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David Roberts

Hàng tuần+
Volts is a podcast about leaving fossil fuels behind. I've been reporting on and explaining clean-energy topics for almost 20 years, and I love talking to politicians, analysts, innovators, and activists about the latest progress in the world's most important fight. (Volts is entirely subscriber-supported. Sign up!) www.volts.wtf
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Jiri Popelka

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Welcome to the VolleyCoachShow podcast, where the world's most renowned coaches and volleyball stars come together to share a wealth of practical advice, personal experiences, and captivating stories that transcend the boundaries of volleyball.
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Régen minden jobb volt

Régen minden jobb volt

Hàng tháng+
A Tilos Rádió hátrafelé nyilazó történelmi műsora. Vitaindítók, kritikák, ajánlók és új adások a Facebookon: https://www.facebook.com/regen.minden.jobb.volt A "Régen minden jobb volt - Korunk filmjei, zenéi, tévéműsorai" című könyvünk: https://napvilagkiado.eu/termek/regen-minden-jobb-volt/
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Stars Volta Podcast

Stars Volta Studios

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Interviews with Athletes, & Musicians. Listen via Spotify, Apple Podcast, Amazon Music etc. Reels/shorts from each episode @starsvolta on Instagram & YouTube, @starsvoltapodcast on TikTok.
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The Viral Volley Podcast

Viral Volley Media

Hàng tháng+
Volleyball from sport court to the sand court-- from the preps to the pros and beyond. Home of College Volleyball Weekly Indoor/Beach. Episodes drop “most weeks.” Follow the pod on Instagram at @viralvolleymedia!
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Join Carolyn April and Seth Robinson, from CompTIA's research team, as they serve up the latest topics in tech. A mix of market data and guest appearances sets Volley up for engaging discussions on the technology world, changes in channel business and interesting trends. Subscribe today!
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Bad Voltage

Bad Voltage

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Every two weeks Bad Voltage delivers an amusing take on technology, Open Source, politics, music, and anything else we think is interesting, as well as interviews and reviews. The show is presented by Jono Bacon, Jeremy Garcia, and Stuart Langridge.
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Cheeky Volley

Kabir Mehta & Alexander Levine

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Cheeky Volley is a tennis and culture podcast. Cheeky Volley is hosted and produced by Kabir Mehta and Alexander Levine, who met playing tennis in college. Kabir's intimate knowledge of the sport is filtered through his childhood in Miami, where each year he ball-boyed for the world’s top-ranked men and women at the Miami Open—Federer, Serena, Roddick, Agassi to name a few. Alex will dive deep into the recesses of Kabir's extensive tennis knowledge and offer a few opinions of his own develop ...
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「午夜飞行」是一档关注旅行、城市、文化和生活的播客节目,由 VC 主持/制作,力求用声音将多彩的城市故事带给你。 - 主播微博:@VividCrystal - 主播小红书:@午夜飞行VC - 节目微博:@午夜飞行Official - 节目公众号:午夜飞行 本播客由 Marcast Media 荣誉出品,也欢迎你订阅收听 Marcast 旗下的其他播客节目。你可以通过以下方式找到我们: - 微博:@Marcast - 公众号:Marcast - 小红书:@Marcast新播客 - 听友群请添加微信:hellomarcast - 商务合作:hello@marcastmedia.com
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Hochspannung - Das ist unser Podcast von Volt Deutschland. Hier erfahrt ihr alles rund um Volt und Europa, bekommt Einblicke direkt aus dem Europaparlament und werdet mitgenommen auf den spannenden Weg in die Zukunft. Volt das ist Partei und Bewegung, denn für uns hört Politik weder an den Türen der Parlamente auf noch fängt sie dort an. Um diesen Ansatz mit Leben zu füllen, kommen in unserem Podcast spannende Stimmen aus Politik und Gesellschaft zu Wort. Und gemeinsam entwickeln wir Volt un ...
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Voll motiviert – Der Musikpädagogik-Podcast

Schott Music, Verband deutscher Musikschulen & Kristin Thielemann

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Voll motivierte SchülerInnen? Wie das geht, wie man als MusikpädagogIn Alltagstrott vermeidet und wo es frische Inputs gibt, darüber unterhält sich Erfolgsautorin Kristin Thielemann jeden Monat mit einem anderen Gast. Ob Digitalisierung im Instrumentalunterricht, SchülerInnen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen, neue Trends in der Musikschule oder Singen mit Kindern und Jugendlichen: Unsere ExpertInnen geben unterhaltsam und praxisnah vielfältige Tipps für einen lebendigen und motivierenden Unterric ...
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The podcast created for volleyball lovers who want to dig deep into what is going on in NCAA and international volleyball. Hosted by Olympian, World Champion, and former Nebraska Cornhusker All-American Sarah Pavan and her husband, international volleyball coach and stats wizard Adam Schulz, Volley Talk brings you weekly highlights from the world of NCAA and international volleyball. Sarah and Adam also give insights and opinions on feature matches, as well as some hot takes, sharing their k ...
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The USA Volleyball Show is the official podcast of USA Volleyball. Come along with hosts Clarence Hughes and Stephen Munson as they go behind the scenes with some of the biggest names and go to the biggest events in the sport of volleyball. Welcome to The USA Volleyball Show, the official podcast of USA Volleyball.
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SANDCAST is the first and leading beach volleyball podcast in the world. Hosts Tri Bourne and Travis Mewhirter take listeners into the world of the AVP, Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour and any other professional beach volleyball outlets, digging deep into the lives of the players both on and off the court as well as all of the top influencers in the game.
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The VolleyPod is all about coaching kids volleyball! Each episode we cover 3 segments that are each designed to help you become a better volleyball coach. First, we focus on a specific volleyball skill, talk about how to teach it, and provide drills and video links for further help with that skill. Then, we present a common coaching scenario and discuss tips for how to (and how not to) handle it. In the third segment we share a resource that has helped us to become a better coach, with the h ...
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The Top 3% Global Show The High Voltage Business Builders Podcast is a show where we interview high voltage entrepreneurs on their way to their first or next million using e-commerce, real estate and other business models that generate wealth without Wall Street profits! Host Neil Twa has led a captivating conversation with at least one Founder of a company or brand each week since December 2021. This is your weekly five F's show - faith, family, friends, freedom and fun! The High Voltage Bu ...
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Come and join the conversation about what's going on and what we can do together about it, with it, and for it. We have the choice, we have the power. We can do magic if we just believe! A show about the changes going on in us, to us, around us, and because of us. Therefore, it's technically a show about "Everything," only with a how to make it better, see it better, be better. In the show, there is talk about, and with, people who have either been through major changes, are helping others w ...
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Hallo, du wundervoll sonnige Seele! ✨🌙🌕 Wie schön, dass du den Weg in die Butze voll Glück gefunden hast – deinem Herzensort für Wachstum, Resilienz und Spiritualität. In meinem Podcast erwarten dich inspirierende Seelengespräche, kraftvolle Impulse und spannende Themen rund um Resilienz, Lebensvisionen und Spiritualität. Ich bin Marilena, zertifizierter Spiritual Life Coach, Podcasterin und Autorin aus Leidenschaft. In meinem Podcast lade ich dich ein, tief in deine eigene spirituelle Reise ...
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Reality Check - Winter Vol Liefde

Dag en Nacht Media | Podimo

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Kun jij ook geen genoeg krijgen van Winter vol Liefde? Elke werkdag bespreken wij in Reality Check alle hilarische momenten en romantische avonturen uit dé realityserie van het moment. Schuif aan en geniet van scherpe analyses en de sappigste commentaren. Hosts Till, Timo en Eva zijn doorgewinterde reality-tv experts en de grootste fans van Winter vol Liefde. Samen met mede-podcasters en Winter vol Liefde-lovers zorgen wij dat je ‘s ochtends bij het koffiezetapparaat over de kleinste details ...
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Drei Männer mit philosophischen Herzen in sittenlosen Körpern beleuchten die popkulturelle Entwicklung von Monstern, Mythen sowie Sagen und Legenden. Gut gesachüttelt mit Humor, Alkohol und Idiotie wird daraus Mehrwert und Blödsinn zugleich. Monster. Mythen. Vollidioten.
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Neurodivergenz, ein vergleichsweise neuer Begriff, der versucht, möglichst wertfrei zu beschreiben, das manche menschlichen Gehirne einfach anders wahrnehmen, denken und fühlen, als es der allgemeinen Erwartung entspricht. Das gilt zum Beispiel für Menschen im Autismus-Spektrum, mit ADHS, mit Hochbegabung, mIt Legasthenie, Dyskalkulie oder auch Dyspraxie. Egal, ob als Eltern oder im pädagogischen Kontext – Neurodivergente Kinder zu begleiten ist eine besondere Aufgabe. Sie bringt wunderschön ...
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show series
本期节目是「在沈阳」这个系列的最后一期,非常感谢对「在沈阳」这个系列的喜欢和支持,今后我们会把目光和脚步延展到更多的城市和地区,更希望用这样的方式打破一些标签,打碎一些刻板印象,看见更真实的人和土地。 「在沈阳」系列的最后一站,我们要去一个在近几年频繁出现在东北文艺作品中的地方——铁西区。我们去看看被描述的破败、萧索的铁西到底是什么样?更重要的是,这个区域过去、现在究竟是怎样的,为何有过曾经的巅峰与辉煌,又因何经历了衰落?我相信真实的铁西区,远比一个文学意象和视觉意象要丰富的多。 本期节目你将听到: [02:34] 什么是「铁西」? [04:52] 中东铁路的历史 [07:36] 南满铁路的来历 [09:30] 奉海铁路在沈阳的重要意义 [14:29] 铁西:从附属地到铁西区 [15:36]…
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Het is mannen-maandag! In de studio schuift nieuwkomer Steven aan bij Anne en Jan. Het energieke trio bespreekt het verloop van de catering-avond in het kasteel van Adrienne. Was Gerards hulp onmisbaar? Steven geeft een uiteenzetting van de onnavolgbare situatie in Estland: wordt het ruzie tussen Truus en Ria? En hoe kwam die bloemkoolsoep toch zo …
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Ludo Hellinx zal voor veel mensen eeuwig Felix Haantjes blijven. Zowel in Postbus X als Interflix zorgde de acteur voor de komische noten met zijn vertolking van de luie, maar ambitieuze betweter. Al even legendarisch is zijn personage Raymond uit Flikken. En we hebben het ook over die keer dat hij Marcel Kiekeboe speelde, in een toneelstuk dat bij…
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This holiday season, gift yourself your Shero! 💕 In my Autobiographical Fiction online workshop at San Diego Writers, Ink You are not who your past says you are. You are who you choose to be. So, rather than sit in silence with your truth, write about it! On January 11th, expand your gift for prose to writing fiction from your own life experiences …
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In this "Big West Takeover" Episode the Big West Panel discusses the devastation and tragic results of the recent fires that plagued the Pacific Palisades, Eaton and Hurst communities in Southern California. 150,000+ people, with many in our volleyball community have been directly effected by total property loss and irreparable damage. As promised,…
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In this episode of Volley Talk, we do a side by side comparison of the LOVB and PVF pro volleyball leagues after having watched some matches from each one. We also break down the LOVB Houston vs Austin match and PVF Omaha vs Atlanta. The transfer portal is still popping off, NCAA men's volleyball preseason is in full swing, and we address a couple …
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Kooperationen von Musikschulen und Orchestern In dieser Folge geht es um Kooperationen von Musikschulen und professionellen Orchestern. Beat Fehlmann (Intendant der Deutschen Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz) und Christian Lorenz (Intendant der Stuttgarter Philharmoniker) geben Einblicke in ihre Kooperationen mit den Musikschulen vor Ort. Wie kön…
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In this episode, we are privileged once again to have Daenan Gyimah on the podcast where he dives into everything mental skills training and being a pro. We talk about: The athletes mindset Intangibles that will take athletes to the next level Mental Skills & Mindset Training Leadership And a few other key concepts Click here to join Digital Volley…
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In this episode of the Better at Beach podcast, Mark Burik discusses the essential elements of effective volleyball coaching, focusing on building a strong team culture, designing engaging practices, and the importance of feedback and communication. He emphasizes the need for coaches to create competitive environments, understand individual player …
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We sluiten de week af met een boel verdriet. Het vertrek van Erik laat Gerard met een kleine traan en een flinke dosis zelfvertrouwen achter. Terwijl Dook zich afvraagt in hoeverre je je date mag researchen, haalt Tess haar FBI-skills uit de kast om de vriendschap tussen Jan en zijn bestie Dick na te trekken. De red flag wappert overuren bij Jorik …
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Welcome to SANDCAST Greatest Hits! Given that our podcast, hosted by Tri Bourne and Travis Mewhirter, is on its eighth year, and we have accumulated more viewers and listeners every year – 52% of our listeners discovered us in 2024 alone – we wanted to rewind and replay the best of the best from our podcast history. So, throughout 2025, once a mont…
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In this episode of The Volley Pod, the hosts discuss essential strategies for coaching youth volleyball, focusing on ace prevention, communication, and movement. They explore the balance between winning and development, emphasizing the importance of teaching foundational skills while also preparing players for competitive scenarios. The conversatio…
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HALLO DU WUNDERBARE SEELE, ES IST ZEIT FÜR DIE KRAFT DEINES INNEREN KINDES & WIE DU EMOTIONALE RESILIENZ STÄRKST (VOLLMOND-SPECIAL) ✨🎙🌕 Mein Sonnenschein, herzlich willkommen zu der ersten und ganz besonderen Podcastfolge in der 2. Staffel - eine Folge voller Liebe, Tiefe und neuer Energie! Heute möchte ich dich einladen, die heilsame Kraft deines …
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The one and only Jan Bavinck schuift aan bij Till en Eva om de vierde aflevering van Winter vol Liefde te bespreken. Wat gaat er toch allemaal mis bij Michiel en Jan? Middels een liefdevolle maaltijd probeert Michiel het hart van Jan te veroveren, maar dat pakt anders uit dan hij gehoopt had (iets met bruine korstjes). De Rotterdamse Bart valt met …
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Master your emotions and boost your volleyball performance with these 6 stress-management techniques! Learn how to stay focused, build confidence, and foster team cohesion by controlling emotions, embracing mistakes, and channeling negativity into growth. Unlock the mental toughness every player needs to succeed!…
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Warum die Schulumgebung oft nicht passt - Ein Interview mit Prof. Dr. Katharina Rohlfs Auditive Verarbeitungs- und Wahrnehmungsstörungen (kurz AVWS) – noch so ein neurodivergentes Feld, das wenig im Blick ist. Das möchte ich mit meiner heutigen Gästin Prof. Dr. Katharina Rohlfs ändern. Sie leitet die Abteilung Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie in der Un…
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In this episode, I talk with Matt Traldi, co-founder of Greenlight America, about the fight for clean energy at the local level. We discuss how small groups of opponents are successfully blocking renewable projects across the country, and how his organization is working to turn the tide by mobilizing local supporters and giving them the tools to ad…
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In this episode, I talk with Matt Traldi, co-founder of Greenlight America, about the fight for clean energy at the local level. We discuss how small groups of opponents are successfully blocking renewable projects across the country, and how his organization is working to turn the tide by mobilizing local supporters and giving them the tools to ad…
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Het is een hysterische woensdag want Stéphanie (Shitshow) en Dook schuiven aan. We maken kennis met VPRO-flowerboy Jorik en zien hoe de concurrentie bij Adrienne op de loer ligt. Dook constateert een verandering in de veroveringstechniek van de moeder van Mike en vraagt zich af wie de kapper van Denise is. Timo is fan van Rotterdammers Judith en Ba…
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This episode of SANDCAST: Beach Volleyball with Tri Bourne and Travis Mewhirter is the debut of our FSU Beach Volleyball studios! Fittingly enough, it features one of Florida State's best players in Alexis Durish, a junior who is coming off a NORCECA gold medal and set to continue building on a record of 60-11 in two years in Tallahassee. In this e…
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#branding, #domainnames, #irresistibleoffer, #realityalteringexperience, #Starbucks, #brandvalue, #emotionalconnectivity, #audiencetesting, #domainvalue, #brandauthority, #NeilTwa, #GrantPolachek Chapters: [00:00 - 07:45] Building Memorable Brands and the Role of Domain Names [07:45 - 14:20] Emotional Connectivity in Branding [14:20 - 21:30] Findin…
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In a USA Volleyball Show exclusive, Erik Sullivan joins us for his first interview since his announcement as the new U.S. Women's National Team head coach (8:42 - 42:59). Erik shares with us his coaching philosophy, what he's learned from other head coaches he has worked with, and what expectations he has for himself and the program. Don't miss the…
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Bij Eva en Till schuift Anne aan; de stem van de oudere generatie. Eva heeft het over de speeldate van Mike en Denise. Till beschrijft de moeilijke dynamiek tussen tegenpolen Jan en Michiel. En Anne bespreekt de wonderlijke verschijning van Maartens knipselboek. De discussie brandt pas echt los als Eva een zwak blijkt te hebben voor Truus, terwijl …
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Sarah Halpin is an award winning Presenter & Content Creator for Everton FC. She's our first international guest who joined us from Liverpool, England to talk about the history and current state of Everton football (soccer). Later this year, we'll be crossing the pond to join Sarah for one of Everton's final matches at historic Goodison Park. For m…
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The CVW crew is back for 2025 and are ready to ROCK for the NCAA Men’s Volleyball season! This week we discuss all the transitions and changes throughout USA Volleyball and Collegiate Men’s Volleyball— for which there were A LOT (you have to listen to find out)! We’ll touch on format of the NCAA Championship and its new format with the NEC now rece…
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「在沈阳」系列第四集,我们来到了在小南天主教堂附近,尝试打开沈阳这座城市的第四面! 在这里,我们将会从清光绪年间开始聊起,一直聊到民国、新中国、上世纪八九十年代乃至今天。 看多元宗教在这里交汇留下的印记,看今天这里如何成为了老居民们的娱乐区域,喝一瓶八王寺汽水,回味民族工业的历史兴衰,去五爱市场逛一逛,回望那个制造了无数暴富神话的年代,再去澡堂子里体验一下沈阳的搓澡文化,换个角度理解东北人的乐观与豁达。 沈阳不是一个符号,一种景观,而是一种真实的生活。 本期节目你将听到: [02:44] 小南天主教堂的建筑由来、毁灭和重建 [07:14] 小南教堂前的「信仰咨询」 [09:24] 教堂前广场满满的生命力 [14:33] 八王寺汽水:从东北文学到民族工业的振兴 [20:21] 五爱市场到底是一…
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We maken kennis met mama Monique, Luna, Luca en ohja ook haar zoon Mike. Wat is daar in hemelsnaam aan de hand, echt iedereen zit bij haar onder de plak. Bij hem komt Denise langs, een match made in heaven, want ze houden allebei van Lasagne en glühwein. Adrienne krijgt Erik op bezoek en gaat meteen op groepsdate. We hebben het erover of het wel of…
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In this episode, I talk about some strategies you can use when starting a new volleyball club so that it can grow and become a place where many athletes want to come too. We dive into: Identifying coaches The importance of Experience How to create an experience for athletes Social Media And a few other key concepts Click here to join Digital Volley…
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A legnépszerűbb magyar komédiákról beszélgettünk a Horthy-kori klasszikusoktól a rendszerváltás utáni sikerekig. A beszélgetés résztvevői: Balázsy István Bezsenyi Tamás Csunderlik Péter Dékány László Laska Pál A Régen minden jobb volt a Tilos Rádió hátrafelé nyilazó történelmi műsora: https://www.facebook.com/regen.minden.jobb.volt…
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In this episode of The Volley Pod, the hosts discuss various aspects of youth volleyball coaching, focusing on pursuit training, effective coaching strategies, and the importance of creating a positive team culture. They emphasize the need for training methods that encourage players to pursue the ball without punitive measures, and they share a lis…
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HALLO DU WUNDERBARE SEELE, ES IST ZEIT FÜR EIN JAHR VOLLER MAGIE, WUNDER & NEUEN MÖGLICHKEITEN ✨🪐🤍 Mein Sonnenschein, herzlich willkommen zur zweiten Staffel der Butze voll Glück! Ich freue mich so sehr, dieses neue Kapitel gemeinsam mit dir zu beginnen – voller Liebe, neuer Energie und inspirierenden Momenten.✨💫 Ich melde mich heute aus den Bergen…
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