Wir sind drei Brüder, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht haben, innerhalb eines Monats jeweils einen Song zu schreiben und aufzunehmen, der den Stil einer berühmten Band oder eines Künstlers imitiert. Für die Bands, die wir imitieren können Vorschläge gemacht werden, über die wir dann jeden Monat abstimmen lassen, um zu entscheiden, was wir als nächstes tun.
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Welcome to Canned Air! Jeramy, Jack and Randy talk nostalgic pop culture, comics (new and old), and host comic writers/artists on the show, even some voice or screen actors!
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Welcome to Riparadise, where we pay tribute to our deceased!
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Join me as i give you my thoughts and insights on some of today and yesterdays music & movies!
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We talk to singers, musicians, tribute acts, venue owners & djs to ask what it's like to be in this industry and Life on The Road
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The Project Tribute Foundation is a 501c3 non profit. Our focus is to aid our first responders in their life saving capabilities. 100% of donations go towards life saving. Our operational expenses are funded through an online retail store. Our website is www.ProjectTribute.com
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Get to know your favorite tribute artist/band. Go way behind the scenes as we dive into some wild stories and insight into the best tribute artists in the world.
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Rest in Peace Kobe Bryant and Gianna Bryant.
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Hi, we’re pretty, a tribute to handsome. We talk about whatever comes to mind and get asked a question by a random person in the middle of the show. Enjoy, and listen!
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Podcast by Film Karavan
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Europas bästa hyllningsshow till Dire Straits och Mark Knopfler snackar om allt som har med detta att göra och lite till.
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Recent Posts - Blip - Blip
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Podcast by Phil from The Hendrix Project
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This 'Guyana SPEAKS special' was originally set up to coincide with Dr Kimani Nehusi's visit from the USA to London. However given the recent passing of one of Guyana's indomitable activists, Guyana SPEAKS will also use this event to pay tribute to Andaiye (1942-2019), born Sandra Williams. The event will open with a traditional African libation by Dr Michelle Yaa Asantewa. This will be followed by Vanda Radzik's tribute to Andaiye (via Skype in Guyana) and tributes, later on, from members o ...
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A brutal, but witty Portrayal of working a job you hate. In this Podcast, there are themes explored in which happy workers simply wouldn't understand unless they listen to these cautionary tales from a man that lost his ideal job because of the global pandemic. Be warned, that this podcast contains strong and offensive language that some listeners may not want to hear. In addition this podcast is not recommended for younger audiences.
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As the first anniversary of Emily Hartridge's passing approaches, Charlotte, Alice and Jessica share with us Sisters Uncensored podcast. Renowned and remembered for her quick wit, infectious charm and straight talking, Sisters Uncensored encapsulates TV presenter and YouTuber Emily in her truest form through frank, honest and uplifting conversations which highlight the complexity and undeniable bond shared between sisters. The track on the series of Sisters Uncensored is called “The Tree” an ...
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Hailing all the way up-north of South Africa, Surreal Sounds Music is a label that seeks to find the “never-heard-before” electronic & analog sound from across the globe. Connecting with cross-cultured musicians & bedroom producers over the internet then plug their catalog under our archives. Music has always been our forefront (first music in, attitude aside). Through this, we managed to have a very broad music catalog that links us with young & fresh vibrant producers of our times. If you ...
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FNP Media is a content company and production house that works to produce quality content for digital platforms. Given the fact that FNP has been a part of peoples’ lives from birth to marriage and even death, the journey of human emotion has been experienced from very close quarters, and it was but natural to translate that understanding on screen.FNP Media has two verticals, Live By FNP Media and Films By FNP Media The content in the form of short films, web series, storytelling etc. is ho ...
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"Life in the Time of Corona" is a tribute to the novel "Life in the Time of Cholera" by Gabriel Garcia Marcia Marquez. In this Podcast, our Cambridge AS level students in Gokkusagi Koleji, put their time, effort and love to gather documents published during history on pandemics. They have gathered documents in the forms of novel, short story, diary, poems, journals, autobiographies and even musical pieces. It means a lot to us if you listen to this worthy podcast which shares a lot with our ...
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Dr Kimoni Present When Disco Ruled the World Tribute to Donna Summer 73-80s 3-2-2022
[email protected]
1. The Three Degrees- Distant Lover 2. love unlimited love unlimited - I Belong To YoU 3. Barry White - Let Me Live My Life Lovin' You Babe 4. The O'Jays - Family Reunion 5. Spinners - I Don't Want to Lose You 6. Candi Staton - Clean up America 7. The Fatback Band - Spanish Hustle 8. Van McCoy - The Hustle 9. George Mccrae- Rock Your Baby 10. Andrea True Connection - More, More, More 11. Silver Convention - Fly Robin Fly 12. Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes - The Love I Lost 13. Ecstasy, Pas ...
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Canned Air #543 NECROCON with Creators Miguel Guerra & Suzy Dias
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1:30:35We welcome back friends of the show, Miguel Guerra & Suzy Dias of 7Robots.com, this week to first help us recall some of the most memorable fictional politicians from across pop culture. Then, we talk about the return of Miguel & Suzy’s webcomic GHOST METAL and it’s new series, NECROCON. NECROCON is a fun & twisted mystery thriller that dives right…
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Reupload mit korrigiertem Audio (Philips Song war nicht zu hören), außerdem müsste jetzt wie gewohnt jeder an der Umfrage teilnehmen können. Nach einer entspannten Winterpause geht es mit Vollgas wieder ins Geschehen. Dieses Mal mit den Urgesteinen des....ja was eigentlich? Jedenfalls geht es um Motörhead. Felix und Simon schwingen sich aufs Motorr…
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Canned Air #542 The Gaming Mixologist Returns!
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1:11:08Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoicesBởi Evergreen Podcasts
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Canned Air #541 A Conversation with Actor & Puppeteer David Barclay (Jabba the Hutt Chief Puppeteer / Yoda Assistant Puppeteer)
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1:16:06Our guest this week is an actor and puppeteer who’s work you’ve seen in movies like Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Team America: World Police, Fraggle Rock, and more. But he’s best known for his work with Frank Oz bringing Yoda to life in The Empire Strikes Back, and as Jabba the Hutt’s Chief Puppeteer in Return of the Jedi. David Barclay joins us to tal…
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ATT - Sonderfolge - Sing My Song! (Felix für Simon)
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14:49In dieser dritten und letzten Sonderfolge unserer zweiten Staffel hat Felix sich einen von Simons Songs gekrallt und ordentlich dran geschraubt, bis er kaum noch wiederzuerkennen war. Herausgekommen ist... Ja, das müsst ihr schon selber hören. Viel Spaß Shownotes Melodicka Bros (Youtube) „Mad World“ – Gary Jules (Youtube) „Mad World“ – Tears for Fe…
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Canned Air #540 The Comic Shop with Writer & Director Jonathan Bowen
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1:50:41Writer and director Jonathan Bowen joins us this week to hang out and talk about his new film, The Comic Shop! The Comic Shop follows Mike (Jesse Metcalfe, Desperate Housewives and John Tucker Must Die), a comic shop owner at a strip mall in North Las Vegas, and Brandon (Micah Giovanni), a young comic lover who loves to draw. New to town, Brandon d…
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Canned Air #539 The Movies of 2024 in Review with David J. Fielding (Zordon of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
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1:22:25Actor and writer David J. Fielding (Zordon from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) returns to help us review some of the most popular movies of 2024. We look at films like Spaceman, Fall Guy, Civil War, Iron Claw, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, Deadpool and Wolverine, and many more! Let us know what your favorite movies of 2024 were in the comments! X: @David…
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ATT - Sonderfolge - Sing My Song! (Philip für Felix)
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17:22In der zweiten Sonderfolge dieser Staffel covert Philip einen Song von Felix. Welcher das ist wird natürlich nicht verraten, sonst wäre ja die Überraschung kaputt. Jedenfalls hoffen wir ihr hattet frohe Festtage und kommt gut ins neue Jahr, in dem wir dann unsere Sing My Song! - Trilogie abschließen werden. Shownotes Mantequilla (Fandom) Abstimmung…
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Canned Air #538 The Canned Air Christmas Special 2024 with David J. Fielding (Zordon of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
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2:10:28Welcome to the Canned Air Christmas Special 2024! Actor and writer David J. Fielding (Zordon from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) returns to help us celebrate the holiday season by looking at a world where Santa is a modern day celebrity, discussing what behind the scenes at Santa’s workshop might look like, playing a game of Christmas Street Smarts,…
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Canned Air #537 Disappointing Affirmations with Dave Tarnowski
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49:17Author Dave Tarnowski joins us this week to talk about his book, Disappointing Affirmations, based on his popular Instagram account that has over 2 million followers. Known for pairing peaceful nature photos with sayings that are amusingly self-critical, encouraging, disillusioned, or all three at once, Tarnowski points to feelings often unacknowle…
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ATT - Sonderfolge - Sing My Song! (Simon für Philip)
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24:47In der heutigen Sonderfolge covert Simon einen Song von Philip - um zu erfahren, welcher das war, müsst Ihr schon reinhören... Shownotes Abstimmung für die übernächste Folge LinktreeBởi Felix Schüller, Philip Schüller, Simon Schüller
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Canned Air #536 Blenheim Retro with Creator Joshua Bellas
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1:28:59Joshua Bellas returns to the show to first help us talk all things VHS. We share some of our favorite films we recorded off television, the first VCRs we had, 80’s camcorders, and more. Let us know what you love about the VHS era in the comments below. Then we turn to Josh as he tells us about his custom VHS business, Blenheim Retro. Josh takes ori…
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Reupload mit verbesserter Audioqualität in den Songs! Mit einwöchiger Verspätung wegen technischer Probleme erscheint dann doch noch unser Staffelfinale. Wir mussten die Folge ein zweites Mal aufnehmen, weil bei Simon die ursprüngliche Folge nach 20 Minuten abbrach, aber was lange wärt und so... Jedenfalls haben wir uns mit Volbeat beschäftigt und …
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Canned Air #535 The 2024 Halloween Special!
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4:07:59Welcome to the Canned Air Halloween Special 2024! This year, we once again hear stories of the unexplained and the paranormal from the people who experienced them. Ghost hunter Olivia Nichol join us to talk about her experiences ghost hunting in the Delaware County Jail, as well as some experiences she had as a young child. @sitbythefiber tcghohio.…
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ATT - Public Service Announcement - Folge S02E09 verzögert sich
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0:33Leider verzögert sich unsere Folge für den Oktober 2024. Bitte nehmt uns das nicht krumm und bleibt dran - wir liefern sie sobald wie möglich nach!Bởi Felix Schüller, Philip Schüller, Simon Schüller
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Canned Air #534 A Conversation with Charlie Adler (Cow & Chicken, Tiny Toon Adventures, Transformers)
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1:31:02Our guest this week is an Emmy Award winning voice director, casting director, producer and actor who’s voiced characters like Ed and Bev Bighead from Rocko’s Modern Life, Starscream in The Transformers movies, Ickis from Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, Buster Bunny in Tiny Toon Adventures, and so many more. But he’s best know for voicing Cow, Chicken and …
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ATT - S02E08 - System of a Down
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1:06:04Nach ein paar kleinen produktionstechnischen Schwierigkeiten ist auch die neueste Folge unseres kleinen Podcasts endlich online. Wir haben viel über System of a Down gelernt und gequatscht, außerdem sind noch drei Songs entstanden, Simon marodiert dabei durch einen Baumarkt, Felix fragt sich, wo die Mexikaner sind und Philip muss mehrfach einkaufen…
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Canned Air #533 Big Shoulders with creator John Dudley
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1:06:09We welcome writer John Dudley to hang out and talk about some of our favorite fictional bands, as well as his new comic series, Big Shoulders! Big Shoulders is dedicated to Chicago and celebrates both its modern era and rich history. It's an urban fantasy where office workers meet immortals and struggling young rock bands taste the power of ancient…
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Canned Air #532 Slash Squatch: The Ultimate Killer Bigfoot Movie with Film Director Aaron Bratcher
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58:20We welcome film director Aaron Bratcher this week to discuss his new upcoming movie. Get ready for a heart-pounding ride with “Slash Squatch,” a thrilling creature feature that echoes the suspense and excitement of classics like “Tremors” and the 1988 remake of “The Blob.” Brace yourself for edge-of-your-seat tension and adrenaline-fueled action, b…
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ATT - S02E07 - Emerson, Lake & Palmer
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57:24Diesmal wird es progressiv, das heißt seltsam. Wir beschäftigen uns mit Emerson, Lake & Palmer und schauen, wer am seltsamsten auf die Tasten kloppen kann. Felix rastet dabei richtig an den Synthies aus, Simon zitiert Douglas Adams musikalisch und Philip erzählt eine Geschichte über einen Präsidenten. Außerdem zwei Nachträge zu vorangegangenen Folg…
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Canned Air #531 A Conversation with Lee Tockar (My Little Pony, Dragon Ball Z)
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1:37:32Our guest this week is an award winning voice actor who’s voiced Ripster in Street Sharks, George in George of the Jungle, Kong in Kong: King of the Apes, Frieza in Dragon Ball Z Kai (Ocean Dub), Snips from My Little Pony, and so many more. We welcome Lee Tockar to discuss what inspired him to get into voice acting, some of the characters he’s voic…
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Hello and welcome back to pretty (a tribute to handsome). In this episode we talk about dream vacations, card games, and nude statues. Email us with your question at [email protected]. Thanks for listening and see you in the next episode!Bởi River, Wes, Lennon
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Pancake salad and two slabs of brisket
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30:21Hello, and welcome to Pretty (a tribute to handsome)! In this episode we talk about sleep, spaghetti, and salads! Email us with your question at [email protected]. Thanks for listening to our first episode!Bởi River, Wes, Lennon
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Canned Air #530 Loving, Ohio with creators Matthew Erman & Sam Beck
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1:02:40We welcome writer Matthew Erman and artist Sam Beck to talk about their new graphic novel, Loving, Ohio! After the mysterious suicide of their friend, Sloane, Elliott, Cameron, and Ana are just trying to get through the rest of high school. They live in Loving, Ohio—a town built around The Chorus, a new age cult with members firmly planted in posit…
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Tribute Talks- Burial Mounds Update and Baxter Springs is coming up!!!
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53:50We had a wonderful event at the Burial Mound Shooting Center last weekend and raised almost $3000. Additionally, we are thrilled to share that we learned of our 23rd life saved. Recap of Last Week Last week, we had the wonderful Erin and Cliff Taylor from the Crafty Candle Shop as our guests. They committed to donating proceeds from several of thei…
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Tribute Talks- Special Guests the Crafty Candle Shoppe
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18:21Special Guests This Week We welcome Erin and Cliff Taylor from the Crafty Candle Shop. You can find more information about them at www.thecraftycandleshoppe.com Upcoming Events **July 26th and 27th: Hospitality Tent Practice** - We will have our first hospitality tent and practice setup with competitors over the weekend. Check out our amazing famil…
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Letzter Sonntag des Monats, das heißt: Musik! Dieses mal besprechen wir die finnische Symphonic Metal Band Nightwish. Dabei gibt es Dissens über die drei Sängerinnen der Band, Geschichten über rückgratlose Trennungen von Bandmitgliedern und Ihr erfahrt, wie ein Hamster, ein Zahnarzt und Steven Seagal zusammenhängen. Und es geht um Feminismus. In se…
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Canned Air #529 A Conversation with Jason Paige (Singer of the Pokemon Theme Song)
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38:52Whether or not you realize it, you’ve heard his voice. He’s done hundreds of commercials over the years, including Legomania and Mountain Dew’s Bohemian Rhapsody. He’s performed with many huge musicians, including Aerosmith and Michael Jackson. But you know him best as the singer of the original Pokemon theme song. We welcome musician and vocalist …
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Tribute Talks: Weekly Livestream with Jon and Bryce This week on Tribute Talks, we’re excited to share some updates and changes! We’ve brought all our inventory back to Project Tribute Foundation and are planning to reopen our store once a month with the help of volunteers. Today, we received a generous delivery from our friends at Refuge Medical, …
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Our weekly check in with you the Project Tribute Family. Don't forget that we need your help to keep serving first responders. You can check out all of our work here at www.ProjectTribute.com Our apparel store can be found https://www.shopoverlandapparel.com/shop/project-tribute-foundation Our new custom merch will go live in a week or so. And as a…
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#### This Week's Topics **July 26th and 27th: Hospitality Tent Practice** - We will have our first hospitality tent and practice setup with competitors over the weekend. Check out our amazing family business partner here: [Burial Mound Team RNG](https://theburialmound.com/24-burial-mound-team-rng). **August: Baxter Springs Jeep Invasion** - The eve…
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Canned Air #528 A Conversation with John David Bethel (Mapping The Night, Wretched, Unheard Of)
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52:45Award winning author John David Bethel joins us this week to hang out and discuss his new book “Mapping The Night”. David talks about growing up all over the world, his career as a press secretary and speechwriter to members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, what inspired him to become a writer, his new book “Mapping The Night”, and …
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Pünktlich zum Monatsausklang spülen wir euch unsere neue Folge in die Podcatcher, damit ihr den Sonntag genießen und unseren wohligen Klängen lauschen könnt. Die Band Fiddler's Green war dieses Mal Ziel unserer Imitationsversuche und jeder unserer Songs bringt thematisch schlechte Nachrichten. Felix lässt diese quasi unausgesprochen, Philip sinnier…
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Canned Air #527 AI Please Stay At The X-Mansion?
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1:17:15Jeramy, Jack & Casey discuss the problems with the video game industry, AI and its influence on movies and television, Airbnb's X-Mansion, and much more! Check out the video of this episode on YouTube! CannedAirPodcast.com TikTok: @CannedAirPodcast Twitter: @CannedAirPod Instagram: @Canned_Air If you’d like to show your support, you can either visi…
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