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Shameless Popery

Catholic Answers

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Shameless Popery is a witty, entertaining podcast that informs you about your Catholic faith and equips you to better explain Catholicism especially to Protestant or atheist friends.
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Pacific Opera Project

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Host Jennifer Miller Hammel and producer Rob Webb, volunteer board members for Pacific Opera Project, along with audio magician David Hobbs bring you a look inside the productions of this exciting and innovative young opera company through musical selections and interviews with cast and crew. Tickets and more info: www.pacificoperaproject.com
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The Pope's Voice

Radio Vaticana - Vatican News

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This podcast offers the public speeches of the Holy Father, in their original languages. (The content of this podcast is copyrighted by the Dicastery for Communication which, according to its statute, is entrusted to manage and protect the sound recordings of the Roman Pontiff, ensuring that their pastoral character and intellectual property's rights are protected when used by third parties. The content of this podcast is made available only for personal and private use and cannot be exploit ...
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Popecast Sports


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Hello and welcome to my sports podcast! Right now we are focusing on the Uefa Champions League and the premier league in football,Formula 1. and Nascar more competitions and sports will come in the future.
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Yung Popecast

Kyle Amato

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Welcome to the only The Young Pope podcast that exists, probably. Join us twice a week (because HBO is just DROPPING these eps) as we discuss the misadventures of the world's sexiest Pope.
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Popeth Rygbi

Popeth Rygbi

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Owain Gwynedd ac Alex Lewis sy'n sgwrsio'n wythnosol am amrywiaeth o bethau sy'n ymwneud a phopeth rygbi. Byddwn yn trafod ac yn mynegi ein barn ni am chwaraewyr a gemau yr wythnos a sgwrsio unrhyw faterion sy'n codi. Rydym yn gobeithio cael nifer o westai ar y podlediad a chroesawn unrhyw sylwadau a chwestiynau gan ein gwrandawyr.
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Bine ai venit aici la ALTERNATIVE by Cristina Popescu, locul unde povestim despre alternative naturale pentru sanatatea noastra si a familiei noastre. Aici vei invata despre Sanatatea Holistica, Uleiuri Esentiale, Miscare, Somn, Relaxare, Relatiile cu ceilalti, Parenting, Nutritie si Dezvoltare Personala. Aici, este locul unde crestem impreuna si invatam sa ne simtim imputerniciti sa afcem alegeri sanatoase in fiecare zi!
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Pope Culture

Neal Abbott

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All things Catholic. All things entertainment. Neal and Hannah talk about all of your favorite movies, TV shows, sports, video games, music, books, and life in general, all from a Catholic, Christian perspective.
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Four years after The Young Pope, Jim, A.Ron and Cecily are back to cover the follow-up, The New Pope, which looks just as gloriously insane. Join us on Wednesday each week for a no-pope-barred romp through HBO's continuing series.
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Pope is Dope


Hàng ngày+
On my channel I try to help good people out that are looking to better themselves, we all go through problems and road blocks in life and most the time you need someone to offer a helping hand, and that’s what this podcast is all about.
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The Blasphemous Pope Podcast

Harry W Felker

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Discordian Pope, Anarchist, Discussing the philosophy of Abandoning the Most Dangerous Religion, Statism. Focusing on Inter/Extrapersonal Relationships, Community Building, and the benefits of Mutual Aid. The Meditations series is more of a "How To" guide on the path to self sufficiency and sustainability. Providing the information to create a complete, livable off-grid experience.
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Alone With The Pope

JohnPaul The Pope

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Award winning director, JohnPaul The Pope talks with people from the adult industry in an open conversation format that helps humanize his guest, and get to know them on a more personal level.
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Singer/songwriter Andrew Pope has unscripted, real conversations with friends and folks from the entertainment, music, and sports world. Be the third person in the room as you hear never before told stories from some of the world’s most well known performers as they are Pickin’ It Out with Andrew Pope! Podcast is brought to you for free. If you would like to make a contribution to keep this podcast going, send to paypal.me/alacobllc
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Pope Lonergan is a comedian, Quaker, drug addict and creator of 'Pope's Addiction Clinic' and 'The Care Home Tour'. In this podcast he’ll bang on about something that’s interesting him. AS RECOMMENDED BY STEWART LEE. “Plimmin’ and Lompin’ is a very honest piece of conversation [that’s] captivating, even when it teeters towards the nauseating” ~ Robin Ince (The Big Issue) "Outrageous material [...] matched by a rambunctious delivery" ~ The Guardian "From fearless and funny to heart-stoppingly ...
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Trail Pope Confessions


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Follow along as I hike the National Scenic Trail system, entailing anecdotes and shenanigans, while updating about my journey and interviewing hikers, trail angels, and special guests on- & off-trail. Try to catch me on trail for your chance to share your story! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/trail.pope/support
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The unvarnished, non-boring history of the popes of the Roman Catholic Church – told in a way to remind us that the world and the Church’s problems today have happened plenty of times before. For early access and extra bonus stuff, check out patreon.com/thepopecast. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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show series
How do the terms we use influence a patient’s understanding of their shoulder pain, their recovery expectations, and even their treatment choices? In this episode of the Physio Edge Shoulder Success Podcast, Jo Gibson (Upper Limb Rehabilitation Specialist Physio), explores the power of language in physiotherapy and how our explanations can either s…
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Today Joe takes us through the history of one of the most beautiful liturgical seasons, Lent. And shows us that it’s WAY older and grounded in Christian history than you realize…TranscriptJoe:Welcome back to Shameless Popery. I’m Joe, Heschmeyer, and today I want to explore the true history of lint. Now, some Christians just know lint is that time …
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FROM ST. PETER'S SQUARE, HOLY MASS PRESIDED BY CARD. MICHAEL CZERNY, S.J., PREFECT OF THE DICASTERY FOR PROMOTIING INTEGRAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, ON THE OCCASION OF THE JUBILEE OF THE WORLD OF VOLUNTEERING (The content of this podcast is copyrighted by the Dicastery for Communication which, according to its statute, is entrusted to manage and protect …
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in cautarea unei armonii! Va spuneam in urma cu ceva timp ca pregatesc o surpriza muzicala, neobisnuita cumva, alaturi de un om cu adevarat pasionat de sunetul muzicii: Corina Vasiliu.Impreuna (eu cu poezia, Corina cu talentul si vocea) am reusit o suita in 2 parti, 3 poeme cântate in armonie... un dar deci pentru dvs! Mai multe lamuriri in podcast…
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Joe does a debrief with John DeRosa on the debate with James White on the Mass being a propitiatory sacrifice, and the infamous Ignatius statement.Transcript:Joe:Welcome back to Shameless Popery. I’m Joe Heschmeyer and this is going to be a little different of an episode than I normally do. As you may know, I was just down in AR Kansas this past we…
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FROM THE CHURCH OF SAINT ANSELM AND THE BASILICA OF SANTA SABINA, THE PENITENTIAL PROCESSION, HOLY MASS, BLESSING AND IMPOSITION OF THE ASHES, PRESIDED OVER BY CARDINAL ANGELO DE DONATIS (The content of this podcast is copyrighted by the Dicastery for Communication which, according to its statute, is entrusted to manage and protect the sound record…
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Following Joe’s debate with James White, he lays out the case for why the Mass is a propitiatory sacrifice and the most essential Christian practice, supported by Scripture, Church Fathers and the Reformers themselves.Transcript:Joe:Welcome back to Shameless Popery. I’m Joe Heschmeyer. I want to start by asking you a question. Can you point to a mo…
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William Lane Craig is one of the most popular theologians and Christian apologists today. We actually have a lot of respect and admiration for him. However he, like many other Protestants, falls into some seriously dangerous pitfalls when following Sola Scriptura, to the point of denying core attributes of the God we profess to believe and adore.Tr…
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If a person professes belief in Jesus Christ then later says they do not believe, were they actually ever Christian? Some protestants think not, and today Joe Heschmeyer dismantles the false doctrine of Eternal Security.Transcript:Joe:Welcome back to Shamless Popery. I’m Joe Heschmeyer. Is it possible for a Christian to lose their salvation? Can a …
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FROM ST. PETER'S BASILICA, HOLY MASS WITH DIACONAL ORDINATION ON THE OCCASION OF THE JUBILEE OF DEACONS, PRESIDED OVER BY H.E. ARCHIBISHOP RINO FISICHELLA (The content of this podcast is copyrighted by the Dicastery for Communication which, according to its statute, is entrusted to manage and protect the sound recordings of the Roman Pontiff, ensur…
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Joe addresses some of the misconceptions spread about the cannon of Scripture by people like Wes Huff and Dr. John Meade. With Wes’s rise to popularity from his debate with Billy Carson and appearance on Joe Rogan, we thought it’d be good to correct some of his errors.Transcript: Joe:Welcome back to Shameless Popery. I’m Joe, Heschmeyer, and I want…
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Today Joe tackles the Protestant claim that St. Peter never went to Rome. He looks at the biblical, historical and archeological evidence that confirms he did indeed lead the Church in Rome.Transcript: Joes:Welcome back to Shameless Popery. I’m Joe, Heschmeyer, and one of the biggest roadblocks that almost any Protestant dialogue in with the Cathol…
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FROM ST. PETER'S BASILICA, HOLY MASS FOR THE JUBILEE OF ARTISTS AND THE WORLD OF CULTURE, PRESIDE BY CARDINAL JOSE TOLENTINO DE MENDONCA (The content of this podcast is copyrighted by the Dicastery for Communication which, according to its statute, is entrusted to manage and protect the sound recordings of the Roman Pontiff, ensuring that their pas…
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FROM THE PAUL VI HALL, THE HOLY FATHER'S GENERAL AUDIENCE. (The content of this podcast is copyrighted by the Dicastery for Communication which, according to its statute, is entrusted to manage and protect the sound recordings of the Roman Pontiff, ensuring that their pastoral character and intellectual property's rights are protected when used by …
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Today Joe puts to rest 5 unbiblical real arguments protestants use against Mary.Transcript: Joe:Welcome back to Shameless Popery. I’m Joe Heschmeyer Protestants arguing with Catholics about Mary feels almost like a tale as old as time. We’ve been doing this apologetic dance for centuries and today I want to try to put some of these tired old steps …
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FROM ST. PETER'S SQUARE, HOLY MASS ON THE OCCASION OF THE JUBILEE OF THE ARMED FORCES, POLICE, AND SECURITY PERSONNEL, PRESIDED BY POPE FRANCIS, FOLLOWED BY THE RECITATION OF THE ANGELUS PRAYER. (The content of this podcast is copyrighted by the Dicastery for Communication which, according to its statute, is entrusted to manage and protect the soun…
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Joe Heschmeyer tackles the tough questions Christians face in a time when trust in institutions is at an all time low. What do we know to be true, especially when we’ve been lied to so much by the world? When does our distrust devolve into sin? Transcript:Joe:Welcome back to Shameless Popery. I’m Joe Heschmeyer and I cannot go on social media right…
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FROM THE PAUL VI HALL, THE HOLY FATHER'S GENERAL AUDIENCE. (The content of this podcast is copyrighted by the Dicastery for Communication which, according to its statute, is entrusted to manage and protect the sound recordings of the Roman Pontiff, ensuring that their pastoral character and intellectual property's rights are protected when used by …
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Today Joe looks at the phenomenon of newer priests being more conservative and theologically orthodox, and progressive Catholicism’s failure to replicate itself… Transcript: Joe:Welcome back to Shameless Popery. I’m Joe Heschmeyer and if you follow politics at all, chances are you’ve heard people opining on this idea that we’re in the midst of a gr…
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FROM THE CLEMENTINE HALL OF THE APOSTOLIC PALACE INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT ON CHILDREN'S RIGHTS WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF POPE FRANCIS (The content of this podcast is copyrighted by the Dicastery for Communication which, according to its statute, is entrusted to manage and protect the sound recordings of the Roman Pontiff, ensuring that their pastoral c…
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FROM THE CLEMENTINE HALL OF THE APOSTOLIC PALACE, INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT ON CHILDREN'S RIGHTS WITH THE PARTECIPATION OF POPE FRANCIS (The content of this podcast is copyrighted by the Dicastery for Communication which, according to its statute, is entrusted to manage and protect the sound recordings of the Roman Pontiff, ensuring that their pastoral …
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FROM ST. PETER'S SQUARE, RECITATION OF THE ANGELUS PRAYER LED BY POPE FRANCIS (The content of this podcast is copyrighted by the Dicastery for Communication which, according to its statute, is entrusted to manage and protect the sound recordings of the Roman Pontiff, ensuring that their pastoral character and intellectual property's rights are prot…
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FROM ST. PETER'S BASILICA, CELEBRATION OF FIRST VESPERS FOR THE FEAST OF THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD, PRESIDED OVER BY POPE FRANCIS. (The content of this podcast is copyrighted by the Dicastery for Communication which, according to its statute, is entrusted to manage and protect the sound recordings of the Roman Pontiff, ensuring that their pastor…
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FROM THE PAUL VI HALL, JUBILEE AUDIENCE OF POPE FRANCIS ON THE OCCASION OF THE JUBILEE 2025 (The content of this podcast is copyrighted by the Dicastery for Communication which, according to its statute, is entrusted to manage and protect the sound recordings of the Roman Pontiff, ensuring that their pastoral character and intellectual property's r…
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Today Joe Heschmeyer looks at JD Vance’s journey from Evangelical Christian, to atheism via Richard Dawkins, and finally coming home to Catholicism. Transcript: Joe:Welcome back to Shameless Popery. I’m Joe Heschmeyer and I want to begin today a series of episodes that are loosely about the relationship between Christianity and more specifically Ca…
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Today Joe tackles the Protestant accusation that Catholics practice necromancy when they pray to the Saints. We take a look at 1 Samuel 28 and Saul’s consultation with the Witch of Endor.Transcript: Joe:Welcome back to Shameless Popery. I’m Joe Heschmeyer. Today I want to consider two contradictory arguments often made by the very same people again…
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