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Sustainable World Radio brings you interviews with experts from around the globe; teachers, designers, environmentalists, and earth activists who learn from and work with Nature. Listen to episodes about Permaculture, organic gardening, herbal medicine, plants, fungi, earth repair, natural building, regenerative farming, sustainability, and ethnobotany. Tune in to discover positive solutions to environmental challenges; solutions that adhere to the Permaculture ethics of Earth Care, People C ...
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The SDG In Action podcast series, dives deep into the critical role the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) play in shaping a sustainable and equitable future. As global challenges mount, it's vital that industry leaders grasp the SDGs' relevance and influence on business dynamics. Each episode uniquely focuses on an SDG, offering insights from diverse Canadian experts, real-world examples, and practical solutions to align with these goals. With an emphasis on storytelling and impactful cas ...
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show series
Welcome to Episode 6 of the SDG in Action Podcast, hosted by Megan Grace Halferty, Sustainability Coordinator of UN Global Compact Network Canada. This episode features Jane Zhang, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of ETCH Sourcing, and Nazifa Rahman, Operations and Sustainability Specialist at ETCH Sourcing. Together, we dive into the role of sustainable proc…
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Tune in to Episode 5 of the SDG in Action Podcast with Elizabeth Dove and Tim Faveri, VP of Sustainability and Stakeholder Relations at Nutrien. Join us to explore sustainable food systems and their impact on advancing Goal 2 - Zero Hunger, Goal 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation, and Goal 13 - Climate Action, both in Canada and on a global scale. With…
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Dive into a journey of sustainability, health, and well-being with the latest episode of the SDG in Action Podcast, hosted by Megan Grace Halferty (she/her), Sustainability Coordinator, at the UN Global Compact Network Canada. Sponsored by Element Fleet Management, this episode shed light on Goal 3 - Good Health and Well-Being, delving into the rea…
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Embark on a journey of sustainability and innovation with the latest episode of the SDGs in Action Podcast, hosted by Megan Grace Halferty (she/her), Sustainability Coordinator, at the UN Global Compact Network Canada. Sponsored by Element Fleet Management, this episode shines a spotlight on Goal 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy, Goal 9 - Industry, …
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In this stimulating conversation with Regenerative Land Designer and Educator Javan Bernakevitch, we discuss life design and why it's important. According to Javan, if we don’t design our lives, someone else will. What are the signs of an undesigned life? Some of them include: not knowing what you’re good at, a lack of direction, being directed by …
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Dive into a critical exploration of our oceans with host August Wichert (he/him), the Environment and Climate Sustainability Lead at the UN Global Compact Network Canada, in this insightful episode of the SDG in Action Podcast. Proudly sponsored by Element Fleet Management, this episode takes you deep into Goal 14 - Life Below Water, highlighting t…
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In the premiere episode of the SDG In Action Podcast Series hosted by the UN Global Compact Network Canada, join our host, Megan Grace Halferty (she/her), Sustainability Coordinator, at the UN Global Compact Network Canada, as she engages in a stimulating discussion on Goal 5: Promoting Gender Equality with Brittany Gataveckas (she/her), Social Sus…
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Join us on a journey to India to explore the inspiring Beejvan project, a remarkable two acre demonstration farm and community-based initiative in Karjat, Maharashtra, India. In this interview with co-founder Sanjana Krishnan, discover how Beejvan is revitalizing the land, promoting biodiversity, and empowering the local community. Sanjana was insp…
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Episode 169: Is Permaculture the best option that we have to meet the demands of an unpredictable future? In this lively conversation with Rosemary Morrow, Margie Bushman, and Wes Roe, we discuss the potential Permaculture holds in restoring degraded ecosystems around the globe. Rosemary Morrow is a Permaculture designer, teacher, and earth restore…
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What does water want? What happens when we allow water to be water? Author Erica Gies explores the concept of Slow Water in her new book Water Always Wins: Thriving in an Age of Drought and Deluge. Slow Water approaches are unique to each place and work with natural systems. Slow Water is key to greater resiliency and offers multiple benefits inclu…
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Learn how to garden like nature from writer, horticultural consultant, and educator Dr. Lee Reich. We start with an audio tour of Lee’s award winning “farmden," which is more than a garden and less than a farm. Packed with plants, including Paw Paws, Hardy Kiwi, Gooseberries, Figs, and Filberts, Lee uses his land as a test site for showcasing his g…
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Episode 166: Did you know that oceans make life possible on our planet? Even if we live far from the coast, our lives are influenced by the ocean. Oceans generate oxygen, capture carbon, shape weather, and provide habitat for countless creatures. To learn more about these vast, yet fragile bodies of water that make our planet unique, beautiful, and…
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Episode 165: This special episode introduces the Regenerative Media Alliance, a project I have been working on for quite some time with fellow podcast producers Oliver Goshey and Scott Mann. The Regenerative Media Alliance or RMA is a cooperative group for podcasters and media creators working in the Permaculture, sustainability, and regenerative f…
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Nowadays, consumers are more aware of products' sustainability and circular aspects. However, on the other hand, implementing a substantial environmental strategy that addresses all phases of the product lifecycle is a complex and demanding challenge that several companies still need to overcome convincingly. There is evidence that providing reliab…
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Elektromobilitātes loma Latvijā strauji pieaug. To veicina valsts politikas mērķi un atbalsta pasākumi, zaļi domājoši uzņēmēji un pozitīvās pieredzes uzkrāšanās. Saruna ar nozares ekspertiem un praktiķiem par šī brīža situāciju un elektroauto potenciālu. Sarunā piedalās: Aiga Barisa, Ph.D, asoc. profesore, RTU VASSI; Andris Kulbergs, Latvijas Auto …
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Saules enerģiju var izmantot gan elektroenerģijas, gan siltumenerģijas ražošanai. Šajā podkāsta epizodē runājam par to, kādas ir galvenās atšķirības starp saules kolektoru izmantošanu mājsaimniecībās un centralizētajā siltumapgādē karstā ūdens sagatavošanai. Būtiska loma ir arī akumulācijas sistēmām, kas spēj saražoto siltumenerģiju uzkrāt, tāpēc p…
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Šajā podkāsta epizodē tiek runāts par plašajiem izpētes virzieniem, ko paver vides inženierzinātnes, un to ietekmi uz ilgtspējīgu valsts attīstību un iespējamiem uzlabojumiem ikviena ikdienā. Kā arī podkāsta epizode sniedz ieskatu pētnieka profesijas daudzveidībā, sākot no eksperimentālās izpētes līdz matemātiskajai modelēšanai, izvēlētās profesija…
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Ceļā uz ilgtspējīgu pasauli ir svarīga pāreja no fosilajiem resursiem uz atjaunojamajiem resursiem degvielas ražošanā. Biobutanols ir biodegviela, kuru varētu izmantot kā daļēju vai pilnīgu benzīna aizstājēju. Šajā podkāsta epizodē tiek stāstīts par to, kādi izaicinājumi ir šādas biodegvielas izstrādē un kā VASSI biosistēmu laboratorijā tiek plānot…
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Episode 164: Are you a fan of Raptors or birds of prey? Members of this large group of magnificent birds include hawks, eagles, falcons, and owls. For many of us, seeing raptors in cities and in the wilderness is awe-inspiring. To learn more about these amazing birds, I am joined by Lisa Owens Viani and Allen Fish, co-founders of the nonprofit Rapt…
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Lai mazinātu Latvijas atkarību no importētiem energoresursiem, Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes (RTU) Vides aizsardzības un siltuma sistēmu institūts kopā ar Rīgas domi (RD) , AS «Rīgas Siltums», Ekonomikas ministriju un "Elektrum" Energoefektivitātes centru aicina ikkatru iedzīvotāju pārskatīt savus paradumus un mazināt energopatēriņu. Šajā podkāstā …
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Rīgas dome klimatneitralitātes un gaisa kvalitātes uzlabošanas nolūkos izstrādāja jaunus noteikumus par teritoriālajām zonām siltumenerģijas ražošanas veida izvēlei un prasībām iekārtu uzskaitei. Šīs podkāsta epizodes ietvaros tiek stāstīts par īstermiņa un ilgtermiņā izmainām, kas sagaida individuālo apkures lietotājus un pārējos rīdziniekus. Saru…
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Ņemot vērā karu Ukrainā, kurš liek mums meklēt iespējas transformēt Latvijas enerģētikas sektoru, lai samazinātu dabasgāzes izmantošanu un Krievijas ietekmi tajā, šī podkāsta epizode, kas veltīta energoefektivitātei un enerģijas kopienām, ir vēl jo vairāk aktuāla, lai arī šīs epizodes ierakts ir tapis vēl pirms kara sākuma Ukrainā. Sarunā piedalās:…
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Energoresursu cenu pieaugums energosektoru virza uz pārmaiņām. Visvienkāršākais veids ir dažādot energoresursus, no kuriem pirmajā vietā izvirzās Saules enerģijas izmantošana elektroenerģijas ražošanai. Kopīgi meklēsim risinājumus un mēģināsim izvērtēt iespējas uzstādīt saules paneļus ikvienam, kas to vēlas.…
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Ļoti daudz skolās tiek runāts par kompetences izglītību, tāpēc šajā podkāsta epizodē gribētu pastāstīt, kā RTU VASSI mēģināja veidot hakatonu pie sevis universitātē, kāds no tā iznāca rezultāts. Padalīties pieredzē un izvērtēt, kas ir bijis pareizi izdarīts un kas varbūt nav. Sarunā piedalās: Dagnija Blumberga,, profesore, RTU VASS…
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Episode 163: What if you could replace your monocrop grass lawn with a “solar powered regenerative system that stores carbon while creating habitats”? You can! Learn how in this informative episode with Owen Wormser. Did you know that the average lawn is a a biological desert that needs vast amounts of resources to stay alive? By replacing your law…
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Professor Ăke Bergman, Stockholm University and Örebro University, Sweden Moderator: Kārlis Valters, Riga Technical University, Latvia Man-made chemicals are those that are not found in nature, but either refined from, e.g., oil or coal or synthesized in a laboratory. These chemicals are useful, but some of them may possess certain risks for wildli…
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The newest podcast episode will focus on how we understanding complex dynamic systems in the world. Professor Pål Davidsen from Bergen University in Norway and professor Andra Blumberga from Riga Technical University in Latvia will reflect on topic about dynamic systems. Discussion is moderated by Dr. Kārlis Valters from the Riga Technical Universi…
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Episode 162: Is the future nuts? According to our guest Michael Judd, it definitely is, but in a good way! In this fun and informative interview, Michael shares his vision of a bountiful and food secure future where nut tree orchards and farms abound. Resilient perennial crops with a multitude of ecosystem services, nut trees improve soil health an…
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The Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Latvia in cooperation with the Institute of Energy Systems and Environment of the Riga Technical University offering a series of podcasts “Sustainable Worlds”. The podcast episode is focused on energy efficiency in historic buildings. Dr. Ernst Jan de Place Hansen from Aalborg University in Den mark and pr…
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The Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Latvia in cooperation with the Institute of Energy Systems and Environment of the Riga Technical University offering a series of podcasts “Sustainable Worlds”. The newest podcast episode is focused on the challenges and opportunities sustainable energy will feature. Professor Peter Lund from Aalto Universi…
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Growing an herbal apothecary garden at home is fun and easy. Learn how to start your own in this informative interview with longtime organic farmer Alena Steen. We begin the episode by talking about the benefits of growing medicinal herbs and then move into the nitty gritty of soil preparation, watering, and harvesting. Alena explains the concept o…
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Episode 160: Lonny Grafman has worked with hundreds of communities around the globe assisting them with projects across a broad spectrum of sustainability. In this inspiring episode Lonny reflects on his decades of work and shares his knowledge and experience about how to build more resilient communities. Lonny talks about his early beginnings as a…
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ILGTSPĒJĪGĀS PASAULES sarunas par zinātni veido RTU Vides aizsardzības un siltuma sistēmu institūts. Zinātniskās komunikācijas eksperta Dr. Kārļa Valtera saruna ar RTU Vides aizsardzības un siltuma sistēmu pētnieci un doktoranti Baibu Ieviņu par mikroaļģu izmantošanas iespējām aprites ekonomikā
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Step into the vibrant and beautiful world of living color with natural dyer, designer, and artist Sasha Duerr. Sasha takes us on a journey from Soil to Studio. We learn how creating and working with dyes made from plants, seaweed, and other natural materials can increase our ecological and botanical knowledge, foster collaboration, and have a benef…
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Episode 158: Longtime organic farmer Mark Sturges believes that when we create a better habitat for beneficial insects, we create a better habitat for ourselves. Mark is a master compost maker whose compost is filled with life. When Mark creates compost, he encourages the "whole neighborhood" to move in. The cast of characters in Mark's neighborhoo…
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