law and the Jewish law of Moses. Instead, Jesus disarms their accusations with wisdom, turning the focus from judgment to grace. His famous words, “Let anyone without sin cast the f…
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Romans 13 and the Authority of Christ
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Christian nationalists want to install a theocracy and force Christ upon others. They claim Romans 13 as justification for the US government to do whatever it wants through violence and coercion. But that's a misuse of Christ and of Romans 13. Check out this episode of One Question for more!Bởi Adam Ericksen
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Marriage for Life: Building a Lasting Covenant Ep 1
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Imagine safeguarding your marriage against the odds with insights that truly matter. Pastor Jason and Pastor Seth bring you eye-opening discussions on why 43% of first marriages and even more subsequent marriages end in divorce—and what you can do to avoid being part of those statistics. Learn how societal pressures and who you surround yourself wi…
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This week, we dive into Psalm 138, a powerful expression of thanksgiving and praise written by King David. This psalm invites us to worship God wholeheartedly, trust Him in every circumstance, and live humbly under His reign. It reminds us that God’s unchanging character and eternal promises are a firm foundation for praise and hope.…
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In this episode, the fellas talk through Proverbs 6:16-19.Bởi The Door
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II Thessalonians 1, Luke 10, Isaiah 26, Genesis 26, Job 6, Psalm 16
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