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Tarih Fm Podcast

Tarih fm

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Herkes için tarih konularının anlatıldığı podcast kanalı. Görüş, düşünce, eleştiri ve yorumlarınızı [email protected] a gönderebilirsiniz. Linkler: bio.link/tarihfm Bülten Linki: tarihfm.substack.com/ İlginize çok teşekkür ederim. Görüşmek üzere, hoşça kalın..
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Tarim Talks

The Tarim Network

Hàng tháng
Tarim Talks by the Tarim Network. Conversations with exceptional Uyghurs, pioneers that have ventured into new environments and industries achieving great success. We explore themes of identity, upbringing, overcoming challenges, mentoring and the key to prosperity.
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Der Podcast von teltarif.de informiert Zuhörer über Netze, Tarife und regulatorische Hintergründe. Wir erklären technisch leicht verständlich und dennoch hintergründig die Zusammenhänge und geben einige Tipps und Tricks. Der Strippenzieher und Tarifdschungel-Podast erscheint in unregelmäßiger Folge mindestens einmal pro Monat.
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Tarihin gör dediği

Anadolu Ajansı

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AA’nın 'Tarihin Gör Dediği' programı, tarih meraklıları için günümüz dünyası ve olaylarını tarihsel arka planını da bilerek kavramak isteyenler için geliyor. Sunucu Sefa Şengül ve daimi konuk Ahmet Gençtürk, her bölümde başka bir konu ve konukla tarihten gelip günümüzü aydınlatmaya çalışıyor.
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Tarihin Sapması

Pastime Agency

Hàng ngày
'Tarihin Sapması' sizi geçmişin en şaşırtıcı ve beklenmedik anlarına götüren bir podcast. Avrupa, Birleşik Krallık, Orta Doğu ve Asya'nın birbirine bağlı tarihlerini şekillendiren olağanüstü olayları, anlatılmamış hikayeleri ve dönüm noktası olayları keşfedin. Her bölümde, yapay zeka ürünü iki tutkulu tarihçi, insan uygarlığını tanımlayan karmaşık anlatıları ortaya çıkararak, geçmişimizin gizli hazinelerine derinlemesine dalıyor. İmparatorlukların yükselişinden ve düşüşünden, toplumları dönü ...
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Tarihin Mücevherleri

Pastime Agency

Hàng ngày
"Tarihin Mücevherleri" Avrupa, Birleşik Krallık, Orta Doğu ve Asya'nın birbirine bağlı tarihlerini şekillendiren en olağanüstü anları, anlatılmamış hikayeleri ve dönüm noktası olayları keşfeden büyüleyici bir podcast'tir. Yapay zeka tarafından oluşturulan iki tutkulu tarihçi tarafından sunulan her bölüm, geçmişimizin gizli hazinelerine derinlemesine dalarak, insan uygarlığını tanımlayan karmaşık anlatıları ortaya çıkarır. İmparatorlukların yükselişinden ve düşüşünden, toplumları dönüştüren i ...
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The Conscious Connection Project aims to provide engaging readings of the English Translation of the Holy Quran for those unfamiliar with Arabic. Whether you’re Muslim or from another faith tradition, listening to the Qur’an in your native language can be a valuable experience. While it’s not a substitute for the original Arabic, if it helps foster mindfulness and brings you closer to the text, then it serves a positive purpose. Our goal is to facilitate a deeper connection with the Quran, e ...
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Mufti Tariq Masood Podcast

Mufti Tariq Masood Speeches

Hàng ngày
Mufti Tariq Masood Podcast is your go-to source for the enlightening speeches and lectures (bayans) of Mufti Tariq Masood, a highly respected Islamic scholar and religious speaker from Pakistan. Specializing in Islamic jurisprudence and Fiqh, Mufti Tariq Masood addresses key issues such as marriage, family life, and financial matters, offering practical Islamic guidance for modern Muslims. Mufti Tariq Masood's engaging style and relatable content have attracted millions of followers across s ...
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Teh Tarik Podcast

Kawah Buku

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This is a series of podcasts brought by Kawah Buku, an independent bookstore based at Bandar Baru Bangi, Malaysia. Borrowing the symbol and meaning represented by teh tarik, we would like to invite the public to listen to our special program of Teh Tarik Podcast which will feature an informal style of discussion, interview and chit-chatting on various topics and current issues as well as selected book reviews with our invited guest.
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Taringa Podcast

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa

Hàng tháng+
Want to increase your knowledge of te ao Māori (the Māori world)? With a mixture of Māori and English, the Taringa podcast is the perfect way to learn te reo and tikanga Māori in a fun and relaxed way. Taringa is brought to you by Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is one of New Zealand’s largest tertiary education providers. We offer a comprehensive range of qualifications to New Zealanders from all walks of life.
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TARIK is an Ethiopian history podcast which strives to educate Ethiopians & non-Ethiopians alike in the rich, diverse, and ancient history of Ethiopia. Referencing historical and academic sources, we intend to present factual discussions about significant events, great figures, culture, linguistics, religions & much more. Our goal is to educate the next generation to take pride in the boundless history that our country has to offer.
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Tarion Talks Podcast

Tarion Warranty Corp.

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Tarion Talks is a podcast from Ontario’s New Home Warranty provider, which is designed to deliver a broad range of consumer information – for new home buyers, owners, builders and for other interested stakeholders. We hope you enjoy these conversations.
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Parempi tarina

Jyri Paavilainen

Hàng tháng
Parempi tarina on keskusteluohjelma ihmisille, jotka haluavat kehittää suomalaista työ- ja liike-elämää. Avainsanoja ovat muutos, murros, uusi työ, johtaminen ja inhimillisyys.
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Tariq Syed Bradford


Hàng tuần
Tariq Syed Bradford is an accomplished housing renovator, community enthusiast, and family-oriented individual. Transforming spaces with expertise while actively engaging in local mosque and charity events.
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ODTÜ Tarih Topluluğu Tarih Söyleşileri

ODTÜ Tarih Topluluğu

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Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Tarih Topluluğunun gerçekleştirdiği interaktif söyleşileri, podcast formatında sizlere sunmaktayız. Gelecekteki söyleşilerden haberdar olmak, canlı olarak katılmak ve sorularınızı sormak isterseniz ODTÜ Tarih Topluluğunun sosyal medya hesaplarından bizi takip edebilirsiniz.
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Tarihin Afrika

RFI Hausa

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Tarihin Afrika ta hanyar zamanin manyan mutanen Nahiyar. Shirin na kunshe da sautin shugabannin Afrika da suka gabata da wadanda suka yi zamani da su. Babu wanda ke iya share tarihin wata al’umma, domin duk al’ummar da ba ta da tarihi kamar duniya ce babu rayuwa. Alain Foka ne ya gabatar da shirin daga RFI sashen Faransanci a Paris wanda aka fassara zuwa Hausa.
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Tia Tariq

Tia Tariq

Hàng tháng
Tia Tariq's entrepreneurial journey is a testament to the power of hard work, resilience, and creativity. From humble beginnings, she has risen to become one of the most successful and influential entrepreneurs of her generation.
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Hàng tháng
Ahval, podcast dizisinde bu kez tarih alanına da giriyor bundan böyle. Araştırmacı yazar Ayşe Hür, Erdoğan ve Bahçeli'nin 'Kürdistan diye bir bölge yoktur' iddialarını ele alıyor ve Anadolu'nun bin yıllık geçmişinden damıtarak toplanan bilgileri dinleyicilerle paylaşıyor.
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Umpan Tarik


Hàng tháng
UMPAN TARIK adalah podcast sepakbola Indonesia yang akan membahas semua tentang sepakbola nasional, dari Liga 1, Tim nasional, Pemain Indonesia di luar negeri sampai gosip dan skandal panas di sepakbola Indonesia. UMPAN TARIK memberikan semua yang Anda butuhkan dari sepakbola nasional!
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In an environment where tariffs flip on a dime and the global trade landscape remains a high-stakes guessing game, our webinar series is your secret weapon. Designed for seasoned import professionals who know that agility is the ultimate competitive edge, this program delivers strategic foresight and operational resilience to help you thrive when the unexpected strikes. What You’ll Discover: Our series is organized into 12 comprehensive webinars, grouped into four pivotal themes: • Supply Ch ...
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Tässä podcastissa keskustellaan tiedustelusta, Suojelupoliisin toiminnasta sekä kansallisen turvallisuuden kysymyksistä. Kolmannen kauden uusina juontajina toimivat erikoistutkijat Veli-Pekka Kivimäki ja Hannamiina Tanninen. Jaksot julkaistaan kahden viikon välein. Tervetuloa Supodiin – tarinoita, joita et muualta kuule.
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Monen suomalaisen elämän seisauttaa uutinen, joka muuttaa kaiken, ja jonka jälkeen mikään ei palaa ennalleen. Teemu ”Pastori” Potapoffin juontama Selviytyjät – Tarinoita elämästä -haastattelusarja kertoo vastoinkäymisistä, joita tavalliset suomalaiset ovat kohdanneet. Vastoinkäymisistä, jotka tuntuvat ylitsepääsemättömiltä, ja keinoista, joiden avulla elämää voi jatkaa, vaikka kaikki muuttui pysyvästi. Uusi jakso keskiviikkoisin.
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Tarikh 'Almania


Hàng tháng
.برنامج تاريخ ألمانيا ، هو مدونة صوتية متوفرة باللغة الإنكليزية و الألمانية و العربية، و يناقش البرنامج الشعب و الحضارة الألمانية بالإضافة للتاريخ الألماني Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Tarik Crumpton

Tarik Crumpton

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Tarik Crumpton, often known as TJ Crumpton, is a committed basketball coach who genuinely enjoys the game. His path is evidence of his steadfast dedication to family, athletics, and fitness. Tarik Crumpton’s love for athletics was instilled in him from a young age, and he quickly emerged as a skilled player with a special affinity for basketball. As a coach, he imparts not only technical skills but also a genuine love for the sport, inspiring his players to excel both on and off the court. B ...
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show series
Let's get into the season 16 premier of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Check out the visual on YouTube. We got some new peaches...are they sweet or tart? Only time will tell. I enjoyed this fist episode. But I need to see more and I'm so ready to! I get my peaches down in Georgia... SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE: Support the show…
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🕰️ Bugün 11 Mart tarihindeki önemli olayları keşfettik: 🌍 Kırım Savaşı'nın tıbbi yeniliklere etkisi, ✊ Gandhi'nin Tuz Yürüyüşü ile şiddetsiz direniş örneği, 🇹🇩 Dalai Lama'nın Tibet'ten kaçışı ve 🌟 Margaret Thatcher'ın İngiltere'nin ilk kadın başbakanı olarak göreve gelişi. Tarihin bağlantılı yapısını görerek dünyamızı şekillendiren anlara tanıklık …
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(0:00) Intro (0:19) 10th Para, Ikhtitam Surah Anfaal, Ibtida Surah Tauba (0:52) Musalman Dunya Mein Kitna Enjoy Karta Hai? (2:08) Ghazwa-e-Tabook Ka Pas-e-Manzar (Surah Tabook ke moqe par nazil hui, shadeed garmi ke halaat) (3:16) Nabi ﷺ ki Planning Mein Hamaray Liye Sabaq (4:20) Islami Daur-e-Hakoomat + Munafiqin Par Jihad Mushkil Kyun? (5:26) 3 S…
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Para No 1, Surat Ul Baqara Rukoo #15 Ayat #122-129 (0:00) Intro (0:16) Surah Al Baqarah Ruku 15 Ka Lafzi Tarjuma (21:37) Tehveel e Qibla Ki Hikmatain (26:15) Yahud o Nasara Ko Yaad Dehani (28:27) Shifa’at Ko Concept; Roz e Qayamat (31:04) Ibrahim as Aor Baitullah Ki Fazilat (33:23) Ibrahim as Ki Dua (34:25) Hajj e Baitullah Pr Yahudiyon Ka Aetraz (…
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🎙️ Bugün "Tarihin Mücevherleri" podcastinde, tarihsel dönüm noktaları ele alındı. 1191'de Akka Savaşı'nın Haçlılar üzerindeki etkisi 🏰, 1783'te Paris Antlaşması ile Amerika'nın bağımsızlığının doğuşu 🇺🇸 ve 1991'de Körfez Savaşı'ndaki koalisyon zaferleri 🌍 incelendi. İnsan hikayeleriyle dokunan bu olayların dünyamız üzerindeki derin izleri keşfedild…
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(0:00) Intro (0:21) Khutba (0:26) 9th Para, Surah A’araaf (0:54) Peghambaron ki Taleem vs Science ki Taleem (2:02) Science ki taraqqi ki haqeeqat (2:58) Qaum-e-Nooh (AS) ke sardaron ka dawah sun kar jawab (3:40) Hazrat Nooh (AS) ka qaum ko jawab (4:22) Maldar logon ki selection kyun nahi hui? – Qaum ka aetaraz aur jawab (5:20) Qaum-e-Nooh ka andha …
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(0:00) Intro (0:27) 8th Para, Ramazan 2025 – Surah Anaam Ka Ikhtitam (0:37) Mushrikin-e-Makkah Ke Behuda Mutalbat Par Allah Ka Jawab! (1:21) Nabi ﷺ Ki Tasalli Mein Hamaray Liye Kya Pegham Hai? (1:35) Beware of Wrong Tafseer – Ghalat Tafseer Se Bachain! (1:46) Is Aayat Ka Ghalat Matlab Jo Bayan Kiya Jata Hai (3:05) Hadees Se Saboot – Kya Ye Baat Had…
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🕰️ İngiliz Siyonizm politikası ve Balfour Deklarasyonu, 📻 BBC'nin yayın hayatına başlaması, 💂 Hitler'in zorunlu askerliği yeniden yürürlüğe koyması ve ✈️ Vietnam Savaşı'nın Laos'taki etkileri. Tarihin bu kritik olayları, dünyamızı yeniden şekillendirdi ve geçmişin bugüne canlı bir şekilde yansımasını sağladı. 🎙️…
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(0:00) Intro (0:26) Ramzan 2025, 7th Para, Surah Anam, Chuninda Aayaat, Dua (0:45) Esaiyon ko Qur’an Kitna Appeal Karta Hai? (2:10) Mtm ke Jazbaat Tafseer Parhne Waqt Madrasa Mein (2:49) Kya Molvi Qur’an ka Tarjuma Parhne se Rokte Hain? Jawaab (3:36) Qur’an Parhne se Depression Khatam? (4:00) Ethiopian Airlines mein Mtm ke African Gifts ka Kya Hua?…
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(0:00) Intro (0:45) Ramadan Se Mutaliq Quranic Ayat Aur Dua (3:39) Achi Insan Ki Nafsani Khwahishat Par Control (5:12) Controlling Power Khatam Hone Ka Nuqsan (Ghusse Mein Talaq, Sehat Ka Khayal Na Rakhna) (7:28) Awami Bayanat Kaisy Hone Chahiye? (8:01) Maghrib Namaz Mein Sunnat Tilawat (11:34) Behtareen Speaker Ka Kya Kriteria Hai? (12:12) Mazhabi…
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Wir haben uns auf dem MWC in Barcelona zusammengesetzt, um über neue Netze, Endgeräte und Technologien zu sprechen. Handy ohne Apps, Rennwagen & Co.: Highlights vom MWC Samsung Galaxy S25 Edge: Das "dünne" Ding gibts wirklich Nothing Phone (3a) Pro: Starke Mittelklasse mit eSIM offiziell 1&1: Noch im März 1000 aktive Basisstationen im Netz…
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(0:00) Intro (0:23) MTM ka Esaiyon ke liye Mashwara (0:48) Esaiyon ko Allah ka Khatab, Hazrat Esa (A.S) ke bary mein (1:59) Hazrat Maryam (A.S) kon thin? (2:36) Hazrat Esa (A.S) kon thay? (3:57) Esaiyon ko Allah ki dhamki (4:21) Esaiyon ko Allah ki targheeb (4:48) Islam ek zinda mazhab aur Nabi ﷺ ka maqsad – Hazrat Esa (A.S) ki taleemat ki takmeel …
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🕰️ 6 Mart'ı derinlemesine inceleyen podcast; Spinoza'nın 🎨 radikal felsefesinden, II. Dünya Savaşı'nın 🌍 stratejik noktalarından biri olan Bulge Muharebesi'ne ve Bangladeş bağımsızlığının 🕊️ kritik tarihine ışık tutuyor. Her olay, tarihin birbiriyle nasıl bağlantılı olduğunu vurguluyor. 🌟Bởi Pastime Agency
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In this episode I got to have a kiki that felt like two friends on facetime with @millichun and we talked about it ALL! Check out the visual on YouTube. From Bravo (got a lil bit of Karen and Stacey tea) to OWN (is LAMH being renewed??) and more! We get into someTHANGS! Make sure you check out all things Millichun! Shout out to my favorite podcast …
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(0:00) Intro (0:29) 5th Para, Ramazan 2025 - 4th Tafseer | Kam Waqt Ki Waja Se Selected Aayaat (1:06) Mehram Rishtay (1:45) Step Mother Aur Step Daughter Se Nikah Haram (2:49) Hurmat-e-Musahera: Jinse Ehtaram Ki Waja Se Nikah Haram Hai (3:51) Susar Aur Bahu Ka Rishta | Natija? (6:09) Saas Aur Damad Ka Rishta | Natija? (7:30) Tharki Susar Ki Haqeeqa…
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The 11th Juz of the Quran spans from Surah At-Tawbah (9:93) to Surah Hud (11:5). This section continues to emphasize themes of repentance, accountability, and divine guidance. It addresses the consequences of disobedience and hypocrisy, contrasting the behaviors of the believers with those of the hypocrites and disbelievers. The Juz highlights the …
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Juz 17 of the Quran includes parts of Surah Al-Anbiya (21:1 - 21:112) and Surah Al-Hajj (22:1 - 22:78). Surah Al-Anbiya, titled "The Prophets," emphasizes the inevitability of the Day of Judgment and the accountability of all people. It recounts the stories of various prophets, including Abraham (Ibrahim), Lot (Lut), Noah (Nuh), David (Dawud), Solo…
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Juz 22 of the Quran includes parts of Surah Al-Ahzab (33:31) to Surah Yasin (36:27). This section covers themes of social conduct, the importance of following the Prophet's example, and the affirmation of the hereafter. Surah Al-Ahzab continues with directives to the Prophet’s wives, emphasizing their unique position and the higher standards expect…
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The 7th Juz of the Quran spans Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:82) to Surah Al-An'am (6:110). It emphasizes several key themes central to Islamic belief and practice. In Surah Al-Ma'idah, Allah addresses the People of the Book (Jews and Christians), highlighting their historical transgressions and urging them to accept the final revelation brought by Prophet M…
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Juz 21 of the Quran includes parts of Surah Al-Ankabut (29:46) to Surah Al-Azhab (33:30). This section covers various themes such as the struggle of faith, the importance of trust in God, and the roles and responsibilities within the Muslim community. Surah Al-Ankabut continues with exhortations to the believers to debate with the People of the Boo…
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Juz 16 of the Quran includes parts of Surah Al-Kahf (18:75 - 18:110), the entire Surah Maryam (19:1 - 19:98), and the beginning of Surah Ta-Ha (20:1 - 20:135). In Surah Al-Kahf, the story of Moses and Khidr continues, highlighting lessons of patience, knowledge, and divine wisdom beyond human comprehension. This section also recounts the story of D…
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uz 27 of the Quran spans from Surah Az-Zariyat (51:31) to Surah Al-Hadid (57:29). It continues with the story of Prophet Ibrahim and his guests, emphasizing his hospitality and faith. Surah At-Tur (52) describes the Day of Judgment and the fate of the righteous and the wicked. It urges people to reflect on God's creation and the consequences of the…
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Juz 18 begins with Surah Al-Mu’minun (The Believers), outlining the qualities of true believers: humility in prayer, avoidance of vain talk, paying zakah, chastity, keeping promises, and protecting prayers. It emphasizes the creation of humans from clay, embryonic stages, and the signs of Allah’s existence. The surah discusses the fate of past nati…
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The 13th Juz of the Quran spans Surah Yusuf (12:53-111) and Surah Ar-Ra'd (13:1-15). This Juz continues the story of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) and introduces themes of divine guidance, patience, and the struggle between truth and falsehood. In Surah Yusuf, the narrative highlights Yusuf's trials and triumphs, emphasizing his steadfastness and trust in…
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Juz 26 of the Quran spans from Surah Al-Ahqaf (46:1) to Surah Az-Zariyat (51:30). It begins with the story of the people of 'Ad in Surah Al-Ahqaf, highlighting the consequences of their arrogance and disobedience to God's messenger. The surah emphasizes the importance of worshiping God alone and adhering to His guidance. Surah Muhammad (47) discuss…
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Juz 20 of the Quran comprises parts of Surah An-Naml (27:56) to Surah Al-Ankabut (29:45). This section emphasizes the importance of faith, perseverance, and the inevitability of the Day of Judgment. Surah An-Naml continues with the story of Prophet Salih and the destruction of the people of Thamud due to their persistent disbelief and defiance of G…
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The 10th Juz of the Quran includes the latter part of Surah Al-Anfal (8:41-75) and the beginning of Surah At-Tawbah (9:1-93). This section continues to address themes of warfare, guidance, and the conduct of the Muslim community. In the concluding verses of Surah Al-Anfal, the Juz emphasizes the importance of solidarity among the believers. It unde…
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The first juz of the Quran, known as "Alif Lam Meem," covers Surah Al-Fatiha and the beginning of Surah Al-Baqarah (verses 1-141). Surah Al-Fatiha, the opening chapter, is a short, powerful prayer that praises Allah and asks for guidance on the straight path. Surah Al-Baqarah, the longest chapter, begins with a call to believe in the unseen, establ…
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Juz 29 of the Quran includes Surah Al-Mulk (67) to Surah Al-Mursalat (77). Surah Al-Mulk emphasizes God's sovereignty over the universe and the signs of His creation. It calls for reflection on the natural world and warns of the consequences of disbelief. Surah Al-Qalam (68) addresses the story of the disbelievers who rejected the Prophet Muhammad …
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Juz 15 of the Quran includes parts of Surah Al-Isra (17:1-111) and Surah Al-Kahf (18:1-74). Surah Al-Isra, also known as "The Night Journey," begins with the miraculous journey of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension to the heavens. This Surah emphasizes the importance of the Quran as guidance for humanity and addresses variou…
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Juz 30 of the Quran, also known as Juz 'Amma, comprises Surah An-Naba' (78) to Surah An-Nas (114). This section contains shorter surahs, focusing on fundamental themes of faith, the Hereafter, and moral conduct. Surah An-Naba' (78) emphasizes the Day of Judgment and the resurrection, urging people to reflect on the consequences of their actions. Su…
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Juz 19 begins with the continuation of Surah Al-Furqan (The Criterion), highlighting the arguments of the disbelievers who question the prophethood of Muhammad and demand physical miracles. The surah responds by emphasizing the Quran as the ultimate miracle and the need for faith and obedience to divine guidance. It contrasts the outcomes of the ri…
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Juz 25 of the Quran comprises Surahs Fussilat (41:47) to Al-Jathiya (45:37). This section emphasizes several themes, including the importance of the Quran, the signs of God's creation, and the consequences of belief and disbelief. Surah Fussilat (41:47-54) concludes with a reminder of the Day of Judgment, the role of the Quran as a guide, and the s…
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The 23rd Juz of the Quran includes the end of Surah Yasin (36:28-83), Surah As-Saffat (37:1-182), Surah Sad (38:1-88), and the beginning of Surah Az-Zumar (39:1-31). Surah Yasin concludes with a powerful reaffirmation of the resurrection and the Day of Judgment. It emphasizes the reality of the afterlife, warning those who deny it, and highlighting…
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The 24th Juz of the Quran encompasses the latter part of Surah Az-Zumar (39:32-75), Surah Ghafir (also known as Surah Al-Mu’min) (40:1-85), and the beginning of Surah Fussilat (41:1-46). Surah Az-Zumar continues with themes of monotheism and divine judgment. It emphasizes the consequences of denying God's revelations and the ultimate fate of the ri…
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In Surah Al-Hijr, the focus is on the eternal truth of Allah's message and the fate of those who reject it. It recounts the story of the people of the Hijr, who, despite receiving divine guidance, chose to follow their own desires and faced destruction. This Surah emphasizes the significance of the Quran as a clear and divine scripture, providing g…
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The 9th Juz of the Quran, encompassing Surah Al-A'raf (7:88-206) and Surah Al-Anfal (8:1-40), highlights themes of divine guidance, the consequences of disobedience, and the importance of faith and unity. In Surah Al-A'raf, the narrative continues with the story of Prophet Shu'ayb and his people, emphasizing the repercussions of rejecting a prophet…
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Juz 28 of the Quran includes Surah Al-Mujadila (58) to Surah At-Tahrim (66). Surah Al-Mujadila discusses social issues, specifically the practice of zihar (a form of divorce in pre-Islamic Arabia), and emphasizes the importance of justice and the protection of women's rights. Surah Al-Hashr (59) describes the expulsion of the Banu Nadir tribe from …
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The 12th Juz of the Quran encompasses Surah Hud (11:6) to Surah Yusuf (12:52). It begins with the continuation of Surah Hud, detailing the stories of various prophets, including Hud, Salih, Abraham, Lot, Shu’aib, and Moses. These narratives highlight the consistent message brought by all prophets: monotheism, righteous conduct, and the consequences…
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