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Value Investing FM

Value Investing FM

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Podcast en el que Paco Lodeiro y Adrián Godás tenemos como objetivo ayudarte a rentabilizar ese dinero que tanto cuesta ganar y ahorrar a través de la inversión en bolsa mediante el método más seguro, sensato y rentable, el value investing.
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A value investing podcast. Antipodes is an active global equities investment manager, with offices in Sydney and London. Hear from the Antipodes team and other external thought leaders as they deliver investment updates and share perspectives on companies, macroeconomic trends and investment opportunities across the globe.
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Bienvenido al podcast de Value School, un proyecto educativo y de divulgación con el que aprenderás a ahorrar y a invertir de forma reflexiva e informada. Visita para acceder a todos nuestros recursos gratuitos e informarte sobre nuestros cursos y conferencias sobre finanzas personales y value investing. Descubre los principios de las finanzas personales responsables y conviértete en un inversor consciente.
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Want to learn about stock market investing, understand risk and reward of the stocks you buy, learn how to do in-depth fundamental analysis and more? Modern Value Investing with Sven Carlin Podcast covers a variety of investing topics that will help you reach your financial goals.
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Value Investing

Investerum AB

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Vår vision är att Value Investing ska dominera sparandet. Den här podden är en del i denna vision. Alla vet att man bör investera för framtiden. Men var? Och hur? Hur mycket är tillräckligt? Går det att kombinera trygghet med hög tillväxt? Hur lång tid behöver man ha på sig? Det är just den här sortens frågor du vänder dig till oss med. Vi hjälper dig med både rådgivning och aktiv förvaltning av dina tillgångar. ​​ Merparten av våra kunder är företagare i ägarledda bolag. Med tiden har vi bl ...
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Investieren lernen - Aktien, Geldanlage, Trading, Investing, Immobilien, Vermögen, reich werden, passives Einkommen, Trading, Momentum, Value, Optionen, Börse, Anleihen, Geld anlegen, Bitcoin, Crypto ...

MONEY MASTERS by Robert Beck: Aktien, Geldanlage, Altersvorsorge, Investing, Immobilien, Vermögen, reich werden, passives Einkommen, Trading, Momentum, Value, Optionen, Börse, Anleihen, Geld anlegen, Germany

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<<< Mit diesem Podcast wirst du zum Investing-Meister. Du lernst Finanz-Ninja-Techniken und wirst so zum Investing-Samurai! Die Hosts Robert und Erich kombinieren ihre Japan-Expertise mit effektiven Methoden und Tricks im Bereich des Vermögensaufbaus. >>> Podcast zu Themen wie Aktien, Anleihen, Immobilien, Investieren bzw. Investing, Geldanlage, Finanzen meistern, usw. Es gibt unendlich viele Meinungen zum Thema Investieren. In dem Dschungel an Informationen ist es sehr schwierig, den richti ...
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Quality Value Investing

David J. Waldron

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Uncovering the winning stocks of enduring enterprises | Seeking Alpha since 2013 | Substack since 2023 Podcast Episodes: Season 3.0 - Quality Value Investing; Season 2.0 - Career Building; Season 1.0 - Goal Setting.
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Value Investing In Your Car

Jason Rivera

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If you’re learning about value investing, Value Investing Journey is dedicated to developing your knowledge, skills, and confidence as a value investor. If you enjoyed the episode above, make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to this podcast. In this playlist you'll learn a ton of lessons about value investing including: - The Best Value Investing Metrics - The Most Useless Value Investing Metrics - Why Value Investing - What Is Value Investing - Book Reviews - And more.
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Value Investing with Legends

Columbia Business School

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Value investing is more than an investment strategy — it’s a fundamental way of thinking about finance. Value investing was developed in the 1920s at Columbia Business School by professors Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, MS ’21. The authors of the classic text, Security Analysis, Graham and Dodd were the very pioneers of their field and their security analysis principles provided the first rational basis for investment decisions. Despite the vast and volatile changes in the economy and secur ...
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Hey! We’re Get That Bread where we discuss, teach and employ value investing strategies with real-life examples. Our goal is to equip those folks who never went to business school or pursued a career in finance with a common-sense framework that has generated compelling returns for practitioners. We want to give you the tools to analytically breakdown a stock just like the guys and gals on Wall Street. Ultimately, through these episodes, we hope you make better and more informed investment d ...
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Mega-Brands is a podcast for investors, traders, and brand marketers; Financial Advisors & investors who want to keep track of the most powerful mega-trends happening around the globe. In these podcasts we discuss the $50 trillion/year global consumer spending theme as well as other trends like: Artificial Intelligence, Digitization, and the Experience Economy. Let's make some money investing in Mega-Brands!
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show series
En este episodio de Value Investing FM, Adrián y Paco tenemos el placer de volver a entrevistar a Javier Acción, que ya estuvo con nosotros en los episodios 71 y 188. Nos explicará cómo ha vivido estos últimos años y movimientos destacables en su cartera, cómo ve la situación actual en la economía y los mercados. Repasaremos algunas de sus tesis de…
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In QAV Episode 806, Cameron and Tony cover key market updates, including Elon Musk’s $97B bid for OpenAI, Trump’s steel tariffs, and the resurgence of iron ore as a buy. They analyze portfolio performance, noting that long-held stocks tend to outperform, and discuss Nick Scali, Beach Energy, and Seven West Media’s earnings. Cameron unveils the ‘Rei…
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Jesús Alcoba es un autor y conferenciante reconocido por sus aportes en liderazgo, innovación y desarrollo personal. Doctor en Estrategia y director creativo en La Salle Campus Madrid, combina su sólida formación académica con su habilidad para comunicar ideas transformadoras. Entre sus libros más destacados está La brújula de Shackleton, un éxito …
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Att sälja kan vara lika avgörande som att köpa – men hur vet du när det är dags? I detta avsnitt bryter vi ner de kritiska ögonblicken när du bör överväga att sälja, oavsett om det handlar om förändrade förutsättningar, behov av likviditet eller att undvika ökade risker. Vi ger dig skarpa tips för att undvika kostsamma misstag, manövrera smart geno…
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Does it make sense to value invest at all when stocks only go up? The market seems to defy gravity and stocks keep going up giving returns above 10% per year for the last 15 years. It seems there is no end in sight and therefore it might be best just to index in the S&P 500 and do something else...Want to know more about what I do?…
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The Dynamic Brands strategy had a great month, handily outperforming the S&P 500 by 400bps. Tech was the worst performing sector, Healthcare the best. In this month's portfolio update, I talk about what worked and what lagged, what to expect from the Trump Tariffs and how to make the VOL your friend not your enemy. I covered how the brands portfoli…
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CEO David Trainer sat down with Chuck Jaffe of Money Life to talk about our Danger Zone pick this week: Quantum Computing (QUBT). #btn_1_de9144a2b5c0d161ad32ceb1eb75c718 .text {font-size:16px;color:#ffffff;font-family:"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:normal;}#btn_1_de9144a2b5c0d161ad32ceb1eb75c718 {padding:18px 18px;border-color:…
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Antipodes CIO, Jacob Mitchell joins Investment Director, Alison Savas, to discuss Antipodes' portfolio positioning and the outlook for global equities. Jacob also discusses why investors should watch gold stocks in 2025, and challenges that tech giant Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) is facing. Key Times: The Trump inauguration: what now for markets? 1:00…
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En este episodio de Value Investing FM, Adrián y Paco tenemos el placer de presentar el nuevo curso VanguardIA, sobre inteligencia artificial. Explicaremos qué es, cómo es, el contenido del curso y a quién va dirigido, haremos un recorrido por la historia de la I.A., hablaremos de conceptos básicos, de herramientas y cómo utilizarlas en inversión, …
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Value investors are born says Warren Buffett. So, here are 10 questions to help you determine whether you are a value investor or not.Want to know more about what I do? independent stock market analyst and researcher!STOCK MARKET RESEARCH PLATFORM (analysis, stocks to buy, model portfolio)Stock Ideas and Analyses for …
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Las tarjetas revolving son un producto súper rentable para las financieras. Sin embargo, sus características, todavía son muy poco conocidas. Son productos poco transparentes, que enganchan a sus clientes ocultándoles sus verdaderas condiciones. Tanto es así, que se calcula que el 75% de sus titulares desconoce que tiene una, lo cual es tremendamen…
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Nuevo episodio de Value Investing FM en el que Adrián y Paco hacemos un repaso de nuestro mes y comentamos las noticias más importantes de los mercados en enero de 2025. En él comentamos lo que hemos hecho este último mes, nuestras últimas lecturas, las últimas novedades en Academia de Inversión, Value Investing FM, Ortega & Lodeiro, Godás Research…
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Inconfiscable es un viaje revelador al corazón de un cambio histórico: la transición hacia un mundo donde la propiedad privada puede ser realmente inconfiscable. A través de las voces de pioneros y referentes del ecosistema Bitcoin en España, Argentina y Colombia, el documental explora las raíces de un sistema que busca proteger la riqueza frente a…
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A lo largo de la historia el dominio de las minas y los metales ha sido clave para gobiernos y grandes corporaciones. Hoy, el mundo se dirige lentamente hacia una desglobalización donde países como Rusia e India tratarán de ocupar un lugar importante en el nuevo mapa multipolar y donde la humanidad, embarcada en una transición energética sin preced…
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CEO David Trainer sat down with Chuck Jaffe of Money Life to talk about our Danger Zone pick this week: The Utilities Sector. #btn_1_de9144a2b5c0d161ad32ceb1eb75c718 .text {font-size:16px;color:#ffffff;font-family:"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:normal;}#btn_1_de9144a2b5c0d161ad32ceb1eb75c718 {padding:18px 18px;border-color:#74a…
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Kraft Heinz stock or KHC can be discussed as Buffett's big mistake where returns since purchasing have been lower than Buffett might have expected. However, we are where we are now with an interesting yield and a strong ketchup, sorry, brand.Want to know more about what I do? independent stock market analyst and resea…
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Benjamin Graham Introduced the key value investing concept where is a voting machine in the short term and a weighting machine in the long term.Want to know more about what I do? independent stock market analyst and researcher!STOCK MARKET RESEARCH PLATFORM (analysis, stocks to buy, model portfolio)Stock Ide…
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Consultorio bursátil de enero de 2025 en el que Adrián Godás y Paco Lodeiro respondemos a las preguntas de los oyentes. Las preguntas generales de este mes son sobre Trade Republic y recursos sobre análisis de empresas, indexación y lecturas, cómo encontrar fondos con bajo capital de entrada y sobre combinar inversiones inmobiliarias y bursátiles. …
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Apple stock intrinsic value is $100, just the reason why Buffett sold.Want to know more about what I do? independent stock market analyst and researcher!STOCK MARKET RESEARCH PLATFORM (analysis, stocks to buy, model portfolio)Stock Ideas and Analyses for The Small Investor: am also a book author:…
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CEO David Trainer sat down with Chuck Jaffe of Money Life to talk about our Danger Zone pick this week: Backbone Of Our Future. #btn_1_de9144a2b5c0d161ad32ceb1eb75c718 .text {font-size:16px;color:#ffffff;font-family:"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:normal;}#btn_1_de9144a2b5c0d161ad32ceb1eb75c718 {padding:18px 18px;border-color:#7…
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En este episodio de Value Investing FM, Adrián y Paco tenemos el placer de volver a entrevistar a Pablo Martínez Bernal, que ya estuvo con nosotros en los episodios 31, 50 y 191. Nos explicará cómo ha vivido estos años desde 2019 y qué novedades ha habido en su vida, hablaremos de Asset Allocation, y repasaremos algunas de sus tesis de inversión y …
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Los fondos monetarios son productos de ahorro con los que obtendrás por tu dinero el rendimiento que ofrezca el Banco Central Europeo por la liquidez. Relegados al olvido durante los lustros de intereses cercanos a cero y hasta negativos, estos productos vuelven a formar parte de las carteras de los ahorradores e inversores por sus interesantes pro…
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I detta avsnitt går vi rakt på kärnan av framgångsrikt investerande: makro- och mikroanalys. Hur påverkar globala faktorer som räntor och inflation dina möjligheter att hitta nästa stora vinnare? Och hur kan en skicklig mikroanalys – att dissekera bolagens fundamenta, avslöja dolda konkurrensfördelar och förutsäga lönsamhet – bli ditt hemliga vapen…
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CEO David Trainer sat down with Chuck Jaffe of Money Life to talk about our Danger Zone pick this week: This Salad Is Not Good For Your Portfolio. #btn_1_de9144a2b5c0d161ad32ceb1eb75c718 .text {font-size:16px;color:#ffffff;font-family:"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:normal;}#btn_1_de9144a2b5c0d161ad32ceb1eb75c718 {padding:18px 1…
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In dieser Folge spricht Robert über das vergangene Jahr und wirft einen Blick in die Zukunft. Mehr zu MONEY MASTERS by Robert Beck: Jetzt kostenloses Strategiegespräch mit MONEY MASTERS sichern: GRATIS WEBINAR "Vermögensaufbau mit Momentum-Strategien" - sichere dir jetzt deinen Platz:…
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In today's 2024 brands portfolio update, I talk about the fund, HSUTX and its returns for 2024 as well as a look-back since inception 10/17/17. An allocation to leading global brands offers significant diversification benefits as well as return benefits. Brands tend to live in the sectors under-represented across indexes. The Fund is overweight Con…
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Nuevo episodio de Value Investing FM en el que Adrián y Paco hacemos un repaso de nuestro mes y comentamos las noticias más importantes de los mercados en diciembre de 2024. En él comentamos lo que hemos hecho este último mes, nuestras últimas lecturas, las últimas novedades en Academia de Inversión, Value Investing FM, Ortega & Lodeiro, Godás Rese…
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The bitcoin is a great idea and it offers things no other currency does as all currencies are made to go to zero eventually, that is simply how the world works. By being limited, it makes a huge difference. However, for now, it is still a speculative asset and nothing more, it needs more influx of capital to go up (all cheer its value in USD, which…
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A lot of requests for me to analyse Devon Energy NYSE:DVN as it looks cheap with a low PE ratio and a relatively high dividend alongside buybacks. Enjoy the risk and reward overview.Want to know more about what I do? independent stock market analyst and researcher!STOCK MARKET RESEARCH PLATFORM (analysis, stocks to bu…
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Alicia Delibes Liniers es licenciada en Ciencias Exactas por la Universidad Complutense. En 2003 fue nombrada directora general de Ordenación Académica en la Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid y, en 2007, viceconsejera, cargo que mantuvo hasta 2015. En 2017 fue destinada como consejera de Educación en la Delegación de España ante la …
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GMO is projecting a 40% negative real return from investing in US stocks in the coming 7 years according to their GMO 7 year asset class real return forecast. As always, we discuss the risk and reward of the GMO stock market forecast, their proposed quality value solution and what to do!Want to know more about what I do?…
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Consultorio bursátil de diciembre de 2024 en el que Adrián Godás y Paco Lodeiro respondemos a las preguntas de los oyentes. Las preguntas generales de este mes son sobre la impresión de dólares, cómo invertir en renta fija, reinvertir dividendos desde Interactive Brokers, curiosidad sobre nuestro pronóstico en 2019, empresas cotizadas en dos mercad…
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Gold is up almost 2x recently but gold miners haven't moved. Actually, stocks like Newmont are down. We look at the top 10 gold mining stocks and make a comparative analysis based on current higher gold prices.Want to know more about what I do? independent stock market analyst and researcher!STOCK MARKET RESEARCH PLAT…
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Con gran sentido del humor y profundos conocimientos de economía conductual Dan Ariely nos ayuda en este libro a entender nuestras finanzas personales y por qué tomamos tantas decisiones irracionales. para ayudar por qué tomamos algunas decisiones, muchas de ellas equivocadas. Junto con el divulgador y experto financiero Jeff Kreisler, Ariely anali…
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Thank you for your comments...Want to know more about what I do? independent stock market analyst and researcher!STOCK MARKET RESEARCH PLATFORM (analysis, stocks to buy, model portfolio)Stock Ideas and Analyses for The Small Investor: am also a book author:Modern Value Investing book:https://amzn…
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Is the stock market in a bubble or this time is different....I feel the exuberance and new paradigm mantra in the comments, nothing can stop this stock market... I've seen it in 2000, 2007, and in many other smaller bubbles, but yes, this time it might be different....Want to know more about what I do? independent sto…
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Mago More regresa a Value School para comentar su nuevo libro, Superpoderes para el día a día. En esta ocasión, More brinda al lector 150 consejos breves en forma de «píldoras» que le ayudarán a mejorar su productividad y a estimular su optimismo y creatividad. Más que un libro, se trata de un compañero de viaje hacia el crecimiento personal y prof…
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I've looked into lithium and into each of the lithium stocks and I must say it is tricky to invest, some will surely make money with lithium, but you need to watch the lithium cycle carefully!Want to know more about what I do? independent stock market analyst and researcher!STOCK MARKET RESEARCH PLATFORM (analysis, st…
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Some economic positivity for Christmas..Want to know more about what I do? independent stock market analyst and researcher!STOCK MARKET RESEARCH PLATFORM (analysis, stocks to buy, model portfolio)Stock Ideas and Analyses for The Small Investor: am also a book author:Modern Value Investing book:ht…
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Sibanye Stillwater Stock Analysis NYSE: SBSWWant to know more about what I do? independent stock market analyst and researcher!STOCK MARKET RESEARCH PLATFORM (analysis, stocks to buy, model portfolio)Stock Ideas and Analyses for The Small Investor: am also a book author:Modern Value Investing boo…
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Mark is my favorite analyst and does extraordinary research on markets. He has seen multiple boom and bust cycles so if theres anyone you want to listen to on tech, media, telecom, its Mark at ISI. In this year end episode we talk about: Meta, Amazon, Google, Uber, Lyft, Booking, AI, Expedia, Pinterest, and Grab. "The year of efficiency has turned …
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