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Booze (trying to quit, failing miserably) and possibly rage (not really) driven ramblings on near anything and everything. But more focused thanks to my co-host Psykoal3ks, who remains entirely sober throughout our episodes. Heavily unedited! Something I’m quite proud of. For perfection (of the self included) is an illusion to be ignored on our paths. Thanks for listening. Peace be with you, and all that junk. P.S. Formerly Gh3tto8uddha’s Pod. Old Episodes are still up and will be left up fo ...
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Secangkir Podcast

Rizky Ariestiyansyah

Hàng tháng
Obrolan santai bareng Rizky dan teman-temannya, kadang serius kadang lucu tapi bermanfaat, Yuk dengarin! Ngobrol dan tukar pikiran bisa di twitter atau instagram: @ariestiyansyah
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Secangkir Hati 21


Hàng tháng
Selamat datang di rumah Secangkir Hati, salam kenal namaku Ririn dan kita akan ngobrol sambil minum secangkir teh hangat tentang topik yang menarik di hati.Semoga moment kita di sini bisa membuat harimu berseri. @secangkirhati21
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secangkir cerita

Alkarana Fachrul

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anything always have their own way to explain. selalu ada cara untuk mengungkapkan pola pikir dan cerita. secangkir cerita. ask or anything, find me other on ig or twitter, @_rodokrene
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Kicauan Secangkir Teh

Sepasang Manusia Tak Berarah

Hàng tháng
Perihal Hidup Yang Mungkin Anda Belum Tahu Akan dibahas disini dengan Berbagi Sudut Pandang. And Enjoy the Lesson from Us :) Support this podcast:
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Welcome to the official SECAF Podcast! For more than 20 years, the Small and Emerging Contractors Advisory Forum has been helping small and emerging government contracting businesses scale to their fullest potential. On this podcast, we'll be interviewing Key Government Leaders and Subject Matter Experts to get a better understanding on GovCon customers and trends in the industry. We at SECAF believe there's space for everyone to succeed.
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Secangkir Latte Dingin

Secangkir Latte Dingin

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Podcast ini berisi berbagai obrolan tentang berbagai macam hal. Semua hal yang dibicarakan di dalam podcast ini adalah pendapat pribadi disertai dengan fakta-fakta yang relatif up-to-date.
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Secangkir Rasa

Kurnia Sjafei

Hàng ngày+
@kurniasj dan @afkarsarv merupakan dua jurnalis doyan banget ngobrol dan diskusi apapun. Di podcast ini kita ingin membahas kisah kita sebagai jurnalis dan isu - isu menarik didalamnya. Ingin memberikan saran topik? Kamu bisa email ke Selamat mendengarkan! :)
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Cerita tentang aku dalam ruang hampa ku, Dan mungkin juga cerita tentang mu dalam ruang hampa mu. Karena pada Satu titik, Kita adalah sama. Cover art photo provided by Vincent Burkhead on Unsplash:
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Só na Seca

Só na Seca

Hàng tháng
Podcast realizado por: Tião, Matheus e Vinícius. Inscrevam-se no canal para episódio semanal! Deixem sugestões para o que pode ser melhorado para que você receba a cada semana um material com mais qualidade. Facebook: /sonaseca Twitter: @sonaseca
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Hàng tháng
Static soul yet the voice being in echo tearing through everything and reaching the corners of the world. With this thought in mind, we at SECARMY are plausibly delighted to present the SECARMY podcast. SECARMY podcast is a exclusively and exquisitely interesting series published with an ambition to reach and teach people throughout the world. Where tons are stumbling across the existence, we bring this series to build a path for everyone to walk on. Embrace yourself; it's time for a journey ...
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Paulo Júnior vira e revira os lançamentos literários da semana, do mês e do ano, e leva até você uma revista com entrevistas, notas, áudios e muita informação sobre os livros, os filmes, exposições, eventos, mostras e tudo que envolver suas duas paixões: arte e esporte. Acompanhando o Folha Seca você descobre grandes materiais, ótimos livros e não perde as novidades no ramo. É toda quarta-feira, às 19h.
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show series
We were supposed to mainly discuss haunted places and happenings and such, but as usual I (gh3tto8uddha) led us away from the actual subject, and we ended up talking more about movies and shows and what enjoyed or found wrong with things. I mostly was the one talking about things I didn't generally enjoy. Especially when it came to GoT...sorry. Hop…
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This episode is for those who finds themselves without hope in the last few days ever since the last election in the USA. I (gh3tto8uddha) originally named it for those about to rock, in honor of all the ladies and those behind them, ready to defend women, lgbtq+, etc., and their rights. Allies, etc. But considering most of us are about ready to gi…
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While the topic is what the title is, we did get a bit off track (as usual I think). However, I'd (gh3tto8uddha) like to think the conversation me and psychoAl3x got into was a way of us being viewed by those who have passed on. Not sure if that makes sense but here we are. To the ancestors. To our pets, sons, daughters, parents, brothers, sisters,…
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We had a bit of fun with this episode. While we did start off talking about our age and things that we've noticed have changed with age (aches, etc., Lol), ultimately this episode was to express our nerd-doms. Particularly, with Pokémon. More of a test of these things, as we decided to test ourselves on our knowledge of Pokemon generation 1. Hope y…
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Despite the name, this episode is actually not in Spanglish but in almost 99.9% Spanish. This was done not only for some of our listeners but also as a challenge to ourselves to see if we could hold a full on conversation in Spanish, despite our mostly English every day variety. For those who hang out despite, and have fun? We salute you. A pesar d…
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This episode involves imposter syndrome. As such, I feel like me (gh3tto8uddha) and psychoal3x, seem to do our best to inadvertently avoid the subject. Nonetheless, we definitely do end up, eventually, discussing the subject here and there. Amidst other subjects, or rants that we accidentally get caught up on. But regardless, we've done what we can…
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While we had an idea on where to start this episode, I (gh3tto8uddha) inevitably drew psychoal3ks into my usual shtick of playing things by ear, once again. And while we had thought to do an introspective view on comic book villains, and what drove them to become what they are? We ended up, accidentally, doing an introspective view into ourselves a…
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Tune into this enlightening episode featuring Sheryl Welch, a passionate Small Business Coordinator and engaged Procurement Analyst at the USDA's Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) Business Center. Sheryl shares her expertise and enthusiasm as a dedicated advocate for small businesses, offering practical tips on how to successfully engage with…
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Now I realize that this podcast's name includes the word drunk. Because I, gh3tto8uddha, am essentially...well not essentially. I am a drunk. Point being, you'd expect me to be sauced. But considering me and Psykoal3x had some things to discuss before we actually got recording, I began drinking when we began speaking on things. And after listening …
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Welcome, one and all, to another episode of El Borracho Y La Seca! We have with us, someone whom gh3tto8uddha has had on their pod before (even though the guest doesn't remember because it was years ago, lol...T-T), though is more than welcome again. Mojo presents us with his views on music and things concerning his music project labeled; Mojo's Im…
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Hey folks! This episode is definitely not a serious one. As you can probably already guess, just from the title alone. I think we were a little seeped in the seriousness of our last episodes that we just mostly decided to cut loose and have fun while discussing jazz and other like genres of music. Hope you have as much fun listening as we had recor…
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Here's another serious one guys, gals, gender fluids, and non-binary pals. As always we still manage to have some laughs, not at the expense of the subject, of course, but still. We like to keep things lighthearted for our mental health's sake and yours. Concerning the subject, we did mention how to get help on the episode, but just to be sure, als…
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First off, for those who need the translation, La Intermedio (The In between or So-So) is essentially the title our guest came up with due to the fact that she would be having a drink while recording but not necessarily get drunk. That being said, welcome once again to a FAULT FREE episode of El Borracho y La Seca! I finally got the hang of this re…
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Edit: The first few minutes were missing in this episode least I finally figured out the problem, and it's now fixed. Sorry for those who were super confused for the first SIXTEEN MINUTES??? any case. This episode gets a little serious. Not in the risqué way the last one went, but more in the sense that Psychoal3ks (I just realize…
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Edit: to really start this off, I was informed of the audio spacing issue with the episode and other episodes, I am fixing asap. Please bear with me as I am using a new computer/new software in order to record these episodes. So first things first; for those who have watched the show 'Bones', we will be going with this title naming theme from now o…
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Here's episode 2 of El Boracho y La Seca/Drunk & Sober! PsychoAl3x did her best to try and get us more organized this time around but ultimately, with a lively party right outside my window and the occasional guest walking through our recording area (my living room), it ended up being more or less like last time. But hey, we tried. Enjoy (oh, and f…
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I can't remember if I've ever done an episode with this guy, but my good Friend Albertraz joins me on this one! We're both pretty hammered by the end of it and even though those who listen to this are probably used to my cursing up and down, despite all that. Per a suggestion made mid-episode by Albert; Listener discretion is advised! And yes, that…
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The first episode of many of a new colab project involving myself and a fellow podcasting friend, PsychoAlex! "El Boracho Y La Seca". Roughly translated as the drunken man and the dry woman, so doesn't sound as cool. Which is why, in English, we shall be known as "Drunk and Sober", instead. Listen as we discuss things, in as much organizing as I al…
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I wanna say this is my triumphant return, but I have no idea whats what, or where the hell I even am in the first place. All jokes aside, I am in a much better place in life I believe, or at least, much better mentally. But I will be playing this by ear from now on. Keelan Andy comes once again to save the day, and star in this episode. Given, I ki…
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SECAF’s Podcast interview with Jerry McGinn, the George Mason University Executive Director of the Baroni Center for Government Contracting. Learn about the George Mason School of Business Baroni Center for Government Contracting’s mission and Jerry role, insights into the Small Business Summit Agenda and Keynote Speaker, and future events the Baro…
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SECAF’s Podcast interview with Richard Beutel, the Principal Researcher and Fellow at the George Mason University Baroni Center for Government Contracting. Learn about the Panel Richard is moderating during the upcoming Small Business Summit on 7 September on the Challenges Small Businesses face in competing for contracts under category management …
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SECAF’s Podcast interview with Emily Murphy, the former GSA Administrator and Senior Fellow at the George Mason University Baroni Center for Government Contracting. Learn about the Panel Emily is moderating during the upcoming Small Business Summit on 7 September on the Challenges Small Businesses face under the policies of current Small Business G…
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SECAF’s podcast interview with Shannon Jackson, Executive Director Office Small Business and Disadvantage Business Utilization U.S Dept. of Health and Human Services. Learn about the OSDBU at the HHS, Mr. Jackson's priorities, a few personal insights about the Director, and how small business GovCons can engage with his office. If you wish to engag…
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SECAF’s Podcast interview with Jamie Holcombe, the United States Patent and Trade Office CIO. Learn about the Information Technology challenges at the USPTO, Mr. Holcombe’s priorities, a few personal insights about the CIO, and how small business GovCons can engage with his office. If you wish to engage the USPTO CIO’s Office about your services, s…
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Welcome to the first episode of the SECAF Official Podcast! This podcast features an interview with SECAF Chairperson Meghan Gifford, who provides insights into her past, present, and future experience in the government contracting industry. Meghan also discusses the value that SECAF can bring to small and emerging small businesses. If you're curio…
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Foto kelas adalah momen yang sungguh bikin kita gemas. Kadang ada aja dramanya dari nentuin tempat, transport sampe fotografer andalan yang penting harganya masih bisa didiskusikan. Gimana keseruan foto kelas Teman Sehati? Kalau aku sih antara hepi sama kaget sendiri, dengerin aja di episode ini. #omgmoment #secangkirhati21…
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Jakarta kebanjiran! Ternyata ini bukan hanya kebetulan atau sekedar langganan. Bahkan sejak era Tarumanegara pun tercatat dalam prasasti kerajaan. Menginjak era kolonial Belanda, banjir pun sangat sering melanda. Lalu menurut Teman Sehati bagaimana sebaiknya solusi yang tepat sebelum prediksi tenggelam di 2050 menjadi nyata? #30haribersuara2022…
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