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Politics and Religion. We’re not supposed to talk about that, right? Wrong! We only say that nowadays because the loudest, most extreme voices have taken over the whole conversation. Well, we‘re taking some of that space back! If you’re dying for some dialogue instead of all the yelling; if you know it’s okay to have differences without having to hate each other; if you believe politics and religion are too important to let ”the screamers” drown out the rest of us and would love some engagin ...
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Deutschlandfunk Kultur

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Überirdisch und überaus irdisch – Glaube prägt ganze Gesellschaften. In "Religionen" erfahren Sie Hintergründiges aus verschiedensten Glaubensgebäuden. Verantwortung und Mitmenschlichkeit oder Machtanspruch und Krieg: jeden Sonntag beschäftigt sich Deutschlandfunk Kultur damit, was Religionen mit Menschen und was Menschen mit Religionen machen.
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Religion und Orientierung

Bayerischer Rundfunk

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Zwischen Himmel und Erde - das Magazin für Religion und Kirche. Für Grenzfragen, gelingendes Leben und Spiritualität. Aktuelle Debatten rings um Geburt und Tod, Krieg und Frieden, Historie und Zukunft.
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Laidos autoriai ieško brandaus kultūros ir religijos sąlyčio pavyzdžių šiandienos pasaulyje, aptaria aktualias Lietuvos bei tarptautinio gyvenimo problemas, supažindina su intriguojančiomis biografijomis. Sekmadieniais 17.03 val. per LRT RADIJĄ ir pirmadieniais 17.30 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ.
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Sternstunde Religion

Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)

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Information: Dieser Video Podcast wird per Ende Juli 2021 eingestellt. Künftige und bisherige Episoden finden Sie auf unserem Play SRF Portal ( Die «Sternstunde Religion» ordnet ein, fragt nach und schafft Zusammenhänge – in Form von Dokumentarfilmen oder Gesprächen.
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Speaking Of Reliability: Friends Discussing Reliability Engineering Topics | Warranty | Plant Maintenance

Reliability.FM: Accendo Reliability, focused on improving your reliability program and career

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Gain the experience of your peers to accelerate improvement of your program and career. Improve your product development process, reliability or warranty performance; or your plant uptime or asset performance. Learn about reliability and maintenance engineering practical approaches, skills, and techniques. Join the conversation today.
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Reliability Engineering Basics, Statistics, Accelerated Testing, Program Assessment and Improvement. Listen in on in depth discussions held during the live monthly Accendo Reliability webinar series. We explore topics ranging from reliability engineering basics, statistics, accelerated life testing, program assessment and improvement. Catch up or review past events below.
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Religionen können Menschen inspirieren und zusammenbringen. Oder ein Grund für Kriege sein. Eine Sendung über das verbindende bis zerstörerische Potential von Religionen. Von Judentum über Christentum, Islam bis hin zum Buddhismus – und Atheismus.
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Religion - Die Dokumentation

Bayerischer Rundfunk

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"Evangelische Perspektiven" und "Katholische Welt" geben Einblick in das, was die Welt zusammenhält, was Menschen unbedingt angeht: Diskurse aus Religion, Glaube, Theologie, Spiritualität und Kirche, Schlüsselmomente der Kirchen- und Religionsgeschichte.
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Religions du monde traite de l’actualité religieuse et de sujets de société : les sectes, la recherche spirituelle, mais aussi la religion sur l’Internet. Des portraits nourrissent également cette émission présentée par Véronique Gaymard. *** Diffusions le dimanche à 10h10 TU vers toutes cibles.
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Welcome to our Podcast series wherein our Research Desk shares daily and weekly market updates to apprise you on the equity and commodity market trends. Start your investment journey today! Click to open a Free Demat and Trading Account. For more updates, follow our reports and recommendations. You can also contact your relationship manager or nearest branch. Please read the disclaimer document available on before trading or investing.
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Institute for Religious and Cultural Understanding

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ReligionWise features educators, researchers, and other professionals discussing their work and the place of religion in the public conversation. Host Chip Gruen, the Director of the Institute for Religious and Cultural Understanding of Muhlenberg College, facilitates conversations that aim to provide better understanding of varieties of religious expression and their impacts on the human experience. For more about the Institute for Religious and Cultural Understanding, visit www.religionand ...
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Y Religion

BYU Religious Education

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Each year, religion professors at Brigham Young University (BYU) produce hundreds of publications on subjects related to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This podcast brings this research into one place to enlighten the everyday seeker of truth. Interviewing the author, we discuss why the study was done, why it matters, and why the professor chooses to be both a scholar, and a disciple. This is Y Religion.
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Fluke Reliability Radio

Fluke Reliability Solutions

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Integrated solutions from Fluke Reliability are built for the present and the future. Our products and services are designed for the assets and team you already have in place. We “meet you where you are” and deliver rapid results on your current challenges. On top of that, our Accelix IIoT platform enables you to add new solutions that can be instantly integrated with your existing technology. In this way, we provide you a practical roadmap for greater IIoT leverage as your maintenance progr ...
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Not Religious Podcast

Brian Rapier & Blake Moseley

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Choosing a relationship with Jesus over the trappings of religion. We're here to create a safe space for the church-hurt, the misfits, and the fed-up. We also love conspiracy theories. 🛸
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A Kentucky Sports Podcast for fans by fans: With the realist sports talk in college sports, covering the Kentucky Wildcats and proud members of the greatest fanbase in the World (Big Blue Nation). Jay Hāzze (The wild child) & JD Hall (The voice of reason) give their opinionated takes on Kentucky Basketball and Football like no others.
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Religious Folly

Religious Folly

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We are a father-daughter duo based in East Tennessee. Michael Napier is a Pastor of a small local church for the last 30+ years and he holds a Doctorate of Biblical Studies. Sarah Napier works for corporate America by day and has devoted the majority of her life to ministry. With humor, honesty, and a mutual respect for each other’s perspectives, we will navigate through controversial topics, learn of different religious beliefs, and challenge listeners to reconsider their own convictions. J ...
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Was unterscheidet Menschen von Cyborgs? Was passiert, wenn wir sterben? Was hat Rap mit Religion zu tun? Gibt es Schuld und einen freien Willen? Was steht wirklich in der Bibel und wie ernst nehmen Muslime den Koran? In der Theologie und Religionswissenschaft der Universität Zürich wird zu diesen Fragen, zu Spiritualität und verschiedenen Religionen geforscht. Jeden zweiten Freitagabend spricht Dorothea Lüddeckens mit Kolleg:innen und Gästen über ihre Forschung, ihre Perspektiven auf Spiritu ...
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Reliable Truth

Richard E Simmons III

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Welcome to Reliable Truth with best-selling author Richard E Simmons III. Are you searching for truth in your life? Looking for talks that will get you thinking? Each week Richard talks on topics like how to find happiness in your work, or how to improve your marriage. Listen anytime – on the way to work or over a lunch break – and you should come away feeling challenged and encouraged.
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What's at stake for faith freedom for all in our world today? Join the conversation on religion and the law, including the most significant cases concerning religion and religious liberty at the U.S. Supreme Court and the continuing impact of Christian nationalism. As lawyers and people of faith, BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler and General Counsel Holly Hollman think these topics deserve respectful conversation -- something that we don’t always hear in the public square or our social med ...
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Reliability Matters is a podcast on the subject of reliability of circuit assemblies. Reliability "best practices" and success stories are discussed. This podcast features interviews with experts in the electronic assembly industry. All electronic production segments which effect product reliability are on the table. This includes contamination, coating, cleanliness assessment, inspection, building for harsh environments, reflow, printing, failure analysis, board fabrication, and much more. ...
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Religion Unplugged

The Media Project

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Religion explored through candid conversations and original reporting. This podcast is powered by The Media Project, a network of more than 1,000 journalists worldwide. TMP acknowledges that religion is growing and becoming more, not less important in the world.
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A Catholic’s Perspective with The Religious Hippie is a podcast hosted by Amber Rose, a passionate Catholic Communicator who dives into the richness of the faith and how it applies to our daily lives. Each episode offers a fresh take on Catholicism, blending tradition with relatable, real-life experiences. Support this podcast:
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D. Ashley Campbell

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Religionish is a nerdy podcast about everything religion...ish. The show uses interviews and reflective narration, with a smidge of sarcasm, to illustrate how religion is everywhere from politics and pop culture to feasting and friendships. Soon you’ll see how everything is a little bit religion…ish. Join your host Ashley Campbell and become a #ReligionNerd.
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show series
Send us a text In this episode of Religious Folly, we dive into the fascinating history of Christmas and its modern-day traditions—many of which have little to do with the actual birth of Jesus. Did you know that the Bible doesn’t specify a December birthdate for Christ? So, where did December 25th come from? And why do we celebrate Christmas with …
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MOD Andreas Mittendorfer Gesendet, am 20.12.2024 In der Diözese St. Pölten sorgt eine Reform für Diskussionen. Dass etwa Laienorganisationen wie die Katholische Aktion in Vereine ausgelagert werden, sehen Kritiker besorgt. Diözesanbischof Alois Schwarz verteidigt die Reform als notwendigen Schritt. Gestaltung: Robert Friess, Andreas Mittendorfer ++…
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Ethische Fragen rund um Geburt und Schwangerschaft: Kann ich mir das Leben mit einem Kind mit Behinderung vorstellen? Wie reagiert das Umfeld auf die eine oder andere Entscheidung? Und bekommen Familien mit Kindern mit besonderen Bedürfnissen die Unterstützung, die sie brauchen? Tanja Krones, Leitende Ärztin für Klinische Ethik am Universitätsspita…
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Join Brian Holdsworth and me as we discuss the world of social media and artificial intelligence. We discuss the pros of these technologies—like connecting with others, evangelization opportunities, and fostering creativity—and the cons, including their potential to distract, distort reality, and lead to unhealthy dependencies. Brian shares his per…
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Dealing with Ongoing Changes Abstract Kirk and Fred discuss the challenge of adding changes to a product during the development process so that they can design and build the prototypes. Key Points Join Kirk and Fred as they discuss how companies are adding new features to stay competitive with market developments. Topics include: Automobiles, espec…
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Udo Jürgens umkreiste mit seinen Liedern den Wert des Alltags und des Lebens. Mit "Ich glaube" hat er in den 1960er Jahren in damals mutigem Pathos und immer noch gültig die Menschlichkeit angesichts von Krieg und Hunger besungen. Obwohl er sich in Interviews als ungläubig bezeichnet hat, zeugen viele Lieder von Gottvertrauen und sogar Gottsuche. A…
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In June 1609, two judges left Bordeaux for a territory at the very edge of their jurisdiction, a Basque-speaking province on the Atlantic coast called the Pays de Labourd. In four months, they executed up to 80 women and men for the crime of witchcraft, causing a wave of suspects to flee into Spain and sparking terror there. Witnesses, many of them…
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Jana Byars talks to Veronica Strang about her new book Water Beings: From Nature Worship to the Environmental Crisis (Reaktion, 2023). Looking to the vast human history of water worship, a crucial study of our broken relationship with all things aquatic—and how we might mend it. Early human relationships with water were expressed through beliefs in…
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Seit Urzeiten deuten die Menschen die Sterne auch spirituell. Sind es Götter? Lichtbotschaften? Oder tanzende Engel? Und bis heute beflügeln Sterne die Fantasie. Auch die Funktion von Wegweisern wird ihnen zugeschrieben. Vor rund 2000 Jahren soll ein Stern weise Sternenkundige zur Krippe in Bethlehem geführt haben - so berichtet es die Bibel.Warum …
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Heute beginnen wir in Camino eine sechsteilige Reihe: Wir schauen auf die vor uns liegenden Feiertage als „Besondere Zeiten“, in denen wir innehalten, träumen und außergewöhnlichen Geschichten lauschen können.Im ersten Teil geht es um Menschen, die die Nacht über Wache halten. Security-Leute zum Beispiel. Oder Pflegende an Kranken- und Sterbebetten…
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Fala Resistência, chegamos ao último episódio de 2024 e hoje a gente vai bater um papo pra tentar entender se existe realmente perseguição a cristãos no Brasil e sobre como a sociedade atual tem se... O post RP# 121 – Existe perseguição a cristãos no Brasil? apareceu primeiro em Resistência Podcast.Bởi Resistência Podcast
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(This was one of my favorite conversations of 2024 partly because Tom and I both did our best Robert DeNiro impressions toward the end.) Let's talk candidly about why Gov. Josh Shapiro of PA wasn't chosen as Kamala Harris's running mate. Let's also assess the merits and potential drawbacks of Gov. Tim Walz of MN as the Democratic VP candidate. Oh, …
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MOD: Andreas Mittendorfer Gesendet, am 19.12.2024 In der Diözese St. Pölten werden mit Jahreswechsel Laienorganisationen, darunter die Träger der Dreikönigsaktion, in einen Verein ausgelagert. Kritiker und Theologen sehen einen Rückschritt in eine „autoritäre Männerkirche“. Die Diözese sieht mehr „Vielfalt“. Gestaltung: Stefan Schwarzwald-Sailer ++…
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YULE be excited to hear that we're back with a Christmas-centered episode with a question that's sure to be a hot topic at the dinner table this year: Do you need Christ to celebrate Christmas? We know his name is literally right there, but what about the non-believers who want to partake in the holiday festivities? This episode is packed with all …
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A Supreme Court case on medical care for transgender youth could have major ramifications – not only for children who have gender dysphoria and their families but also for how other statutes are reviewed under the Equal Protection Clause. In this episode, Amanda and Holly examine the oral arguments in U.S. v. Skrmetti, breaking down key moments in …
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The compelling vision of religious life and practice found in Hasidic sources has made it the most enduring and successful Jewish movement of spiritual renewal of all time. In Laws of the Spirit: Ritual, Mysticism, and the Commandments in Early Hasidism (Stanford UP, 2024), Ariel Evan Mayse grapples with one of Hasidism's most vexing questions: how…
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Scholars of religion have mostly abandoned the concept of "syncretism" in which certain apparent deviations from "standard" practice are believed to be the result of a mixture of religions. This is particularly relevant to Thailand, in which ordinary religious practice was seen by an earlier generation of scholars as a mixture of three religions: l…
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Scholars of religion have mostly abandoned the concept of "syncretism" in which certain apparent deviations from "standard" practice are believed to be the result of a mixture of religions. This is particularly relevant to Thailand, in which ordinary religious practice was seen by an earlier generation of scholars as a mixture of three religions: l…
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MOD: Andreas Mittendorfer Gesendet, am 18.12.2024 Kurz vor dem christlichen Weihnachts- und dem jüdischen Chanukka-Fest ist die Lage in Jerusalem – zu Zeiten des Kriegs - angespannt, berichtet Nikodemus Schnabel, Abt der Dormitio-Abtei, die am Rand der Jerusalemer Altstadt liegt. Gestaltung: Maria Harmer ++ +++ +++ +++ ++++ Wenn es bei den Weihnach…
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Justin K.H. Tse captures the voices of Cantonese Protestant Christians from the San Francisco, Vancouver, and Hong Kong metropolitan areas as they reflect on their efforts to adapt to secular communities while retaining their identity and beliefs. In the context of the transpacific region between Asia and the Americas, the “Pacific Rim” refers to a…
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MOD: Andreas Mittendorfer, Gesendet, am 17.12.2024 Kardinal Christoph Schönborn hat in einem Pressegespräch auf seine rund 30 Jahre als Wiener Erzbischof zurückgeblickt. Dabei bedauerte er die sinkenden Mitgliederzahlen in der Kirche und äußerte sich auch zum Thema Geschlechtergerechtigkeit. Gestaltung: Andreas Mittendorfer ++ +++ +++ Anlässlich de…
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Eric watched Y2K. Matt watched The Northman with Robert Eggers audio commentary. Y2K is the latest film from actor turned director Kyle Mooney. On the last night of 1999, two high school juniors crash a New Year’s Eve party, only to find themselves fighting for their lives against a horde of evil machines. Y2K stars Jaeden Martell, Julian Dennison,…
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Edit: I was unhappy with the original version uploaded, so I uploaded a new version at 5:30 p.m. CST on Wednesday, December 18, 2024. This is a review of John Hamilton's memoir titled Honest to God. I found much to relate to in John's life story, even as his path through life took some major twists and turns. The narrative of the book alternates be…
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“All who entered the Temple Mount entered by the right, circled to the right and exited by the left, except for one to whom something had happened, who entered and circled to the left...” (Mishnah Middot) We're on YouTube! Rabbi Sharon Brous, the founding rabbi of IKAR and author of THE AMEN EFFECT, delv…
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Moderation Martin Gross/Gesendet in Ö1 am 16.12.2024++Nach dem jüngsten Rücktritt des geistlichen Oberhaupts der anglikanischen Kirche wegen des Vorwurfs der Vertuschung in einem Missbrauchsfall ist jetzt auch der Erzbischof von York ins Visier geraten. (Jörg Winter)++Die Infrastruktur in der Ukraine wurde durch russische Luftangriffe in den letzte…
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Executing the Plan Abstract Carl and Fred continue discussing the listener question about building an effective reliability program. After discussing some of the finer points about creating the reliability plan, the podcast focuses on execution of the reliability plan. Key Points Join Carl and Fred as they discuss some of the finer points about bui…
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Intersektionale Bündnisse gegen Israel - #MeToo unless you’re a JewVortrag von Merle Stöver in der Reihe "Die Selbstgerechten unter den Völkern - Reaktionen auf den 7. Oktober" am 05.09.2024 ( feministische Solidarität gilt und wer davon ausgeschlossen ist, mussten Jüdinnen und israelische Frauen nach dem Massaker der Hamas…
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In one of the first books to ask head-on what it means for Israel to be a Jewish state, Yaacov Yadgar delves into what the designation "Jewish" amounts to in the context of the sovereign nation-state, and what it means for the politics of the state to be identified as Jewish. The volume interrogates the tension between the notion of Israel as a Jew…
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Leyla Ozgur Alhassen’s book Qur’anic Stories: God, Revelation and the Audience (Edinburgh University Press, 2021) provides excellent analyses of several Qur’anic surahs, or chapters, to explore how Qur’anic stories function as narratives – but not just any kind of narratives: narratives with a theological purpose behind them. The specific stories s…
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When BYU professor Casey Paul Griffiths teaches a scripture class, he often concludes the semester by saying, “The end.” But when he finishes a course on the Doctrine and Covenants, he says, “To be continued . . .” This reflects the ongoing nature of revelation in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a living church led by the Savior th…
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Where do you look when you need help? Jesus boldly claims who He is in John chapter 10: "Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the Gate for the sheep. All who have come before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. I am the Gate; whoever enters through Me will be saved. They will come in and go out, …
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