"Nourish and Nurture: A Weight Watcher’s Journey" is about helping people redefine what it means to be healthy, confident, and strong, embracing a joyful and livable approach to wellness. You’re in the right place if you want that transformation! I’ll be diving into relevant topics, sharing personal stories, fresh ideas, and practical strategies from my own journey. My hope is that these conversations will resonate with you, inspire you, and guide you along your own path to a healthier, happ ...
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Easy Changes for Lasting Transformation
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13:39Send us a text You’re listening to The Nourish and Nurture Podcast: A Weight Watcher’s Journey, Episode #98: Easy Changes for Lasting Transformation Continuing on from last week, with making your next-best decision to get back to business, today's episode is about Behavioral Protocols for when you are at parties, out to dinner, on vacation, or even…
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Send us a text You’re listening to The Nourish and Nurture Podcast: A Weight Watcher’s Journey, Episode #97: Getting Back on the Wagon. This week’s episode is recovering from setbacks by making your next best decision. We often say that we fell off the wagon. We usually mean not to just get back on the wagon but get to the end destination without h…
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Send us a text Welcome to The Nourish and Nurture Podcast: A Weight Watcher's Journey, Episode 96. Learn about Miriam's first step in coming out of her comfort zone with what she is choosing to eat. Sweet Potato Breakfast: One small (or half large) sweet potato, peeled and slightly mashed 1/4 cup cottage cheese 1 TBS crushed pineapple in its own ju…
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Send us a text Episode 95: Dieting vs. Sustainable Wellness Most diets are not designed with you in mind. So if diets don't work, what does? This episode gives a brief look at three sustainable wellness practices: Impact of the foods we eat, movement and mindset. There is also a look into the causes of yo-yo dieting, and a couple of tips that can y…
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Send us a text Episode 94: Let's Work On that Mindset This episode explores your relationship with yourself, which sets the stage for your relationship with food and eating. I give you my personal story of when I didn't even approach The Land of Good Enough and teach you about the parable of Buddha's Second Arrow which tells us that pain is inevita…
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Send us a text Episode #93: Common Diet Myths Sometimes our weight loss efforts are thwarted by popular diet myths. We get hung up on trying to follow all the diet rules and we lose sight of the fact that some don’t make any sense or are not supported by the latest science. We are not machines. Each person has their own metabolism, likes and dislik…
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Send us a text Episode #92, Understanding the Impact of the Foods We Eat In this episode explore the most important elements of understanding the impacts of the foods we eat. Miriam introduces her new course with the following modules: 1. Carb Clarity: Revealing Hidden Carbohydrates 2. Cracking the Code: Conquering Stubborn Belly Fat 3. But I LOVE …
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Send us a text Episode #91 Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind In this episode I explore my new course, "8 Strategies to Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind. These strategies are: Strategy 1: Find your ideal eating plan and learn what compatibility means for you. Strategy 2: Let Go of Perfection and Learn to Make Your Next-Best Decisions. Embrace…
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Send us a text Episode #90: Setting Goals That Work This episode covers how to successfully set goals suggesting either the SMACKDOWN way or the SMART way. Learn about what Forbes magazine says is the successful way to work on your goals, and also the difference between operational goals, performance goals, and outcome goals. Discover what you can …
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Send us a text Episode #89 Grains and Legumes Decoded – Friend or Foe There is emerging evidence that the Standard American Diet, which is low in fiber and high in sugar and unhealthy fats, may initiate this process. In any case, staying away from an overabundance of grains and processed foods will help heal and maintain a healthy gut. This episode…
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Send us a text Episode #88: Carb Clarity In this episode you will learn all about carbohydrates: What they are, what kinds there are, what do they do in - and to - your body, how they add up in a day, and how to count them. Learn about what carbs have to do with hunger, fatigue and stubborn belly fat. Even if you are eating extremely low carb, as i…
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Send us a text Episode 87: Positive Self-Talk and Affirmations In my book, Language of the Dance – Belly Dance with Amira Jamal, I have a worksheet entitled STOP THAT NEGATIVE SELF-TALK. It was one of the most important lessons in my classes and it is probably one of the most important things you need to learn to have a successful journey with what…
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Send us a text Episode #86: Slow Down and Feel Your Best It really DOES take approximately 20 minutes for your gut to send the message to your brain that it is full enough - not full to the point of the feeling of bursting. I started to respect the practice of slowing down and paying attention to my food, and this went a long way to make me aware o…
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Send us a text Episode 85: Paleo and Primal Paleo can be the next step after Whole30, but you can go straight into it, as I did. Paleo is known as the “hunter-gatherer” diet but don’t worry – you don’t have to hunt and gather except, maybe, for the best food prices in town! It is named for Paleolithic which relates to the early phase of the Stone A…
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Send us a text Episode 84: Whole 30 The Whole30 diet is a strict 30-day elimination diet that many people turn to for weight loss, sleep issues, or help with digestive concerns. It is considered a reset program to get certain problem foods out of your system. The program encourages you to cut out alcohol, sugar, grains, legumes, dairy, and additive…
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Send us a text Episode #: 83. Principle 8, Respect Your Body. “Accept your genetic blueprint. Just as a person with a shoe size of eight would not expect realistically squeeze into a size six, it is equally as futile (and uncomfortable) to have the same expectations with body size.” This episode has more to do with accepting your blueprint, while w…
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Send us a text Episode #: 82. Principle 9, Exercise: Feel the Difference. What we have to watch out for is not to make exercise part of the dieting mentality. It will become drudgery and just another thing on the list that we have to do because we have to do it. What would be ideal is to look at it as movement that – although it might wear us out –…
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Send us a text Episode #: 81. Honor Your Health with Gentle Nutrition Intuitive Eating states that you must “make food choices that honor your health and tastebuds while making you feel well. Remember you don’t have to eat a perfect diet to be healthy. You will not suddenly get a nutrient deficiency or gain weight from one snack, one meal, or one d…
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Send us a text Episode #: 80. Food Facts It’s important to learn what food does in your body There are two types of hunger. True physical hunger is one of them. The other hunger is driven by what is in your head. There are definitely mechanics that trigger this head hunger. These could be habits or feelings such as anxiety, loneliness and anger. I …
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Managing Emotions and Feelings Without Food
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31:29Send us a text Episode #: 79. Managing Emotions and Feelings Without Food Whatever eating style or plan you choose, and no matter what work you do with the other principles of Intuitive Eating, Principle 7 is perhaps the most important one that is going to make it or break it for you. How often are you on plan all day or even all week, and then at …
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Send us a text Episode #78 - Cravings and Urges I promised you my PEEPS story, and here it is. Indulge me if you have already heard it because it sets the stage to explain the difference between urges and cravings. Let me start by introducing myself. "Hello, I am Miriam Hatoum, and I am probably the most food suggestible person you will ever meet."…
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Send us a text Episode 77 - Head and Heart Hunger We all have triggers, habits and emotional connections with food. When we are "hungry" but not really physically hungry we know it as head hunger, heart hunger or, which covers both, emotional hunger. In this episode I talk about disassembling triggers and habits and give you examples of my own effo…
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Send us a text Episode 76: Discover the Satisfaction Factor In this episode learn that it's not just lists of food, calories or macros. Feeling full and content with what you eat has a lot to do with the satisfaction factor in what you are eating. To sum it up: “The Japanese have the wisdom to promote pleasure as one of their goals of healthy livin…
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Send us a text Episode 75 - Feeling Your Fullness - Part 2 This episode will take some of the mystery out of feeling your fullness and why the feeling fullness increases after you have eaten. But before I get to that, I explore concepts such as feelings about food waste, your habit of finishing food, and how to get out of this habit using various m…
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Send us a text Episode #74: Discover Your Fullness I think for a lot of us, it’s not the hunger end of the scale that stymies us, it’s the fullness end. There are so many reasons why this happens, especially if you are eating in response to external cues, and you might be saying to yourself: · It’s time to eat · I always clean my plate. · I don’t w…
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Send us a text Episode 73 - The Food Police What you eat is not a moral issue Let’s start with what I teach till the cows come home, and that is, food is not to be seen in moralistic terms such sinful, bad, dangerous or wicked. It’s just food ya’ll. And you are not bad for eating past full or eating a food as you see as bad. By working on the princ…
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Send us a text Episode 72: Making Peace with Food Making peace with food is a critical component of Intuitive Eating. Except for medical reasons and self-imposed ethical and religious reasons, it means that no food is off limits. That scares a lot of us because we often experience a loss of control when we eat foods that we have been depriving ours…
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Send us a text Episode 71 - Eat Already! The concept of self-nourishment is so important in helping you to identify your hunger and in using your hunger scale. There are times when NOT listening to your body for hunger cues might be your best course of action. This might seem like it goes against the protocol of listening to your body, but in situa…
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Send us a text Episode #: 70. Hunger Games – A Dive Into Awareness and Self-Care A very interesting case is made for the fact that when the rules in your head conflict with the direct experience of your body, trust in your body is eroded, and confusion about whether or not you are hungry arises. When you ignore hunger signals or try to trick them b…
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Send us a text Episode #: 69. Letting Go of the Diet Fantasy This episode starts with the exercise of taking an inventory of how dieting has interfered with my life. If I wasn’t already convinced of the need to let go of dieting, the further exercises - the different costs of dieting and exploring how has dieting affected my mind and mood - cemente…
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Send us a text Episode #: 68. Reject the Diet Mentality The first exercise I did this week was to look at what I typically do and what I say to myself when I am struggling with eating. I wrote that I tend to get deeply involved with whatever new diet or eating style I am trying out. I buy all the books, look up all the recipes, buy all the parapher…
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Send us a text Episode #67: Knowing Isn't Doing - the Best Lesson So Far! In this episode I explore the work that we need to do before we even get started with Intuitive Eating and that is to learn that knowing isn't doing. Resch and Tribole, authors of Intuitive Eating, say that, "Learning how to become an Intuitive Eater is a lot like learning ho…
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My Personal Journey with Intuitive Eating
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22:22Send us a text Episode #66: My Personal Journey with Intuitive Eating In this week's episode I begin my own personal journey with Intuitive Eating. I reminisce about how I tried Intuitive Eating in the past but was missing most of the important concepts. I took "don't call foods good or bad" or "eat what you want" or "ditch the diet mentality" tota…
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Send us a text Episode #65 - Your Mindset Matters First and foremost, this episode starts with a tribute to my sister, who made all my work as Granny Keto possible. I owe her that, as well as a thank you for being a wonderful sister. This episode goes on to explain that is not your relationship with food that determines if you can stick to a diet p…
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Send us a text Episode #: 64. Finding Your Balance with Kaizen You’re Listening to the Keto and Low Carb Success, Episode #64, Finding Your Balance with Kaizen. When I was a professional dance teacher I learned about about making small changes for huge results. This has carried over well to the teaching and coaching that I do now. Use Kaisen to hel…
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Send us a text Episode #: 63 Grocery Shopping and Cooking for Low Carb You’re Listening to the Keto and Low Carb Success podcast, Episode # 63, Grocery Shopping and Cooking for Low Carb. As I said last week, and I hope you took heed, there is nothing that you cannot have while eating a low carb diet, and there is never an issue of deprivation. You …
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Send us a text Episode #:62 Foods for Low Carb Eating You’re Listening to the Keto and Low Carb Success podcast, Episode # 62, Foods for Low Carb Eating. There is nothing that you cannot have while eating a low carb diet, and there is never an issue of deprivation. You are in the driver’s seat as you plan your meals and decide how to use your carbo…
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Send us a text Episode #61: Why Do Low Carb Diets Work? In this episode. you will see the many reasons a low carb diet has scientifically been shown to work. You will also see a few myths that you may come upon in your travels. Your coaching advice this week is to build awareness during three days of eating. It is easier than you think to switch to…
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Keto and Low Carb Baked Goods and Treats
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19:06Send us a text Episode #60: Keto and Low Carb Baked Goods and Treats First piece of advice: NEVER RUN BACK TO WHAT BROKE YOU. In this episode I explore "Concept Cravings". If you are eating a lot of these food substitutions you only learn how to substitute, not how to sit with your urges and cravings or to explore foods that might be more filling a…
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Send us a text Episode #59: The Scale is a Lying Liar Who Lies I am taking that directly from one of my favorite people, Jimmy Moore. I think it is perfect! I always say, “Keto is a shape-shifting diet.” When you get done listening to this episode go to the transcript to check out a photo I will have there. I don’t have the individual photos dated,…
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Send us a text Episode #58: Counting Carbs! I want to talk today about being flexible with Keto, but I thought I would be jumping the gun because I haven’t done an episode yet on counting carbohydrates, and that is so important before you can begin to be flexible with them! So, this episode is all about counting carbs. I talk a little bit about how…
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Send us a text Episode #57: When a Chip is Just a Chip: There is so much dogma in the various camps about the right way or wrong way to do Keto, that it is enough to make a person’s head spin — even for someone who has followed Keto for quite some time. I call this DOGMANTICS. This episode will help you sort through all the different viewpoints on …
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Send us a text Episode #56 : Food Freedom In this episode, I explore what Food Freedom means for us, as people caught up in the multi-billion dollar diet industry, with – at best – it’s rules and requirements, and with – at worst – it’s tendency to drive people into disordered eating and towards other emotional issues. I give you tips for finding f…
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Send us a text Episode #55 - Keto and Low Carb Success Course I am so excited to share with you that my new course, Keto and Low Carb Success is opening up this coming Monday on June 26th. In this episode find the path to changing your (diet) life forever! Become educated, become motivated, become inspired! 4:29. Module 1: What are Keto and Low Car…
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Send us a text Episode #54: Gentle Nutrition When you learn and practice Gentle Nutrition, you will be eating what is good and healthy for your body, while also satisfying your need to eat things that you enjoy. The more you eat this way, the more you will be eating along the lines of the spirit of your eating plan, rather than the rules of a diet.…
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Send us a text Episode #53: The Hunger Scale Revisited In this episode I revisit the hunger scale (which I originally presented in Episode 6) because by using it, you can relax a bit during the summer without the discomfort of eating too much. You will be able to put aside ANY eating plan you have chosen (unless, of course it is medically motivated…
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Send us a text Episode # 52: Parties, Vacations and Travel I don’t know about you, but whenever I followed a certain diet plan or eating-style plan, summertime seemed to take on a free-for-all feeling. After all, now that we are adults, don’t we get summer vacation too? This episode gives you a review of all your tools so that you are no worse off …
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Carbohydrates, Insulin and Stubborn Belly Fat
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22:34Send us a text Episode 51: Carbohydrates, Insulin and Belly Fat Calories are not the full answer to weight loss, and sit-ups are not the full answer to a flat belly. What we eat that drives insulin is the route to shaking things up and getting rid of fat. Learn about the belly fat and insulin connection. You are not broken, my friend. Because of th…
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Send us a text Episode 50: Habits and Systems A habit is a repeatable action and they make up the building blocks of your system. They are something you do without thinking about it. A system, is a series of actions you take. A system keeps the behaviors going. They are the processes you put in place to help you achieve your goals. James Clear, aut…
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Send us a text Episode #49: Protocols and Good-Better-Best Don't aim for perfect. Not only will it never happen, but your pursuit of it will drive you to all sorts of dark places. In this episode I give you the keys to the Land of Good Enough which open the door to The Land of Doing More and Feeling Better. You are an intelligent human being and yo…
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