Tripp Kramer ( has been teaching shy men around the world how to date the girls they truly desire by approaching confidently, using openers that really work, starting conversations that are fun and engaging, and closing with her number and planning a date.
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RAISING HER CONFIDENTLY | Parenting Teens, How to Talk to Teens, Family Communication, Raising Teen Girls
Jeannie Baldomero | Parenting Teens Coach Inspired by Brene Brown, Mark Gregston, Gary Chapman
Do you want to have open communication with your teen daughter? Do you find yourself up late at night constantly thinking about how to talk to your teen or why she’s not opening up to you? Do you wake up with confident intentions only to feel confused and frustrated when you get 1-word answers from your daughter or instead of the deep conversations you hoped to have, you end up in a yelling match? Hi, I’m Jeannie. I think back to when I was 13. I was that teenage girl you are googling about! ...
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222\\ Build Trust with Your Teenage Daughter Series: How to Be a Judgement-free Listener
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19:08Is your knee-jerk reaction when your daughter shares something that you are not quite too happy about or maybe even shocked you and you want to share your opinion about it? Do you find it hard to sit quietly as she goes on about something you wholeheartedly disagree with? Today, we’re focusing on one of the most powerful ways to strengthen your rel…
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Creating Bulletproof Confidence With Women
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53:48Guys struggle with confidence, self-esteem, and their shame that keeps them stuck in dating and life. Sound familiar? It’s time to break free. You’ll learn how to let go of the crap holding you back, build self-worth and attract women. You’ll move through life with total freedom. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching: HOOKED Vi…
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221\\ 5 Ways to Guide Your Teen Girl to Having Good Friends In Her Life
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16:50Do you remember your teen years? In the teen years we start grow fickle in our relationships - especially friendships. It's a stage where they are discovery themselves, their identity, their values and who the are. This also means things change, clothes, appearances and friendships. As your teenage daughter is testing the waters of self-discovery, …
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220\\ Why Does Your Teenage Daughter Only Talk to Her Friends? 3 Truths to Help You Understand
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14:24“Why does my daughter only talk to her friends and not me?” It can be frustrating, even painful, when the little girl who once told you every detail of her day now barely gives you a sentence. But before you jump to conclusions, let’s break down the truths and myths behind this and, most importantly, what you can do to keep your connection strong. …
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Weekly Wingman: 5 Small Changes To Make Women Notice You
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14:35Struggling to stand out to every girl? If you’re just another guy in the crowd, she’s not gonna notice you. But when you make a few simple tweaks, everything shifts fast. Five easy changes can make you more magnetic, get girls to notice you even quicker and start real attraction. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching: HOOKED Vi…
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7 Dark Truths About Female Psychology Society Won’t Tell You
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37:53Women don’t choose men based on logic, they choose based on emotion. That’s why being nice doesn’t make her want you. Attraction isn’t about fairness, and the way women think isn’t what society tells you. Once you understand how women really make their choices, you gain the edge. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching: HOOKED Vi…
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219\\ 5 Ways to Get Past the “Stuck-up” Attitude and Connect with Your Teen Girl
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14:46You probably have a tween or teen daughter who seems to be in that "stuck-up" phase—eye rolls, dismissive tones, acting like she’s too good for family time. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Today, we’re diving into why this happens, why it’s actually a normal part of her development, and, most importantly, how you can break through this attitude t…
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218\\ Social Media & Your Daughter’s Self-Confidence: What Every Mom Needs to Know
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21:26Moms, have you noticed your daughter becoming more self-conscious, comparing herself to others, or struggling with self-esteem? You’re not alone. Teenage years have always been a time of self-doubt and insecurity, but today’s generation of girls faces a whole new level of pressure—thanks to social media. In today’s episode, we’ll dive into how soci…
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7 Types Of Approaches I Will NEVER Use to Talk to Girls
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37:39You keep approaching, but nothing’s working. Want to know why? You’re using the wrong type of approach. There are 7 common mistakes that instantly turn women off—if you’re making any of them, you’re sabotaging yourself. Let’s fix that. Here’s what to avoid and what to do instead. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching: …
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Weekly Wingman: Turn Friends into Dates
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15:26Cold approaching and online dating can feel like a grind. What if there was a way to make meeting women easier? In this episode, you’ll learn a simple hack for turning casual conversations into warm introductions, so you can build a natural dating pipeline while having more fun. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching: H…
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217\\ Why Are Your Daughters So Different? 5 Ways to Understand Their Unique Paths
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18:39How can two daughters raised in the same home, with the same values, rules, and boundaries, turn out so differently? One might be super independent while the other craves reassurance. One follows the rules, the other tests every limit. You might find yourself thinking, "How can what worked so well for one be completely ineffective for the other?" I…
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216\\ The Secret Weapon Moms of Teenagers Seldom Use to Connect With Their Daughters
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17:58Mama, Do need help raising your teenage daughter? Do you feel guilty wanting seek help in parenting your teen girl? We’re diving into a topic that can be a game-changer in your parenting journey—mentors. We all want to be the go-to person for our daughters, but the truth is, we simply can’t be everything for them. And that’s okay. We want to build …
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5 Summer Strategies I Always Rely on to Get More Dates
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38:00Most guys struggle to meet women in person, but summer makes it easier. You’ll learn where to find the highest number of available women, how to use events to create real dating opportunities, how to start conversations that lead to dates, and how to keep women from flaking on you. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching:…
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Q&A: Solo Approaching, Virtual Dates, & Texting
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36:09Q&A Time: You'll learn the best way to respond if a girl acts rude after approaching her, how to structure your virtual dates, why a girl might've ended things after going on two great dates, when to ask for a girl's phone #, and how to get over the awkwardness of going out solo. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching: …
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215\\ Is Your Daughter Feeling Down? #1 Tip for Moms of Teen Girls
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13:07Is your daughter feeling down? Do you notice something about is off? Has she told you that she’s sad and doesn’t know why? I feel you mama, I know I have had to navigate this myself with my own daughter. When I am at a lost about trying to cheer my daughter up or help her look at the brightside, I go back to a verse I have frequently shared on this…
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214\\ Social Media Fast to Connect More with My Daughter Midway Checkin
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16:13Is Social Media robbing your connection with your teenage daughter? Does putting boundaries around phone use seem impossible to do? Okay it’s been 20 days of my 40-day social media fast. I am updating you on how it’s going as promised. What I am learning about myself, and what I am learning about how addiction can really sneak up on you in any form…
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Weekly Wingman: Weekend Game Plan For Flirting To Girls
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23:24Right now is a great time to start making goals and plans for reaching them. Let's map out every part of your weekend in a way that gets you the most volume with meeting new people, making new friends, getting more numbers, going on more dates and entering into new relationships. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching: …
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The way to get a girl obsessed with you, or to keep a girl around if you're already dating is by getting her to see you as different and better than every other guy she knows. You'll learn how to do this whether you just met her, you're dating, and even if you're living with her. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching: …
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213\\ 3 Tips to Protect Your Marriage While Raising Teens
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12:57Do you and your husband argue about how to raise your teen? Is it hard for you to see eye-to-eye when it comes to how you should approach conflict with your daughter? Do you or your husband feel like the outcast in the family? Raising teenagers can be tough in one's marriage. Sometimes we allow our parenting to get in the way of our vows we’ve made…
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212\\ Help! What Boundaries are Appropriate in the Teen Stage?
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21:02Do you have trouble setting appropriate boundaries with your teenage daughter? Are you stuck even knowing on how much responsibilities to give your teen girl? We’ll discuss what adolescents are capable of handling, how to give them more responsibility, and how to establish non-negotiable family rules that align with your values. Let’s get started! …
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Weekly Wingman: 7 Hacks To Easily Continue Conversation
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17:07No matter how shy or awkward you are, you can learn how to be a smooth talker with girls and be able to sit down with a girl, talk for as long as you want and have her engaged and smiling the whole time without any awkward moments. You'll learn 7 ways to talk more and think less. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching: …
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Going through painful and unexpected breakups is the worst part of dating. It can cause emotional trauma, damaged self-esteem, and lots of wasted time. But by eliminating the wrong traits, and adopting the right ones, you can become the type of guy who never gets broken up with. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching: H…
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211\\ Does Your Teenage Daughter Shut Down on You? 3 Tips on How to Get Her toTalk
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16:25Have you ever felt like your teenage daughter is speaking, but you’re not truly connecting? Or maybe your teen girl shuts down completely, and you’re left wondering how to break through? Today, we’re diving into a skill that can transform your relationship with your daughter: active listening. Active listening can be a game-changer. It’s more than …
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210\\ Let's Talk About Boys: What's Normal for Your Teen Girl
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19:42How do you navigate the topic of boys with your teen or tween daughter? Do you have differing thoughts when it comes to boyfriends? In this episode, we explore what’s normal for girls as they experience curiosity, crushes, and attraction, and share three things to consider when responding with love and understanding. Learn how to guide your daughte…
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Weekly Wingman: Leveling Up Your Social Media Profile
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19:35These days Instagram is like your personal card. And if your IG profile is attractive and up to date, you can turn it into a dating app for meeting girls. You'll learn some quick actions for giving it a fresh look and other actions that make the girls who see it want to meet you. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching: …
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How to Date Like a Pro in Your 30s [FULL GUIDE]
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43:17If you're single and in your 30's you might think it's too late for you to date because you're too old. But it's not. Let's fix it by adopting the right mindset and taking new actions. You'll learn what those are as I answer the most common questions older guys have about dating. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching: …
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209\\ Feeling Exhausted? 3 Ways to Implement Self Care for Moms of Teenage Daughters
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15:39Hi mom of teenagers! Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s crucial for every mother but often gets pushed aside in the whirlwind of daily life: self-care. Now, before you roll your eyes and think, “Who has time for that?”, hear me out. This isn’t just about bubble baths and spa days—although those can be great too! It’s about showing up for yours…
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208\\ 3 Tips to Guide Your Teenage Daughter To Be Resilient
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14:06Are you a mom of a teenage daughter who gives up so easily? Is your teen girl frozen by perfection? Today, we’re talking about building resilience in our teen girls. We’ll explore why this generation often struggles with resilience, and I’ll share three practical tips to help your daughter develop her own recovery plan for when challenges arise. Ar…
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Weekly Wingman - Creating A FAST Sexual Connection (Advanced)
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18:52Here's how to make things happen with a girl quickly when you're out at a bar, club, lounge, or any event where there's a lot of single women. You'll learn the first thing to say, how to get physical within 30 secs, and how to create the type of vibe that gets a girl wanting you. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching: …
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Become Unrecognizable In 60 Days (Full Plan)
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56:15Let's make 2025 the year that made all the difference for you. I created a 60 plan made up of 4 pillars starting with the basics and working up to mastery. Together we'll work on your body, mindset, and social life to make your personal and social life better and more fulfilling. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching: …
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207\\ 3 Reasons Why I'm Fasting from Social Media to Connect with My Daughter
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24:14Social Media is robbing our real life relationships with our teenage daughters! Have you found yourself feeling “naked” without your phone? Do you ask yourself where did the time go after hours of scrolling on instagram? If you find yourself in the same position, join me as I share 3 reasons why the social media fast and what I’ve seen happen in on…
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206\\ 4 Fun Ways to Connect with Your Teen GIrl Again
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16:58Hey moms! Feeling like your teen girl is drifting away? Between her busy schedule, those mood swings, and the pull of independence, reconnecting can feel hard. But guess what? Fun might be the secret you’ve been looking for! In this episode, we’re exploring 4 super fun ways to break down barriers and rebuild connection with your daughter—without it…
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One of the biggest mistakes guys make with girls is waiting. Waiting for the perfect moment, or a clear sign from her. But 99% of the time waiting leads to nothing. You'll learn why striking while the iron is hot is what turns you into a guy who can make things happen with girls. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching: …
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30 Tough Questions She Might Ask (& How to Respond)
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50:02Here are 30 of the most common and tough questions you might get asked while on a date with a girl. You'll learn when to answer truthfully, when to be vague, when to make a joke, when to exaggerate, and which ones make the biggest difference in her opinion of you. Plus, some Q&A. MORE RESOURCES 1-on-1 Coaching: …
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