Deine Stadt, deine Uni, der Studentenfunk!
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A Tilos Rádió hátrafelé nyilazó történelmi műsora. Vitaindítók, kritikák, ajánlók és új adások a Facebookon: A "Régen minden jobb volt - Korunk filmjei, zenéi, tévéműsorai" című könyvünk:
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Welcome to The Regents Podcast--a weekly podcast for K-12 classical Christian educators and parents.
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We’re a church committed to offer everyone in our neighborhoods and networks an opportunity to see, hear, and respond to the Good News of Jesus.
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Regen exists to be a hub where young adults in Vancouver can join a community that is genuine, dynamic, and welcoming. This is a place where anyone ages 18-30 can get connected with others and to God.
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Faith, life, and theology come together in this weekly look into the people and ideas that shape Regent College.
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Nem mindegy, hogy Kossuth vagy Deák. Vagy Kádár? Úgy egyáltalán. Régen minden jobb volt. Vagy nem? Hogy is van ez?
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This is a show for professional growers and agronomists who want to learn about the science and principles of regenerative agriculture systems to increase quality, yield, and profitability.
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Interviewing and bringing together experts in neurodegenerative diseases, spinal cord injury, and artificial intelligence to accelerate breakthroughs in Neuron Regeneration.
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Helping you learn the skills and solutions to create an abundant and connected future
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Arabic Sermons from Faith Baptist Church Regents Park Podcasts
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Regenerativ & Digital – der Business Podcast für regeneratives Wirtschaften und Digitalisierung
Regenerativ & Digital ist dein Business-Podcast für regeneratives Wirtschaften und Digitalisierung. Deine Gastgeber sind Sebastian und David – beide tief verwurzelt in den Bereichen Business Strategy, Product Innovation, Digital Design und Green Coding. Die Beiden nehmen dich mit zu inspirierenden Gesprächen mit Expertinnen und Experten aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und gelegentlich auch aus der Politik. Gemeinsam mit dir erkunden sie, wie Unternehmen durch die Integration von regenerativem W ...
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A discussion about anything and everything related to real estate, land, agriculture, conservation, and outdoor recreation.
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The RegenNarration podcast features the stories of a generation that is changing the story, enabling the regeneration of life on this planet. It’s ad-free, freely available and entirely listener-supported. You'll hear from high profile and grass-roots leaders from around Australia and the world, on how they're changing the stories we live by, and the systems we create in their mold. Along with often very personal tales of how they themselves are changing, in the places they call home. With a ...
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I speak with world leaders on circadian & quantum biology, metabolic medicine & regenerative farming in search of the most effective ways of optimising health and reversing chronic disease.
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A Regenerative Future with Matt Powers is a podcast focused on ushering in a syntropic future of abundance and regeneration using permaculture. Join Matt Powers, author, educator, seed saver, entrepreneur, gardener, and family guy as he interviews experts from all over the world who are actively working to reverse the damage we've done to our ecosystems and ourselves. Learn how to apply these lessons to your own life and help bring about the abundant future we all desire!
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Green Dreamer: Seeding change towards collective healing, sustainability, regeneration
kaméa chayne
Green Dreamer with kaméa chayne explores our paths to collective healing, biocultural revitalization, and true abundance and wellness *for all*. Curious to unravel the dominant narratives that stunt our imaginations and called to spark radical dreaming of what could be, we share conversations with an ever-expanding range of thought leaders — each inspiring us to deepen and broaden our awareness in their own ways.
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Regeneration Rising is a podcast for beginning agrarians, about the trials, tribulations, and joys of a life in regenerative agriculture. Each episode will feature conversations with apprentices and other young agrarians, tidbits and tips from regenerative ag experts, job announcements, and more. Originally started by Shawna Burhans and Ariel Bobbett, two young agrarians, season two is now being led by Quivira Coalition’s New Agrarian apprenticeship program. As we face the challenge of repop ...
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Hosted by @Regenaisanceman with the mission of reconnecting us back to where our food is grown & exposing everything that is wrong with our broken food system. We are more disconnected from our food than we ever have been. I sit down with ranchers and farmers to give them a voice and hear their stories, helping paint a picture of what it really looks like to support humanity with food. I also will be talking to others involved in the agriculture space as there is a lot that goes into it all. ...
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Aloha! Inizia a creare dalle tue passioni dei progetti e business straordinari, che rigenerino risorse ed energie utilizzando le stesse strategie e pattern della natura. Perché noi siamo natura. Mi chiamo Lorenzo Valentini e sono un imprenditore, consulente e formatore di crescita in Regenerative Business, Blue Economy e Biomimesi da oltre 15 anni. Adoro esplorare ed osservare la natura selvaggia con la mia tenda e fornellino a legna. Il mio ufficio è il sedile anteriore del mio pick-up dove ...
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A show about human environments and how they can be used as a force for good—conversations that educate and inspire people looking for a different way to do real estate. Brought to you by Neal Collins and Latitude Regenerative Real Estate. Follow us on Instagram
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Welcome to Roots Down, the Regenerative AF Podcast, hosted by Jamie Rosenthal, your climate coach. Join us as we navigate this journey of hope, humor, and urban regeneration. Climate change is no joke, and we’re not here to sugarcoat it—but who says we can’t face these big challenges with a little laughter along the way? We’ll need all the lightheartedness we can get to tackle the mess we’ve made. Let’s dive in!
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Hosted by ColivingDAO founders Daniel Aprea and Gareth Thompson, this podcast explores how Web3 technologies can enable sustainable, community-driven, and regenerative living. Each episode of "ColivingDAO Insights" offers valuable perspectives, knowledge, and analysis on the practical applications of Web3 technologies in fostering regenerative living, such as decentralised ownership and governance models, proptech innovations, community living, and ways to regenerate both the planet and the ...
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Welcome to The Regeneration Lab. The podcast of the Regenerative Thinking research group at the the Mission Zero centre of expertise at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, where we conduct integrated research to come up with regenerative solutions for a more sustainable future. Each episode features a leading educator, activist, professor, or researcher who is already engaging in more regenerative forms of higher education. Join us on this journey as we discover how these educational i ...
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Es un podcast dedicado a la difusión de prácticas ganaderas y agrícolas que se basan en los procesos naturales para la producción de alimentos. Todas las prácticas promovidas aquí tienen como base el cuidado del suelo como recurso principal, potencializando así los ciclos del agua, del carbono y minerales. Solamente teniendo como base estos principios es posible tener empresas altamente rentables (sin las famosas externalidades) mientras se producen alimentos de alta calidad nutricional, se ...
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This is a show where we desire to bring value to you through sharing leading edge knowledge and education with you. We will bust myths, give insight on best principles and practices, and give you the tools to make your farm more successful.
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Deine Stadt, deine Uni, der Studentenfunk!
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What is the key to becoming a more regenerative ranch? How do we increase the effectiveness of our management of the Land, Animals, Money, and People that have been entrusted to us? The Working Cows podcast exists to glorify God by providing farmers and ranchers a platform to discuss and share best practices for increasing soil health, profitability, stockmanship and leadership ability. Each week host, Clay Conry, will talk to leaders in the industry who have made the regenerative shift in t ...
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Ein Podcast rund um alle LGBTIQA*-Themen Von und mit Laura, Claudia und Gästen Wir sind auch auf Facebook: und Twitter: @regenbogencast
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The Grazing Grass Podcast features insights and stories of regenerative farming, specifically emphasizing grass-based livestock management. Our mission is to foster a community where grass farmers can share knowledge and experiences with one another. We delve into their transition to these practices, explore the ins and outs of their operations, and then move into the "Over Grazing" segment, which addresses specific challenges and learning opportunities. The episode rounds off with the "Famo ...
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Investing in Regenerative Agriculture and Food podcast features the pioneers in the regenerative food and agriculture space to learn more on how to put our money to work to regenerate soil, people, local communities and ecosystems while making an appropriate and fair return. Hosted by Koen van Seijen.
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Join John Dass on a transformative journey into the heart of humanity's greatest challenge—and opportunity. Regenera explores the powerful intersection of indigenous wisdom, cutting-edge science, and emerging technologies to unveil pathways toward a regenerative future. Through intimate conversations with elders, innovators, and change-makers, we delve deep into the root causes of our global crises and uncover transformative solutions. From regenerative villages to biodiversity hotspots, fro ...
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Die Regenbogen gUG (haftungsbeschränkt) ist ein freier Träger der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Friesack.
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Your Infinite Health: Anti Aging Biohacking, Regenerative Medicine and You
LeNae Goolsby / Dr. Trip Goolsby
Your Infinite Health Podcast empowers you to be the CEO of your healthcare. Pills are not always the answer to pain and aging. This show discusses exciting advancements in regenerative medicine and optimizing your health. We'll examine anti-aging bio-hacks such as stem cells, exosomes, and other regenerative medicinal options that have been peer-reviewed. Hosts Dr. Trip Goolsby and LeNae Goolsby own and operate an Integrative Medical Center and collectively have over 60 years of experience. ...
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A show about regenerative finance. Hosted by Matthew Monahan and published by Ma Earth:
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All stuff about individual, societal and planetary regeneration.
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Podcast by Buchbinder Legionäre Regensburg
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Podcast by Regents Church
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Gèneres regenerats és un podcast on donem a conèixer els principals gèneres musicals repassant el seu orígen, història, principals referents, artistes catalans emergents de l'estil,... acompanyat de dades, curiositats, informació i cançons que il·lustren els gèneres
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Here’s the #1 reason why you feel heavy & stuck running your business as a weirdo entrepreneur & spiritual creative – even though the world is hungry for your gifts 👇 Since the Industrial Revolution, much of human history has revolved around conquering Nature. But just as species have been hunted to extinction and forests have been leveled to create farmland and factories… the wildness inside you, too, has been suppressed. You’ve been taught that your wildness is unsafe. You’ve distanced you ...
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The College and Young Adults ministry of River City Church in Lewiston, Idaho. This podcast follows the leaders of the ReGen team and guest speakers, both in open forums and in private podcasts. Questions? Send us an email at [email protected] or find us on as well as Snapchat and Instagram.
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Regent Hall is a Salvation Army church on London's busiest high street - Oxford Street. We have meetings on Sundays at 11am - all are welcome: 275 Oxford Street London W1C 2DJ For more information please contact us at: [email protected]
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Accessible, understandable and user friendly, the official podcast of The Regenerative Health Association features news, information and learning about stem cells and all aspects of regenerative health. Hear from leading physicians, clinics, labs, and patients on their experience and expertise with Regenerative health therapy. And visit to learn more too!
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Regenerative Worklife | purpose, sustainability, career, climate change, community, nature
Alisa Murphy - Regenerative Career & Business Mentor
Is work sucking the life out of you because it doesn’t align with your values? Do you feel stuck between wanting a purposeful career and having to make money? Afraid that if you invest in your regenerative ideas, it might all be a spectacular failure? You are not alone! This podcast will empower you to make a significant positive contribution, quit corporate life, and find purposeful work that actually makes a difference in the world—work that brings you variety, flexibility, energy, and exc ...
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Free test prep resources? You came to the right place... Join us for daily podcasts on Physical Setting/Chemistry topics, so you can study for the NY Regents exam on the go!
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Cohousing Revolution: The Future Of Intentional Communities
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46:12Send us a text Imagine living in a community where your neighbors aren't just people next door, but friends you share values and intentions with. This episode delves into the transformative concepts of coliving and cohousing, exploring how they pave the way for a fairer society. Join us as we speak with Peter Burke, cofounder of Affair Society, who…
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Winston Churchill, a "haza megmentője"
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1:00:5660 éve hunyt el Winston Churchill (1874–1965), a 20. század egyik legjelentősebb és egyben legmakacsabb államférfija, akiben a konzervatív, szellemes csevegő a hírhedt bulldogtermészetével keveredett úgy, mint whiskey a szódával. A szokásos bukásai után rendre kárörvendhettek politikai ellenfelei, hogy „kipukkant a lufi”, de mindig felszívta magát.…
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adás archívumBởi Tilos Rádió
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God cares about your relationships and the people you surround yourself with. On this panel, we will be talking about relationships, specifically friendships.Bởi Guest Speaker, Ale Policar, Bailey Tonn
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Bởi Michele Awad
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Sound Money’s Role in Fixing America’s Broken Rural Economies (WCP 416)
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1:14:22Is regenerative agriculture enough to fix America’s broken rural economies? Can we simply soil health our way out of the mess that the has been created by inflation and the printing of money? Joel Hollingsworth says “no.” While soil health and regenerative agriculture are crucial without sound money we are going to struggle to get meaningful tracti…
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Dr. David C. Wang: Trauma and Spiritual Formation in Churches and Theological Institutions
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59:38In this episode, we talk with Regent alum, Dr. David C. Wang, a pastor, psychologist and professor at Fuller Theological Seminary. We discuss trauma and its manifestations in our lives, in the church and theological institutions. David offers helpful insights and practical implications for those in pastoral ministry and anyone who walks alongside t…
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Bởi Michele Awad
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Profitable Winter-Feeding Strategies that Move the Needle (WCP 415)
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47:40Managing winter feed costs can boost profitability as reliably as almost any other change we can make. Stefan Bouw, of Edie Creek Angus, joined me once again to discuss some of the different strategies they have implemented over the years to manage labor costs and boost animal performance through his harsh Canadian winters. Thanks to our Studio Spo…
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Natural farming for biodiversity first, with Joshua Sparkes
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1:32:51I’m really excited to share this conversation with all of you today, because Joshua Sparkes not only has a unique perspective on gardening and food production, he also speaks about these topics from a lot of experience and infectious passion. I’ve spoken to tons of farmers and gardeners on this show, and many of them are experts in permaculture, or…
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Parker Short's Advice to the American Youth | Roots Down Podcast S2E1
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38:53Welcome to Season 2 Episode 1 of the Podcast! What happens when youth take the lead in reshaping our cities for a regenerative future? In this episode of Roots Down: A Regenerative AF Podcast, we sit down with Parker Short, a youth Democrat, advocate, and policy innovator, to talk about how to drive real change at the local level. From urban regene…
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Water management for farmers in a changing climate: Panel discussion
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1:31:29Welcome to another panel session. I love this format in general, but this panel in particular was a whole lot of fun, because not only did I have my close friends Nick Steiner and Megan Neary on, but I also joined in as a speaker to explore the topic of water management for farmers in a changing climate. The guiding question we explored was, How ca…
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Episode 145: Proving Regenerative Ag Grows Nutrient-Dense Fruit with Herb Young
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1:14:10After decades of working in conventional agriculture, Herb Young immersed himself in regenerative practices and planted a regenerative citrus orchard in Georgia. Herb has meticulously researched techniques to improve soil health and crop resilience and implemented them on his farm. His grove serves as a living research farm, where he conducts trial…
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Parts Work & Copywriting: How to Speak to the Most Empowered Version of Your Clients with Andrea Tessier
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34:41Are you accidentally speaking to the wrong parts of your audience in your copy? In this powerful episode of The Regenerative Business Podcast, Master Life Coach and Internal Family Systems (IFS) Practitioner Andrea Tessier joins Sam Garcia to explore how parts work can transform the way you market your business. We talk about: ✅ What parts work & I…
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Episode 037: Silberzebra / Goodbalancer – Gemeinwohlbilanz und digitale Lösungen – Veronika Sharonova & Matthias Fehske
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58:27In dieser Folge des Podcasts geht es um die Gemeinwohlökonomie und die cloudbasierte Plattform Goodbalancer, die Unternehmen bei der Erstellung von Nachhaltigkeitsberichten unterstützt. Im Gespräch geht hervor, dass die Gemeinwohlökonomie ein Wirtschaftssystem ist, das das Gemeinwohl optimieren möchte und sich an Werten wie Menschenwürde, Solidarit…
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First Gen Farming & Cheesemaking with Hannah Gongola | Ep #55
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48:52Hannah Gongola is a first-generation farmer and cheesemaker. We talked about what made her want to take the path she has taken, including some interesting stories of how her agricultural experiences have impacted her life. This was a fun one speaking with someone from the younger generations, especially given the average age of a farmer is nearly 6…
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Male Size Myths and Scientific Solutions: Dr. Brandeis Talks P-Long Protocol
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39:17Risk vs. Reward: The dangers of traditional enlargement procedures. - How the P-Long Protocol Works: PRP, nitric oxide, and medical devices explained. - The 21st Century Man with Dr. Brandeis. Judson discusses his journey into men's health, emphasizing the importance of lifestyle changes and the correlation between erectile dysfunction and cardiova…
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160. Embracing Change in Cattle Breeding and Grazing with Trevor and Cheryl Branvold
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1:30:19In this episode, we are joined by Trevor and Cheryl Brannvold, the passionate owners of GBT Angus in Southeast Saskatchewan. Their journey into cattle farming began in Trevor's high school years and has since blossomed into a successful family business that also includes a budding sheep enterprise managed by their son. With a focus on regenerative …
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28. Five reasons why you should INVEST in RADICAL career change
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14:37It’s time to make radical changes in your worklife. Corporations are reneging on their sustainability commitments, mass layoffs are becoming normalized, and YOU need to make empowered choices about who you are willing to work for. The goal of making change happen from inside these organizations is proving to be a fantasy. The illusion that a corpor…
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Dan Kittredge: On the Cusp of a Nutrition-Led Revolution?
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1:28:04Welcome to a special 250th episode of the podcast! Are we on the cusp of a revolution in the nutritional content of our food? One that could change everything? Dan Kittredge thinks so. And he’s about to launch his next global effort to that end. When you get a chance to speak with the man who’s been called the global steward of nutrient density in …
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TimeWarp #60: Feste, Frauen und Furore
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1:06:56Im März begleitet die beiden eine außergewöhnliche Drink und Snack Kombi bei ihrem Auf und Ab durch europäische Länder und Zeiten. Sarah entführt euch zu einem kunterbunten, feurigen Treiben an der spanischen Mittelmeerküste, das zwar optisch an den vergangenen Karneval erinnern mag, sonst aber kaum etwas damit gemein hat. Dadurch blumengeschmückt …
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355 Tom Hengl - We should reward the stewards of the land like we celebrate Olympic champions
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1:02:05A long-overdue check-in conversation with Tom Hengl, director at OpenGeoHub, one of the leading scientists in earth observation and remote sensing—one of the most cited in his field, belonging to the top 0.1% (based on Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers). We discuss the significant changes in the world of remote sensing, satellites, and the hype su…
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Sandor Katz: Fermentation as catalyst for social transformation
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52:27What does it mean to recognize that so much of the world has become “anti-microbial”? Why is it that some bacteria make us sick while others are vital to our wellbeing? And how can we understand social transformation as a form of fermentation? In this episode, we are joined by fermentation revivalist Sandor Katz, who guides us through the foundatio…
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Grab a Cup | Naturally Supernatural (Dick Wiedenheft) | March 2, 2025
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41:30Join us as we discover the importance of living out the words, ways and works of Jesus in our daily lives. If you want to dig deeper, register for our Naturally Supernatural Conference (March 14-15) .
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Redesigning Our Nutrient Management for Soil Health (WCP 414)
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54:49Brian Dougherty of Understanding Ag joins me once again. This time to discuss how we can become more adaptable with our nutrient management. Rather than following the conventional 4R approach of right source, right rate, right time, right place we look at the 6P approach where we let the 6 Principles of Soil Health guide our redesign of our whole n…
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Il piano B che ti può salvare la vita.
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31:11Quando si progetta un business, quasi nessuno pensa a un vero piano B. Tutti fissati sul piano principale, sull’idea perfetta, sul colpo di genio che dovrebbe funzionare. Eppure la natura, che di sistemi complessi se ne intende, non progetta mai con una sola opzione. Ogni ecosistema ha vie alternative, ogni specie sviluppa strategie ridondanti, ogn…
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Rob Galvan, the "Voice of the Regents Knights", talks with Kirk Avery about how he became the primary announcer of Regents sporting events and how he approaches the craft of announcing. Along the way you'll get to hear a little Regents Athletics history as well as Rob's own background as a sports announcer.…
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Merging Natural Building & Modern Manufacturing with Evan Ryan of Croft
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57:53The construction industry is at a turning point. Pre-manufactured housing seeks to disrupt conventional building methods due to labor shortages, weather delays, and material waste, as a faster, more efficient alternative. But efficiency shouldn’t come at the cost of health or sustainability. In this episode, Neal Collins sits down with Evan Ryan, a…
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Bởi Walid Zidan
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Ep 43 - EPMURAS Eficiencia Funcional - William Koury
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1:11:08🎙 EPMURAS: Selección de Ganado con Eficiencia Funcional – Entrevista con William Koury Filho 🐂 En este episodio de Ganadería Regenerativa, conversamos con William Koury Filho, zootecnista brasileño y creador de EPMURAS, una metodología revolucionaria que transforma la evaluación visual del ganado en una herramienta objetiva, práctica y accesible pa…
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Dr. Cindy Aalders: Women Writing Religious Communities in Eighteenth Century England
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57:50In today’s conversation, the last in our Women in Theology series, we catch up with Regent’s own Library Director and Professor of the History of Christianity, Dr. Cindy Aalders. Cindy has recently published her thesis as a monograph, The Spiritual Lives and Manuscript Cultures of Eighteenth-Century Women (2024). In this conversation, we delve into…
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Bởi Walid Zidan
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Redefining Parkinson’s Treatment: Dr. Jonathan Sackner-Bernstein on a Novel Approach to Treatment and Disease Reversal
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42:23In this insightful episode of the Neuron Regeneration Podcast, we explore a groundbreaking new perspective on Parkinson’s disease treatment. Dr. Jonathan Sackner-Bernstein, a physician, engineer, and former FDA and DARPA leader, challenges the long-held belief that Parkinson’s is solely a disease of dopamine deficiency. Instead, his research sugges…
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Will Winter on The A to Z of Apple Cider Vinegar (WCP 413)
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1:01:29Will Winter joins me once again. This time we are focused on the A to Z of Apple Cider Vinegar. What purpose does it fill in a livestock operation? Why the source matters? As well as some practical considerations for how we use it on our operations. Thanks to our Studio Sponsor, Understanding Ag! Head over to to book your consul…
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Grab A Cup | Cave of Wonders (Amanda) | February 16, 2025
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26:33Join us as we explore the importance of silence and solitude as we desire to connect with the Father. Thank you for sticking with us through the technical difficulties around the 8 minute mark. We're working to resolve the issue for the future.
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5 Myths preventing you from creating Drool-Worthy Offers (and what to do instead)
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10:25If you’ve ever launched an offer only to be met with silence—or if sales feel like an uphill battle—you’re not alone. The truth is, most entrepreneurs fall for at least one of the biggest myths about crafting an offer that actually sells. In this episode of Regenerative Business, Sam Garcia exposes the five most common misconceptions that keep busi…
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Episode 36: Ecoworks – Die Zukunft der nachhaltigen Sanierung – Emanuel Heisenberg
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51:15In dieser Folge von "Regenerativ & Digital" spricht David mit Emanuel Heisenberg, dem CEO, Gründer und Geschäftsführer von Ecoworks, einem Proptech-Unternehmen, das sich auf die serielle Sanierung von Bestandsimmobilien spezialisiert hat. Ecoworks setzt auf vorgefertigte Elemente aus Holzrahmenkonstruktionen für Fassaden und Dächer, nachhaltige Däm…
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Grab A Cup | The Discipline of Friendship (Christen) | February 23rd, 2025
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25:18Join us as we explore the importance of friendship and community.
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Natuurinclusief Onderwijs in Nederland - Aflevering 10: Hogeschool Leiden, Leiden
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50:08Natuurinclusief Onderwijs in Nederland Aflevering 10: Minor 'OnderwijsBuiten: de aarde is jouw klaslokaal' , Hogeschool Leiden. Welkom bij de podcasterie over natuurinclusief onderwijs in Nederland. Waar we van onderwijsinstellingen leren hoe natuurinclusief onderwijs bij hen toegepast wordt, wat leidende principes zijn en hoe het in de praktijk ui…
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159. Pioneering New Paths in Agriculture with Nathan Stucky
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1:03:50In this episode of the Grazing Grass Podcast, Nathan Stucky of Stucky Family Ranch returns to discuss the latest innovations in sustainable agriculture. From integrating new cattle genetics to exploring advanced data collection with Rooted Ag, Nathan shares his journey over the past year. He delves into the challenges of adaptive grazing and the us…
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27. Put your career privilege to work!
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14:20It is absolutely true that many people are not in a position to quit their corporate job and pursue purposeful, regenerative work. If you need your job to pay the bills and put food on the table, this podcast is not for you. However, if you recognize that you have reached a stage in your career with more options than most, it's time to understand w…
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89. Magnetic Fields, Mitochondria & Quantum Biology | Professors Geoffrey Guy & Alastair Nunn
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1:12:15World leading quantum biologists of the Guy Foundation join me to discuss the ground-breaking Space Health Report and its implications for human health and chronic disease on Planet Earth. Listen to my summary of the Space Health Report - Listen to my first episode with Prof Geoffrey Guy - R…
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354 Dan Barber - AI-Powered natural breeding: The End of GMOs, Gene Editing, and CRISPR?
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1:05:36An overdue check-in conversation with Dan Barber, chef, co-owner of Blue Hill restaurants and co-founder of Row 7 Seeds, where we dive into the fascinating world of seeds and how breeding is evolving with the explosion of AI and other technologies. No, we don’t need GMOs, CRISPR, or other risky blunt instruments. We discuss the implosion of the fak…
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The Secret to a Thriving, Interconnected Business Ecosystem (Beyond the "Ascension Model")
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9:19🔗 Want to create offers that people can’t resist? Check out Drool Worthy Offers here: If you’ve ever felt pressured to create a perfect product suite where clients neatly ascend from a low-ticket offer to a high-ticket program, this episode is for you. Sam Garcia unpacks why the traditional ascension model i…
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A Homeopathic Approach to Calving Season (WCP 412)
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43:19Calving season can be a stressful time for cattle and cattlemen alike. Ellen Bench joins me once again to talk about a different approach to helping calving season go more smoothly and less stressfully for everyone involved. Thanks to our Studio Sponsor, Understanding Ag! Head over to to book your consultation today! Sponsor: KR…
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Dan Peterson and Kirk Avery talk to board members Will Davis and Brent Heath about the intricacies of serving on the Regents Board of Directors. Topics discussed include: the board structure, long-term strategic decisions, length of service, and how the board handles issues that are raised at the school.…
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