Hosted by Lisa Flahant of Celebrant in Cornwall, The Wedding Celebrant Show brings you insights, tips and even a confession or two about life as a former registrar and busy celebrant, as well as conversation with some of the UK's top wedding professionals. Perfect for couples planning a wedding, professional wedding celebrants, or those craving some behind the scenes gossip! Enjoy!
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Episode 4: What I wish I'd known when starting my celebrant journey... part 2!
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In the second session of this two-part chat with fellow celebrant Hazel Jane, we continue our reflections on what we've learnt since training as celebrants together back in 2018. Plus, Hazel Jane shares more about becoming an interfaith minister and how it impacted her work as a celebrant, concluding with our quickfire Q & As and a new confession o…
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Episode 3: What I wish I'd known when starting my celebrant journey...
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In part 1 of this two-part chat with fellow celebrant Hazel Jane, we talk about what we've learnt since becoming celebrants together back in 2018. We reflect on our training, setting up our businesses and some of the challenges we've faced along the way. More insights - as well as the usual quickfire Q & As and a new confession about life as a regi…
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Episode 2: Working with wedding planners
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We give a very warm welcome to wedding planner extraordinaire Caroline Griffiths, and chat about some of the popular myths (and truths) associated with the business of wedding planning, along with some inside info and a little bit of gossip - as well as the usual quickfire Q & As and a new confession about life as a registrar! If you'd like to get …
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In this episode, Lisa invites you to get to know her (and Celebrant in Cornwall) with some behind-the-scenes chat, a quickfire Q & A session and a first confession about life as a registrar! If you’d like any more information on booking a wedding celebrant in Cornwall please visit - you can also find us on Instagram or…
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