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PRSSA Podcasts

PRSSA National

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PRSSA Podcasts encompasses the multiple podcast offerings of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). Both the ‘PR with the Pros‘ series and ‘Student Stories‘ series explore various aspects of the Society.
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Kilas Bandung LPS PRSSNI

Kilas Bandung LPS PRSSNI

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Kilas Bandung PRSSNI disiarkan di radio-radio siaran swasta anggota PRSSNI Bandung, setiap hari Senin-Sabtu pukul 14.00 WIB. Siaran Kilas Bandung dan beragam informasi akurat serta tepercaya lainnya juga dapat diakses di Siaran Kilas Bandung dan bagian dari PRSSNI Bandung.
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PRSay Houston

Veronica V. Sopher, PRSA Member and Host

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PRSay is the official podcast of the Houston Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America. Our goal is to introduce Houston chapter members to each other so we can connect more authentically and grow our network. A strong chapter is built on relationships and PRSay is a great way to meet fellow members and stay connected. PRSay is hosted and sponsored by Veronica V. Sopher, PRSA Member. Connect with Veronica on LinkedIn - or visit www.veronicavsophe ...
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On the Pursuit (PRST) Podcast connects with entrepreneurs, movers and shakers that are making a real impact in life & business and we share these stories to motivate and inspire you to take action in your life. Now kickback and enjoy the show whether you are chilling, working out or on-the-move.
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PRS Global Open Keynotes

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery- Global Open (PRS Global Open)

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Keeping up to date with the latest breakthroughs in plastic and reconstructive surgery can be hard. PRS Global Open has made it a whole lot easier by interviewing global Plastic Surgery giants of today and leaders of tomorrow about their research, their techniques and what the future may bring in this exciting field of medicine. Whether you're a patient, physician, plastic surgery resident or experienced attending surgeon, this is the podcast for you. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery—Globa ...
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PRS Journal Club

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

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With every issue of the number-one medical journal in the field of plastic surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the Editor-in-Chief and our annually-appointed Resident Ambassadors to the Editorial Board select three “Journal Club” articles. In the #PRSJournalClub podcast, the Resident Ambassadors and a special guest expert discuss the three Journal Club picks in the context of all relevant background material and with special emphasis on the new studies’ effects on current practice a ...
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The prspectiv. Podcast

The prspectiv. Podcast

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Welcome to The prspectiv. Podcast, a public audio diary where Dave documents the process of launching and building his clothing brand - prspectiv. For more, follow along on Instagram: @prspectiv.apparel
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Plates & PRs

Plates & PRs

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Welcome to the Plates & PRs Podcast. We’re here to provide you with expert insights and actionable tips to boost your functional fitness and cultivate a healthy relationship with food for peak performance and overall wellness. Get ready to lift, learn, and exceed your limits. Hosted by Kat Benson, RDN, CSSD, LD, CPT, NBW-HWC, and Army NCO Christina Spencer, CCFT, PN2.
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show series
In this episode of the Award-winning PRS Journal Club Podcast, 2025 Resident Ambassadors to the PRS Editorial Board – Christopher Kalmar, Ilana Margulies, and Amanda Sergesketter- and special guest, Brad Hill, MD, discuss the following articles from the March 2025 issue: “Effect of Tourniquet-Related Nerve Ischemia on Response to Handheld Nerve Sti…
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In this episode of the PRS Global Open Keynotes podcast, Dr. Jean Paul Brutus and Dr. Donald Lalonde discuss what you should and shouldn't say not only during surgery under local anaesthesia, but also before and after surgery. Plastic surgery procedures performed under local anaesthesia have demonstrated improved efficiency, cost-effectiveness and …
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In this episode of the Award-winning PRS Journal Club Podcast, 2025 Resident Ambassadors to the PRS Editorial Board – Christopher Kalmar, Ilana Margulies, and Amanda Sergesketter- and special guest, Brad Hill, MD, discuss the following articles from the March 2025 issue: “Effect of Tourniquet-Related Nerve Ischemia on Response to Handheld Nerve Sti…
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Welcome to another impactful episode of the “On The Pursuit Podcast,” where we sit down with entrepreneur Damont Nickson. In this conversation, Damont shares his compelling story of navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship while emphasizing the critical need for financial education and literacy. He discusses how a well-structured trust could h…
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Berita hari ini: Atasi Banjir Bandung Timur Perlu Kerjasama dengan BBWS; Layanan Geulis Bandung Kiwari Mudahkan Warga Urus Adminduk; Ekonomi Kota Bandung Tahun 2024 Tumbuh 4,99 Persen; Luas Panen dan Produksi Beras di Jabar Mulai Naik; Pemprov Jabar Realokasi Anggaran Rp5,4 Triliun; Kakorlantas Polri Tinjau Kesiapan Satlantas Polresta Bandung; Deng…
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Berita hari ini: ASN Harus Menjadi Teladan bagi Masyarakat; Pemkot Bandung Upayakan Anggaran Penanganan Korban Kekerasan; Akses Cepat untuk Tangani Korban Kekerasan; Februari 2025, Kota Bandung Deflasi 0,73 Persen; Ambil KPR Tanyakan Sertifikat; Kejari Kota Bandung Lacak Aset Kasus Korupsi dan Kembalikan Uang Negara; Dengarkan berbagai informasi ak…
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Berita hari ini: RSUD Bandung Kiwari Bisa Tangani Kasus Kekerasan Anak dan Perempuan; Kota Bandung Operasikan Mobil Pacman, Pemakan Sampah di Jalanan; Audiensi Ormas Bentuk Kepedulian; Pembangunan Perlu Beiringan Budaya Lokal dan Nilai-Nilai di Masyarakat; Februari 2025, Jawa Barat Deflasi 0,61 Persen; Kendaraan Operasional Mudahkan Koordinasi TNI …
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In this episode of the PRS Global Open Keynotes podcast, Dr. Jean Paul Brutus and Dr. Donald Lalonde discuss what you should and shouldn't say not only during surgery under local anaesthesia, but also before and after surgery. Plastic surgery procedures performed under local anaesthesia have demonstrated improved efficiency, cost-effectiveness and …
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Berita hari ini: Pimpin Apel Perdana, Farhan Mengajak Wujudkan Visi Bandung Utama; Kirmir Jebol di Kiaracondong Segera Diperbaiki; DPRD Apresiasi Audiensi Ormas; Menhan Serahkan Mobil Maung untuk TNI Polri; Pindad Produksi 4 Ribu Lebih Mobil Maung Sejak 2023; Wali Kota Bandung Apresiasi Inovasi Maung MV3 PT Pindad; Polisi Sidak SPBU Terkait Ramainy…
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Berita hari ini: Kasau Tinjau Dapur MBG di Lanud Sulaiman; Pemprov Jabar Tunggu Arahan Pelaksanaan MBG di Bulan Ramadan; DPRD Kota Bandung Siap Bersinergi dan Kolaborasi dengan Wali Kota; Sampah Laut Perlu Penanganan; Dukung Pengembangan Mahasiwa, PT Pegadaian Bangun TGC; Mahasiswa Didorong Semakin Produktif; Dengarkan berbagai informasi aktual di …
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Berita hari ini: Aparat Terkait Diminta Terus Berantas Miras dan Minol; Ribuan Miras dan Tuak Disita Polisi; Satpol PP Kota Bandung Rutin Tertibkan Reklame Ilegal; Usaha Tambang Tak Berizin di Jawa Barat Capai 176 Titik; Pemprov Jabar Pastikan Stabilkan Harga Kebutuhan Pokok; Izin Pemanfaatan Air untuk Menjaga Neraca Air; Dengarkan berbagai informa…
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Berita hari ini: DSDABM Diminta Periksa Kirmir Seluruh Sungai di Kota Bandung; Pemerintah Kota Bandung Canangkan Pembangunan Parkir Vertikal; Pemkot Bandung Dukung Pengembangan Teknologi di Dunia Pendidikan; Pembangunan di Jawa Barat Harus Terasa oleh Masyarakat; SMAN 2 Lembang Berangkatkan Siswa dan Guru Ibadah Umroh; Dengarkan berbagai informasi …
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Welcome Carla Sapsford Newman, to PRSay – the podcast of the Houston PRSA Chapter. In this episode, Carla shares about Storytelling As Your Superpower. Carla is a recovering journalist with a double masters in journalism and international affairs from Columbia. She specializes in multi-channel storytelling, crafting pitches around stories she would…
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In this episode of the Award-winning PRS Journal Club Podcast, 2025 Resident Ambassadors to the PRS Editorial Board – Christopher Kalmar, Ilana Margulies, and Amanda Sergesketter- and special guest, Brad Hill, MD, discuss the following articles from the March 2025 issue: “Effect of Tourniquet-Related Nerve Ischemia on Response to Handheld Nerve Sti…
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Berita hari ini: Kasus TPS Pasar Caringin Masuk Tingkat Penyidikan; Pemkot Bandung Hormati Proses Hukum Pasar Caringin; Pemkot Bandung Dukung Program Kemanusiaan PMI; Pemkot Bandung Pantau Harga Kepokmas Jelang Ramadan; Jabar Harus Menjadi Pintu Masuk Indonesia Emas 2045; Polisi Cimahi Tangkap Polisi Gadungan; Dengarkan berbagai informasi aktual di…
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We discussed the journey away from the monotonous 9 to 5, focusing on financial freedom through entrepreneurship. Trevor Cowley shares how to leverage Turo for wealth creation, emphasizing the importance of credit, automation, and overcoming challenges. • Mindset shift from traditional jobs to entrepreneurial freedom • Importance of building your o…
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In this episode of the PRS Global Open Keynotes podcast, Dr. Eric Wagner discusses the pros and cons of joint replacement and joint fusion for interphalangeal joint arthritis. His paper reported decreasing rates of joint replacement in the USA over the period 2010-2019. This episode discusses the following PRS Global Open article: “Utilization of I…
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In this episode of the PRS Global Open Keynotes podcast, Dr. Eric Wagner discusses the pros and cons of joint replacement and joint fusion for interphalangeal joint arthritis. This episode discusses the following PRS Global Open article: “Utilization of Interphalangeal Joint Arthroplasty and Arthrodesis in the United States From 2010 to 2019” by Er…
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Berita hari ini: Dinas Terkait Segera Perbaiki Kirmir Jebol di Pasar Ancol; Hari Pertama Kerja, Wagub Jabar Silaturahmi dengan Pegawai Gedung Sate; Peringati HPSN, Apindo Jabar Gelar Kegiatan Peduli Lingkungan; Masalah Lingkungan Tanggungjawab Bersama; Pahami Lingkungan Sejak Dini; Pelaku Curanmor Nyangkut di Plafon Gedung Sekolah; Dengarkan berbag…
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Berita hari ini: Organisasi Kepemudaan Diajak Dukung Program Pemkot Bandung; Wakil Wali Kota Bandung Dorong Optimalisasi Pelayanan Publik; Satpol PP Kota Bandung bersama Dinas Terkait Tertibkan ODGJ Jelang Ramadan; Bandung Zoo Cari Orang Tua Asuh Bayi Orang Utan; Hadapi PON, KONI Jabar Jaga Atlet agar Tidak Diambil Daerah Lain; Komplotan Pencuri Sp…
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En este podcast, explora la comunicación multicultural y el liderazgo inclusivo con Presidenta Nacional de PRSSA, Milagros Orcoyen, y Andrea Gils Monzón, quien comparte su experiencia como uruguaya radicada en Estados Unidos. La conversación se centra en la importancia de las habilidades de comunicación multicultural en el mundo globalizado y estra…
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Berita hari ini: Wali Kota Bandung Sampaikan Program Prioritas Utama; Pemkot Bandung Siap Dukung Kepemimpinan Gubernur Jabar; Gubernur Perlu Konsolidasi Sebelum Pilih Pejabat; Tekan Angka Perokok Anak di Jabar; Dinkes Jabar Terus Dorong KTR dan Batasi Reklame Iklan Rokok; TNI Gagalkan Peredaran Tuak di Kabupaten Bandung; Dengarkan berbagai informas…
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Berita hari ini: Farhan Erwin Bakal Bekerja Selama 5 Tahun Bukan 100 Hari; DPRD Kota Bandung Siap berkolaborasi dengan Wali Kota; Gubernur Dedi Imbau Ucapan Selamat dalam Bentuk Benih Padi; Efisiensi Anggaran Berdampak Positif Bagi Perekonomian; Kepala Daerah Terbebani Efisiensi Anggaran; Pemerintah Dinilai Harus Adil Terhadap PTS dan PTN; Dengarka…
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Berita hari ini: Farhan-Erwin Resmi Pimpin Kota Bandung Periode 2025-2030; Satpol PP Kota Bandung Siap Amankan Bulan Ramadan; Pemprov Jabar Upayakan Perpanjangan Masa Pakai TPA Sarimukti; Tekankan Program Pengurangan Sampah; RDF dari Pembakaran Sampah Digunakan Bahan Bakar Pembuatan Semen; Polisi Ringkus 9 Pelaku Curanmor; Dengarkan berbagai inform…
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In this episode of the Award-winning PRS Journal Club Podcast, 2025 Resident Ambassadors to the PRS Editorial Board – Christopher Kalmar, Ilana Margulies, and Amanda Sergesketter- and special guest, Edward I. Chang, MD, discuss the following articles from the February 2025 issue: “Avoiding Patient Abandonment: A Pathway to Ethical Resolution in Sit…
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Berita hari ini: Jelang Ramadan, Pemkot Bandung Gelar Bazar Murah di 30 Kecamatan; Bazar Ramadan Dilaksanakan 2 Tahap; Bandung Menuju Kota Wakaf; Mesin Pengolah Sampah Motah Ubah TPS Menjadi Tempat yang Nyaman; ISBI Bandung Klaim sebagai Perguruan Tinggi yang Netral; Dengarkan berbagai informasi aktual di Kilas Bandung LPS PRSSNI yang disiarkan set…
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Berita hari ini: Satu Lagi TPST Motah Didirikan di Bandung; Motah Jadi Salah Satu Solusi Persampahan Kota; Konstruksi TPPAS Legok Nangka Dimulai Januari 2026; Program Waste to Energy Manfaatkan Sampah Sumber Energi; Minim Masyarakat Kabupaten Bandung yang Menikmati Air Bersih PDAM; Polisi Tangkap Penembak Kucing; Dengarkan berbagai informasi aktual…
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Berita hari ini: Dua Kebakaran di Akhir Pekan Kota Bandung; Pj Wali Kota Bandung Ajak ASN Tingkatkan Pelayanan Publik; Pemprov Jabar Percepat Pembangunan TPPAS Legok Nangka; Pembangunan SPAM Ciparay Diapresiasi Pemprov Jabar; Penyediaan Air Minum Adalah Urusan Dasar dan Wajib bagi Pemerintah; Dengarkan berbagai informasi aktual di Kilas Bandung LPS…
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Berita hari ini: PDAM Harus Pastikan Distribusi Air Minum Bukan Air Bersih; SPAM Bandung Timur Tambah Pasokan 200 liter Per Detik; Perpamsi Dorong Pemerintah Revisi Regulasi; Likuiditas Makroprudensial Penting bagi Perbankan; Aparat Gabungan Bongkar Sejumlah Kios Penjual Obat Keras; Dengarkan berbagai informasi aktual di Kilas Bandung LPS PRSSNI ya…
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Berita hari ini: Kesepakatan Bersama Para Camat di Kota Bandung Terkait Penanganan Sampah; Wali Kota Bandung Terpilih Optimis Persib Juara Liga 1; Bersinergi untuk Merealisasikan Investasi Berkelanjutan; Kerjasama Tingkatkan Investasi; Pendidikan Karakter untuk Tingkatkan Disiplin dan Cinta Tanah Air; Dengarkan berbagai informasi aktual di Kilas Ba…
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Berita hari ini: Pemkot Bandung Sampaikan Usulkan Perubahan Perda Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah; Anggaran Perjalanan Dinas ke Luar Negeri Akan Dipangkas; BIJB Terdampak Efisiensi Penyertaan Modal untuk BUMD di Jabar; Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Jabar Tahun 2024 Diklaim Lebih Baik dibanding AS; Investasi di Jabar 2024 Mencapai 251 Triliun Rupiah; Polisi Akan S…
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In this episode of the PRS Global Open Keynotes podcast, Dr. Justin Broyles from Harvard Medical School discusses how surgical drains impact the quality of life for patients. His recent study investigated patient reported outcome measures of breast reconstruction patients who had drains placed at the time of surgery. This episode discusses the foll…
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In this episode of the Award-winning PRS Journal Club Podcast, 2025 Resident Ambassadors to the PRS Editorial Board – Christopher Kalmar, Ilana Margulies, and Amanda Sergesketter- and special guest, Edward I. Chang, MD, discuss the following articles from the February 2025 issue: “Reliability and Safety of the Superthin Anterolateral Thigh Flap: A …
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Berita hari ini: Persoalan Kemacetan Menjadi Tantangan Utama Kota Bandung; Tumpang Tindih Aturan Menghambat Investasi di Daerah; Warga Datangi PT PLN UIP Pertanyakan Lahan Upper Cisokan; Jumlah Kunjungan Wisata Mancanegara ke Jawa Barat Turun Signifikan; Polisi Ringkus Tersangka Pembunuhan di Cireundeu; Dengarkan berbagai informasi aktual di Kilas …
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In this episode of the PRS Global Open Keynotes podcast, Dr. Justin Broyles from Harvard Medical School discusses how surgical drains impact the quality of life for patients. His recent study investigated patient reported outcome measures of breast reconstruction patients who had drains placed at the time of surgery. This episode discusses the foll…
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Berita hari ini: TPS Pasar Caringin Disegel oleh KLHK; Secerah Pagi, Program Inovatif Kelurahan Jamika; Kota Bandung Terdampak Siklon Tropis Taliah; Perlu Instrumen Lain Cegah Kecelakaan; Dorong Perkembangan Daerah, KA Jarak Jauh Berhenti di Beberapa Stasiun; APTISI Jabar Desak PTN Batasi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru; Dengarkan berbagai informasi aktu…
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Berita hari ini: Pemkot Bandung Siap Terbitkan Instruksi Wali Kota Efisiensi Anggaran; Efisiensi APBD Jabar Dialihkan Peruntukannya; Kasus Chikungunya di Kota Bandung Merebak, Warga Diimbau Segera Melapor ke Puskesmas; Revitalisasi Infrastruktur Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Harus Lebih Prima; Bandara Husein Sastranegara Diusulkan Menjadi Bandara Khusus;…
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Berita hari ini: Nilai Tukar Petani di Jabar Naik tapi Produksi Beras Turun; Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM Targetkan 4 Persen Wirausaha; Bantu UMKM, Pertamina Pajang Produk; Ratusan Pasis TNI Polri dan Negara Sahabat Ikuti Pendidikan di Sesko TNI; UMKM Eksportir Harus Menjadi Agregator; Dengarkan berbagai informasi aktual di Kilas Bandung LPS PRSSNI…
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Berita hari ini: Progres Penataan Kolong Jembatan Pasupati Dinilai Signifikan; Pengecer Elpiji 3 Kg Boleh Menjadi Sub Agen Pangkalan; Antisipasi Banjir Bandang dengan Susur Sungai; Ekspor Jabar Masih Unggul secara Nasional; UMKM Didorong Terus Naik Kelas; SMAN 1 Margaasih Dorong Siswanya Lanjutkan Pendidikan; Kuasa Hukum Nilai Penyegelan Bandung Zo…
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Berita hari ini: Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Gratis Upaya Deteksi Penyakit Berisiko; Pangkalan Elpiji Masih Diserbu Warga; Revitalisasi Kantor Kelurahan dan Kecamatan, Pelayanan Harus Lebih Prima; Disegel Kejati Jabar, Kebun Binatang Bandung Tetap Beroperasi; KA Parahyangan Kembali ke Nama Asal; Pj Gubernur Jabar Sambut Baik Kembalinya KA Parahyangan; Re…
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The episode combines an insightful discussion on the importance of emotional intelligence and personal growth, particularly through the lens of the guest's transformative experience in prison. The conversation delves into the consequences of choices, the quest for forgiveness, and how overcoming adversity can lead to profound self-awareness and emp…
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In this episode of the Award-winning PRS Journal Club Podcast, 2025 Resident Ambassadors to the PRS Editorial Board – Christopher Kalmar, Ilana Margulies, and Amanda Sergesketter- and special guest, Edward I. Chang, MD, discuss the following articles from the February 2025 issue: “Contralateral Autologous Augmentation in DIEP Flap Reconstruction: E…
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Berita hari ini: Rumah Pompa Dibangun untuk Kurangi Jumlah Titik Banjir di Kota Bandung; Stok Elpiji 3 Kilogram Aman, Warga Diimbau Tidak Panic Buying; Pemprov Jabar Matangkan MoU Pembebasan Ijazah; Waspadai Deflasi di Awal Tahun; Sampah Rumah Tangga di Kebonlega Dijemput Aparat Kelurahan; Polisi Sita 1,9 Juta Butir Obat Keras Tertentu Siap Edar; P…
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